DSE :: Volume #4

#388: Virtual image boundary

Leaves Duncan of Room Captain not to go to other place, but turns around then to grip that leaf again Gate of the Vanished the hand, then shoves open —— inward 离开船长邓肯并没有去别的地方,而是转身便再度握住了那扇“失乡者之门”的把手,接着向内推开—— Zhou Ming returned to his bedroom. 周铭回到了他的寝室内。 Observes the situation all around, the familiar scenery heaves in sight, when all in room and oneself previous time leaves exactly the same, but oneself has not returned to here probably for a long time. 环视四周,熟悉的景色映入眼帘,房间中的一切都和自己上次离开时一模一样,而自己好像也已经很长时间不曾返回这里了。 Slowly crosses the threshold to buddhism, the foot steps in the floors of some motley attrition, before Zhou Ming such as was the same the window that first in the past arrived at that to shut tightly, he inspected trace on a window, confirmed in the condition —— heart that the window locked knows although did that without the significance, but he completed all inspections carefully, and took up to hang the diary by window seriously, the part of blank in the book writes down today's check result: 慢慢越过玄关,脚踩在有些斑驳磨损的地板上,周铭如往常一样首先来到了那紧闭的窗户前,他检查了一下窗台上的痕迹,又确认了窗锁的状态——尽管心中知道这么做毫无意义,但他还是仔仔细细地完成了所有的检查,并郑重其事地拿起挂在窗户旁的日记本,在本子上空白的部分写下今天的检查结果: Various windows and doors places do not have the change, when oneself leaves, this room had never been opened. 门窗各处均无变动,在自己离开期间,这间房间从未被打开过。 After providing this new record, he shouted the tone gently, before this arrives at the desk, slowly. 留下这条新的纪录之后,他轻轻呼了口气,这才慢慢来到书桌前。 On the desk, some tiny green sparks in flip-flop the jump, the flame of spread are outlining gradually little an outline of object, entire outlined the process to come to an end. 书桌上,些许细小的绿色火花正在噼啪跳跃,逐步蔓延的火焰正在将一个物体的轮廓一点点勾勒出来,整个勾勒过程已经接近尾声。 That is a ship, has the attractive white hull and standing tall and erect chimney, seems like the quite advanced steam power mechanical ship. 那是一艘船,一艘有着漂亮白色船身和高耸烟囱、看上去颇为先进的蒸汽动力机械船。 The Zhou Ming complexion looks at this tranquilly, on the face the expression does not have the accident/surprise. 周铭面色平静地看着这一幕,脸上表情丝毫没有意外。 White Oak model appeared in this room, but...... why? Why will it suddenly appear here? What did this ship have to change? 白橡木号的“模型”出现在这间房间里了,但是……为什么?为什么它会突然出现在这儿?这艘船发生了什么变化? Zhou Ming raised the head, looked to not far away set at the frame, Vanished and Pland on rack model still calmly lay down in the checks. 周铭抬起头,看向不远处的置物架,架子上的失乡号普兰德“模型”仍然静静地躺在格子之间。 By spiritual fire thorough burning down and by the oneself thorough control goods will appear in the form of accurate model on the desk of this studio apartment, this is the definite rule, Vanished and Pland is so, but White Oak...... 灵体之火彻底焚烧、被自己彻底掌控的“物品”会以精确模型的形式出现在这间单身公寓的书桌上,这是已经确定的规律,失乡号普兰德皆是如此,而白橡木号…… Zhou Ming is recalling oneself with the experience that ship first encounters. 周明回忆着自己与那艘船初次遭遇的经历。 White Oak once had been truly burnt down by own spiritual fire, even that entire ship was once swallowed into the abdomen by Vanished, but was the control of that time oneself to spiritual fire is not very perhaps skilled, then burning down, White Oak has not turned into on the oneself desk collection, but left behind a mark, this condition has continued until now. 白橡木号确实曾被自己的灵体之火焚烧过一遍,甚至那整艘船都曾经被失乡号“吞入腹中”,但或许是那时候自己灵体之火的掌控不够熟练,当时的“焚烧”过后,白橡木号并没有变成自己书桌上的“藏品”,而只是留下了一份印记,这种状态一直持续到如今。 