BCA :: Volume #15

#1482: Desolate Gu Swamp (First Part)

In piece of jet black subterranean depths, Lu Kun changes to compact black-haired ape, what within the body sends out is monster ape divine soul and bloodline aura, is completely different from Human Clan. 在一片漆黑的地底深处,陆坤化作迷你黑毛猿猴,体内散发出来的是一种妖猿神魂血脉气息,完全不同于人族 Little Jin draws support from Viscera Essence Middle Stage transformation divine ability, changed to a golden short sword, the back after Lu Kun that is covered with the black wool conducts the back. 小金则借助脏元中期变化神通,化作了一把金色短刀,背在陆坤那长满黑毛的后背上。 In outside the body is reappearing pale golden force field, is moving under water in the firm rock. 其体外浮现着一圈淡金色力场,在坚固的岩石中潜行着。 However in source power field, several arm thick worms is twisting, after several breaths, these worms changed to the gray-black muddy flesh. 不过在源力场内,有几个手臂粗的蠕虫扭曲着,数息之后,这些蠕虫就化作了灰黑色的肉泥。 Lu Kun single-handedly waved, received these muddy fleshes, asked in the heart: Little Jin, induces ground, according to the depth and distance that our underground sneaks looks, now should in the Desolate Gu Swamp edge.” 陆坤单手一挥,将这些肉泥收了起来,在心底问道:“小金,有没有感应到地面,按照我们地底潜行的深度和距离看,现在应该在荒蛊沼泽的边缘了。” He discrete, has not sent greetings with divine thought, but whispered in blood. 他谨慎之下,并没有用神念传音,而是在血液中低语。 Little Jin bloodline clone, deposits in Lu Kun within the body, they through this extremely microscopic bloodline rune, send greetings the exchange by bloodline. 小金的一个血脉分身,寄存在陆坤体内,他们通过这种极其微观的血脉符文,以血脉传音交流。 In addition covering up of divine soul concealment divine ability, the nearby is hiding Void Refining even, perhaps is unable to eavesdrop on among them the dialogue, only thinks that here only has black-haired ape. 加上神魂隐匿神通的遮掩,就算附近隐藏着炼虚,恐怕也无法探听到他们之间的对话,只会认为这里只有一头黑毛猿猴 Hears the inquiry of Lu Kun, Little Jin melts on the blade target of golden short sword, presented a trace of golden ear indistinctly, above golden color ray flashes, seems eavesdropping on anything. 听到陆坤的询问,小金所化金色短刀的刀靶上,隐约出现了一只金色耳朵的纹路,上面金色光芒闪动,似乎在探听着什么。 Lu Kun is discrete, after all this time possibly is the trap that Star Soul Clan Void Refining sets up, Void Refining that to seize Human Clan hidden, here ambushes two foreign clan Void Refining to have the possibility. 陆坤谨慎无比,毕竟这次可能是星魂族炼虚设下的陷阱,为了抓捕人族隐藏的炼虚,这里埋伏两名异族炼虚都有可能。 Therefore their divine consciousness shrink throughout in within the body, by Six-Eared Macaque spirit ears divine ability, cautiously around sensation all. 所以他们的神识始终缩在体内,凭借六耳猕猴灵耳神通,小心翼翼地感知周围的一切。 After the moment, Little Jin passes on the sound said through bloodline clone: 片刻后,小金通过血脉分身传声道: Close to the ground, in the soil rock that miasmic poison is richer, inside contained some natural restriction, spirit ears divine ability can only induce to more than 500 li (0.5 km), there happen to was a surface, was place of swamp, we should arrive at Desolate Gu Swamp.” “越靠近地面,泥土岩石中那种瘴毒就越浓郁,里面蕴含了某种天然禁制,灵耳神通只能感应到五百多里,那里正好是地表,是一片沼泽之地,我们应该到了荒蛊沼泽。” Lu Kun hesitatingly said: By the Six-Eared Macaque bloodline source stimulation of movement, the spirit ears divine ability investigation ability is equivalent to next major realm immortal cultivator, does not know that Void Refining Early Stage in this swamp, divine consciousness was also limited.” 