BCA :: Volume #15

#1483: Desolate Gu Swamp (Middle Part)

On a swamp that fills gray-black miasmic qi, four -and-a-half zhang (3.33 m) deep green flying boat terrain flight, above is standing eight forms, four Human Clan, four Star Soul Clan. 在一片充满灰黑色瘴气的沼泽上,有一艘四丈半的深青色飞舟贴地飞行着,上面站着八个身影,四名人族,四名星魂族 In the deck front section, two taking the form of lions, have the unusual animals of rock scale flesh to lie in the deck, their three eyes slightly closed, seems resting. 在甲板前段,两头形似狮子,有着岩石鳞片肌肤的异兽趴在甲板上,它们的三只眼睛微微闭合,似乎正在休息。 But in the dead ahead of these two unusual animals, but also is lying two star source beast, the slight snoring sound spreads from its, but the eye on sheep's head opens a slit once for a while, looks at opposite unusual animals vigilantly. 而在这两头异兽的正前方,还趴着两头星原兽,轻微的呼噜声从其口中传出,不过羊头上的眼睛时不时张开一丝缝隙,警惕地看着对面的异兽。 Xiao Linsheng, has not thought that made the master so love to you, unexpectedly three gold/metal eyeballs ** gave you?” Hun Kai stands in its star source beast behind, he looks at two taking the form of lions three unusual animals, the one-eyed on face narrows the eyes to say slightly. 萧林生,没想到令师对你如此宠爱,竟然把三眼金睛**给你了?”魂铠站在其星原兽的身后,他看着两头形似狮子的三眼异兽,脸上的独眼微微一眯道。 Hun Feng stands side him, the one-eyed gazes at the front to flood the miasmic qi swamp, as if to two unusual animals and caring. 魂凤站在他身边,独眼注视着前方充斥着瘴气的沼泽,似乎对两头异兽并不在意。 In the Xiao Linsheng hand is brandishing a five colors feather fan, said humbly: Master this makes an insurance, after all under independent combat, Xiao is not the Jian Chen opponent.” 萧林生手中挥舞着一把五色羽扇,谦逊道:“师父这是多做一层保险,毕竟单打独斗下,萧某可不是剑尘的对手。” Hears these words, Hun Feng opens the mouth to say suddenly: Fellow Daoist Xiao strength compared with Jian Chen? The concubine body heard, Fellow Daoist is the first expert under Human Clan Void Refining.” 听到这句话,魂凤忽然开口道:“萧道友的实力比不过剑尘?妾身可是听说,道友人族炼虚之下的第一高手。” Xiao Linsheng shakes the head saying: Xiao, although the strength is good, but in Human Clan Void Refining following cultivator, placed many first three, can be called first, is Spirit King Buddha of Buddhism.” 萧林生摇摇头道:“萧某虽然实力不错,但在人族炼虚以下的修士中,最多排在前三,能称得上第一的,是佛门的灵王佛。” Hun Feng upon hearing this, in the eye flashes through a different color: Spirit King Buddha, the concubine body listened to the clan the elder saying that that Spirit King Buddha does not know that used what secret technique, has supported three moves in Moon Tribe Void Refining Elder forcefully hand/subordinate.” 魂凤闻言,眼中闪过一丝异色道:“灵王佛,妾身听族中长辈说过,那灵王佛不知施展了什么秘术,硬生生在月部炼虚长老手下撑过了三招。” Worthily is the Human Clan Soul Transformation first expert, in our Star Soul Clan, can achieve this also less than five.” “不愧是人族化神第一高手,在我们星魂族中,能做到这点的也不足五个。” A Hun Kai cold snort/hum sound said: Pitifully, facing Void Refining, strong Soul Transformation is unmatchable.” 魂铠冷哼一声道:“可惜,面对炼虚,再强的化神都无法对抗。” Yes, strong Soul Transformation, does not have the means to contend with Void Refining, disparity of both sides like a huge gap.” Xiao Linsheng muttered whispers, the pupil deep place flashed through a firmness. “是啊,再强的化神,都没办法抗衡炼虚,双方的差距如同一个巨大的鸿沟。”萧林生喃喃低语,瞳孔深处闪过一丝坚定。 