BCA :: Volume #15

#1477: The cry of sword burial mound

Popular recommendation: Nine Spirits Underground Palace, that channel that belongs to Sword Sect is entirely different, it was divided into high and low two layers by sword cultivator. 热门推荐:九灵地宫,那条属于剑宗的通道已大不相同,它被剑修们分成了上下两层 The upper layer is cave mansion of various embed in rock, inside arranged many formation, one floods the rich spirit qi fog to wind around in the rocks intermittently, what a pity here bare gray rock, does not have the spirit bird immortal herb, appears some deathly stillness. 上层是各种镶嵌在山石中的洞府,里面布置了不少阵法,一阵阵充斥着浓郁灵气的云雾在山石间缭绕,可惜这里只有光秃秃的灰色山石,没有灵禽仙草,显得有些死寂。 As for channel lower level, is a piece by piece medicine garden, these remaining Sword Sect cultivator are only poor has life source sword tool, if were not these year of body cultivator sent many spirit stone and essence stone, they did not even have the resources of cultivation. 至于通道下层,则是一片片药园,这些残余的剑宗修士穷得只剩下一把本命剑器,如果不是这些年体修送来了不少灵石元石,他们甚至连修炼的资源都没有了。 Is good because of them several years in Void Refining Divine Country, has picked some ordinary herbal medicines, in the lower-level medicine garden reluctantly a little green. 好在他们在炼虚神国中的几年,采摘过一些普通草药,下层药园中勉强有点绿色。 On this day, Chen Yang azure garment, the waist is inserting two short sword, is inspecting in the bare medicine garden, he restriction outside inspection next medicine gardens, runs in the courtyard once for a while occasionally, induces the quantity scarce small seedling with magic power. 这一日,晨阳一袭青衫,腰间插着两把短剑,在光秃秃的药园中巡视着,他时不时检查下一座座药园外的禁制,偶尔还跑进院子,用法力感应数量稀少的小幼苗。 Although is some foundation herbal medicines, but the growth 20 to 30 year, can refine some Qi Refining Stage medicinal pill again.” “虽然都是些基础草药,但再生长二三十年,就可以炼制一些炼气期丹药了。” Chen Yang looks at these also somewhat barren medicine field, the eye is sparkling, inside is flooding the hope. 晨阳看着这些还有些贫瘠的药田,眼睛亮晶晶的,里面充斥着希望。 These years later, the mortal had adapted to the life of underground, moreover under the guidance of Chen Zheng and Wang Yuan, the young generation starts to cultivate Vajra Mudra, the progress is good.” “这些年下来,凡人已经适应了地底的生活,而且在陈正王渊的引导下,年轻一辈都开始修炼金刚诀,进展不错。” In the future in the mortal will have the opportunity to appear has the spirit root Human Clan later generation, not only, had Vajra Mudra, they even have the opportunity to produce spirit root.” “将来凡人中也有机会出现拥有灵根人族后辈,不仅仅如此,有了金刚决,他们甚至有机会生成灵根。” Chen Yang thinks of here, in the eye cannot help but is flashing the exciting color. 晨阳想到这里,眼中不由得闪动着兴奋之色。 According to cultivation method that Old Ancestor Lu hands down, after cultivating Vajra Mudra threshold-crossing cultivation method, can attempt to refine special tool spirit root, can make the mortal produce spirit root baseless, this is one goes against heaven's will the secret technique simply.” “按照陆老祖传下的功法,修炼完金刚诀入门功法后,就可以尝试炼化一种特殊的器灵根,能使凡人凭空生成灵根,这简直是一门逆天秘术。” How many Senior Martial Uncle have said probably, cultivation base to Soul Transformation Late Stage, needs to cultivate a pill