DSE :: Volume #4

#385: The fight ended

Covers the shadow in darkness, one seems the battleship that is pieced together by the mist and dust, thick fog and various types of wreckage becomes, is accompanying the line with White Oak, approaches the petrel number that to start in the ship shadow outline that charge —— that thick fog covers toward the distant place also to be possible unceasingly to see it and White Oak vaguely is the common origin similarity. 一个笼罩在黑暗中的影子,一艘仿佛是由烟尘、浓雾与各种残骸拼凑而成的战舰,正在与白橡木号相伴而行,向着远方不断靠近的海燕号发动冲锋——那浓雾笼罩的舰影轮廓中依稀还可看出它与白橡木号系出同源的相似之处。 It and in memory was not quite same, but Lawrence still recognized its —— immediately, even if it now looks like broken, distortion, strange, 它和记忆中的不太一样了,但劳伦斯仍然在第一时间认出了它——哪怕它如今看上去显得残破,扭曲,怪异, Still actually such as in the dream met each time is touching his memory generally. 却仍如每次梦中相见一般触动着他的记忆。 That is Black Oak, when it there, like in the memory leaves port for the last time together such, with White Oak accompanying, but navigation. 那是黑橡木号,它就在那里,就像记忆中最后一次共同出港时那样,和白橡木号相伴而航。 Resonant whistle transmits suddenly stunned, broke old Captain at this moment with indulging in flights of fancy, whistle from that illusory image ships, 一阵嘹亮的汽笛声突然传来,打断了老船长此刻的错愕与胡思乱想,汽笛声来自那艘幻影般的舰船, As if to remind Lawrence, at this moment is not in a daze. 仿佛是为了提醒劳伦斯,此刻并不是发呆的时候。 The shell of howling crashes from the sky, 呼啸的炮弹自天空坠落, Bombing from petrel number not to stop, 来自海燕号的炮击一刻不停, Lawrence turns head suddenly, sees one group of fireball hits in the White Oak bow. 劳伦斯猛然回过头来,看到一团火球撞击在白橡木号舰首。 The flame soars there, 火焰在那里腾空而起, Also in a flash on green flame assimilation by ship and absorption of flaming combustion, part of bow was ripped the fragment, 又在转瞬间被船上熊熊燃烧的绿焰同化、吸收,舰首的一部分被撕成了碎片, The metal of burning hot scatters in all directions to crack the —— however next second, 炙热的金属四散崩裂——然而下一秒, These broken structures then such as the time flow backwards start to restore generally, 那些残破的结构便如时光倒流一般开始恢复, And in the green flame ascends restores such as beginning. 并在绿焰升腾中恢复如初。 Lawrence felt that had anything outflow, is reducing from his sensation like the physical strength and life, but that outflow some quick then obtained the supplement from the spirit body roaring flame of flaming combustion in all directions, but, the self-defense artillery of White Oak bow and side side then shouted, 劳伦斯感觉到有什么东西“流失”了,就像体力与生命正在从他的“感知”中削减,但那流失的部分很快便从四面八方熊熊燃烧的灵体烈焰中得到了补充,而紧接着,白橡木号舰首和侧舷的自卫火炮便嘶吼起来, Shells such as violent anger resentful soul, when runs out of the barrel to send out to make the wailing that one is afraid, has delimited quiet green light classes in the air. 一枚枚炮弹如暴怒的怨魂,在冲出炮膛的时候发出令人不寒而栗的尖啸,在空气中划过一道道幽绿的光流。 Almost same instantaneous, 几乎同一瞬间, Nearby Black Oak also starts to attack —— to thunder along with the artillery, in the black thick fog of that ascension erupts the flash one after another, 旁边的“黑橡木号”也开始进攻——伴随着火炮轰鸣,那片升腾的黑色浓雾中接二连三地爆发出闪光, Illusory such as the shadow shell flushed from the thick fog, falls to the direction of distant enemy warship. 一枚枚虚幻如影的炮弹从浓雾中冲了出来,坠向远方敌舰的方向。 Lawrence both hands are gripping tightly the steering wheel, is feeling under foot ship, in artilleries thunder powerful trembling that transmits, he thought that the own sensation is further spreading, the sea water that even surges following the shells and following periphery of these flights, filled on the trim sea area, but in his sensation edge, bonfire of Haiyan on such as curtain of night, is sending out to intensely somewhat dazzling...... sense of existence. 