BCA :: Volume #15

#1480: Falling Clouds Mountain Range

In Heavenly Spirit Region, there is rugged steep arc mountain range, this mountain be continuous over ten thousand li (0.5 km), have hundreds of ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) peak, each peak is covering the snow white white snow. 天灵域内,有座崎岖陡峭的弧形山脉,此山绵延上万里,拥有数以百计的万丈高峰,每座峰顶都覆盖着皑皑白雪。 In the snowy peak some more or less mountain streams flow following the peak, under rugged steep mountain body goes through many places, gathers the arc mountain range center, crashes through the hundred zhang (333 m) high mountain streams under. 雪峰中或多或少有些溪水顺着峰顶流淌而下,在崎岖陡峭的山体辗转下,汇聚到弧形山脉的中央,通过一个个百丈高的山涧坠落而下。 Every large or small mountain stream and waterfall interlocked, gather a surrounding area dozens li (0.5 km) giant lake, because crashed from the upper air, under the huge impulse, the lake water transpiration became thick fog. 大大小小的山涧和瀑布交错,聚成了一座方圆数十里的巨大湖泊,由于从高空中坠落,在巨大的冲击力下,湖水蒸腾成一圈圈浓厚的云雾。 essence qi of heaven and earth in air does not know that receives what seed/type to affect, with these fog manifestation, making this arc mountain range wind around by the rich white fog year to year. 空气中的天地元气也不知受到何种影响,随着这些云雾显化而出,使得这座弧形山脉常年被浓郁的白色云雾缭绕。 Here is in Heavenly Spirit Region famous Falling Clouds Mountain Range, is the Human Clan Five Spirits School entrance is also. 这里就是天灵域内鼎鼎有名的落云山脉,同时也是人族五灵门的山门所在。 These from Falling Clouds Lake fill the air, but the clouds, under the transformation of Five Spirits School, formed a kind of half-natural restriction, distribute in mountain range of length and breadth, even if Void Refining cultivator falls into, for a while will lose the direction. 那些从落云湖弥漫而出的云朵,在五灵门的改造下,形成一种半天然的禁制,分布在广袤的山脉中,就算是炼虚修士陷入其中,一时都会迷失方向。 Except that Human Clan immortal cultivator that wears five-colored magical robe much appears in the mountain, in the remote mountain also spreads the song of the birds beast roar once for a while, as if still has many rare and precious animals, in addition that thick spirit qi fog, just like a immortal paradise. 除了不少身穿五色法袍人族修仙者在山中出现,深山中还时不时传出鸟鸣兽吼,仿佛还存在许多奇珍异兽,加上那浓密的灵气云雾,宛若一处仙家福地。 On this day, dozens zhang (3.33 m) spirit boat appears from the horizon, at an exceptional pace entered Falling Clouds Mountain Range, when the boat body and mark of fog restriction interlocking, its side five-colored blaze rune sends out the dazzling ray, sends out an unusual fluctuation. 这一日,一艘数十丈的灵舟从天边出现,以惊人的速度进入了落云山脉,当舟身与云雾禁制交错之迹,其侧面的五色火焰符文发出耀眼的光芒,散发出一股奇特的波动。 Surrounding fog restriction trembles slightly, as if came under some influence, evacuates spontaneously backward, manifestation has a path, making spirit boat enter. 周围的云雾禁制微微一颤,仿佛受到了某种影响,自发向后撤离,显化出一条道路,让灵舟进入其中。 In some Human Clan cultivator that in the mist inspects, quick recognizes this spirit boat, in many eyes is flashing the color of respect. 在雾气中巡视的一些人族修士,很快就认出这艘灵舟,不少人眼中闪动着崇敬之色。 Is Second Senior Brother flying boat!” “是二师兄飞舟!” Second Senior Brother returns from Land of Blood Wastes, it seems like catches Sword Sect surviving members.” 二师兄血荒之地归来,看来已经抓到剑宗余孽了。” That is natural, Second Senior Brother divine ability, even also wants on the strong three points compared with Eldest Senior Sister, by the battle efficiency, feared is only and Sword Sect Jian Chen is equally matched.” “那是自然,二师兄神通,甚至比大师姐还要强上三分,单论战斗力,怕是与剑宗剑尘不相上下。” Right, hadn't Jian Chen caught? A few years ago we had many disciples dead of its.” “对了,剑尘还没有抓到吗?前些年我们有不少弟子死于其手。” „The fellow seven years does not have the news, perhaps hide in some place barely manage to maintain a feeble existence......” “那家伙已经七年没有消息了,恐怕躲在某个地方苟延残喘……” Jian Chen was known as that below the Human Clan Void Refining first powerhouse, you said that he can enter Void Refining......” 