BCA :: Volume #15

#1479: Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method

Popular recommendation: center of Heavenly Spirit Region situated in Human Clan region, the south side is hills densely covered Myriad Hillocks Ridge, the Northwest is the Star Soul Clan territory, Northeast is the Wood Spirit Clan control region. 热门推荐:天灵域位于人族地域的中央,南侧是群山密布的万丘之岭,西北方为星魂族的领地,东北方向则是木灵族控制的区域。 This region is the places of three clan connection, it may be said that is in Human Clan three regions and nine territories the liveliest place, but, since more than ten years ago Star Soul Clan launches the extermination of the clan war, here immediately becomes bleak. 这片地域是三族交汇之处,可谓是人族三域九境中最繁华的地方,可自从十多年前星魂族发动灭族大战之后,这里顿时变得萧条起来。 Hundreds of thousands of Human Clan cultivator almost vanish, over a hundred million mortals, reared in a pen Divine Country by Star Soul Clan, so the after region of length and breadth Star Soul Clan seizes, appears the incomparable deathly stillness...... 数十万人族修士几乎消失殆尽,就连上亿的凡人,都被星魂族圈养进了神国,如此广袤的地域被星魂族占领后,显得无比死寂…… ...... …… On this day, in a dim hills edge, in the air presented dozens zhang (3.33 m) large-scale spirit boat suddenly, on its hull portrays mysterious rune, the inexplicable restriction aura surges above. 这一日,在一片昏暗的群山边缘,空中骤然出现了一艘数十丈长的大型灵舟,其船体上刻画着一道道玄奥的符文,莫名的禁制气息在上面涌动。 This spirit boat side, prints blaze-shaped design that five rune are composing, five color ray sparkles, surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth received some attraction, changes to five consolidate halo flowing light, surrounds around spirit boat. 这艘灵舟的侧面,印着一个五种符文组成的火焰状图桉,五种颜色的光芒闪耀不已,周围的天地元气受到了某种吸引,化作五道凝实的光晕流光,环绕在灵舟四周。 The next quarter, this spirit boat changed to escape light, goes toward northern direction fiercely shoots, speed wonderful quick incomparable. 下一刻,这艘灵舟就化作了一道遁光,向着北部的方向激射而去,速度奇快无比。 In spirit boat deck that this speeds along rapidly, is standing many Human Clan immortal cultivator, they wear five different color magical robe, the forehead of everyone, has same flame rune, most flame rune are the monochrome or the two-colors. 这艘急速飞驰的灵舟甲板上,站着不少人族修仙者,他们身穿五种不同颜色的法袍,每个人的眉心,都有一个同样的火焰符文,大部分的火焰符文都是单色或者双色。 A handsome long hair man calmly stands in the deck front section, he and others are different, forehead flame rune, is flashing four colors. 一名相貌堂堂的长发男子静静站在甲板前段,他和其他人有所不同,眉心火焰符文,闪动着四种颜色。 The long hair man is looking at oneself palm at this time, above has mini small short sword to shiver nimble and resourceful, once for a while projects together golden sword qi, wants to work loose, but each golden sword qi will hit four colored lights to be dizzy. 长发男子此时正看着自己的手掌,上面有一枚迷你的小短剑灵动地颤抖着,时不时射出一道金色剑气,想要挣脱出去,可每一道金色剑气都会撞到一层四色光晕。 Xiao Linsheng, you not have one's heart in right place, even tried in 1000, was impossible to refine this Morning Sun’s Respite Sword.” 萧林生,你心术不正,就算尝试一千年,也不可能炼化这把朝阳一气剑的。” Ridiculed the sound to transmit from it together behind, what speech was heroic spirit full female cultivator, she wore white magical robe, was graceful, but was actually surrounded by five colors long rope, meanwhile several rune pasted on its magical robe, seemed imprisoned magic power. 