BCA :: Volume #15

#1481: Descending Spirit City

Makes the 4 to 5 ten thousand li (0.5 km) from Falling Clouds Mountain Range, has the length and breadth incomparable hill, seems very similar, in the hill center, has the be continuous several hundred li (0.5 km) gulf mountain valley. 距离落云山脉四五万里,有片广袤无比的丘陵,看上去十分如同,不过在丘陵中央,有个绵延数百里的深坑山谷。 In this mountain valley, is proliferating dark-red crushed stones, these crushed stones float in midair, seems flooding some invisible strength. 这座山谷内,遍布着一颗颗暗红色的碎石,这些碎石悬浮在半空中,仿佛充斥着某种无形的力量。 Sky over the mountain valley, about thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude, giant floating island, bottom of the islands similarly is the dark-red rock, the cone shape, in that rugged rock slits, portrays crowded rune. 山谷上空,大约千丈的高度,还有座巨型浮空岛,岛屿底部同样是暗红色的岩石,成锥形状,那崎岖的岩石缝隙间,刻画着密集的符文 The surroundings have the innumerable scattered stones float in the midair, in air with below Fang Shan valleys, be at a condition of extreme distortion. 周围同样有无数零散的石块悬浮在半空,与下方山谷之间的空气,都处于一种极度扭曲的状态。 The air of this distortion adds on floating island mountain body rune, as if has some function that attracts essence qi of heaven and earth, milky-white spirit essence qi from gathers to come, to submerge bottom of floating island continuously in all directions. 这种扭曲的空气加上浮空岛山体符文,仿佛拥有某种吸引天地元气的作用,一缕缕乳白色灵元气从四面八方汇聚而来,没入浮空岛底部。 On that several hundred li (0.5 km) big floating island, is situated simultaneously a giant city, the city by the rich essence qi of heaven and earth package, but also is covering an invisible strength of distortion. 那数百里大的浮空岛上,同时坐落着一座巨型城池,城池被浓郁的天地元气包裹,还笼罩着一层扭曲的无形力量。 Meanwhile, the five corners of city have the spirit qi column together respectively, these spirit qi column turnovers rich essence qi of heaven and earth, as if flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky, thick spirit qi to be proliferating in all directions. 同时,城池的五个角落分别有一道灵气柱,这些灵气柱吞吐着浓郁的天地元气,仿佛天女散花般,将浓稠的灵气向四面八方扩散。 This by heaven and earth spirit qi is wrapping the floating empty city, is Human Clan famous cultivation Holy City, Descending Spirit City. 这座被天地灵气包裹着的浮空城,就是人族鼎鼎有名的修炼圣城,降灵城 However after experience war, this great city is occupied by Star Soul Clan, in bottom rock and city wall, but can also see these giant sword traces. 不过经历战争后,这座巨城已经被星魂族占据,底部岩石和城墙上,还能见到这些巨大的刀剑痕迹。 In addition, three directions around Descending Spirit City, has three giant starry sky heavenly canopy to be situated on the hill indistinctly, they occupied several thousand li (0.5 km) range, several thousand zhang (3.33 m) high, the end product glyph wrapped Descending Spirit City. 除此之外,在降灵城四周的三个方向,隐约有三个巨型星空天幕坐落在丘陵上,它们足足占据了数千里范围,有数千丈高,成品字形包裹住了降灵城 From these gray-blue starry sky heavenly canopy, can see three hundred zhang (333 m) high giant gray forms indistinctly, static float, essence qi oppression that once for a while made the person palpitation emerged. 从那些灰蓝色星空天幕中,能隐约见到三个百丈高的巨型灰色身影,静静悬浮着,时不时有一股令人心悸的元气威压涌现。 Three starry sky heavenly canopy packages, passed in and out the Descending Spirit City avenue to be slivered east northwest three, wanted to enter this to float the empty city, must pass through the two heavenly canopy edge. 有三个星空天幕包裹,进出降灵城的主要道路就被切成了东西北三条,想要进入这座浮空城,就必须穿过两个天幕的边缘。 In the hill of this length and breadth, pours also many form flights, comes and goes out this to float the empty city, inside majority is Star Soul Clan, some star source beast appearances, some are the soul body appearances of human form. 这片广袤的丘陵中,倒也有不少身影飞行,出入这座浮空城,里面大部分都是星魂族,有的星原兽模样,有的则是人形的魂体模样。 