BCA :: Volume #15

#1474: Void Refining suspected

Lu Kun looks at little monkey to sparkle the golden ray eyeball, immediately understands that is Long Armed Giant Ape another divine ability, Golden Light Divine Eyes. 陆坤望着小猴子闪耀着金色光芒的眼珠子,顿时明白过来,那是通臂巨猿的另一个神通,金光神目 The number of times that this divine ability he displays are not many, but afterward to have a more powerful strength, crushed viscera dantian, did not have the opportunity to display again. 这个神通他施展的次数不多,不过后来为了拥有更强大的力量,粉碎了内脏丹田,就再也没机会施展过了。 Although Lu Kun remembers the Golden Light Divine Eyes bloodline rune revolution way, but because berserk bloodline radiation in bloodline pond, he can only simulating the fluctuation sends in viscera islands, thus displays temporary Thousand Li Eyes divine ability. 陆坤虽然记得金光神目血脉符文运转方式,但由于血脉池内的狂暴血脉辐射,他只能把模拟出来的波动送入内脏岛屿,从而施展出临时的千里眼神通 Now bloodline core has taken shape, does not know that can simulate Golden Light Divine Eyes in inside?” “现在血脉之核已经成型,不知道能不能在里面模拟金光神目?” Thinks of here, the Lu Kun intention moves, transfers these hyperboloid rune in bloodline core, tries to discharge bloodline core these rune. 想到这里,陆坤心念一动下,调动自己血脉之核内的那些双曲面符文,试图将这些符文排出血脉之核 Because composes Golden Light Divine Eyes bloodline rune granules, unlike Heaven Connecting Roar, does not need demon viscera essence to participate to form. 因为组成金光神目血脉符文颗粒,与通天吼不同,不需要魔脏元参与组建。 “Bzz……” “嗡……” The Heaven Connecting Roar rune hit on the bloodline core inner wall, rebounded suddenly, actually does not have the means to leave this oval-shape bloodline spheroid. 通天吼符文撞击在血脉之核内壁上的时候,忽然反弹了回来,竟然没办法离开这个椭圆形血脉球体 Slit closed?” “缝隙闭合了?” Lu Kun fixes the eyes on looked, discovers the present bloodline core surface, although still has the small slit, but above were many an invisible strength, when blood nuclear power does not know, covered the bloodline core surface. 陆坤定睛一看,才发现如今的血脉之核表面虽然依然有着微小的缝隙,但上面多了一层无形的力量,血核力不知什么时候,笼罩了血脉之核表面。 How to have so many blood nuclear power all of a sudden?” “怎么一下子多出这么多血核力?” He simply has not thought, has blood nuclear power besides bloodline ring, in this bloodline core had to present many blood nuclear power, this Human Clan bloodline source energy, with his cultivation base growth. 他根本没想到,除了血脉圆环中有血核力之外,这个血脉之核中有出现了更多的血核力,这种人族血脉本源能量,也随着他的修为增长。 In this case, Heaven Connecting Roar rune can only leave from the anchor point position, after going out, changed to demon and spirit viscera essence as well as blood nuclei granules directly. 这种情况下,通天吼符文只能从锚点位置离开,出去后直接化作了魔灵脏元以及血核子颗粒 The Lu Kun facial expression is somewhat ugly, massive spirit viscera essence gather, under the control of microscopic source power, resists the anchor point rune suction, hit to the bloodline core surface. 陆坤神情有些难看,大量灵脏元汇聚起来,在微观源力的操控下,抵住锚点符文的吸力,撞向了血脉之核的表面。 May appear with the former same scene, the bloodline core surface flashes through an invisible strength, shook viscera essence granules directly. 可和之前一样的场景出现了,血脉之核表面闪过一道无形的力量,直接将脏元颗粒震荡了出去。 