DSE :: Volume #4

#389: Steps Black Oak

The social climbing the rope ladder, Lawrence is climbing up Black Oak that as if to be barbecued by anything little has been exuding the dark sinking luster hull generally, and arrived in the deck of this ship. 攀附着绳梯,劳伦斯一点点爬上了黑橡木号那仿佛是被什么东西熏烤过一般泛着暗沉色泽的船身,并来到了这艘船的甲板上。 Just fell to the ground, he then bends the waist, both hands are supporting the knee, breathed several tones to make him unable to bear aura breathing uniform —— this somewhat self-ridiculed that shakes the head with a smile. 刚一落地,他便弯下腰来,双手撑着膝盖,喘了好几口气才把气息喘匀——这让他忍不住有些自嘲地笑着摇了摇头。 oneself was old, had really arrived to crawl a section of road along the rope ladder to stop the degree of rest, if before place,...... 自己真的是老了,已经到了沿着绳梯爬一段路就要停下来休息的程度,如果放在以前…… Another footsteps landing sound from transmits behind, since Lawrence receives the irrelevant thought that turns the head to see that Anomaly 077 also followed oneself to crawl came up —— this stance fearsome dry corpse to stand in the broad side edge very much discretely, appeared the honest appearance. 另一个脚步落地声从身后传来,劳伦斯收起无关的念头,转头看到异常077也跟着自己爬了上来——这姿态可怖的干尸很谨慎地站在船舷边缘,显得老老实实的样子。 It, or his —— this person fallen dead by the roadside really coordinates very much, but terrifying top Anomaly is so unexpectedly honest , is really a little strange one, but thinks this dry corpse is in oneself this exploration only companion, Lawrence then restrained in the heart that somewhat strange feeling, making the own expression serious. 它,或者说他——这一路倒是真的很配合,而一个恐怖的高位异常竟然如此老实,也着实是有点古怪的一幕,但一想到这具干尸就是自己此趟探索中唯一的“同伴”,劳伦斯便又收敛起了心中那有些古怪的感觉,让自己的表情变得严肃起来。 „Did boat fix?” He looks at Anomaly 077, like talked with oneself sailor under the past, with this special sailor is having to do. “小船固定好了吗?”他看着异常077,就像往常跟自己手下的水手交谈一样,跟这个特殊的“水手”打着交道。 Fixed,” that dry corpse nods immediately, the voice hoarse said low and deep, he raised the head, observed the situation fast surrounding, in tone hesitant, „...... this above seemed like no one, Captain.” “固定好了,”那干尸立刻点头,嗓音嘶哑低沉地说道,紧接着他又抬起头,飞快地环视了周围一圈,语气中略带犹豫,“……这上面好像没人,船长。” I am not blind.” Lawrence said lightly, simultaneously the vision is also sizing up the situation on deck. “我不瞎。”劳伦斯淡淡说道,同时目光也打量着甲板上的情况。 After stepping the Black Oak deck, the surrounding strange thick fog and shadow sense of reality remains, the sign that but has not further condensated, in the mist of float, he can see clearly scene —— all on ship vaguely such as such in memory, Black Oak various facilities have 70-80% to be mostly the same except for minor differences from White Oak, but presented as if left uncultivated many years of sense of reality, the paint on parapet has fallen off motley, in the deck some places can see the distortion to warp, the overtop structure semblance of distant place can also see to cover the corrosion stain. 在踏上黑橡木号的甲板之后,周围的诡异浓雾和阴影质感仍然存在,但并没有进一步变浓的迹象,在漂浮的雾气间,他依稀能够看清船上的景象——一切都如记忆中的那样,黑橡木号的各处设施有七八成都与白橡木号大同小异,只是呈现出了仿佛荒废多年般的质感,栏杆上的油漆已经斑驳脱落,甲板上一些地方能看到变形翘曲,远处的上层建筑外表还能看到覆盖着锈蚀般的污痕。 Removes that to appear the strange mist, after this ship feels seems like another White Oak —— was abandoned, in the sea drifts many years, was negligent in the maintenance edition. 刨除那显得诡异的雾气,这艘船给人的感觉就好像是另一艘白橡木号——一个被遗弃之后在海上漂泊了多年的、疏于维护的“版本”。 Moreover on this ship such that just like Anomaly 077 said that cannot see anyone 's shadow. 