AAMD :: Volume #23

#2228: What relations this person and does the bone demon tree have? Guesses

What relations Chapter 2228 this person and does the bone demon tree have? Guess! I have not left! The skeleton clone! 第2228章此人与骨魔树有什么关系?猜测!我可没有离开啊!骸骨分身! „, I bring home you......!” “诸位,我带你们……回家!” The Wang Teng sound also reverberates near the people ear, is coordinating front the familiar incomparable scene again, the people accepted this fact finally gradually. 王腾的声音还回荡于众人耳边,再配合着面前熟悉无比的景象,众人终于渐渐接受了这个事实。 They really came back! 他们真的回来了! Returned to the bright universe! 回到了光明宇宙之中! That boundless skeleton completely all vanishes, but the deathly stillness the dark aura also no longer lingers in the people heart finally, making them cannot help but relax greatly. 那茫茫的骸骨尽皆消失,死寂而黑暗的气息也终于不再萦绕于众人心头,让他们不由得大松了口气。 In the Wang Teng heart also relaxes slightly. 王腾心中也是微微松了口气。 Finally success! 终于成功了啊! All these, are really are not quite easy. 这一切,真是相当不容易了。 Who can think of him to re-enter the bright universe, paid many effort, almost can with going all out to describe. 谁能想到他为了重回光明宇宙,到底付出了多少的努力,几乎可以用拼命来形容了。 A person faces bone demon tree that and other terrifying demon god levels to exist alone, thinks to make people feel desperate. 一个人独自面对骨魔树那等恐怖的魔神级存在,想想就让人感到绝望。 But he actually has to. 但他却不得不为。 At this time with the mood relaxes slightly, in the Wang Teng heart moves slightly, thinks when leaves the ruins of perishing bone, reverberation in Erbian last voice. 此时随着心情略微放松下来,王腾心中又是微微一动,想到了离开亡骨之墟时,回荡于耳边的最后一道声音。 Goes back, when you return to the ruins of perishing bone again, then seeks me again.” “回去吧,当你再次回到亡骨之墟时,便再来寻我。” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, is recalling these words, in the heart is somewhat astonished. 王腾目光闪烁,回忆着这句话,心中有些惊异。 The opposite party let his return to the ruins of perishing bone next time, then seeks him, this is affirmed that he will return to the ruins of perishing bone again? 对方让他下一次回到亡骨之墟,便去寻他,这是肯定他会再次回到亡骨之墟吗? So the trust in him, doing him somewhat was embarrassed. 如此信任于他,搞得他都有些不好意思了。 The ruins of perishing bone take the restricted area of bone spirit clan, the common person can enter can it be that casually. 亡骨之墟作为骨灵族的禁地,岂是寻常人可以随随便便进入的。 Moreover where the opposite party has not told Wang Teng to go to seek him. 而且对方也没有告诉王腾要去哪里寻他。 Wang Teng somewhat is immediately speechless, did these powerhouses like speaking half? 王腾顿时有些无语,这些强者都喜欢说话说一半吗? At that time although the time was very tight, but also was insufficient even/including Juhua unable to say. 当时虽然时间很紧迫,但也不至于连句话都说不完吧。 Intentionally! 故意的! The opposite party certainly are intentionally! 对方一定是故意的! Must cover up, more evident powerhouse style. 非得遮遮掩掩,才更凸显强者风范是吧。 In the Wang Teng heart complained ruthlessly, then cannot bear whisper: Is it possible that next time can also seek that bone demon tree?” 王腾心中狠狠吐槽了一番,而后又忍不住嘀咕道:“莫非下次还要去寻那骨魔树?” By the present, he actually also guessed correctly, opposite party likely in bone demon tree...... within the body! 到了现在,他其实也猜到,对方很可能就在骨魔树……体内! Otherwise the opposite party is impossible to disturb the strength of bone demon tree twice. 要不然对方不可能两次干扰骨魔树的力量。 Especially behind that time, can make the bone demon tree unexpectedly strikes to have the problem certainly. 尤其是后面那一次,竟然可以令骨魔树的绝强一击出现问题。 