DLAT :: Volume #6 Volume 6

#1520: Appetizer

You said that the International Confederation of Wizards Auror allied armies can help us?” “你们说国际巫师联合会傲罗联军会来帮我们吗?” Completes after disturbing the pursuit of student family member, Robards looks to arrange, to arrange defend magic Aberforth in the village directly, tries to obtain some good news from this old population. 完成对捣乱学生家属的驱逐后,罗巴兹直接找上在村里安排、布置防御魔法阿不福思,试图从这位年迈老人口中得到些好消息。 From the present situation, the advantage is not at them. 从眼下的局势来看,优势并不在他们这边。 Along with the time lapse, will have more and more Dark Wizard after receiving the Voldemort's order on the contrary, gathers to Hogwarts, but Hogsmeade Village by school, to preparing to attack Hogwarts' Dark Wizard, is a very good temporary foothold. 反倒是随时间推移,会有越来越多黑巫师在收到伏地魔的命令后,向霍格沃茨附近聚拢,而就在学校旁边的霍格莫德村,对准备攻打霍格沃茨的黑巫师来说,是个很不错的临时据点。 Robards has suspected the Albert Anderson plan regards to attract the Dark Wizard target Hogsmeade Village, directs this village large quantities of Dark Wizard, and its elimination, to reduce Hogwarts that side pressure. 罗巴兹一直怀疑艾伯特·安德森打算把霍格莫德村当成吸引黑巫师的靶子,把大批黑巫师引到这座村庄,并将其消灭,以减轻霍格沃茨那边的压力。 The fellow is the person who is to obtain this matter. 那家伙是做得出这种事的人。 Especially now no longer has to be willing to revolt against Voldemort's Wizard to catch up with Hogsmeade, this is not the good omen. 特别是如今已不再有愿意反抗伏地魔的巫师赶来霍格莫德了,这绝不是什么好的预兆。 Either they encountered the interception of Dark Wizard, either this is the Magical Britain present situation. 要么他们遭到了黑巫师的拦截,要么这就是英国魔法界的现状。 Any type, means them already not other helpers. 无论是哪种,都意味着他们已经没有其他帮手了。 You said the Auror allied armies!” “你说傲罗联军啊!” Some Aberforth accidental/surprised Robards look for itself unexpectedly for this matter. 阿不福思有些意外罗巴兹来找自己居然是为了这件事。 What issue has?” “有什么问题吗?” The Robards not good premonition was at heart thicker. 罗巴兹心里不好的预感更浓了。 What appearance your Auror is, aren't oneself clear?” “你们傲罗是什么模样,自己不清楚吗?” Aberforth just opened the mouth, let Robards and Aurors all around directly. 阿不福思刚开口,就让罗巴兹与周遭的傲罗们直接遭不住了。 What is „you are what appearance, aren't oneself clear? 什么叫“你们自己是什么模样,自己不清楚吗”? „The so-called Auror allied armies, from beginning to end are only a pretence, they help us win the time the pretence.” Aberforth disregards to Robards that he glowers at with numerous Auror all around, said this cruel truth lightly, „haven't you had long known?” “所谓的傲罗联军,从头到尾都只是个幌子,他们只是帮我们争取时间的幌子。”阿不福思无视对他怒目而视的罗巴兹与周遭的一众傲罗,淡淡地说出这个残忍的真相,“你们不是早就知道了吗?” This is impossible.” “这不可能。” Without is impossible, Kingsley can convince International Confederation of Wizards to provide the help for us to be good, as for wants to make the Auror allied armies join us, but must resist Dark Wizard of Voldemort and subordinate together, that is almost the not possible matter.” “没有不可能的,金斯莱能说服国际巫师联合会为我们提供帮助就不错了,至于想让傲罗联军加入我们,还要一起对抗伏地魔与麾下的黑巫师,那几乎是不可能的事。” Therefore, we didn't have other reinforcements from the beginning?” Robards stares the big eye to ask. “所以,从一开始我们就没其他援军了?”罗巴兹瞪大眼睛问。 You are, here person is the unexpected reinforcements.” Aberforth looked at Robards one, said calmly. “你们就是,这里的人都是意料之外的援军。”阿不福思看了罗巴兹一眼,平静地说。 