AAMD :: Volume #23

#2230: The collective escapes! The prestige of Yuan magnetic field territory! Greatly

God illustrious eyes that the space-based ball erupts, not only submerged void of nearby big piece, black hole complete coverage of that center. 天基球爆发的神光耀眼至极,不仅淹没了附近大片的虚空,更是将那中心处的黑洞完全覆盖。 In this god light/only, nearby void, in addition makes people unable to see clearly, do not say that center black hole. 在这神光之下,附近的虚空尚且让人无法看清,更不要说那中心处的黑洞了。 Therefore this moment people besides the sound that hearing that bone La Demon Venerable leaves behind, anything cannot see, does not dare to approach that region. 所以此刻众人除了听到那骨喇魔尊留下的声音之外,什么都看不见,也不敢靠近那片区域。 The space-based ball erupts Yuan magnetic god light/only What kind might, the people are well aware. 天基球爆发出的【元磁神光】何等威力,众人心知肚明。 Before the mechanical clan powerhouses contended by the space-based ball and blood group 12 blood spirit bodies, that and other invincible mights sufficiently with destroying the day extinguished described. 之前机械族强者以天基球与血族的十二血灵身抗衡,那等神威足以用毁天灭地来形容。 Attack that now this day base ball erupts, although could not have achieved the beforehand that might, but also makes Martial Artist on the scene feel to dread sufficiently. 如今这天基球爆发的攻击,虽然还达不到之前那种威力,但是也足以让在场的武者感到忌惮。 Even the immortal level exists, feared that does not dare easily to approach that god of journeys light. 甚至连不朽级存在,怕是都不敢轻易靠近那道神光。 The star meteor revering vision flashes, the eyeground seems the strange ray to flash, decided is looking at that by the black hole region that the Yuan magnetism god light/only covers, as if can see situation. 星陨尊者目光一闪,眼底似有奇异的光芒在闪动,定定的望着那被元磁神光所覆盖的黑洞区域,似乎能够看到其中的情形。 The next quarter, his vision concentrates, resembles somewhat unwillingly, but also has no alternative. 下一刻,他目光微凝,似有些不甘,但却又无可奈何。 Even if his immortal level revering, does not dare to withstand Yuan magnetism god's bombardment light/only like this directly. 即便是他这样的不朽级尊者,也是不敢正面承受元磁神光的轰击。 If the total victory period, actually fortunately. 如果是全胜时期,倒是还好。 But after having experienced high-intensity fight continually, his strength ten 34 cannot display continually, do not say that his mechanical body has been damaged seriously. 但经历过连番的高强度战斗之后,他的实力连十之三四都发挥不出,更不要说他的机械身躯已经受创严重。 Otherwise previously also being insufficient made bone La Demon Venerable easily escape. 要不然先前也不至于让骨喇魔尊轻易逃脱。 The method of opposite party is truly impressive, but as immortal level revering, he is impossible to block continually cannot block the opposite party. 对方的手段确实令人惊叹,但身为不朽级尊者,他不可能连拦都拦不住对方。 Another side, in the Wang Teng eye also flashes through together the purple gold colored light glow, the vision is also staring at that black hole region. 另一边,王腾眼中亦是闪过一道紫金色光芒,目光同样盯着那黑洞区域。 Actually he also wants to act a moment ago, method that but bone La Mozu this time uses, is quite truly good, moreover made one be caught off guard completely. 其实他刚才也想出手来着,但是骨喇魔族此次所施展的手段,确实极为不俗,而且完全令人措手不及。 In him the instance that wants to make a move, that black hole has transmitted bone La Demon Venerable, and twisted all around space. 在他欲要出手的瞬间,那黑洞早已将骨喇魔尊传送走,并且扭曲了四周的空间。 Therefore even by his space talent, still prevents radically without enough time. 因此就算以他的空间天赋,也根本来不及阻止。 Ruins hole!” “墟洞!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart could not bear talk to oneself. 王腾目光一闪,心中忍不住自语了一声。 This is the method that bone La Demon Venerable just now uses, now he also hears its real name, saw its appearance/portrait. 