BCA :: Volume #15

#1485: Myriad Poisons Pool

Xiao Linsheng, you have not induced wrong, Jian Chen aura in the Myriad Poisons Pool bottom?” Hun Kai at the back of a golden broadsword, stands in the flying boat front section, the big eyeball rare region several segregated the heavy color. 萧林生,你没有感应错吧,剑尘的气息在万毒潭底?”魂铠背着一把金色大刀,站在飞舟前段,大眼珠子罕见地带了几分凝重之色道。 Although nearby Hun Feng is seemingly tranquil, but the pupil in one-eyed reduced much, as if Myriad Poisons Pool is an extremely dangerous place. 一旁的魂凤虽然看似平静,但独眼中的瞳孔缩小了不少,似乎万毒潭是一处极其危险的地方。 Xiao Linsheng has not spoken at this time, but is controlling that Morning Sun’s Respite Sword, in its mudra, this non-stop flashing above the people sword treasure, interweaves a sword net. 萧林生此时并没有说话,而是在操控那把朝阳一气剑,在其一道道法决中,这把剑宝不停在众人上方闪动,交织出一个剑网。 Each staggered node of sword net, has mini small sword phantom, has 5-6 ten as far as eyes can reach, these small swords are sending out light Destructive Intent, the sword tip tremor. 剑网的每个交错节点,都有一把迷你的小剑虚影,一眼望去足足有五六十道,这些小剑散发着淡淡的毁灭之意,剑尖颤动不已。 No matter but how these sword tip shake, finally aimed at the front of people. 可不管这些剑尖如何晃悠,最后都指向了众人的前方。 There is a tranquil incomparable puddle, as far as eyes can reach only then the hundred zhang (333 m) diameter, its water surface is limpid, is not very deep, under water can easily see the water plant, even some fish are patrolling, spirit qi abundant. 那里是一片平静无比的水潭,一眼望去只有百丈直径,其水面清澈无比,不是很深,能轻易见到水底的水草,甚至还有一些鱼儿在游弋,灵气盎然。 But the lake surface above dozens zhang (3.33 m) places do not have miasmic qi to exist, but is one group of milky-white fog, contains rich spirit qi, at first sight, this piece of puddle probably natural grotto heaven and blessed land. 而湖面上空数十丈的地方并没有瘴气存在,而是一团乳白色的云雾,蕴含着浓郁的灵气,乍一看,这片水潭就好像一处天然的洞天福地 Truly in the Myriad Poisons Pool bottom......” “确实是在万毒潭底……” Xiao Linsheng looks at the front puddle, in the brain thinks that about here record, the tone brings several points of astonished say/way. 萧林生看着前方的水潭,脑中想到关于这里的记载,语气带着几分惊异道。 No wonder for ten years do not have the Jian Chen trail, we also think that he took risk to leave the five races positions, without thinking to hide in Myriad Poisons Pool, in his hand had what top step poison-evading treasure to be inadequate?” “难怪十年来都没有剑尘的踪迹,我们还以为他冒险离开了五族境地,没想到躲在了万毒潭,难道其手中有什么顶级避毒宝物不成?” But what treasure, can make cultivator treat in the bottom ten years......” “可什么宝物,能让修士待在底部十年……” Hun Feng said looking pensive: „The Myriad Poisons Pool bottom, the broken ancient formation vestige, inside remaining formation restriction, has to isolate the function of poisonous miasma, the lifeform of these deep pool bottoms, are not willing to approach that vestige.” 魂凤若有所思道:“万毒潭的底部,有一处残破的上古法阵遗迹,里面的残余法阵禁制,拥有隔绝毒瘴的作用,就连那些潭底的生物,都不愿意靠近那处遗迹。” Antiquity vestige? Does Desolate Gu Swamp have this place?” “上古遗迹?荒蛊沼泽还有这种地方?” Xiao Linsheng is listening to the Hun Feng words, the doubts said. 萧林生听着魂凤的话语,不禁疑惑道。 This piece of Desolate Gu Swamp, Human Clan also has explored innumerable, his master also came to here to pick the special poisonous herb in the past, but had not heard has what ancient formation vestige. 这片荒蛊沼泽,人族同样也探索过无数遍,他师父当年也来这里采摘过特殊毒草,可从没听说有什么上古法阵遗迹的。 How does Fairy Maiden Hun Feng know?” 魂凤仙子是如何知道的?” In the Hun Feng eye has several points to disdain saying: Your Human Clan survived ten thousand years of small clan, the thing that does not know are many, ten thousand years ago, the antiquity vestige of Myriad Poisons Pool bottom had been explored by our Star Soul Clan senior.” 