AAMD :: Volume #23

#2229: The main body is unwilling! Ruins hole! Bone La Demon Venerable

Chapter 2229 main body...... is unwilling! Ruins hole! Bone La Demon Venerable runs away!( Sought subscription) 第2229章本尊……不甘啊!墟洞!骨喇魔尊逃走!(求订阅) Wang Teng does not know that the people are thinking anything, this moment vision looked to void of distant place, in the eye revealed cold light. 王腾并不知道众人在想什么,此刻目光望向了远处的一片虚空,眼中露出一丝寒光。 Bone La Demon Venerable! 骨喇魔尊 Bone La Demon Venerable that was insufferably arrogant, now is to actually fall into the extremely uncomfortable place. 原本不可一世的骨喇魔尊,如今却是陷入极为尴尬的境地。 Its vigorously wants to hide own existence feeling, what a pity actually cannot achieve. 它极力的想要隐藏自身的存在感,可惜却根本做不到。 The dark aura, to hardly with feels richly specially, can clear detection. 其一身的黑暗气息,浓郁到几乎不用特意去感受,都能够清晰的察觉到。 Its existence, such as sunspot on a white paper, striking incomparable. 它的存在,就如一张白纸上的黑点,醒目无比。 When one such as bright universe Martial Artist falls into the ruins of perishing bone, on them the bright aura also cannot hide, has no place to go radically. 一如光明宇宙武者落入亡骨之墟时,他们身上的光明气息同样是掩藏不住,根本无处可逃。 All these, are being the geomancy transfer in turn! 这一切,正可谓是风水轮流转! The bright universe Martial Artist most difficult time has passed by, now should this bone La Demon Venerable startled and fears. 光明宇宙武者最为艰难的时刻已经过去,如今该这骨喇魔尊惊慌与恐惧了。 ! 唰! All bright universe Martial Artist were also neat looking to bone La Demon Venerable, in that vision contains the cold chill in the air impressively, infiltrated the person extremely. 所有的光明宇宙武者也是齐刷刷的望向了骨喇魔尊,那目光之中赫然蕴含着浓浓的冷冽寒意,极为渗人。 „......” “……” The bone La Demon Venerable whole person hemp, the whole body was not comfortable, wish turned around on the impulsion of escaping. 骨喇魔尊整个人都麻了,浑身不自在,有一种想要转身就逃的冲动。 MMP it was too difficult! MMP它太难了! Did the excellent situation, how turn into this obviously a moment ago in an instant? 明明刚才还是大好局面,怎么一转眼就变成了这样? Pit father! 坑爹啊! It looked to Wang Teng of distant place, in the heart angry, was depressed and helpless, simply aggrieved wanted to spit blood. 它不由望向了远处的王腾,心中既是愤怒,又是郁闷和无奈,简直憋屈的想要吐血。 What evildoer/monstrous talent is this bright universe Heaven's Chosen? 这个光明宇宙天骄到底是个什么妖孽啊? Why his Territory Lord Level can Martial Artist actually achieve so the situation? 为什么他一个域主级武者竟然能够做到如此地步? Intended to be defeated including several demon god Sirs, finally unexpectedly was broken two void overlapping, the method, simply was so incredible. 连数位魔神大人出手都失败了,最终居然还是被打破了两界虚空的重迭,如此手段,简直令人难以置信。 Actually let alone is bright universe Martial Artist, even it thinks that does not understand what finally exactly had? 其实别说是光明宇宙武者,连它都想不明白最后到底发生了什么? Will the purple black backdrop that bone demon tree displays finally why collapse suddenly? 那骨魔树最后施展的紫黑色天幕为何会突然崩溃? And why does that explode the broken energy to charge into void beside the space rune/symbol writing chains? 并且那爆碎的能量又为何会冲向虚空之外的空间符文锁链? All these make it feel puzzled. 这一切都让它感到不解。 But a little, is actually without a doubt! 但有一点,却是毋庸置疑! That is...... all these inevitably is related with Wang Teng! 那就是……这一切必然与王腾有关! Thinks with the bright universe people, bone La Demon Venerable is also recognized that all these are related with Wang Teng. 与光明宇宙众人所想一样,骨喇魔尊也是认定这一切都与王腾有关。 How after all regardless to see, in this does not have existence of third person. 