Zhou Ming sits before the desk, calmly looks that the quiet green spark jumps and outlines completely the White Oak last outline on the table, expression looking pensive. 周铭在书桌前坐下来,静静地看着幽绿火花在桌上跳跃并将白橡木号的最后一丝轮廓勾勒完整,表情若有所思。 He is certain, oneself has not paid attention to the White Oak trend this period of time, not initiative triggering the flame mark on that ship, therefore this change is not —— that oneself causes is White Oak, that ship met anything obviously, causing the mark on ship to be activated, even activation turned to the entire ship directly here collection one. 他可以肯定,自己这段时间并没有关注过白橡木号的动向,更不曾主动“触发”过那艘船上的火焰印记,所以这种变化并不是自己这边引起的——白橡木号,那艘船显然遇上了什么事情,导致了船上的印记被激活,甚至直接“活化”到整艘船都变成了这里的“藏品”之一。 Zhou Ming narrows the eye slightly, is trying the localization White Oak position again, as well as sensation its present condition. 周铭微微眯起眼睛,再次尝试着定位白橡木号的位置,以及感知它现在的状态。 A moment later, he opens eyes, among the looks brings dignifiedly some. 片刻之后,他睁开眼,神色间带着些许凝重。 Even if in this bedroom, he is still not able to confirm precisely White Oak where, the fuzzy sensation slightly is pointing at the gate opposite that world Cold Frost City-State direction greatly, when attempts to confirm that White Oak condition, he received a somewhat strange feedback. 哪怕是在这间寝室里,他仍然无法精确确认白橡木号到底在什么地方,模模糊糊的感知只是大略指着门对面那个世界寒霜城邦的方向,而在尝试确认白橡木号状态的时候,他则得到了一个有些古怪的反馈。 He felt unexpectedly that ship whole was being wrapped by the sea water. 他竟感觉那艘船整体被海水包裹着。 On the desk, the jump of quiet green spark stopped, the White Oak accurate model calmly lies down in front of Zhou Ming, each detail is lifelike. 书桌上,幽绿火花的跳跃停止了,白橡木号的精确模型静静地躺在周铭面前,每一丝细节都惟妙惟肖。 Slightly after doing hesitates, Zhou Ming puts out a hand to hold the White Oak model, places carefully is observing at present. 略作犹豫之后,周铭伸出手捧起了白橡木号的模型,放在眼前仔细观察着。 But he has not seen the place that anything is out of sorts. 但他并未看到什么违和的地方。 After manipulating met, Zhou Ming shakes the head, realized that here is unable to confirm condition —— of that ship must go to that side Cold Frost to confirm the situation. 在摆弄了一会之后,周铭摇了摇头,意识到在这里也无法确认那艘船的状态——还是要去寒霜那边确认一下情况。 He sets out before the desk, in the hand holds White Oak newly, the preparation first this collection puts to set on the frame, but just walked several steps, he then stopped by a mirror suddenly. 他从书桌前起身,手里捧着白橡木号,准备先把这新的“藏品”放到置物架上,但刚走出去几步,他便突然在一面镜子旁停了下来。 He looks to that mirror, in the mirror, in his hand holds is not White Oak, but is one strange, by the ships that the black thick fog and big piece shadow cover! 他看向那面镜子,在镜子中,他手中捧着的不是白橡木号,而是一艘陌生的、被黑色浓雾和大片阴影笼罩起来的舰船! The outline of that ship somewhat is vaguely similar to White Oak, seems the department the common origin body form, actually the whole presents a as if illusory image not clear sense of reality, on the hull also finds at everywhere the trace that the destruction, damages and throws away, as if in the seabed deep sleep many years of same —— Zhou Ming was staring at the ship in mirror, after the moment, lowers the head, sees on oneself truly is only the White Oak model. 那艘船的轮廓依稀与白橡木号有几分相似,仿佛是系出同源的船型,却整体呈现出一种仿佛幻影般的不真切质感,船身上还随处可见破坏、毁弃的痕迹,就仿佛在海底沉睡了多年一样——周铭盯着镜子中的这艘船,片刻后又低下头,看到自己手上确确实实就只是白橡木号的模型而已。 Short stunned after thinking, Zhou Ming puts the one side the White Oak model suddenly, before he arrives quickly sets at thing, Vanished and Pland City-State model held, in mirror first 11 tests. 