Hun Feng also asked: That Fellow Daoist Xiao knows that what Sword Sect that Jian Chen also does have to erupt the secret technique? If its strength and Spirit King Buddha are equivalent, we must prepare.” 魂凤又问道:“那萧道友知道剑宗的那位剑尘也有什么爆发秘术吗?如果其实力和灵王佛相当,我们得有所准备。” Xiao Linsheng shakes the head saying: cultivator trump card method, usually hidden to be deep, Spirit King Buddha can resist the Void Refining secret technique, Xiao has not listened.” 萧林生摇头道:“修士压箱底手段,通常都隐藏极深,灵王佛能对抗炼虚的秘术,萧某就从来没听过。” Facing this situation, Xiao also made some preparations.” “不过面对这种情况,萧某也做了一些准备。” Hun Feng looked at this time to the spirit boat center. 魂凤这时候看向了灵舟中央。 The heroic spirit female who wears the white robe stands in the deck, his body is tying up five-colored rope, simultaneously his lip and four limbs, various posts talisman, two Five Spirits School Soul Transformation Middle Stage cultivator, is standing in one on the left and other on the right its side. 有一名身穿白袍的英气女子站在甲板上,其身上捆绑着一个五色绳索,同时其嘴唇和四肢,各贴着一张符箓,两名五灵门化神中期修士,一左一右站在其身边。 This Human Clan female cultivator within the body contains Sharp Intent, seems like the Sword Sect disciple, does Fellow Daoist Xiao want to make Jian Chen be cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt?” “这位人族女修体内蕴含着锋利之意,似乎是剑宗弟子,难道萧道友是想让剑尘投鼠忌器?” A Xiao Linsheng chuckle sound said: Chen Shiyu and Jian Chen relate excellently, her body pasted completely destruction curse talisman, if Jian Chen displayed to contain the attack of Destructive Intent to us, the above spell will detonate.” 萧林生轻笑一声道:“陈诗语剑尘关系极好,她身上贴满了毁灭咒符,若是剑尘对我们施展蕴含毁灭之意的攻击,上面的符咒就会引爆。” Then, even if Jian Chen has any fierce method, somewhat has scruples.” “如此一来,纵使剑尘有什么厉害手段,也有几分顾忌。” Nearby Hun Kai upon hearing this, divine thought sweeps slightly, discovery this female sword cultivator rune embodiment contains a fearsome rupturing flame aura, some tone strange different ways: Your Five Spirits School, is really ruthless to kindred enough.” 一旁的魂铠闻言,神念微微一扫,就发现这名女剑修身上的符文内蕴含一种可怖的爆裂火焰气息,语气有些怪异道:“你们五灵门,对同族还真够狠的。” The Xiao Linsheng pupil deep place flashes through cold intent, has not said anything. 萧林生瞳孔深处闪过一丝冷意,并没有多说什么。 At this moment, two triple golden eyes beast opened the eye suddenly, stands up fiercely, the third eye of their forehead, shone gold/metal simultaneously. 就在这时,两头三眼金睛兽忽然睁开了眼睛,猛地站起身来,它们眉心的第三颗眼睛,同时亮起了一丝金芒。 Da Jin, Er Jin, how?” Xiao Linsheng induced to the two spirit beast signs in within the body immediately sends out the vibration, the sinking sound asked. 大金,二金,怎么了?”萧林生立马感应到体内的两块灵兽牌发出了震动,沉声问道。 Roar......” “吼……” Roar......” “吼……” Two triple golden eyes beast look at the northwest direction stubbornly, in the mouth sends out low roars, meanwhile is grinning, scale even exploded, a being critical situation appearance. 两头三眼金睛兽死死看着西北方向,口中发出一声声低吼,同时还龇着牙,身上的鳞片甚至都炸了起来,一副如临大敌的模样。 two Star Soul Clan sees this phenomenon, first stares, later searches to the front divine consciousness, may as a result of the mist obstuction, their Soul Transformation Peak divine consciousness , can only investigate about 100 li (0.5 km) range, and does not have any discovery. 