陆坤沉吟道:“以六耳猕猴的血脉本源催动,灵耳神通的探查能力相当于下一个大境界修仙者,不知道炼虚初期在这片沼泽中,神识是不是也受到限制。” At this time, Little Jin said suddenly: Lu Kun, in surrounding area hundred li (0.5 km) underground, tens of thousands of black-marked worm to here drill, as if our bloodline aura are enormous to their attractive force.” 这时,小金忽然道:“陆坤,方圆百里的地底中,数以万计的黑纹蠕虫向这里钻来,似乎我们的血脉气息对它们吸引力极大。” Really is troublesome......” “真是麻烦……” Some Lu Kun headaches look to the body, the time of moment, several arm thick worms drill from nearby rock, crashed in source power field, later they were extruded the muddy flesh by the invisible strength. 陆坤有些头疼地看向身体附近,片刻的功夫,又有几只手臂粗的蠕虫从附近的岩石钻出,冲进了源力场,随后它们就被无形的力量挤压成了肉泥。 They as if held the hornet's nest to be common, the surroundings had the continuous worm, like a moth to the flame charged into this black-haired ape body. 他们仿佛捅了马蜂窝一般,周围有源源不断的蠕虫,飞蛾扑火般冲向了这具黑毛猿猴的身躯。 These insect body surface become the grey, above steadily a strange black trace, skin cover as if is very firm, although Lu Kun only used Two Essences strength, but they can also support the 3 to 4 breath time in source power field. 这些虫子体表成灰色,上面还长着一层怪异的黑色纹路,皮囊似乎十分坚固,虽然陆坤只动用了双元之力,但它们也能在源力场中支撑三四息时间。 Made him feel what was astonished, worm that filled the mouth of fangs, contains inexplicable swallowing power, even can swallow a source power field invisible strength. 更令他感到惊异的是,蠕虫那充满利齿的嘴巴,蕴含着一股莫名的吞噬之力,甚至能吞噬一丝源力场的无形力量。 Lu Kun stretches out the palm, holds a worm, the latter is exceptionally excited, that fills the fangs mouth apparatus, bites ruthlessly to his arm. 陆坤伸出手掌,抓住一只蠕虫,后者异常兴奋,那充满利齿的口器,狠狠咬向其手臂。 “Kacha……” “咔嚓……” The clear sound conveys together, sharp fangs breaks accordingly, the dark colored blood juice flows out from the mouth apparatus, for all this, this worm does not give up , to continue to nip downward with the mouth apparatus of break, is very crazy. 一道清脆的声音传来,尖锐的利齿应声而断,暗黑色的血汁从口器中流出,尽管如此,这条蠕虫还是不放弃,用断裂的口器继续向下咬去,十分疯狂。 Is a bit like Spirit-Swallowing Insect.” “有点像吞灵虫。” Kui Ox King has said probably, Spirit-Swallowing Insect of Lower Realm antiquity period was gray-black, looked like the flesh of these worms very much, but Spirit-Swallowing Insect was similar to the segmental appendage body of centipede.” 夔牛王好像说过,下界上古时期的吞灵虫灰黑色的,很像这些蠕虫的肌肤,不过吞灵虫是类似于蜈蚣的节肢身躯。” Moreover the swallowing strength of worm, compared with Lower Realm Spirit-Swallowing Insect does not know that many times, should not be insect.” “而且蠕虫的吞噬力,比下界吞灵虫不知强了多少倍,应该不是一种虫子。” Its skin cover is competitive, a special structure, can resist underground vibrating strength, in addition swallowing power in mouth apparatus, no wonder can survive with ease in several hundred li (0.5 km) subterranean depths.” “其皮囊韧性十足,还有一种特殊结构,能抵御地底震荡之力,加上口器中的吞噬之力,难怪能轻松生存在数百里的地底深处。” The Lu Kun intention moves, bloodline clone gushed out from the finger together suddenly, sneaked in the mouth apparatus of worm break, later a brow slightly wrinkle. 陆坤心念一动,一道血脉分身忽然从手指头涌出,钻进了蠕虫断裂的口器中,随后眉头微微一皱。 nervous system and vertebrate are different, neurons appears the sub-area fission shape probably.” 