短暂的错愕与思索之后,周铭突然将白橡木号的模型放到一旁,他快步走到置物架前,将失乡号普兰德城邦的模型抱了过来,在镜子前一一测试。 They does not have any change in mirror. 它们在镜子里都没有什么变化。 Only has White Oak, in the mirror presented strange another appearance. 只有白橡木号,在镜子中呈现出了诡异的“另一副模样”。 Before Zhou Ming again the White Oak model attained the mirror, looking pensive looks that black ship shadow that in the mirror presents. 周铭再度将白橡木号的模型拿到了镜子前,若有所思地看着镜子中呈现出的那艘黑色舰影。 That seems like White Oak general in „the inverted image of” in another dimension presenting. 那看上去就像白橡木号在另一个维度中呈现出的“倒影”一般。 In the thinking, he reaches out slowly the illusory image in that mirror. 思索中,他慢慢向那镜子中的幻影伸出手去。 He only touches the icy cold hard mirror surface. 他只触碰到冰凉坚硬的镜面。 ...... …… Steers the boat alone, Lawrence is looking that Black Oak stands tall and erect the palatial hull gradually to enlarge in the field of vision, that piece seems also gradually covered his all around by the thick fog that the shadow flooded, hung is scattering surrounding dim in the inspection lamp of boat bow difficultly, actually also can only outline a dim route for him. 独自驾驶着小船,劳伦斯看着黑橡木号高耸巍峨的船身在视野中逐渐放大,那片仿佛被阴影充斥的浓雾也逐渐笼罩了他的四周,挂在小船船头的一盏提灯艰难地驱散着周围的昏暗,却也只能为他勾勒出一条朦朦胧胧的航路。 He has turned head, saw White Oak to turn into the mist piece of slurred phantom —— to stand obviously , on the White Oak bridge looked in the past what two ships left was such near, he thought among at this moment the two was similar the gap, that gap was not the barrier in physical distance, but was some type...... the barrier situated in actual situation. 他回过头,看到白橡木号已经变成了雾气中一片模糊不清的虚影——明明站在白橡木号舰桥上看过去的时候两艘船离的是如此之近,他此刻却觉得二者之间仿佛有一道鸿沟,那鸿沟不是物理距离上的隔阂,而是某种……介于虚实之间的屏障。 But he is gradually bridging over this barrier now. 而他现在正逐渐跨过这道屏障。 His was calm, the surroundings were even more strange, the environment was even more dim, his even more was calm, was similar all roads to understand, the destiny has declared all choice —— he to go to him Black Oak, no matter there had anything to wait for oneself. 他的心情平静下来了,周围愈发诡异,环境愈发昏暗,他的心情却愈发平静,就仿佛所有的路都已明了,命运已向他昭示了所有的选择——他要去黑橡木号上,不管那里有什么在等着自己 But seems to be tranquil, only then on his oneself —— boat another passenger, seeming like not so quiet. 但似乎平静下来的只有他自己——小船上另有一位乘客,看起来不那么平静。 You put me to go back! Gives me to wrap/sets of a string, you hang me on the mast good!” Anomaly 077 is boisterous, this ugly dry corpse from started to talk endlessly a moment ago, „, so long as can make me return to the deep sleep, my anything listens your......, even if you make me be converted Goddess of Storm...... God of Death is also good! I do not want to open the eye again!” “您就放我回去吧!给我套根绳子,您把我挂在桅杆上都行!”异常077聒噪着,这丑陋的干尸从刚才开始就在喋喋不休,“只要能让我回到沉睡中,我什么都听您的……哪怕您让我皈依风暴女神呢……死亡之神也行啊!我已经不想再睁着眼睛了!” Lawrence has turned the head finally, responds to this dry corpse from embarking to the present for the first time: „Can you also being converted gods?” 劳伦斯终于转过头,从出发到现在第一次回应这干尸:“你还能皈依神明?” The dry corpse gawked, immediately nods: So long as you put me to go back to sleep, which god I am converted to be good in the sleep!” 干尸愣了一下,紧接着立刻点头:“只要您放我回去睡觉,我在睡梦中皈依哪个神都行!” Lawrence thinks, thinks has among the joke in sailors, on the face shows the smile: „Do you try to be converted God of Wisdom?” 