魂凤眼中带着几分不屑道:“你们人族只是生存了万年的小族,不知道的东西多着呢,早在万年前,万毒潭底的上古遗迹就被我们星魂族前辈探索过。” So many years pass by, should remain some broken restriction still to exist, if Jian Chen can enter the deep pool bottom, pouring is also a cultivation place, spirit qi that the Myriad Poisons Pool embodiment contains, is ranks among the best in Desolate Gu Swamp.” “这么多年过去,应该就剩一些残破禁制还存在,如果剑尘能进入潭底,倒也是一处修炼的地方,万毒潭内蕴含的灵气,在荒蛊沼泽中也算是数一数二的。” Xiao Linsheng upon hearing this, in the heart also understands but actually, Desolate Gu Swamp in Star Soul Clan, Heavenly Stone Clan and Wood Spirit Clan intersection point, the powerhouse affirmations of these three clans has investigated, perhaps here had the Void Refining lifeform, but was solved by these clans. 萧林生闻言,心中倒也明白过来,荒蛊沼泽星魂族,天石族以及木灵族的交界处,这三族的强者肯定早已探查一空,说不定此处原先就有炼虚生物,不过被这几族解决了。 Thinks of here, his facial expression some not too said attractively: Has the Myriad Poisons Pool impediment, is difficult to be inadequate we to wait for gains without pains inadequately in this? If Jian Chen fuses successfully that destruction sword spirit wisp, perhaps divine ability rises sharply, even like Spirit King Buddha, has to resist the Void Refining method.” 想到这里,他神情有些不太好看道:“有万毒潭阻隔,难不成我们要在此守株待兔不成?如果剑尘将那一缕毁灭剑灵融合成功,说不定神通大涨,甚至像灵王佛那样,拥有抵抗炼虚的手段。” When the time comes we want to hold him, the risk may be big.” “到时候我们想要抓住他,风险可就大了。” Hun Feng upon hearing this, the big eyeball rotated slightly, later stretches out the palm, presented a milky-white jade box, inside is emitting five-colors gloss faintly. 魂凤闻言,大眼珠子微微转动了下,随后伸出手掌,出现了一个乳白色玉盒,里面隐隐散发着五彩的光泽。 „Before coming to here, the concubine was providing against contingencies, brought some poison-evading treasure from the clan, this was myriad poisons plate is its one, it by some special poisonous material refinements of Myriad Poisons Pool bottom.” “来这里前,妾身为了以防万一,从族中带来一些避毒宝物,这是万毒盘就是其一,它是以万毒潭底的一些特殊毒材炼制而成。” under its enhancement, I and other body-protecting spirit light may change to five poisons light, can adsorb the deep pool bottom various poisonous water poisons, will shift to myriad poisons plate, as the matter stands, the biggest threat in Myriad Poisons Pool did not have.” 在其加持下,我等护体灵光可化作五毒之光,能吸附潭底的各种毒水毒物,将之转移到万毒盘中,这样一来,万毒潭内的最大威胁就没有了。” Xiao Linsheng upon hearing this, a brow wrinkle said: These poisonous insects and poisonous beasts that shift absorption poison, such aura, will attract the deep pool bottom?” 萧林生闻言,眉头一皱道:“转移吸附毒物,这样的气息,是不是会吸引潭底的那些毒虫和毒兽?” Yes.” “是的。” Hun Feng then said: „The poison attribute attacks of these poisonous insects, will be absorbed by myriad poisons plate, moreover myriad poisons plate can also shift these toxic attacks, in addition our strengths jointly, the security enters the deep pool bottom, should the issue not be big.” 魂凤接着道:“不过这些毒虫的毒属性攻击,也都会被万毒盘吸收,而且万毒盘还能转移这些毒性攻击,再加上我们联手的实力,安全进入潭底,应该问题不大。” myriad poisons plate? Whether to make Xiao look?” 万毒盘?可否让萧某看下?” Xiao Linsheng hears the description of Hun Feng, in the eye the unusual look flashes past to say. 萧林生听到魂凤的描述,眼中异色一闪而过道。 Hun Feng chuckle, single-handedly waved, turned on the jade box, revealed a dark grey jade plate, above portrays neutral color complex spirit mark, these spirit mark are still keeping hovering, the probably snakes hovered in inside, was ordinary like the living creature. 魂凤轻笑一声,单手一挥,将玉盒打开,露出了一个暗灰色的玉盘,上面刻画着无彩色的复杂灵纹,这些灵纹还在不停游动,像是有一条条长虫在里面游动,如同活物一般。 