DSE :: Volume #4

#387: Sudden aura

Executed the heresy and abnormal anomaly in Spirit World change to wreckage ember in Real Dimension now, the residence that the sewage treatment center suffers obtained the temporary purification, shadow that but covers regarding entire City-State, perhaps this opened the corner/horn of curtain. 灵界中被处决的异端和畸形怪胎如今化作了现实维度中的残骸余烬,污水处理中心遭受的严重污染得到了暂时的净化,但对于整座城邦笼罩的阴影而言,这恐怕只是揭开了帷幕的一角而已。 The black clothes guards return to front of Gatekeeper, Agatha took inventory and confirmed simply under a lower part the condition, the vision then falls on not far away that slightly some administrators of being balding later. 黑衣守卫们回到守门人面前,阿加莎简单清点、确认了一下部下们的状态,随后目光便落在不远处那位略有些谢顶的管理人员身上。 „Did his situation confirm?” “他的情况确认了吗?” Has confirmed that truly is normal human,” a black clothes guards said in a low voice, „, but was frightened seriously, cannot remove the energetic aspect to suffer the pollution possibility —— he to need psychological unblocking and observation of period of time.” “已经确认过了,确实是正常的人类,”一名黑衣守卫低声说道,“但受到严重惊吓,也不能排除精神方面遭受污染的可能性——他需要一段时间的心理疏导和观察。” Gives local church processing,” Agatha nods gently, other informs them, the situation of this sewage treatment center is very bad, later the entire facility also needs a radical purification and inspection, after waiting to investigate all hidden dangers, restarts here.” “交给本地教堂处理吧,”阿加莎轻轻点了点头,“另外通知他们,这处污水处理中心的情况很糟糕,之后整个设施还需要一次彻底的净化和检查,等排查所有隐患之后再重启这里。” Yes, Gatekeeper,” subordinate nods to receive an order, was somewhat worried that looked up Agatha one, „haven't you...... met troublesome?” “是,守门人,”部下点头领命,接着又有些担心地抬头看了阿加莎一眼,“您……没遇上麻烦吧?” Agatha knits the brows: Un? Why asked?” 阿加莎皱了皱眉:“嗯?为什么这么问?” Youwere detained inthat side compared with required the much time in the past,” subordinate answered, what clue discovered under the Spirit World field of vision?” “您在‘那边’滞留了比往常要多的时间,”部下解释道,“是在灵界视野下发现了什么线索吗?” Agatha was still knitting the brows slightly, on the face shows expression looking pensive, why does not know, she always thought that what thing oneself neglected probably, but remembers carefully had not actually discovered that any questionable point —— is detained the sequela of causing in Spirit World for a long time? 阿加莎仍然微微皱着眉,脸上露出若有所思的表情,不知为何,她总觉得自己好像忽略了什么东西,可仔细想起的时候却没发现任何疑点——是在灵界长时间滞留导致的后遗症吗? She shakes the head, puts out a hand to put out the oneself commonly used eye drops from the coat pocket, but after the moment, hesitated to receive it. 她摇了摇头,伸手从外套口袋里拿出了自己常用的眼药水,但片刻后又迟疑着把它收了起来。 The eyeball uncomfortableness, oneself has not returned to Reality , before has probably used the liquid medicines. 眼球并没有不适感,好像自己回归现实之前已经用过药水了。 What has not happened,” she said to the subordinate, „the strangeness that just that several heresies present, spent a time slightly interrogation.” “什么也没发生,”她对部下说道,“只不过那几个异端出现的诡异,稍微多花了点时间‘审讯’。” Pitifully anything has not only interrogated —— these heresies to be really stubborn and frantic, the pure death is not even able to shake their stubborn hearts. 只可惜什么都没审讯出来——那些异端实在顽固又狂热,单纯的死亡甚至都无法撼动他们那死硬的心。 What...... did oneself neglect? 可是……自己到底忽略了什么呢? The Agatha heart exudes the indistinct doubts again, before the subordinate, her anything has not displayed. 阿加莎心底再度泛起隐隐约约的疑惑,不过在部下面前,她什么都没表现出来。 „Can we then return to Cathedral?” A black clothes guards in side asks. “我们接下来要返回大教堂吗?”一名黑衣守卫在旁边问道。 