这就是骨喇魔尊方才所施展的手段,如今他也算是闻其真名,见其真容了。 Ruins...... are the ruins of perishing bone, the hole, is the hole of space!” “墟……乃亡骨之墟,洞,为空间之洞!” This Fighting technique lives up to reputation actually!” “这门战技倒是名不虚传啊!” Although Wang Teng had not obtained this Fighting technique attribute air bubble, but has actually seen through its essence. 王腾虽然还未得到这门战技的属性气泡,但却已然看穿了其本质。 This to other Martial Artist, is not possibly easy, but Wang Teng here, actually not difficult matter. 这对其他武者来说,可能没有那么容易,但在王腾这里,却并非什么难事。 Has Pupil of True Sight The assistance, in addition he attainments in space, seeing through a space is the Fighting technique essence, pouring is not any strange matter. 有着【真视之瞳】的辅助,加上他在空间上的造诣,看穿一门空间系战技的本质,倒也不算什么奇怪的事情。 It seems like it should draw support from the coordinates of ruins of perishing bone, can so smooth withdrawing.” “看来它应该是借助了亡骨之墟的坐标,才能如此顺利的脱身。” „Before never expected that pulls back from the ruins of perishing bone it, finally it depended upon the ruins of perishing bone to escape, but also really cannot underestimate any high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist.” “没想到之前将它从亡骨之墟拉了回来,最终它还是依靠亡骨之墟逃脱了出去,还真是不能小看任何一个上位魔尊级存在啊。” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, the static waiting that Yuan magnetic god might of is only gradually dissipating to go. 王腾目光闪烁,静静的等待着那元磁神光的威力逐渐消散而去。 Although in his heart is somewhat regrettable, cannot keep that bone La Demon Venerable, but to present this situation, has nothing puzzled. 他心中虽然有些遗憾,不能将那骨喇魔尊留下来,但到了如今这个地步,也没什么好纠结的了。 Must be insane not to need too heavily. 得失心无需太重。 This war, can achieve so the situation, is the biggest success. 这一场大战,能够做到如此地步,已经算是最大的成功。 He has also done utmost. 他也已经竭尽全力了。 Performs the maximum effort, will then not be any regret. 尽自己最大的努力,便不会留下任何遗憾。 Therefore regarding fleeing of that bone La Demon Venerable, he how is actually not able to accept, at most is somewhat uncomfortable. 所以对于那骨喇魔尊的逃离,其实他并没有多么无法接受,顶多就是有些不爽而已。 Meanwhile, during these remaining Dark Species actually fell into completely despaired, now bone La Demon Venerable ran away, what to do can they? 与此同时,那些剩下的黑暗种却是完全陷入了绝望之中,如今骨喇魔尊逃走了,它们可怎么办? Dark Species of leader different race, all stagnated at this moment same place in...... is completely scared! 一头头不同种族的黑暗种,此刻全都凝滞在原地……完全傻眼了! And has other races Dark Species incessantly, many bone spirit clan Dark Species. 其中不止有其他种族的黑暗种,更有不少骨灵族黑暗种 Obviously, bone La Demon Venerable abandoned including own same clan, let alone is its irrelevant race. 很显然,骨喇魔尊连自己的同族都抛弃了,何况是与其毫不相关的种族。 They know that oneself had no chance completely. 它们知道自己完全没有希望了。 Therefore all Dark Species on the scene, all turn around to escape at this moment, no longer pesters with bright universe Martial Artist radically. 于是在场的所有黑暗种,此刻全都转身就逃,根本不再与光明宇宙武者纠缠。 That appearance that clamps the tail to escape, where also has the beforehand least bit to be rampant, their least bit sound has not even sent out, is considering only the crazy escape. 那副夹着尾巴逃跑的模样,哪里还有之前的半点嚣张,它们甚至连半点声音都没有发出,只顾着疯狂逃命了。 All around bright universe Martial Artist stayed. 四周的光明宇宙武者不由的呆了一下。 Their attention originally light/only and collision of ruins hole attract by the Yuan magnetism god, simply will not have surplus Dark Species to be serious. 他们的注意力原本都被元磁神光与墟洞的碰撞所吸引,根本没有将剩余的黑暗种当回事。 Who once wants to be hesitation of such flash, these Dark Species turned around to run at this time unexpectedly, moreover clamped the tail to escape collectively. 