BCA :: Volume #15

#1478: transformation skill

Popular recommendation: Falling Star Plain subterranean depths, one big and one small two golden color forms by a force field package of cone-shape, upward shuttle in hard rock. 热门推荐:坠星平原地底深处,一大一小两道金色身影被一圈锥形的力场包裹,在坚硬的岩石中向上穿梭。 Lu Kun, can this be the Star Soul Clan trap, after all they know Void Refining that Solitary Dao Human Clan hidden, saved the Sword Sect remaining disciple, even sword burial mound also moved away.” 陆坤,这有没有可能是星魂族的陷阱,毕竟他们知道一人族隐藏的炼虚,救走了剑宗残余弟子,连剑冢也移走了。” Little Jin lies after Lu Kun conducts the back, some expression doubt said. 小金趴在陆坤的后背上,神色有些狐疑道。 Lu Kun is controlling is reducing to seven chi (0.33 m) force field, hears the little monkey sound, he said slowly: 陆坤正操控着缩小到七尺的力场,听到小猴子的声音,他缓缓道: Although there is a subterranean strength impediment, but the change of Destructive Sword Intent, should happen in the recent several months, after all our adjustment space transmission formation time, has not had this situation.” “虽然有地底之力阻隔,但毁灭剑意的异动,应该就发生在最近几个月,毕竟我们调试空间传送法阵的时候,并没有出现这种情况。” Strikes to kill Xing Wu from us, over the past five years, presents this phenomenon now, really some coincidences, likely are the traps of Star Soul Clan design, wants to entice me to come.” “距离我们击杀星乌,才过去五年,现在出现这种异象,着实有些巧合,很可能是星魂族设计的陷阱,想要勾引我现身。” “However……” “不过……” Lu Kun spoke after a moment of silence: This also possibly real, if that Sword Sect Fellow Daoist named Jian Chen had not been held by Star Soul Clan, its primordial soul will really makes the further breakthrough, even attacks Void Refining to be related with him, I cannot sit by and do nothing, must for its Protector!” 陆坤沉默了下道:“不过这也可能是真的,如果那位叫做剑尘剑宗道友并没有被星魂族抓住,其元神意志真有进一步突破,甚至和他冲击炼虚有关,那我不能坐视不理,必须为其护法!” Moreover even Jian Chen has not attacked Void Refining, a familiar Spirit Realm Human Clan powerhouse, was too to us important.” “而且就算剑尘没有冲击炼虚,一名熟悉灵界人族强者,对我们而言太重要了。” Little Jin had known about Lu Kun, knows does not have the preparation words, will not easily take risk, it is said curiously: We continue with bloodline clone parasitic Star Soul Clan, hidden in the hidden place?” 小金陆坤有所了解,知道没有准备的话,不会轻易冒险,它好奇道:“我们继续用血脉分身寄生星魂族,隐藏在暗处?” Lu Kun shakes the head saying: bloodline clone only suits eavesdrops on the information, although can the short time control star source beast, but the battle efficiency compares the difference is too many with our main body, if encounters the emergency case, perhaps the strength falls short.” 陆坤摇头道:“血脉分身只适合探听情报,虽然能短时间操控星原兽,但战斗力与我们本体相比差太多,如果遇到紧急情况,恐怕力有不逮。” Main body distance is too near, was discovered easily, the speed that underground sneaks definitely cannot compared with the flight, without the means supports promptly.” “本体距离太近,又容易被发现,地底潜行的速度肯定不能和飞行相比,没办法及时支援。” We......” Little Jin reveals to worry about the color. “那我们……”小金露出担忧之色。 Lu Kun shows a faint smile saying: Attacks Viscera Essence Middle Stage this year in you, I have been studying diligently fleshly body cultivation method, although suffers that is unable to solve, but actually surprise new fleshly body divine ability.” 