神经系统脊椎生物不同,神经元好像呈区块分裂状。” Under the control of bloodline clone, the worm body stopped rocking, but its mouth apparatus gathers as before, wants to gnaw to eat the Lu Kun arm, before long, mouth apparatus closed, the body actually starts to sway from side to side, keeping makes the mouth apparatus hit to the arm. 血脉分身的控制下,蠕虫身子停止了晃动,可其口器依旧一张一合,想要啃食陆坤手臂,不一会,口器闭合,身子却开始扭动,不停让口器撞向手臂。 When Lu Kun bloodline clone arrives at its central abdomen, the induction to one does not calculate immediately powerful mental strength, inside spreads an extreme hope the thought that there is no spiritual wisdom. 陆坤血脉分身来到其中央腹部的时候,立马感应到一道不算强大的精神力,里面传出一股极度渴望的意念,没有任何灵智可言。 These insect do not have mother insect, the dependence instinct to act probably, mental strength in the place perhaps is nerve center.” “这些虫子好像没有母虫,依靠本能行动,精神力在的地方恐怕就是神经中枢。” In the midst of Lu Kun’s considerations, the bloodline clone followed the pulse of nerve fluctuations, arriving at the center of the abdomen. 陆坤思量之间,血脉分身顺着期神经波动,来到了腹部中央。 ......” “噗……” Suddenly the depressed sound flashes through together, the weak mental strength direct dissipation of insect within the body, only has the body unconsciousness to shiver. 忽然一道沉闷声闪过,虫子体内的微弱精神力直接消散,只剩下身躯无意识地颤动着。 Eh, occupies central nervous system, its did mental strength disappear?” “额,占据中枢神经,它精神力就泯灭了?” „It is not good, bloodline clone cannot control its body thoroughly, can only some controls.” “不行,血脉分身不能彻底操控其身躯,只能部分控制。” At this time, the Little Jin sound conveyed from bloodline depths: 这时候,小金的声音又从血脉深处传来: Lu Kun, surrounding black-marked worm are getting more and more, underground many rocks presented becoming less crowded, if there is fall of ground, the sound was too big.” 陆坤,周围的黑纹蠕虫越来越多,地底不少岩石都出现了松动,如果产生地面塌陷,动静就太大了。” Un, first goes to the ground, but I grasp to Yin'er go back, her primordial soul crystal is related with Nether Insect Clan, does not know that has the function to these variation insect.” “嗯,先去地面,不过我给银儿抓一些回去,她的元神结晶冥虫族有关,不知对这些异虫有没有作用。” At this time, in the surrounding rock jumped out more than 20 arm thick worms, the dense and numerous fierce mouth apparatus swallowed to its body impatiently. 这时,周围的岩石中又窜出二十多条手臂粗的蠕虫,密密麻麻的狰狞口器迫不及待地向其身躯吞噬而来。 Snort, wants to eat my blood and flesh, did not fear that supports......” “哼,想吃我的血肉,也不怕撑死……” The Lu Kun that black-haired ape body surface, gushes out blood fog suddenly, changed to more than 20 fist big golden color blood groups, shoots in the black-marked worm mouth. 陆坤黑毛猿猴的体表,骤然涌出一层血雾,化作了二十多个拳头大的金色血团,射进黑纹蠕虫的口中。 These worms eat up this group of blood, the mouth apparatus send out exciting grating sounding, that sound is incisive, as if rips to pierce the ears the membrane, but regarding fleshly body like magic treasure Lu Kun, is unprevailing. 这些蠕虫吃下这团血液,口器发出兴奋的刺耳鸣叫,那声音尖锐无比,仿佛撕穿耳膜,不过对于肉身如同法宝陆坤而言,毫无影响。 His intention moves, on worm skin cover that these shiver excitedly, are suddenly many some golden dot, is full of the elastic body all of a sudden becomes stiff. 他心念一动,那些兴奋颤抖的蠕虫皮囊上,猛然多出一些金色小点,充满弹性的身躯一下子变得僵硬起来。 In their mouth apparatus, was crowded by the golden bone, seemed petrified instantaneously generally. 