毕竟无论怎么看,这里面都没有第三个人的存在。 Bone La Demon Venerable, it seems like...... you defeated finally!” Wang Teng notices the vision of opposite party, the corners of the mouth exudes the curve that teased, cannot help but light says with a smile. “骨喇魔尊,看来最终还是……你们败了啊!”王腾注意到对方的目光,嘴角泛起一丝戏谑的弧度,不由得淡淡一笑道。 Bone La Demon Venerable is silent, vision ice-cold incomparable is staring at Wang Teng. 骨喇魔尊沉默,目光冰冷无比的盯着王腾 If the look can kill people, at this moment it had killed a lot of Wang Teng. 如果眼神可以杀人,此刻它已是将王腾杀了千百遍。 What a pity it knows that now is impossible to kill the opposite party, before such situation could not kill him, let alone is now. 可惜它知道现在已经不可能杀得了对方了,之前那样的情况都杀不了他,更何况是现在。 That bright universe powerhouse eyes covetously to it, how it also possibly has the opportunity to act to Wang Teng again. 那一个个光明宇宙强者都对它虎视眈眈,它又怎么可能再有机会对王腾出手。 One type as intense raises in the bone La Demon Venerable heart as the powerless feeling of extreme. 一种强烈到极点的无力感在骨喇魔尊心中升起。 Before, in its heart has raised the feeling of similar being incapable, but did not have so to be at this moment intense. 之前,它心中就已经升起过类似的无力之感,但却没有此刻这般强烈。 Bone La Demon Venerable is very clear, they have truly been defeated at this moment completely, were unable to save the situation, does not have any opportunity. 骨喇魔尊很清楚,此时此刻它们确确实实已经完全落败,无力回天了,根本没有任何机会。 At this moment, it realized finally the beforehand blood group had understood feeling. 这一刻,它终于体会到了之前血族所体会过的感受。 The blood group is defeated, is not they are too weak, but was this bright universe had/left different kind. 血族落败,不是它们太弱,而是这光明宇宙出了一个异类啊。 Now this different kind, caused being defeated of their bone spirit clan. 如今这个异类,也导致了它们骨灵族的落败。 Seriously is people are just the victims of fate! 当真是造化弄人! Main body...... is unwilling!” “本尊……不甘啊!” A spooky sigh spreads from the bone La Demon Venerable mouth, it stares at Wang Teng stubbornly, in the tone is not mincing matter the meaning of that thick being unwilling, but has not denied this time being defeated. 一声幽幽的叹息从骨喇魔尊口中传出,它死死盯着王腾,语气中毫不掩饰那浓浓的不甘之意,但却并未否认这次的落败。 Defeated defeated! 败了就是败了! Exists as the high-rank Demon Venerable level, it can admit oneself failure. 身为上位魔尊级存在,它可以承认自己的失败。 Lived it such long years, the failure is not fearful, what is only fearful is...... it loses to a weak many bright universe Heaven's Chosen unexpectedly. 活了它这么长的岁月,失败早已没有那么可怕,唯一可怕的是……它竟然败给一个比自己弱很多很多的光明宇宙天骄。 This is the matter that it is unable to accept truly. 这才是它真正无法接受的事情。 Obviously, in the eye of bone La Demon Venerable, oneself does not lose to others, but lost to this bright universe Heaven's Chosen Wang Teng. 很显然,在骨喇魔尊的眼中,自己并非败给了其他人,而是败给了这个光明宇宙天骄王腾 Although it does not want to acknowledge, but in the heart had actually accepted this fact subconsciously, otherwise is not the extent that to be unwilling. 它虽然不想承认,但心中其实已经下意识的接受了这个事实,否则不至于如此不甘。 Ram Yu, star weapon king and the others looked at each other one, in the heart was somewhat accidental. 公羊裕,星械王等人不禁对视了一眼,心中有些意外。 This bone La Demon Venerable actually acknowledged oneself defeated! 这个骨喇魔尊竟然承认自己败了! It is not really easy. 真是不容易。 However this also makes in their hearts relax again, this bone La Demon Venerable is willing to admit the failure, it seems like that this fights also truly arrived at this/should conclusion the time. 不过这也让他们心中再次松了口气,这骨喇魔尊愿意承认失败,看来这一战也确实到了该结束的时候了。 