Finally that purple black backdrop not only had not killed Wang Teng and bone La Demon Venerable and the others, instead becomes chief criminal who crushes rune/symbol writing chains! 最终那紫黑色天幕不但没有杀了王腾和骨喇魔尊等人,反而成为了击碎符文锁链的罪魁祸首! These void beside demon god levels exist, perhaps has not thought. 那些虚空之外的魔神级存在,恐怕也是万万没有想到。 What relations this person and does the bone demon tree have?” “此人与骨魔树有什么关系?” In the Wang Teng heart the doubt, 11 of various guesses in his mind flash through, nothing but is three possibilities. 王腾心中狐疑,各种猜测在他的脑海中一一闪过,无非就是三种可能。 The first possibility, the opposite party is Dark Species, but does not know what reason, melts with the bone demon tree, is unable to leave. 第一种可能,对方是黑暗种,但是不知什么原因,与骨魔树相融,无法离开。 The second possibility, the opposite party is the bright universe powerhouse, similarly does not know what reason, melts with the bone demon tree, or was suppressed. 第二种可能,对方是光明宇宙强者,同样是不知什么原因,与骨魔树相融,或是被镇压。 The third possibility, the opposite party perhaps is the associated spirit of bone demon tree, with a bone demon tree body double soul, has the disloyalty. 第三种可能,对方也许是骨魔树的伴生之灵,与骨魔树一体双魂,存有异心。 The Wang Teng comparison favors the following two possibilities, the first possibility feeling is not very credible. 王腾比较倾向于后面两种可能,第一种可能感觉并不是很靠谱。 Will Dark Species help them leave the ruins of perishing bone? 黑暗种会帮助他们离开亡骨之墟吗? Basically is not possible. 基本是不可能的。 Naturally, cannot completely negative, if the opposite party has a bigger scheme, has possibly helps their. 当然,也不能完全否定,对方如果有更大的图谋,也不是没可能帮他们一把。 Actually regarding some powerhouses, they keeps aloof, common bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species in their eyes, possibly does not have any difference. 其实对于一些强者来说,祂们高高在上,寻常的光明宇宙武者黑暗种在祂们眼中,可能都没有什么区别。 They will not care about the life of common life. 祂们根本不会在意寻常生灵的死活。 Therefore rescues with does not rescue, merely in them in an instant. 所以救与不救,仅仅是在祂们一念之间而已。 This situation is not only applicable to the Dark Species powerhouse, powerhouse who similarly is suitable for in light universe. 此种情况不但适用于黑暗种强者,同样适用于光明宇宙的强者。 A True God level exists, if met one crowd of ants Dark Species, is not necessarily able to place in the eye them, kills with does not kill only in them in an instant. 一个真神级存在,若是遇到了一群蝼蚁般的黑暗种,未必会将它们放在眼中,杀与不杀仅在祂们一念之间。 Naturally, to in light universe Martial Artist, Dark Species is almost existence that they must kill. 当然,对于光明宇宙武者来说,黑暗种几乎是他们必杀的存在。 If met, naturally can kill , then kills. 如果遇到了,自然是能杀则杀。 Therefore the premise...... has a bigger scheme! 所以才有一个前提……有更大的图谋! Without the selfishness, striking to kill several Dark Species is conveniently for it matter, the powerhouse of bright universe will not act parsimoniously. 若是没有私心,击杀几个黑暗种不过是随手为之的事情,光明宇宙的强者也不会吝啬出手。 Therefore Wang Teng has not ruled out the first possibility, possibly is not big, but has this possibility. 因此王腾才没有将第一种可能排除,可能不大,但不是没有这种可能。 As for second and third possibility, Wang Teng is actually partial in the former. 至于第二种和第三种可能,王腾其实更偏向于前者。 A body double soul, the probability is also very small, let alone bone demon tree this extremely rare special existence. 一体双魂,几率也很小,何况还是骨魔树这样极为稀有的特殊存在。 Is born a probability of bone demon tree to be small, if must be born a body double soul, that probability is small and small, minimal. 