DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1527: Everyone satisfies

If Death Eater really disregards, brings all Dark Wizard to launch the general attack to Hogwarts directly, Albert also really there is no good way, can only let that everyone presses is ready ahead of time, fights with invasion Dark Wizard randomly in the same place, when the time comes they to have no way so to deal with that crowd of Dark Wizard likely now calmly, after all one's own side does not have any advantage in the population from the beginning. 如果食死徒真不管不顾,直接带着所有黑巫师霍格沃茨发起全面进攻,艾伯特还真就没什么太好的办法,只能让大家按提前做好的准备,跟入侵的黑巫师乱战在一起,到时候他们可就没法像现在这般从容应付那群黑巫师了,毕竟己方从一开始在人数上就不占任何优势。 When Dark Wizard launches the attack in good order, is favorable for one's own side on the contrary, because refers to 黑巫师井然有序发起进攻的时候,反倒对己方有利,因为指 In this chapter content renewal... 本章节内容更新中...
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