Then his intention revolution, the will floods into bloodline core, attempts from Heaven Connecting Roar rune, extracts Berserk Will, thus in bloodline core, decomposes the initial state these rune, result inside will is unable to extract. 接着他心念一转,意志涌入血脉之核,试图从通天吼符文中,将狂暴意志抽取出来,从而在血脉之核内,将这些符文分解成原始状态,结果里面的意志也无法抽取出来。 Lu Kun is surprised, later he tried repeatedly several times, this discovered, as viscera essence granules and blood nuclei entered anchor point rune, 陆坤为之一惊,随后他反复试了几次,这才发现,随着脏元颗粒血核子进入了锚点符文, His strength of will actually also anchor in Heaven Connecting Roar bloodline rune, showed the facial expression that is swayed by personal gains and losses. 他的意志之力却也锚定在了通天吼血脉符文中,不禁露出患得患失的神情。 What's wrong?” Little Jin discovers its difference immediately, inquired. “怎么了?”小金顿时发现其异样,询问道。 Lu Kun sighed lightly: Although Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability can unlimited displaying, but this anchor point rune solidified this divine ability in bloodline core.” 陆坤轻叹道:“虽然通天吼神通可以无限制的施展,但这个锚点符文把这个神通固化在了血脉之核中。” Little Jin said puzzled: Solidification?” 小金不解道:“固化?” Lu Kun said slowly: „The bloodline core surface is flooding blood nuclear power, has impediment of this terrifying power, even small viscera essence granules, does not have the means to enter.” 陆坤缓缓道:“血脉之核表面充斥着血核力,有这种恐怖力量的阻挡,就算是微小的脏元颗粒,都没办法进入。” However enters through anchor point rune, can only transform is Heaven Connecting Roar rune, but also the absorption solidified Berserk Will, becomes consolidate small granules, in bloodline core, is unable its dismantling.” “而通过锚点符文进入,只能转化为通天吼符文,还吸收固化了狂暴意志,成为了一个凝实的小颗粒,在血脉之核内,根本无法将其拆解。” Only if six ears cut rune, otherwise in bloodline core, is unable to display any other divine ability.” “除非有六耳切割符文,不然在血脉之核中,无法施展其他任何的神通。” Little Jin stares, later the ear shakes, through oneself reproduction divine ability and Lu Kun dark induction, reveals the color of several points of hesitation later: My life source divine ability is this feeling, divine ability that in bloodline core finalizes does not seem able to change.” 小金一愣,随后耳朵一抖,通过自己复刻神通陆坤冥冥中的感应,随后露出几分迟疑之色道:“我的本命神通似乎也是这种感受,血脉之核内定型的神通无法改变。” Lu Kun touches the head of Little Jin, said after a moment of hesitation: Easily do not try Golden Light Divine Eyes, after all Heaven Connecting Roar succeeded, what to do if traded divine ability to be defeated.” 陆坤摸了摸小金的脑袋,犹豫了下道:“那你还是不要轻易尝试金光神目,毕竟通天吼成功了,如果换一个神通失败了怎么办。” Little Jin discontented say/way: My feeling has not missed, initially Bone Transformation Stage threshold time, is dark felt that cannot cross heavenly tribulation, has not broken through immediately.” 小金不满道:“我的感觉可从来没有错过,当初骨变期门槛的时候,就是冥冥中感觉渡过不来天劫,才没有立即突破的。” Now reproduction divine ability sensation, so long as is bloodline divine ability that simulates then, even does not need Long Armed Giant Ape hyperboloid rune, bloodline divine ability that probably any can simulate.” “现在复刻神通的感知,只要是一门模拟出来的血脉神通即可,甚至都不一定要通臂巨猿双曲面符文,好像任何一个能模拟的血脉神通都可以。” Any divine ability?” “任何一个神通?” Lu Kun looks to own bloodline core, simultaneously is recalling dna, nucleosome, as well as final chromatin chromosome structure, the brow closely wrinkled. 