BCA :: Volume #15

#1472: Different difficult positions

Luo Yue is flying in the Shen Dream City city wall slowly, his waist circular token is sparkling the pale purple ray, is sending out thunder and lightning, in its body surface circulation. 罗月”在蜃梦城的城墙上缓缓飞行着,他腰间一张圆形令牌闪耀着淡紫色的光芒,散发着一道道雷电,在其体表流转。 He the city wall edge, the restriction light barrier sparkle, will be as if echoing that token, Luo Yue divine consciousness takes a fast look around these manifestation, but restriction spirit light, seems to be inspecting it is whether complete. 他所过的城墙边缘,都会有一层禁制光罩闪耀而出,似乎在呼应那张令牌,“罗月”的神识则扫视这些显化而出禁制灵光,似乎在检查其是否完好。 At this moment, Luo Yue viscera depths, attaches to Hong Yuntian under Luo Yue soul induces to remote Demon Corpse Dragon Clone suddenly, transmits together the news. 就在这时,“罗月内脏深处,依附在罗月魂魄下的洪云天忽然感应到遥远的魔尸龙分身,传来一道讯息。 Well, Lu Kun successfully broke through!” “咦,陆坤成功突破了!” Calculates the time, he flies upwards for seven years, not only got rid of Void Refining that is seriously injured, but also strided in Viscera Essence Middle Stage officially, is really abnormal enough.” “算算时间,他才飞升七年,不但干掉了一名身受重伤的炼虚,还正式跨入了脏元中期,真是有够变态的。” Snort, just broke through passes on a message, obviously shows off to this eminence, if this eminence can the regular pass on message like him, must crush its arrogance surely, the this eminence breakthrough difficulty, may compared with him mostly......” “哼,刚突破就传讯,明显是向本座炫耀,如果本座能像他那样定期传讯,定要打打其气焰,本座的突破难度,可比他大多了……” In the Hong Yuntian heart whispered several, feels very uncomfortable, he also shortly after flying upwards, looked for the time to report a safe and secure to Lower Realm, passed on a message several characters over the next four years occasionally, after all straddled zones the energy of pass on message consumption to be extremely terrifying. 洪云天心中嘀咕了几句,感到十分不爽,他也就在飞升后不久,找时机给下界报了一次平安,随后的四年也就偶尔传讯几个字而已,毕竟跨界传讯消耗的能量太过恐怖。 Shen Dream City has many Demon Sovereign to assume personal command, inside even also has a Luo Family only Demon Monarch powerhouse, that is entire Demon Realm scarce Void Refining Demon Emperor. 蜃梦城有诸多魔皇坐镇,里面甚至还有罗家唯一的一名魔君强者,那可是整个魔界都稀少的炼虚魔帝 If there is any Demon Clan fleshly body to have shrinkage with no reason at all, perhaps these powerhouses anxious, after all present Shen Dream City, is the Demon Clan most secret place, guards incomparably sternly, Hong Yuntian has to carefully handle affairs. 如果有任何一名魔族肉身发生无缘无故的皱缩,恐怕这些强者都大为紧张,毕竟如今的蜃梦城,是魔族最为机密的地方,守卫无比森严,洪云天不得不谨慎行事。 Is good to be the same with Lu Kun, Lower Realm has not limited toward the pass on message of Demon Realm, each news of Demon Corpse Dragon Clone transmission, Hong Yuntian can receive. 好在和陆坤一样,下界魔界的传讯没有限制,魔尸龙分身传达的每个讯息,洪云天都能接收到。 bloodline core, folded ring, divine ability simulation, source power solid state......” 血脉之核,折叠圆环,神通模拟,源力固体……” These directions, although helps enormously, but this eminence wants to break through Demon Viscera Early Stage realm, but must consider the factors in various aspects.” “这些方向虽然帮助极大,但本座想要突破魔脏初期境界,还得考虑各方面的因素。” Hong Yuntian thinks of here, divine consciousness inspects outside restriction, while induces to store in the bracelet, that Xue Feng just gave his star core. 洪云天想到这里,神识一边视察外面的禁制,一边感应着自己储物手镯内,那颗血峰刚刚交给他的星核 As for that beforehand Xue Siqian gives, he after obtaining hand, impatient its decomposition in viscera dantian, studies Star Soul Clan bloodline source, that type was called the blood soul power strength by Lu Kun. 至于之前血思倩给的那颗,他在得到手后,就迫不及待将其分解在了内脏丹田中,来研究星魂族血脉本源,那种被陆坤称之为血魂力的力量。 