In addition, Human Clan that wears five-colored apparel few, the big body of build giant rock flesh, as well as some aquamarine flesh, with foreign clan that the Human Clan build seems like, some garnets like the strange lifeform of shadow. 除此之外,还有少量身穿五色服饰人族,体型巨大岩石肌肤的高大身躯,以及一些碧绿色肌肤,和人族体型像是的异族,还有些许暗红色如同影子的怪异生物。 After ten years of conditioning, this belonged to the Human Clan great city, as if gradually restored the past liveliness, cultivator that communicated no longer was Human Clan, but was other foreign clan. 经过十年的修整,这座原来属于人族的巨城,似乎逐渐恢复昔日的繁华,不过来往的修士不再是人族,而是其他异族 ...... …… Descending Spirit City northern city district, the standing tall and erect staircase towers, occupied a length and breadth region, its superficial restriction sparkle, has extremely dangerous aura sending out faintly, the tower top is carving three plain Spirit Realm writing Star Clouds Pavilion. 降灵城北城区,有一座高耸的楼塔,占据了一片广袤区域,其表面禁制闪耀,隐隐有极其危险的气息散发,塔顶刻着三个古朴的灵界文字“星云阁”。 Many cultivator pass in and out here, solely is not Star Soul Clan, passed by few Human Clan and foreign clan, will enter this pavilion. 不少修士在这里进进出出,不单单是星魂族,路过的少量人族异族,也都会进入此阁。 On this day, in the Star Clouds Pavilion open-air pavilion, four forms sits cross-legged to sit on a tea table, is drinking the tea in cup, while penetrates Descending Spirit City restriction, is looking out the north, seems waiting for anything. 这一日,在星云阁顶层的露天楼阁中,四个身影盘膝坐在一处茶桌上,一边喝着杯中的茶水,一边透过降灵城禁制,遥望着北方,似乎在等待着什么。 Right the tea table sits two Star Soul Clan, a man and a woman, their are lying respectively grandiose incomparable star source beast, is lending the powerful blood power aura. 茶几右侧坐着两名星魂族,一男一女,他们脚下各自趴着一头壮硕无比的星原兽,散发着强大的血力气息。 Opposite of them, is the two appearance is unusual, high short foreign clan, high that four limbs appearance that has Human Clan, the flesh of body surface seems like some type of rock comprised, entire body like giant stone. 他们对面,是两名外貌奇特,一高一矮的异族,个头高的那个有着人族的四肢样貌,体表的肌肤像是由某种岩石组成的,整个身躯如同巨大的石块。 About one zhang (3.33 m) high body does not have the means to sit on the stool, can only sit cross-legged to sit in one side reluctantly, before the body, brown spirit light flashes, takes in the spirit tea in teacup own mouth, he is unemotional, as if could not taste the tea flavor. 近一丈高的身躯没办法坐在凳子上,只能勉强盘膝坐在一边,身前褐色灵光闪动,将茶杯中的灵茶摄入自己的口中,他面无表情,似乎品尝不了茶水的味道。 But side him, is an exquisite form, the aquamarine flesh, with the Human Clan similar facial features, wears the armor that some deep green leaf is weaving, the frail scales outlined his graceful slender body, was a foreign clan female. 而在他身边,则是一个小巧的身影,碧绿色的肌肤,与人族相似的面容,身穿着某种深绿色树叶编织成的盔甲,单薄的鳞甲将其曼妙窈窕的身子勾勒而出,是一名异族女子。 „, Human Clan azure spirit tea is never so expected that mysterious, the concubine body drank one cup merely, feels the whole body to be comfortable, even divine soul became nimble and resourceful some.” The female of this aquamarine flesh puts down the teacup, in the eye several points of surprised say/way. “啧啧,没想到人族青灵茶如此神奇,妾身仅仅喝了一杯,就感到浑身舒坦,连神魂都变得灵动了些许。”这名碧绿色肌肤的女子放下茶杯,眼中略带几分惊奇道。 Human Clan some tea-making skill indeed characteristics, as if integrated pill refining technique, but Mu Wan, be not patronizing tea, my just issue had not replied how many Human Clan surviving members you did accept?” 人族制茶之道的确有些特点,似乎融入了炼丹术,不过木婉,你别光顾着饮茶,我刚刚的问题还没回答,你们到底收容了多少人族余孽?” The Star Soul Clan man speaking of behind, the tone concentrates, has several points of pressing for an answer meaning. 星魂族男子说到后面,语气一凝,带着几分逼问之意。 This foreign clan women's chuckle sound said named Mu Wan: Hun Kai, Human Clan signs Five Clans Alliance Treaty with us, resists Demon Clan together.” 