诞生一棵骨魔树的几率本就非常小,若是还要诞生一体双魂,那几率更是小之又小,微乎其微。 Bright universe powerhouse!” “光明宇宙强者么!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, finally the attention will frame above the second possibility. 王腾目光一闪,最终将注意力定格在了第二种可能之上。 The next quarter, he thought of anything suddenly, the corners of the mouth turn upwards a meaningful curve slightly: Does enter the ruins of perishing bone next time? No, I have not left.” 下一刻,他突然又想到了什么,嘴角微微翘起一丝意味深长的弧度:“下一次进入亡骨之墟?不,我根本就没有离开啊。” ...... …… In the ruins of perishing bone. 亡骨之墟内。 In the middle of the ruined ruins, a skeleton giant tree angrily roars crazily, the innumerable bone demon root hair moves in the midair, extending to be very far, seems seeking for anything. 破败的废墟当中,一棵骸骨巨木疯狂怒吼,无数骨魔根须在半空中甩动,延伸出去很远,似乎正在寻找着什么。 The innumerable space cracks toward spread to open in all directions, is especially fierce and terrifying. 无数空间裂缝朝着四面八方蔓延而开,格外的狰狞与恐怖。 Although the fight had ended, but under remains the influence actually not to dissipate. 尽管战斗已经结束,但残留下的影响却迟迟未曾消散。 That bone demon tree goes crazy is seeking for somebody's trail, actually has achieved nothing eventually. 那棵骨魔树发了疯似的寻找着某人的踪迹,却终究是一无所获。 Void beside, spiritual fluctuation sweeping of intermittent terrifying comes, to cover this region, finally similarly is harvestless. 虚空之外,阵阵恐怖的精神波动扫荡而来,笼罩这一片区域,最终同样是毫无收获。 All bright universe Martial Artist aura have vanished, even if they are unwilling, still has no alternative. 一切光明宇宙武者的气息都已经消失,祂们即便再不甘心,也无可奈何。 After all they are even powerful, not possible to extend the tentacle to another universe, is beyond control. 毕竟就算祂们再强大,也不可能将触手延伸到另一个宇宙去,鞭长莫及啊。 Finally these spirits fluctuate no longer sweep, but locked above that bone demon tree. 最终这些精神波动不再扫荡,而是锁定在了那棵骨魔树之上。 This made the bone demon tree peaceful, It felt the intense threat. 这让骨魔树安静了下来,祂感觉到了强烈的威胁。 If continues to make the monster to get down again, may bring in the suppression. 如果再继续作妖下去,可能会引来镇压。 Therefore It...... instigated! 于是祂……怂了! Unlike front attacks Its person, these spirits fluctuate back existence to want the terrifying more. 与前面攻击祂的人不同,这些精神波动背后的存在要恐怖很多很多。 Snort!” “哼!” Cold snort/hum transmits from void, reverberates in this stretch of the world. 一声冷哼从虚空之外传来,回荡于这片天地之中。 The bone demon tree is thorough. 骨魔树彻底沉寂。 Feigns death jpg 【装死】jpg The innumerable bone demon root hair lets fall, looked like lost the vitality, the motionless, entire bone demon tree sends out the meaning of thick deathly stillness. 无数的骨魔根须垂落下来,就像是失去了生机,一动不动,整棵骨魔树更是散发出浓浓的死寂之意。 „......” “……” These spirits fluctuate diverge finally, they have not felt embarrassed this bone demon tree. 那些精神波动最终散去,祂们并没有为难这棵骨魔树。 This after all is the wealth in ruins of perishing bone, is born with great difficulty, has a big advantage to their bone spirit clan Dark Species, therefore they are not cruel enough to extinguish it kill. 这毕竟是亡骨之墟内的财富,好不容易诞生一棵,对它们骨灵族黑暗种有着不小的好处,所以祂们也不忍心将其灭杀。 They also want to make the later generations of various clans enter this place to be informed and experienced, gain the treasure on bone demon tree trunk. 祂们还想让各族的后辈进入此地历练,获取骨魔树身上的宝贝。 In the world gradually returned to normal, only has these space cracks to heal slowly, but also requires a lot of time. 天地间逐渐恢复了平静,唯有那些空间裂缝在慢慢愈合,还需要不少时间。 From bone demon tree place about 10000 miles away, a skeleton life from distant place cautious nearness, stopped somewhere suddenly on a skeleton pile. 