DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1521: Three broad-ax of expiration

Where you also make anything, summoned Patronus quickly!” “你们还愣哪儿做什么,快召唤守护神啊!” Aberforth has wielded wand, summoned own goat Patronus. 阿不福思已率先挥动魔杖,召唤自己的山羊守护神了。 Very pitifully, even if were known as that gathers Britain sharpest Wizard Auror, still not everyone can summon mortal body Patronus, but understood that uses patronus charm that batch of Auror, in a moment ago by Aberforth convening. 很可惜,就算是号称集合英国最精锐巫师傲罗,也并不是人人都能召唤出肉身守护神,而懂得使用守护神咒的那批傲罗,在刚才就被阿不福思给召集起来了。 They just heard Aberforth to shout propaganda, immediately recovers from the astonishment, in the mind appears Aberforth to the words that they spoke, wields respective wand in abundance, snatches before Dementor intrudes Hogsmeade, summoned respective Patronus. 他们刚听到阿不福思喊话,立即从惊愕中回过神来,脑海里浮现阿不福思对他们说的话,纷纷挥动各自的魔杖,抢在摄魂怪闯入霍格莫德前,召唤出各自的守护神 Once and other Dementor intruded Hogsmeade, they want to withstand/top the Dementor's pressure on summon Patronus again, the difficulty improve a two scale incessantly. 一旦等摄魂怪闯入霍格莫德,他们再想顶着摄魂怪的压力召唤守护神,难度就不止提高一两个档次了。 Moreover, if they have no way expel Dementor immediately, will then fall into the disadvantage with the confrontation of Dark Wizard in thoroughly. 而且,如果他们没法在第一时间驱逐摄魂怪,将会在接下来与黑巫师的交锋中彻底陷入劣势。 When the enemy has guard against, the Death Eater three broad-ax not necessarily were effective. 当敌人有所防备的时候,食死徒的三板斧就不一定管用了。 Undeniably. 不可否认。 To cannot grasp patronus charm Wizard, Dementor without doubt is incomparably fatal, but detects the Dementor's attack in the opponent, and summoned Patronus ahead of time, should be one's turn to kick Dementor of sheet iron to be hapless. 对没能掌握守护神咒巫师来说,摄魂怪无疑是无比致命的,但在对手察觉摄魂怪的来袭,并提前召唤出守护神,就该轮到踢到铁板的摄魂怪倒霉了。 The death black tide of a group of Dementor groups comprised, whipped just like the turbulent ocean waves on the named Patronus reef, was flown directly to the ball by an invisible strength. 由大群摄魂怪群组成的死亡黑潮,宛如汹涌的海浪拍打在名为守护神的礁石上,直接被一股无形的力量给弹飞出去。 Merely one confrontation, Dementor then defeated, by Patronus pursuing everywhere escaping skewer. 仅仅一个交锋,摄魂怪便败了,被守护神给追得四处逃串。 Night Hogsmeade becomes warm, however Aurors has nothing joyfully, they are very clear this merely are only a start. 深夜的霍格莫德重新变得温暖起来,然而傲罗们却没有任何喜悦,他们心里都很清楚这仅仅只是个开始。 In the sky as if has anything to flash past, later some house in Hogsmeade Village suddenly by charms of unexpected joy blowing off. 天空中似乎有什么一闪而过,随后霍格莫德村里的某栋房子骤然被喜从天降的魔咒给炸飞了。 When Aurors simultaneously raised the head, the distant place has is more luminous toward here Accio, then just like delimiting the fireball of graceful parabola, a series of radical explosions has shaken Aurors is distracted. 傲罗们齐齐抬头的时候,远方有更多光亮朝这边飞来,那宛如划过优雅的抛物线的火球,一连串剧烈的爆炸把傲罗们震得精神恍惚。 Defense ties!” “防御结界!” Aberforth roared toward Aurors. 阿不福思傲罗们咆哮道。 But his sound is unable to press to come to one's ear the deafening explosive sound obviously. 但他的声音显然无法压过耳边震耳欲聋的爆炸声。 