劳伦斯双手紧握着舵轮,感受着脚下这艘船在一次次火炮轰鸣中传来的有力震颤,他觉得自己的感知在进一步蔓延,甚至顺着那些飞行的炮弹、顺着周围涌动的海水,弥漫到了整片海域上,而在他的感知边缘,“海燕号”就如夜幕中的篝火,散发着强烈到有些刺眼的……存在感 Before soon, then regarding White Oak is a desperate opponent, however this moment Lawrence actually only felt that prey is so tasty...... delicious. 在不久之前,那对于白橡木号而言还是一个令人绝望的对手,然而此刻劳伦斯却只感觉那猎物是如此鲜美……可口。 A moment later, the counterattack fire that White Oak sends out fell in the petrel number finally for the first time earnestly, along with the huge explosion and flame, that strange warship like gnawed to nip to be gouged one by any invisible huge mouth ruthlessly baseless, in huge scar that was swallowed, impressively obviously structure of that ship internal strange distortion. 片刻之后,白橡木号发出的还击炮火终于第一次切切实实地落在了海燕号上,伴随着巨大的爆炸与火焰,那艘诡异的军舰就像被什么无形巨口狠狠地啃咬般凭空被“剜掉”了一块,在被吞噬掉的巨大伤痕中,赫然可见那艘船内部诡异扭曲的结构。 The attack is fruitful, but this is far from enough. 攻击卓有成效,但这远远不够。 Full speed,” Lawrence gripped tightly the steering wheel, the eyes is staring at that stubbornly still the hostile ships that approached unceasingly, he has known that oneself should make what —— or “全速,”劳伦斯紧握舵轮,双眼死死盯着那艘仍然在不断靠近的敌对舰船,他已经知道自己该做什么——或者说, White Oak this moment need anything, we need to supplement.” 白橡木号此刻需要什么,“我们需要补充。” The first mate Gosse's voice resounds on the bridge: Yes, full speed!” 大副格斯的声音在舰桥上响起:“是,全速!” The steam core further sends out to shout, White Oak of high-speed navigation had further raised the limit the speed, started such as petrel number —— Black Oak of fast falcon pouncing on distant place still like the inverted image in the side partner navigation, is always maintaining the similar speed, similar direction. 蒸汽核心进一步发出嘶吼,本已高速航行的白橡木号进一步将速度提升到了极限,开始如迅捷的猎鹰般猛扑向远方的海燕号——黑橡木号仍如倒影般在旁边伴航,始终维持着同样的速度,同样的航向。 But the petrel number of distant place has not changed the sign that the direction or the deceleration avoid slightly, that from makes an appearance the ships that launches fiercely attacks blindly like a not sane out of control beast of prey, even after White Oak happened the momentous change and war change over to are disadvantageous, it faithfully is also always carrying out oneself goal from the beginning: Attacks to the enemy. 而远方的海燕号也丝毫没有改变航向或减速回避的迹象,那艘从一露面就展开盲目猛攻的舰船就像一头没有理智的失控猛兽,哪怕在白橡木号发生巨大变化、自身战局转入不利之后,它也始终在忠实地执行着自己一开始的目标:向敌人进攻。 Two ships, was covered by the Dark Green Flames package, is proliferating the distortion dark strange structure, simultaneously started the full speed charge —— grating and scary whistle toward the opposite party almost tears the sky, two ship more and more intensive fires thunder to shake the trim sea, among them the distance is getting more and more near, almost completely scolded to the shell of bang mutually on the hull of opposite party, the large explosion tore the hull, the fragment of burning hot combustion sprinkled to the sea and sky! 两艘船,一艘被幽绿火焰包裹笼罩,一艘遍布着扭曲黑暗的诡异结构,同时向着对方发动了全速冲锋——刺耳而骇人的汽笛声几乎撕裂天空,两艘船越来越密集的炮火轰鸣撼动着整片海洋,它们之间的距离越来越近,相互对轰的炮弹几乎尽数落在对方的船体上,大爆炸撕裂了船身,炙热燃烧的碎片泼向大海与天空! But on the White Oak bridge, Lawrence is staring at the front stubbornly, everyone is staring at the similar direction with him, mind of all sailors as if were closely grasped firmly by anything, each life on this ship did not have the fear suddenly, did not have hesitant, is only left over forthcoming , the hit that is doomed to have anticipates —— frantically later, two ships touch finally in the same place. 而在白橡木号的舰桥上,劳伦斯只是死死盯着前方,所有人都和他盯着同样的方向,所有水手的心智都仿佛被什么东西紧紧攥住了,这艘船上的每一个生灵都突然没有了恐惧,没有了犹豫,只剩下对即将到来、注定发生的撞击的狂热期待——随后,两艘船终于触碰在一起。 