BCA :: Volume #15

#1476: Start

In Falling Star Mystical Land, Xing Feng sits cross-legged to sit in a peak mountain top, its side also seemingly grandiose star source beast, he is looking at the distant place, said puzzled: „Does senior, why want to leave floating island?” 坠星秘境中,星峰盘膝坐在一座高峰山头,其身边还有一头看起来壮硕了一圈的星原兽,他望着远处,不解道:“前辈,为什么要离开浮空岛?” really with regains consciousness previous time, the fluctuation of spatial rift, has certain impact on the bloodline hidden danger.” The star source beast abdomen, spreads together the old sigh sound. “果然和上一次苏醒一样,空间裂缝的波动,对血脉隐患有一定的影响。”星原兽的腹部,传出一道苍老的感叹声。 Little Feng blinks, latter hoof flexure the belly, it seemed to be commonly seen to the voice in within the body, moreover with the emergence of this sound, it does not have the origin to feel stranded intent, opened mouth to have a yawn. 小峰眨了眨眼睛,后蹄子挠了挠肚子,它似乎对体内的声音司空见惯,而且随着这道声音的出现,它没由来感到一股困意,不禁张嘴打了一个哈欠。 Help? Right, bloodline was still just swallowing blood power, now probably stops?” Some Xing Feng expression strange say/way. “帮助?对了,刚刚血脉还在吞噬血力,现在好像停下了?”星峰神色有些古怪道。 The old sound continues saying: Waits the time to be long near spatial rift, the emergence of bloodline hidden danger somewhat will be frequent, again after spatial rift, the bloodline hidden danger short time will stop.” 苍老声音继续道:“在空间裂缝附近待得时间长,血脉隐患的出现会有些频繁,再远离空间裂缝后,血脉隐患就会短时间停止。” A Xing Feng eye bright say/way: This words take seriously, that younger generation does not practice in floating island, can the hidden danger that avoids this blood power melting?” 星峰眼睛一亮道:“此话当真,那晚辈不在浮空岛修炼,是不是就能避免这个血力消融的隐患了?” The old sound said slowly: Hidden danger will not completely vanish, but space fluctuation its inspiring, sped up the frequency, if leaves spatial rift, although the hidden danger will for sometime vanish, but the time is long, it will restore.” 苍老声音缓缓道:“隐患不会完全消失,只不过空间波动将其引动,加快了频率而已,如果离开空间裂缝,隐患虽然会有一段时间消失,但时间一长,它又会恢复了。” According to the experience of old man, we, if cultivates for hundred years near spatial rift, then the hundred years after departure, should not have the phenomenon that blood power melts.” “按照老夫的经验,我们如果在空间裂缝附近修炼百年,那么离开后的百年,应该不会出现血力消融的现象。” Xing Feng somewhat said excitedly: Practices again for hundred years, fleshly body can arrive at Soul Transformation Peak, will then not present the hidden danger the words, that younger generation can go to Land of Blood Wastes to explore.” 星峰有些兴奋道:“再修炼百年,肉身就能到化神巅峰,接下来不会出现隐患的话,那晚辈可以去血荒之地探险一番。” Otherwise the Star Tribe present resources, somewhat are really deficient, soul body cultivation speed is far behind fleshly body, seeks for some chances.” “不然星部现在的资源,着实有些匮乏,魂体修炼速度远远落后于肉身,得去寻找些机缘。” Your boy but actually also smart, knows cannot self-torture constantly.” “你小子倒也机灵,知道不能一味的苦修。” Xing Feng thought of anything suddenly, the tone has the anticipation to ask: Senior, you to Land of Blood Wastes should find that can under the direction the younger generation.” 星峰忽然想到了什么,语气带着期待问道:“前辈,您对血荒之地应该有所了解吧,能不能指点下晚辈。” That say/way old sound spoke after a moment of silence: Land of Blood Wastes naturally must go, your thunder tribulation, some old man also secret method can help one another, but to you, what is most important is Desolate Realm.” 