BCA :: Volume #15

#1484: Desolate Gu Swamp (Last Part)

Threw off these ants finally......” “总算甩掉那些蚂蚁了……” In Desolate Gu Swamp some brown great forest, several feet spirit boat appears in an open area, the above people induced in blue-marked ice ants to divine consciousness range to stop the chase, relaxes slightly. 荒蛊沼泽的某座褐色巨林中,一艘数丈的灵舟出现在一处空地上,上面的众人感应到神识范围内的蓝纹冰蚁停止了追逐,略微松了一口气。 We did not use Soul Tribe unique soul treasure in vain.” “不枉我们动用了魂部特有的魂宝。” Afterward they looked started jade talisman, this jade talisman similar palm of the hand size, above had a mini star source beast design indistinctly, the ray somewhat was slightly dim. 随后他们看了下手中的玉符,这枚玉符差不多巴掌大小,上面隐约有一个迷你星原兽的图案,光芒略微有些黯淡。 Originally this is Soul Tribe soul treasure, it is said can short time manifestation have one is not weak in main body star soul clone, is really fierce, being equivalent baseless to be many a same rank helper.” “原来这就是魂部魂宝,据说能短时间显化出一个不弱于本体的星魂分身,果然厉害,相当于凭空多出一个同阶的帮手。” Xiao Linsheng takes a look at that two jade talisman, in the eye is flashing through several points of dreading color. 萧林生瞅着那两张玉符,眼中闪过几分忌惮之色。 Fellow Daoist Xiao Five Lights Rope is not simple, unexpectedly even cold gathering breath this true essence-suppressing energy can also imprison.” 萧道友五光绳也不简单,居然连寒罗之息这种压制真元的能量也能禁锢。” A Hun Feng chuckle sound said, this two Star Soul Clan single-handedly waved, jade talisman was swallowed in the entrance by under foot respective star soul beast later, as if this special soul treasure, conducts the sacrifice to refine through respective fleshly body. 魂凤轻笑一声道,随后这两名星魂族单手一挥,玉符就被脚下各自的星魂兽吞入口中,似乎这件特殊的魂宝,是通过各自的肉身进行祭炼的。 This time we are happy, although does not have wasteland beast, but gets so far as two heaven connecting spirit treasure that contains tool spirit, calculates trip has not been made in vain.” “这次我们算是皆大欢喜,虽然没有荒兽,但是弄到两件蕴含器灵通天灵宝,也算不虚此行。” Xiao Linsheng shows a faint smile, the right hand touched to the back, there carried a three chi (0.33 m) golden short sword, another side, the Hun Kai back is also hanging a seven chi (0.33 m) golden broadsword. 萧林生微微一笑,不禁右手摸向了后背,那里背着一把三尺长的金色短刀,另一边,魂铠的背后也挂着一把七尺长的金色大刀。 Although these two gold/metal blades the size is different, but the trace and aura are very similar, probably with a special bone refinement, above is the mysterious trace. 这两把金刀虽然大小不同,但纹路和气息都十分相似,像是用一种特殊的骨质炼制而成,上面全都是玄奥的纹路。 What is more important, in the knife is sending out fearful bloodline strength, but also has the ape shouting sound to spread faintly, obviously these two weapons refine to turn into tool spirit two powerful ape wasteland beast. 更重要的是,刀身中散发着一股可怕的血脉之力,还隐隐有猿猴的嘶吼声传出,显然这两把武器将两头强大猿猴荒兽炼化成了器灵 Xiao Linsheng feels the back gold/metal blade, on the face brings several points of surprise, if personally does not see, he’d fundamentally be unable to believe it, making clairvoyant golden eyes beast feel that frightened aura, is tool spirit sends out unexpectedly. 萧林生感受着背后的金刀,脸上带着几分惊奇,如果不是亲眼所见,他根本无法相信,让三眼金睛兽感到恐惧的气息,竟然是器灵散发出来的。 