BCA :: Volume #15

#1475: source power solid state

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The latest chapter! 最新章节! great accomplishment bloodline, bloodline mystic image......” 大成血脉,血脉法相……” I had thought that Viscera Essence Stage fleshly body cultivation was very complex, so it seems like, the bloodline cultivation difficulty, is much more terrorist, other body cultivator disciple cultivation, must comprehend for a long time......” “我已经觉得脏元期肉身修炼很复杂了,这么看来,血脉的修炼难度,要恐怖得多,其他体修弟子修炼起来,恐怕要参悟好久……” Little Jin looks bloodline structure that this essence qi evolves, the mouth muttered. 小金看着这个元气演化的血脉结构,嘴里咕哝道。 Lu Kun took out jade slip at this time, float on his left palm, is he has been used to record the cultivation method comprehension jade slip. 陆坤这时候取出了一枚玉简,悬浮在其左手掌上,是他一直用来记录自己功法领悟的玉简 Meanwhile, on the right palm essence qi manifestation bloodline rune, according to basic rank, intermediate rank and three structures of high rank correspondence evolves back and forth, the sensibility and idea in heart records. 与此同时,右手掌上元气显化血脉符文,按照初阶中阶高阶对应的三种结构来回演化,将心中的感悟和想法记录进去。 Compared to bloodline, Viscera Essence Early Stage fleshly body cultivation, was simpler, in early stage peak, can start to cultivate.” “相对于血脉,脏元初期肉身修炼,就简单多了,不过在初期巅峰,才可以开始修炼。” bloodline structure rapid dissipation that the Lu Kun left hand float jade slip, on the right palm essence qi consolidate is becoming, later it reverses the change, formed a mini human body. 陆坤左手悬浮着玉简,右手掌上元气凝实而成的血脉结构迅速消散,随后其扭转变化,形成了一个迷你的人体。 Afterward this human body body disintegration, only leaves behind an arm, the arm under the essence qi consolidate change, gradually enlarges, concentrates the hand palmate, continued consolidate to enlarge quickly, changes the lines on the hand, finally was the palm internal muscles bunch. 随后这个人体身躯崩碎,只留下一条手臂,手臂在元气凝实变化下,逐渐放大,浓缩成手掌状,很快继续凝实放大,变化成了掌纹,最后是掌心内部的肌肉束。 Before long, mini muscle fibers of muscles bunch deep place, changes to half individual size, static float in front of one person and one monkey. 不一会,一根肌肉束深处的迷你肌肉纤维,化作半个人大小,静静悬浮在一人一猴面前。 source power solid state method that never expected that we study, must cultivation on so tiny fleshly body ingredient.” “没想到我们研究出来的源力固体之法,要在如此渺小的肉身成分上修炼。” Except for must control essence and blood to transform as smaller muscle fibers, but must portray special rune that we establish in this microscopic level, with the aid of the strength of rune, can concentrate solidifies fleshly body.” “除了要操控精血转化为更小的肌纤维,还得在这个微观层面刻画我们创立的特殊符文,借助符文之力,才能浓缩固化肉身。” Lu Kun is seeing this by essence qi manifestation, 陆坤见着这个由元气显化, Enlarged innumerable time of small muscle fibers, reveals the color of several points of sigh. 放大了无数倍的微小肌纤维,露出几分感叹之色。 At first, although he had used the fleshly body source power reverse contraction, reinforces the suspicion of fleshly body density, but attempted actually, discovered to be beset with difficulties. 起初,他虽然有了利用肉身源力反向收缩,来加固肉身密度的猜想,但实际尝试起来,才发现困难重重。 Because of using the fleshly body source power reversed pressure, forcefully new muscle fibers and original mutual fusion that essence and blood transforms, without the means is lasting, is one type strengthens the fleshly body condition temporarily. 因为利用肉身源力的反向压力,强行将精血转化的新肌肉纤维和原来的相互融合,没办法持久,是一种临时强化肉身的状态。 He must control fleshly body source power with the mind frequently, can stay this muscles compact condition, in this case, the mind shared most probably, simply did not have the means to fight. 他必须时时刻刻以心神控制肉身源力,才能保持这种肌肉的致密状态,这种情况下,心神分摊了大半,根本没办法战斗。 Therefore must find the means that fleshly body strengthens, must this temporary compact condition, turn into the permanent. 所以要找到肉身强化的办法,就要将这种临时的致密状态,变成永久性。 In order to discover this method, Lu Kun first and Little Jin stays the two heads and four arms condition for a long time, feels this body fusion divine ability, the mystery that among muscles fuses. 为了找出这种方法,陆坤先和小金长时间保持双头四臂状态,感受这种合体神通,肌肉之间融合的奥秘。 