DSE :: Volume #4

#386: Returns to Reality?

White Oak stopped in the sea level, that such as the shadow with it is also stopped by Black Oak that” the thick fog covered generally together, in the latter dim ship shadow indistinctly, seems concealing an invitation. 白橡木号在海面上停了下来,那如影子一般被浓雾笼罩的“黑橡木号”也与它一同停了下来,在后者影影绰绰的朦胧舰影中,仿佛暗藏着一个邀请。 Lawrence is looking at that ship, seems somewhat hesitant. 劳伦斯望着那艘船,显得有些犹豫。 „Do we...... want to send people to have a look?” The first mate Gosse's voice conveys from side, awakens from the ponder Lawrence. “我们……要派人上去看看吗?”大副格斯的声音从旁边传来,将劳伦斯从沉思中唤醒。 Lawrence has turned the head, looks that the side has followed a oneself repeated difficulties 20-30 years of first mate: „...... You also recognized it, right?” 劳伦斯转过头,看着身旁已经跟着自己风风雨雨20-30年的大副:“……你也认出它了,对吗?” „...... We see it for the last time, near Cold Frost,” first mate is looking at the sea level of not far away, the tone seems quite complex, just like Lawrence, he at this moment still the burnt green flame is wrapping, the body presents the illusory stance like Ghost Spirit, so many years, several of us former subordinates know that your situation, actually no one dares to raise this matter......” “……我们最后一次见到它,也是在寒霜附近,”大副望着不远处的海面,语气显得颇为复杂,与劳伦斯一样,他此刻也仍然被燃烧的绿焰包裹着,身体如幽灵般呈现出虚幻的姿态,“这么多年了,我们几个老部下都知道您的情况,却没人敢提这件事情……” Lawrence silent moment, suddenly opens the mouth in a soft voice: Still remembered some time ago, you noticed that a person's shadow did stand in the deck talks with me?” 劳伦斯沉默了片刻,突然轻声开口:“还记得不久前,你看到一个人影站在甲板上与我交谈吗?” The first mate is startled slightly, immediately responds: At that time that was......” 大副微微一怔,立刻反应过来:“当时那是……” Was Martha —— in the past in so many years, only then my oneself can see Martha,” the Lawrence voice was low and deep, the words that he said made the first mate stare in a big way the eye gradually, these days, I saw her on the ship more than once, when that Dagger Island on explored also heard her voice...... I to think, this is because illusion in this strange sea area in enlarging my mind, but looks like the situation is not simple now.” “是玛莎——过去那么多年里,只有我自己能看到的‘玛莎’,”劳伦斯嗓音低沉,他所说出的话却让大副渐渐瞪大了眼睛,“这段时间里,我在船上见到她不止一次,在那座‘匕首岛’上探索的时候也听到了她的声音……我一直以为,这是因为这片诡异海域在放大我脑海中的幻觉,但现在看来情况并没有那么简单。” The first mate has turned the head slowly, looks to cover in the fog, remains silent with deathly stillness Black Oak, crossed broke for a long time silent: This is not the illusion, it here.” 大副慢慢转过头,看着笼罩在雾中,保持着缄默与死寂的黑橡木号,过了许久才打破沉默:“这不是幻觉,它就在这里。” Lawrence is sipping the lip, seems lost in thought that several seconds later latter will open the mouth suddenly: Makes the signal, looked that it has anything to respond.” 劳伦斯抿着嘴唇,仿佛陷入沉思,过了几秒钟后才突然开口:“打出信号,看它有什么反应。” The first mate nods immediately: Yes, Captain.” 大副立刻点头:“是,船长。” A moment later, one group of lights on White Oak broad side shone. 片刻之后,白橡木号船舷上的一组灯光亮了起来。 Still maintained the Ghost Spirit condition crew to rotate the back plate before searchlight, Ghost Ship made a series of orderly flash to that close black. 仍然保持着幽灵化状态的船员转动着探照灯前的挡板,向那艘近在咫尺的黑色“幽灵船”打出了一连串有规律的闪光。 Lawrence stands on the bridge, is staring at that black Ghost Ship direction stubbornly, he waits for that ship to give some type to respond to —— actually as if to fear is seeing it to give any response. 劳伦斯站在舰桥上,死死盯着那艘黑色幽灵船的方向,他等待着那艘船给出某种回应——却又仿佛惧怕着看到它给出任何回应。 