这名叫做木婉异族女子轻笑一声道:“魂铠,人族可是与我们签订五族盟约,共同对抗魔族的。” Your Great Elder divine ability were general, shut off the contract, but our Wood Spirit Clan was limited by the treaty as before, high-rank existence cannot slaughter Human Clan low rank cultivator recklessly, must accept some Human Clan.” “你们大长老神通广大,切断了契约,可我们木灵族依旧受到条约的限制,高阶存在不能肆意屠戮人族低阶修士,只得收容一些人族。” Mu Wan at this point, from attending to poured out the second cup of tea to oneself, facing the two Star Soul Clan powerhouse, her as if not scared look. 木婉说到这里,自顾地给自己斟了第二杯茶,面对两名星魂族强者,她似乎并无惧色。 But at this time, his side that big foreign clan man, jar sound said: Our Heavenly Stone Clan is also so, if the aristocrat wants to beg these to survive Human Clan, but also hopes that Senior Hun of aristocrat, helping us first relieve the treaty of alliance.” 而这时候,其身边那名高大的异族男子,瓮声道:“我们天石族也是如此,若是贵族想讨要这些残存人族,还希望贵族的魂前辈,帮我们先解除盟约。” You......” “你……” Is called the Hun Kai Star Soul Clan man to be angry, but he has not said anything, was broken by that Wood Spirit Clan female, she sneers saying: If because of this point, your in addition receives Wood Spirit Clan and Heavenly Stone Clan shop pulls out, we can only evacuate.” 叫做魂铠星魂族男子大怒,可他还没说什么,就被那名木灵族女子打断,她冷笑道:“如果因为这一点,你们就加收木灵族天石族的店铺抽成,那我们只能撤离了。” Heads of Star Soul Clan strength situated in five races, no, now should call the heads of four clan, various resources have everything expected to find, cannot have a liking for the things of our two clans.” 星魂族实力位居五族之首,不,现在应该叫四族之首,各种资源应有尽有,想必看不上我们两族的东西。” Hun Kai also prepared to say anything, his Star Soul Clan female beckoned with the hand saying: My this younger clan cousin is not this meaning, will not beg Human Clan to two.” 魂铠还准备说什么,其身边的星魂族女子摆手道:“我这位族弟并不是这个意思,也不会向两位讨要人族。” Although Human Clan bloodline is not good, but has the achievements on formation talisman, after soul controlling technique controls, working as a retinue is good.” “虽然人族血脉不行,但在阵法符箓上颇有建树,用控神之术操控后,当个仆从还是不错的。” Moreover regarding Heavenly Stone Clan and Wood Spirit Clan, Human Clan earth wood attribute Primordial Infant, can replace some rare and precious spirit medicine, the refinement grows cultivation base medicinal pill.” “而且对于天石族木灵族而言,人族木属性元婴,可以代替一些珍稀的灵药,炼制增长修为丹药。” If the different body is together, we are not willing to hand over these Human Clan.” “如果异身相处,我们也不愿意交出这些人族。” Mu Wan hears here, the eye narrows the eyes to say slightly: Such being the case, two shouts today we come......” 木婉听到这里,眼睛微微一眯道:“既然如此,两位今日喊我们过来……” The emaciated Star Soul Clan female said with a smile lightly: Younger Sister Mu Wan and Big Brother Shi Rui, will come Descending Spirit City next time, whether to lead some Human Clan immortal cultivator and mortals comes the auction.” 瘦弱的星魂族女子轻笑道:“木婉妹妹石瑞大哥,下次来降灵城,可否带一些人族修仙者和凡人过来拍卖。” „Do you want to purchase Human Clan?” Mu Wan stares slightly, later some doubts. “你们要购买人族?”木婉微微一愣,随后又有些疑惑。 You did not receive Five Spirits School Human Clan to take the dependency race, now does to trade the matter of ethnic group, did not fear that they did hate?” “你们不是收了五灵门人族作为附庸种族吗,现在做贩卖族群的事情,不怕他们有所怨恨吗?” Hun Kai cold -ly snorted and said: How hate can, Five Spirits School, only then Void Refining, but we solely assume Descending Spirit City Void Refining Elder, has three.” 魂铠冷哼道:“怨恨又能如何,五灵门只有一名炼虚,而我们单单坐镇降灵城炼虚长老,就有三名。” Moreover even if they knew, perhaps will still participate in this auction, if Soul Transformation level Human Clan cultivator, they feared that can have massive spirit stone purchases, kindred Primordial Infant, but these people similar need.” “而且他们就算知道了,恐怕也会参加这种拍卖,如果是化神级别人族修士,他们怕是会出大量灵石购买,同族元婴,这些人可是同样需要。” Mu Wan as if thought of anything, curls the lip saying: You take advantage really well, then, Human Clan is in the fission that kills one another throughout, has not threatened to you.” 