BCA :: Volume #15

#1473: Change of Viscera Essence Middle Stage

“Boom……” “轰……” In the Nine Spirits Underground Palace central hall, spreads together the fulmination sound suddenly, golden form flying upside down, was wrapped up by invisible force field later, reveals a little monkey body. 九灵地宫的中央大厅中,忽然传出一道爆鸣声,一个金色身影倒飞而出,随后就被一股无形的力场兜住,露出一个小猴子的身躯。 Sees only its both hands to hold the chest, the body surface is pasting pale golden bone light membrane, both arms blood and flesh obviously sank. 只见它双手抱胸,体表流转着一层淡金色的骨质光膜,双臂血肉明显凹了进去。 little monkey rubbed the rubbing the hands arm, the tone said pleasantly surprised: Lu Kun, I have not induced the wrong words, your strength is more than Four Essences, ah......” 小猴子揉了揉手臂,语气惊喜道:“陆坤,我没有感应错的话,你这力量不止四元吧……” The front not far away, a tall and powerfully built man is shutting the eyes, calmly stands there, he puts out a hand to proceed to extend, rewinds to return to the little monkey body, falls on his shoulder. 前方不远处,一名身材魁梧的男子正闭着双眼,静静站在那里,他伸手往前一伸一拉,将小猴子的身躯倒卷而回,落在其肩膀上。 Lu Kun opened the eye slowly, inside is flashing similarly the happy expression: „The mutation that never expected that bloodline core has, can promote bloodline radiation intensity unexpectedly.” 陆坤缓缓睁开了眼睛,里面同样闪动着喜色:“没想到血脉之核出现的异变,竟然能提升血脉辐射强度。” Perhaps present fleshly body strength, achieved the Five Essences strength rank.” “如今的肉身力量,恐怕达到了五元之力的级别。” Little Jin upon hearing this, said curiously: bloodline core mutation? You were said that anchor point that the Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability polymerization became?” 小金闻言,好奇道:“血脉之核的异变?你是说通天吼神通聚合而成的那个锚点?” Lu Kun hesitatingly said: Should, the instance of double ring formation, bloodline radiation have no change, the strength as before is Four Essences strength, after to be many that anchor point, presented two increases.” 陆坤沉吟道:“应该是的,双圆环成型的瞬间,血脉辐射还没什么变化,力量依旧是四元之力,可多了那个锚点后,就出现了二次增幅。” At this point, his divine consciousness sinks to within the body, the ear of Little Jin appears a golden halo, as if in some method, induces similarly. 说到这里,他神识沉入体内,小金的耳朵则浮现出一层金色光晕,似乎以某种手段,同样进行感应。 The five viscera spheroid size in Lu Kun chest cavity has not changed, but the viscera dantian internal space was bigger than one time before. 陆坤胸腔中的五脏球体大小没变,可内脏丹田内部的空间却比以前大了一倍。 essence and blood ocean becomes broader, golden blood essence of surging forward runs in inside cheerfully, with the tumbling of blood essence spray, intermittent more vigorous essence qi oppression ripples. 精血海洋变得更加广阔,汹涌澎湃的金色血元在里面欢快奔走,随着血元浪花的翻滚,一阵阵更加浑厚的元气威压荡漾不已。 Central viscera islands and bloodline pond also expanded similarly much, as if in dantian has strange spatial strength, making the viscera dantian internal space inflate. 中央的内脏岛屿血脉池也同样扩充了不少,仿佛丹田中有一种诡异的空间力量,使得内脏丹田内部的空间膨胀。 However float in bloodline pond central bloodline core, compared with viscera dantian after expansion, appears small. 不过悬浮在血脉池中央的血脉之核,与扩大后的内脏丹田相比,显得小很多。 The surface is surrounding two double helix ring, what is strange, the above ring is not the condition of fold, but is two parallel double helix ring. 其表面环绕着两圈双螺旋圆环,奇怪的是,上面的圆环并不是折叠的状态,而是两个平行的双螺旋圆环 In the folding convergence points of two rings, were more than a strange golden structure before, it by two curving line connection, is even hyperboloid shape. 在两圈圆环的折叠交汇点上,比以前多了一个古怪的金色结构,它由两根弯曲的线条交汇而成,是一个偏平的双曲面形状 Lifts the day like both hands the strange person's shadow, seal in the bloodline core surface. 就像一个双手举天的诡异人影,印在血脉之核的表面。 two double helix ring, held down by this person's shadow rune both hands both feet respectively, as if anchor point, fixes the two ring on bloodline core forcefully general. 