陆坤看向自己的血脉之核,同时回想着dna,核小体,以及最后的染色质染色体的结构,眉头紧紧皱了起来。 Looking from the current situation, his Human Clan bloodline cultivation, from initial dna double helix structure, succeeded to present nucleosome structure, that means that he can draw support from this chromosome route, deduces following path of cultivation. 从目前的情况看,他的人族血脉修炼,从最初的dna双螺旋结构,到现在的核小体结构都成功了,那就意味着他可以借助这条染色体路线,推演后面的修炼之路 Now only cultivates nucleosome, if must become chromosome, the nucleosome quantity is above the imagination, Viscera Essence Stage bloodline structure is also different. 现在只修炼出一个核小体,如果要成为染色体,核小体的数量超乎想象,不过脏元期血脉结构还有所不同。 At least rank advancement becomes nucleosome structure, the dna spiral quantity of needs, with him remembers that the picture structure contrast, was short. 起码进阶核小体结构,所需要的dna螺旋数量,与他记忆中的图片结构对比,就少了很多。 Such it seems like, wants to cultivate chromatin bloodline rune, the nucleosome quantity that chromosome needs, should unable so many. 这么看来,想要将血脉符文修炼成染色质,染色体所需要的核小体数量,应该也不会那么多。 Each nucleosome needs bloodline divine ability, takes solid anchor point rune, that solidification same bloodline divine ability, but too wasted, has almost not promoted to the battle efficiency. 每个核小体都需要一门血脉神通,来作为固型的锚点符文,那固化相同的血脉神通,可就太浪费了,对战斗力几乎没有提升。 If he can find powerful bloodline divine ability, that means that each nucleosome corresponds one to solidify divine ability, if in bloodline pond presents big pile of nucleosome, that means him to raise hand to display many bloodline divine ability. 如果他能找到更多强大的血脉神通,那就意味着每个核小体对应一个固化神通,如果血脉池内出现一大堆核小体,那就意味着他举手之间可以施展多种血脉神通 What is most essential is the Heaven Connecting Roar bloodline rune construction, needs to use demon viscera essence, but other body cultivator only have spirit viscera essence, if Little Jin attempts successfully, then at present only then Golden Light Divine Eyes this divine ability can be used to solidify bloodline core to other disciples. 最关键的是通天吼血脉符文构建,需要用到魔脏元,而其他体修只有灵脏元,如果小金尝试成功,那么目前只有金光神目这一个神通可以给其他弟子用来固化血脉之核 He must seek for new bloodline divine ability, otherwise the body cultivator lineage battle efficiency is extremely unitary, perhaps the Viscera Essence Stage following cultivation, receives very big limitation. 他必须寻找到新的血脉神通,不然体修一脉的战斗力太过单一,脏元期接下来的修炼,恐怕也受到很大的局限性。 Lu Kun deeply inspires saying: Perhaps Little Jin, we cannot stay wait for body cultivator disciple to fly upwards here patiently.” 陆坤深深吸了一口气道:“小金,我们恐怕不能呆在这里耐心等待体修弟子飞升了。” little monkey one said: What's wrong, you want to go out to rescue other Human Clan, but has viscera essence body cultivator to fly upwards every five years, the time is longer, the strength that we save is stronger.” 小猴子一愣道:“怎么,你想出去解救其他人族,可每隔五年就有脏元体修飞升,时间越长,我们积攒的实力就越强。” Lu Kun said slowly: By our present strengths, if to Xing Wu, can definitely win again with ease, perhaps but if to true Void Refining, can only the short time fight.” 陆坤缓缓道:“以我们如今的实力,如果再次对上星乌,肯定能轻松获胜,但要是对上真正的炼虚,恐怕只能短时间交手。” Hundred years, we except for seeking for the Viscera Essence Late Stage breakthrough direction, but must enhance the battle efficiency from other aspects.” “百年时间,我们除了寻找脏元后期的突破方向,还得从其他方面提升战斗力。” You said, goes to seek for the chance?” Little Jin somewhat cannot feel the mind. “你是说,出去寻找机缘?”