DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1522: Destroyed Hogsmeade

Except minority psychological abnormalities, really no one likes killing people. 除少数心理变态,真没人喜欢杀人。 Aberforth is naturally no exception. 阿不福思自然也不例外。 Is good because to enemy makes up blade living, made Nelson Tobin completing. 好在多数给敌人“补刀”的活,都让尼尔森·托宾给做完了。 To be honest, Aberforth sympathizes with front young man very much, is actually some hatreds of multi- remembering with eternal gratitude, will turn into at present this appearance a young man. 老实说,阿不福思很同情面前的年轻小伙,究竟是得有多刻骨铭心的仇恨,才会把一个年轻小伙子变成眼下这副模样。 But he also has no good way, stupidly to not persuading the opposite party will put aside the hatred. 但他也没什么好办法,更不会愚蠢到劝说对方放下仇恨。 You have thought after the war ended, what makes?” The old person shows own good intentions as far as possible. “你想过战争结束后去做什么吗?”老人尽可能表现出自己的善意。 Has thought.” Nelson Tobin nods earnestly, Mr. Anderson had also once asked my similar question.” “想过。”尼尔森·托宾认真地点头,“安德森先生也曾问过我类似的问题。” Has thought well.” Aberforth is very gratified. “想过就好。”阿不福思很欣慰。 I hope that I can become Auror that attacks Dark Wizard.” “我希望自己能成为一名打击黑巫师傲罗。” Nelson Tobin wields wand, with rope foot the corpse ties up in together, then uses levitation charm the corpse toward the protective barrier moves, prepares to destroy the corpse and leave no trace the fellow who these are an eyesore. 尼尔森·托宾挥动魔杖,用绳索将脚边的尸体捆绑在一起,然后使用漂浮咒将尸体往防护屏障边挪,准备将这些碍眼的家伙毁尸灭迹。 Makes these Death Eater that escapes from this Wizarding War by luck pay the price.” “让那些从这场巫师战争中侥幸逃过一劫的食死徒付出代价。” The expression on Aberforth face stiffened thoroughly, after deep sighing, why a little clear Albert made Nelson Tobin come to here to help suddenly. 阿不福思脸上的表情彻底僵住了,在深深叹了口气后,忽然有点明白艾伯特为何让尼尔森·托宾来这里帮忙了。 This was incurable! 这是没救了! Perhaps, which day of Nelson Tobin really killed tired, will stop to think oneself should make anything. 也许,哪天尼尔森·托宾真杀累了,就会停下来想想自己该做什么。 Aberforth has not continued to intertwine, because he also has a more important matter. In moves the vision after surrounding Aurors, starts to mention the following plan. 阿不福思也没继续纠结,因为他还有更要紧的事情。在将目光挪向周围的傲罗们后,开始说起接下来的计划。 I think that you should notice, Voldemort's main force not here, will not appear here, we need to deal...... at most is some not popular Dark Wizard.” “我想你们应该都注意到了,伏地魔的主力根本就不在这里,也不会出现在这里,我们需要应对的……顶多就是些不入流的黑巫师。” As if to Aurors cushion time, Aberforth, in helping Nelson Tobin throws the corpse after the defense barrier destroys, turn head continues to discuss this matter with everyone. 似乎为了给傲罗们一点缓冲时间,阿不福思在帮尼尔森·托宾将尸体扔向防御屏障销毁后,才回头继续跟大家谈论这件事。 If possible, we should seize the chance to solve this crowd of Dark Wizard, even if really encounters most Dreadful situation, removes toward Hogwarts again is not late.” “如果可能的话,我们应该趁机解决掉这群黑巫师,就算真遇到最糟糕的情况,再撤往霍格沃茨也不迟。” „, I do not think that we definitely do not need adventure, does not need also to give to make contact with own poor life!” “不不,我认为我们完全没有必要冒险,更没必要把自己的小命也给搭上!” Aurors thought that Aberforth extremely berserk, is not willing adventure from the start. 傲罗们都觉得阿不福思太过疯狂,压根不愿意去冒险。 Makes contact with the poor life? You undergo Auror of specialist training, opposite that crowd of waste Dark Wizard from the start possibly are not the you opponents.” “搭上自己小命?你们自己才是经受专业训练的傲罗,对面那群废物黑巫师压根就不可能是伱们的对手。” Aberforth is not really able to understand, at present this group of coveting life and fearing death fellows, actually how carry out the Auror responsibility. 阿不福思实在无法理解,眼前这群贪生怕死的家伙,究竟是怎么履行傲罗职责的。 cough cough.” 