spirit root secret technique, Old Ancestor Lu tool spirit root uses is also......, monster beast internal pill? What monster beast is, isn't wasteland beast?” “几位师伯好像说过,修为到了化神后期,需要修炼一门丹灵根秘术,陆老祖器灵根用的也是……咦,妖兽内丹妖兽是什么,不是荒兽?” Chen Yang stares slightly, at this time discovered, monster beast that Vajra Mudra inside described, he has not listened completely, wasteland beast internal pill that but that tool spirit root secret technique to the description of monster pill, understood with him was very similar. 晨阳微微一愣,这时候才发现,金刚诀里面描述的妖兽,他完全没有听过,不过那器灵根秘术对妖丹的描述,和他所了解的荒兽内丹十分相似。 Old Ancestor Lu in secret land secluded cultivation, perhaps monster beast is their name to the wasteland beast.” 陆老祖一直在秘地潜修,恐怕妖兽是他们对荒兽的叫法。” He thinks of here, turned the head to look at to the Sword Sect channel exit|to speak, the Nine Spirits Underground Palace central direction. 他想到这里,不禁转头看向了剑宗通道的出口,九灵地宫的中央方向。 Senior Huang previous time said probably is today, does not know that Old Ancestor Lu does have receives other Soul Transformation body cultivator seniors smoothly, they will bring massive herbal medicine seeds, as the matter stands, this medicine garden......” 黄前辈上次说的好像就是今天,不知道陆老祖有没有顺利接到其他化神体修前辈,他们会带来大量草药种子,这样一来,这层的药园……” “Clang……” “铮……” “Clang clang……” “铮铮……” At this time, a clear sword called from the distant place transmits, two short sword of Chen Yang waist also expressed an echoing sword cry, almost at the same time, the ground of his under foot also trembled slightly. 就在这时候,一声清脆的剑鸣从远处传来,晨阳腰间的两把短剑也发出了一声呼应的剑鸣,几乎同一时间,其脚下的地面也轻微震颤起来。 Sword cry!” “剑鸣!” Sound came from sword burial mound!” “声音来自于剑冢!” „Does sword burial mound have problems?” “难道剑冢出了什么问题?” The Chen Yang complexion changes, body magic power surges, changes to together sword light, goes to channel deepest depths fiercely shoots. 晨阳脸色一变,身上法力涌动,化作一道剑光,向通道最深处激射而去。 ...... …… ...... …… Said, Dugu Yiming is helping Hui Ming solve the Fiend Demon Intent hidden danger?” The Zhi Yuán hear the Zhao Qiming words, said. “这么说,独孤一鸣是在帮慧明解决煞魔之意的隐患?”智缘听完赵启明话语,愣愣道。 The Zhao Qiming forced smile said: Yes, the Junior Brother Hui Ming aptitude is seriously fearful, not only entered False Soul Transformation Boundary by Buddhist cultivation method, but also deduced Primordial Infant Peak Mantra King Mudra, even also fused Fiend Demon Intent.” 赵启明苦笑道:“是的,慧明师弟的资质当真可怕,不但以佛门功法进入了伪化神之境,还将明王决推演到了元婴巅峰,甚至还融合出了煞魔之意。” Now its within the body simultaneously has Merciful Intent and Fiend Demon Intent, under both conflict, Hui Ming must defend primordial soul frequently, has no way to fly upwards.” “现在其体内同时拥有慈悲之意煞魔之意,两者冲突下,慧明必须时刻守住元神,根本没法飞升。” The Lu Kun ponder moment said: Yiming remains to help Hui Ming, you have explicit solution method.” 陆坤沉思片刻道:“一鸣留下来帮助慧明,你们是不是已经有了明确的解决之法。” Zhao Qiming said accordingly: Is Pavilion Lord, is not only Yiming, has entered Viscera Essence Stage Junior Brother Xiong Shan also to help.” 