那道苍老的声音沉默了下道:“血荒之地自然要去,你的雷劫,老夫也有些秘法可以相助,不过对你而言,最重要的还是荒界。” Desolate Realm......” 荒界……” Xing Feng first stares, later responded: 星峰先是一愣,随后就反应过来: Right, although Elder Xing Wu fell from the sky, but our Star Tribe has not vanished, so long as my cultivation base to Soul Transformation Peak, according to the stipulation of this clan, same were qualified for Desolate Realm!” “对啊,虽然星乌长老陨落了,但我们星部还没有消失,只要我修为到了化神巅峰,按照本族的规定,一样有资格进入荒界!” Listened to Elder Xing Wu saying that Desolate Realm ancient essence qi, had the enormous help to the breakthrough of Void Refining bottleneck, the senior, was this real?” “听星乌长老说过,荒界上古元气,对炼虚瓶颈的突破有极大的帮助,前辈,这是不是真的?” The old sound is languid: That is natural, ancient essence qi is not just helpful to you, even if there is enormous advantage to Void Refining Realm, the fellow of this clan many Void Refining Early Stage peak, breaks through middle stage in Desolate Realm.” 苍老的声音懒洋洋道:“那是自然,上古元气不单单对你有帮助,就算对炼虚境界都有极大的好处,本族不少炼虚初期巅峰的家伙,都是在荒界中突破到中期的。” Void Refining Boundary......” 炼虚之境……” Xing Feng muttered whispers, in that one-eyed, is flashing the color of hope. 星峰喃喃低语,那颗独眼中,闪动着渴望之色。 At this time, the old sound conveyed again: „The preparation of Desolate Realm places finally, presently is most important the cultivation of soul body.” 这时候,苍老的声音再次传来:“荒界的准备放在最后,当前最重要还是魂体的修炼。” Waits for fleshly body cultivation great perfection, the old man can resort to some methods, strengthens the strength, when the time comes looks for several you again in other tribe good friends, goes to Land of Blood Wastes one.” “等肉身修炼大圆满,老夫就可以动用一些手段,增强战力,到时候再找几个你在其他部族的好友,去血荒之地一趟吧。” Old man still remembers the places of several secret, but so many years pass by, now are not, cannot guarantee.” “老夫还记得有几处隐秘之地,不过这么多年过去,现在还在不在,就不敢保证了。” „Does senior know the Land of Blood Wastes secret resources?” Xing Feng hears these words, the facial expression inspires. “前辈知道血荒之地的隐秘资源?”星峰听到这句话,神情一振。 Snort, that your cultivation base is also enough, hurries to cultivate, soul body cultivation base progressed is too slow.” “哼,那也得你修为足够,赶紧修炼吧,魂体修为进展太慢了。” Yes, senior!” “是,前辈!” Xing Feng closed the eye later, surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth surges to come, although Little Feng in whistling is resting greatly, essence qi of heaven and earth that but its outside the body gathers, wants on many compared with Xing Feng soul body many. 星峰随后闭上了眼睛,周围的天地元气涌动而来,虽然小峰正在呼呼大睡,但其体外汇聚的天地元气,比星峰魂体还要多上不少。 If there are other Star Soul Clan cultivator again, will decide surprisedly however incomparable, under normal conditions will be soul body are more than source body absorption essence qi, Xing Feng will be unexpectedly opposite...... 如果有其他星魂族修士再次,定然会惊奇无比,通常情况下都是魂体原体吸收的元气多,星峰居然是相反的…… ...... …… The Nine Spirits Underground Palace center, above Lu Kun that hall, there is a more than 20 ten feets in diameter circular room. 九灵地宫中央,在陆坤的那座大厅上方,有一个直径20多丈的圆形房间。 