Returns to Cathedral,” Agatha nods, must immediately organize the manpower to launch under the search work of facility to the entire city territory, the situation possibly compared with serious that we imagine.” “返回大教堂,”阿加莎点了点头,“必须立即组织人手展开对全城所有地下设施的搜索工作,情况可能比我们想象的严重。” ...... …… The time close to the dusk, the edge of Sun the gradual approach sea horizon, that magnificent dual rune ring is dissipating the sublime brilliance near the sea level, the City-State building of distant place was gradually contaminated by the setting sun, the entire city presented as if must in the sense of reality in the sunset glow gradually melting. 时间临近黄昏,太阳的边缘正渐渐接近海平线,那辉煌的双重符文圆环在海面附近逸散着壮美的光辉,远处的城邦建筑被夕阳逐渐浸染,整座城市都呈现出了仿佛要在晚霞中逐渐融化的质感。 Duncan stands before two corridor end narrow windows, the tall and strong body almost covers all rays that out of the window sprinkled, in slit that the bandage is intertwined, he calmly is gazing at the distant setting sun afterglow, seems falling into the thinking. 邓肯站在二层走廊尽头的窄窗前,魁梧的身躯几乎遮挡了窗外洒进来的所有光线,在绷带交缠的缝隙中,他静静注视着远方夕阳的余晖,似乎正陷入思索。 The sound of footsteps of dog dog calamity calamity transmits from side, Duncan has not turned head, then has known what is. 狗狗祟祟的脚步声从旁边传来,邓肯没有回头,便已经知道走过来的是谁。 „Did work finish?” He spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. “作业都写完了?”他随口问了一句。 Just opened the door to prepare to slide to go to the kitchen to look for between -meal snack Shirley to first floor to startle to stop immediately all of a sudden, in nearby shadow emitted the head that Doggy trembled, the latter lowered the sound to mutter: I said that will definitely be discovered......” 刚打开房门准备溜到一楼去厨房里找零食的雪莉顿时激灵一下子停了下来,旁边的阴影中则冒出阿狗瑟瑟发抖的脑袋,后者压低声音咕哝着:“我就说肯定会被发现吧……” I...... I answered mouth mathematics problem,” Shirley disregarded the behavior of Doggy belated action, but shrank the head to look cautiously in the window like iron tower dignified Duncan, „was also left over a new word, but belly hungry......” “我……我把口算题卡答完了,”雪莉无视了阿狗马后炮的行为,只是缩着脑袋小心翼翼地看着在窗口如铁塔般威严的邓肯,“还剩下一遍生词,但是肚子饿了……” Duncan listened to the full anxiety and suffering from girl's tone, this made him somewhat not know whether to laugh or cry has turned the head to look at Shirley one: I had said couldn't finish the homework not to permit to eat the thing?” 邓肯从女孩的语气中听出了十足的紧张与委屈,这让他有些哭笑不得地转过头看了雪莉一眼:“我有说过写不完作业不准吃东西吗?” Shirley shrank the neck, does not dare to say. 雪莉缩了缩脖子,也没敢接话。 Duncan sighed, has turned around with a smile, pressed on the Shirley head. 邓肯叹了口气,笑着转过身,在雪莉脑袋上按了按。 Doesn't like studying very much?” He said reluctantly, you seemed like look like simply receive bullied.” “很不喜欢学习?”他无奈地说道,“你看上去简直像受了欺负似的。” I...... I read get sleepy......” Shirley to say nervous, her also some too do not adapt with Duncan this body talk now, that bandage and gloomy black clothes even also wanted in her opinion scary compared with usually on Captain in Vanished, I...... I went to the room to do the homework!” “我……我一看书就犯困……”雪莉紧张兮兮地说着,她还有些不太适应跟邓肯如今这幅躯体交谈,那一身绷带和阴沉的黑衣在她看来甚至比平时在失乡号上的船长还要吓人一点,“我……我回房间写作业!” Duncan held down gently the shoulder of Shirley, the latter turns around to return to the movement of room to be broken instantaneously. 邓肯轻轻按住了雪莉的肩膀,后者转身回屋的动作被瞬间打断。 Tired on a rest meeting,” Duncan shakes the head, do not study because of frightened.” “累了就休息一会吧,”邓肯摇摇头,“不要因为恐惧而学习。” Shirley somewhat looked at Duncan one inconceivable, but then nods fast, as if for fear that Captain reneges on a promise general. 雪莉有些不可思议地看了邓肯一眼,但紧接着便飞快点头,仿佛生怕船长反悔一般。 Also several seconds later, she looks at Duncan carefully, cannot bear ask: Why you must make me study to be literate...... I...... I not to need to gain admission to the university with Nina same, not possible to be what scholar like Mr. Morris......” 又过了几秒钟,她小心地看着邓肯,忍不住问道:“您为什么一定要让我读书识字啊……我……我又不用跟妮娜一样考大学,也不可能像莫里斯先生一样当什么学者……” Duncan hears this question from the Shirley mouth for the first time, but is very obvious, this issue has occupied in her head does not know how long —— this has not gone to school from infancy to maturity, the orphan girl but who is bound by a common destiny with Nether Hound cannot understand the Captain intention obviously. 