陆坤微微一笑道:“在你冲击脏元中期的这一年,我一直在钻研肉身修炼之法,虽然遭遇了一个无法解决的困难,但却意外发现了新的肉身神通。” New divine ability?” “新的神通?” Must arrive at the surface, Little Jin, feels the change of my within the body.” “就要到地表了,小金,感受我体内的变化。” During the speeches, fleshly body source power of his outside the body rewinds to return, the tall and strong body reduces at the visible speed. 说话间,他体外的肉身源力倒卷而回,魁梧的身躯以肉眼可见的速度缩小起来。 The little monkey ear golden light flashes, quick on the sensation to anything, the source power field similar contraction in outside the body, in that three chi (0.33 m) high body child body, as if presented a special suction, causes the fleshly body inward collapsing shrinkage. 小猴子的耳朵金光闪动,很快就感知到了什么,体外的源力场同样收缩,那三尺高的身子体内,彷佛出现了一股特殊的吸力,使肉身向内坍塌皱缩。 Before long, two mini bodies, pass through the loose soil, entered the surface layer One-Horned Mouse hole, they fly to escape following the small cavern, that fearful aura is startled nearby One-Horned Mouse to tremble. 不一会,两具迷你的身躯,就穿过疏松的土壤,进入了地表层的独角鼠洞,他们顺着小小的洞穴飞遁,那可怕的气息惊得附近的独角鼠瑟瑟发抖。 Quick, the two tiny body appeared in the Falling Star Plain rich thick patch of grass. 很快,两个渺小的身躯就出现在了坠星平原浓郁的草丛中。 Little Jin, just simulated Viscera Essence Early Stage fleshly body cultivation method, used reverse collapsing of fleshly body source power, caused the fibrocytes compression of fleshly body each spot, thus achieved the condition that the whole body reduced.” 小金,刚刚是模拟脏元初期肉身修炼之法,利用肉身源力的反向坍塌,使肉身各个部位的纤维细胞压缩,从而达到全身缩小的状态。” little monkey looks at own mini body, quite said surprisedly: 小猴子看着自己的迷你身子,颇为惊奇道: „The source power field adduction, fleshly body compresses, the defensive power of this condition has been increased, but the most mind places to compress on force field, without the means conducts the fierce fight.” 源力场内收,肉身压缩,这种状态的防御力有所提升,不过大半心神都放在压缩力场上,没办法进行激烈的战斗。” Right, this was not used to fight.” “没错,这本来就不是用来战斗的。” Mini Lu Kun nods, later within the body ray flashes, the body inflated at the visible speed rapidly, restored the original body. 迷你陆坤点了点头,随后体内光芒一闪,身子以肉眼可见的速度迅速膨胀,恢复了原来的身躯。 He as if thought of anything, sighed lightly: „After has not thought enters Viscera Essence Middle Stage, muscles, the smallest units of other fleshly body ingredients, had a common origin induction.” 他彷佛想到了什么,轻叹道:“没想到进入脏元中期后,肌肉,还有其他肉身成分的最小单位,都产生了一种同源感应。” muscle fibers shinks, other muscle fibers will follow close on is entering the compression condition, when completes concise of fibers, after letting loose fleshly body source power, other muscle fibers will regain the beforehand loose condition, fibers that this completes concise also breaks up.” “一根肌肉纤维皱缩,其他肌肉纤维会紧跟着进入压缩状态,当完成一根纤维的凝练,放开肉身源力后,其余的肌肉纤维会恢复之前的松散状态,这根凝练完成的纤维也随之崩解。” In other words, wants with Viscera Essence Early Stage way concise fleshly body, either with more powerful bloodline primordial soul, compresses all muscle fibers, either searches for means that “也就是说,想要用脏元初期的方式凝练肉身,要么用更强大的血脉元神,一口气压缩所有的肌肉纤维,要么寻找一种办法, Temporarily isolates the induction between muscle fibers, is in turn concise. ” Lu Kun looked down own body, sighed: Therefore just shrinking divine ability, we displayed very with ease, only needed to reduce part of fleshly body spots, the fleshly body ingredients of other common origin will also produce responded, the consumption of fleshly body source power and blood essence were extremely few.” 