两名星魂族见到这副异象,先是一愣,随后就将神识向前方探去,可由于雾气阻扰,他们化神巅峰神识,也只能探查一百里左右的范围,并没有什么发现。 Hun Feng asked: Fellow Daoist Xiao, what danger did triple golden eyes beast discover?” 魂凤问道:“萧道友,三眼金睛兽是发现了什么危险?” Xiao Linsheng induced the fluctuation that within the body spirit beast sign is transmitting, the brow wrinkled: They induce to fearful wasteland beast bloodline, a place inside and outside 500.” 萧林生感应着体内灵兽牌传来的波动,眉头不禁皱了起来:“它们感应到一股可怕的荒兽血脉,就在五百里外的一处地方。” wasteland beast?” 荒兽?” Also wants powerful bloodline compared with triple golden eyes beast?” “比三眼金睛兽还要强大的血脉?” One-eyed of two Star Soul Clan simultaneously one bright, their star source beast, as if understood what is heard these words, stood full of energy, the facial expression is somewhat stimulated. 两名星魂族的独眼同时一亮,他们脚下的星原兽,也仿佛听明白了这句话,精神抖擞地站了起来,神情有些亢奋。 Xiao Linsheng saw that this scenery does not feel strange, Star Soul Clan source body likes swallowing various wasteland beast, more powerful wasteland beast, after they swallowed, fleshly body cultivation base promotes more obvious more. 萧林生见到此景并不感到奇怪,星魂族原体喜欢吞食各种荒兽,越强大的荒兽,它们吞食了后肉身修为提升得就越明显。 The Hun Feng tone said discretely: Fellow Daoist Xiao, triple golden eyes beast whether to induce to the strength of opposite party, although Desolate Gu Swamp is impossible to have Void Refining level fearful wasteland beast, but in order to we are careful.” 魂凤语气谨慎道:“萧道友,三眼金睛兽能否感应到对方的实力,虽然荒蛊沼泽不可能存在炼虚级别的可怕荒兽,但我们还是小心起见。” Xiao Linsheng divine thought stimulated to movement the spirit beast sign in lower part, two triple golden eyes beast lowered roared two, he shook the head saying: „It is not Void Refining wasteland beast, if existence of this rank, perhaps triple golden eyes beast will turn around to escape.” 萧林生神念催动了下体内的灵兽牌,两头三眼金睛兽低吼了两声,他摇头道:“不是炼虚荒兽,如果是这种级别的存在,三眼金睛兽恐怕会掉头而逃。” Hun Kai somewhat said excitedly: Wants is not Void Refining wasteland beast, we under do not fear anything jointly, walks, has a look.” 魂铠有些兴奋道:“只要不是炼虚荒兽,我们联手之下根本不惧怕什么,走,去看看。” Although Hun Feng feels subconsciously somewhat improper, but she does not hate to let go this opportunity. 魂凤虽然下意识感到有些不妥,但她也不舍得放弃这个机会。 Desolate Gu Swamp most regions, were investigated similarly by surrounding three clan Void Refining, contains the place of natural restriction and danger labels in the map. 荒蛊沼泽大部分区域,都被周围的三族炼虚探查得差不多了,蕴含天然禁制和危险的地方都标注在地图中。 So long as they do not go to the places of several danger, Desolate Gu Swamp not too many risks, meet bloodline powerful wasteland beast to them here, only happens by happy circumstance simply. 只要他们不去几个危险之地,荒蛊沼泽对他们而言并无太多的风险,在这里遇到血脉强大的荒兽,简直可遇不可求的。 If in the Land of Blood Wastes deep place, they discovered even powerful wasteland beast, still not necessarily dares to seek. 如果是在血荒之地深处,他们就算发现了强大的荒兽,也未必敢去寻找。 Xiao Linsheng looks at the two Star Soul Clan facial expression, suddenly opens the mouth saying: two, investigated in the past does not have the issue suddenly, if the human hair that wasteland beast, how we do assign presently?” 