After careful research, he discovered that Little Jin two heads and four arms, somewhat is different from Hong Yuntian. 仔细研究后,他发现小金双头四臂,和洪云天还有些不同。 The latter depends upon qi-blood demon power temporary swallowing characteristic, absorbs with its fleshly body, is equivalent to qi-blood demon power to refine Lu Kun fleshly body, be at one -and-a-half types refine condition, both's strength fuses mutually, the strength increases. 后者是依靠气血魔力的临时吞噬特性,与其肉身进行吸附,相当于气血魔力正在炼化陆坤肉身,处于一种半炼化的状态,两者的力量相互融合,实力大增。 But Little Jin actually different, except for using spirit attachment technique that the Xiong Shan accident of sorts creates, what is main is Six-Eared Macaque Bloodline swallowing divine ability. 小金的却不同,除了利用熊山机缘巧合创出的附灵术,更主要的是六耳猕猴血脉吞噬神通 Their two heads and four arms conditions, are six ear bloodline partly swallows the condition, had the viscera half fusion whole body blood and flesh bones in one, even viscera dantian therefore fused. 他们的双头四臂状态,是一种六耳血脉的半吞噬状态,将全身血肉骨骼还有内脏都半融合在了一起,甚至内脏丹田都因此而融合。 Thinks of here, Lu Kun divine consciousness surged, searches into jade slip. 想到这里,陆坤神识涌动,探入了玉简 First, must by viscera essence and blood nuclei, simulates Six-Eared Macaque bloodline rune, sends out viscera dantian it, with Thousand Li Eyes and Wind-Following Ears divine ability analog form, shifts six ears swallowing fluctuation to the muscle fibers position that needs to concentrate.” “首先,要以脏元血核子,模拟出六耳猕猴的血脉符文,将其送出内脏丹田,用千里眼顺风耳神通模拟方式,将六耳吞噬波动转移到需要浓缩的肌肉纤维位置。” Lu Kun records the fleshly body cultivation first step, while recalls the scene that was attempting at that time. 陆坤一边记录着肉身修炼的第一个步骤,一边回忆着当时尝试的场景。 Sole Six-Eared Macaque swallowing divine ability, but also is far from enough, he and little monkey two heads and four arms, although fleshly body fusion, but the body also inflated one zhang (3.33 m) high. 单单六耳猕猴吞噬神通,还远远不够,他和小猴子双头四臂虽然肉身融合,但身躯也膨胀到了一丈之高。 What Lu Kun wants is the fleshly body density increase, if the muscle fibers fusion, fleshly body actually increases, then density not too big change. 陆坤要的是肉身密度提升,如果肌肉纤维融合,肉身却变大,那么密度并没有太大的变化。 Afterward under pondered, he thinks that fused Silver Dragon Meteoric Iron Bone Treasure, with the aid of transformation rune of Silver Dragon Meteoric Iron and portray on Bone Treasure, he can the fleshly body greatly reduced. 后来左思右想下,他就想到那融合了银龙陨铁骨宝,借助银龙陨铁和刻画在骨宝上的变化符文,他能将肉身大幅度缩小。 This Silver Dragon Meteoric Iron transformation rune, has melted with his bones for a body. 这种银龙陨铁变化符文,已经与他的骨骼融为了一体。 „When fibers fusion, needs to portray special transformation rune in fibers void, so tiny rune, Soul Transformation level divine consciousness is hard to portray, needs to draw support from bloodline clone this extremely microscopic bloodline primordial soul.” 纤维融合之际,需要在纤维内虚空刻画一种特殊的变化符文,如此渺小的符文,化神级别神识难以刻画,需要借助血脉分身这种极其微观的血脉元神。” Lu Kun records here, having several points to sigh: I think bloodline clone can split infinitely, afterward discovered, most splits nine bloodline clone.” 陆坤记录到这里,带着几分感叹道:“原先我以为血脉分身可以无限分裂,后来才发现,最多分裂出九个血脉分身。” Little Jin interrupted at this time: We split nine, was that bloodline clone fission quantity, related with the aptitude?” 小金这时候插嘴道:“我们都分裂出了九个,那血脉分身的分裂数量,是不是和资质有关?” Lu Kun upon hearing this, the ponder said: Although nine this numbers are very special, but cannot the percentage hundred affirm that this is related with the aptitude, must wait for other body cultivator disciple to cultivate this realm to make the judgment again.” 陆坤闻言,沉思道:“虽然九这个数字十分特殊,但不能百分百肯定这和资质有关,要等其他体修弟子修炼到这个境界再做判断。” „The bloodline clone quantity, has the enormous help to source power solid cultivation speed, to enhance cultivation speed, I can only leave behind most important three bloodline clone outside, other has to take back.” “不过血脉分身的数量,对源力固型的修炼速度有极大的帮助,为了提高修炼速度,我只能在外面留下最重要的三个血脉分身,其他的不得不收回。” bloodline clone are more in within the body, can portray whole body muscles mini primordial soul rune in a shorter time.” 