Is good comes because of Aberforth after training, had said to Aurors will face what issue probably. Therefore Aurors soon realizes these explosions, but to disrupt the rhythm of one's own side, shields Dark Wizard to the sneak attack that Hogsmeade initiates the confusion, but specially creating, only if they want to rumble to put down Hogsmeade directly, will otherwise not continue to fall in torrents the firepower toward here. 好在阿不福思来得就经过培训,更是早就跟傲罗们说过大概会面临什么问题。因此傲罗们很快就意识到这些爆炸,只是为了打乱己方的节奏,掩护黑巫师霍格莫德发起的偷袭而特意制造的混乱,除非他们想直接轰平霍格莫德,否则不会持续朝这边倾泻火力。 Although this round of sneak attack truly explodes Aurors to be unexpected, time that especially the enemy raids, Aurors could not constrain the fear and anxiety of innermost feelings. 尽管这轮偷袭确实炸得傲罗们猝不及防,特别是敌人袭来的时候,傲罗们仍压抑不住内心的恐惧与不安。 This is not Aurors is very incompetent, but is they are uninterested from the beginning. Even if most Auror have fought many battles, still possibly was not the opponent of enemy. 这并不是傲罗们很无能,而是他们从一开始就无心恋战。哪怕多数傲罗都身经百战,仍然不可能是敌人的对手。 Not is only because the Voldemort's lackey far ratio gathers in Hogsmeade Auror are much more, that crowd of Dementor, had the influence on this group of will insufficiently firm fellows. 不仅是因为伏地魔的爪牙远比聚在霍格莫德傲罗多得多,刚才的那群摄魂怪,也对这群意志不够坚定的家伙造成了影响。 In the final analysis is some by the cannon fodder who Albert draws, will far inferior Dumbledore's Army is tenacious. 说到底都是些被艾伯特拉来的炮灰,意志远不及邓布利多军坚韧。 If not the worry is defeated to withstand the dire consequence. 如果不是担心失败会承受可怕的后果。 It is estimated that gathered Auror here to be exposed directly, from the start will not continue to stay here to fight. 估计聚在这里的傲罗直接跑光了,压根不会继续留在这里战斗。 After all the person of Voldemort to resisting stubbornly will not appease. 毕竟伏地魔对负隅顽抗的人绝不会姑息。 Does not have the Auror meeting to be willing to take such risk , Aberforth is not the most important thing is able to bring the confidence to them. 没有傲罗会愿意去冒这样的风险,最最最重要的是,阿不福思根本无法给他们带来信心。 If changes into Albert to direct, the situation is definitely much better compared with the present. 如果换成艾伯特来指挥,情况肯定比现在要好很多。 Everyone is very clear, even if really cannot win Death Eater, Albert definitely still has the means to lead them to obtain full win, then leads them to pat the buttocks, returns the Hogwarts castle under the nose of Death Eater. 大家心里都很清楚,就算真打不赢食死徒,艾伯特肯定也有办法带领他们获得一场酣畅淋漓的大胜,然后带着他们拍拍屁股,从食死徒的眼皮底下退回霍格沃茨城堡。 Good, Aberforth direction sound systematic, played a role, at least he matter happened with Auror has mentioned ahead of time, this explained all still according to the plan advancement of Albert. 好吧,阿不福思井然有序的指挥声,还是发挥了点作用,至少他提前跟傲罗提过的事都发生了,这说明一切仍按艾伯特的计划推进。 Aberforth takes the lead to hold up the wand direction sky, along with incantations, the wand magic strengths spews out sharp unceasingly, gradually forms piece of milky-white light screen in the nighttime sky. 阿不福思率先举起魔杖指向天空,伴随着一道道的咒语,魔杖尖不断有一股股魔法力量喷涌而出,在夜空中逐渐形成一片乳白色的光幕。 Successfully intrudes Hogsmeade Dark Wizard to try to prevent the Aberforth gang few, but they quickly by Aurors constraining, this visit that helplessly the milky-white light screen in sky gradually closes up, forms a translucent magic barrier to cover entire Hogsmeade thoroughly, in intercepts most Dark Wizard beyond the magic barrier, the Aurors creation in Hogsmeade Village to overwhelming superiority that outnumbers. 