DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1523: Conspiracy of Albert

Initially, how Death Eater planned to cope to occupy Auror in Hogsmeade Village, what kind of beating mercilessly now suffers. 当初,食死徒打算怎样对付占据霍格莫德村里的傲罗,现在就遭受怎样的毒打。 That effect simply is much better. 那效果简直好得吓人。 After this wave beats mercilessly, mostly Dark Wizard directly lost the life, lives on dishonorably by luck from bombing, loses most resistance abilities. 经过这波毒打后,多半黑巫师直接丢了性命,侥幸从轰炸中苟活下来的,也丧失大部分的反抗能力。 Only has is exploded the injury Dementor, in responded from this bombing, presented Auror outside village toward Apparition wells up. 唯有不受爆炸伤害的摄魂怪,在从这场轰炸中反应过来,朝幻影显形出现在村外的傲罗涌去。 Aurors dares to return immediately, the nature has been ready, summoned respective Patronus, collides with Dementors that welled up densely together. 傲罗们敢在第一时间返回,自然早就做好了准备,纷纷召唤各自的守护神,跟黑压压涌来的摄魂怪们碰撞在一起。 This black and white collision, the result is self-evident. 这场黑与白的碰撞,结果已经不言而喻了。 Dementor that runs upon large quantities of Patronus, because was restrained to be defeated and dispersed directly, was caught up by Patronus flees in all directions. 一头撞上大批的守护神摄魂怪,直接因被克制而溃散,被守护神们赶得四处逃窜。 Another batch have not stopped to summon Patronus Auror, under the cover of Patronus, enters in the village directly, conducts rug harvesting to Dark Wizard that these can also stand. 另一批没停下来召唤守护神傲罗,在守护神的掩护下,直接杀入村庄里,对那些还能站起来的黑巫师进行地毯式收割。 Was exploded ignorant Dark Wizard simply not to have enemy of the gathering, all pours under the Auror incantation, the people headed by Aberforth, follows to help clean up the aftermath behind their buttocks, conducts to make up the blade to all Dark Wizard, to guarantee that this crowd of Dark Wizard will not jump to attack one's own side suddenly. 被炸懵的黑巫师根本没一合之敌,全都倒在傲罗的咒语下,以阿不福思为首的众人,则跟在他们屁股后面帮忙收拾残局,对所有黑巫师进行补刀,以确保这群黑巫师不会忽然跳起来袭击己方。 Looks at the badly-damaged corpse, Aberforth sighs with emotion everywhere unavoidably has fierce of Felix Felicis, that crowd of Dark Wizard want to do the matter that has not actually made, unexpectedly was led the person achieving by him. 看着遍地残破不堪的尸体,阿不福思不免感慨起福灵剂的厉害,那群黑巫师们想做却没做成的事,居然被他带人给做到了。 At first, Aberforth thought that Albert indulges in fantasy purely, but without thinking of the actual operation is so unexpectedly smooth, that crowd of Dark Wizard are pinching with the mud, by their effortless tidying up. 起初,阿不福思觉得艾伯特纯粹是异想天开,但没想到实际操作起来居然如此顺利,那群黑巫师就是用泥捏着,被他们毫不费吹灰之力给收拾掉了。 This point is not strange. 这一点都不奇怪。 Death Eater most Yin moves, study from Albert, is very naturally easy to make him easily see through, is not strange. 食死徒的多数阴招,都是从艾伯特那儿学的,自然很容易就让他给轻易看穿,一点都不奇怪了。 Especially...... 特别是…… Aberforth narrows the eye, sizes up that crowd to change secretly quietly Auror. 阿不福思眯起眼睛,偷偷打量那群正悄然发生变化的傲罗 The easy victory, changes their ideas quietly. 轻而易举的胜利,悄无声息改变他们的想法。 If follows to mix, can win easily, who will reject? 如果跟着混,就能轻而易举获得胜利,又有谁会拒绝呢? Aurors should not reject. 傲罗们应该不会拒绝。 They do not want to curl come , is completely because fears death, but can so easily solve Dark Wizard like the present, who will reject the good opportunity? 