萧林生看着两名星魂族的神情,忽然开口道:“两位,过去探查一下没问题,如果真发现那个荒兽,我们如何分配?” Hun Kai said: „Very simple, we want that wasteland beast blood and flesh, body the output situation assignments in other material basis fights.” 魂铠道:“很简单,我们只要那头荒兽血肉,身体的其他材料根据战斗中的出力情况分配。” The Xiao Linsheng eye narrows the eyes saying: How saying that this wasteland beast is also the triple golden eyes beast discovery, Xiao had given the maximum strength.” 萧林生眼睛一眯道:“怎么说这头荒兽也是三眼金睛兽发现的,萧某已经出了最大的力了。” You want anything.” “你想要什么。” Xiao Linsheng hehe said with a smile: wasteland beast internal pill, which bloodline no matter this is, internal pill first gives me.” 萧林生嘿嘿一笑道:“荒兽内丹,不管这是哪个血脉,内丹得优先给我。” „The internal pill value is wasteland beast within the body are most, you......” Hun Kai anger sound said. 内丹价值是荒兽体内最多的,你……”魂铠怒声道。 Hun Feng beckons with the hand saying: Good, this, but internal pill you took, wasteland beast other partially may be us.” 魂凤摆摆手道:“好,就这样,不过内丹你拿了,荒兽其他的部分可都属于我们了。” Ok!” “行!” Their quick reaching an agreement type of distribution, then controls spirit boat, accelerates flies to the front, but with near of more and more distance, Xiao Linsheng and two Star Soul Clan facial expression, gradually becomes dignified. 他们很快商量好分配方式,便驾驭灵舟,加速向前方飞去,不过随着距离的越来越近,萧林生以及两名星魂族的神情,逐渐变得凝重起来。 Hun Feng is reading the jade slip map in hand, said slowly: „The front three regions, respectively are two-winged cloud snake, bloodsucking thunder mosquito swarm and blue-marked ice ants lair, that wasteland beast not in these three places.” 魂凤看着手中的玉简地图,缓缓道:“前面三片区域,分别是双翅云蛇嗜血雷蚊群蓝纹冰蚁的巢穴,那个荒兽不会在这三个地方吧。” In the Xiao Linsheng hand also takes a map, he linked it with the information that came from the spirit beast tile within his body, deeply frowned saying: 萧林生手中同样拿着一张地图,他结合体内灵兽牌传来的讯息,眉头紧锁道: In the blue-marked ice ants region, moreover in the induction of triple golden eyes beast, that bloodline aura position has not changed.” “在蓝纹冰蚁的区域,而且在三眼金睛兽的感应中,那个血脉气息的位置始终没有变化。” „Is position motionless? Difficult to be inadequate by blue-marked ice ants is caught?” “位置不动?难不成被蓝纹冰蚁捕捉了?” „Do we also go?” “那我们还去吗?” Was definitely caught by blue-marked ice ants, according to the custom of this variation insect, although will not prey on immediately, but frozen will hide the lair deep place it.” “肯定是被蓝纹冰蚁捕获了,按照这种异虫的习惯,虽然不会立马捕食,但会将其冰封藏到巢穴深处。” blue-marked ice ants lair......” 蓝纹冰蚁的巢穴……” In these person of eyes, revealed an alarmed and afraid color simultaneously. 这些人眼中,同时露出了一丝惊惧之色。 At this time in the Xiao Linsheng hand spirit light flashed, presented broken short sword, several mudra flashed through, short sword aimed at the north, he sighed a sound said lightly: Even if we do not seek for that wasteland beast, these three regions are the roads which must be taken.” 这时候萧林生手中灵光闪动,出现了一把残破的短剑,几道法决闪过,短剑指向了北方,他轻叹一声道:“就算我们不去寻找那头荒兽,这三块区域都是必经之路。” Hun Feng hesitatingly said: 魂凤沉吟道: bloodsucking thunder mosquitos first removes, even in Void Refining existence, falls into has certain danger, two-winged cloud snake is good at the concealment figure, mysteriously appearing and disappearing, most important is to invading being ruthless of its domain, best not to go to provoke.” 