咳咳。” Everyone leans to look that to Nelson Tobin that coughs again and again. 大家都侧头看向连连干咳的尼尔森·托宾 Actually, Defense Association that group of people, are planned to receive this Quest, but hadn't Albert agreed?” “其实,防御协会的那帮人,原先是打算接下这任务的,但艾伯特没同意?” Aurors no one meets this saying, but Nelson still said. 傲罗们没人接这话,但尼尔森仍然自顾自地说下去。 Mr. Anderson as if thinks that you possibly cannot withstand brutal battle, to avoid decisive battle, appears accident/surprise that some people sneak away at a critical juncture, he thought that might as well lets you afterheat under other place displays.” 安德森先生似乎认为你们可能承受不住残酷的厮杀,为了避免大决战期间出现有人临阵脱逃的意外,他觉得还不如让你们在其他地方发挥下余热。” Therefore, you do not need too to worry that from the start the life was threatened, fight because of Hogwarts castle only compared with here bad risk.” “所以,你们压根不用太担心生命受到威胁,因为霍格沃茨城堡的战斗只会比这里更凶险。” In this words has the thick taunt, making the Aurors complexion especially ugly/difficult to look at. 这话语中带着浓浓的嘲讽,让傲罗们的脸色都格外难看。 However, Nelson Tobin obviously is intentionally. 然而,尼尔森·托宾显然是故意的。 After short being together, he knows why Albert does not want to make this Auror go to the school. 在短暂相处后,他就知道艾伯特为何不想让这支傲罗去学校了。 Because they are very unreliable! 因为他们真的很不可靠! As long as participates in Wizard of Hogwarts decisive battle voluntarily, no matter what will help as far as possible mutually, mutual support, but front crowd of Auror are uncertain, they for oneself safety, steal the deceitful acting slippery pit dead people on one's own side to have the matter of very big probability. 但凡自愿参加霍格沃茨大决战的巫师,不管怎么样都会尽可能互相帮助,相互扶持,但面前这群傲罗却不一定,他们为了自己的生命安全,偷奸耍滑坑死自己人都有很大概率的事。 Here is Defense Association captures at first, Dark Wizard half that the population be only remains behind, but they return safe and sound wipe out here enemy.” “这里最初就是防御协会攻下的,人数只有留守的黑巫师的一半,但他们毫发无伤就全歼这里的敌人。” cough cough, good Tobin, you cannot count on that the person of life under Voldemort shadow, can buoy up all of a sudden.” 咳咳,好了托宾,你不能指望生活在伏地魔阴影下的人,能够一下子就重新振作起来。” The Aberforth sound is very tranquil, but sounds in numerous Auror actually feels mystifyingly. 阿不福思的声音很平静,但在一众傲罗听上去却总感觉阴阳怪气。 Sufficed!” “够了!” Robards behind Auror reddens all over the face, seems like anger especially, no one can endure such shame. 罗巴兹身后的傲罗满脸通红,看上去格外的愤怒,没有人可以忍受这样的羞辱。 Then, should have the reinforcements, these are considered that far-fetched fellow, will be thrown here.” Nelson Tobin has not paid attention to the Aurors angry vision, side said to Aberforth, under turned Death Eater probably to give on us an intensity. However, according to the estimate of Albert, Voldemort's was about to exhaust patiently, quick will launch the general attack to Hogwarts, we solved a number of Dark Wizard as soon as possible again.” “接下来,应该还会有援军,那些被认为不靠谱的家伙,都会被扔到这边来。”尼尔森·托宾没有理会傲罗们愤怒的目光,侧头对阿不福思说,“下轮食死徒大概会给我们上点强度了。不过,根据艾伯特的预估,伏地魔的耐心快耗尽了,很快就会向霍格沃茨发起总攻,我们还是尽快再解决掉一批黑巫师。” In the meets the time that they spoke, some massive dark magic just like delimiting the night meteor, have fallen toward Hogsmeade, had a series of intense explosions in the protective barrier. 在他们说话的这一会功夫,有大量黑魔法宛如划过黑夜的流星,朝霍格莫德落下,在防护屏障上发生一连串激烈的爆炸。 Is good is firm because of that thing, after suffering several rounds of bombing, still shouldered forcefully. 好在那玩意还算坚固,在挨了好几轮轰炸后,仍然硬生生扛住了。 Robards looks at the large explosion that the head repeatedly is having, only felt that scalp tingles with numbness, he does not know how long the protective barrier can also support, once that piles dark magic to fall from their top of the head, what god knows meets. 