After capturing ice piece, they want to break open the cold gathering breath ice piece, wanting in the solution to be banned to seal mysterious wasteland beast that finally after breaking open the ice piece, inside unexpectedly is the one big and one small two gold/metal blades. 在夺取冰块后,他们就想破开寒罗之息冰块,想要解决里面被禁封的神秘荒兽,结果破开冰块后,里面居然是一大一小两把金刀。 At this time, Xiao Linsheng looked at that behind Hun Kai carried the golden broadsword, suddenly said: Fairy Maiden Hun, this treasure seems like the method of our Human Clan refinement, Star Soul Clan takes, should unable to use.” 这时候,萧林生看了看魂铠背后背着的那把金色大刀,忽然说道:“魂仙子,这件宝物看上去是我们人族炼制的手段,星魂族拿回去,应该不能用吧。” Hun Feng looked at Xiao Linsheng, in the eye flashed through several points of disdaining color: „If the Human Clan refinement, how you didn't control? So powerful magic treasure, likely is other race refinements.” 魂凤看了一眼萧林生,眼中闪过几分不屑之色:“如果是人族炼制的,你怎么操控不了?如此强大的法宝,很可能是其他种族炼制的。” Said again, no matter your Human Clan magic treasure, is other treasures of foreign clan refinement, our Star Soul Clan only needs to refine with the soul thought sacrifice, similarly can use.” “再说了,不管是你们人族法宝,还是其他异族炼制的宝物,我们星魂族只需要用魂念祭炼一番,同样可以使用。” foreign clan refinement?” 异族炼制的?” Xiao Linsheng stares, later reveals for several points suddenly, Human Clan tool refining skill, originates from foreign clan, he just used many methods, besides uses the governing thing technique control reluctantly, does not have any method control, the technique is completely different from tool refining skill that he knows. 萧林生一愣,随后就露出几分恍然,人族炼器之术,都来源于异族,他刚刚施展了很多手段,除了勉强用御物术操控外,就没有任何手段操控,手法完全和他知道的炼器之术不同。 Moreover these two gold/metal blades are unable to put in the storage space, according to the view of Hun Feng and Hun Kai, this magic treasure embodiment causes including some space attribute material. 而且这两把金刀也无法放入储物空间,按照魂凤魂铠的说法,这法宝内蕴含某种空间属性的材料所导致的。 After they carved up two gold/metal blades, planned that and other duties ended, with gave the respective Void Refining elder to have a look, to could find this treasure activation method. 他们瓜分了两把金刀后,打算等这次任务结束,拿回去给各自的炼虚长辈看看,说不定能找到这种宝物的催动之法 Fellow Daoist Xiao, we trace the Jian Chen position, for this treasure, we had lost a lot of time.” 萧道友,我们还是追踪剑尘的位置吧,为了这件宝物,我们已经耽误了不少时间。” Xiao Linsheng recovers, in the hand spirit light flashed before, appeared that short sword that contains Destructive Intent, this time short sword swayingly, did not seem to be able to locate precisely. 萧林生回过神来,手中灵光闪现,出现了那一把蕴含着毁灭之意短剑,不过此时的短剑晃晃悠悠,似乎不能精确的定位。 His hesitation moment, before the body, presented mini short sword, Morning Sun’s Respite Sword that captures from the Chen Shiyu hand, his mudra surges, this blooms pale gold phantom the sword, contains the Destructive Intent remnant sword to wrap that. 他沉吟片刻,身前又出现了一件迷你短剑,正是从陈诗语手中夺取的朝阳一气剑,他法决涌动,这把剑绽放出一股淡金色虚影,将那蕴含着毁灭之意的残剑包裹进去。 Then changes to together golden sword light, float in its top of the head, sword tip that rocks gradually stabilizes, aimed at a direction. 接着就化作一道金色剑光,悬浮在其头顶,那晃动的剑尖逐渐稳定下来,指向了一个方向。 Northern west, troubles the two help to stand guard, Xiao controls spirit boat.” “北部偏西,麻烦两位帮忙警戒,萧某操控灵舟。” Good.” “好。” Afterward they under the direction of head sword tool, accelerate to fly in the swamp. 随后他们在头上剑器的指引下,在沼泽中加速飞行起来。 