临时隔离肌肉纤维之间的感应,依次凝练。”陆坤低头看了看自己的身躯,感叹道:“所以刚刚的缩小神通,我们施展起来十分轻松,只需要压缩一部分肉身部位,其他同源的肉身成分会随之产生连带反应,肉身源力血元的消耗极少。” The Little Jin body flashes, restored the original body, its flexure said difficultly: 小金身子一闪,也恢复了自己原来的身躯,它挠了挠头道: That this shrinking divine ability, has no help to the concealment figure, our fleshly body, blood and flesh essence and blood as well as bones, all are equivalent to powerful magic treasure, any technique of covering up is very difficult the effect.” “那这个缩小神通,对隐匿身形没有什么帮助啊,我们的肉身,血肉精血以及骨骼,全都相当于强大的法宝,任何遮掩之术都很难起效果。” Star Soul Clan, so long as with that rune that induces magic treasure, can discover us.” 星魂族只要用那种感应法宝符文,就能发现我们。” Lu Kun said with a smile lightly: This is only the Viscera Essence Middle Stage fleshly body most basic change method, Little Jin, with rapt attention feeling.” 陆坤轻笑道:“这只是脏元中期肉身最基本的变化手段,小金,凝神感受。” During the speeches, two bloodline ring in its viscera dantian shiver suddenly, will lynchpin and in the bloodline core junction, faint trace milky-white light specks emerges. 说话间,其内脏丹田中的两圈血脉环忽然颤抖起来,意志键血脉之核的连接点上,一丝丝乳白色光点涌现而出。 The special energy that after this is body cultivator experiences thunder tribulation, has, life force. 这正是体修经历雷劫后产生的特殊能量,生命之力 These contain the life aura energy to leave from will lynchpin, but they have not welled up to bloodline pond, but submerged bloodline core. 这些蕴含着生命气息的能量从意志键离开,不过它们并没有向血脉池外涌去,而是没入了血脉之核 Heaven Connecting Roar bloodline rune in oval-shape bloodline spheroid, as if came under some influence, buzz humming sound trembles, even that concentrates the small ball in the bloodline core center blood soul power, rocks slightly. 椭圆形血脉球体内的通天吼血脉符文,似乎受到了某种影响,嗡嗡嗡地震颤,甚至那个在血脉之核中心浓缩成小球的血魂力,也轻微晃动起来。 Afterward, entirely different bloodline radiation, it transmitted five viscera islands through bloodline core turbulently, went to the entire body divergence. 随后,一股截然不同的血脉辐射汹涌而出,它通过血脉之核传送到了五脏岛屿,向整个身躯辐散而去。 At this time, the Lu Kun flesh surface, fine hair lengthened to grow dark at the visible speed, almost in a flash, the whole body was covered by the black hair. 这时候,陆坤的肌肤表面,一根根汗毛以肉眼可见的速度变长变黑,几乎在转瞬间,全身就被黑色毛发所覆盖。 About jaw bone bulge of his face, the frontal bone reduces, the facial skin becomes thicker, both hands both feet is also so. 其脸部的上下颌骨凸起,额骨缩小,脸皮变得更加厚实,双手双脚也是如此的。 Meanwhile, his sturdy both arms start to inflate, not only the dimension increases thickly, but also the length has also extended the patella. 与此同时,他那壮实的双臂开始膨胀,不但维度增粗,而且长度还一直延伸到了膝盖骨。 The times of several breath, the Lu Kun tall and strong Human Clan body, turned into almost high black-haired ape, the exceptionally thick both arms, the thick pectoralis major muscle, the whole body is lending barbaric vicious beast aura. 几个呼吸的功夫,陆坤魁梧的人族身躯,就变成了一个差不多高的黑毛猿猴,异常粗大的双臂,厚实的胸大肌,浑身散发着一股野蛮的凶兽气息。 