而且这艘船上正如异常077所说的那样,看不到任何人影。 On ship did no one, who that the rope ladder is throw a moment ago?” Anomaly 077 is muttering, „, moreover before , you ordered gave this ship to hit the signal the time, who did it also send out the light responded to —— at that time the back signal is?” “船上没人,那刚才绳梯是谁扔下来的?”异常077咕哝着,“而且之前您下令给这艘船打信号的时候,它还发出灯光回应来着——那时候回应信号的又是谁?” As one Anomaly, your ponder also very has the orderliness,” Lawrence could not bear turn head looked at this sailor, the tone was quite accidental, „, but you did not think that with logic pondered Ghost Ship was very strange?” “作为一个‘异常’,你的思考还挺有条理,”劳伦斯忍不住回头看了这“水手”一眼,语气颇为意外,“但你不觉得用‘逻辑’来思考一艘幽灵船很奇怪吗?” Anomaly 077 shrugs, did not speak. 异常077耸了耸肩,不吭声了。 But Lawrence actually to this dry corpse silent opportunity —— he this dry corpse belt/bring to Black Oak on may not, not only to avoid this fellow keeps on White Oak to lead to the danger, but must let his many faction a use. 劳伦斯却没有给这个干尸沉默的机会——他把这具干尸带到黑橡木号上可不只是为了避免这家伙留在白橡木号上引发危险,而是要让他多少派上点用处的。 „Can your ability become effective on this ship?” Lawrence is staring at the Anomaly 077 eyes, „can you control this ship?” “你的能力在这艘船上能生效吗?”劳伦斯盯着异常077的眼睛,“伱能控制这艘船吗?” „Do you want to let me control it?” Anomaly 077 somewhat is immediately surprised. “您想让我‘接管’它?”异常077顿时有些惊讶。 You cannot carrying off its —— but I want you to confirm, can your ability become effective here,” Lawrence serious said, sensation, this ship is what condition.” “你不可以‘带走’它——但我要你确认一下,你的能力在这里能不能生效,”劳伦斯一脸严肃地说道,“感知一下,这船到底是什么状态。” The Anomaly 077- sailors, this Anomaly biggest ability is to having ship the thing of this concept conducts the control and control, in other words, this Anomaly this thing actually has the sensation and influence of ability far superman kind of understanding of ship, then...... in sailor in eye, this Black Oak will present certain unique element? 异常077-水手,这个异常最大的能力便是对具备“船”这一概念的事物进行掌控和接管,换句话说,这个异常对“船”这一事物其实有着远超人类理解的感知和影响能力,那么……在“水手”眼中,这艘黑橡木号是否会呈现出某些“特殊之处”? Perhaps from this mentality, Anomaly 077 can help oneself reveal here truth. 从这个思路出发,或许异常077能帮助自己揭开这里的真相。 The dry corpse obeyed the order, he stands in the deck, opens both hands, as if must feel the fog stroke to close the eye generally slightly, but in his side not far away, Lawrence actually looks in the deck with the somewhat complex vision these familiar things. 干尸服从了命令,他站在甲板上,张开双手,仿佛要感受雾中风向一般微微闭上了眼睛,而在他旁边不远处,劳伦斯却用有些复杂的目光看着甲板上那些熟悉的事物。 Black Oak...... he is standing on this ship now, many dreams returned in the past, he could not forget that on this ship, many time departed, he hugged biased must retrieve thought —— of this ship to be possible really to this moment, really stood here, he actually has to question all repeatedly, questioned own to judge, questioned the own sensation, even questioned existence of this ship. 黑橡木号……他现在正站在这艘船上,多少次梦回往昔,他都忘不掉这艘船上的一幕幕,多少次出航,他都偏执地抱着要寻回这艘船的念头——可真到了这一刻,真的站在这里,他却不得不反复质疑一切,质疑自己的判断,质疑自己的感知,甚至质疑这艘船的存在。 Because the Black Oak appearance process is really suspicious strangely, the condition that it at this moment exhibits absolutely is not normal, although in the emotion is not willing to acknowledge, but the reason told him...... this to have the possibility very much at all is not he in of seeking Black Oak. 