劳伦斯想了想,想到一个流行在水手之间的笑话,脸上露出笑容:“那你试试皈依智慧之神?” The Anomaly 077 whole person was stiff, later crossed does not know how long moved slightly, in the withered throat squeezed out several words: I can first try from the plane geometry......” 异常077整个人都僵硬了一下,随后过了不知多久才微微一动,干瘪的喉咙里挤出几个单词:“我可以先从平面几何试试……” Even God of Wisdom dares to try, it seems like you were really compelled anxiously,” Lawrence shakes the head, in the heart somewhat is curious, why, but is you afraid? I looked that in the material said that you are belong to have that Anomaly of out of control tendency, but do you actually go all out to return to the deep sleep now?” “连智慧之神都敢试试,看来你是真的被逼急了,”劳伦斯摇了摇头,心中不禁有些好奇,“但伱为什么这么害怕?我看资料上说,你是属于有失控倾向的那种异常,可现在你却拼命想回到沉睡中?” Anomaly 077 had not replied, but rolls up on the boat to a corner diligently, is staring at the green flame of Lawrence static combustion with the tense line of sight. 异常077没有回答,只是在小船上努力蜷缩到一个角落,用紧张的视线盯着劳伦斯身上静静燃烧的绿色火焰。 Lawrence looked down oneself still not to restore the body of original design now, raised the head: Because of this flame? The strength of because behind this flame symbolizing?” 劳伦斯低头看了看自己如今仍未恢复原样的身体,抬起头:“因为这火焰?还是因为这火焰背后象征的力量?” Anomaly 077 in a muffled voice: „Isn't your very clear?” 异常077闷声闷气:“您这不是很明白吗?” I have not thought that even your such Anomaly also understood Vanished prestige,” Lawrence is somewhat sigh with emotion, I see in the material to your description, said that you have the state of mind after out-of-control, can talk, actually without thinking of your state of mind is this degree unexpectedly......, if you are not a dry corpse, I almost must think that you were a human.” “我没想到,连你这样的‘异常’也懂得失乡号的威名,”劳伦斯有些感慨,“我在资料上看到对你的描述,说你在失控之后具备神志,可以与人交谈,却没想到你的神志竟达到这种程度……如果你不是一具干尸,我几乎要以为你就是个人类了。” The Anomaly 077 low heads, seem to have accepted fate, instead does not open the mouth. 异常077低下脑袋,似乎已经认命,反而再也不开口了。 Lawrence has not actually cared about this sailor response, he some innumerable riddles need to ponder now, records goes wrong, strange out of control Anomaly to compare insignificant with these riddles with the material. 劳伦斯却没有在意这“水手”的反应,他现在有数不清的谜团需要去思考,一个跟资料记载出现偏差的、古怪的失控异常跟那些谜团比起来微不足道。 So many unknown, so many secrets. 如此多的未知,如此多的秘密。 Already how many years not this feeling? 已经多少年没有过这种感觉了? As if after Black Oak bids farewell, adventurer Lawrence has then vanished in this world, unknown and distant place turned into the glossary in memory, until present —— 仿佛是在与黑橡木号诀别之后,冒险家劳伦斯便已经消失在这个世界上,未知和远方变成了记忆中的词汇,直到如今—— Sees Black Oak that moment again, adventurer Lawrence revived from an old Captain heart deep place again. 再度看到黑橡木号的那一刻,冒险家劳伦斯再次从一个老船长的内心深处苏醒过来了。 He raised the head, saw the hull that Black Oak stands tall and erect has been away from the boat non- full amount meter/rice, he controls the boat to approach slowly, that familiar place in the memory, he stopped, takes up the oar to strike the hull. 他抬起头,看到黑橡木号高耸的船身已经距离小船不足数米,他操控着小船慢慢靠近,在记忆中那个熟悉的地方,他停了下来,抄起船桨敲打着船壳。 A rope ladder threw from above, falls on the boat bow. 一根绳梯从上面抛了下来,落在小船船头。 Lawrence has turned head, looks to shrink in Anomaly of corner 077. 劳伦斯回过头,看着缩在角落的异常077。 Embarks, sailor.” “上船,水手。” Anomaly 077 quite sets out grudgingly, is lowering the head: Yes, Captain.” 异常077颇为不情愿地起身,低着脑袋:“是,船长。”
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