木婉似乎想到了什么,撇了撇嘴道:“你们真是打得好算盘,如此一来,人族始终处于自相残杀的分裂中,对你们更没威胁了。” She said later: This matter our Wood Spirit Clan knew, next time can bring a number of Human Clan to come, if spirit stone is enough, pours also to sell to sell, after all these Human Clan fellows, control extremely troublesome.” 她随后道:“这事我们木灵族知道了,下次可以带一批人族过来,如果灵石足够,倒也可以卖上一卖,毕竟这些人族家伙,控制起来太过麻烦。” The Star Soul Clan female claps hands to say with a smile: So good, how does Brother Shi Rui feel?” 星魂族女子抚掌而笑道:“如此甚好,石瑞兄觉得如何?” This big Heavenly Stone Clan facial expression seemingly has no change, he laughs foolishly a sound said: Shi must go back to ask for instructions Elder, after all our Heavenly Stone Clan observes the person of contract.” 这名高大的天石族神情看上去没啥变化,他只是憨笑一声道:“石某得回去请示长老,毕竟我们天石族可是遵守契约之人。” Star Soul Clan women's chuckle and said next: 40 years later, here will hold grand four clans to auction time, when the time comes hopes two clans can bring some Human Clan to come much.” 星魂族女子轻笑了下道:“四十年后,这里会举行一次盛大的四族拍卖,到时候希望两族能多带一些人族过来。” Not only the light is we, Blood Shadow Clan is also interested in Human Clan, believes that can sell a good price.” “不光光是我们,血影族人族也十分感兴趣,相信诸位能卖出个好价钱。” Blood Shadow Clan......” 血影族……” In the Mu Wan eye flashes through cool color, she said after a moment of silence: „The words of other two matters, I and others have not left in advance. The Star Soul Clan female sipped a tea canal: „ The concubine body does not deliver.” 木婉眼中闪过一丝冷色,她沉默片刻道:“两位没有其他事的话,我等就先行离开了。星魂族女子抿了一口茶水道:“那妾身就不送了。” Afterward Wood Spirit Clan and Heavenly Stone Clan two people, set out to move toward transmission formation of not far away, vanishes in spirit light does not see. 随后木灵族天石族的两人,起身走向不远处的一座传送法阵,在一阵灵光中消失不见。 Hun Kai looks at completely empty transmission formation, in the one-eyed flashes through anger: Snort, these two clans are so unappreciative, when our Star Soul Clan is more powerful, sooner or later must annex them.” 魂铠看着空空如也的传送法阵,独眼中闪过一丝怒意:“哼,这两族还是如此不识抬举,等我们星魂族再强大一些,迟早要把他们吞并。” The Star Soul Clan female shakes the head saying: Heavenly Stone Clan and Wood Spirit Clan for several tens of thousands of years the common onset and retreat, the strength even was weaker than us, cannot differ is too many.” 星魂族女子摇头道:“天石族木灵族数万年来都共同进退,实力就算比我们弱一些,也相差不了太多。” Hun Feng, you also too looked at them high, we had Great Elder this Body Fusion powerhouse, to them was also not easy.” 魂凤,你也太高看他们了,我们有大长老这名合体强者在,对他们还不是手到擒来。” Hun Feng looked askance alone a man, said in a sinking voice: You underestimated other races, even coped with Human Clan, our Soul Tribe fell from the sky Void Refining Elder.” 魂凤独眼斜了一眼身边的男子,沉声道:“你太小看其他种族了,就算对付人族,我们魂部都陨落了一名炼虚长老。” Moreover this two race Old Monster......” “而且这两个种族的老怪物……” At this moment, her mind moves, the gem of chest flashes slightly, appears jade talisman: 就在这时,她心神一动,胸口的宝石微微闪动,浮现出一枚玉符: „The Five Spirits School Human Clan fellow came, we also prepare, the Jian Chen matter is Council of Elders tells, can not neglect, must strangle this Human Clan seed thoroughly.” 五灵门人族家伙来了,我们也准备准备,剑尘的事是长老会吩咐下来的,不得怠慢,必须将这个人族种子彻底扼杀。” Snort, waited so many days, if not the Council of Elders instruction must take Human Clan cultivator, we had sought, how can also wait for them.” “哼,等了这么多天,如果不是长老会吩咐要带上人族修士,我们早就自己寻找了,又岂会等他们。” ( https://) (https://) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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