在距离骨魔树将近10000里之外的某处地方,一头骸骨生灵从远处小心翼翼的靠近,突然停在了一座骸骨堆上。 It stays in same place, empty eye socket the pitch-dark soul fire is beating, as if felt anything. 它停留在原地,空洞洞的眼眶内黑漆漆的魂火跳动着,似乎感受到了什么。 The next quarter, it lowered the head to dig crazily, dug four to disperse the skeleton in ground. 下一刻,它低头疯狂的刨了起来,将地面上的骸骨刨得四下飞散。 Before long, a strange black crystal stone appeared in its front, is lending the soul source aura faintly. 不一会儿,一颗奇异的黑色晶石出现在了它的面前,隐隐散发着灵魂本源气息。 It is excited immediately, then without hesitation swallows it. 它顿时激动起来,而后毫不犹豫的将其吞下。 ! 唰! This skeleton life looked like what treasure, around vigilant looking, then sped away to go toward the distant place. 这头骸骨生灵就像是得了什么宝贝,警惕的望了望四周,便朝着远处疾驰而去。 Dashed about wildly several tens of thousands of li (0.5 km) from, it stopped. 足足狂奔了数万里距离,它才停了下来。 While it must look for the safe place digestion absorbs that black crystal stone the time, the mutation suddenly appears. 正当它要找个安全的地方消化吸收那块黑色晶石的时候,异变突然出现。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… A frightened sound spreads from this skeleton life within the body, later its body then inflated instantaneously, seemed supported in a big way from the interior by anything. 一阵令人惊悚的声音从这头骸骨生灵体内传出,随后它的身躯便是瞬间膨胀了起来,仿佛被什么东西从内部撑大。 But impressively that frightened sound, its bone friction produces. 而那令人惊悚的声响,赫然正是它的骨头摩擦所产生的。 Roar! 吼! The mutation, made this skeleton life alarmed and afraid, cannot help but exuded the intermittent roar. 如此异变,令这头骸骨生灵惊惧不已,不由得发出阵阵吼声。 Its body sways back and forth in the ground crazily, struggles unceasingly, tries to divulge in within the body sudden wild energy. 它的身躯在地面上疯狂打滚,不断挣扎,试图将体内突然出现的狂暴能量宣泄出去。 What a pity is unproductive. 可惜不过是徒劳而已。 The energy of in within the body erupts instantaneously, rumbles, then broke open its body directly. 其体内的能量瞬间爆发,轰一声,便径直撑破了它的身躯。 The bone of this skeleton life whole body explodes immediately breaks to pieces to open, toward shot in all directions, even the skeleton life, still decides at this moment however is dying cannot die again. 这头骸骨生灵浑身的骨头顿时爆碎而开,朝着四面八方倒射了出去,就算是骸骨生灵,此刻也定然是死的不能再死了。 As the body of this skeleton life explodes broken, before that black crystal stone appeared from its within the body, appearance that has not damaged unexpectedly slightly. 而随着这头骸骨生灵的身躯爆碎,之前那颗黑色晶石从其体内浮现而出,竟是丝毫未损的样子。 At this time, the black crystal stone sends out the rich black ray, changes to black silk thread windings above the crystal stone, interweaves mutually, then extends. 此时,黑色晶石散发出浓郁的黑色光芒,化作一道道黑色丝线缠绕在晶石之上,相互交织,而后延伸出去。 ke ke ke...... 碦碦碦…… Given that black silk thread, skeletons from fly in all directions, finally combined in one. 在那黑色丝线的牵引下,一块块骸骨从四面八方飞来,最终组合在了一起。 The innumerable black silk threads twine these skeletons all, seems experiencing some transformation to be the same. 无数黑色丝线将这些骸骨尽数缠绕,仿佛正在经历某种改造一般。 Quick, the black silk thread integrates in that skeleton completely, a paint black skeleton of not eye is condenses. 很快,黑色丝线完全融入那骸骨之中,一具不怎么起眼的漆黑色骷髅便已是凝聚而出。 But after losing the support of that black ray, this skeleton then fell slowly, lies low in the skeleton pile. 而失去那黑色光芒的支撑后,这具骷髅便缓缓落下,平躺在了骸骨堆之中。 This skeleton is not big, the height and build all are common Human Race not different, skeleton that after looking like Human Race died, stays behind. 