Now in this eminence viscera dantian, there are three bloodline source strength.” “如今本座内脏丹田中,有了三种血脉本源之力。” One type is Human Clan bloodline depths blood nuclear power, one type is Star Soul Clan blood soul power, is Demon Clan bloodline source strength.” “一种是人族血脉深处血核力,一种是星魂族血魂力,还有则是魔族血脉本源力量。” The parasitic in the Demon Emperor Luo Yue within the body several hundred years, Hong Yuntian has studied thoroughly Demon Clan bloodline rune, Luo Family bloodline rune granules is triangular structure, should be stabler than other Demon Clan bloodline, can display Demon Clan bloodline divine ability. 寄生在罗月魔帝体内数百年,洪云天已把魔族血脉符文研究透了,罗家血脉符文颗粒是一种三角形结构,应该比其他魔族血脉更稳定,更能发挥魔族血脉神通 In Demon Clan bloodline, contains one type with Human Clan completely different bloodline source strength, although this strength far strong in microscopic source power, but compared with blood nuclear power, weak many. 魔族血脉内,蕴含着一种与人族完全不同的血脉本源力量,虽然这种力量远强于微观源力,但与血核力相比,就弱了不少。 He thinks Demon Clan bloodline source should be Star Soul Clan blood soul power, after the results comparison, discovered, blood soul power is weaker, is inferior to Demon Clan bloodline source strength completely. 原先他以为魔族血脉本源应该就是星魂族血魂力,结果对比后才发现,血魂力更弱,完全不如魔族血脉本源力量 Lu Kun in the breakthrough process, had the conflict of blood nuclear power and blood soul power, this eminence, if conducts the breakthrough with blood soul power, in that viscera dantian had three bloodline source conflicts, the risk was too big.” 陆坤在突破过程中,发生了血核力血魂力的冲突,本座如果用血魂力进行突破的话,那内脏丹田中就有了三种血脉本源冲突,风险太大了。” If Luo Family bloodline of Luo Yue within the body has anything to damage or vanish, other Demon Sovereign did not say, perhaps Demon Monarch Luo Lei did not have the means to conceal the truth.” “如果罗月体内的罗家血脉有什么损伤或者消失,其他魔皇不好说,罗雷魔君恐怕没办法瞒过去。” Hong Yuntian these year and Luo Yuan walks quite near, in addition in this city also has various store auction rooms, under has a mind to inquire, his powerhouse to the Demon Clan had a deeper understanding. 洪云天这些年和罗媛走得比较近,再加上这座城池中也有各种商铺拍卖行,有心打听之下,他对魔族的强者有了更深的了解。 The cultivation of Demon Emperor is extremely difficult, majority is Early Stage Demon Emperor, middle to late stage Demon Emperor is extremely rare, presently breaks through to Void Refining level Demon Monarch, big Demon Realm, only then five, do not certainly remove has hidden in secret. 魔帝的修炼极其艰难,大部分都是初期魔帝,中后期魔帝极其稀有,当前突破到炼虚级别魔君,偌大的魔界,也只有五名,当然也不排除有暗中隐藏的。 It is said Demon Monarch will have the brand-new comprehension to own bloodline, even can when breaking through is successful, remoulds one time bloodline, his descendant will inherit this more powerful Demon Monarch bloodline. 据说魔君对自身血脉会有崭新的领悟,甚至能在突破成功之际,重塑一次自身血脉,其后代都会继承这种更加强大的魔君血脉 But to this realm, Demon Monarch by to the comprehension of bloodline and fleshly body, can display various powerful blood seal technique, seems like with special magic technique that bloodline strength displays, is strange and fearful. 而到了这个境界,魔君凭借对血脉肉身的领悟,可以施展出各种强大的血印之术,似乎是用血脉力量施展的特殊术法,诡异而又可怕。 Just that Shen Dream Token, was Demon Monarch blood seal technique and product of tool refinement dao union, produced restriction strength direct role above bloodline. 刚刚那枚“蜃梦令”,就是魔君血印之术炼器之道结合的产物,产生的禁制之力直接作用在血脉之上。 Hong Yuntian can see clearly, in own viscera dantian, there were two small spheres with abstruse structures, each respectively absorbing some of the triangle bloodline rune granules of the Luo Family, but this bloodline restriction strength, cannot shake that huge Möbius strip rune. 