Made an effort on such as one group of loose snowballs according to the blazing stove outer wall, the petrel number bow submerged in the spirit body roaring flame of White Oak surrounding flaming combustion directly, along with the grating noise and imitates loud sound that if ten million people shout with one voice, cuns (2.5 cm) ablation of that seemingly firm steel hull in green flame, along with hit continuing, the petrel number starts to vanish in that firewall deep place from beginning to end, this seemed like...... such as entire is swallowed to fall general. 就如一团松散的雪球被用力按在炽热的火炉外壁上,海燕号的舰首径直没入了白橡木号周围熊熊燃烧的灵体烈焰中,伴随着刺耳的噪声和仿若千万人齐声呼喊的巨响,那看似坚固的钢铁船体在绿焰中寸寸消融,伴随着“撞击”的持续,海燕号开始从头至尾消失在那道火墙深处,这一幕看上去……就如整个被吞噬掉了一般。 But was swallowed cleanly by the spirit body roaring flame until the last turret of petrel number stern, between two ships violent has not stopped to the bang moment. 而直到海燕号船尾的最后一座炮塔被灵体烈焰吞噬干净,两艘船之间的猛烈对轰都一刻不曾停下。 Then, all eventually finished. 然后,一切终于结束了。 The self-defense artilleries of various White Oak places stop shouting finally, after the enemy disappears, thundering of steam core is gradually low and deep, on the ship various spirit body roaring flame of place these ascension also draw in slowly, from the beginning is full of the stance of attack becomes temperate, starts to paste the hull static combustion. 白橡木号各处的自卫火炮终于停止嘶吼,在敌人消失之后,蒸汽核心的轰鸣渐渐低沉,船上各处那些升腾的灵体烈焰也慢慢收拢,从一开始充满进攻的姿态变得温和下来,开始贴着船身静静燃烧。 Lawrence somewhat is suddenly vacant, both hands do not know when had left the steering wheel, he raised the head, is observing the situation the scene on bridge. 劳伦斯一时间有些茫然,双手不知何时已经离开了舵轮,他抬起头,环视着舰桥上的景象。 The sailors have turned the head to gaze at him, everyone in the spirit body is encumbered presents just like the Ghost Spirit stance, in a both empty eye, does not have probably the reason of being human with humanity. 水手们一个个转过头注视着他,每一个人都在灵体缠身中呈现出宛若幽灵般的姿态,一双双空洞的眼睛里面,好像已经没有了属于人类的理智和人性 Lawrence blinks, previous second that but the ignorance in mind takes to swallow oneself thoroughly, peripheral vision of his corner of the eye suddenly presented a person's shadow. 劳伦斯眨了眨眼,但就在头脑中的浑浑噩噩要将自己彻底吞噬的前一秒,他眼角的余光中却突然出现了一个人影。 That is young people, periphery he emerges out of thin air, the spirit body flame that from the air takes a step to bridge over ascends unceasingly, his body wears the dark blue long gown of Pastor Deep Sea Church, the Saint emblem of chest like the combustion release the blazing flame, he walked with stride, a hand grasped the chest place the Saint emblem that burns, presses it suddenly stubbornly in the Lawrence chest. 那是一个年轻人,他从空气中凭空出现,迈步跨过周围不断升腾的灵体火焰,他身上穿着深海教会牧师的深蓝袍服,胸口的圣徽如燃烧般释放着炽烈的火光,他大步走了过来,一只手抓起了胸口处正在燃烧的圣徽,猛然将它死死按在劳伦斯胸口。 Scalding hot fills the air from the chest, Lawrence felt mind that oneself creakies consolidates suddenly, humanity and sane same time returned to his soul. 一股灼热从胸口弥漫开来,劳伦斯感觉自己摇摇欲坠的心智突然间稳固下来,人性与理智同一时间回到了他的灵魂中。 But along with the sobriety of Captain, the sailors on ship also awakens, people look at each other in blank dismay, as if recalled a moment ago that fight until this time end, recalled White Oak He Haiyan fought finally and hit that finally, some people sent out to call out in alarm in the lingering fear, some people are getting the own physical exam subconsciously, some people raised the head, the vision fell, in suddenly appeared on that young Priest on bridge. 而伴随着船长的清醒,船上的水手们也一个个惊醒过来,人们面面相觑,仿佛直到这时候才回忆起刚才那张战斗的终末,回忆起白橡木号和海燕号最后交手并“撞击”的那一幕,有人在后怕中发出惊呼,有人在下意识地检查着自己的身体,更有人抬起头,将目光落在了突然出现在舰桥上的那位年轻神官身上。 Lawrence is knitting the brows, after looking at front young people for a long time, finally is hesitating the opens the mouth: Pastor...... Johnson?” 