因为黑橡木号的出现过程实在过于可疑诡异,它此刻呈现出的状态也绝对不正常,尽管情感上不愿意承认,但理智告诉他……这很有可能根本不是他在寻找的那艘“黑橡木号”。 This is only...... phenomenon that” transcendent Vision of some out-of-control makes. 这只是某种失控的超凡异象制造出的……“现象”。 In the Lawrence heart the thought is diverse and confused, until his side sailor suddenly opens the eye and makes the sound of doubts, his chaotic thought stops finally. 劳伦斯心中念头纷杂,直到他身旁的“水手”突然睁开眼睛并发出疑惑的声音,他乱糟糟的念头才终于止住。 What situation?” Lawrence asks immediately. “什么情况?”劳伦斯立刻问道。 I...... do not know how should explain......” sailor actually lowers the head stunned, stares at the deck that the oneself foot is stepping on, Captain, I...... I could not feel this ship exists......” “我……不知道该怎么解释……”水手却错愕地低下头,盯着自己脚踩的甲板,“船长,我……我感觉不到这艘船的存在……” What do you mean?! Can't you feel existence of this ship?” Lawrence stared in a big way the eye instantaneously, he has thought sailor the strength was also possibly not enough to control this strange Ghost Ship, actually without thinking of the opposite party gave such answer unexpectedly directly, now where do that we stand to be at?” “什么意思?!你感觉不到这艘船的存在?”劳伦斯瞬间瞪大了眼睛,他想过“水手”的力量可能也不足以掌控这艘诡异的幽灵船,却没想到对方竟直接给出了这么个答案,“那我们现在站在哪?” Therefore I do not know how should explain......” sailor seems like by the Lawrence expression has a scare, actually braces oneself to continue saying that we are standing here, it is exists without a doubt, but in my sensation, it actually does not exist, at least...... at least it not here......” “所以我不知道该怎么解释……”水手似乎是被劳伦斯的表情吓了一跳,却还是硬着头皮继续说道,“我们正站在这里,它毫无疑问是存在的,但在我的感知中,它其实是不存在的,至少……至少它不在这里……” Lawrence knits the brows, he knows that at present this dry corpse should not fool to deceive oneself, this is the opposite party at this moment real idea, but...... this does not have the means to reduce the suspicion in his heart. 劳伦斯皱了皱眉,他知道眼前这具干尸应该没有唬骗自己,这就是对方此刻真实的想法,只不过……这丝毫没办法消减他心中的疑团。 After hesitating shortly, he inspires, carries with the hand the inspection lamp, turns the head to look to some direction of deck end. 短暂沉吟之后,他吸了口气,一只手提着提灯,转头看向甲板尽头的某个方向。 The gentle yellow light that the inspection lamp sends out is fluttering in the mist, seems directing an invisible path. 提灯散发出的柔和黄光在雾气中飘动着,仿佛指引着一条无形的道路。 Captain, do we go?” 船长,我们去哪?” Bridge,” Lawrence said calmly, Captain should on the bridge.” “舰桥,”劳伦斯冷静地说道,“船长应该在舰桥上。” Finishes barely the words, he has turned toward the direction that the light illuminates to take the footsteps, sailor is gawking to hurry to follow same place, slightly some limp are walking while curious opens the mouth: „Do you mean...... Captain of this ship? Do you know Captain of this ship?” 话音未落,他已经向着灯光照亮的方向迈出了脚步,“水手”则在原地愣了一下才赶紧跟上,一边略有些蹒跚地走着一边好奇开口:“您是说……这艘船的船长?您认识这艘船的船长?” The Lawrence footsteps stopped the flash, then stand forth: Understanding, is very familiar.” 劳伦斯脚步停顿了一瞬间,接着向前走去:“认识,十分熟悉。” The sailors, honestly was then peaceful. 水手哦了一声,接着又老老实实安静下来。 A moment later, before Lawrence had arrived at the front door to bridge . 片刻之后,劳伦斯已经来到了通往舰桥的大门前。 That leaf of red metal front door is opening a slit before him slightly, seems inviting him to go in general. 那扇红色的金属大门在他面前微微开启着一条缝隙,仿佛是在邀请着他进去一般。 You open the door.” “你去开门。” Lawrence takes the inspection lamp, another hand draws out the revolver from the waist, hints dry corpse to go forward with the look. 劳伦斯一手拿着提灯,另一只手从腰间拔出左轮手枪,用眼神示意着身旁的干尸上前。 