Ten zhang (3.33 m) high crown is the circular vault, above inscribes mysterious rune, faint trace blue color spirit light sparkles above, particularly that crown midpoint, the complex engraved inscription interwove a giant formation appearance. 十丈高的顶部是个圆形穹顶,上面铭刻着玄奥的符文,一丝丝蓝色灵光在上面闪耀,尤其是那顶部正中央,复杂的铭文交织成了一个巨型法阵模样。 This formation is surging intense space fluctuation, once for a while a faint trace blue color energy like lightning, from inside fiercely shoots. 这个法阵涌动着强烈的空间波动,时不时还有一丝丝闪电般的蓝色能量,从里面激射而出。 However after this group of energies gush out, was extruded by an invisible strength. 不过当这团能量涌出之后,就被一股无形的力量挤压回去。 Over time, obvious that more and more these blue spirit light and blue lightning jumps, but the surroundings always have the invisible strength, packages a shape of circular barrel these ray spirit light. 随着时间的流逝,这些蓝色灵光和蓝色闪电跳跃的越来越明显,但周围始终有着无形的力量,将这些光芒灵光包裹成一个圆形柱体的形状。 Under of this blue light beam, is the dark-gray platform, its surface seemed portrayed special rune by some type of sharp weapon, around the square shape platform, four millstone thick columns stand and wait for a long time, with the crown has linked. 在这个蓝色光柱的正下方,是个深灰色平台,其表面仿佛被某种尖锐武器刻画出特殊的符文,方形平台四周,还有四根磨盘粗的立柱伫立,一直与顶部连接在一起。 Bottom of side the platform rock, portrays Soaring Spirit Platform three flying of dragons and dancing of phoenixes writing. 平台底部的岩石侧面,刻画着“飞灵台”三个龙飞凤舞的文字。 In the ground in not far away, is standing several person's shadows, is Lu Kun and the others, they all look among Soaring Spirit Platform steadily, that by the invisible strength is wrapping the blue light beam. 不远处的地面上,站着数个人影,正是陆坤等人,他们全都目不转睛地看着飞灵台中间,那个被无形力量包裹着的蓝色光柱。 Is Lu Kun of head is seemingly calm, but both hands do not know when got hold of the fist, in within the body fearsome aura is partly visible, as if prepares to act momentarily, deals with any special condition, other person foreheads sweat tight. 为首的陆坤看似镇定,可双手不知什么时候握紧了拳头,体内可怖的气息若隐若现,似乎准备随时出手,应对什么特殊状况,其他人更是紧张地额头冒汗。 Came!” “来了!” At this moment, Lu Kun as if induced anything, said in a low voice. 就在这时,陆坤似乎感应到了什么,低声道。 Other person of upon hearing this, all stare the big eye to look, sees only the formation ray of vault greatly to be suddenly bright, these blue spirit light and lightnings coarsened time all of a sudden, in the entire light beam is flooding the blue ray. 其他人闻言,全都瞪大眼睛望去,只见穹顶的法阵忽然光芒大亮,那些蓝色灵光和闪电一下子变粗了倍许,整个光柱内都充斥着蓝色光芒。 Meanwhile, around on the Soaring Spirit Platform four columns, shone innumerable milky-white light specks, rich essence qi of heaven and earth, poured into the section platform turbulently. 与此同时,飞灵台周围的四根立柱上,亮起了无数乳白色光点,浓郁的天地元气汹涌而出,注入到底部平台上。 Rich spatial strength flooded to fill the entire space immediately, later the ray flashed, several forms emerged out of thin air in the blue light beam. 浓郁的空间之力顿时充斥满了整个空间,随后光芒闪动,几道身影就凭空出现在蓝色光柱中。 “Bzz……” “嗡……” With the bellow, around Soaring Spirit Platform invisible force field vanishes together suddenly, one blue spirit light that contains spatial strength, to goes in all directions turbulently. 伴随着一道轰鸣声,飞灵台四周的无形力场忽然消失,一圈蕴含着空间之力的蓝色灵光,向四面八方汹涌而去。 