谁曾想不过是这么一瞬间的迟疑,这些黑暗种竟然在这个时候转身就跑,而且还是集体夹着尾巴逃跑。 This style was simply entirely different from the Dark Species past style! 这画风简直与黑暗种往日的行事风格截然不同! Blocks them!” “拦住它们!” Who does not know is, suddenly explodes drinks one, awakens all bright universe Martial Artist fiercely. 不知是谁,突然爆喝一声,猛地将所有光明宇宙武者惊醒。 „! These Dark Species want to run unexpectedly!” “靠!这些黑暗种竟然想跑!” Do not let them run, pursues!” “别让它们跑了,追!” Kills! Do not let escape any Dark Species!” “杀!不要放跑任何一头黑暗种!” ...... …… Bright universe Martial Artist responded immediately, pursued toward these Dark Species, while spread explodes the sound of drinking. 一个个光明宇宙武者顿时反应过来,一边朝着那些黑暗种追去,一边传出爆喝之声。 Star meteor revering, ram Yu and other immortal levels exist to turn the head to look, in the eye appears suddenly cold light. 星陨尊者,公羊裕等不朽级存在转头看去,眼中骤然浮现出一丝寒光。 Strikes to kill all Dark Species!” “击杀所有黑暗种!” The next quarter, the ice-cold sound spreads from the star meteor revering mouth together. 下一刻,一道冰冷的声音从星陨尊者口中传出。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… The immortal levels of bright universe exist vanish in instantaneously same place, was directly void across the big piece, intercepts in these Dark Species dead ahead. 一个个光明宇宙的不朽级存在瞬间消失在原地,径直穿过大片虚空,拦截在了那些黑暗种的正前方。 The powerful incomparable aura exists from these immortal levels erupts, sweeps across toward front Dark Species. 强大无比的气息从这些不朽级存在身上爆发,朝着前方的黑暗种席卷而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… However is the flash, massive Dark Species explode in void, changes to the blood fog one after another. 不过是一刹那,大量的黑暗种在虚空中爆开,化作一团又一团的血雾。 These Dark Species strengths mostly below the high-rank demon sovereign level, cannot resist the energy impact that the immortal level has. 这些黑暗种的实力大多是在上位魔皇级以下,根本抵挡不住不朽级存在的能量冲击。 Only several survivals Demon Venerable level Dark Species, in addition can resist the attack that these bright universe immortal levels have. 唯有几头幸存的魔尊黑暗种,尚且能够抵挡这些光明宇宙不朽级存在的攻击。 However they do not want to pester, at this moment does not have to fight intent, only wants to escape. 但是它们根本就不想纠缠,此刻早已没有了战意,只想逃命。 Therefore when they in the immortal level of bright universe exist appears, then directly transformed the direction, flees toward other positions. 所以它们在光明宇宙的不朽级存在出现之时,便直接转变了方向,朝着其他位置遁走。 These Demon Venerable level Dark Species are various methods, oneself strongest escape method will display. 这些魔尊黑暗种可谓是各施手段,将自己最强的逃命手段都施展了出来。 Perhaps the dispersion opens, changes black light, toward speeds away to go in all directions. 或是分散而开,化作黑光,朝着四面八方疾驰而去。 Perhaps changes to the black fog, escapes void into. 或是化作黑雾,遁入虚空。 Also or the body is illusory, integrates void, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 亦或是身躯虚幻,融入虚空,瞬间消失不见。 ...... …… This leader different race the method of Demon Venerable level Dark Species seriously is all sorts of strange and unusual, at this moment simultaneously displays, dazzling. 这一头头不同种族的魔尊黑暗种的手段当真是千奇百怪,此刻同时施展而出,令人眼花缭乱。 Let alone stops them, sees through these methods, must to spend many energy. 别说是阻拦它们,就是看穿这些手段,都要让人花费诸多精力。 Even if the bright universe immortal level exists, feared that is unable to decode these Dark Species escape methods instantaneously. 哪怕是光明宇宙的不朽级存在,怕是都无法瞬间将这些黑暗种的逃命手段破解。 Therefore was seeing instance that leader Demon Venerable level Dark Species various uses/gives Shouduan escape, the immortal level on the scene exists is some hesitations is uncertain, is unable to start. 