一道讥讽声从其身后传来,说话的是一名英气十足的女修,她身穿白色法袍,身姿曼妙,可却被一根五色长绳困住,同时还有数个符文贴在其法袍上,似乎被禁锢住了法力 Fairy Maiden Chen, this Morning Sun’s Respite Sword, although good heaven connecting spirit treasure, but has not bred sword spirit, where will induce the spirit of master, so long as Xiao erases your mark with true essence, refining up by the treasure connection mudra sacrifice again, can the revolution be pleasant.” 陈仙子,这朝阳一气剑虽然是把不错的通天灵宝,但并未孕育出剑灵,哪会感应主人的魂灵,只要萧某人用真元抹除你的印记,再以通宝决祭炼一番,就能运转如意。” Xiao Linsheng chuckle, in the hand gushes out vigorous true essence that suddenly achieves Soul Transformation Peak, four color spirit light well up to start crazily short sword, the small sword that struggles sends out together the wail instantaneously, no longer moves. 萧林生轻笑一声,手中忽然涌出一股达到化神巅峰的浑厚真元,四色灵光疯狂涌入手中的短剑,那挣扎的小剑瞬间发出一道哀鸣,不再动弹。 Afterward he made several rune, this short sword seal, single-handedly waved, took in storage pouch of waist. 随后他打出了数道符文,将这把短剑封印,单手一挥,收进了腰间的储物袋 When this male, white robe female complexion suddenly one white, as if received some backlash, but she is nipping the silver tooth stubbornly, is staring at the man before body with the angry vision. 在这名男子施法的时候,白袍女子脸色骤然一白,似乎受到了某种反噬,但她死死咬着银牙,用愤怒的目光盯着身前的男子。 Well, Fairy Maiden Chen worthily is sword cultivator that the cultivation has, suffers primordial soul backlash not to utter a sound, Xiao admires, no wonder can hide for ten years in that Blood Fiend Land.” “咦,陈仙子不愧是修炼有成的剑修,遭受元神反噬都不吭一声,萧某着实佩服,难怪能在那血煞之地隐藏了十年。” Perhaps if Xiao, had been invaded primordial soul by Blood Fiend.” “要是萧某的话,恐怕早已被血煞侵入元神了。” In the Xiao Linsheng hand presented five-colored feather fan, brushes to open, being carefree and content waves. 萧林生手中出现了一把五色羽扇,刷一下打开,悠然自得的舞动起来。 The white robe female is clenching teeth, without speech, but is staring at Xiao Linsheng ruthlessly. 白袍女子咬着牙,没有说话,只是狠狠盯着萧林生 Fairy Maiden Chen looks a little hates Xiao, may say from some aspect, Xiao also calculates rescued a Fairy Maiden life, 1 : 00 pm, Fairy Maiden may be eaten by that group of Blood Roar Beast swallow alive partners again exactly.” 陈仙子看上去有点恨萧某啊,可从某个方面说,萧某人也算救了仙子一命,再晚 1 点,仙子可就被那群血吼兽生吞伙活吃了。” Bah, even if dies in the Blood Roar Beast mouth, is still just like falls in your hands, the Human Clan rebel of your contamination compatriot blood, your Five Spirits School cultivator, dies like a dog!” “呸,就算死在血吼兽的口中,也好比落在你们手中,你这个沾染同胞鲜血的人族叛徒,还有你们五灵门修士,一个个都不得好死!” The white robe female spoke, that was full of the hatred the vision, took a fast look around to go to periphery, why several Human Clan cultivator did not know, not with its vision looking at each other, but will shift to another place silently. 白袍女子说话间,那充满恨意的目光,向周围扫视而去,几名人族修士不知为何,没有与其目光对视,而是将头默默转向了他处。 Xiao Linsheng sees this, assumes an air of self approbation saying: „ Fairy Maiden Chen misunderstood this, if I and others and other Human Clan schools revolted jointly, perhaps entire Human Clan reared in a pen by Star Soul Clan, our race may wither away thoroughly. 萧林生见此,摇头晃脑道:“陈仙子误会本门了,如果我等和人族其他门派联手反抗,恐怕整个人族都被星魂族圈养,我们种族可就彻彻底底消亡了。 „, but now, Human Clan, although loses seriously, but has Five Spirits School one to preserve as before, at least Human Clan dao heritage has not cut off, crosses again several tens of thousands of years, not necessarily cannot restore to the prosperous period.” ”“而如今,人族虽然损失惨重,但依旧有五灵门一支得以保存,起码人族道统并未断绝,再过个数万年,未必不能恢复到鼎盛时期。” The white robe female tone has the ridicule and despises saying: You think that dependency under Star Soul Clan, can preserve, you are just the soul food that they breed, is killed by weapons would rather now, avoid later divine soul is in the endless despair and pain.” 白袍女子语气带着讥讽与鄙夷道:“你们以为附庸在星魂族下,就能保全吗,你们只不过是他们放养的魂食而已,倒不如现在自行兵解,省得以后神魂陷入无尽的绝望与痛苦中。” Xiao Linsheng receives the fan in hand, cold sound said: Dependency race how, so long as saved the life, Human Clan has the opportunity of turning over, Star Soul Clan has Body Fusion such frightening existence, rash resistance like you, only then exterminates the clan a road.” 萧林生啪一声将手中的扇子收起,冷声道:“附庸种族又如何,只要保全了性命,人族就有翻身的机会,星魂族拥有合体那样的恐怖存在,像你们这样莽撞对抗,只有灭族一条路。” At this point, in his eye flashes through several points of crazy heat passage: Master the Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method thorough improvement, has this cultivation method, solely is not my Xiao, Senior Sister Liu and Junior Brother Du also has the opportunity to attack Void Refining Boundary.” 说到这里,他眼中闪过几分狂热道:“师父已将噬婴生灵大法彻底完善,有了这门功法,不单单是我萧某人,刘师姐杜师弟也有机会冲击炼虚之境。” Five Spirits School other disciples are also so, only then presents massive Void Refining, our Human Clan has the opportunity to rise truly.” 五灵门的其他弟子也是如此,只有出现大量炼虚,我们人族才有机会真正崛起。” The surrounding several Five Spirits School disciples hear here, in the eye emerges the frantic color similarly, as if they are the hope of entire Human Clan are common. 周围几名五灵门的弟子听到这里,眼中同样涌现出狂热之色,似乎他们就是整个人族的希望一般。 Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method!” 噬婴生灵大法!” The white robe female hears this word, reveals inconceivable expression saying: Is impossible, this evil technique was not ruined by Old Ancestor Xue, how still to have in this world!” 白袍女子听到这个词,露出不可思议的神色道:“不可能,这门邪术不是被薛老祖毁掉了吗,怎么还存在这世上!” A Xiao Linsheng cold snort/hum sound said: Your Sword Sect is like Provenance Sect, is one group of impenetrably thickheaded fellows, clear(ly) knows that Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method can make many Soul Transformation cultivator have to attack the Void Refining opportunity, ruins this precious cultivation method as before.” 萧林生冷哼一声道:“你们剑宗一元宗一样,都是一群冥顽不灵的家伙,明知道噬婴生灵大法可以让许多化神修士拥有冲击炼虚的机会,依旧毁掉这门宝贵功法。” „If not the master holds back one trick in secret, cultivation method that perhaps this Old Ancestor Ma leaves behind, vanished thoroughly, but Human Clan the road of extension will also be cut off.” “如果不是师父暗中留了一手,恐怕这门马老祖留下的功法,就彻底消失了,而人族的延续之路也会被断掉。” White robe female willow eyebrows one horizontal, angrily rebukes saying: This type through swallowing kindred Primordial Infant, produces acquired spirit root weird cultivation method, should not have in the world.” 