DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1528: Brave Neville

Battle on stone bridge was still continuing. 石桥上的厮杀仍在继续。 The knight of blocking the way makes an idol by the Giant wooden stick is pounded crushes, but also have several an incantation to blast out on Giant. 拦路的骑士塑像被巨人的木棒砸得粉碎,但也有数道咒语在巨人身上炸开。 Is riding Broomstick young Wizard incantation, while looks for the opportunity. 骑着飞天扫帚的年轻巫师们正一边施咒,一边寻找机会。 But could see no matter who the balance of victory is leaning toward at the same time, Wizard exterminate on the bridge thoroughly surplus Giant is only the issues in time. 但不管是谁都看得出胜利的天平正在向一边倾斜,巫师们彻底剿灭桥上剩余的巨人只是时间上的问题。 Bumping, with the aid of the shield of statue, Fred and Qiao “碰”地一声,借助塑像的掩护,弗雷德与乔 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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