两个双螺旋圆环,分别被这个人影符文的双手双脚按住,仿佛一个锚点,硬生生将两个圆环固定在血脉之核上一般。 Lu Kun looks at bloodline core the hyperboloid mark, remembered some time ago breakthrough scene, in the eye reveals the color of lingering fear. 陆坤看着血脉之核的这个双曲面印记,想起不久前的突破场景,眼中不禁露出后怕之色。 When the second ring cultivation is completed, folded pair rings had the unstable sign unexpectedly, was not inside bloodline radiation conflicted, but was this structure is extremely unstable, the ring as if must interlock the point to split general from the fold. 在第二道圆环修炼完成的时候,折叠双圆环居然出现了不稳定的迹象,并不是里面的血脉辐射出现了冲突,而是这个结构极其不稳定,圆环仿佛要从折叠交错点裂开一般。 Lu Kun has not expected such situation completely, after all with Little Jin composes two heads and four arms the time, the one person and one monkey ring superimposes like this, has not had the unstable sign. 陆坤完全没有料到这样的情况,毕竟和小金组成双头四臂的时候,一人一猴的圆环就是这样叠加的,并没有出现不稳定的迹象。 Then, but also without he pondered solution method, bloodline core internal Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline rune, does not know why tumbles, as if received some attraction, wells up continuously to the folding position of double ring. 接下来,还没等他思考出解决之法,血脉之核内部的通臂魔猿血脉符文,不知为何翻滚起来,仿佛受到了某种吸引,源源不断向双圆环的折叠位置涌去。 In bloodline core, formed an inclined rune granules vortex, the direct production bloodline fusion reaction, put forth Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability. 血脉之核内部,形成了一个倾斜的符文颗粒旋涡,直接形成了血脉聚变反应,使出了通天吼神通 Because this divine ability vortex central point is not the bloodline core center, causing this divine ability to erupt in viscera dantian directly. 由于这个神通的旋涡中心点不是血脉之核的中心,导致这个神通直接在内脏丹田中爆发了出来。 Simultaneously, folded pair rings also breaks, the bloodline fission energy and Heaven Connecting Roar prestige energy attacks mutually, Lu Kun that powerful bloodline primordial soul, was stunned. 同时之间,折叠双圆环也断裂开来,血脉裂变的能量和通天吼威能相互冲击,陆坤那强大的血脉元神,都被震晕了过去。 After he sobers, discovered that on own bloodline core presented hyperboloid rune mark, this mark looked like one group of blood and flesh entity rune, seal in the bloodline core surface, was really strange. 等他清醒过来后,就发现自己的血脉之核上出现了一个双曲面的符文印记,这个印记就像是一团血肉实体符文,印在了血脉之核表面,甚是诡异。 But viscera dantian also expanded one time unknowingly, seems like by the terrifying energy that bloodline fission and fusion interweave, expands in an unthinkable way. 内脏丹田也不知不觉扩充了一倍,似乎是被血脉裂变与聚变交织的恐怖能量,以一种匪夷所思方式扩大的。 Lu Kun muttered to whisper: If were not Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability and bloodline fission energy formed some balance, produced this anchor point rune, fixed the bloodline double ring in bloodline core stubbornly goes to work, perhaps this breakthrough failed directly.” 陆坤喃喃低语道:“如果不是通天吼神通血脉裂变能量形成了某种平衡,产生了这个锚点符文,将血脉双环死死固定在血脉之核上班,恐怕这次突破就直接失败了。” At this time, the Little Jin sound resounded in its heart suddenly: 这时候,小金的声音忽然在其心底响起: Lu Kun, under the reproduction divine ability induction of Six-Eared Macaque, this anchor point seems like Viscera Essence Middle Stage to break through must have, moreover in divine ability with bloodline core has the enormous relations.” 陆坤,在六耳猕猴复刻神通感应下,这个锚点似乎是脏元中期突破必须具备的,而且和血脉之核内的神通有极大关系。” Hears the Little Jin words, Lu Kun ponders. 听到小金的话语,陆坤不禁沉思起来。 Six-Eared Macaque reproduction divine ability is abnormal, so long as duplicate/restores carves the main body to break through, little monkey breaks through the bottleneck inevitably, therefore from some perspective, the feeling of Little Jin is most direct, even points to the breakthrough essence. 