洪云天能清晰看到,自己的内脏丹田中,有两个结构玄奥的小圆球,分别吸附着些许罗家的三角血脉符文颗粒,不过这种血脉禁制的力量,撼动不了那巨大的莫环符文 Demon Clan divine soul concealment technique, is blood seal secret method that Demon Monarch displays, general Demon Clan, only if enters Demon Monarch Boundary, or becomes Demon Venerable, otherwise no means eradicate it.” 魔族神魂隐匿之术,就是魔君施展的血印秘法,一般的魔族,除非进入魔君之境,或者成为魔尊,否则没办法将其破除。” this eminence Demon Viscera Stage and Lu Kun Viscera Essence Stage, can control bloodline source granules and viscera essence, we even are based on it, created bloodline memory divine ability rune, Lu Kun also eradicated Star Soul Clan soul binding technique, was somewhat similar from some aspect and Demon Monarch.” 本座魔脏期陆坤脏元期,都能操控血脉本源颗粒脏元,我们甚至以其为基础,创出了血脉记忆神通符文,陆坤还借此破除了星魂族缚魂术,从某方面和魔君有些相似。” Pitifully this eminence is insufficient in the Luo Family position, otherwise can consult the blood seal secret method mystery, when the time comes passed on a message to Lu Kun, can its help.” “可惜本座罗家的地位不足,否则就能查阅到血印秘法的奥秘,到时候传讯给陆坤,就能对其有所帮助。” Hong Yuntian flies on the Shen Dream City wall slowly, once for a while greeted with some Luo Family guards of getting to know each other well, in the heart changed mind to ponder own breakthrough method. 洪云天慢悠悠地在蜃梦城墙上飞行,时不时和一些相熟的罗家侍卫打招呼,心中则转念思考自己的突破之法 cultivation base is higher, has the opportunity to promote in the Luo Family position, thus contacts Demon Monarch some information, but Luo Family as Demon Realm Three Great Clans, cultivating the resources is extremely numerous, unless it is absolutely essential, Luo Yue bloodline cannot abandon.” 修为更高,才有机会提升在罗家的地位,从而接触到魔君的一些信息,而罗家身为魔界三大家族,修炼资源极多,不到万不得已,罗月血脉决不能抛弃。” Since cannot depend upon blood soul power to break through, that this eminence can only attempt with Demon Clan bloodline source strength, condenses bloodline core.” “既然不能依靠血魂力突破,那本座只能尝试用魔族血脉本源之力,来凝聚血脉之核了。” divine ability of Demon Clan powerhouse follows the thunder and lightning, their bloodline source strength, call it blood thunder power for the time being......” 魔族强者的神通都伴随着雷电,他们的血脉本源之力,就姑且称之为血雷力吧……” Hong Yuntian is also studying Lu Kun, gave a name to Demon Clan bloodline source strength, later then ponders. 洪云天也学着陆坤,给魔族血脉本源之力取了一个名字,随后接着思考起来。 Lu Kun bloodline core, with the aid of the blood soul power characteristics, enabling bloodline granules to have spontaneous polymerization attribute, but haven't Demon Clan blood thunder power this characteristics, condensed bloodline core what's the big deal?” 陆坤血脉之核,是借助血魂力的特性,使血脉颗粒拥有一种自发聚合的属性,可魔族血雷力没有这种特性,那又怎么凝聚出血脉之核呢?” As for the strengthening of fleshly body, actually simple many, so long as improves the Lu Kun that source power solid state method slightly, can use on qi-blood demon power and Luo Yue fleshly body.” “至于肉身的强化,倒是简单了不少,只要将陆坤那个源力固体的法门稍加改良,就可以用在气血魔力罗月肉身上。” After these years Lu Kun separates the pass on message, Hong Yuntian obtains the Viscera Essence Stage fleshly body strengthening method that the opposite party studied, this is biggest to his help. 经过这几年陆坤的隔界传讯,洪云天得到了对方研究出来的脏元期肉身强化法门,这个对他的帮助最大。 