小金有些摸不着头脑。 Lu Kun shakes the head saying: We must seek for powerful bloodline divine ability, not only this can refer to body cultivator disciple, but also relates to the entire Viscera Essence Stage path.” 陆坤摇头道:“我们要寻找强大的血脉神通,这不但能给体修弟子们参考,还关系到整个脏元期的道路。” Viscera Essence Stage?” 脏元期?” Little Jin is curious, it is depends upon reproduction divine ability to break through, although some came from the induction of instinct to Lu Kun to bring some inspirations, but it to deducing cultivation method, completely does not have any mentality. 小金不禁好奇起来,它全是依靠复刻神通突破,虽然有一些来自本能的感应可以给陆坤带来一些启发,但它自己对推演功法,完全没有任何思路。 Lu Kun stretched out the palm, surrounding essence qi of heaven and earth was gathered to come, consolidated into a body, changed to one as if to contain double helix ring structure of infinite mystery. 陆坤伸出了手掌,周围的天地元气被汇聚而来,凝实成体,化作了一根仿佛蕴含着无限奥秘的双螺旋圆环结构 „The Viscera Essence Stage cultivation path, I have the approximate direction, the main minute/share of two direction, is divided into bloodline and fleshly body.” 脏元期的修炼道路,我已经有了大致的方向,主要分两个方向,分为血脉肉身。” He is staring at double helix ring in hand, said slowly: Viscera Essence Early Stage, body cultivator bloodline initial accomplishment, your my berserk bloodline, Little Yanzi dense earth bloodline, Xiaoyun sharp bloodline, other viscera essence body cultivator disciple special bloodline.” 他盯着手中的双螺旋圆环,缓缓道:“脏元初期,体修血脉初成,你我的狂暴血脉,小岩子厚土血脉,小云锋利血脉,还有其他脏元体修弟子的特殊血脉。” This ring bloodline structure, can call it basic rank bloodline.” “这个圆环血脉结构,可以称之为初阶血脉。” During the speeches, essence qi distortion in his hand, double helix ring gradually grows twists, later appeared oval-shaped spheroid, the ring attached on spheroid continues to fold grows, finally the fusion turned into on ellipsoid, is surrounding the two ring, side of ring, but also was lived by a rune anchor. 说话间,其手中的元气扭曲,双螺旋圆环逐渐增长扭曲,随后又浮现出了一个椭圆形球体,圆环依附在球体上继续折叠生长,最后融合变成了一个椭圆球体上,环绕着两个圆环,圆环的一边,还被一个符文锚定住。 This is Viscera Essence Middle Stage, bloodline structure that this type forms ellipsoid, that is intermediate rank bloodline.” “这就是脏元中期,这种形成椭圆球体血脉结构,那就是中阶血脉。” At this point, the Lu Kun eyes are flashing several points of inexplicable color , to continue to evolve. 说到这里,陆坤双眼闪动着几分莫名之色,继续演化起来。 Sees only that ellipsoid anchor point to leave, to extending stretched out four double helix rune lines, seems extending of two ring to be the same, then second ellipsoid manifestation, the third fourth bloodline ring set on this ellipsoid, above had anchor point as before. 只见那椭圆球体锚点出,向外延伸出了四个双螺旋符文线条,就好像两个圆环的延伸一般,接着第二个椭圆球体显化而出,第三第四个血脉圆环套在了这个椭圆球体上,上面依旧有了一个锚点 Little Jin sees this scenery, stared in a big way the eye saying: Lu Kun, this is Viscera Essence Late Stage that you infer, two bloodline core, is needs second divine ability to solidify?” 