Main body has a question.” Bone La Demon Venerable opens the mouth to say suddenly. “本尊有一个疑问。”骨喇魔尊突然开口道。 Looked, in you acknowledged that in share of failure, asked that I look at the mood reply.” Wang Teng light say/way. “看在你承认失败的份上,问吧,我看心情回答。”王腾淡淡道。 „......” Bone La Demon Venerable falls into immediately speechless. “……”骨喇魔尊顿时陷入无言。 What is called looked, in you did acknowledge in the share of failure? 什么叫做“看在你承认失败的份上”? Especially the boy was too rather rampant! 特么的这小子未免太嚣张了点! Moreover unexpectedly must look at the mood to reply how he does not ascend the sky. 而且居然还要看心情回答,他怎么不上天。 Goes too far simply. 简直欺人太甚。 If not the situation does not permit, bone La Demon Venerable really wishes one could to rush to him a lesson, how to endure such humiliation. 如果不是情况不允许,骨喇魔尊真恨不得冲上去给他一个教训,岂会忍受这样的屈辱。 To know the answer, it...... endured! 但是为了知道答案,它还是……忍了! „The purple black backdrop that bone demon tree displays, how do you break?” Bone La Demon Venerable did not know in the heart deeply attracted several tones, calmed down, asked. “那骨魔树施展的紫黑色天幕,你是如何打破的?”骨喇魔尊不知在心中深吸了几口气,才冷静下来,问道。 ~ originally is this issue.” A Wang Teng appearance suddenly said. “哦~原来是这个问题啊。”王腾一副恍然的样子道。 Star meteor revering, star weapon king and the others also came the spirit immediately, looked at Wang Teng one, waits for his reply. 星陨尊者,星械王等人也顿时来了精神,不由看了王腾一眼,等待他的回答。 Bone La Demon Venerable vision twinkle, decided looks at Wang Teng. 骨喇魔尊目光闪烁,定定的看着王腾 You guess!” “你猜!” However at this time, in the Wang Teng mouth actually put out two characters. 然而这时,王腾口中却只是吐出两个字来。 Star meteor revering: „......” 星陨尊者:“……” star weapon king: „......” 星械王:“……” Ram Yu: „......” 公羊裕:“……” Bone La Demon Venerable: „......” 骨喇魔尊:“……” Everyone gawked, immediately speechless looks at Wang Teng, this fellow really bad very much, will not reply honestly. 所有人都是愣了一下,随即无语的看着王腾,这家伙果然恶劣的很,根本就不会老老实实的回答。 Also right, before Wang Teng did so secret, deciding however is the extremely important card in a hand, is naturally impossible easily to tell bone La Demon Venerable. 也对,王腾之前做的如此隐秘,定然是极为重要的底牌,自然不可能轻易告诉骨喇魔尊 You!” The anger in the bone La Demon Venerable heart with great difficulty being suppressed, could not bear brave at this moment. “你!”骨喇魔尊心中好不容易被压制下去的怒火,此刻又忍不住冒了出来。 This bright universe Heaven's Chosen is hateful as always, it should not to its hold a ray of hope. 这个光明宇宙天骄还是一如既往的可恶,它就不该对其抱有一丝希望。 If is not really curious, it will not be many this one to ask. 如果不是实在对此非常好奇,它根本不会多此一问。 Now all want to vanish, bone La Demon Venerable does not plan to pester again, it looked to void of distant place, in the middle of the vision was full of the deathly stillness. 现在一切希望消失,骨喇魔尊已经不打算再纠缠下去,它望向远处的虚空,目光当中充满了死寂。 This universe must fall into my Dark World hand sooner or later, you cannot escape, present struggling delays some time of demise.” “这座宇宙迟早要落入我黑暗世界手中,你们逃不掉的,现在的挣扎不过是延缓一些灭亡的时间罢了。” The indifferent sound spreads from its mouth, reverberation unrestrained/no trace of politeness in void, seems announcing anything. 冷漠的声音从它口中传出,毫不客气的回荡在虚空之中,仿佛在宣告着什么。 All around bright universe Martial Artist hears word, in the heart sinks, the heart raises an ominous premonition. 四周的光明宇宙武者闻言,心中不禁一沉,心底升起一丝不祥的预感。 This Dark Species what meaning? 这头黑暗种什么意思? Its words seem like intent to refer, let in the person heart anxious. 它的话语似乎意有所指,让人心中不安。 