DSE :: Volume #4

#390: Meeting again after a long separation

For a long time, Lawrence is similar to is stranded in one sober dreamland —— he to happening at oneself matter, was actually clear compared with anyone to the pathological change in oneself energetic aspect. 长久以来,劳伦斯都如同被困在一个“清醒的梦境”中——他对发生在自己身上的事情,对自己精神方面的病变其实比谁都清楚。 He knows that Martha is not, knows that with the form that oneself is constantly together is actually only a illusion, all these he knows ——, no matter in subconscious level, is the subjective consciousness level, he sobers very much. 他知道玛莎已经不在,知道那个与自己朝夕相处的身影其实只是一个幻象,这一切他都知道——不管是在潜意识层面,还是主观意识层面,他都清醒得很。 Compared with Captain that other these of a similar age, story is close, his state of mind could actually have been good, on boundless Boundless Sea, is Captain that the spiritual distortion and mind that most does not lack are damaged, even if there is share of pastor along with the ship, the occupation of this challenge sea will also be doomed to withstand far exceeds the spiritual pollution of ordinary crew, each Captain in the mind resistance that will constantly deteriorate with oneself completed oceangoing voyages, Captain will use a few words to describe own occupation —— frequently 但和其他那些年龄相仿、阅历接近的船长们比起来,他的精神状态其实已经算得上良好了,在茫茫无垠海上,最不缺的便是精神扭曲、心智受损的船长们,哪怕有随船牧师的分担,这份挑战大海的职业也注定会承受远超过普通船员的精神污染,每一个船长都是在和自己不断恶化的心智对抗中完成了一次次远洋航行,以至于船长们经常会用一句话来形容自己的职业—— We the navigation near the abyss, our lives do not move to that abyss straightly.” “我们不是在深渊边上航行,我们的人生笔直地驶向那深渊。” But also because of year to year energetic distress, Lawrence has the especially keen cognition to Martha, at this moment, he had been detecting keenly the illusion that at present that form and oneself saw in the past is not same type thing. 但也正是因为常年的精神困厄,劳伦斯对“玛莎”有着格外敏锐的认知,就在此时此刻,他已经敏锐地察觉到了眼前那身影与自己以往所见到的幻象绝不是同一种“东西”。 He could not bear recall previously to present that Martha on white oak deck planking, then first mate Gosse had once seen that Martha form —— did change starts from that time? 他忍不住回忆起了此前出现在白橡木甲板上的那个“玛莎”,当时的大副格斯曾看到过那个“玛莎”的身影——变化是从那时候开始的? Did all these cross some critical point finally? oneself fantasized that the thing...... did arrive at Reality finally? Some inexpressible strength read his mind, makes this in him at present actual individual? Is this venomous gift? Trap that is full of the ridicule? 这一切终于越过了某个临界点?自己幻想中的东西……终于来到了现实?还是某种不可言说的力量读取了他的心智,在他眼前制造出了这个实际存在的“个体”?这是一份充满恶意的礼物?还是一个饱含讥讽的陷阱? Martha......” Lawrence opens the mouth finally, he felt that the own throat somewhat becomes dry, even sound hoarse, you before me?” 玛莎……”劳伦斯终于张开嘴巴,他感觉自己的嗓子有些发干,连声音都嘶哑起来,“你在我面前?” If you see,” female adventurer smiled, can bump me? I even have the body temperature.” “如你所见,”女冒险家笑了起来,“要来碰碰我吗?我甚至有体温。” „...... You are the individual that is genuine,” Lawrence inspires gently, he restrains oneself to go forward a step impulsion, why, but...... is this? Was the illusion in my mind transformed some entity here? Is this...... the strength of this sea area?” “……你是一个切实存在的个体,”劳伦斯轻轻吸了口气,他克制着自己上前一步的冲动,“但……这是为什么?难道我脑海中的幻象在这里被转化成了某种实体?