Martha...... you in that......” 玛莎……你在那吗……” The intense feeling made him hold arm rest subconsciously, simultaneously as if thought aloud is whispering in a soft voice. 紧张感让他下意识地抓住了身旁的扶手,同时仿佛自言自语般轻声嘀咕着。 The next second, in that heavy/thick black mist, in the Black Oak deck presented a rocking luminous spot, the luminous spot after shining for several seconds extinguished, later shines, repeats three. 下一秒,在那片厚重的黑色雾气中,黑橡木号的甲板上出现了一个晃动的光点,光点在亮了几秒钟后熄灭,随后又亮起来,重复三遍。 „...... It responded,” first mate has turned the head, the look somewhat looks at own Captain complex, you can first wait for here, I send several sailors first to come up to have a look at the situation.” “……它回应了,”大副转过头,神色有些复杂地看着自己的船长,“您可以先在这里等待,我派几个水手先上去看看情况。” No, I go personally,” Lawrence actually beckons with the hand, in expression that is gradually tranquil, he has made the decision obviously, „, if this is really because of some phenomenon that my mind gradually loses control to trigger, making other sailors go to that ship definitely is very dangerous...... this matter to need me rashly to face, only then I can solve personally.” “不,我亲自去,”劳伦斯却摆了摆手,在逐渐平静下来的表情中,他显然已经作出决定,“如果这真是因我的心智逐渐失控而引发的某种现象,让其他水手贸然前往那艘船肯定会很危险……这件事需要我去面对,也只有我能亲自解决。” The first mate also wants to say anything obviously, however in front of set firm resolve Captain, he can only dissuading finally the words swallow back: I understood.” 大副显然还想说些什么,然而在已经下定决心的船长面前,他最后还是只能把劝阻的话都咽回去:“我明白了。” Lawrence nods gently: Helps me prepare, inspection lamp, rope, weapon, ammunition, in addition has......” 劳伦斯轻轻点了点头:“去帮我准备一下吧,提灯,绳索,武器,弹药,另外还有……” He stopped suddenly, the vision looks to the bridge of side not far away. 他突然停了下来,目光望向旁边不远处的驾驶台。 Withered, puts on the dry corpse of Old Age seaman overalls there to move toward side cautiously, bit by bit, it acts as a cover taking advantage of the shadow of bridge, avoids bringing to the attention of others diligently, at this time had moved to that hangman's rope by quickly. 一具干瘪的、穿着旧时代海员罩衫的干尸正在那里小心翼翼地、一点一点地朝着旁边挪动,它借着驾驶台的阴影作掩护,努力避免引起其他人的注意,这时候已经快挪到那根绞索旁边了。 Lawrence thinks: I take it —— unable to put out of control Anomaly to keep on White Oak, moreover its condition is not right.” 劳伦斯想了想:“我带上它吧——不能放着一个已经失控的异常留在白橡木号上,而且它的状态太不对劲了。” Anomaly 077 stopped instantaneously. 异常077瞬间停了下来。 ...... …… At the same time, in the Cold Frost city, sewage treatment center near No. 4 graveyard, the black clothes guards were still guarding various crossroads vigilantly, another two soldiers nurse that unlucky manager —— latter to sit down exhausted specially by a sewage tank pipeline, is pale, the body still somewhat trembled, but is answering Guardian each issue diligently. 同一时间,寒霜城内,四号墓园附近的污水处理中心,黑衣守卫们仍然警惕地把守着各处路口,另有两名战士专门看护着那位倒霉的管理员——后者瘫坐在污水沉淀池旁边的一根管道旁,脸色苍白,身体仍有些发抖,但还是努力回答着守卫者们的每一个问题。 