By source power field in collapses, coordinates Lu Kun void reality transformation technique, can separate qi-blood demon power in viscera, extrudes the fusion with Luo Yue fleshly body each part mutually, significantly raises the fleshly body density.” “以源力场的内坍塌,配合陆坤虚实转化之术,便可将内脏中的气血魔力分离出来,与罗月肉身的各个部分相互挤压融合,大幅度提升肉身密度。” Although source power solid state lost passive force field radiation range, but the increase of fleshly body density can actually strengthen absorptive strength of fleshly body source power to essence qi of heaven and earth, as the matter stands, the essence qi control does not reduce instead increases.” “虽然源力固体损失了被动力场辐射范围,但肉身密度的提升却能强化肉身源力天地元气吸附力,这样一来,元气掌控力不减反增。” Moreover fused qi-blood demon power blood and flesh, this fleshly body this not only can enhance fleshly body, but can also make the parasitic of this eminence more flawless.” “而且融合了气血魔力血肉,这具肉身这样不但能提高肉身,还可以让本座的寄生变得更加天衣无缝。” Such words, the fleshly body aura was incompatible with Holy Luo Demon Art......” “不过这样的话,肉身的气息就与圣罗魔功不符了……” Thinks of here, some Hong Yuntian headaches, Demon General breaks through to the Demon Emperor basic method suddenly, spreads in Demon Realm widely, but Demon Emperor cultivation method, is extremely rare, basically in the Three Great Clans hand. 想到这里,洪云天忽然有些头疼,魔将突破到魔帝的基本法门,在魔界广为流传,可魔帝修炼之法,却极其少见,基本都在三大家族手中。 Four years ago, guards this place Demon Sovereign Luo Yan to teach to Hong Yuntian Demon Emperor cultivation method, is called Holy Luo Demon Art, Luo Family direct descendant bloodline can cultivation, Demon Monarch Luo Lei that here assumes, majored is this cultivation method. 四年前,驻守此地的罗嫣魔皇传授给洪云天一门魔帝功法,叫做圣罗魔功,罗家嫡系血脉才能修炼,在这里坐镇的罗雷魔君,主修的就是这门功法 Demon Emperor Early Stage is the accumulation of demon essence energy, qi-blood demon power withdraws in viscera dantian, the aura is almost same, does not look easily.” 魔帝初期都是魔元能的积累,气血魔力龟缩在内脏丹田,气息几乎一样,不容易看出来。” „But if this eminence broke through Demon Viscera Middle Stage, the fleshly body aura and bloodline appeared change, can definitely be entirely different from Holy Luo Demon Art, do not say Demon Monarch Luo Lei, perhaps Luo Family other Demon Emperor Late Stage, can see the this eminence issue.” “可如果本座突破到了魔脏中期,肉身气息和血脉出现得变化,肯定会与圣罗魔功截然不同,不要说罗雷魔君了,恐怕罗家的其他魔帝后期,都能看出本座的问题。” Therefore this eminence must look for Luo Family strange Demon Emperor cultivation method, compiles a flawless excuse and chance again, thus in the way of alternative, enters to Middle Stage Demon Emperor realm.” “所以本座必须找一个罗家陌生的魔帝功法,再编造一个天衣无缝的借口和机缘,从而以另类的方式,进入到中期魔帝境界。” Hong Yuntian thinks of here, feels thorny, the bonus is his perception and natural talent is astonishing, moreover there is a Lu Kun breakthrough direction to use for reference, may under the limits of current all sorts of conditions, the breakthrough difficulty be enormous. 洪云天想到这里,感到棘手不已,饶是他的悟性和天资惊人,而且还有陆坤的突破方向借鉴,可在当前种种条件的限制下,突破难度极大。 Crossed good long while, his train of thought is gradually calm. 过了好半天,他的思绪渐渐平静。 Step by step come, first collects cultivation method, when one year later new Demon Emperor returns, this duty calculates that completed truly, other Luo Family several Demon Emperor cultivation method, can find the way to get so far as, as for other families' cultivation method......” “一步步来,先收集功法,等一年后新魔帝返回,这次任务算真正完成了,罗家其他几门魔帝功法,就能想办法弄到,至于其他家族的功法……” „The transaction of Xue Family is closed, was Yuan Family, after all has had/left the Demon Lord family, there always has to be some special Demon Emperor cultivation methods.” 血家的交易完成,接下来就是元家了,毕竟是出过魔主的家族,总归有些特殊的魔帝功法。” Refers to these cultivation method, could find with blood thunder power condenses the bloodline core means.” “多参考这些功法,说不定能找到用血雷力凝聚血脉之核的办法。” In the heart had the direction, Hong Yuntian then accelerated to go on patrol, after planning went on patrol to finish, makes Luo Yuan lead the Yuan Family disciple to come. 心中有了方向,洪云天便加速巡逻起来,打算巡逻结束后,就让罗媛元家的弟子过来。
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