邓肯第一次从雪莉口中听到这疑问,但很显然,这问题已经在她脑袋里盘踞了不知道多长时间——这个从小到大都没上过学,只是跟一只幽邃猎犬相依为命的孤女显然并不能理解船长的用心。 Because the knowledge is useful,” Duncan silent a meeting, looks at Shirley to say very much earnestly, these make you conflict and headache knowledge, haunched revolution —— of entire civilized world to look at the vehicle that on outside street went, machine that in the factory thundered, outside City-State boundless sea, how you did not have these things to revolve curiously? What appearance without curious City-State of distant place is?” “因为知识是有用的,”邓肯沉默了一会,才很认真地看着雪莉说道,“那些让你抵触和头疼的知识,撑起了整个文明世界的运转——看着外面街道上行驶的车子,工厂里轰鸣的机器,还有城邦外面无边的大海,你没有好奇过那些东西是如何运转的吗?没有好奇过远方的城邦是什么模样?” Shirley thinks, she as if knows right key is anything, but somewhat shakes the head finally hesitant: No, I...... I have thought can fill the belly enough, has not thought so many.” 雪莉想了想,她似乎知道“正确答案”是什么,但最后还是有些犹豫地摇摇头:“没有,我……我一直觉得能填饱肚子就够了,没想那么多。” But you not only needs to fill the belly now, Shirley,” Duncan bends the waist, looks at the eyes of opposite party earnestly, perhaps you now are not clear, but I want to enable your life more complete —— you once to miss the lots, but since you now are Vanished crew, these miss, will certainly be made up.” “但伱现在不只需要填饱肚子了,雪莉,”邓肯弯下腰,认真看着对方的眼睛,“或许你现在还不明白,但我想让你的人生能更完整一点——你曾错过了很多东西,但既然你现在已经是失乡号一员,那些错过的,就一定会被弥补回来。” Shirley looks at Duncan, she some not too clear Captain was actually still saying anything, may from the opposite party that earnest and serious tone, she detected some probably indistinctly...... the temperature. 雪莉愣愣地看着邓肯,她其实仍有些不太明白船长在说什么,可从对方那认真又严肃的语气中,她好像还是隐约察觉了一些……温度。 This temperature is a little vaguely familiar. 这种温度依稀有点熟悉。 Therefore she does not fully understand nods, makes some sounds of elongation: „......” 于是她半懂不懂地点了点头,发出有些拉长的声音:“哦……” Very good,” Duncan smiled, slowly is straight the body, „, since you understood, waits to get down to eat a thing following continuing the work, I......” “很好,”邓肯笑了起来,慢慢直起身子,“既然你明白了,等会下去吃点东西就继续写作业吧,我……” He stopped suddenly. 他突然停了下来。 Shirley is shrinking the neck to wait for the following guidance, at this time somewhat lifted the head regrettably: „? You how?” 雪莉正在缩着脖子等着接下来的教导,这时候有些遗憾地抬起了头:“啊?您怎么了?” Duncan has not replied her, but beckons with the hand gently, but his vision has actually gone to distant place —— seems like opposite of looking at the corridor, but in his eyeground deep place, as if shines upon some remote place is actually wiping the light shadow. 邓肯没有回答她,只是轻轻地摆了摆手,而他的目光却已经投向远处——看上去是在看着走廊对面,但在他的眼底深处,却仿佛正映照出某个非常遥远之处的一抹光影。 He blinks, in an eye is shining upon the corridor and roof of this house, another eye actually as if saw the ship that is burning the spooky green flame, is pacing back and forth between the dense fog and shadow. 他眨了眨眼,一只眼睛中映照着这座房屋的走廊与屋顶,另一只眼睛却仿佛看到一艘燃烧着幽幽绿焰的船,正在迷雾与阴影间徘徊。 The Cold Frost open sea, in Vanished Captain that in the boundless sea walks back and forth slowly, Duncan raised the head from the sea chart table suddenly. 寒霜外海,正在茫茫大海上缓慢逡巡的失乡号船长室内,邓肯突然从海图桌旁抬起头来。 His sudden movement let Goat Head of table edge immediately some response, the latter has transferred the neck: „, Captain, what do you have to tell? Prepared with the dinner? Although on the ship does not have now every available, but I am still willing to provide to dine within the ability the service for you, what do you want to eat? We can first start from the south cuisine, explode the tied ham pork chops fish and chips cake to explode the meatball to roast the bird's egg to steam the bird's egg to boil the bird's egg to simmer the bird's egg salt bird's egg to smoke the bird's egg......” 