Demon Ape Transformation? Not to......” 魔猿变?不对……” Little Jin first is one startled, but discovered later, the strength of Lu Kun within the body has not changed, as before is Five Essences strength, but is strange, the opposite party not only body changed to ape, bloodline and divine soul aura, unlike Human Clan completely. 小金先是一惊,可随后就发现,陆坤体内的力量并没有变化,依旧是五元之力,可古怪的是,对方不但身躯化作了猿猴,就连血脉神魂气息,也与人族完全不同。 Lu Kun, what divine ability is this?” 陆坤,这是什么神通?” The Lu Kun fierce ape face grinning, the loud sound spread: This is I try Viscera Essence Middle Stage berserk divine ability the time, surprise.” 陆坤狰狞的猿猴面孔咧了咧嘴,粗重的声音传出:“这是我尝试脏元中期狂暴神通的时候,意外发现的。” In early stage realm, so long as life force in bloodline ring leaves will lynchpin, bloodline rune will be at the condition that one type will soon split, the huge energy that its bloodline fission triggers, produced berserk divine ability.” “在初期境界,只要血脉环中的生命之力离开意志键,血脉符文就会处于一种即将分裂的状态,其血脉裂变引发的巨大能量,产生了狂暴神通。” Arrived Viscera Essence Middle Stage, the berserk divine ability displaying way had not changed, but when I life force pours into bloodline core, double ring rune as before stabilizes, has not entered fissioned state, bloodline core and bloodline ring as if formed a whole.” “到了脏元中期,狂暴神通的施展方式没变,可当我将生命之力注入血脉之核的时候,双环符文依旧稳定,并没有进入分裂状态,血脉之核血脉圆环似乎形成了一个整体。” After life force enters bloodline core, Heaven Connecting Roar rune experienced the unusual fluctuation, spreads radiation fluctuation that is similar to bloodline passive divine ability.” “当生命之力进入血脉之核后,通天吼符文就出现了异常波动,传出一种类似于血脉被动神通辐射波动。” Under the influence of this fluctuation, fleshly body starts to transform to the ape body, what is strange, blood soul power also fuses with this fluctuation, not only bloodline aura turned into Long Armed Demon Ape, the divine soul aura is also so.” “在这股波动的影响下,肉身开始向猿猴的身躯转变,奇怪的是,血魂力也与这种波动融合,不但血脉气息变成了通臂魔猿,就连神魂气息也是如此。” Little Jin is vibrating the ear, a face novel say/way: I try.” 小金抖动着耳朵,一脸新奇道:“我来试试。” Afterward its mind sinks to viscera dantian, that and Lu Kun almost exactly the same bloodline core shivers similarly, life force leaves will lynchpin, spilled into that oval-shaped spheroid. 随后它心神沉入内脏丹田,那个和陆坤几乎一模一样的血脉之核同样颤抖起来,生命之力离开意志键,纷纷涌进了那个椭圆形球体 Inside massive peaceful golden hyperboloid rune shiver rapidly, but Little Jin and Lu Kun are different, what it uses is Golden Light Divine Eyes rune, without demon viscera essence. 里面大量澹金色的双曲面符文迅速颤抖起来,不过小金陆坤不同,它用的是金光神目符文,没有魔脏元在内。 “Bzz……” “嗡……” Slightly different bloodline fluctuation radiates from bloodline core, the both arms of Little Jin inflate rapidly, muscles of chest also becomes thick, but his hair as before is the pure golden color, has not turned into Lu Kun such black. 一股略有不同的血脉波动血脉之核辐射开来,小金的双臂迅速膨胀,胸口的肌肉也变得厚实起来,不过其毛发依旧是纯金色,并没有变成陆坤那样的黑色。 My this is pure Long Armed Giant Ape, well, how the size of body has not changed.” “我这是纯正的通臂巨猿,咦,怎么身体的大小没有变化。” little monkey flexure scratched the head, always thought that own body was strange, likely not grown Long Armed Giant Ape. 