这是……这片海域的力量?” At least right part,” Martha shakes the head gently, truly was this piece sea area portrayed me and Black Oak, but I did not come from illusion —— in you mind I to wander here many years, Lawrence —— I with this ship in many years of past here, as huge quantity of sham part, paced back and forth blindly.” “至少对了一部分,”玛莎轻轻摇了摇头,“确实是这片‘海域’塑造了我和黑橡木号,但我并非来自伱脑海中的幻象——我已经在这里徘徊很多年了,劳伦斯——我和这艘船在过去的许多年里都在这里,作为数量庞大的‘赝品’的一部分,盲目地徘徊。” Lawrence is startled slightly: Sham?” 劳伦斯微微一怔:“赝品?” Sham —— some great power situated in deep sea caused all these, I do not know that what that is, but it had occupied many many years here, made the innumerable sham, but also remembers that just by that Haiyan that you did eliminate? That Dagger Island......” “赝品——某种位于深海的强大力量导致了这一切,我不知道那到底是什么,但它已经在这里盘踞了很多很多年,制造出了数不清的赝品,还记得刚刚被你消灭的那艘‘海燕号’吗?还有那座匕首岛……” „Are they sham?!” Lawrence opened the eye, he realized the vortex that suddenly oneself is getting sucked into as if compared with the oneself imagination also wants treacherously fearful, wait/etc, before that Cold Frost City-State that we meet......” “它们都是‘赝品’?!”劳伦斯睁大了眼睛,他突然意识到自己正深陷的这个漩涡似乎比自己想象的还要诡谲可怕,“等等,那之前我们遇到的寒霜城邦……” It is also, here all are,” the Martha expression said calmly, that strength had infiltrated the trim sea area, all paces back and forth the thing of stay enough time in this sea area, cannot escape its duplication, some innumerable blind empty replica pace back and forth, is only a small part that in the deep sea —— you meet.” “它也是,这里的一切都是,”玛莎表情平静地说道,“那股力量早已浸润了整片海域,所有在这片海域中徘徊停留足够时间的东西,都逃不开它的‘复制’,有无数盲目空洞的复制品徘徊在深海中——你所遇到的,只是其中一小部分。” The Lawrence whole person seemed in a state of delay, crossed for a long time, he awakes the god to come suddenly, and looks unbelievable at present wife: But...... you are seemingly different, you even can talk with me, this ship also fought side-by-side with White Oak a moment ago......” 劳伦斯整个人似乎都陷入了呆滞状态,过了许久,他才突然醒过神来,并难以置信地看着眼前的“妻子”:“可是……你看上去不一样,你甚至能和我交谈,这艘船刚才还和白橡木号并肩作战……” Martha has not spoken, but has one type tranquilly, and has the smile of profound meaning, calmly is gazing at Lawrence. 玛莎没有说话,只是带着一种平静且有深意的笑容,静静地注视着劳伦斯 The latter stops the speech, and responded gradually, he lowers the head, looks at oneself that still like the Ghost Spirit illusory transparent body, as well as on body static combustion Dark Green Flames. 后者停下讲话,并渐渐反应过来,他低下头,看着自己那仍然如幽灵般虚幻透明的躯体,以及身体上静静燃烧的幽绿火焰 The appearance of Black Oak, completes transformation in White Oak after spiritual fire. 黑橡木号的出现,是在白橡木号灵体之火中完成“蜕变”之后。 You realized, Lawrence,” Martha said in a soft voice, can contend with the mighty force, only has another stronger mighty force, even this sea area, cannot bribe Vanished Fleet spoils of war —— you and I, is It spoils of war.” “你意识到了,劳伦斯,”玛莎轻声说道,“能与伟力抗衡的,唯有另一种更加强大的伟力,即使是这片海域,也不能染指失乡舰队的战利品——你和我,都是‘祂’的战利品。” Lawrence is listening, feels somewhat absent-minded , his complexion then changes slightly, and realized the opposite party spoke being out of sorts of final several words to locate the matter that —— that is not dozens years ago then and oneself a moment ago parts forever Martha that” should know! 