The people stare the eye to look greatly carefully, sees only in that Soaring Spirit Platform, the form of two male and one female reveals before the people. 众人瞪大着眼睛仔细望去,只见那飞灵台中,两男一女的身影显露在众人面前。 Body Refining Pavilion three viscera essence body cultivator disciple, Zhao Qiming, Duan Yiyun and Gao Yong. 正是炼体阁的三名脏元体修弟子,赵启明,段依云高勇 Their three people are closing one's eyes, each other force field fuses mutually, interweaves with the blue color of surroundings mutually, in the hand holds jade talisman that respectively has the crack. 他们三人正闭着眼睛,彼此的力场相互融合,与周围的蓝色相互交织,手中各持着一张出现裂缝的玉符 Success!” “成功了!” Really does not have the issue!” “果然没问题!” Sees this scenery, Lu Kun and the others relaxes layer on layer/heavily, although they test repeatedly, Lower Realm also lasts for several hundred years to deduce, but implements truly, there is a big risk. 见到此景,陆坤等人重重松了一口气,虽然他们反复测试,下界也耗时数百年推演,但真正实施起来,还是有不小的风险。 After all this is not the normal transmission, but from Reversed Spirit Passage close to exit|to speak place, direct transmission to eight thousand li (500 km) deep underground, not only need overcome powerful spatial strength, but must avoid the strength disturbance of underground. 毕竟这不是正常传送,而是从逆灵通道靠近出口的地方,直接传送到八千里深的地底,不但要克服强大的空间之力,还要避免地底的力量干扰。 Quick, force field outside Zhao Qiming three human body restrain slowly, they opened the eye, sees Lu Kun of not far away, immediately reveals the happy expression, walks up to bow saying: 很快,赵启明三人体外的力场缓缓收敛,他们睁开了眼睛,看到不远处的陆坤,顿时露出喜色,走上前去躬身道: Disciple fulfills the mission, flies upwards smoothly!” “弟子不负使命,顺利飞升!” ...... …… ...... …… The Demon Realm deep place, the dark cloud tumbling of Shen Dream City upper air, inside purple thunder and lightning became crowded, faintly lightning constitution huge phantom all of a sudden in inside manifestation. 魔界深处,蜃梦城高空的乌云翻滚不已,里面的紫色雷电一下子变得密集了很多,隐隐有一个闪电构成的庞大虚影在里面显化 Mist centermost core, four Demon Sovereign are controlling their central Shen Dream Plate, in this oval-shaped demon plate gushes out the quiet purple rays, wrapped huge spatial rift dozens zhang (3.33 m) away completely. 雾气最中央,四名魔皇正操控着他们中央的蜃梦盘,这个椭圆形魔盘中涌出一道道幽紫色的光芒,将数十丈外的一道巨大空间裂缝完全包裹了起来。 Besides these four Demon Sovereign, not far away also hover in the void two forms, one is being Luo Yue this Early Stage Peak Demon Emperor, his jet black pupil has the vision of anticipation to look at spatial rift of not far away. 除了这四名魔皇,不远处还虚空凌立着两道身影,一个是罗月这名初期巅峰魔帝,他那漆黑的瞳孔带着期待的目光看着不远处的空间裂缝 But before the Luo Yue body, is strong incomparable bald Demon Clan, this Demon Clan man height and Luo Yue are similar, but the build wants tall and strong many. 而在罗月身前,则是一名强壮无比的光头魔族,这名魔族男子身高和罗月差不多,但体型要魁梧的多。 Four Demon Sovereign of this demon and not far away are different, has not put on what spur battle armor, but wears an ordinary fur short clothes, exposes does not have the scale outside flesh, is muscles that rams. 此魔和不远处的四名魔皇不同,并没有穿着什么骨刺战甲,而是身披一件普普通通的毛皮短衣,裸露在外面的肌肤也没有鳞片,全是夯实的肌肉 The details of these flesh surfaces, emerge a faint trace purple black lightning once for a while, if staring at these lightnings, will discover, they in the twinkle circulation, outlined mysterious demon marks indistinctly, as these demon marks the circulation of lightning appear and disappear from time to time, appeared mysterious exceptionally. 