这具骷髅并不算多么高大,身高与体型皆是与寻常人族无异,就像是一个人族死亡后留下的骸骨。 At this moment, it that static lying down on the ground, in the eye socket has the soul fire to ignite later suddenly, that soul fire rotates slightly. 此刻,它就那么静静的躺在地上,随后眼眶内突然有着魂火燃起,紧接着那魂火又微微转动起来。 Is such flash, this skeleton the thing transformation from one for the life body, truly had the life. 仅仅是这么一瞬间,这具骷髅就从一具死物转化为了生命体,真真正正的拥有了生命。 This is without doubt inconceivable. 这无疑非常不可思议。 Obviously is the common skeleton combination, is actually transforming for the life body instantaneously, is ordinary just like the divine creative force. 明明不过是寻常的骸骨组合而成,却在瞬间转化为了生命体,宛如造物一般。 Naturally, this decides however is unable to compare with the true divine creative force. 当然,这定然无法与真正的造物相比。 But was also astonishing enough. 但也足够惊人了。 After all is no one can make the thing have the life. 毕竟不是谁都能够让死物拥有生命的。 This skeleton just had the life, as if also some do not adapt, its head ka ka rotation, stupid looking to all around. 这具骷髅刚刚拥有生命,似乎还有些不适应,它的脑袋咔咔转动,呆头呆脑的望向四周。 ~ “呵~” The next quarter, a meaning unclear chuckle spreads from this paint black skeleton mouth, having one to be hoarse and low and deep, sound that as if the bone rubs. 下一刻,一声意味不明的轻笑从这头漆黑色骷髅口中传出,带着一丝沙哑与低沉,仿佛骨头摩擦出的声音。 It lowers the head to size up oneself body, in the eye has two groups of strange paint black soul fires to beat, appears nimble and resourceful incomparable, especially strange. 它低头打量着自己的身躯,眼中有着两团诡异的漆黑色魂火在跳动,显得灵动无比,格外奇异。 Has not thought that condenses in this manner clone, unexpectedly can also be successful!” “没想到以这种方式凝聚分身,居然也能够成功!” Muttered in his heart resounds, actually no one can hear. 一声喃喃自语在其心中响起,却无人能够听到。 Clone that very obviously, this paint black skeleton, Wang Teng condenses. 很显然,这一具漆黑色骷髅,正是王腾所凝聚的分身。 He before leaving the ruins of perishing bone, then before space method the demon source crystal stone obtained, hides, in set up in the middle of skeleton pile a ten thousand li (0.5 km) away from the bone demon. 他在离开亡骨之墟前,便用空间手段将之前得到的魔源晶石,藏在了距离骨魔树万里之外的一处骸骨堆当中。 From beginning to end, no one detects his petty action, does not know that this means anything. 从始至终,都无人察觉到他这个小动作,也不会知道这意味着什么。 But this is the method that Wang Teng leaves behind. 而这就是王腾留下的手段。 He left behind oneself strength in the demon source crystal stone ahead of time, only need its stimulation, then be able after departure, to condense one clone in the ruins of this perishing bone. 他提前在魔源晶石内留下了自己的力量,只需将其激发,便可以在离开之后,于这亡骨之墟内凝聚出一具分身。 This method is he when the bone demon tree condenses the skeleton outer covering body thinks that has not thought of unexpectedly really the success. 这个方法是他在骨魔树内部凝聚出骸骨外壳身躯时想到的,没想到竟真的成功了。 At this moment, this skeleton clone to look to the direction that the bone demon tree was , the vision flashes slightly, in the eye revealed a strange color. 此时此刻,这具骸骨分身望向了骨魔树所在的方向,目光微微一闪,眼中露出了一丝诡异之色。 Hehe, can anyone of you think of me also here?” “嘿嘿,你们谁能想到我还在这里?” ! 唰! The next quarter, it is the figure flashes, changes to together the black flowing light, speeds away to go in the direction toward the bone demon tree. 下一刻,它便是身形一闪,化作一道黑色流光,朝着骨魔树所在方向疾驰而去。 Now not worries again, was the time explores well the restricted area of this bone spirit clan! 如今再无牵挂,是时候好好探索一下这骨灵族的禁地了! ...... …… Bright universe. 