小金见到此景,瞪大了眼睛道:“陆坤,这是你推导的脏元后期,两个血脉之核,也就是需要第二个神通固化?” Lu Kun hesitated and said next: Now deduces the direction, if cultivates second bloodline core, should also be able to use Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability, but this wasted a divine ability solidification of bloodline core in vain, if with Golden Light Divine Eyes, that represents two types divine ability to urge.” 陆坤沉吟了下道:“现在只是推演方向,如果修炼出第二个血脉之核,应该也可以用通天吼神通,但这样白白浪费了一个血脉之核神通固化,如果用金光神目的话,那就代表有两种神通可以驱使。” Little Jin somewhat said excitedly: „After I broke through, that Void Refining essence qi source should also remain, so long as gets rid of above Star Soul Clan Soul Transformation, in addition essence qi source of more than ten Soul Transformation within the body, Lu Kun you can enter Viscera Essence Late Stage fast?” 小金有些兴奋道:“等我突破之后,那个炼虚元气本源应该还会剩一些,只要把上面的星魂族化神干掉,加上十几个化神体内的元气本源,陆坤你岂不是可以快速进入脏元后期?” The Lu Kun ponder moment, is associating in the biology, the nucleosome next structure, shakes the head to say slowly: two bloodline ring, has not produced bloodline conflict through bloodline core.” 陆坤沉思片刻,联想着生物学中,核小体的下一个结构,缓缓摇了摇头道:“两个血脉圆环,通过血脉之核才没有产生血脉冲突。” „But if presented two bloodline core, among them should also produce some bloodline conflict, even cultivated two bloodline core, perhaps will not have entered Viscera Essence Late Stage.” “可如果出现了两个血脉之核,它们之间应该也会产生某种血脉冲突,就算修炼出了两个血脉之核,恐怕还不会进入脏元后期。” Thinks of here, essence qi in his hand continues to condense, starts to condense third bloodline core, fourth, fifth, to sixth, he stopped. 想到这里,他手中的元气继续凝聚起来,开始凝聚第三个血脉之核,第四个,第五个,一直到第六个,他才停了下来。 Afterward his intention moves, these bloodline core stand abreast in row, but each other is connected, surrounded a ring-like shape. 随后他心念一动,这些血脉之核并没有并排而立,而是彼此相连,环绕成了一个环形形状。 Lu Kun hesitatingly said: If regards as a point bloodline core, then several bloodline core can form surface, I guessed that Viscera Essence Late Stage high-rank bloodline shape, likely is this toroidal structure comprised of bloodline core.” 陆坤沉吟道:“如果把一个血脉之核看成一个点,那么数个血脉之核就能形成一个面,我猜测脏元后期高阶血脉形态,很可能是这种由血脉之核组成的环状结构。” Moreover every other bloodline core has bloodline divine ability words......” “而且每隔血脉之核都有一个血脉神通的话……” Little Jin looks at the multiple structure that simulates, the head buzzes, light/only sees the so complex structure, it is a little dazzled. 小金看着那模拟出来的复杂结构,脑袋嗡嗡作响,光是看到如此复杂的结构,它就有点眼花缭乱。 Lu Kun, bloodline divine ability not to mention, if this is Viscera Essence Late Stage, how long we must cultivation......” 陆坤,血脉神通且不说,如果这是脏元后期,那我们得修炼多长时间啊……” The Lu Kun thinking moment said: Lower Realm essence qi is inferior Upper Realm, cultivates the basic rank bloodline peak from bloodline initial accomplishment, consumed for 200-300 years.” 陆坤思索片刻道:“下界元气远逊于上界,从血脉初成修炼到初阶血脉巅峰,耗费了200-300年。” According to Spirit Realm essence qi degree of richness, bloodline ring, should consume for hundred years, bloodline core is the two ring, without the bottleneck, 200 years enough cultivates bloodline core.” “按灵界元气浓郁程度,一个血脉圆环,应该耗费百年时间,血脉之核两个圆环,如果没有瓶颈的话,两百年足够修炼出一个血脉之核。” Little Jin is flabbergasted saying: Six bloodline core, that was 1200, this was does not have in the situation of bottleneck, if your inferential reasoning direction right, that cultivation time were also too long.” 