这些肌肤表面的细微处,时不时涌现一丝丝紫黑色闪电,如果盯着这些闪电,就会发现,它们在闪烁流转中,隐约勾勒出了一道道玄奥的魔纹,这些魔纹随着闪电的流转时隐时现,显得神秘异常。 Although the Luo Yue vision looks to spatial rift of distant place, but will also look at this tall and strong grandiose Demon Clan man secretly, in the eye is flashing from time to time frantic and color of worship. 罗月的目光虽然看向远处的空间裂缝,但还会偷偷瞄这名魁梧壮硕的魔族男子,眼中时而闪动着狂热和崇拜之色。 “Bzz……” “嗡……” Suddenly, spatial rift of not far away trembled, the inside quiet blue ray tumbles fiercely, two form gradually manifestation. 忽然间,不远处的空间裂缝震颤了起来,里面幽蓝色的光芒剧烈翻滚,两道身影渐渐显化而出。 And an demon build is grandiose, the hair is extremely strange, grows seems like the triangle shape, the scale of body surface is the black, but right side his mouth, there is together a scale of pure purple, as if a unique mole. 其中一魔体型壮硕,头发极其怪异,长得像是三角形状,体表的鳞片呈黑色,不过其嘴巴右侧,有一块纯紫色的鳞片,仿佛一颗独特的痣。 Another demon has the black short hair, on the chin is carving a triangle trace, seems like special beard to be as if ordinary, but its body surface is the purple black scale, the aura is slightly weaker. 另一魔有着黑色短发,下巴上雕刻着一个三角纹路,看上去仿佛一圈特殊的胡子一般,不过其体表则是紫黑色鳞片,气息略弱一些。 This two Demon Clan outside the body, is surging invisible force field, resists surrounding is sending out rich blue ray spatial strength. 两名魔族体外,都涌动着一股无形的力场,抵挡着周围散发着浓郁蓝色光芒的空间之力 Really is Luo Sheng this boy!” “果然是罗盛这小子!” demon essence energy of this little fellow is quite vigorous, it seems like entered Demon Emperor for sometime.” “这小家伙的魔元能颇为浑厚,看来进入魔帝有一段时间了。” Who another is, how to see?” “另一个是谁,怎么没见过?” „The divine soul aura is strange, unexpectedly is also Demon Emperor cultivation base, is not right, has the Luo Family bloodline aura.” 神魂气息陌生,居然也是魔帝修为,不对,有罗家血脉的气息。” Strange......” “奇怪……” Four Demon Sovereign see the first Demon Clan man time, reveals has the facial expression of expectation early, may see the second time, stares. 四名魔皇看到第一名魔族男子的时候,都露出早有预料的神情,可见到第二个的时候,不禁一愣。 Several Sirs do not need to worry, this child is our Luo Family in this realm side new student/life bloodline, 200 years ago breaks through Demon Emperor, this time flew upwards with the disciple together.” “几位大人不必担心,此子是我们罗家在这个界面新生的血脉,两百年前突破到魔帝,这次就和弟子一同飞升了。” Before Luo Sheng arrives at several Demon Sovereign bodies, said respectfully. 罗盛来到几名魔皇身前,恭敬地说道。 Luo Family bloodline?” 罗家血脉?” In this realm side new student/life?” “在这个界面新生的?” Is Luo Yue that group of low rank clansman descendants?” “难道是罗月那一批低阶族人后代?” Almost forgot, ten years, in minor realm side are the millenniums, the new student/life Holy Clan disciple is not infrequent.” “差点忘了,十年时间,在小界面就是千年,新生的圣族弟子不在少数啊。” Several Demon Sovereign responded quickly, but took a fast look around this Demon Clan disciple who with divine consciousness carefully is growing the triangle beard, they soon discovered that its Demon Clan aura was very pure, within the body is also sending out Luo Family unique bloodline aura. 