Desolate Gu Swamp except for natural miasmic qi restriction, is surviving many strange poisonous insects, takes miasmic qi as food wasteland beast, living in groups insect class that is similar to blue-marked ice ants much. 荒蛊沼泽除了天然的瘴气禁制,生存着很多怪异毒虫,一些以瘴气为食的荒兽,还有不少类似于蓝纹冰蚁的群居虫类。 Even if Xiao Linsheng they have existences of many Soul Transformation Late Stage, is powerful, many places do not dare easily to violate the danger, the root support the map, chooses the risky small place to detour. 就算萧林生他们有多名化神后期的存在,实力强大,不少地方也不敢轻易犯险,根据手中的地图,选择危险性小的地方绕路。 ...... …… ...... …… On some great tree of Desolate Gu Swamp northern edge, air on branch presented not normal ripples, seems like the air that seems the breeze to flutter has produced to ripple, but in fact, here person is actually hiding quietly. 荒蛊沼泽北部边缘的某棵巨树上,一根树枝上的空气出现了一丝不正常的涟漪,看上去就好像微风飘过产生的空气荡漾而已,可实际上,这里却有一个人悄然隐藏着。 This person of height six chi (0.33 m), wear a gray brocade clothing/taking, seems like about 30 -year-old middle-aged man, the look is ordinary, the eyebrow is rich, at this time is wrinkling the brow stands on as if two short sword above the eyes, there is not to get angry from the makings of prestige. 此人身高六尺,身穿一件灰色锦服,看上去三十岁左右的中年男子,相貌普通,眉毛浓郁狭长,此时皱着的眉头就仿佛两个短剑立在双眼之上,有股不怒自威的气质。 This aura is absolute right, is master Spirit Extermination Sword destruction sword spirit wisp.” “这气息绝对没错,是师父灭灵剑一缕毁灭剑灵。” But why ten years of does not have any sound, actually manifestation has the aura at this time, moreover in this Desolate Gu Swamp, from my hiding place is about several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km).” “可为什么十年没有任何动静,此时却显化出气息,而且还是在这荒蛊沼泽,距离我的藏身之处不过数万里。” This straight eyebrows slanting upwards and outwards star goal middle-aged man brow tight wrinkle, in the heart is judging anything. 这名剑眉星目的中年男子眉头紧皱,心中在判断着什么。 If wants to entice me to come out, the first year that Descending Spirit City is shattered is the best opportunity, does not need to begin now.” “如果想要勾引我出来,降灵城破灭的第一年是最好的机会,没必要现在才动手。” Or this hadn't destruction sword spirit wisp, fallen to the Star Soul Clan hand in?” “或者说,这一缕毁灭剑灵,一直没有落到星魂族手中?” „But if destruction sword spirit escaped initially, it first is to definitely look for me, rather than goes to other places, after all the master had displayed sword attraction mudra to Spirit Extermination Sword Spirit.” “可如果毁灭剑灵当初就逃出来了,它第一时间肯定是寻找我,而不是去其他地方,毕竟师父早已对灭灵剑灵施展了引剑诀。” Any sword spirit wisp splits, will flee void, fuses with the Sword Sect disciple who matches.” “任何一缕剑灵分裂出来,都会虚空遁走,与相匹配的剑宗弟子融合。” In this/should male heart non-stop analyzing, he currently also has Five Spirits School Human Clan cultivator to chase down by Star Soul Clan, does not dare to have any general idea/careless. 该男子心中不停分析着,他现在被星魂族还有五灵门人族修士追杀,不敢有任何大意。 