I do not believe, I do not believe Albert Anderson is unable to convince International Confederation of Wizards.” Robards once was the Scrimgeour left and right hands, very clear Albert ability, since the fellow prepares to solve the Voldemort's problem tonight, definitely prepared completely safe early. “我不相信,我不相信艾伯特·安德森无法说服国际巫师联合会。”罗巴兹曾是斯克林杰的左右手,很清楚艾伯特的能力,既然那家伙准备在今晚解决伏地魔的问题,肯定早做好万全准备了。 Yes, the fellow truly strove, otherwise you really think that International Confederation of Wizards is willing to brave to be helped us attract the Death Eater attention by the risk that Voldemort stares at temporarily.” The Aberforth expression is somewhat strange, thought that this group of fellows really have not selected self-knowledge. “是的,那家伙确实出力了,否则你真以为国际巫师联合会愿意冒着被伏地魔盯上的风险帮我们暂时吸引食死徒的注意力。”阿不福思表情有些古怪,觉得这群家伙还真是没点自知之明。 As far as I know, the face of International Confederation of Wizards pulled out by Voldemort is swollen, they were impossible to give up destroying......” Robards to be shocked suddenly, as if thought of anything, the complexion became extremely ugly/difficult to look at. “据我所知,国际巫师联合会的脸都被伏地魔抽肿了,他们不可能放弃摧毁……”罗巴兹忽然愣住了,似乎想到了什么,脸色变得极其难看。 It seems like you also guessed correctly the reason. Kingsley truly invited them to join this to the Voldemort's action, but International Confederation of Wizards, even if willing to join, can still wait for us to defeat Voldemort, to establish the final victory to come out thoroughly to help clean up the aftermath.” Aberforth shot a look at Auror one on the scene, sneers saying that „, therefore, you best not count on that group of fellows will help us. Naturally, does not need too to be worried, because the present situation compared with being better of Albert estimate, we only need complete respective Quest to be good at first many routinely.” “看来你也猜到原因了。金斯莱确实邀请过他们加入这场对伏地魔的围剿行动,但国际巫师联合会就算愿意加入,也会等我们彻底战胜伏地魔、奠定最后胜利才会出来帮忙收拾残局。”阿不福思瞥了在场的傲罗一眼,冷笑道,“所以,你们最好还是别指望那群家伙会帮我们。当然,也无需太担心,因为眼下的局势比艾伯特最初预想的要好很多了,我们只需按部就班地完成各自的任务就好了。” Aurors was in abundance silent. 傲罗们纷纷沉默了。 They appear here, mostly is because the Wizard's Lookout broadcast content compels, was joined to resist the Voldemort's team by wanting. 他们出现在这里,多半是因为巫师瞭望站的广播内容所迫,被“愿意”加入对抗伏地魔的队伍。 If possible, how many Auror really and has to be initiative to join this asymmetrical war? 如果可能的话,真的又有几个傲罗会主动过来加入这场不对称的战争呢? Besides the Order of the Phoenix person, will not have probably! 大概除了凤凰社的人外,一个都不会有吧! Albert expected this long before, has also reminded Scrimgeour probably, will therefore have them by the Scrimgeour last words to the matter that the pit comes. 艾伯特很早以前就料到了这点,大概还提醒过斯克林杰,所以才会有他们被斯克林杰的遗言给坑进来的事。 The approach of that Auror allied armies, is not strange. 傲罗联军的做法,就不奇怪了。 Although such does truly makes one despise, but what's the big deal, they in the same old way are the final victors, moreover does not need to pay what price, is discontented as for loss serious Britain Wizard, that also can only suppress. 尽管那样做确实令人所不齿,但那又怎么样,他们照样是最终的胜利者,而且还不用付出什么代价,至于损失惨重的英国巫师对此不满,那也只能憋着。 Various countries are willing to send Auror to help, what do you have what qualifications to complain? 各国都愿意派傲罗来帮忙了,你们又有何资格抱怨什么? Nothing but was coming lately. 