少量成功闯入霍格莫德黑巫师试图阻止阿不福思一伙人,但他们很快就被傲罗们给拖住了,就这样眼睁睁看着天空中的乳白色光幕逐渐合拢,彻底形成一个半透明的魔法屏障笼罩住整个霍格莫德,在将大部分的黑巫师都拦截在魔法屏障外,给霍格莫德村里的傲罗们创造以多打少的绝对优势。 These change to the black fog toward the Dark Wizard situation that Hogsmeade lasing comes, where also very to goes, they have not thought probably that will want their life directly. 那些化作黑雾朝霍格莫德“激射”而来的黑巫师的情况,也好不到哪儿去,他们大概都没想到那会直接要了他们的性命。 As long as does not have to get on the brakes, hit unlucky fella on that matter protective barrier light screen without enough time unexpected, ultimate protection the strength of incantation will be given into thin air by this directly. 但凡没来不及刹车、在猝不及防撞在那层防护屏障光幕上的倒霉蛋,都会直接被这“终极保护”咒的力量给人间蒸发了。 Ended! 完了! Intrudes that some Dark Wizard in Hogsmeade Village after covering the defense barrier of village closes up, then thorough despaired, they discovered panic-stricken oneself were surrounded. 闯入霍格莫德村里的那部分黑巫师在笼罩村庄的防御屏障合拢后,便彻底绝望了,他们惊恐的发现自己被困住了。 Death Eater formulation the sneak attack plan of nonsense, has no effect from the start. 食死徒制定的狗屁的偷袭计划,压根就没有任何效果。 Let alone Dementor cannot attract the attention of Aurors, fireball bombing not letting them diverts attention, the sneak attack by the enemy expecting, causing Dark Wizard just to kill Hogsmeade Village, lets Auror to the interception, has not played the effect of sudden attack completely. 别说摄魂怪没能吸引傲罗们的注意,火球轰炸更没有把让他们分心,偷袭更是早就被敌人给料到了,导致黑巫师们刚杀进霍格莫德村,就让傲罗给拦截,完全没起到突然袭击的效果。 Especially after the magic barrier isolates outside Dark Wizard, overwhelming majority Aurors found the time to exterminate that few some Dark Wizard finally. 特别是在魔法屏障隔绝外面的黑巫师后,绝大部分的傲罗们终于抽出时间清剿那少部分黑巫师了。 In outnumbering, the strength occupies in the situation of advantage, Aurors easily took down that batch of Dark Wizard. 在以多打少,实力占据优势的情况下,傲罗们轻易放倒了那批黑巫师 ...... 只是…… But now in time of war, what do you keep them to make?” “现在可是战争时期,你们留着他们做什么?” Aberforth notices Aurors not to kill these Dark Wizard directly, immediately reminds them now is Wizarding War, should not be lenient to the enemy. 阿不福思注意到傲罗们没直接杀死那些黑巫师,立即提醒他们现在是巫师战争,不该对敌人手软。 Moreover, we might retreat from here later, you plan to let off them like this, then after waiting for this group of bastards to wake up, then joins in the Voldemort's team , to continue to attack Hogwarts?” “而且,我们待会说不定要从这里撤退,难道你们打算就这样放过他们,然后等这群混蛋醒来后,再加入伏地魔的队伍里,继续进攻霍格沃茨?” Aurors is dumbfounded, they have to kill off Dark Wizard, but does not like slaughtering well......, they actually hope some people do this matter, rather than they slaughter others, even if doing all kinds of evil Dark Wizard. 傲罗们哑口无言,他们也不是没杀光黑巫师,只是不喜欢屠杀……好吧,他们其实更希望有人来做这件事,而不是他们自己来屠杀别人,哪怕是作恶多端的黑巫师 Makes me come!” “让我来吧!” A sound resounds suddenly, Nelson Tobin does not know where braved. 一个声音骤然响起,尼尔森·托宾不知道从哪儿冒了出来。 Under the gazes of all Auror, to making up blade of that crowd of Dark Wizard one by one roll-calls life and death unknown. 在所有傲罗的注视下,对那群生死不明的黑巫师挨个点名的补刀。 Aberforth looked at eye that crowd by Nelson Tobin murders shocking decisively numerous Aurors, lifted the foot to help make up the blade in the past. 阿不福思看了眼那群被尼尔森·托宾杀伐果断给震惊到的一众傲罗们,也抬脚过去帮忙补刀。
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