血脉分身在体内越多,能在更短的时间刻画全身肌肉的迷你元神符文。” Little Jin happily said: That is, I only then together bloodline clone outside, eight in within the body, is for earlier than one year you fleshly body cultivation to the limit.” 小金得意道:“那是,我只有一道血脉分身在外面,八道在体内,就比你早一年将肉身修炼到极限。” Afterward it as if thought of anything, somewhat said scruple: Lu Kun, compared with hundred years of bloodline cultivation time, the cultivation of our fleshly body as if is a little frequently quick, can this have what hidden danger.” 随后它彷佛想到了什么,有些迟疑道:“不过陆坤,和动辄百年的血脉修炼时间相比,我们肉身的修炼似乎有点快啊,这会不会有什么隐患。” Lu Kun said after a moment of hesitation: Can cultivation such quickly, but also is related with our source power field range, crushing strength that one zhang (3.33 m) passive force field reverse compression, produces is enormous, the concentration of each fleshly body small spot, we are one time successful.” 陆坤沉吟片刻道:“能修炼这么快,还和我们源力场范围有关,一丈的被动力场反向压缩,所产生的挤压之力极大,每个肉身微小部位的浓缩,我们都是一次成功的。” If the force field range is smaller, but is not easy, failure rate on high many, perhaps also needs to use some source power skills to be good.” “如果力场范围更小的话,可就没那么容易了,失败率会高上不少,恐怕还需要用一些源力技巧才行。” In addition, one zhang (3.33 m) passive force field density, but can also fully activate source power to solidify rune, muscle fibers can fully absorb source power field.” “除此之外,一丈被动力场的浓度,还能充分激活源力固化符文,肌纤维能更充分地吸收源力场。” Although Little Jin hears the unclear lake, but appears to understand but not really understand saying: Originally like this, I really am a talent, compared with rapidness that also you cultivation.” 小金虽然听得迷迷湖湖,但还是似懂非懂道:“原来这样子啊,我果然是个天才,比你修炼的还快。” Lu Kun smiles, divine consciousness continues to record in jade slip. 陆坤轻轻一笑,神识继续在玉简中记录起来。 „After portraying transformation rune, needs the source power retraction, takes the energy with this powerful invisible strength, the extrusion fuses essence and blood and muscle fibers.” “刻画完变化符文后,就需要源力回缩,用这种强大的无形力量作为能量,挤压融合精血肌纤维。” „After the fusion, takes bloodline clone and primordial soul as talisman brush, portrays small source power solid form rune void, with the aid of strength that rune has, the actual situation transforms, solidifies thoroughly in source power this invisible myofibrils of strength and concentration together.” “融合之后,以血脉分身元神符笔,虚空刻画一种微小的源力固形符文,借助符文产生的力量,虚实转化,将源力这种无形力量与浓缩的肌原纤维彻底固化在一起。” These step records to be very simple, may infer at that time time, really the card Lu Kun a lot of time, making him find the mentality, are actually Star Soul Clan star treasure refinement method. 这一步记录起来很简单,可当时推导的时候,着实卡了陆坤不少时间,让他找到思路的,却是星魂族星宝炼制之法 Characteristics reduction empty of various types of talent treasures, the recombination extremely microscopic star treasure secret mark, produced this type between the treasure that the empty entity and jade talisman transform. 将各种天才地宝的特性缩小虚化,再结合了一种极其微观的星宝秘纹,才产生了这种在虚化实体和玉符间转化的宝物。 star treasure under injection of star essence, by the empty reality, after revolving, this invisible energy can solidify to small jade talisman, from some perspective, it and fleshly body source power is somewhat similar. 星宝星元的注入下,由虚化实,运转完之后,这无形能量又能固化到小小的玉符中,从某方面来说,它和肉身源力有几分相似。 Lu Kun fleshly body is equivalent to jade talisman, but fleshly body source power, is similar to star treasure manifestation various entity weapons. 陆坤肉身相当于玉符,而肉身源力,类似于星宝显化的各种实体武器。 Therefore he refers to that extremely microscopic star treasure secret mark, as well as utilization of source power combat skill, but also really tried an actual situation change, microscopic rune of source power solid shape. 于是他参考那极其微观的星宝秘纹,以及源力战技的运用,还真试出了一种虚实变化,源力固形的微观符文 In muscle fibers except for muscles, muscle fibers that in fleshly body contains has many types, the viscera composition is also muscle fibers, muscle depths capillary blood vessels, each type must conduct a concentration strengthening......” “除了肌肉中的肌纤维,肉身中蕴含的肌纤维有许多种,内脏组成也是一种肌纤维,还有肌肉深处毛细血管,每一种都要进行一次浓缩强化……” However bones words, then must further subdivide, muscle cells, bone collagen fibers and matrix, each type is also......” “而骨骼的话,则需进一步细分,肌细胞,骨胶纤维和基质,每一种也是……” Nearby Little Jin, looks at the content of Lu Kun record, corners of the mouth twitched. 