Xiao Linsheng took out a jade bottle, opened the bottle cap cautiously, above emitted wisp of dark green smog, but has not waited for him to make anything, these dark green smog were absorbed by myriad poisons plate. 萧林生取出了一个玉瓶,小心翼翼打开了瓶盖,上面冒出了一缕墨绿色的烟雾,可还没等他做什么,这些墨绿色的烟雾就被万毒盘吸收了进去。 Afterward he put out some poisonous herb and a poisonous insect, experimented several methods, discovered that this myriad poisons plate is very mysterious, will absorb various poisons on own initiative. 随后他又拿出了一些毒草和一条毒虫,试验了几种方法,发现这个万毒盘果然十分神奇,会主动吸附各种毒物。 Such being the case, we get down, is riding Jian Chen time rapid its solution, but for safety's sake.” “既然如此,那我们就下去一趟,乘着剑尘施法的时候迅速将其解决,不过为了保险起见。” At this point, in the Xiao Linsheng hand spirit light flashes, presents several fine formation board, shows a faint smile saying: „ Fairy Maiden Hun Feng put out poison-evading treasure, Xiao must strive, 说到这里,萧林生手中灵光闪动,出现几张精致的阵盘,微微一笑道:“魂凤仙子拿出了避毒宝物,萧某也得出点力, This is our Five Spirits School Essence Unites Five Extremes Great Formation, can resist the attack of Soul Transformation Late Stage cultivator near quarter of an hour, is gate extremely precious small-scale formation.” “这是我们五灵门元合五极大阵,能抵挡化神后期修士近一刻钟的进攻,算是本门极其珍贵的小型法阵。” Has this arrangement outside Myriad Poisons Pool, was absolutely safe.” “有这个布置在万毒潭外,就万无一失了。” Hun Feng hears the Essence Unites Five Extremes Great Formation name, in the eye flashes through a dignity, later she thought of anything, unfolds the face to say with a smile: So good.” 魂凤听到元合五极大阵的名字,眼中闪过一丝凝重,随后她又想到了什么,展颜一笑道:“如此甚好。” Junior Brother Ma, Junior Brother Song, you arrange formation, simultaneously stands guard outside, so long as defends in formation core, even these powerful poisonous beasts in Desolate Gu Swamp, the short time cannot do to you.” 马师弟,宋师弟,你们来布置法阵,同时在外警戒,只要守在阵眼中,就算荒蛊沼泽内的那些强大毒兽,也短时间奈何不了你们。” Yes, Senior Brother.” On flying boat other two Soul Transformation Middle Stage Five Spirits School disciple received magic plate, said accordingly. “是,师兄。”飞舟上另外两名化神中期五灵门弟子接过了法盘,应声道。 Then, the people left spirit boat, Xiao Linsheng consulted myriad poisons plate spell performance technique to Hun Feng, gave two Star Soul Clan jade talisman, said that had this jade talisman, may come and go out Essence Unites Five Extremes Great Formation freely. 接下来,众人就离开了灵舟,萧林生魂凤请教万毒盘施法之术,同时也递给了两名星魂族一枚玉符,说是有这道玉符,就可自由出入元合五极大阵 Quick, two Soul Transformation Middle Stage cultivator on prepare formation, but Xiao Linsheng brings imprisoned Chen Shiyu, with two Star Soul Clan under the sweep of five-colored light barrier, entered the front clear enough to see bottom water surface. 很快,两名化神中期修士就布置好了阵法,而萧林生则带着被禁锢的陈诗语,与两名星魂族在一层五色光罩的笼罩下,进入了前方清澈见底的水面。 ...... …… ...... …… This Myriad Poisons Pool a little meaning, its exterior manifestation appearance, unexpectedly is some illusion that its poisonous water has.” “这万毒潭有点意思,其外部显化的模样,居然是其毒水产生的某种幻象。” That that Hun Kai carries behind the golden broadsword deep place, Lu Kun and Little Jin bloodline clone, is exchanging in a low voice. 魂铠身后背着的那把金色大刀深处,陆坤小金血脉分身,正在低声交流着。 In his eyes, the surrounding pond water had turned into the strange color of bluish green interaction, inside also has extremely small insect, is keeping twisting, is emitting upwardly what liquid. 在其眼中,周围的潭水已经变成了蓝绿相间的怪异颜色,里面还有很多极其微小的虫子,在不停扭曲,向上喷吐着什么液体。 After these liquids encountered Xiao Linsheng five-colored light barrier of their outside the body, was absorbed, has not caused anything to affect to these cultivator. 