劳伦斯皱着眉,看了面前的年轻人许久之后才终于迟疑着开口:“牧师……詹森?” Is I, thank God, you can see me finally,” young pastor big mouth along with the ship is breathing heavily, he seemed just crawled to be the same from, the whole body long gown has soaked, the time also water current of speech flowed along his hair and neck downward, thanked Storm Ruler asylum —— I to shout loudly for several days in your side.” “是我,谢天谢地,您总算能看到我了,”年轻的随船牧师大口喘着粗气,他仿佛是刚从海里爬上来一样,浑身的袍服都已湿透,说话的时候还有一股股水流沿着他的头发和脖子往下流淌,“感谢风暴主宰的庇护——我已经在您身边大喊大叫好几天了。” Lawrence actually still felt that the own mind is a little not probably sober, he crossed for several seconds gradually to recall another being out of sorts location —— in the past several days 劳伦斯却仍感觉自己的头脑好像有点不清醒,他过了好几秒钟才逐渐回忆起过去几天里的另一个违和之处—— On the ship should have an along with the ship pastor, should have a Sun like the space, however in the past these days, he had not seen the form of this young pastor. 船上是应该有一个随船牧师的,就像天上应该有一个太阳,然而在过去这段时间里,他一直都没有见到过这位年轻牧师的身影。 Pastor Johnson disappears in everyone's line of sight, even also vanished in everyone's memory —— people even forgot on ship should have pastor along with the ship this general knowledge. 牧师詹森消失在所有人的视线中,甚至也消失在了所有人的记忆中——以至于人们甚至都忘记了“船上应该有随船牧师”这一常识。 Lawrence detected the unusual condition that Sun vanishes, actually realizes until now pastor Johnson also one and was missing. 劳伦斯察觉了太阳消失的异状,却直到现在才意识到牧师詹森也一并失踪了。 What...... had?” “……发生了什么?” As if awakening from a dream old Captain has turned the head slowly, asked in a low voice. 如梦初醒的老船长慢慢转过头,低声问道。 I do not know, in the past several days, I was divided in two dimensions with you probably,” whole body wet young pastor is smiling bitterly shaking the head, I can see you, you actually no one can see me, seemed me to become on the ship bystander, changed until...... the entire ship in the flame a moment ago ‚’, I felt that this barrier became becomes less crowded, at the same time I detected your state of mind was not right, is thinking consolidated your sane —— to be lucky with the Saint emblem, this last step caught up finally......” “我不知道,在过去的几天里,我好像和你们被分割到了两个维度里,”浑身湿漉漉的年轻牧师苦笑着摇了摇头,“我能看到你们,你们却没人能看到我,就好像我成了船上的‘外人’,直到刚才……整艘船在火焰中发生了‘变化’,我才感觉到这种隔阂变得松动,与此同时我又察觉到您的精神状态不对,便想着用圣徽稳固您的理智——万幸,这最后一步总算是赶上了……” Lawrence is listening to narration of pastor, in the mind the chaotic idea and suspicion one after another, when hears the opposite party to raise state of mind not to several characters, delayed fearing appears in his innermost feelings finally. 劳伦斯听着牧师的讲述,脑海中乱糟糟的想法和猜想一个接一个,而在听到对方提起“精神状态不对”几个字的时候,一股迟来的惧怕才终于出现在他的内心中。 When he recalls He Haiyan fought a moment ago the final several minutes oneself and other crew that strange conditions, cold sweat as if must infiltrate from the back. 他回忆起了刚才和海燕号战斗到最后几分钟时自己和其他船员们那诡异的状态,一股冷汗仿佛就要从后背渗出来。 However he did not have cold sweat —— he still to be wrapped by the spirit body roaring flame, sign that the body of this Ghost Spirit simply has not restored. 然而他没有冷汗——他仍然被灵体烈焰包裹着,这幅幽灵化的躯体根本没有恢复的迹象。 Lawrence lowers the head, looks that oneself still presented the illusory spirit body condition arm, in the heart has many guesses. 劳伦斯低下头,看着自己仍然呈现出虚幻灵体状态的手臂,心中已经有了不少猜测。 From Vanished care......” this old Captain is bitter and astringent shaking the head, suddenly does not know unexpectedly should be called this is blesses or curses, withstands Duncan the gaze of Abnomar looks like is really not a simple matter, but at least we lived......, if this were really the condition of living person......” “来自失乡号的‘眷顾’么……”这位老船长苦涩着摇了摇头,一时间竟不知道该把这称为是祝福还是诅咒,“承受邓肯艾布诺马尔的注视看来果然不是一件简单的事情,但至少我们活下来了……如果这真是活人的状态……” Saying, he raised the head slowly, the vision by the porthole of not far away, looks to nearby sea level. 说着,他又慢慢抬起头,目光透过不远处的舷窗,看向旁边的海面。 That covered in the ships in thick fog and shadow still calmly stayed there, like the White Oak shadow. 那艘笼罩在浓雾和阴影中的舰船仍然静静地停留在那里,就像白橡木号的影子一样。
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