所以在看到那一头头魔尊黑暗种各施手段逃命的瞬间,在场的不朽级存在都是有些踌躇不定,无从下手。 However they are the immortal level exist, the method is astonishing, then reacted quickly, erupts the strongest method respectively, goes toward these Dark Species Demon Venerable bombardments. 不过他们好歹是不朽级存在,手段惊人,很快便做出了反应,各自爆发出最强手段,朝着那些黑暗种魔尊轰击而去。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Fierce bellows resound immediately, many Demon Venerable level Dark Species black light, the black fog, was all obliterated to go. 一道道剧烈的轰鸣声顿时响起,有不少魔尊黑暗种所化的黑光,黑雾等,俱是被磨灭而去。 But still has many black light, the black fog, continued crazily runs away to go toward void of distant place, will soon be separated from the surrounding range that the bright universe immortal level has. 但依然有不少的黑光,黑雾等,继续疯狂的朝着更远处的虚空逃遁而去,即将脱离光明宇宙不朽级存在的包围范围。 At this time, star meteor revering acted. 这时,星陨尊者出手了。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying golden spear/gun glow from the distant place erupts, but, just like golden curtain of rain, shelling during a piece was void. 恐怖的金色枪芒从远处爆发而至,宛如金色的雨幕,轰击在了一片虚空之中。 The sad and shrill pitiful yell sound resounds immediately. 凄厉的惨叫声顿时响起。 That piece void collapses directly, has the blood fog to blow out, fills the big piece region, was full of the smell of blood and thick dark meaning, the invasion is void. 那片虚空径直崩溃,其中更是有血雾爆出,弥漫大片区域,充满了血腥味与浓浓的黑暗之意,侵染虚空。 „!” Wang Teng exclaims in surprise one. “啧!”王腾不由惊叹一声。 This star meteor revering is really powerful, even if the body is wounded seriously, still can still erupt the so strong might, the direct second killed a low-rank Demon Venerable level to exist. 这星陨尊者果然强大,即便身躯受创严重,也依然能够爆发出如此强大的威力,直接秒杀了一头下位魔尊级存在。 During his clear seeing, that is void has idle fog clan Dark Species to be strangled to death directly, the strength of all sources were obliterated by the golden spear/gun glow, does not have the possibility of life certainly. 他清楚的看到,那虚空之中有一头惰雾族黑暗种径直被绞杀,所有的本源之力都被金色枪芒磨灭,绝无活命的可能。 Therefore he will be shocked. 所以他才会如此震惊。 The strength of immortal level revering, made one unable to estimate. 不朽级尊者的实力,着实令人无法揣摩。 However...... 不过…… Wang Teng looked to void of distant place, the brow wrinkled, many Demon Venerable level Dark Species will soon flee. 王腾又看向远处的虚空,眉头不由皱了起来,还有不少魔尊黑暗种即将逃离。 If not block promptly, today feared that really must make them run away smoothly. 如果不及时拦住,今日怕是真要让它们顺利逃走了。 Ran away bone La Demon Venerable also even, if also made these common Demon Venerable level Dark Species escape, that was really the massive loss. 逃走一个骨喇魔尊也就算了,如果还让这些寻常的魔尊黑暗种逃掉,那真是巨大的损失。 „To walk!” In the Wang Teng eye the cold light twinkle, in the mind the train of thought revolve like lightning, is pondering the law of decoding. “想走!”王腾眼中寒光闪烁,脑海中思绪电转,思考着破解之法。 If solely is Demon Venerable level Dark Species, he has the means to constrain him actually. 如果单单是一头魔尊黑暗种,他倒是有办法将其拖住。 In addition star meteor revering, constrains 2-3 Demon Venerable level Dark Species absolutely not to have the issue. 再加上星陨尊者,拖住2-3头魔尊黑暗种绝对没问题。 But now actually several Demon Venerable level Dark Species also run away. 但如今却有好几头魔尊黑暗种同时逃走。 Even if he and star meteor revering also begins, is impossible to intercept all of a sudden them, definitely part of Demon Venerable level Dark Species will flee. 就算他和星陨尊者同时动手,也不可能一下子将它们全都拦截下来,必然会有一部分魔尊黑暗种逃离。 In the meantime, in his mind the sudden miraculous glow flashes, thought of anything. 就在此时,他脑海中突然灵光一闪,想到了什么。 