他们不想卷进来,完全是因为怕死,但能像现在这般轻易解决黑巫师,又有谁会拒绝这样的好机会呢? „The fellow also is really as always fearful!” “那家伙还真是一如既往地可怕!” Robards kicks out of the way near a foot interruption leg, arrives at the Aberforth body side to ask: Then has anything to plan 罗巴兹踢开脚边的一截断腿,走到阿不福思身侧问:“接下来有什么打算” Naturally comes again one time.” Aberforth said naturally. “当然是再来一次。”阿不福思理所当然的说。 The Robards corner of the eye twitches, reminded well-meaning, do not work as the fool that crowd of Dark Wizard, they definitely stared at us!” 罗巴兹眼角不由抽搐,善意地提醒道,“别把那群黑巫师当傻瓜,他们肯定盯上我们了!” They are the fools, from beginning to end is fools, will definitely also continue to be swindled, therefore you do not need to be worried from the start.” “他们就是傻瓜,从头到尾都是傻瓜,肯定还会继续上当,所以你压根不需要担心。” Aberforth puts out a hand to pull out pocket watch detector from the long gown pocket, after sweeping on the eye that crowded red point, was saying to the Aurors urging, ok, made the best use of the time, we also need to welcome the next group of guests!” 阿不福思伸手从长袍口袋里掏出侦测怀表,扫了眼上面那片密集的红点后,对着傲罗们催促道,“好了,抓紧时间,我们还需要迎接下一拨客人!” This time, Aurors has not had the resistance mood unexpectedly rarely, constructs to cover the defense barrier of village very much amenable. 这一次,傲罗们居然罕见地没有出现抵抗情绪,很顺从地构建笼罩村庄的防御屏障。 Two groups of enemies after easy killing, everyone also guessed correctly probably what's the matter. 在轻而易举干掉前后两批敌人后,大家也大概猜到是怎么回事了。 This situation, Aurors had also once experienced more than once. 这种情况,傲罗们也曾不止一次经历过。 Present Aberforth, takes the script that Albert is giving probably, is directing them to resist Death Eater. 如今的阿不福思,大概拿着艾伯特给的剧本,在指挥他们对抗食死徒 Only if Death Eater is willing to give up attacking Hogsmeade on own initiative, makes an extremely incompetent impression in Voldemort there, otherwise they will still continue to launch the new round attack. 除非食死徒愿意主动放弃进攻霍格莫德,在伏地魔那里留下个极其无能的印象,否则他们仍然会继续发起新一轮的进攻。 The real situation truly compares this matter more misleading, because was moved to direct Dark Wizard attacks Hogsmeade Village calls Death Eater to call Alecto Carrow. 真实情况确实比这件事更令人误解,因为被调过来指挥黑巫师进攻霍格莫德村的叫食死徒阿莱克托·卡罗 This female Death Eater proposed that attacks the Hogsmeade means that does not have any issue, obtains the approvals of several other Death Eater, everyone thought that they will succeed the elimination to hide in Hogsmeade Village try to revolt against their fellows. 这名女食死徒提出进攻霍格莫德的办法,没有任何问题,也得到其他几位食死徒的认同,大家都觉得他们会成功消灭躲在霍格莫德村里试图反抗他们的家伙。 Also so, hard to deal with actually appears guards Hogsmeade that group of fellows. 也正是如此,更显得驻守霍格莫德的那群家伙究竟有多难缠。 In the loss about hundred Dark Wizard situations, Alecto Carrow has to brace oneself to Voldemort reports this matter, and expressed that elite Wizard is very possible is the bait of that mudblood careful preparation, attracts Dark Wizard to swallow the bait by this, reduces their quantities. 在损失近百黑巫师的情况下,阿莱克托·卡罗只得硬着头皮向伏地魔汇报这件事,并表示那支精锐的巫师很可能是那个泥巴种精心准备的诱饵,以此吸引黑巫师上钩,减少他们的数量。 Although suffered cruciatus curse, but Voldemort has not used Avada Kedavra to get rid of her directly. 虽说挨了钻心咒,但伏地魔没使用阿瓦达索命直接干掉她。 At least Alecto Carrow looks like in Voldemort also a little uses, as for subordinate Dark Wizard, died also died. 至少阿莱克托·卡罗伏地魔看来还有点用,至于麾下的黑巫师,死了也就死了。 