嗜血雷蚊首先排除,就算是炼虚存在,身陷里面都有一定危险,双翅云蛇善于隐匿身形,神出鬼没,最重要是对入侵其领域的赶尽杀绝,最好别去招惹。” Here blue-marked ice ants group had 100,000 scales at least, falls into the words of ant colony we definitely unable to resist so many cold gathering breath, is good is ordinary because of their escape speed.” “这里的蓝纹冰蚁群起码有了十万规模,身陷蚁群的话我们肯定抵不住如此多的寒罗之息,好在它们的遁速一般。” Hun Kai somewhat said scruple: Hun Feng, then by blue-marked ice ants frozen that wasteland beast?” 魂铠有些迟疑道:“魂凤,那被蓝纹冰蚁冰封的那个荒兽?” Hun Feng said in a sinking voice: Since frozen, was naturally caught in the lair, blue-marked ice ants lair in underground, moreover in the cavern also has the cold gathering ice blockade, I and other true essence and divine consciousness were suppressed enormously, going is too dangerous, can only give up.” 魂凤沉声道:“既然被冰封,自然被捕捉到巢穴中了,蓝纹冰蚁巢穴在地底,而且洞穴中还有寒罗冰封锁,我等真元神识受到极大的压制,进去太危险,只能放弃。” Good......” “好吧……” The Xiao Linsheng approval nods: Truly, the thorough ant nest was really dangerous.” 萧林生赞同地点点头:“确实,深入蚁穴实在是太危险了。” Afterward their flying boat continues to fly, was close to hundred li (0.5 km) range quickly, divine consciousness also induced the scene of distant place, they saw any strange scene probably, all expression gawked, later revealed the color of great happiness. 随后他们飞舟继续飞行,很快接近了百里范围,神识也感应到了远处的场景,他们好像看到了什么奇怪的场景,全都神色一愣,随后就露出大喜之色。 blue-marked ice ants has not gone well!” 蓝纹冰蚁还没有得手!” Prey is still revolting!” “猎物还在反抗!” We have the opportunity!” “我们有机会!” Several, do not need to prolong contact, robs wasteland beast!” “几位,无需恋战,抢走荒兽!” Good!” “好!” Hun Feng they are exceptionally decisive, agreed immediately, several people start to send greetings. 魂凤他们异常果断,立马同意,几人开始传音起来。 ...... …… Sees only a swamp in the ground, the ant that is crawling densely and numerously the innumerable abdomen blue marks, in these ant center, the blue ice piece, inside has anything to struggle indistinctly. 只见一片沼泽的地面上,密密麻麻爬行着无数腹部蓝纹的蚂蚁,在这些蚂蚁中央,有一个蓝色冰块,里面隐约有什么东西正在挣扎。 After every struggles one time, the blue ice piece has ten cracks, later spits the breath to make up to crystallize by the quiet blue color that innumerable blue-marked ant emit. 每一次挣扎后,蓝色冰块就出现十来道裂缝,随后就被无数蓝纹蚂蚁喷吐的幽蓝色吐息弥补晶化起来。 More and more ants gush out from underground, the quiet blue spitting breath is getting more and more rich, how long as if could not want, the fissure speed crystallized speed of ice crystal exceeded. 越来越多的蚂蚁从地底涌出,幽蓝色的吐息越来越浓郁,似乎要不了多久,冰晶的裂痕速度就被晶化的速度超越。 At this moment, quiet blue spirit light crashes from sky together suddenly, hits in the ant colony, a star light ripple ripples, in the ground presented zhang (3.33 m) permits tall star source beast phantom. 就在这时,一道幽蓝色的灵光忽然从天空中坠落而下,撞击在蚁群中,一圈星光波纹荡漾开来,地面上出现了一头丈许高的星原兽虚影 This beast top of the head appears a giant eyeball, inside blooms fiercely together the radiant gloomily blue colored light column, fiercely shoots goes forward. 此兽头顶浮现一个巨大的眼珠子,里面猛地绽放出一道璀璨的幽蓝色光柱,向前激射而去。 After the ground this light beam of dense and numerous blue-marked ice ants attacks, lost divine soul fluctuation, refuses to compromise in same place, was swept a path directly. 