If were others said that this words, they will only snort contemptuously, but this word was to actually stem from mouth of the high-rank Demon Venerable level, was beyond control they not to attach great importance. 如果是其他人说这种话,他们只会嗤之以鼻,但此言却是出自一位上位魔尊级之口,由不得他们不重视。 Sometimes is so. 有时候就是如此。 clear(ly) engaged in introspection is very uncomfortable, but actually has to come from Dark Species few words to take down these, the careful analysis, discovered some clue. 明明心中很不爽,但却又不得不将这些来自黑暗种的只言片语记下,细细分析,从中找出些许的端倪。 Looks very absurd, but the fact is actually so, the past history has proven this point. 看起来很荒唐,但事实却是如此,以往的历史已经证明了这一点。 Has many times, bright universe then because of Dark Species a few words, but made fully the preparation, this can block the Dark Species offensive in the most crucial time. 有很多次,光明宇宙便是因为黑暗种的一句话,而做足了准备,这才能在最关键的时刻挡住黑暗种的攻势。 If they do not attach great importance, perhaps absolutely did not have the present bright universe, before the innumerable years feared that was destroyed. 如果他们不为之重视,恐怕根本就没有现在的光明宇宙了,早在无数岁月前怕是就已经被毁灭。 Can't escape?” However Wang Teng actually laughs at one, said lightly: These words you before me do not know how many times said that have succeeded several times?” “逃不掉?”不过王腾对此却只是嗤笑一声,淡淡道:“这句话你们在我面前不知说了多少次,又有几次成功过?” He thinks, said: ! Probably doesn't have one time?” 他想了想,又道:“唔!好像一次都没有吧?” „???” Bone La Demon Venerable was choked, the mood of just fermenting somewhat could not stretch immediately. “???”骨喇魔尊被噎了一下,刚刚酝酿出的情绪顿时就有些绷不住了。 Suddenly has a type of attire to compel inadequately instead by the misconception of grass is the fertilizer four? 突然有种装逼不成反被草的错觉是怎么肥四? It surprised uncertain looks at Wang Teng, this boy is the pure tooth point mouth advantage, is really general as he said? 它惊疑不定的看着王腾,这小子是纯粹的牙尖嘴利,还是真的都如他所说的一般? However recalled an experience of opposite party carefully, as if really...... so! 但是仔细回想了一下对方的经历,似乎真的……如此! Suddenly, in the heart of bone La Demon Venerable is somewhat embarrassed, mood depressed to the extreme. 一时间,骨喇魔尊的心中有些难堪起来,心情郁闷到了极点。 The star weapon king, ram Yu and the others looked at Wang Teng, looked at bone La Demon Venerable that having nothing to say in reply appearance, the vision somewhat was strange. 星械王,公羊裕等人看了看王腾,又看了看骨喇魔尊那副无言以对的样子,目光不禁有些古怪了起来。 They also think Wang Teng deeds, seemed like him to say real. 他们也想到了王腾的事迹,貌似他说的都是真的啊。 When Dark Species facing Wang Teng, all actions have not as if succeeded, all ends in failure, just like this time is the same. 黑暗种面对王腾时,所有的行动似乎都没有成功过,全都以失败告终,正如这次一样。 In people heart astonished, does not think that does not feel to have anything, now thinks, is actually surprised. 众人心中惊异,不想不觉得有什么,如今一想,倒是非常惊讶。 Wang Teng this fellow seriously is a miracle! 王腾这家伙当真是个奇迹! However they have not really been serious the Wang Teng words, after all is not everyone looks like the Wang Teng so evildoer/monstrous talent, can every defuse the dark crisis one time. 不过他们也并未将王腾的话语真的当回事,毕竟不是所有人都像王腾这般妖孽,能够每一次都化解黑暗危机。 His situation, cannot use on the average person. 他的情况,根本不能用在普通人身上。 If everyone looks like his so evildoer/monstrous talent, where also has the Dark Species matter, they had extinguished Dark Species in turn. 如果每个人都像他这般妖孽,哪里还有黑暗种的事情,他们早就反过来灭了黑暗种了。 Therefore Wang Teng these words, listen to be good. 所以王腾这些话,听听就好了。 Listens, is crisp! 