赵启明应声道:“是的阁主,不仅仅是一鸣,已经进入脏元期熊山师弟也在帮忙。” We have discussed solution method, had a mentality, with the aid of qi-blood demon sword and spirit attachment technique, concentrates Hui Ming fleshly body essence, refining up brand-new blood and flesh clone in within the body, or is blood and flesh primordial infant, “我们一起讨论过解决之法,有了一个思路,就是借助气血魔剑附灵术,浓缩慧明肉身精华,在体内炼化出一个崭新的血肉分身,或者说是血肉元婴, Comes carrying/sustaining Fiend Demon Intent with it. ” blood and flesh primordial infant?” 用它来承载煞魔之意。”“血肉元婴?” Lu Kun hears here, passes to his some news in light of Lower Realm clone, as if understood anything, the eyebrow raises said: „Similar to second primordial infant fleshly body clone?” 陆坤听到这里,结合下界分身传给他的一些消息,似乎明白了什么,眉毛一扬道:“是类似于第二元婴肉身分身?” Zhao Qiming stares, without thinking own Pavilion Lord thought quickly, he said respectfully: Yes, we referred to second primordial infant and One Qi Transforms Into the Three Purities Secret Technique.” 赵启明一愣,没想到自家阁主这么快就想到了,他恭敬道:“是的,我们参考了第二元婴一气化三清秘术。” Lu Kun said looking pensive: „The Mantra King Mudra core is viscera, Fiend Demon Intent also deposits in viscera spirit mark, such it seems like, viscera is not only fleshly body primordial infant depository, is its core, well, is a bit like Demon Emperor cultivation method.” 陆坤若有所思道:“明王决的核心是内脏,煞魔之意也寄存在内脏灵纹中,这么看来,内脏既是肉身元婴寄存之地,也是其核心,咦,有点像魔帝修炼之法。” „The Pavilion Lord bright mirror, False Demon Emperor to Demon Emperor, first disperses Primordial Infant, completes the fleshly body integration, later draws in the energy to enter viscera, but we gather is not demon energy, but is fleshly body essence.” 阁主明鉴,伪魔帝魔帝,先是分散元婴,完成肉身整体化,之后再收拢能量进内脏,不过我们汇聚的不是魔能,而是肉身精华。” The Lu Kun slight nod, reveals a gratified color: Also several can think thanks to you, in this case, this second fleshly body takes in the fleshly body’s essence to deposit in the viscera, high and low separates with Hui Ming dantian primordial infant.” 陆坤微微点头,露出一丝欣慰之色:“也亏你们几个想得出来,这样的话,这具第二肉身收纳了肉身精华寄存在内脏,与慧明丹田元婴上下分离。” two kinds of wills respectively by fleshly body essence and dantian primordial infant package, high and low dantian separation.” 两种意志分别被肉身精华丹田元婴包裹,上下丹田分离。” Moreover when fight, can spread the whole body the fleshly body primordial infant essence at any time, making fleshly body enter the strongest condition, fights with mystic body simultaneously.” “而且战斗之际,可以随时把肉身元婴的精华扩散全身,使肉身进入最强状态,与法体同时进行战斗。” If Hui Ming is successful, could refer to Demon Emperor and body cultivator cultivation method, deduces Soul Transformation Boundary Mantra King Mudra.” “如果慧明成功的话,说不定能参考魔帝体修功法,将明王决推演到化神之境。” Good good, if successful, you were equal to jointly developing magic and body dual cultivation new realm.” “不错不错,如果成功,你们等于共同开拓了法体双修的新境界。” At this point, Lu Kun sighed, had a respecting the young feeling. 说到这里,陆坤感叹不已,有种后生可畏的感觉。 Zhao Qiming and the others obtained the praise, is quite excited, nearby Duan Yiyun said modestly: What actually inspires to us is Pavilion Lord hands down the Star Soul Clan characteristics that this foreign clan is pure magic and body dual cultivation, they were soul body sneaked in source body star core, we sneaked in viscera of body of magic cultivator fleshly body essence.” 