剑尘号称人族炼虚以下的第一强者,你说他会不会进入炼虚……” This is how possible! According to Jian Chen cultivation speed looks, he perhaps is heavenly spirit root aptitude, absolutely does not have the opportunity to unite the five phases as one......” “这怎么可能!按照剑尘修炼速度看,他恐怕是天灵根资质,完全没有五行合一的机会……” In inspecting disciple's low voice discussion, this five-colored spirit boat along the path that the fog develops, arrives at the mountain range central lake gradually, stopped sky over Lake Heart Island. 在巡视弟子的小声议论中,这艘五色灵舟沿着云雾开拓出来的道路,渐渐来到山脉中央的湖泊,停在了一座湖心岛上空。 This island was enveloped by an indistinct, five-colored spirit light, inside has mysterious rune to flash once for a while, seemingly contains some fierce restriction. 这座岛屿被模糊的五色灵光笼罩,里面时不时有玄奥的符文闪动,看上去蕴含某种厉害的禁制 Disciple Xiao Linsheng, seeks an interview the master!” The clear and bright sound spreads from spirit boat together. “弟子萧林生,求见师父!”一道清朗的声音从灵舟上传出。 Before long, in Lake Heart Island restriction gushes out profound divine thought, meanwhile follows a hoarse sound. 不一会,湖心岛禁制内涌出一道深邃的神念,同时还伴随着一股嘶哑的声音。 Good, after catching Chen Shiyu, Sword Sect remaining Soul Transformation Stage cultivator, only had Jian Chen.” “不错,抓到陈诗语后,剑宗残余的化神期修士,就只剩下剑尘了。” Linsheng, gets down.” 林生,下来吧。” restriction on Lake Heart Island presented a gap suddenly, the Xiao Linsheng body on spirit boat flashed, changes to spirit light to enter together, fell outside a cave mansion. 湖心岛上的禁制忽然出现了一个缺口,灵舟上的萧林生身子一闪,化作一道灵光进入其中,落在了一座洞府之外。 This cave mansion have several a zhang (3.33 m) high stone door, above twines not the well-known vine, by the gate is lying respectively aggressive unusual animals. 这座洞府有数丈高的石门,上面缠绕着不知名的藤蔓,门两侧各趴着一头凶悍异兽。 These two unusual animals taking the form of fierce lions, entire height imitates the scale that if rock, its forehead has the third eye, three items of pupils are the golden color, as if has some special divine ability. 这两头异兽形似猛狮,全身长着仿若岩石的鳞片,其眉心处有第三只眼睛,三目瞳孔都呈金色,似乎有某种特殊神通 In addition, aura of their within the body implication also vigorous incomparable, the whole body is winding around continuously milky-white essence qi, is sending out extremely strong oppression, really has Soul Transformation Late Stage. 除此之外,它们体内蕴含的气息也浑厚无比,周身缭绕着一缕缕乳白色元气,散发着极强的威压,竟然都有化神后期 For the cultivation of master in pivotal point, is unsuitable to go out, this is the news that Star Soul Clan transmits, your Senior Sister and Junior Brother are still hunting down other sect surviving members, this time goes by you.” “为师的修炼正在关键处,不便出关,这是星魂族传来的讯息,你师姐师弟还在搜捕其他宗门余孽,这次就由你去吧。” As this sound spreads, fiercely shoots of water blue color jade talisman from the cave mansion, fell in the hand of Xiao Linsheng together, his divine consciousness moved, took a fast look around carefully. 随着这道声音传出,一道水蓝色玉符从洞府中激射而出,落在了萧林生的手中,他神识一动,仔细扫视起来。 „The sword burial mound shake of Descending Spirit City, two did remnant sword of destruction present the primordial soul induction?” 降灵城剑冢震荡,两把毁灭残剑出现了元神感应?” Xiao Linsheng sees here, the complexion changes, muttered: Descending Spirit City was covered by Essence Magnetism Great Formation, surroundings also three Void Refining Divine Country, in this case, remnant sword of destruction also wobbled.” 萧林生看到这里,脸色微变,喃喃道:“降灵城元磁大阵笼罩,周围还有三座炼虚神国,在这种情况下,毁灭残剑还出现了震荡。” Master! Destructive Will of Jian Chen that fellow goes a step further, is he attacking Void Refining Boundary?” “师父!难道剑尘那家伙的毁灭意志更进一步,他在冲击炼虚之境?” The chuckle sound spreads together: For the master knows that Jian Chen this boy is double spirit root aptitude of metal and fire, after smelting pill spirit root, he now is also only acquired quadruple spirit root, cannot achieve five phases uniting as one.” 