听一听,还是蛮爽的! Words said that you said that should to not conceal your failure? This time is not in any case good, always time good, is this meaning?” Wang Teng doubt is sizing up bone La Demon Venerable, with a laugh asked. “话说你这么说,该不会是为了掩饰你们这次的失败吧?反正这次不行,总有一次行的呗,是这个意思吧?”王腾狐疑的打量着骨喇魔尊,笑呵呵的反问道。 „......” In the bone La Demon Venerable eye socket the soul fire jumps suddenly, the foot phalanx almost digs out the five-bedroom apartment in void. “……”骨喇魔尊眼眶内魂火骤然一跳,脚指骨都差点在虚空中抠出五室两厅。 Unexpectedly was seen through! 居然被看穿了! This damn bright universe Heaven's Chosen, is really a face does not remain. 这个该死的光明宇宙天骄,真是一点面子都不给它留啊。 MMP it was also the high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, how speaks several polite speeches, everyone did not do, is not how good to its here. MMP它好歹也是上位魔尊级存在,说几句场面话怎么了,大家不都这么干的,怎么到它这里就不行了。 Its bone La Demon Venerable does not attach great importance to face-saving? 它骨喇魔尊不要面子的吗? Star meteor revering and the others the vision were stranger, suddenly is a little awkward for this bone La Demon Venerable what's the matter? 星陨尊者等人的目光更加古怪了起来,突然有点替这骨喇魔尊尴尬是怎么回事? Meow, when can cure this especially for others awkward problem! 特喵的,什么时候才能治好这替别人尴尬的毛病! Ok, you did not need rubbish, without other methods, you then prepared to suffer to death.” A Wang Teng voice revolution, suddenly becomes extremely ice-cold. “行了,你也不用废话了,如果没有其他手段,你便准备受死吧。”王腾话音一转,突然变得极为冰冷。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… The immortal levels of bright universe have hears word, all surrounded, surrounded bone La Demon Venerable faintly. 一个个光明宇宙的不朽级存在闻言,皆是围拢了过来,将骨喇魔尊隐隐的包围了起来。 Not is only it, Dark Species that other remain, is locates under surrounding of in light universe Martial Artist. 不仅是它,还有其他残留下来的黑暗种,亦是处于光明宇宙武者的包围之下。 Although bright universe Martial Artist after experiencing the fight of ruins of beforehand perishing bone, has only been left over half is less than quantity, but actually returns to their home game now, facing Dark Species, they naturally does not instigate. 虽然光明宇宙武者在经历过之前亡骨之墟的战斗之后,已经只剩下一半不到的数量,但如今却是回到了他们的主场之中,面对黑暗种,他们自然是丝毫不怂了。 Therefore at this moment they surround Dark Species, has a crushing type imposing manner unexpectedly. 所以此刻他们包围黑暗种,竟有一种压倒式般的气势。 These Dark Species all facial colors change, in the eye revealed the flurried meaning, in the heart raised a desperate feeling. 这些黑暗种全都面色一变,眼中纷纷露出慌乱之意,心中不由升起了一丝绝望之感。 Before was rampant in the ruins of perishing bone, now in the bright universe, then has is panic-stricken and flurried. 之前在亡骨之墟有多么嚣张,如今在光明宇宙,便有多么的惊恐与慌乱。 Everyone had not discovered, present they, act with the Wang Teng words completely, has a trend led by him. 只是所有人都没有发现,如今的他们,完全是随着王腾的话语而行动,颇有一种以他为首的趋势。 This is without doubt inconceivable. 这无疑非常不可思议。 On the scene has many immortal levels to exist, even star meteor revering this immortal level revering, they did not have the opinion finally unexpectedly, completely appearance headed by Wang Teng. 在场可是有着不少不朽级存在,甚至还有星陨尊者这位不朽级尊者,结果他们居然都没有意见,一副完全以王腾为首的样子。 If were seen so the situation by the bystander, opening mouth that it is estimated that must shock. 如果被外人看到如此情形,估计都要震惊的张大嘴巴。 You could not kill the main body.” “你们杀不了本尊。” Bone La Demon Venerable looks all around, does not see flurriedly, is only extremely light saying. 骨喇魔尊环顾一圈,丝毫不见慌乱,只是极为平淡的说道。 