赵启明等人得到了夸赞,都颇为激动,一旁的段依云谦虚道:“其实给我们启发的是阁主传下的星魂族特点,这个异族就是纯粹的法体双修,他们是魂体钻进了原体星核,我们则是将肉身精华钻进法修之体的内脏。” At this time, Gao Yong coughed lightly a sound said: Pavilion Lord, in addition, Hui Ming and Yiming with the aid of Fiend Demon True Intent and Slaughter Intent, as if found Soul Transformation demon cultivator to absorb essence qi of heaven and earth cultivation method, is attempting its improvement.” 这时候,高勇轻咳一声道:“阁主,除此之外,慧明一鸣借助煞魔真意肃杀之意,似乎找到了化神魔修吸收天地元气修炼的方法,正在尝试将其完善。” Soul Transformation does demon cultivator absorb the spirit essence qi cultivation?” 化神魔修吸收灵元气修炼?” Lu Kun stares, just prepared to say anything, but later the complexion changes, he felt that the ground of under foot is suddenly slight shakes, not only he, nearby Pan Yan also felt. 陆坤一愣,刚准备说什么,可随后脸色一变,他感到脚下的地面忽然轻微一震,不单单他,旁边的潘岩也感觉到了。 Later discussed, Nine Spirits Underground Palace as if had the problem.” “稍后再谈,九灵地宫似乎出现了问题。” His divine consciousness goes to the sky immediately turbulently, quick discovered that in underground palace surrounding subterranean depths, does not have any difference, subterranean strength is also normal. 他的神识顿时向上空汹涌而去,很快就发现在地宫周围的地底深处,都没有任何异样,地底之力也正常。 But the Nine Spirits Underground Palace interior arrange/cloth got down many mysterious incomparable restriction, even if he knows that locates the restriction mystery respectively, may want to explore underground palace each corner, must cost time, is unable the twinkling, but. 九灵地宫内部布下了许多玄奥无比的禁制,就算他知道各处禁制的奥妙,可想要探索地宫的每个角落,也要耗费一点时间,无法瞬息而至。 Pan Yan took out deep yellow magic plate at this time, above is drawing among one a tenth circular, the surroundings derive the unusual graphs of nine channels outward. 潘岩此时取出了一枚深黄色法盘,上面画着一个中间成圆形,周围向外衍生出九个通道的奇特图形。 In his hand blood essence surges, the deep yellow energy pours into magic plate, quick, an edge of channel, shone the slight ray. 他手中血元涌动,深黄色的能量注入法盘,很快,一个通道的边缘,就亮起了轻微的光芒。 Pan Yan sees this, relaxes to say slightly: Master, underground palace restriction does not have the issue, Sword Sect sword burial mound experienced a powerful sword intent fluctuation, causing restriction to shake under.” 潘岩见此,略微松了一口气道:“师父,地宫禁制没问题,不过剑宗剑冢出现了一股强大的剑意波动,导致禁制震荡了下。” Lu Kun divine consciousness also received, in his eye flashes through one to say surprisedly: „Under you first bring Qiming they to be familiar, Chen Yang as if has anything to discover, I go.” 陆坤神识也收了回来,他眼中闪过一丝惊奇道:“你们先带启明他们熟悉下,晨阳似乎有什么发现,我去一趟。” Afterward he flings Little Jin on shoulder, foot treads into space formation of room corner, vanishes together does not see. 随后他甩下肩膀上的小金,一脚踏入房间角落的空间法阵,一起消失不见。 Martial Uncle Pan, this is Nine Spirits Underground Palace, according to subterranean strength of Pavilion Lord description, this perhaps was the safest place.” About Duan Yiyun is looking, surprised say/way. 潘师叔,这就是九灵地宫吗,按照阁主描述的地底力量,这恐怕是最安全的地方了吧。”段依云左右瞧着,惊奇道。 Right, can we also cultivation brand-new combat skill?” Gao Yong somewhat asked excitedly. “对了,我们是不是还要修炼一门崭新的战技?”