罗巴兹望着头上不断发生的大爆炸,只感觉头皮一阵发麻,他不知道防护屏障还能撑多久,一旦那堆黑魔法从他们头顶上落下,天知道会什么样。 „After and other protective barriers are stave, we come again one time.” “等防护屏障破碎后,我们就再来一次。” Aberforth was not worried actually completely, is thinking at heart from Albert there studying the move, how considers to entertain that crowd of Dark Wizard later. 阿不福思倒是完全不担心,心里想着从艾伯特那里学来的招数,考虑待会怎么招待那群黑巫师 „Were you insane?” “你疯了吗?” Has the previous case, will not surely have Dark Wizard to continue to be swindled, they will only use magic thoroughly to destroy Hogsmeade Village.” “有先前案例,肯定没有黑巫师会继续上当,他们只会使用魔法彻底摧毁霍格莫德村。” The berserk proposition of Aberforth is unable to make Aurors accept obviously. 阿不福思疯狂提议显然无法令傲罗们接受。 Without whom wants to turn into the cannon fodder. 没谁想变成炮灰。 Although they know that own eight parts has turned into the cannon fodder. 尽管他们知道自己八成已经变成炮灰了。 These fellows may not have you to be intelligent, they will only see themselves to rumble to break to pieces the defense to tie, for instance initiates fiercely attacks very normally.” Aberforth thinks otherwise, he is not a fool, even if encounters the situation, can still Apparition arrive at the village, then to that crowd of Dark Wizard greatly pleasantly surprised. “那些家伙可没有你们聪明,他们只会看见自己轰碎了防御结界,在那种情况下发起猛攻很正常。”阿不福思对此不以为然,他又不是傻子,就算遇到情况,也可以幻影显形到村子边,然后给那群黑巫师个大惊喜。 Is one group of lunatics!” “都是一群疯子!” Their reinforcements were eventually slower, the protective barrier on top of the head after very intensive bombing, takes the lead unable to support to present the fissure. 他们的援军终究还是慢了些,头顶上的防护屏障在经过高强度的轰炸后,率先撑不住出现裂痕。 But just like Robards said like that after having had the previous case, these Dark Wizard are not the fools, naturally first uses dark magic to bomb Hogsmeade ruthlessly, almost soon moves to the draw entire Hogsmeade Village directly. 但正如罗巴兹说的那般,有过先前案例后,这些黑巫师也不是傻子,自然是先使用黑魔法狠狠轰炸霍格莫德,几乎快要把整个霍格莫德村给直接移平。 The large explosion just ended, Dark Wizard then takes Dementor as the vanguard, kills Hogsmeade Village in groups. 大爆炸刚结束,黑巫师便以摄魂怪为先锋,成群结队地杀进霍格莫德村 However, the house in Hogsmeade Village made them give to blow up, besides one pile of ruins, anything has not been left over. 然而,霍格莫德村里的房子都让他们给炸毁了,除了一堆废墟外,什么都没剩下了。 No, here does not have the ruins,...... greatly pleasantly surprised. 不,这里不只有废墟,还有……大惊喜。 charms has delimited the graceful curve in the nighttime sky together, falls on the ruins in Hogsmeade Village directly, that incantation causes the large explosion just like a missile instantaneously, two distance quite near Dark Wizard curling. 一道魔咒在夜空中划过优雅的弧度,直接落在霍格莫德村里的废墟上,那咒语宛如一枚导弹般瞬间引起大爆炸,将两名距离比较近的黑巫师给卷了进去。 They estimated that dies cannot think, this damned place from beginning to end for the trap that they prepare! 他们估计到死都想不到,这个鬼地方从头到尾都是为他们准备的陷阱! Carried on the full-scale bombardment like previously Dark Wizard to Hogsmeade Village, now Aberforth also leads the person such to do, in any case village by incantation exploding rottenly. 就像先前黑巫师霍格莫德村进行大规模轰炸,如今阿不福思也带人那样做,反正村庄都已经被咒语给炸烂了。 The rotten point was also again indifferent. 再烂点也无所谓了。 dark magic just like cutting the nighttime sky meteor shower, fall in torrents toward Hogsmeade Village directly, will occupy village ruins Dark Wizard submerging. 一道道黑魔法宛如划破夜空的流星雨般,直接朝霍格莫德村倾泻而下,将占据村庄废墟的黑巫师给淹没了。 This Dark Wizard like that are not lucky like them, the head also has the protective barrier to protect itself. 这次黑巫师们可不像他们那般幸运,头上还有防护屏障能保护自己。
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