小猴子挠了挠头,总觉得自己的身子怪怪的,像个没成年的通臂巨猿 Lu Kun sees this, hesitatingly said: Six-Eared Macaque Bloodline lost Hateful Intent, source granules also had certain change, therefore your body normal condition was this size.” 陆坤见此,沉吟道:“六耳猕猴血脉失去了怨毒之意,本源颗粒也产生了一定的变化,所以你的身躯正常情况都是这幅大小。” Like our Human Clan body cultivator, although is Human Clan bloodline, but the bloodline source granules subtle point is different, this causes the build height look of everyone to have a difference.” “像我们人族体修,虽然都是人族血脉,但血脉本源颗粒的细微之处有所不同,这就导致每个人的体型身高相貌都有所差异。” Changes body Long Armed Giant Ape, but drew support from bloodline divine ability, our bloodline source granules have not changed, therefore does not display other divine ability words, the build size will not change.” “变身通臂巨猿,只是借助了血脉神通,我们的血脉本源颗粒没变,所以不施展其他神通的话,体型大小不会变化。” Little Jin looked at itself, looks at Lu Kun, they are different except for the hair, the father and son appearance just like, it as if somewhat understood anything: Lu Kun, you want to camouflage Long Armed Giant Ape, seeks that Jian Chen?” 小金看了看自己,又瞧了瞧陆坤,他们除了毛发不同,活脱脱的父子模样,它似乎有些明白了什么:“陆坤,你是想伪装成通臂巨猿,去寻找那个剑尘?” Lu Kun hehe said with a smile: Spirit Realm does not have Monster Clan, bloodline and divine soul that aura be only wasteland beast, our bodies send out will be more noticeable, but can take it as one to cover up......” 陆坤嘿嘿一笑道:“灵界并没有妖族,只有荒兽,我们这副身躯所散发的血脉神魂气息会更加引人注目,不过可以将其作为一层遮掩……” At this point, the Lu Kun body changes again, fleshly body source power all contracts within the body. 说到这里,陆坤身子再一次变化起来,肉身源力全都收缩到体内。 I had just said that fleshly body shrinking divine ability is only the Viscera Essence Middle Stage fleshly body most basic change method, if I change in the foundation of body in present ape, further changes......” “我刚刚说过,肉身缩小神通只是脏元中期肉身最基本的变化手段,如果我在现在猿猴变身的基础上,进一步变化的话……” Small muscle fibers under the extrusion of some strength, conducts the shift compression, but the composition bones matrix, fibers and extremely small cell also analyzes the combination. 微小的肌肉纤维在某种力量的挤压下,进行转移压缩,而组成骨骼的基质,纤维和极其微小的细胞也重新拆分组合。 blood and flesh changes to the dense and numerous capillaries, wells up to the body, but bones gushes out from within the body, essence and blood formed solidification mysterious rune, interlocks on the bone piece. 血肉化作密密麻麻的血丝,向身体内部涌去,而骨骼则从体内涌出,精血形成了一个个固化的玄奥符文,在骨质片上交错。 Lu Kun from the ape appearance, turned into the long linearity, gradually compressed, changed to a five chi (0.33 m) peaceful golden broadsword. 陆坤猿猴模样,变成了长条形,逐渐压扁,化作了一个五尺长的澹金色大刀。 This has the thick knife the broadsword, the compact mysterious trace, inside is also lending the aura of some monster soul, as if has monster ape in inside roaring filial piety. 这把大刀有着厚实的刀身,致密的玄奥纹路,里面还散发着某种妖魂的气息,彷佛有一头妖猿在里面咆孝。 With this formation of golden broadsword, in the surrounding air gushed out milky-white halos, the pure essence qi aura winds around in its periphery, imitates, if a treasure. 随着这把金色大刀的成型,周围空气中涌出了一圈圈的乳白色光晕,精纯的元气气息缭绕在其周围,彷若一件瑰宝。 Little Jin stands, looks at this unthinkable one dumbfoundedly...... 小金站在旁边,目瞪口呆地看着这匪夷所思的一幕……
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