高勇有些兴奋地问道。 Little Jin falls on the Pan Yan shoulder, happily said: Comes, this divine ability I teach you......” 小金落在潘岩肩膀上,得意道:“来来,这个神通我来教你们……” Huang Xiaoyun coughs lightly a sound said: Eldest Senior Brother should not be anxious, we first look at the body cultivator cave mansion, body refining lineage in underground palace most.” 黄小云轻咳一声道:“大师兄别急,我们先去看下体修洞府,炼体一脉都在地宫最中间。” Right Qiming, later do not call the master Pavilion Lord, is renamed Old Ancestor, because of......” “对了启明,你们以后不要叫师父阁主,改叫老祖,因为……” Afterward these people are chatting, while moved toward transmission formation. 随后这些人一边聊着,一边走向了传送法阵 ...... …… ...... …… Sword Sect deepest depths, is the piece 30 zhang (3.33 m) sphere region, inside is a slabstone forest, is at first different from Divine Country sword burial mound, here each stone cannot be higher than ten zhang (3.33 m), one inverts worn-out long sword in its surface. 剑宗最深处,是片三十丈的圆球区域,里面是一片石林,和最初神国剑冢不同,这里的每一个石块不会高于十丈,一把把破旧的长剑倒插在其表面。 But at this time, long sword left the stone, float in midair, its sword tip aimed at a direction, inside is tumbling a destruction will. 可此时,有一把长剑离开了石块,悬浮在半空中,其剑尖指向了一个方向,里面翻滚着一股毁灭般的意志。 Chen Yang, you were said that this change of sword, was related with your Eldest Senior Martial Uncle?” Lu Kun stands in sword burial mound, is feeling that faint trace Destructive Will, asked with rapt attention. 晨阳,你是说这把剑的变化,和你大师伯有关?”陆坤站在剑冢中,感受着那一丝丝毁灭意志,凝神问道。 Chen Yang stands in Lu Kun respectfully behind, the facial expression somewhat said excitedly: Is Old Ancestor, Destructive Will is the extremely scarce will, senior who our Sword Sect comprehends this will, always also less than technique of the palm.” 晨阳恭恭敬敬站在陆坤身后,神情有些激动道:“是的老祖,毁灭意志是极其稀少的意志,我们剑宗领悟这种意志的前辈,历来也不足一掌之术。” Now Sword Sect also has Destructive Sword Intent, only had Eldest Senior Martial Uncle Jian Chen, his old personage the first powerhouse besides Old Ancestor, Soul Transformation Peak cultivation base.” “如今剑宗还拥有毁灭剑意的,也只有剑尘大师伯了,他老人家是除了老祖外的第一强者,化神巅峰修为。” sword burial mound the scene, showed that Eldest Senior Martial Uncle Destructive Sword Intent further strengthens, even affected these remnant swords, Old Ancestor, you said that Eldest Senior Martial Uncle can enter Void Refining Boundary!” 剑冢的这种场景,说明大师伯毁灭剑意进一步增强,甚至影响到了这些残剑,老祖,你说大师伯会不会进入了炼虚之境!” Lu Kun hears here, single-handedly waved, absorbs to start long sword of not far away, he induced with rapt attention, discovered that inside Destructive Will has returned in the sword, thoroughly had tended tranquil. 陆坤听到这里,单手一挥,将不远处的一把长剑摄入手中,他凝神感应了一番,发现里面的毁灭意志已经重新回到了剑内,已经彻底趋于了平静。 How long did this scene present?” “这个场景出现了多长时间?” Chen Yang stares, later smiles bitterly saying: Probably only has the flash, when the younger generation rushes to here time, the fluctuation had vanished, but Junior Brother Yang they come here time is also so.” 晨阳一愣,随后苦笑道:“好像只有一瞬间,等晚辈赶到这里的时候,波动已经消失了,而杨师弟他们来到这里的时候也是如此。” Lu Kun upon hearing this, in the heart concentrates, this time is the instance that body cultivator flies upwards to come. 