The Wang Teng vision framed immediately above the space-based ball of distant place, nowadays needs to reply in that day the strength of base ball. 王腾的目光顿时定格在了远处的天基球之上,现如今还是需要借助那天基球的力量。 Star weapon king senior, surrounds them with the Yuan magnetic field territory, quickly!” “星械王前辈,用元磁场域困住它们,快!” He not slightly hesitant, immediately loudly shouts, reminder star weapon king. 他没有丝毫犹豫,立刻大喝一声,提醒星械王。 Experienced the beforehand fight, star weapon king and Wang Teng has trained a tacit understanding. 经历过之前的战斗,星械王和王腾早已培养出了一丝默契。 Otherwise before Wang Teng opening the mouth let they shell the ruins hole, he does not immediately respond, then aims at the ruins hole the direction of attack of space-based ball instantaneously. 否则之前王腾开口让他们轰击墟洞之时,他也不会立刻就反应过来,瞬间便将天基球的攻击方向对准墟洞。 In fact, if before is not , the situation is urgent, and method that bone La Demon Venerable uses is unexpected, making one handle to guard, by the star weapon king own judgment , can definitely determine the goal of attack is that ruins hole. 实际上,如果不是之前情况紧急,且那骨喇魔尊施展的手段出人意料,让人措不及防,凭借星械王自身的判断,完全可以确定攻击的目标就是那墟洞。 Because of the specialness of situation, he did not have first to respond at that time. 但是因为当时情况的特殊,他才没有第一时间反应过来。 Also is the Wang Teng prompt reminder, but he trusts Wang Teng extremely, this will be reacting instantaneously, thus gives that bone La Demon Venerable to hit hard one time. 也就是王腾及时提醒,而他又对王腾极为信任,这才会在瞬间做出反应,从而给予那骨喇魔尊一次重击。 If defers to the star weapon king own judgment, it is estimated that is very difficult the bone La Demon Venerable severe wound. 如果是按照星械王自己的判断,估计很难将骨喇魔尊重伤。 Therefore at this moment hears the reminder of Wang Teng, the star weapon king even/including least bit does not have hesitant, then stimulated to movement the space-based ball directly. 所以此刻听到王腾的提醒,星械王连半点犹豫都没有,直接便催动了天基球。 Bang! 轰! A huge unusual field territory spreads from the space-based ball immediately, among the divergence big piece region, covers all Demon Venerable level Dark Species. 一座庞大的奇特场域顿时从天基球之中扩散而出,辐散大片区域,将所有的魔尊黑暗种笼罩其内。 Yuan magnetism domain! 元磁领域! Moreover besides the domain strength, in this territory contains the strength of powerful incomparable source principle, even is the immortal strength. 而且除了领域力量之外,这场域之中更是蕴含着强大无比的本源法则之力,甚至是不朽之力。 When strange mysterious symbol Wintons appears above void, just like brand mark above general. 一道道奇异玄奥的符文顿时浮现于虚空之上,宛如烙印其上一般。 Invisible strength immediately from spreads. 无形的力量顿时从其中扩散而出。 In an instant, that leader Demon Venerable level Dark Species the energy body stagnates immediately in same place, black light, or the black fog, was all surrounded, seemed like framed generally, is unable to get rid suddenly unexpectedly from that unusual field territory. 刹那间,那一头头魔尊黑暗种所化的能量体顿时凝滞在原地,无论是黑光,亦或是黑雾等,全都被困住,就像是被定格了一般,一时间竟是无法从那奇特场域之中摆脱出去。 If these energy bodies is a whole, the strength that the only space-based ball divergence has, is unable easily to surround it absolutely. 如果这些能量体是一个整体,单凭天基球辐散出的力量,绝对无法轻易将其困住。 But now these Demon Venerable level Dark Species will break up the whole into parts, the spread in energy opens, is equivalent to own strength also to disperse. 但如今那些魔尊黑暗种将自身化整为零,能量分散而开,相当于自身的力量也随之分散。 Therefore when facing field territory that this day base ball divergence has, the energy bodies of these Demon Venerable level Dark Species were surrounded immediately. 所以面对这天基球辐散出的场域之时,这些魔尊黑暗种的能量体顿时就被困住。 