小金咋舌道:“六个血脉之核,那就是一千二百年的时间,这还是没有瓶颈的情况下,如果你的推导方向没错,那修炼时间也太长了吧。” Lu Kun sighed a sound said lightly: „The cultivation of immortal cultivator, is extremely also long, Zhi Yuán and I have chatted, they consume for hundred years, should be able to enter true Soul Transformation Early Stage, wants to cultivate early stage peak true essence, needs the 400 to 500 year, the time of consumption is extremely also long.” 陆坤轻叹一声道:“修仙者的修炼,同样极长,智缘和我聊过,他们耗费百年时间,应该能进入真正的化神初期,想要将真元修炼到初期巅峰,也要四五百年,消耗的时间同样极长。” Therefore at this time, various assistance cultivation medicinal pill and heaven and earth treasure desperately short, has stayed in underground, several years, are fortunately long, cultivation the resources definitely to be affected, after all in underground, almost does not have any spirit medicine immortal herb......” “所以这个时候,各种辅助修炼的丹药天材地宝就急缺了起来,一直呆在地底,几年时间还好,再长一点,修炼资源肯定受到影响,毕竟地底之中,几乎没有什么灵药仙草……” At this point, Lu Kun continues to look to bloodline structure that in the hand simulates, the intention moves, inside essence qi continues to twist, that six core ring continues to extend, new bloodline core condensed, presented second six core ring. 说到这里,陆坤继续看向手中模拟的血脉结构,心念一动,里面的元气继续扭曲起来,那个六核圆环继续延伸,一个个新的血脉之核凝聚,出现了第二个六核圆环 Then is third...... fourth...... 接着是第三个……第四个…… In small Golden Eyes stares in the speechless look, these six core ring superimpose mutually, gradually turned into a mammoth structure, seeming like the two curving club. 在小金目瞪口呆的眼神中,这些六核圆环相互叠加,逐渐变成了一个巨型结构,看上去就是两个弯曲棍棒。 Each club was becomes the two club to interlock to stand by the six core ring overlay, formed rune of double line, as if a person treadonned the ground, both hands lifts the day the appearance, was that Long Armed Giant Ape bloodline rune structure. 每个棍棒都是由六核圆环叠加而成两个棍棒交错而立,形成了一个双线条的符文,仿佛一个人脚踏地面,双手举天的模样,正是那通臂巨猿血脉符文结构 This......” “这……” little monkey looks at the dense and numerous overlay bloodline ring and bloodline core, swallowed spit. 小猴子看着密密麻麻叠加的血脉圆环血脉之核,不禁咽了一口吐沫。 Lu Kun looks at this formidable and complex mammoth structure, muttered to whisper: This shape, should be bloodline cultivation to the pinnacle great accomplishment condition.” 陆坤看着这个令人敬畏而又复杂的巨型结构,喃喃低语道:“这个形态,应该就是血脉修炼到极致的大成状态了吧。” Overlay concentration, it may be said that is bloodline body......” “叠加浓缩,可谓是一种血脉之体……” „Is this Void Refining?” In the Little Jin eye is flashing the color of awe. “这是炼虚吗?”小金眼中闪动着敬畏之色。 Lu Kun spat foul air, said slowly: This is only the cultivation direction that I speculate, information that since we gain, the symbol of Void Refining Boundary is primordial soul mystic image, is divine soul will cultivates manifestation of pinnacle.” 陆坤吐了一口浊气,缓缓道:“这只是我推测的修炼方向而已,不过从我们获取的信息来看,炼虚之境的标志就是元神法相,是神魂意志修炼到极致的体现。” However our body cultivator only has bloodline will, this bloodline body, seeming like special bloodline mystic image......” “而我们体修只有血脉意志,这个血脉之体,看起来似乎就是一种特殊的血脉法相……”
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