He really does not care. 他真不在乎。 If can completely solve Hogsmeade that group of people, Harry Potter few several points will boost, after all can defeat about hundred Dark Wizard, the strength is not absolutely weak. 如果能够彻底解决霍格莫德的那群人,哈利·波特就会少几分助力,毕竟是能够打败近百名黑巫师,实力绝对不弱。 This also made Voldemort be determined to remove them, perhaps will otherwise then become them to attack the hindrance of Hogwarts castle. 这也更令伏地魔下定决心要除掉他们,否则接下来说不定会成为他们进攻霍格沃茨城堡的阻碍。 Walden Macnair received this not to ask for happy Quest finally, who made Alecto Carrow say that in that group of people, there is much from Ministry of Magic's Auror. 沃尔顿·麦克尼尔最终接下了这份不那么讨喜的任务,谁让阿莱克托·卡罗说那群人里,有不少来自魔法部的傲罗 His Director Auror Office, must be responsible for obviously for this reason. 他这位傲罗办公室主任,很显然必须为此负责。 Master, if this is the conspiracy of that mudblood, should better not to pay attention, or assembles the strength, the one breath annihilates and cancels it.” “主人,如果这是那个泥巴种的阴谋,最好不要理会,或调集力量,一口气将其歼灭、抹去。” Yaxley thinks that is led to guarantee personally absolutely safe by Voldemort, but this matter thinks well, obviously is unlikely. 亚克斯利认为由伏地魔亲自带队才能确保万无一失,但这种事想想就好,显然不太可能。 Nearby Snape proposed oneself want, and thinks that they best before launching the general attack solve the Hogsmeade enemy. 旁边的斯内普主动提出自己愿意,并认为他们最好在发起总攻前解决掉霍格莫德的敌人。 In situation that in Voldemort does not set out, wants the elimination to occupy in Hogsmeade Auror, they must use some extremities. 伏地魔不出动的情况下,想一口气消灭盘踞在霍格莫德傲罗,他们就得使用些非常手段。 But Voldemort has not made Snape follow to go finally together, had not planned that makes him be separated from own vision. 伏地魔最终还是没让斯内普跟着一起去,更没打算让他脱离自己的视线范围。 After all, Voldemort also needs some helpers, needs Snape to leave behind the person to help the organization attack the Hogwarts' team. Although Voldemort can do, but he himself is issues the order, the subordinate still needed some reliable Death Eater to help him make the arrangement. 毕竟,伏地魔同样需要些帮手,需要斯内普留下人帮忙组织进攻霍格沃茨的队伍。尽管伏地魔自己就能做,但他自己就是个下达命令的,麾下仍然需要些可靠的食死徒帮他做好安排。 However, Voldemort actually does not know, oneself send is any thing, is not clearer, this matter from beginning to end is the pit. 然而,伏地魔却不知道,自己派出去的都是些什么玩意,更不明白,这件事从头到尾都是坑。 Even if they realized this, still does not have any means. 哪怕他们自己意识到了这点,仍然没有任何办法。 When Walden Macnair leads, Auror has haunched to be hard and hard to deal with defense barrier covers the village ruins. 沃尔顿·麦克尼尔带队过去的时候,傲罗早已撑起又硬又难缠的防御屏障笼罩住村庄废墟。 Other best storm?” “最好别强攻?” Alecto to old friend told matter that had a moment ago. 阿莱克托老朋友讲述刚才发生的事。 The Walden Macnair complexion is not quite very attractive, he does not think obviously oneself can induce somebody to capitulate these Auror, now thoroughly eliminates them is the best choice, but looks at present this stance, here without doubt is a gulf, moreover falls Reducto that. 沃尔顿·麦克尼尔的脸色很不太好看,他显然不认为自己能够劝降那些傲罗,如今彻底消灭他们是最好的选择,但看眼前这个架势,这里无疑又是个深坑,而且是摔下去粉身碎骨的那种。 Perhaps, like that did not pay attention directly, or swallowed them who just like Yaxley suggested is the best choice. 也许,正如亚克斯利建议的那般,直接不理会,或一口气吞掉他们才是最好的选择。
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