劳伦斯愣愣地听着,感觉有些恍惚,紧接着,他的脸色便微微变化,并意识到了刚才对方所讲最后几句话的违和之处——那不是几十年前便和自己永别的“玛莎”应该知道的事情! Why will she know Vanished? Why knows White Oak is Captain Duncan spoils of war? 她为什么会知道失乡号?为什么会知道白橡木号邓肯船长的“战利品”? You read my consciousness!” Lawrence stared in a big way the eye suddenly, the body muscle tightened subconsciously, you were not true Martha!” “你读取了我的意识!”劳伦斯猛然瞪大了眼睛,身上肌肉下意识绷紧,“你不是真正的玛莎!” However that stands in the form of not far away is actually smiling, does not seem to cared about the response of Lawrence slightly, this calm one such as dozens years ago: „ What if you want is one 100% accurate, and pure Martha, very sorry, Lawrence, I truly am not her —— but she am my part, the Martha soul in my within the body, but my another part,...... this sea area such as a mirror from your consciousness and memory, has been shining continuously all things that have floated its surface, the consciousness and memory naturally also include. 然而那站在不远处的身影却只是微笑着,仿佛丝毫没有在意劳伦斯的反应,这份冷静一如几十年前:“如果你想要的是一个百分之百准确且‘纯净’的玛莎,很抱歉,劳伦斯,我确实不是她——但‘她’是我的一部分,玛莎的灵魂就在我体内,而我的另一部分,来自你的意识和记忆……这片海域如一面镜子,一直在持续不断地映照着所有浮过其表面的事物,意识与记忆自然也包括其中。 I have not read your consciousness, was your consciousness maps my part of —— you unable to accept naturally regarding this?” “我没有读取你的意识,是你的意识自然而然地映射成了我的一部分——你对此无法接受吗?” Lawrence opens mouth, after does not know several expressions change, he pulled the corners of the mouth finally bitterly and astringently, spreads out the hand: I do not know, I have even never thought really after you should do what deals, I...... I do not know how oneself should accept this...... form you, I have not even done to understand that to the present what kind of existence you are.” 劳伦斯张了张嘴,在不知几次表情变化之后,他终于苦涩地扯了扯嘴角,摊开手:“我不知道,我甚至从未想过真的面对你之后该作何应对,我……我不知道自己该怎么接受这个……‘形式’的你,我甚至到现在还没搞明白你到底是一个怎样的存在。” He raised the head, this once faced old Captain that on Boundless Sea the innumerable treacherous terrifying has not vacillated at this moment unexpectedly seems somewhat vacant. 他抬起头,这位曾面对过无垠海上数不清的诡谲恐怖都不曾动摇的老船长此刻竟显得有些茫然无措。 He has not displayed own weak —— before anybody except for before the own wife. 他不曾在任何人面前表现出自己的软弱——除了在自己的妻子面前。 Martha calmly looks at already no longer young Lawrence, long time, she smiled one reluctantly: You as before, the critical moment, always need my help.” 玛莎静静地看着已经不再年轻的劳伦斯,良久,她无奈地笑了一声:“你还是和以前一样,关键时刻,总需要我的帮助。” She walked, lifts the hand, bringing both hands of living person temperature to build on the Lawrence shoulder. 她走了过来,抬起手,带着活人温度的双手搭在劳伦斯肩膀上。 You need to strengthen, as well as sober judgment......” “你需要坚定自我,以及清醒的判断……” Lawrence knits the brows gently, a little doubts. 劳伦斯轻轻皱眉,有点疑惑。 „Can sailor mister, ask you first to leave?” Martha has turned the head, looked that to from started then quite honest Anomaly 077 a moment ago, „the Vanished Fleet master will satisfy your coordination.” “水手先生,可以请你先离开一下吗?”玛莎又转过头,看向从刚才开始便颇为老实的异常077,“失乡舰队的主人会满意你的配合的。” The dry corpse of that wear sailor overalls startles immediately all of a sudden, a few words did not say that then turned around to leave the bridge. 那穿着水手罩衫的干尸顿时激灵一下子,一句话不说便转身离开了舰桥。 Lawrence responded anything probably suddenly, hurried opens the mouth: „......” 劳伦斯则好像突然反应过来什么,匆忙开口:“等……” But the front door of bridge has closed. 