无非就是来迟了点。 But this is also very normal, Auror of various countries did not know about the Britain's situation, is late not only always their traditional virtues. 但这也很正常,各国的傲罗英国的情况并不了解,迟到从来不只是他们的传统美德。 As for steals the part through the broadcast, newspaper the fruits of victory? 至于通过广播、报纸窃取部分的胜利果实? To be honest, the news blackout was the matter that the politicians often did, letting most civilians also only knows the so-called truth from the newspaper and broadcast. 老实说,消息封锁一直都是政客们经常做的事了,让多数平民也只能从报纸与广播上得知所谓的真相。 Does not need to show that expression, although Death Eater will not easily let off Hogsmeade probably, but Albert has not made you cling to tenaciously here, moreover I thought that here is on the contrary safer, Hogwarts is the true battlefield, there is more dangerous.” Aberforth looked at eye complexion gloomy Aurors, said meaningfully, do not forget the Voldemort's treasure on conceals in that castle, I estimated that and other that side person came neat, ordering will make these cannon fodders fiercely attack that castle.” “不用露出那种表情,虽说食死徒大概不会轻易放过霍格莫德,但艾伯特又没让你们死守这里,而且我觉得这里反倒更安全,霍格沃茨才是真正的战场,那里更危险。”阿不福思看了眼脸色阴沉的傲罗们,意味深长地说,“别忘了伏地魔的宝贝就藏在那座城堡里,我估计等他那边人来齐了,就会下令让那些炮灰猛攻那座城堡。” The Aberforth words have not brought many comforts to Aurors, is to make them listen to the meaning in words on the contrary. 阿不福思的话可没给傲罗们带来多少安慰,反倒是让他们听出话语中的意思。 Albert seems like that chooses to them flexibly, but this so-called flexible also such, because they choose no matter how, they need to resist with the Voldemort subordinate lackey directly, is Harry Potter wins the precious time. 艾伯特看似给他们灵活的选择,但这所谓的灵活也就那样,因为他们不管怎么选择,他们都需要跟伏地魔麾下的爪牙正面对抗,为哈利·波特争取宝贵的时间。 They can expect that currently is only hopes Britain can have Wizard to awaken, stands to resist Voldemort bravely, is Harry Potter eliminates Voldemort to make the contribution. 他们目前唯一能期望就是希望英国能有更多巫师醒悟过来,勇敢地站出来抵抗伏地魔,为哈利·波特消灭伏地魔做贡献。 But now Britain overwhelming majority Auror have gathered here, but these employees in Ministry of Magic, could not count on obviously, otherwise they will not continue to keep British Ministry of Magic are the Voldemort's person work. 但如今英国绝大部分的傲罗都已经聚在这里了,而魔法部里的那些雇员,显然也指望不上,否则他们就不会继续留在英国魔法部伏地魔的人效力。 However, Aurors apparently did not have the time to ponder these issues. 然而,傲罗们显然没时间去思考这些问题了。 In village edge, has charms together to raise suddenly, blasts out the red spark in the sky, reflected to shine the Hogsmeade nighttime sky. 在村庄的边缘处,有一道魔咒骤然升起,在天空中炸开红色的火花,映亮了霍格莫德的夜空。 The enemies raid! 敌袭! Responded Auror that screamed loudly. 反应过来的傲罗大声尖叫起来。 Everyone is forced to hit the above and beyond spirit, extracts own wand standing by. 大家都被迫打起十二分精神,纷纷抽出自己的魔杖准备战斗。 After an inexplicable chill in the air well ups suddenly, lets the enemy who Aurors makes clear the attack immediately is anything. 一股莫名的寒意骤然涌上心头后,让傲罗们立刻搞清楚来袭的敌人是什么了。 Beyond their field of vision range, the dense Dementor group comes toward Hogsmeade just like the great waves, but this about hundred Dementor are only the enemy is used to disrupt their vanguards merely. 在他们视野范围外,黑压压的摄魂怪群宛如浪涛般朝霍格莫德汹涌而来,而这近百的摄魂怪仅仅只是敌人用来扰乱他们的前锋。
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