Killed, must try to know.” “杀不杀得了,得试试才知道。” The Wang Teng vision does not show weakness with its looking at each other, smiles lightly, but the next quarter, his light words then transform suddenly, for sonic boom drinks: 王腾目光毫不示弱的与其对视,淡淡一笑,但下一刻,他那平淡的话语便陡然转化为了一声爆喝: Kills!” “杀!” Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In an instant, bellows from erupt in all directions. 刹那间,一道道轰鸣声从四面八方爆发而出。 Star meteor revering, the star weapon king and other immortal levels exist erupts all, besieges to go toward bone La Demon Venerable. 星陨尊者,星械王等不朽级存在尽数爆发,朝着骨喇魔尊围攻而去。 Other bright universe Martial Artist are takes out the compounded drug to swallow, then also killed to all around Dark Species, such as hit the chicken blood to be the same, as if has forgotten exhausted. 其他的光明宇宙武者更是取出丹药吞下,而后同样是杀向了四周的黑暗种,如打了鸡血一般,仿佛已经忘记了身上的疲惫。 Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” Kills!” “杀!” Fill to kill exploding of intent to drink the sound to resound through void, just like must submerge all sounds, obviously in these bright universe Martial Artist hearts has anger how. 一声声充满杀意的爆喝声响彻虚空,宛如要将一切声音都淹没,可见这些光明宇宙武者心中有多么的愤怒。 Bang! 轰隆! Star meteor revering acts, the golden long spear/gun erupts the endless spear/gun glow, seals collar bone La Demon Venerable all around region. 星陨尊者出手,金色长枪爆发出无尽的枪芒,封锁骨喇魔尊四周的区域。 The star weapon king has not actually approached, he took out the space-based ball, makes its float in void. 星械王却并未靠近,他重新取出了天基球,让其悬浮于虚空。 Ten, neat! 十颗,整整齐齐! In an instant, these ten space-based balls transformed the position. 刹那间,这十颗天基球转变了方位。 And a biggest space-based ball situated in the central location, other nine space-based balls surrounds in the flank, formed a giant ring. 其中最大的一颗天基球位于中心位置,其余九颗天基球环绕于外侧,形成了一个巨大的圆环。 Buzz! 嗡! Together extremely fierce buzz the whining noise resounds through void, spreads to the ear of each bright universe Martial Artist and in Dark Species. 紧接着一道极为剧烈的嗡鸣声响彻虚空,传入每一个光明宇宙武者黑暗种的耳中。 Shivers void! 虚空为之颤动! An extremely special invisible field territory the ring that forms from that day base ball spreads immediately, sweeps away void, covers in which everyone. 一座极为特殊的无形场域顿时从那天基球形成的圆环之中扩散而出,横扫虚空,将所有人笼罩其中。 Suddenly, in remote void has the ray to reappear, then just like the flowing light general gathering. 突然间,遥远的虚空之中有着光芒浮现,进而犹如流光一般汇聚而来。 Even in instance that ray presents, void seems like the special energies to appear, similarly gathers toward that ten spheres. 甚至在那光芒出现的瞬间,虚空中似乎有一股特殊的能量出现,同样是朝着那十颗圆球聚集。 Bone La Demon Venerable felt immediately the intense threat, its vision could not bear look to that ten space-based ball, the soul fire in eye socket beat fiercely. 骨喇魔尊顿时感觉到了强烈的威胁,它的目光忍不住看向那十颗天基球,眼眶内的魂火剧烈的跳动了一下。 What a pity at this time it must facing the attack of star meteor revering, have no time to attend to other things radically. 可惜此时它还要面对星陨尊者的攻击,根本无暇他顾。 At this moment, offensive and defensive changed/easy Xing! 此刻,攻守易形! In the middle of the ruins of perishing bone, had the advantage bone La Demon Venerable, at this moment falls to be passive during completely. 在亡骨之墟当中,原本处于优势地位的骨喇魔尊,此刻完全落入被动之中。 Snort!” “哼!” Its cold snort/hum, within the body has the rich black light eruption, in the hand the bone spear pierces leaves, welcomes to the golden spear/gun glow of star meteor revering. 它冷哼一声,体内有着浓郁的黑光爆发而出,手中骨枪刺出,迎向星陨尊者的金色枪芒。 Bang! 