光明宇宙。 After initial pleasant surprise, remaining bright universe Martial Artist are responds, looked to Wang Teng, the look was complex. 经过最初的惊喜之后,剩下的光明宇宙武者都是反应过来,纷纷望向了王腾,眼神复杂。 Has grateful, shocks, has the admiration...... 有感激,有震撼,亦有敬佩…… Now recalls again beforehand, in their hearts is still not able to be tranquil. 如今再回想之前的一幕幕,他们心中仍然是无法平静下来。 Too strong! 太强了! This Wang Teng, was too strong! 这个王腾,实在太强了! This powerful, does not refer to the strength, but refers to his method with planning. 这种强悍,不是指实力,而是指他的手段与谋划。 In that case, actually can also lead them to return to the bright universe, so the method really made one unable to imagine. 在那样的情况下,竟然还能够带他们回到光明宇宙,这般手段实在令人无法想象。 No one knows how he makes that purple black backdrop collapse finally, and beside the space rune/symbol writing chains impact toward void goes. 谁也不知道他最终是如何让那紫黑色天幕崩溃,并朝着虚空之外的空间符文锁链冲击而去。 That, seriously is complete went beyond everyone's expectation. 那一幕,当真是完完全全的超出了所有人的预料。 As for is the Wang Teng behavior, they have not suspected. 至于是不是王腾所为,他们根本就没有怀疑过。 Except for Wang Teng, but who can also be? 除了王腾,还能是谁? Also can be that bone demon sets up itself inadequately? 难道还能是那骨魔树自己不成? Do not crack a joke, that bone demon tree wished one could to kill Wang Teng, how also possibly to help them leave the ruins of perishing bone. 别开玩笑了,那骨魔树恨不得杀了王腾,又怎么可能帮助他们离开亡骨之墟。 Moreover in the next quarter of that purple black backdrop impact space rune/symbol writing chains, Wang Teng then took out the mechanical cinders eye directly, and erupts instantaneously. 而且在那紫黑色天幕冲击空间符文锁链的下一刻,王腾便直接取出了机械烬眼,并瞬间爆发。 The so perfect seamless engagement, is the coincidence is inadequate. 如此完美的无缝衔接,难道是巧合不成。 Is impossible! 不可能! Is absolutely impossible! 绝对不可能! The mechanical cinders eye wants to save the sufficient energy, required a lot of time, Wang Teng obviously has prepare. 机械烬眼想要积蓄足够的能量,需要不少时间,王腾明显是早就有所准备的。 Therefore, all these all, surely are the Wang Teng behaviors, absolutely possibly is not others! 所以,这一切的一切,必定是王腾所为,绝对不可能是其他人! If Wang Teng knows that their ideas, will certainly tell them...... 王腾如果知道他们的想法,一定会告诉他们…… Everyone misunderstood , is not he does, he does not have such strong method! 大家误会了,真的,不是他干的,他没这么强的手段啊! What a pity even if at this moment said that it is estimated that still no one believes. 可惜此刻就算说出来,估计也没人相信。 Star meteor revering, the star weapon king, ram Yu and other immortal levels exists is also deep looks at Wang Teng, in the heart vibrates, thorough is still not tranquil. 星陨尊者,星械王,公羊裕等不朽级存在亦是深深的看着王腾,心中震动不已,至今都还未彻底平静下来。 This fellow is really gives the person to bring the pleasant surprise time and time again! 这家伙真是一次又一次给人带来惊喜啊! That mechanical cinders eye has not played the proper role in the beforehand fight, but actually played the important role a moment ago, poured does not calculate that buried the prestige of this cinders ore weapon. 那机械烬眼在之前的战斗中没有发挥出应有的作用,但刚才却是起到了至关重要的作用,倒也不算埋没了这件烬矿兵器的威名。 Really, this mechanical cinders eye places the body of Wang Teng, can play its true might. 果然,这机械烬眼放在王腾的身上,才能够发挥出其真正的威力。 Star meteor revering, the powerhouses of star weapon king these mechanical clans, think in the heart at this time secretly, even somewhat rejoiced. 星陨尊者,星械王这些机械族的强者,此时不由在心中暗暗想到,甚至有些庆幸了起来。
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