白袍女子柳眉一横,怒斥道:“这种通过吞噬同族元婴,生成后天灵根的邪门功法,就不该存在世界上。” Old Ancestor Ma pedant Celestial, leading Human Clan to rise to challenges, the development cultivation path, defends the clansman, regrets foreign clan Body Fusion hardly, is what kind of graceful bearing is outstanding, how also to create this evil technique.” 马老祖学究天人,带领人族披荆斩棘,开拓修炼道路,保卫族人,硬憾异族合体,是何等的风姿卓绝,又岂会创出这种邪恶之术。” This kind of strange cultivation method was perhaps made by the Star Soul Clan, Old Ancestor Xue pill spirit root method, is I and others produced the five phases spirit root proper way.” 这种诡异功法,说不定是星魂族弄出来的,薛老祖丹灵根之法,才是我等生成五行灵根的正途。” Xiao Linsheng hears here, in the eye flashes through the color of hatred: pill spirit root, Soul Transformation Late Stage cultivator, who does not know that the pill spirit root limit is two types of attribute spirit roots, produces triple spirit root time, will present the five phases conflict, Dao Foundation collapses.” 萧林生听到这里,眼中闪过怨毒之色道:“丹灵根,化神后期修士,谁不知道丹灵根的极限是两种属性灵根,生成第三灵根的时候,就会出现五行冲突,道基崩坏。” Chen Shiyu, you are triple spirit root cultivator, just conforms to the pill spirit root standard, how also to know me and other worries of heavenly spirit root cultivator, even if cultivation speed is astonishing, may arrive at Soul Transformation Late Stage Peak, cultivation base one card is nearly millenniums.” 陈诗语,你是三灵根修士,刚好符合丹灵根的标准,又岂会知道我等天灵根修士的苦恼,纵使修炼速度惊人,可到了化神后期巅峰,修为一卡就是近千年。” My Human Clan many heavenly spirit root and double spirit root talent, because does not have the means to produce five phases spirit root, even attacks the Void Refining opportunity not to have.” “我人族多少天灵根双灵根的天才,因为没办法生成五行灵根,连冲击炼虚的机会都没有。” Xiao Linsheng clenches teeth saying: My that pitiful Elder Brother, over 400 years old entered Soul Transformation Stage, may be called the Human Clan first talent, because finally are unable five phases uniting as one to attack Void Refining, tragic death under fifth small heavenly tribulation.” 萧林生咬牙道:“我那可怜的哥哥,四百多岁就进入了化神期,堪称人族第一天才,最后因为无法五行合一冲击炼虚,惨死在了第五次小天劫下。” Surrounding several Five Spirits School cultivator upon hearing this, pinched the fist, in the eye was flashing the color of resenting. 周围几名五灵门修士闻言,都捏起了拳头,眼中闪动着愤恨之色。 Chen Shiyu hears here, somewhat is silent, later her voice brings several points of hoarse, opens the mouth to say reluctantly: Old Ancestor Xue in the research brand-new path, perhaps has waited again for hundred years, has the new method to appear......” 陈诗语听到这里,不禁有些沉默,随后她声音带着几分嘶哑,勉强开口道:“薛老祖已经在研究崭新的道路,说不定再等百年,就有新的法门出现……” In the research...... in the research......, Xiao has heard these words for the first time, is Primordial Infant Stage time, now more than 700 years passed by, his can Xue Yiyuan once have any result?” “已经在研究……已经在研究……哈哈,萧某人第一次听到这句话,还是元婴期的时候,如今七百多年过去了,他薛一元可曾有任何结果?” Xiao Linsheng said with a smile miserably: He , if really studying the new path, how also to lock in me and others divine soul to remember with Soul Sealing Bell, this spirit root production method, is useless to foreign clan, why must to hide?” 萧林生惨笑道:“他要是真在研究新的道路,又岂会用定魂钟锁住我等的神魂记忆,这种生成灵根之法,对异族无用,何须隐藏?” Chen Shiyu looks at the somewhat demented man, the lip wriggled, finally sighs gently, these that the opposite party said that also similarly is doubts in her heart. 