I do not know, I really do not know where...... I obtain the average person who......” the scene only saves, the entire sewage treatment center only living human, the middle-aged manager of being balding scratches the cold sweat of forehead unceasingly, in the complexion fear is mixing with intensely, here, these person of I have known well a day, they seemingly never had what not right place incessantly......” “我不知道,我真不知道……我哪分得出来……”现场仅存的普通人,整个污水处理中心唯一活着的“人类”,谢顶的中年管理员不断擦着额头的冷汗,脸色恐惧中夹杂着紧张,“这里一直都好好的,那些人我都认识不止一天了,他们看上去从来没什么不对劲的地方……” Relaxes, you is only an average person, was hoodwinked by transcendent strength is very normal matter,” the black clothes guard who is responsible for questioning has to comfort by the manager of being scared, simultaneously looks up once for a while to sedimentation pond that stretch of open area, Gatekeeper will solve these anomaly —— Ms. Agatha to come back quickly.” “放松些,伱只是个普通人,被超凡力量蒙蔽是很正常的事情,”负责问话的黑衣守卫不得不安抚着被吓破了胆的管理员,同时又时不时抬头看向沉淀池旁的那片空地,“守门人会解决那些怪胎——阿加莎女士很快就会回来的。” The manager looked up a that stretch of open area subconsciously , that fearful as if invaded his mind —— three Pastor Church suddenly to turn into the strange face some time ago, fearsome Nether Demon from air present, more than ten processing station staff turned into the human form monster of distortion, guarded the eruption fierce battle with the black clothes...... 管理员下意识抬头看了一眼那片空地,紧接着,不久前那可怕的一幕仿佛又入侵了他的头脑——三名“教会牧师”突然变成了陌生的面孔,可怖的幽邃恶魔从空气中现行,十几名处理中心员工变成了扭曲的人形怪物,与黑衣守卫爆发激烈战斗…… This unlucky supervisor the whole body trembled immediately, hurries to close the eye, but closed the darkness that the eye brought to let initiate the new fear, he opened eyes, on the face the lingering fear has not disappeared. 这倒霉的管理人顿时浑身一哆嗦,赶紧闭上了眼睛,但闭上眼睛带来的黑暗又让引发了新的恐惧,他睁开眼,脸上余悸未消。 Noticed this in nearby black clothes guard, actually can only cast the vision that sympathized with. 在旁边的黑衣守卫注意到了这一幕,却只能投来同情的目光。 In has changed to the sewage treatment center of anomaly lair to pass such a long time completely ignorant, the side is the savage believer of ambush and had been replaced sham anomaly —— that is revealed by the element seriously suddenly, he is frightened the lunatic to be the psychological quality to be extremely good. 在已经化作怪胎巢穴的污水处理中心茫然无知地度过了这么长时间,身边全是潜伏的凶残教徒和已经被原素替换掉的赝品怪胎——当真相突然被揭示的时候,他没有被吓成疯子已经属于心理素质极佳了。 The staff who these change to the sham is very possible to be replaced one by one, but now this supervisor obviously is remaining last, if not Guardian dashes here suddenly, perhaps the fate of this supervisor was also replaced as next sham —— his oneself also to think of this point obviously, this lingering fear is indescribable. 那些化作赝品的员工很可能是被逐一替换的,而现在这名管理人显然是剩下的最后一个,如果不是守卫者们突然撞破这里,这名管理人的下场恐怕也是被替换为下一个“赝品”——自己显然也能想到这一点,这种后怕是难以言喻的。 The event after here ended, perhaps this supervisor is unable to return to the sewage treatment center to work again —— let alone to work, he probably needs the long-term psychological treatment to return to the normal life, but this was not the matter that Guardian must consider. 在这里的事件结束之后,这名管理人恐怕再也无法回到污水处理中心工作了——别说工作,他可能需要长时间的心理治疗才能回到正常的生活,但这就不是守卫者们要考虑的事情了。 Guardian were worried at this moment oneself boss the great strength of situation —— Gatekeeper Agatha is without a doubt, three common annihilation Priest add on the sham anomaly that more than ten can only be counted the cannon fodder again possibly is not that lady's opponent, but...... she has not come back now. 守卫者们此刻更担心自己上司的情况——守门人阿加莎的强大是毋庸置疑的,三个寻常的湮灭神官再加上十几个只能算作炮灰的赝品怪胎不可能是那位女士的对手,但现在……她还没有回来。 Also after a while, under the supervisor be at alarmed and afraid unease also noticed the tension-filled dignified atmosphere continually, he looked up periphery was being at the alert posture black clothes guards, after hesitant moment, could not bear say: „...... That side Gatekeeper is all right?” 