一道轻笑声传出:“为师知道剑尘这小子是金火双灵根资质,熔炼了丹灵根后,他现在也只是后天四灵根,做不到五行合一。” Xiao Linsheng one said: Master, is the change of that this Destructive Will?” 萧林生一愣道:“师父,那这个毁灭意志的异动是?” The hoarse sound said slowly: „If not expect for the master badly, should be he obtained Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit wisp.” 嘶哑的声音缓缓道:“如果为师所料不差,应该是他得到了灭灵剑一缕剑灵。” That Old Monster at the point of death strikes, not only burnt completely essence and blood and true essence, but also from exploding Spirit Extermination Sword.” “那老怪物的临死一击,不但燃烧了全部精血真元,还自爆了灭灵剑。” Although there is Star Soul Clan Void Refining to act, but had sword spirit wisp to escape, but in sword spirit that this escaped, contained Destructive Sword Intent.” “虽然有星魂族炼虚出手,但还是有一缕剑灵逃了出去,而这个逃出去的剑灵中,就蕴含了毁灭剑意。” Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit!” Xiao Linsheng as if thought of anything, in the eye flashes through a pleasant surprise. 灭灵剑剑灵!”萧林生仿佛想到了什么,眼中闪过一丝惊喜。 The hoarse voice in cave mansion said with a smile lightly: Spirit Extermination Sword by the Old Monster Mo primordial soul mystic image nurturing many years, inside is contained its mystic image true intent.” 洞府中的嘶哑声音轻笑道:“灭灵剑莫老怪元神法相孕养多年,里面早已蕴含其法相真意。” If you attain and its refine, in the future will attack Void Refining Boundary time, the probability first half will become.” “如果你拿到并将其炼化,将来冲击炼虚之境的时候,几率会多上半成。” For many disciples of master, except for your Elder Brother, is your aptitude to be highest, do not make for the master disappointed.” “为师的诸多弟子中,除了你哥哥,就属你资质最高,可别让为师失望。” Xiao Linsheng great happiness: Many thanks the master, the disciple decides Jian Chen takes.” 萧林生大喜道:“多谢师父,弟子定把剑尘拿下。” But, this time besides you, the Star Soul Clan fellow participates.” “不过,这次除了你以外,还有星魂族的家伙参加。” Star Soul Clan?” 星魂族?” Spirit Extermination Sword sword spirit wisp, has some help to Soul Transformation Peak Star Soul Clan cultivator, Soul Tribe will send two Soul Transformation Peak to participate in surrounding and capturing of Jian Chen.” 灭灵剑一缕剑灵,对化神巅峰星魂族修士同样有些许帮助,魂部会派两名化神巅峰参加剑尘的围捕。” Xiao Linsheng upon hearing this, somewhat said hesitant: Master, Soul Tribe is Star Soul Clan most parts of one, their time words that comes the person, disciple......” 萧林生闻言,有些犹豫道:“师父,魂部星魂族第一大部,他们这次来人的话,弟子……” Relax, has the agreement for the master and Star Soul Clan Council of Elders early, you compete by all means that except for several early to middle stage disciples, these two clairvoyant golden eyes beast also passes with you.” “放心,为师和星魂族长老会早有协议,你只管去竞争,除了几名初中期弟子,这两头三眼金睛兽也跟你过去吧。” A Xiao Linsheng eye bright say/way: Master thanks!” 萧林生眼睛一亮道:“谢师傅!” At this time, stone door of cave mansion opened slightly, pair of dark yellow ancestral tablet fiercely shoots, was held by Xiao Linsheng. 这时候,洞府的石门微微打开,一对暗黄色灵牌从中激射而出,被萧林生一把抓住。 Refining up by the primordial soul sacrifice, can order them, fast goes to the person convergence of Descending Spirit City and Star Soul Clan, Destructive Sword Intent directional region, in Heavenly Stone Clan, Wood Spirit Clan and Desolate Gu Swamp of Star Soul Clan common border.” “以元神祭炼一番,就可以命令他们,速去降灵城星魂族的人汇合吧,毁灭剑意的指向区域,是在天石族木灵族星魂族交界的荒蛊沼泽。” There, although does not have Void Refining level wasteland beast, but is filling miasmic qi year to year, without the help of our Human Clan cultivator, these Star Soul Clan did not have the means to find the position to be at accurately.” “那里虽然没有炼虚级别荒兽,但常年弥漫着瘴气,没有我们人族修士的帮助,那些星魂族也没办法准确找到位置所在。” Yes, Master.” “是,师父。” Afterward in the Xiao Linsheng hand mudra flashes, in two wooden tile toward hand makes several spirit light, later divine thought moves, lies in cave mansion entrance two first three vicious beast, crawled lazily. 随后萧林生手中法决闪动,往手中的两个木牌打出几道灵光,随后神念一动,趴在洞府门口的两头三眼凶兽,就懒洋洋地爬了起来。 