陈诗语看着有些癫狂的男子,嘴唇蠕动了下,最后轻轻叹了一口气,对方说的那些,也同样是她心中的疑惑。 More than 700 years ago, why Provenance Sect Old Ancestor Xue does not know, with the aid of Soul Sealing Bell that Old Ancestor Ma leaves behind, some divine soul memory blockades of many immortal cultivator, although some hearsay said that this secret concerns the Human Clan brand-new cultivation path, but most immortal cultivator do not believe. 七百多年前,一元宗薛老祖不知为何,借助马老祖留下的定魂钟,将不少修仙者的部分神魂记忆封锁,虽然有传闻说这个秘密关乎人族崭新的修炼道路,但大部分修仙者都不相信。 Human Clan initial cultivation method, is the improvement and deduction of Old Ancestor Ma from foreign clan cultivation method, these rely on bloodline talent foreign clan, disdains in Human Clan cultivation method radically. 人族最初的修炼之法,是马老祖异族功法中改良和推演出来的,那些凭借血脉天赋异族,根本不屑于人族功法 But spirit root production method, to can inspire spirit qi foreign clan inborn, is laughable incomparable. 生成灵根的法门,对天生能引动灵气异族而言,更是可笑无比。 Ok, said so many, but hopes that Fairy Maiden can coordinate Xiao, had Fairy Maiden metal attribute primordial infant, Xiao's five phases spirit root was uneven on the collection, if in the future can enter Void Refining, Fairy Maiden also calculated to Human Clan completely a strength.” “好了,说了那么多,只是希望仙子能够配合萧某,有了仙子金属性元婴,萧某人的五行灵根就集齐了,将来若能进入炼虚,仙子也算给人族尽了一份力。” Another three that although Xiao swallows are Soul Transformation Late Stage, Fairy Maiden only has Soul Transformation Middle Stage cultivation base, the effect is worse, but now in high rank cultivator scarce situation , can only on below.” “虽然萧某吞噬的另外三个都是化神后期,仙子只有化神中期修为,效果差一些,但现在高阶修士稀少的情况下,也只能将就下了。” The Chen Shiyu body shivers angrily, she angrily rebukes saying: You gave up any idea, even if from exploding Primordial Infant, I will not make you work, the probability that Void Refining breaks through is uncertain, you cultivation Infant Devouring Spirit Birth Great Method great method, will only make Human Clan high rank cultivator fewer and fewer.” 陈诗语身子愤怒地颤抖,她怒斥道:“你休想,就算自爆元婴,我也不会让你得逞,炼虚突破的几率何等渺茫,你们修炼噬婴生灵大法大法,只会让人族高阶修士越来越少。” Xiao Linsheng shakes the head saying: „Before how you die , the words that spoke are the same.” 萧林生摇头道:“怎么你们死之前说的话都一样。” During the speeches, blaze design of his forehead shines slightly, four color ray twinkles, in the hand also pinched mysterious mudra. 说话间,他眉心的火焰图桉微微亮起,四种颜色的光芒闪烁不已,手中也掐动起了玄奥的法决 But at this moment, a Xiao Linsheng brow wrinkle, stopped, a right hand move, before the body, presented jade talisman, his divine consciousness sweeps, first stares, later the pleasant surprise said: Jian Chen that fellow revealed the trail!” 可就在这时,萧林生眉头一皱,停下了施法,右手一招,身前出现了一张玉符,他神识一扫,先是一愣,随后惊喜道:“剑尘那家伙显露踪迹了!” Haha, is really the day helps me, his cultivation base is used for the sacrifice to refine is just appropriate!” “哈哈,真是天助我也,他的修为用来祭炼正合适!” Senior Brother Jian Chen!” 剑尘师兄!” Chen Shiyu hears this Senior Brother also to live, reveals a happy expression, but she thought of anything later, the facial expression was also peacefully dark...... 陈诗语听到这位师兄还活着,露出一丝喜色,可她随后想到了什么,神情又暗澹了下来……
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