当这些液体遭遇了萧林生他们体外的五色光罩后,就被吸附了进去,对这几个修士没造成什么影响。 Lu Kun, has not thought that under this shape, we can display Golden Eyes divine ability, they will not discover.” The Little Jin small sound said, somewhat seems to be tight, the tone also brings several points of excitement. 陆坤,没想到在这种形态下,我们都能施展金目神通,他们不会发现吧。”小金小声道,似乎有些紧张,语气又带着几分兴奋。 Lu Kun said in a low voice: Therefore we change gold/metal blade time, in the surface the manifestation golden color flowing light, under concealing of this flowing light, they will only think that once for a while this is the treasure spontaneous ray.” 陆坤低声道:“所以我们变化金刀的时候,在表面会时不时显化金色流光,在这种流光的掩饰下,他们只觉得这是宝物自发的光芒。” Moreover their time attention, around Myriad Poisons Pool, are impossible to notice us, Little Jin, you use the golden flowing light to cover up, try spirit ears divine ability, this deep pool bottom is impossible to exceed your eavesdropping on range.” “而且他们此时的注意力,都在万毒潭周围,不可能注意到我们,小金,你用金色流光遮掩,试试灵耳神通,这个潭底不可能超过你的探听范围。” Good!” “好!” Afterward behind Xiao Linsheng that the golden short sword surface, the golden flowing light of circulation, constituted an outline of ear indistinctly, appear and disappear from time to time, seems like generally this deep pool bottom insect that the golden flowing light naturally produces to be many, but also the somewhat strange marine animals, in the water also contain natural restriction that is similar to outside poisonous miasma, spirit ears divine ability receives some hindrance. ” 随后萧林生背后的那把金色短刀表面,流转的金色流光,隐隐约约构成了一个耳朵的轮廓,时隐时现,就好像是金色流光自然产生的一般这个潭底的虫子不少啊,还有些怪异的水兽,水中也蕴含一种类似于外面毒瘴的天然禁制,灵耳神通收到一些阻碍。” Outside formation is not simple, under its impediment, I can only induce to Myriad Poisons Pool outside 200 li (0.5 km) range, actually this deep pool bottom is not deep, only then more than 6000 zhang (3.33 m), well, the bottom also really has a broken vestige.” “外面的法阵不简单,在其阻隔下,我只能感应到万毒潭外两百里范围,倒是这潭底不深,只有六千多丈,咦,底部还真有个残破遗迹。” What's wrong, induces to the Jian Chen trail?” “如何,有没有感应到剑尘的踪迹?” That broken vestige seems like a collapse main hall, some surroundings actually restriction, but many gaps and breakages, but inside seems what people not to have.” Some Little Jin puzzled say/way. “那个残破的遗迹像是一个倒塌的大殿,周围倒是有些禁制,但有不少缺口和破损,可里面好像什么人都没有。”小金有些困惑道。 Jian Chen not in?” 剑尘不在?” In Lu Kun heart slightly one startled, asked: That can sword spirit wisp investigate.” 陆坤心中微微一惊,又问道:“那一缕剑灵能不能探查到。” Little Jin listened to a meeting with rapt attention, seemed discovered anything, light well said: Has the essence qi flow sound, under making me listen respectfully carefully, the bottom water current in the essence qi interference, has a slight vortex.” 小金又凝神听了一会,好似发现了什么,轻咦道:“有元气流动的声音,让我仔细聆听下,底部水流在元气的干扰性,产生一种轻微的旋涡。” Induced, broken sword tip, card in a crevice, well, waited......” “感应到了,有一个残破的剑尖,卡在一处石缝中,咦,等等……” At this time, the Little Jin sound became somewhat is suddenly dignified: Lu Kun, near sword tip, the fluctuation of water current is somewhat different, has a lifeform to hide in side.” 这时候,小金的声音忽然变得有些凝重起来:“陆坤,剑尖边上,有一处水流的波动有些不同,有个生物隐藏在旁边。” Jian Chen?” 剑尘?” No, shape that the water current outlined, was not Human Clan......” “不,水流勾勒出的形状,不是人族……” ( https://) (https://) First decides a small target, for example 1 second remembers: The book lives in a strange or foreign place the cell phone version reading website: 先定个小目标,比如一秒记住:书客居手机版阅读网址:
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