They shook the body, as Xiao Linsheng flies from Lake Heart Island together. 它们抖了抖身子,随着萧林生一起飞离湖心岛 ...... …… ...... …… North Heavenly Spirit Region some barren hill, on a mountain top but actually five corpses, are being sheep's head ox body star source beast, the head of each corpse turned hit flatly, as if flattened with a roller by some fearful strength generally. 天灵域北部的某座荒山,一处山头上倒着五具尸体,都是羊头牛身的星原兽,每具尸体的头部都变成了扁平撞,仿佛被某种可怕的力量碾平了一般。 In this pile of corpses, first seven chi (0.33 m) high black-haired ape calmly is standing, the back also carries golden short sword that inscribes the mysterious trace, looks very strange. 在这堆尸体中,一头七尺高的黑毛猿猴静静站着,后背还背着一把刻有玄奥纹路的金色短刀,看上去十分怪异。 The black ape looks at own right palm at this time with rapt attention, above is surging invisible golden force field, is fettering one group of grey spirit light, has a one-eyed face indistinctly appear and disappear from time to time, that eyeball fills the blood threads, non-stop twisting is tearing, is really frightened. 黑猿此时凝神看着自己的右手掌,上面涌动着无形的金色力场,正束缚着一团灰色灵光,隐约有一个独眼面孔时隐时现,那眼珠子充满血丝,不停扭曲撕扯着,甚是惊悚。 Suddenly, in this group of grey spirit light shone strange rune, the next quarter blasted open loudly, vanishes in golden force field. 忽然间,这团灰色灵光中亮起了一圈古怪符文,下一刻就轰然炸裂,消失在金色力场中。 Star Soul Clan is not seriously simple, these Primordial Infant Stage little fellows, do not have the means to search for the soul completely......” 星魂族当真不简单,就这几个元婴期的小家伙,都没办法完全搜魂……” black-haired ape sighed one lightly, invisible golden force field filled the air from within the body, later the abdomen of surroundings corpse split spontaneously, departed ellipsoid respectively, was swallowed into that big mouth by ape. 黑毛猿猴轻叹一声,一股无形的金色力场从体内弥漫,随后周围尸体的腹部自发裂开,分别飞出了一个椭圆球体,被猿猴吞入那血盆大口中。 What's wrong, without obtaining what useful information?” “怎么,没得到什么有用的情报?” At this time, its back golden short sword spread together the clear sound suddenly. 这时候,其背后的金色短刀忽然传出一道清脆的声音。 black-haired ape shakes the head saying: Besides the Star Soul Clan basic information, only then about Human Clan Five Spirits School and Descending Spirit City news , helping not in a big way us, moreover these two places have Void Refining to assume personal command, is not suitable.” 黑毛猿猴摇摇头道:“除了星魂族的基本信息外,只有一些关于人族五灵门降灵城的消息,对我们帮助不大,而且这两处地方都有炼虚坐镇,不适合过去。” Afterward in his hand presented short sword, inside surges faint trace Destructive Sword Intent, sword is pointing at the northwest direction distantly. 随后他手中出现了一把短剑,里面涌动着一丝丝毁灭剑意,剑头遥遥指着西北方向。 Place that Destructive Will refers , likely is that Desolate Gu Swamp in three clan border, we rush to there to know what situation.” 毁灭意志所指的地方,很可能是三族边界中的那座荒蛊沼泽,我们赶到那里才能知晓什么情况。” Here Star Soul Clan quantity becomes many, provides against contingencies, we flee in underground.” “不过这里的星魂族数量变多,以防万一,我们在地底遁走。” During the speeches, ape single-handedly waved, the invisible strength tumbling goes, that five star source beast corpses were extruded the muddy flesh by the terrifying strength instantaneously, these muddy flesh groups fly nearby the palm of ape to vanish do not see, as if took in some storage magic treasure. 说话间,猿猴单手一挥,无形的力量翻滚而去,那五具星原兽尸体瞬间被恐怖的力量挤压成了肉泥,这些肉泥团飞到猿猴的手掌附近消失不见,仿佛被收进了某个储物法宝 Afterward ape trembles, the body reduces at the visible speed, the under foot emerging out of thin air golden color spiral ray, breaks the mountain body rock at some strength probably forcefully, escapes into the barren hill. 随后猿猴一颤,身子以肉眼可见的速度缩小起来,脚下凭空出现金色螺旋光芒,好像以某种力量强行打破山体岩石,遁入荒山内部。 Before long, except for some crushed stones, this mountain top as if nothing happened general...... 不一会,除了些碎石,这座山头仿佛什么都没发生一般…… Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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