他的突然动作让桌子边缘的山羊头立刻有了反应,后者吱吱嘎嘎地转过脖子:“啊,船长,您有什么吩咐?是准备用晚餐了吗?虽然现在船上没有人手可用,但我仍愿在力所能及的范围内为您提供用餐服务,您想吃点什么?我们可以先从南方菜系开始,炸肉卷炸猪排炸鱼饼炸肉丸烤鸟蛋蒸鸟蛋煮鸟蛋煨鸟蛋腌鸟蛋熏鸟蛋……” Shut up, I raise the head to not listen to you report the name,” Duncan stared this boisterous Goat Head one, in the expression brings a dignity, he raised the head, looked to out of the window —— of Room Captain is the Cold Frost City-State direction, opened the mouth looking pensive, White Oak?” “闭嘴,我抬头不是为了听你报菜名的,”邓肯瞪了这聒噪的山羊头一眼,表情中却带着一丝凝重,他抬起头,看向船长的窗外——那是寒霜城邦的方向,若有所思地开口,“白橡木号?” White Oak?” Goat Head gawked, responded, „, what you said was that steam driven vessel, that Alice rode before? Do you remember it suddenly? Is wants to retrieve that spoils of war? I can provide the sailor on one set of incorporation plan —— ship you to plan to exchange for you? That Captain should be able to remain......” 白橡木号?”山羊头愣了一下,紧接着反应过来,“啊,您说的是那艘蒸汽船,爱丽丝之前乘坐的那艘?您怎么突然想起它来?是想要寻回那件战利品?我可以为您提供一整套的收编方案——船上的水手您打算换新的吗?那个船长应该可以留……” It in the ,” what Duncan simply has not cared about Goat Head to be verbose, he stood from the table slowly, is saying while knits the brows slightly, relation that the careful sensation that weak is actually genuine, near...... Cold Frost?” “它在附近,”邓肯根本没有在意山羊头在絮絮叨叨什么,他只是慢慢从桌子后面站了起来,一边说着一边微微皱眉,仔细感知着那股微弱却切实存在的联系,“在……寒霜附近?” White oak near Cold Frost?” Goat Head stopped finally verbosely, in the tone brings with astonishment, is impossible...... Cold Frost not to block now? Moreover the Tyrian fleet is still stopping up in the route, the external ships approach, can he report with you?” “白橡木在寒霜附近?”山羊头终于停止了絮叨,语气中带着惊愕,“不可能吧……寒霜现在不是封锁着么?而且提瑞安的舰队还在航线上堵着呢,有一艘外来船只靠近,他不可能不跟您汇报吧?” „...... The situation is not quite right, I truly felt that existence of White Oak,” Duncan said looking pensive, „, but its position...... fuzzy, moreover as if has been changing......” “……情况不太对,我确实感觉到了白橡木号的存在,”邓肯若有所思地说道,“但它的位置……模模糊糊,而且似乎一直在变化……” He narrows the eye, the vision looks at the Cold Frost City-State direction, the attempt determined that suddenly in the aura that in the oneself sensation is intense in what position. 他眯起眼睛,目光看着寒霜城邦的方向,尝试去确定那股突然在自己感知中强烈起来的气息到底在什么方位。 The White Oak aura is sudden, moreover is in a short time intense, seemed in the darkness to shine one group of flame suddenly, attracted his attention, this feeling...... had never appeared previously. 白橡木号的气息是突然出现的,而且在短时间内便强烈起来,就好像黑暗中突然亮起了一团火焰,吸引了他的视线,这种感觉……此前从未出现过。 Moreover does not know is the misconception, Duncan also felt that the aura of that ship experienced several big fluctuations, the lights that...... flickers probably are common. 而且不知是不是错觉,邓肯还感觉到那艘船的气息出现了好几次大的起伏波动,就好像……忽明忽暗的灯火一般。 In the thinking, he lowers the head, looks at the Goat Head woodcarving on table: „Do you know what's the matter?” 思索中,他低下头,看着桌子上的山羊头木雕:“你知道是怎么回事吗?” Goat Head thinks, shakes the head: Or I give you to report a name......” 山羊头想了想,晃晃脑袋:“要不我还是给您报个菜名吧……” Critical moment cannot apply.” Duncan pulled the corners of the mouth, sets out to bypass the navigation table, takes a step to move toward outside Captain. “关键时刻派不上用场。”邓肯扯了扯嘴角,起身绕过航海桌,迈步走向船长室外。 ( Pushes the book time, the story that book title «Crossing over Big Alliance», the technology class video blogger of hard core passes through, looked that he starts to establish the amphi-position surface organization from zero: The story of crossing over big alliance, everyone can support.) (推书时间到,书名《穿越者大联盟》,硬核的技术类视频博主穿越的故事,看他从零开始建立跨位面的组织:穿越者大联盟的故事,大家可以去支持一下。)
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