几名魔皇很快就反应过来,不过还是仔细用神识扫视这名长着三角胡子的魔族弟子,他们很快就发现其魔族气息十分纯正,体内也散发着罗家特有的血脉气息 Late...... the generation...... Luo Qianfeng, sees...... has seen several Sirs.” In the voice of this Demon Clan disciple floods is being excited and anxious, even spoke some stutter. “晚……辈……罗千峰,见……见过几位大人。”这名魔族弟子的声音中充斥着兴奋和紧张,甚至说话都有些结巴。 At this moment, that stature incomparably tall and strong bald man body flashes, arrives its front, he stretched out the left palm, according to the shoulder of this Demon Clan disciple. 就在这时,那名身材无比魁梧的光头男子身子一个闪动,来到其面前,他伸出了左手掌,按在了这名魔族弟子的肩膀上。 „, Sir you......” “啊,大人您……” In the bald male hand emerges purple lightnings, submerged into the body of this Demon Clan disciple named Luo Qianfeng, seems inducing anything. 光头男子手中涌现出一道道紫色闪电,没入到这名叫做罗千峰的魔族弟子体内,似乎在感应着什么。 Luo Yue looks at this in behind, in the eye is flashing the surprised color, does not seem to thought, in this realm side, Luo Family bloodline of new student/life entered Demon Emperor Boundary unexpectedly. 罗月在后面看着这一幕,眼中闪动着惊奇之色,似乎也没有想到,这个界面中,居然还有新生的罗家血脉进入了魔帝之境 A moment later, the bald man extended the right hand, inside has one group of profound purple black rays, hit directly in the chest of Luo Qianfeng. 片刻之后,光头男子又伸出了右手,里面有着一团深邃的紫黑色光芒,直接打在了罗千峰的胸口。 At this time, void as if presented complex honeycomb rune, changed to the intermittent mysterious fluctuation, entered the opposite party chest. 这时候,虚空中仿佛出现了一个复杂的蜂巢符文,化作阵阵玄奥的波动,进入了对方胸口。 The low and deep sound spreads from the bald male spigot: Indeed is my Luo Family bloodline, but divine soul of this realm side new student/life disciple does not have blood soul-bolstering Luo mark, this Monarch just bolstering under.” 低沉的声音从光头男子口中传出:“的确是我罗家血脉,不过这个界面新生弟子的神魂并没有加持血魂罗纹,本君刚刚施法加持了下。” Heard the bald man saying that other four Demon Sovereign showed a smile. 听到光头男子这么说,其他四名魔皇都露出了一丝笑容。 With extension of time, this minor realm side is not only their Holy Clan disciple arrives at cultivation station, but can also the multiplication Holy Clan juniors, in these new student/life bloodline, breed new Demon Emperor continuously. 随着时间的延长,这个小界面不但是他们圣族弟子降临修炼之所,还可以源源不断繁衍圣族子弟,在这些新生血脉中,孕育出新的魔帝 If born every five years Demon Emperor, Demon Clan elite disciple who in addition they deliver, perhaps millenniums later, on Holy Realm backbone strength many 3 to 4 will become. 如果每隔五年诞生一名魔帝,再加上他们送下去的魔族精英弟子,恐怕千年之后,圣界中坚力量就会多上三四成。 That several thousand years, even ten thousand years later, will the Demon Realm strength grow to what situation? 那数千年,甚至万年之后,魔界的实力会增长到何种地步? Luo Yue stands in not far away, the facial expression exceptionally is also excited, as if will be the Holy Realm future is excited, in its divine soul deep place, a sound will let somebody cool off or calm down in the heart whispers: 罗月站在不远处,神情也异常激动,似乎在为圣界的未来而感到兴奋,不过在其神魂深处,一个声音在心底冷冷地低语: Good play...... finally started......” “好戏……终于开始了……” Please remember this book first round domain name:. The cell phone version renews the quickest website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版更新最快网址:
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