Wang Teng then saw this point, makes the star weapon king use the space-based ball the special Yuan magnetic field territory to surround these energy bodies. 王腾便是看准了这一点,才让星械王动用天基球的特殊元磁场域困住这些能量体。 He has bumped into many similar situations, very clear these Dark Species escaping methods. 他碰到过很多次类似的情况,很清楚这些黑暗种的逃跑手段。 Their escape methods are truly strange, once breaks up the whole into parts, eliminates very much difficultly completely. 它们的逃命手段确实非常诡异,一旦化整为零,很难完全消灭。 But so method, does not have the flaw. 但如此手段,也并非毫无缺陷。 At least in they disperse, own strength will also be affected, is impossible to maintain the complete strength. 起码在它们分散之时,自身的实力也会受到影响,根本不可能维持自身完整的实力。 But the Yuan magnetic domain of space-based ball can draw support from void exactly the field territory, the divergence big piece is void, is a special field territory of wide scope. 而天基球的元磁领域恰恰可以借助虚空中的场域,辐散大片虚空,是一种大范围的特殊场域。 No matter what the energy body dispersions of these Demon Venerable level Dark Species are innumerable, will decide will be stranded by this special Yuan magnetic field territory. 任那些魔尊黑暗种的能量体分散无数,也定会被这特殊的元磁场域所困。 Obviously, the idea of Wang Teng has no issue. 很显然,王腾的想法没有任何问题。 Begins!” “动手!” At this time, Wang Teng saw that these energy bodies were surrounded, immediately the vision flashes, drinks to make noise greatly, reminder star meteor revering and the others began. 此时,王腾看到那些能量体被困住,顿时目光一闪,大喝出声,提醒星陨尊者等人动手。 By field territory anchorage these Demon Venerable level Dark Species books is principal one unexpectedly, waits for them to respond, definitely also has other ways to run away. 以场域定住这些魔尊黑暗种本就是主打一个出其不意,等它们反应过来,肯定还有其他方式可以逃走。 Therefore must fight a battle to force a quick decision! 所以必须速战速决! Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! But in the instance that the Wang Teng voice drops, he also begins instantaneously, three groups of entirely different flame from his within the body eruption, take away as many things as possible toward the distant place void. 而在王腾话音落下的瞬间,他自身也是瞬间动手,三团截然不同的火焰从他的体内爆发而出,朝着远处虚空席卷而去。 Sapphire colored glaze flame! 青玉琉璃焰! Ten thousand beast really spirit flame! 万兽真灵焰! Bright ceremonial fire! 光明圣火! These three types of the world different fires also start, immediately made the big piece change to the sea of fire void, energy bodies were burnt to extinguish fast, cannot run away. 这三种天地异火同时发动,顿时令大片虚空化作了火海,一道道能量体被快速焚灭,根本逃不出去。 Kills!” “杀!” These immortal levels exist also to respond instantaneously, explodes drinks one, attacks to go toward the energy body that in void appears crazily. 那些不朽级存在也瞬间反应过来,爆喝一声,朝着虚空中浮现出的能量体狂攻而去。 The star meteor revering vision flashes, similarly has not been idling, the hand being hit glow erupts, strangles to death to obliterate the energy body of big piece. 星陨尊者目光一闪,同样没闲着,手中枪芒爆发,将大片的能量体绞杀磨灭。 Roar!” “吼!” Damn, how can like this!” “该死,怎么会这样!” How...... the main body will fall from the sky in this, the main body is unwilling!” “啊……本尊怎会陨落于此,本尊不甘啊!” ...... …… Suddenly, the intermittent sad and shrill and unwilling angry roaring sound spreads from various void places, reverberation continuous, infiltration person especially. 一时间,阵阵凄厉而不甘的怒吼声从虚空各处传出,回荡不休,格外的渗人。 However bright universe Martial Artist actually rouse, never expected that has the opportunity to strike to kill these Demon Venerable level Dark Species in this today unexpectedly all, this seriously is exciting. 但是光明宇宙武者们却振奋不已,没想到今日居然有机会将这些魔尊黑暗种尽数击杀于此,这当真是大快人心。
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