Oh...... good.” “唉……好的。” That dry corpse quite humanity sighed, went forward to hold the front door hand, how also without seeing him to make an effort, then opened that leaf of front door. 那干尸相当人性化地叹了口气,上前抓住了大门的把手,也没见他怎么用力,便将那扇大门一把推开。 The Lawrence probe head looks to inside. 劳伦斯探头向里面看去。 The bridge is empty, cannot see anyone 's shadow, the thin mist flutters between chairs and control equipment, but on the bridge forefront bridge, unmanned the steering wheel of control is vacillating slightly, seems in the trimming the direction. 舰桥空空荡荡,看不到任何人影,只有稀薄的雾气飘荡在一张张椅子和操控设备之间,而在舰桥最前端的驾驶台上,无人操控的舵轮正微微左右摇摆着,仿佛正在微调着航向。 Here also no one.” The dry corpse whispered in side. “这里也没人。”干尸在旁边嘀咕道。 I not blind.” Lawrence said that then takes a step to walk into the bridge. “我没瞎。”劳伦斯说了一句,便迈步走入舰桥。 He holds up the inspection lamp, scatters all around dim with the light, the vision sweeps these to appear the motley obsolete equipment and seat, later arrived at the steering wheel , before slowly. 他举起提灯,用灯光驱散四周的昏暗,目光扫过那些显得斑驳陈旧的设备和座椅,随后慢慢来到了舵轮前。 Captain should stand here. 船长应该站在这里。 But here does not have the Captain form. 但这里没有船长的身影。 Lawrence calmly stood a meeting, does not know that is loses or relaxes sighs: Oh, you really not.” 劳伦斯静静地站了一会,也不知是失落还是放松地叹了口气:“唉,你果然不在。” No, I.” “不,我在。” A slightly chilly female voice passed from side. 一个略显清冷的女声从旁边传了过来。 Lawrence startles instantaneously all of a sudden, flees suddenly high several cuns (2.5 cm) including the spooky green flame that the body is unable to extinguish, the next second he then looked that suddenly to direction —— that the sound conveyed 劳伦斯瞬间激灵一下子,连身上无法熄灭的幽幽绿焰都突然窜高了好几寸,下一秒他便猛然看向了声音传来的方向—— Wore the Captain uniform/subdue and slightly volume long hair to hang loose after the brain, seems like still the young female adventurer to stand there, both hands held the chest tranquilly, the expression bring to look here reluctantly. 身着船长制服、微卷长发披散在脑后、看上去仍然年轻的女冒险家正站在那里,双手抱胸,表情平静中带着无奈地看着这边。 „, Had a woman to brave,” Anomaly 077 with astonishment said, what then responded probably, looked at Lawrence one fast, Captain, do I need to keep quiet?” “啊,有个女人冒出来了,”异常077惊愕地说道,紧接着便好像反应过来什么,飞快地看了劳伦斯一眼,“船长,我需要保持安静吗?” Lawrence looked at this dry corpse one: Right, peaceful.” 劳伦斯看了这具干尸一眼:“没错,安静。” Yes, Captain.” “是,船长。” Anomaly 077 the interrupts, although inopportune, actually diluted the awkward stiff atmosphere somewhat, Lawrence seized the chance to make oneself calm down, in the mind diligently was then pondering fast how should open the mouth the —— first few words to say what? 异常077的这一打岔虽然不合时宜,却多多少少冲淡了刚才的尴尬僵硬气氛,劳伦斯趁机努力让自己冷静下来,接着脑海中便飞快地思考着应该如何开口——第一句话应该说什么? In the past, he with Martha conversation, in illusions, they had once been together innumerable many many years, but at this moment, Lawrence actually realized that suddenly when oneself jammed —— he unable like fell into the illusion in the past to be together with Martha unexpectedly naturally. 在过去的日子里,他曾无数次与“玛莎”交谈,在一次次幻觉中,他们已经相处了许多许多年,可就在此刻,劳伦斯却突然意识到自己卡壳了——他竟无法像往常陷入幻觉时那样自然而然地与玛莎相处。 But is this instantaneous jamming, making him realize a matter suddenly. 而就是这瞬间的卡壳,让他猛然间意识到一件事。 Present Martha...... is one has nothing to do with his subconscious completely, independent action individual! 眼前的玛莎……是一个与他的潜意识完全无关的,正在独立行动的“个体”!
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