六耳猕猴复刻神通变态无比,只要复刻主体突破,小猴子就必然突破瓶颈,所以从某个角度而言,小金的感受是最直接,甚至直指突破本质。 The Lu Kun thinking moment said: In other words, if the bloodline core interior does not have Long Armed Demon Ape rune, or has not displayed Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability, this isn't anchor point able to produce?” 陆坤思索片刻道:“也就是说,如果血脉之核的内部没有通臂魔猿符文,或者没有施展过通天吼神通,这个锚点就无法产生了?” Little Jin sits on the shoulder of Lu Kun, flashes the golden light ear to shake: 小金坐在陆坤的肩膀上,闪动着金光的耳朵一抖一抖: Should, the feedback of reproduction divine ability, probably simulate bloodline divine ability in bloodline core time, and condenses enough divine ability rune granules, this can at a time of the breakthrough, produce this rune anchor point.” “应该是的,复刻神通的反馈,必须要在血脉之核内模拟一次血脉神通,并凝聚足够的神通符文颗粒,这才能在突破之际,产生这个符文锚点。” Lu Kun is listening to the Little Jin words, while carefully is observing bloodline core, the mind sank to bloodline memory depths, seeks for the biological knowledge in oneself remote memory. 陆坤一边听着小金的话语,一边仔细观察着血脉之核,心神不禁沉入了血脉记忆深处,寻找自己遥远记忆中的生物学知识。 nucleosome also has this anchor point structure......” 核小体也有这个锚点结构……” Before he had not noticed, now under contrasts, Lu Kun discovered that nucleosome besides octamer structure, anchor point outside nucleosome, is locking the DNA screw, as if is also one type raises anchor to decide the function histone. 以前他还没注意到,现在对比之下,陆坤发现核小体除了八聚体的结构外,还有一个锚点核小体外面,锁定着DNA螺旋,似乎也是一种起锚定作用的组蛋白 Recalls here, Lu Kun reveals for several points to smile bitterly, although he knows bloodline core, octamer, histone, but not thorough learn/study, mind deep place only then some simple structure designs. 回忆到这里,陆坤露出几分苦笑,他虽然知道血脉之核,八聚体,组蛋白,但并没有深入学习,脑海深处只有一些简单的结构图案而已。 Otherwise he condenses bloodline core for the first time , will not forget octamer structure, but at this time breaks through after truly, discovered that left out outside nucleosome special histone. 不然他第一次凝聚血脉之核,也不会忘记了八聚体结构,而此时真正突破后,才发现漏掉了核小体外面的特殊组蛋白 After bloodline core initial accomplishment, I tried the simulation of Heaven Connecting Roar fortunately, put forth in afterward fight, otherwise this breakthrough......” “还好在血脉之核初成后,我就尝试了通天吼的模拟,更是在后来的战斗中使出,否则这次的突破……” Even if has broken through successfully, Lu Kun has a lingering fear, at that time the non-steady state of double ring was fierce, even causes his strength to be uncertain in the float. 纵然已经成功突破,陆坤还是心有余悸,当时双圆环的不稳定状态剧烈无比,甚至导致他的力量在漂浮不定。 If folded ring structure separates directly, this is equivalent to terrifying incomparable bloodline fission to respond time, does not know what consequence will have. 如果折叠圆环的结构直接断开,这就相当于一次恐怖无比的血脉裂变反应,不知道会产生什么样的后果。 This anchor point is seriously mysterious, not only double ring of stability, but also strengthened the radiation of bloodline ring from some aspect, thus letting the strength of the fleshly body achieve Five Essences.” “这个锚点当真神奇,不但稳定的双圆环,还从某方面增强了血脉圆环的辐射,从而让肉身之力达到了五元。” Lu Kun looks at completely empty bloodline core, the intention moves, innumerable viscera essence come turbulently, but suddenly, a vague suction spreads from that hyperboloid structure anchor point. 陆坤看着空空如也的血脉之核,心念一动,无数脏元汹涌过来,可忽然间,一股若有若无的吸力从那个双曲面结构锚点传出。 He first stares, but has not prevented, whatever demon and spirit viscera essence gathers to anchor point, later he discovered, these viscera essence directly through anchor point rune, entered bloodline core unexpectedly. 他先是一愣,不过并没有阻止,任由魔灵脏元锚点汇聚,随后他就发现,这些脏元居然直接通过锚点符文,进入了血脉之核内部。 