它们的口器中,也被金色的骨质塞满,仿佛瞬间被石化了一般。 Lu Kun’s blood can transform back and forth between the states of blood and bone, after entering Viscera Essence Middle Stage, even can also turn into smaller bone fibers and bone synovial fluid, after blood infiltrates to insect within the body each spot, will imprison with the way of ossification directly. 陆坤的血液可在血骨状态中来回转化,进入脏元中期后,甚至还能变成更微小的骨质纤维骨质基液,血液渗透到虫子体内各个部位后,直接用骨化的方式将之禁锢。 The golden light flashes through together, more than 20 long and narrow stone worms by Lu Kun income within the body, golden force field of its top of the head were continued to rotate later, drills to the direction of surface. 一道金光闪过,二十多条石化蠕虫被陆坤收入体内,随后其头顶的金色力场继续转动,向地表的方向钻去。 The surrounding area the worm within hundred li (0.5 km) as if induced anything, went all out to turn toward the Lu Kun direction to drill, but their speeds were limited, quick cast off. 方圆百里内的蠕虫仿佛感应到了什么,拼命向着陆坤的方向钻动,可它们的速度有限,很快就被甩开了。 Also pursued more than 100 li (0.5 km), these black-marked worm stopped slowly, because at this time besides losing the induction of Lu Kun, the surroundings also presented other strange beetles. 又追了一百多里,这些黑纹蠕虫就慢慢停了下来,因为这时候除了失去陆坤的感应以外,周围还出现了其他怪异甲虫。 These beetles are various, some live single horn, on some carapaces the bright spot, they are encountering with the worm steadily, intense thrashes. 这些甲虫各色各样,有的生有独角,有的甲壳上长着鲜艳斑点,它们与蠕虫一遭遇,就激烈的厮打起来。 Although black-marked worm the mouth apparatus are intrepid, can tear into shreds the outer coverings of these beetles, but actually does not dare to swallow into within the body it, but these beetles, spout the colorful mist from the abdomen at the point of death. 黑纹蠕虫虽然口器强悍,能撕碎这些甲虫的外壳,但却不敢将其吞入体内,而那些甲虫在临死之际,从腹部喷出五颜六色的雾气。 The worm that inhales these mist, twitches in underground, quick no longer moves. 吸入这些雾气的蠕虫,就在地底抽搐不已,很快就不再动弹。 Lu Kun with the aid of the source power field fast shuttle, feels the surrounding poisonous insect, the facial expression is being somewhat dignified. 陆坤借助源力场快速穿梭,感受着周围的毒虫,神情有些凝重。 The gas clouds of these poisonous insects, in swallowing power with these worm mouths seem like the same species level energy, can corrode fleshly body source power this type of invisible thing slightly. 这些毒虫的毒雾,和那些蠕虫口中的吞噬之力似乎是同种级别的能量,能轻微腐蚀肉身源力这种无形之物。 If were besieged by being numbered in the tens of thousands insect, he can only withdraw source power field, collapsed these insect ages with the hard body...... 如果被数以万计的虫子围攻,那他只能撤去源力场,用坚硬的身躯来崩坏这些虫子的牙口了…… No wonder these foreign clan have not occupied Desolate Gu Swamp, solely hides in underground various insect, exceptionally is troublesome.” “难怪这几个异族没有占据荒蛊沼泽,单单藏在地底的各种虫子,就异常麻烦。” Lu Kun, must arrive at the ground immediately, but miasmic qi in swamp is thicker, isolated sky, but surrounding area more than 400 li (0.5 km) scopes, can hear.” 