但舰桥的大门已经关上了。 Anomaly 077 ran up to corridor fast, in he only hears indistinctly hears Lawrence Captain last to yell: 异常077飞快地跑到了门外的走廊上,他只隐隐约约听到里面传来劳伦斯船长的最后一声喊叫: Martha —— I this year already more than 60!” 玛莎——我今年已经六十多了!” The following sound he was not cruel enough to listen. 后面的动静他就不忍心听了。 A moment later, the doorpost rotation sound transmits, Anomaly 771 shrink the neck, turns the head to look discretely, saw that female adventurer is standing before the gate, on the face has the relaxed happy smile. 片刻之后,一阵吱吱嘎嘎的门轴转动声传来,异常077一缩脖子,谨慎地转头看去,看到那位女冒险家正站在门前,脸上带着轻松愉快的笑容。 Lawrence also walked fiercely, after seeing entrance Anomaly 077, he throws line of sight —— that immediately has warning meaning then rushed to cover the head, looked fierce. 紧接着,劳伦斯也龇牙咧嘴地走了出来,在看到门口的异常077之后,他立刻投去了一道带着警告意味的视线——接着便又赶忙捂了捂脑袋,更加龇牙咧嘴起来。 Anomaly 077 takes back the line of sight immediately, is reducing own sense of existence like a genuine corpse diligently. 异常077顿时收回视线,努力像一具真正的尸体那样降低着自己的存在感 Obviously, punched ruthlessly. 显然,揍了顿狠的。 Now can accept?” Martha has turned the head, having the happy expression to say to Lawrence. “现在能接受了?”玛莎转过头,带着笑意对劳伦斯说道。 Lawrence covers the place that on the head is swelling, he does not know why the oneself current shape nearly spirit body can actually be so beaten violently by Martha, he only knew this details importantly already no longer: Can accept, can accept......” 劳伦斯捂着脑袋上肿起来的地方,他不知道为什么自己当前的形态近乎灵体却还是能被玛莎如此狠揍一顿,他只知道这种细节问题早已不再重要:“能接受了,能接受了……” Drifts on Boundless Sea, mentality that needs all things to look on the bright side of thing. 无垠海上漂泊,还是需要万事想得开的心态。 After all now looks like, if oneself cannot look on the bright side of thing, Martha will help oneself opening the straightforward disposition of —— female adventurer more than one such as the years ago, but oneself may be over fifty-year- old person...... 毕竟现在看来,如果自己想不开,玛莎就会帮自己“开”——女冒险家的豪爽脾性一如多年以前,但自己可已经是年过半百的老人了…… „Then, we should consider the proper business,” on the Martha face has the smile, both hands to hold the chest to lean in the front door, sleepily here is not means.” “那么接下来,我们就该考虑考虑正事了,”玛莎脸上带着微笑,双手抱胸倚靠在大门上,“一直困在这里可不是个办法。” Heard this saying, Lawrence restrains the numerous and diverse trains of thought in heart immediately, the complexion followed becomes serious: Martha, I want to ask you a moment ago, what kind of condition is this sea area? Do you know that leaves here method?” 听到这话,劳伦斯顿时收敛起了心中的繁杂思绪,脸色跟着变得严肃起来:“玛莎,我刚才就想问你了,这片海域到底是个怎样的状态?你知不知道离开这里的方法?” „...... I want to reply you, but was sorry very much, Martha silent two seconds, having the apology saying that I, although paced back and forth here many years, but in the final analysis, I also was just stranded one of the many shams here with this ship, but a little can affirm...... this trim sea area actually, Cold Frost City-State centered on that ‚’, if here really has one with the Real World staggered crevice, that also certainly in Cold Frost.” “……我很想回答你,但很抱歉,”玛莎沉默了两秒钟,带着歉意说道,“我虽然在这里徘徊了很多年,但说到底,我和这艘船也只不过是被困在这里的诸多赝品之一罢了,不过有一点倒是可以肯定……这整片海域,都是以那座‘寒霜城邦’为核心的,如果这里真的存在一个和现实世界交错的裂隙,那也一定就在寒霜。”
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