轰隆! Crazy collision of gold/metal black two types of entirely different spear/gun glow in void, the mutual annihilation, erupts the fierce bellow, the terrifying Source Power complementary waves sweep away in all directions. 一金一黑两种截然不同的枪芒在虚空中疯狂碰撞,相互湮灭,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣声,恐怖的原力余波横扫四面八方。 Whose but bone La Demon Venerable simply does not have to pay attention to these two to attack who to be weak, after the attack of star meteor revering blocks next, its within the body suddenly has a rich black ray to erupt. 但骨喇魔尊根本没有去关注这两道攻击孰强孰弱,将星陨尊者的攻击拦下之后,它的体内突然有着一股浓郁至极的黑色光芒爆发而出。 Bang! 轰! The black ray changes to the light beam to shoot up to the sky, above the light beam has innumerable black rune/symbol writing to flash before, and changes to the rune/symbol writing chains. 黑色光芒化作光柱冲天而起,光柱之上有着无数黑色符文闪现,并化作一道道符文锁链。 The next quarter, has not waited for the star meteor revering response, the black light beam is the impact above void all around space crack. 下一刻,还不等星陨尊者反应过来,黑色光柱便已是冲击在了虚空四周的空间裂缝之上。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… The space crack that is not tranquil, explodes immediately broken, is unable to withstand the bombardment of that black light beam. 那还未平静下来的空间裂缝,顿时爆碎,根本无法承受那黑色光柱的轰击。 The strength of wild space sweeps across from the space crack of that disruption immediately, then spreads the big piece region instantaneously, making nearby Martial Artist not dare to approach, in abundance retreat. 狂暴的空间之力顿时从那碎裂的空间裂缝当中席卷而出,瞬间便扩散大片区域,让附近的武者不敢靠近,纷纷后退。 „The ruins of perishing bone- ruins hole, opens!” “亡骨之墟-墟洞,开!” The bone La Demon Venerable ice-cold sound spreads from the black light beam. 骨喇魔尊冰冷的声音从黑色光柱当中传出。 That flash, was twisted void, an illusory scene appears again, is skeleton-packed, impressively the ruins of that perishing bone. 那一瞬间,虚空被扭曲,一片虚幻的景象再次出现,白骨累累,赫然正是那亡骨之墟。 Bone La Demon Venerable displayed again 【The ruins of perishing bone, Time is only these somewhat was different. 骨喇魔尊再次施展出了【亡骨之墟】,只是这一次却有些不同。 It do not summon the ruins of real perishing bone to arrive, but was the use 【The ruins of perishing bone Another ability. 它并非要召唤真实的亡骨之墟降临,而是动用了【亡骨之墟】的另一种能力。 As its voice falls, the space of that disruption presented strange one. 随着其话音落下,那碎裂的空间出现了诡异的一幕。 The strength of space gathered in the illusory scene of ruins of that perishing bone unexpectedly, later twists revolves, fast changes to a pitch-dark vortex. 空间之力竟是在那亡骨之墟的虚幻景象当中聚集了起来,随后扭曲旋转,快速的化作一个黑漆漆的旋涡。 That scene, such as presented a large cave/hole in void. 那副景象,如在虚空中出现了一个大洞。 That was......” Wang Teng looked, cannot help but the vision congealed. “那是……”王腾看了过来,不由得目光一凝。 That pitch-dark vortex radically is a space channel! 那黑漆漆的旋涡根本就是一个空间通道啊! Bone La Demon Venerable unexpectedly by 【The ruins of perishing bone Fighting technique, made a connection with a space channel forcefully. 骨喇魔尊竟然以【亡骨之墟】战技,硬生生打通了一个空间通道。 How is this possible?! 这怎么可能?! He obtains 【The ruins of perishing bone In the middle of Fighting technique, may not have the related explanation and inheritance of this strength, bone La did Demon Venerable also hide one? 他所得到的【亡骨之墟】战技当中,可没有此种力量的相关说明与传承,难道骨喇魔尊还藏了一手? Blocks it quickly, this is the space channel, it must run away.” “快拦住它,这是空间通道,它要逃走。” Wang Teng also thinks at this time without enough time, immediately explodes toward star meteor revering drinks one. 