This situation, should only have two types to be possible, one type is the Star Soul Clan trap, they intercepted sword spirit early, because of some reason, set this trap by the present.” “这种情况,应该只有两种可能,一种是星魂族的陷阱,他们早早截取了剑灵,但因为某种原因,到现在才设置了这个陷阱。” „After another type is sword spirit of master escapes, receives one type also to contain the aura attraction of Destructive Will, but this Destructive Intent compared with my strong, therefore did not have first to find me.” “另一种则是师父的剑灵逃出后,受到了一种同样蕴含毁灭意志的气息吸引,而这种毁灭之意比我的更强,所以没有第一时间找到我。” Now erupts, explained that with that heaven and earth treasure that contains Destructive Will completed the fusion, had some mutation, thus the aura gushes out.” “如今爆发出来,说明与那股蕴含毁灭意志天材地宝完成了融合,出现了某种异变,从而气息涌出。” Thinks of here, hidden with the middle-aged man imperceptibly, revealed the color of several points of hesitation. 想到这里,隐藏与无形中的中年男子,露出了几分迟疑之色。 Must pass, if fused master Spirit Extermination Sword the sword spirit wisp, under I stimulate to movement full power, can perhaps catch Void Refining strikes conveniently.” “要不要过去,如果融合了师父灭灵剑的这一缕剑灵,我全力催动之下,恐怕能接住炼虚的随手一击。” Moreover there are it to protect the body, Star Soul Clan soul assimilation light will sell at a discount greatly, this faces three Soul Transformation Late Stage Star Soul Clan even, I have the escaping assurance.” “而且有其护体,星魂族摄魂之光会大打折扣,这样就算面对三名化神后期星魂族,我都有逃跑的把握。” But the fluctuation of sword spirit, returns simultaneously inspires destruction sword treasure in sword burial mound, Descending Spirit City and Falling Star Mystical Land were seized by the enemy, they definitely also discovered this point, perhaps at this time was surrounding me.” “可是剑灵的波动,同时回引动剑冢内的毁灭剑宝,降灵城坠星秘境都被敌人占领,他们肯定也发现了这一点,说不定这时候就在围堵我。” The middle-aged man in the heart conducts a round analysis, discovered, no matter which situation, has the danger of falling from the sky to him. 中年男子在心中进行一轮分析后,发现不管是哪种情况,对他而言都有陨落的危险。 But at this time, near his ear recalled suddenly hundred years ago, the master had said method that also one type complements five phases spirit root, but the price is enormous, may be very failed. 可这时候,他耳边忽然回想起百年前,师父说过还有一种补全五行灵根的方法,不过代价极大,很可能失败。 Thinks of here, he spat foul air slightly, in the eye flashed through the color of resolution. 想到这里,他微微吐了一口浊气,眼中闪过坚定之色。 Human Clan has degenerated into the Star Soul Clan soul food, only then enters Void Refining Boundary, I have the opportunity to rescue these to scatter in the clansmen of various clans, Human Clan may rise.” 人族已经沦为星魂族的魂食,只有进入炼虚之境,我才有机会解救那些散落在各族的族人,人族才有可能重新崛起。” If can fuse Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit wisp, by mystic image true intent, that means that the master said were many several points of successful possibility.” “如果能融合灭灵剑一缕剑灵,凭借法相真意,师父说的那种办法就多了几分成功的可能。” If breakthrough Void Refining, my Jian Chen even if they had not been held by Star Soul Clan, still most barely manages to maintain a feeble existence for 400 years, will die under next time heavenly tribulation.” “若是突破不了炼虚,我剑尘就算没被星魂族他们抓住,也最多苟延残喘四百年,就会死在下次天劫之下。” Even the uncertain opportunity, I must try!” “就算再渺茫的机会,我也得试试!” Afterward the form of this middle-aged man flashes, as if changed to cool breeze, following surrounding miasmic qi, flutters to go toward the Desolate Gu Swamp deep place...... 随后这名中年男子的身影一闪,仿佛化作了一道清风,顺着周围的瘴气,向着荒蛊沼泽的深处飘荡而去…… ( https://) (https://) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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