陆坤,马上就要到地面了,不过沼泽中的瘴气更加浓厚,隔绝了天空,不过方圆四百多里的范围,还是能听见的。” Perhaps our above swamp surfaces, blue-marked ant, they have hundreds of thousands, spread one densely and numerously.” “我们正上方的沼泽表面,有一种蓝纹蚂蚁,它们恐怕有数十万只,密密麻麻铺了一层。” Thing direction?” “东西方向呢?” „The western region, is occupying variation snake, except for that snake, does not have any other lifeform, insect is also, the strength feared that is not weak.” “西边一块区域,盘踞着一头异蛇,除了那条蛇,没有任何其他的生物,就连虫子也是,实力怕是不弱。” „The East has humming sound the sound innumerably, is some fist big mosquito, but also follows some thunderously, probably somewhat is also troublesome.” “东方则有无数嗡嗡声,是一些拳头大的蚊子,还伴随一些雷鸣,好像也有些麻烦。” Lu Kun stretches out the palm, above appears long sword, revolved, sword tip aimed at a direction. 陆坤伸出手掌,上面浮现出一把长剑,旋转了下,剑尖对准了一个方向。 He thinks deeply about the moment saying: To the north is the direction the remnant sword of destruction is guiding to, prevents the enemy trap, cannot pass rashly, toward south is the exit|to speak of Desolate Gu Swamp, here should be a road which must be taken, comes up from here.” 他思索片刻道:“北边是毁灭残剑的指引方向,防止敌人陷阱,不能这么莽撞地过去,往南是荒蛊沼泽的出口,这里应该是必经之路,就从这里上去。” He continues the upward drill line, saw quickly crawls the ant that in the surface swamp soil, these ant blackbody blue marks, has the fist is so big, mandibles is not prominent, seeming like the human and animals is harmless. 他继续向上钻行,很快见到了在地表沼泽泥土中爬行的蚂蚁,这些蚂蚁黑体蓝纹,个头有拳头那么大,颚齿并不突出,看上去人畜无害。 With Lu Kun close to the surface, these ants discovered immediately this unexpected visitor, launched the attack to him without hesitation, in the mouth spouted a continuously clear blue light, fell in golden force field, sends out sound that gave a tongue-lashing. 随着陆坤靠近地表,那些蚂蚁立马发现了这个不速之客,毫不犹豫对他发动了攻击,口中喷出了一缕缕晶莹的蓝光,落在金色力场中,发出呲呲的声音。 Well, probably special cold ice magic technique.” “咦,像是一种特殊的寒冰法术。” Lu Kun curious, withdrew source power field, making these blue light fall on own palm. 陆坤好奇之下,撤去了源力场,让这些蓝光落在自己的手掌上。 He feels Icy Cool Intent quickly, these strengths are too really weak, is unable to break open his flesh, formed a flake ice crystal reluctantly, solidifies in its body surface. 他很快就感到一股冰凉之意,这些力量实在太弱,无法破开其肌肤,勉强形成了一小片冰晶,凝固在其体表。 In addition, inside also follows one type to the strength that essence qi suppresses, blood essence in his palm blood, presented slight stagnation. 除此之外,里面还伴随着一种对元气压制的力量,他手掌血液内的血元,出现了一丝轻微的凝滞。 Really some ways, if Pill Formation Stage cultivator were spurted by dozens ants, perhaps magic power will be imprisoned directly.” “果然有些门道,要是结丹期修士被数十头蚂蚁喷到,恐怕法力会被直接禁锢。” In the Lu Kun hand is pinching blue-marked ant, under the preparation careful research, but at this moment, little monkey bloodline passes on the sound said suddenly: Lu Kun, the south side more than 300 inside and outside, there is flying boat to come.” 陆坤手中捏着一只蓝纹蚂蚁,准备仔细研究下,可就在这时,小猴子忽然血脉传音道:“陆坤,南边三百多里外,有一艘飞舟过来了。” Above has two similar monster beast bloodline aura, well, they induce to the monster ape aura that we reveal probably, flew toward here.” “上面有两个类似妖兽血脉气息,咦,它们好像感应到我们露出来的妖猿气息,往这里飞来了。” flying boat, monster beast?” 飞舟,妖兽?” Lu Kun first stares, later reveals the happy color: Little Jin , to continue to lend the monster ape aura, entices them to come, then......” 陆坤先是一愣,随后露出喜色道:“小金,继续散发妖猿的气息,勾引他们过来,然后……” ( https://) (https://) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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