王腾此时也来不及多想,立刻朝着星陨尊者爆喝一声。 Star meteor revering sees the emergence of that black vortex, detected was not right, this moment hears word, the direct violent rushes over, wants to block bone La Demon Venerable. 星陨尊者看到那黑色旋涡的出现,本就察觉到了不对,此刻闻言,更是直接暴冲了过去,想要将骨喇魔尊拦下。 Main body has said that you cannot block the main body!” “本尊说过,你们拦不住本尊!” Bone La Demon Venerable has not looked to star meteor revering, its vision instead penetrates from the black light beam, decided is looking at Wang Teng, the light opens the mouth said. 骨喇魔尊并没有看向星陨尊者,它的目光反而是从黑色光柱之内穿透而出,定定的望着王腾,淡淡开口道。 Bang! 轰! A star meteor revering word has not sent, the speed rises dramatically suddenly, is the direct penetration is unexpectedly void, arrived at beyond bone La Demon Venerable front several kilometers. 星陨尊者一言未发,速度骤然暴增,竟是直接穿透虚空,来到了骨喇魔尊面前数千米之外。 In the long spear/gun of terrifying spear/gun glow erupts from his hand together, is dozens zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously. 一道恐怖的枪芒从他手中的长枪之上爆发,瞬间便达到数十丈长。 Innumerable rune/symbol writing chains winding above spear/gun glow, as the long spear pierces leaves, crash-bang makes noise, sends out the extremely powerful power and influence. 无数符文锁链缠绕在枪芒之上,随着长枪刺出,哗啦作响,散发出极为强悍的威势。 Void was pierced directly, the spear/gun glow vanishes, when appears again already in front of bone La Demon Venerable. 虚空径直被洞穿,枪芒消失,再出现时已是在骨喇魔尊面前。 „!” “呵!” Sneers from the black light beam spreads. 一声冷笑从黑色光柱之中传出。 Titter! 噗嗤! The spear/gun glow shells immediately above that black light beam, innumerable rune/symbol writing disrupts, then the black light beam was pierced. 枪芒顿时轰击在那道黑色光柱之上,无数符文碎裂,而后黑色光柱被洞穿。 No matter Wang Teng, star meteor revering, the complexion is quite dignified. 然而不管是王腾,还是星陨尊者,面色都极为凝重。 Because they saw impressively, in that black light beam had lost the bone La Demon Venerable form, it vanished. 因为他们赫然看到,那黑色光柱之中早已失去了骨喇魔尊的身影,它消失了。 Bang! 轰! At this time, the space-based ball can finish sufficiently, the dazzling holy white ray the ring that composed from that day base ball erupts, in strange light just like world, dazzling, shone void. 这时,天基球充能完毕,耀眼圣洁的白色光芒从那天基球组成的圆环之中爆发而出,宛如天地间的奇光,璀璨夺目,照耀虚空。 Shells that black vortex.” Wang Teng loudly shouted hastily. “轰击那黑色旋涡。”王腾连忙大喝道。 ! 唰! In an instant, a ray just like the peerless divine blade, imitates, if the unsurpassed Saint sword, plunders from base ball ring of that day, the direct impact black vortex goes. 刹那间,一道光芒犹如绝世神刀,又仿若无上圣剑,从那天基球圆环中掠出,直冲黑色旋涡而去。 Bang! 轰隆! Is the flash, this from the space-based ball pillages, but ray, is the bombardment above that black large cave/hole, erupts loudly the loud sound. 仅仅是一瞬间,这道从天基球当中暴掠而出的光芒,便已是轰击在了那黑色大洞之上,爆发出轰然巨响。 „......” “啊……” In that loud sound, is faint has the sad and shrill pitiful yell sound to spread together, the reverberation is void. 在那巨响当中,隐隐间有着一道凄厉的惨叫声传出,回荡虚空。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” Wang Teng, the main body remembered you.” 王腾,本尊记住你了。” This sound was submerged by that fierce bellow finally, vanishes thoroughly. 这道声音最终被那剧烈的轰鸣声淹没,彻底消失。 „! This, has not to have new idea a little each time.” In Wang Teng heart helpless, it seems like that bone La Demon Venerable ran finally, he curls the lip, cannot bear complain one. “切!每次都这样,有没有点新意。”王腾心中无奈,看来那骨喇魔尊最终还是跑了,他不由撇了撇嘴,忍不住吐槽了一句。
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