又过了一会,连处于惊惧不安状态下的管理人也注意到了现场的紧张凝重气氛,他抬起头看了周围正处于警戒状态的黑衣守卫们一眼,犹豫了片刻后忍不住开口说道:“请问……守门人那边没事吧?” Ms. Agatha in Spirit World, she worried that the fight between Transcendent can affect your average person —— as well as destroys here sewage treatment equipment,” a female black clothes guards the sinking sound saying that her calm voice has the relieved strength, felt relieved that no heresy can defeat Bartok Gatekeeper in Spirit World, she should continue to investigate the clue, therefore returns delayed.” 阿加莎女士在灵界,她担心超凡者之间的战斗会波及到你这个普通人——以及破坏这里的污水处理设备,”一名女性黑衣守卫沉声说道,她沉稳的嗓音带着让人安心的力量,“放心吧,没有哪个异端能在灵界战胜巴托克守门人,她应该是在继续调查线索,所以返回的时候耽搁了。” The supervisors hurry to nod: Good...... good......” 管理人赶紧点点头:“好……好的……” But in the next second, gloomy and cold wind has blown the factory district suddenly, the black clothes of several guard crossroads guarded look as if by prior agreement to sedimentation pond nearby open area. 而就在下一秒,一阵阴冷的风突然吹过厂区,几名看守路口的黑衣守卫不约而同地看向了沉淀池附近的空地。 Female Guardian that opened the mouth a moment ago relaxes immediately, on the face showed a smile: „, Ms. Agatha has solved the trouble evidently.” 刚才开口的女性守卫者顿时松了口气,脸上露出一丝笑容:“啊,看样子阿加莎女士已经解决掉麻烦了。” As this Guardian voice falls, by the sedimentation pond open area suddenly presented —— one after another to be similar another single layer space to connect with the Real Dimension reconstruction, the dim illusory shadow appeared in the air one after another, but in the short several breath, these shadows congealed for the entity rapidly, fell in the dirty ground. 随着这位守卫者话音落下,沉淀池旁的空地上突然出现了一个接一个的——就仿佛另一重空间正与现实维度重建连接,朦胧虚幻的影子接二连三地出现在了空气中,而在短短几个呼吸内,那些影子又迅速凝为实体,掉落在肮脏的地面上。 That is more than ten already the sham anomaly that changes to the human form mud, as well as three Annihilationists ice-cold incomplete corpses. 那是十几个已经化作人形泥浆的赝品怪胎,以及三个湮灭教徒冰冷残缺的尸体。 „” The melting of corpse of sham anomaly rapid after landing, changes the dry mud that will not wriggle, the body of Annihilationists returns to Real World is then starting to burn instantaneously, within seconds by the black flame was then changed to piles of hard cokes, but has not restored the entity then to dissipate with Nether Demon that they co-exist with enough time in the air. 赝品怪胎的尸体在落地之后迅速“融化”,化作再也不会蠕动的干涸泥浆,湮灭教徒的躯体则在回到现实世界的瞬间便开始燃烧,几秒钟内便被黑色火焰化作一堆堆焦炭,而与他们共生的幽邃恶魔更是没来得及恢复实体便消散在空气中。 The supervisor of sewage treatment center looks at this ultra Reality one dumbfoundedly, even forgot suddenly frightened sentiment in oneself heart, but, he noticed that iron grey tornado appears in the air-to-surface center, in that tornado as if there is mist and dust thick fog surges, suddenly, then wears the black coat and hand to hold the form of cane to condense from the grey wind, takes a step. 污水处理中心的管理人目瞪口呆地看着这超现实的一幕,甚至一时间都忘记了自己心中的恐惧之情,而紧接着,他又看到一股灰白色的旋风出现在空地中央,那旋风中仿佛有烟尘浓雾翻腾,眨眼间,便有一个身穿黑色外套、手执手杖的身影从灰风中凝聚出来,迈步而出。 Twines Agatha of bandage to raise the head, looks at present familiar Real Dimension, as well as periphery as if somewhat tense subordinates. 身上缠绕着绷带的阿加莎抬起头,看着眼前熟悉的现实维度,以及周围似乎有些紧张的部下们。 Problem solve.” She nods to the subordinates gently, the voice is low and deep, has the relieved magnetism, as always. “问题解决了。”她对部下们轻轻点头,嗓音低沉,带着令人安心的磁性,一如既往。
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