地面上密密麻麻的蓝纹冰蚁被这道光柱冲击后,就失去了神魂波动,僵持在原地,直接被扫开了一条道路。 Afterward this star source beast phantom before dashed about wildly, the approached ant was hit to fly by it, as if this phantom is a strong entity is ordinary. 随后这头星原兽虚影就像前狂奔了起来,靠近的蚂蚁都被其撞飞出去,似乎这个虚影是一个强壮的实体一般。 The distant place is weaving the ant of blue ice piece, was attracted much. 远处编织着蓝色冰块的蚂蚁,不少被吸引了过来。 At this moment, there is quiet blue spirit light to fall on another side together, manifestation, but second star source beast phantom, the eyes on head combine, similarly fiercely shoots has a ray. 就在这时,又有一道幽蓝色的灵光落在另一边,显化而出第二个星原兽虚影,头颅上的双眼合二为一,同样激射出一道光芒。 The ant colony on swamp was divided into two class/flow tides immediately, charged into two star source beast phantom respectively. 沼泽上的蚁群顿时被分成了两股流潮,分别冲向了两个星原兽虚影 However blue-marked ice ants of ice hockey surface remains unmoved, lies above as before, is emitting diligently sending out in mouth the blue light spitting breath. 不过冰球表面的蓝纹冰蚁不为所动,依旧趴在上面,勤勤恳恳地喷吐着口中的散发着蓝光的吐息。 At this time, in the midair appeared suddenly a big eyeball, this eyeball was 2-3 zhang (3.33 m), inside is sending out the endless starry sky, the next quarter, inside emerged the thick ray, radiant star light crashed under. 这时候,半空中骤然浮现出一个大眼珠子,这个眼珠子有2-3丈长,里面散发着无尽的星空,下一刻,里面就涌现出粗大的光芒,璀璨的星光坠落而下。 The ant in ice crystal instantaneous stiff, all falls off downward. 冰晶内的蚂蚁瞬间僵硬了起来,全都向下脱落。 But at this time, the ice crystal nearby emerged out of thin air a rope that is emitting the five colors gloss, this rope surrounding ice hockey, goes toward distant place fiercely shoots. 而这时,冰晶附近凭空出现了一个散发着五色光泽的绳索,这个绳索一把困住的冰球,向着远处激射而去。 Goes well, walks!” “得手,走!” At this time, counted outside the hundred zhang (333 m), spirit boat appeared, that ice hockey fell, spirit boat went to north fiercely shoots without hesitation, has not yearned. 这时候,数百丈之外,一艘灵舟浮现而出,那个冰球落入其中后,灵舟毫不犹豫向北方激射而去,没有丝毫留恋。 blue-marked ant in ground seems angry, wants to pursue, at this time the blue eyeball in midair, made together the blue light again. 地面上的蓝纹蚂蚁似乎十分愤怒,想要追逐出去,这时候半空中的蓝色眼珠子,再一次打出一道蓝光。 Without the ice hockey, these ants were putting out the icy-blue spitting breath to this star light column directly, in the spitting breaths of tens of thousands of ant, both sides melts directly. 没有了冰球,这些蚂蚁直接对着这道星光柱吐出了冰蓝色的吐息,在数以万计蚂蚁的吐息中,双方直接消融。 In this instance, two loud sound sounds transmits suddenly. 就在这个瞬间,两道巨响声忽然传来。 Two had been blasted open by star source beast phantom of ant crawling full whole body loudly, blooms two giant star light flowers, unexpected, also many ants were broken divine soul, may tie the ant of agglomerate, with the aid of the rich spitting breath, blocked this attack. 两头已经被蚂蚁爬满全身的星原兽虚影轰然炸裂,绽放出两朵巨大的星光花朵,猝不及防之下,又有不少蚂蚁被震碎了神魂,可很多结成团的蚂蚁,借助浓郁的吐息,挡住了这道攻击。 After prevents twice, spirit boat has vanished in the fields of vision of these ants, but they turn toward the direction of distant place to pursue...... 经过两次阻挡,灵舟已经消失在这些蚂蚁的视野中,可它们还是向着远处的方向追去…… ( https://) (https://) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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