Well, these viscera essence......” “咦,这些脏元……” Sees only these to enter bloodline core viscera essence, why did not know, changes Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline rune structure spontaneously, the times of merely ten breath, one pile of hyperboloid bloodline rune flooded in bloodline core. 只见那些进入血脉之核脏元,不知为何,自发变化成了通臂魔猿血脉符文结构,仅仅十来个呼吸的功夫,一堆双曲面的血脉符文就充斥在血脉之核中。 This......” “这……” Lu Kun gawked, later reveals the color of great happiness. 陆坤愣了下,随后就露出大喜之色。 anchor point has unexpectedly condenses automatically simulates bloodline rune divine ability, that means, viscera essence is unceasing, can Heaven Connecting Roar keep displaying in the fight?” 锚点居然有自动凝聚模拟血脉符文神通,那就意味着,脏元不绝,通天吼就可在战斗中不停施展出来?” Before Lu Kun and that Void Refining Old Monster fight time, Long Armed Demon Ape bloodline rune in bloodline core cost a lot of time to condense in underground, can say that in a fight can only display one time. 之前陆坤和那名炼虚老怪战斗的时候,血脉之核内的通臂魔猿血脉符文是在地底耗费不少时间凝聚出来的,可以说一场战斗中只能施展一次。 But now, he only needs to pour into viscera essence toward anchor point rune, can auto-building massive hyperboloid rune, in other words, Heaven Connecting Roar become conventional divine ability that consumes viscera essence to display, making its battle efficiency promote a big truncation. 可现在,他只需要往锚点符文注入脏元,就能自动生成大量双曲面符文,也就是说,通天吼成为了一种消耗脏元就能施展的常规神通,使其战斗力提升了一大截。 By this time, Lu Kun felt finally own pressure was smaller, so long as Little Jin same breaks through with him, one person and one monkey puts forth two heads and four arms divine ability, can fuse Ten Essences strength. 到了这个时候,陆坤终于感到自己的压力小了许多,只要小金和他一样突破,一人一猴使出双头四臂神通,就能融合出十元之力 If their fleshly body intensity can support, berserk divine ability can definitely erupt that enduring compared with true Void Refining Twenty Essences strength, Heaven Connecting Roar divine ability that in addition can display repeatedly...... 如果他们的肉身强度支撑得住,狂暴神通完全可以爆发出那种堪比真正炼虚二十元之力,再加上能多次施展的通天吼神通…… Little Jin, when you break through Viscera Essence Middle Stage, we must first cultivation source power solid state method, fleshly body intensity enough words, under we erupt full power, even can make Void Refining to strike several times.” 小金,等你突破到脏元中期,我们得优先修炼源力固体之法,肉身强度足够的话,我们全力爆发下,甚至能打出几次炼虚一击。” Un? Little Jin?” “嗯?小金?” Lu Kun sees little monkey not to respond, turns the head to look, sees only Little Jin to sit on his shoulder, is gawking is in a daze, he put out a hand to shake shaking in it at present. 陆坤小猴子没有反应,不禁转头望去,只见小金坐在其肩膀上,正愣愣发呆,他伸手在其眼前晃了晃。 little monkey then recovers, its said after a moment of hesitation: Lu Kun, reproduction divine ability gives my feeling, so long as if simulates bloodline divine ability, can be bloodline core anchor point to be good, not necessarily uses Heaven Connecting Roar.” 小猴子这才回过神来,它犹豫了下道:“陆坤,复刻神通给我的感觉,似乎只要模拟一种血脉神通,就可以作为血脉之核锚点就行了,不一定用通天吼。” Doesn't use Heaven Connecting Roar?” “不用通天吼?” Lu Kun stares, later observed under own bloodline core, looks at that hyperboloid, as if person both hands lift the day rune, knits the brows: 陆坤一愣,随后观察了下自己的血脉之核,看着那个双曲面,仿佛一个人双手举天的符文,皱眉道: But hyperboloid rune is the berserk bloodline foundation, said again we most familiar is Heaven Connecting Roar, you want to inscribe six-eared rune, but spirit ears divine ability is not passive divine ability.” “可双曲面符文狂暴血脉的基础,再说我们最熟悉的就是通天吼,你难道想铭刻六耳符文,可灵耳神通不是被动神通么。” No, Lu Kun, we also meet active divine ability.” “不,陆坤,我们还会一个主动神通。” Also?” “还有?” Lu Kun some doubts, are seeing the eye of little monkey to turn into the pale golden color suddenly, his eye stares to be big. 陆坤正有些疑惑,忽然看见了小猴子的眼睛变成了淡金色,他眼睛不禁瞪大起来。 You said that Golden Light Divine Eyes!” “你是说,金光神目!”
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