一旁的小金,看着陆坤记录的内容,嘴角抽了抽 If not it has reproduction divine ability, cultivation the cultivation route of time spontaneous revolution Lu Kun, does not need to spend the brain, perhaps so complex cultivation method, it cultivates is not quick. 如果不是它拥有复刻神通,修炼的时候自发运转陆坤的修炼路线,不需要费脑子,恐怕如此复杂的功法,它修炼起来没那么快。 Only is that many different fleshly body foundation unit, makes it dizzy. 光是那么多种不同的肉身基础单位,就把它弄得晕晕乎乎。 Viscera Essence Early Stage Peak, takes six-eared swallowing rune as to direct, fleshly body source power is the energy, with the aid of bloodline clone and primordial soul in microscopic level void portray the strength of rune, thus compresses the fleshly body small unit, strengthens the fleshly body density.” 脏元初期巅峰,以六耳吞噬符文为引,肉身源力为能,借助血脉分身元神在微观层次虚空刻画的符文之力,从而压缩肉身的微小单位,增强肉身密度。” „The whole body smallest unit completed a round concentration, the fleshly body density doubled, no matter defensive power it intensity, significantly promoted, at this time, can attempt to attack Viscera Essence Middle Stage.” “全身最小单位完成一轮浓缩,肉身密度就增加了一倍,不管是防御力还是本身强度,都大幅度提升,在这个时候,就可以尝试冲击脏元中期了。” Lu Kun wrote the summary in jade slip, later he ponders the moment, golden force field emerges from outside the body, extends outward, the spread to seven chi (0.33 m), has stopped. 陆坤玉简中写出了总结,随后他沉思片刻,一层金色力场从体外涌现,向外延伸而出,一直蔓延到七尺,就停了下来。 Then his intention moves, rich essence qi of heaven and earth surges to here crazily, although force field changed small, but to the control of essence qi of heaven and earth, as if entered one step. 接着他心念一动,浓郁的天地元气向这里疯狂涌动,虽然力场变小了,但对天地元气的掌控,似乎更进了一步。 „After complete fleshly body completes a round compression, force field will reduce three chi (0.33 m), because the fleshly body density doubled, further strengthens to the control of essence qi of heaven and earth.” “全部肉身完成一轮压缩后,力场会缩小三尺,不过由于肉身密度增加了一倍,对天地元气的掌控进一步增强。” This explained that the control of fleshly body source power to essence qi of heaven and earth, is closely linked with the fleshly body density.” “这说明肉身源力天地元气的掌控力,与肉身的密度息息相关。” Viscera Essence Middle Stage strength, although promoted two -and-a-half times, but the source power field range no longer grows, if Viscera Essence Middle Stage further cultivates fleshly body, the force field range possibly can also again the retraction.” 脏元中期的力量虽然提升了两倍半,但源力场的范围不再增长,如果脏元中期进一步修炼肉身,力场范围可能还会再次回缩。” Lu Kun records here, then stopped, looks to jade slip on left hand, inside records him to cultivate all sensibility and processes of high realm from low realm, to current Viscera Essence Middle Stage. 陆坤记录到这里,便停了下来,看向左手上的玉简,里面记录着他从低境界修炼到高境界的所有感悟和过程,一直到目前的脏元中期 Returns looks at beforehand Bone Transformation Stage, Bone Treasure Stage, even is before very long , the cultivation sensibility of Muscle Building Stage, his heart gushes out has an inexplicable sense of achievement, making its divine soul insightful many. 回看以前的骨变期,骨宝期,甚至很久前炼肌期的修炼感悟,他心底涌出有一种莫名的成就感,让其神魂都通透了不少。 , Little Jin, you also prepared to enter Viscera Essence Middle Stage, I first tried this realm fleshly body, had a look whether to concentrate to former such short time one round, waited for second generation disciples to fly upwards smoothly, we went to seek for new bloodline divine ability......” “呼,小金,你也准备进入脏元中期吧,我先试试这个境界肉身,看看能否向之前那样短时间浓缩一轮,等二代弟子顺利飞升,我们就出去寻找新的血脉神通……” Good, I used Golden Light Divine Eyes, when the time comes our two heads and four arms, Golden Light Divine Eyes and Heaven Connecting Roar two types divine ability transformed in turn, meets Star Soul Clan Void Refining also to try to do one directly......” “好嘞,我就用金光神目了,到时候我们双头四臂,金光神目通天吼两种神通轮流转化,遇到星魂族炼虚也可以试着正面干一架了……”
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