陆坤闻言,心中一凝,这个时间正好是体修飞升而来的瞬间。 Soaring Spirit Platform space formation, colluded several space nodes on Falling Star Plain, the instance that body cultivator disciple flies upwards, but also colluded the aura of plain.” 飞灵台空间法阵,勾连了坠星平原上的几个空间节点,体修弟子飞升的瞬间,还勾连了平原的气息。” Was the underground strength was cut off the induction of long sword, was related with spatial strength?” “是地底的力量阻隔了长剑的感应,还是和空间之力有关?” Thinks of here, Lu Kun single-handedly waved, then took in long sword the hand, later the body flashes, changes to spirit light to vanish in together same place, the light sound conveys together. 想到这里,陆坤单手一挥,将那把长剑摄入了手中,随后身子一闪,化作一道灵光消失在原地,一道轻飘飘的声音传来。 I go to the ground under the attempt, you keep this place for the time being.” “我去地面上尝试下,你们暂且留在此地。” Chen Yang and the others first stare, later calmly waited. 晨阳等人先是一愣,随后就静静等了起来。 May pass a double-hour merely, Lu Kun had returned, his complexion becomes ten to segregate heavily, said in a sinking voice: Chen Yang, besides Falling Star Mystical Land, where has Sword Sect sword burial mound, long sword that this type has Destructive Will, but also remains several.” 可仅仅过了一个时辰,陆坤已然返回,他面色变得十分凝重,沉声道:“晨阳,除了坠星秘境,还有什么地方有剑宗剑冢,这种拥有毁灭意志长剑,还剩几把。” Has, another sword burial mound in Heavenly Clouds Region Descending Spirit City, as for the Destructive Will long sword words......” “有的,另一处剑冢是在天云域降灵城,至于毁灭意志长剑的话……” Chen Yang said after a moment of hesitation: Younger generation not clear concrete quantity, but Descending Spirit City sword burial mound definitely has this will long sword, because sword burial mound is the Sword Sect disciple breaks through Soul Transformation the place of assistance, each sword burial mound will collect sword treasure that the entire all previous senior comprehends.” 晨阳犹豫了下道:“晚辈不清楚具体数量,但降灵城剑冢肯定有这种意志的长剑,因为剑冢就是剑宗弟子突破化神的辅助之地,每座剑冢都会收集全历代前辈领悟的剑宝。” Looks that the Lu Kun surface sinks such as the facial expression of water, Chen Yang asks: Senior, you have anything to discover......” 看着陆坤面沉如水的神情,晨阳不禁问道:“前辈,您可是有什么发现……” Lu Kun said slowly: Was subterranean strength was cut off the induction of sword of destruction, so long as attained five thousand li (500 km) above underground, it will change, the position that its referred to was definitely related with Fellow Daoist Jian Chen.” 陆坤缓缓道:“是地底之力阻隔了毁灭之剑的感应,只要拿到五千里以上的地底,它就会有所变化,其所指的位置肯定和剑尘道友有关。” Since here sword burial mound has the induction, that falls Lincheng is also so, there was seized by Star Soul Clan, they definitely also discovered exceptionally, Lu must, strive to find Fellow Daoist Jian Chen before Star Soul Clan immediately.” “既然这里的剑冢有感应,那降临城的也是如此,那里被星魂族占领,他们肯定也发现了异常,陆某必须立即出发,争取在星魂族之前找到剑尘道友。” This Destructive Will sword, Lu carried off......” “这把毁灭意志之剑,陆某就带走了……” Said that a Lu Kun outside the body invisible strength surges, fiercely shoots to the channel goes again...... 说完陆坤体外一层无形的力量涌动,再次向通道外激射而去……
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