AAMD :: Volume #23

#2227 Part 2: The source of 2224 th combustion core! Purple black

But is this character, actually such as a signal, initiated the huge mutation. 但就是这一个字,却如一个信号,引发了巨大的异变。 Bang! 轰! The vibration of that purple black backdrop no indication, above innumerable rune/symbol writing flashes suddenly, then starts the collapse disruption, the fierce bellow also spreads. 那紫黑色天幕毫无征兆的震动起来,其上无数符文急剧闪动,而后开始崩溃碎裂,剧烈的轰鸣声随之传出。 Roar! 吼! The angry roaring sound that the startled anger happened simultaneously together the direction that is at from the bone demon tree transmits, as if also contains an unbelievable meaning. 一道惊怒交加的怒吼声从骨魔树所在的方向传来,似乎还蕴含着一丝难以置信之意。 But it could not have changed anything. 但它已经改变不了什么。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The purple black backdrop disrupts to start suddenly, but has then been split up instantaneously, changes to the endless wild energy, counter empties on, attacked above the void beside rune/symbol writing chains. 紫黑色天幕骤然碎裂而开,不过是瞬间便已经四分五裂,化作无尽的狂暴能量,逆空而上,冲击在了虚空之外的符文锁链之上。 This purple black backdrop explodes the energy of broken forming, was extremely really terrifying. 这紫黑色天幕爆碎形成的能量,实在太过恐怖了。 Is an impact, that void above rune/symbol writing chains has then stretched loudly, then disrupts thoroughly, changes to the innumerable ray fragments four to shoot to open, simply not to the opportunity that the person responded. 仅仅是一次冲击,那虚空之上的符文锁链便已是轰然绷断,而后彻底碎裂,化作无数光芒碎片四射而开,根本没给人反应的机会。 The angry roaring sound transmits from void immediately, came from that demon gods impressively, obviously they also have not thought that will also have such situation. 怒吼声随即从虚空之外传来,赫然来自于那一尊尊魔神,显然祂们亦是没有想到还会出现这样的情况。 This went beyond their expectation completely. 这完全超出了祂们的预料。 What sent...... had?” Bone La Demon Venerable direct was ignorant, silly on the spot. “发……发生了什么?”骨喇魔尊直接懵了,傻傻愣在原地。 Is now!” “就是现在!” Meanwhile, near in the ear and heart of Wang Teng, resounded the same four characters simultaneously. 与此同时,王腾的耳边与心中,同时响起了相同的四个字。 The former came from that unknown sound. 前者来自于那未知的声音。 The latter came from he himself. 后者则是来自于他自己。 Almost in the instance that the voice drops, sees only the Wang Teng big hand to wield, a colossus then appeared in his dead ahead. 几乎就在话音落下的瞬间,只见王腾大手一挥,一个庞然大物便是出现在了他的正前方。 Mechanical cinders eye!!! 机械烬眼!!! At this moment, Wang Teng used the mechanical cinders eye eventually!!! 此时此刻,王腾终究还是动用了机械烬眼!!! Buzz! 嗡! Buzz the whining noise resounds, the endless ray erupts above the mechanical cinders eye. 嗡鸣声响起,无尽的光芒在机械烬眼之上爆发。 The complex and mysterious traces shine, in the center gathering, changes to a giant mechanical eyeball immediately, float in void, the mystical are incomparable. 一道道复杂而玄奥的纹路亮起,于中心处汇聚,随即化作一颗巨大的机械眼球,悬浮于虚空之中,神异无比。 Terrifying fluctuation of energy from sweeps away! 恐怖的能量波动从其中横扫而出! Originally in a moment ago, Wang Teng had then invested in the cinders ore in Swallowing Space this mechanical cinders eye, making its stored energy finish, on and other final eruptions. 原来早在刚才,王腾便已经在吞噬空间之内将烬矿投入了这机械烬眼之内,让其储能完毕,就等最后的爆发。 Therefore at this time, he has not needed to wait again! 所以此时,他已无需再等! Mechanical cinders eye, punctures this void!” “机械烬眼,刺破这片虚空!” In the Wang Teng eye reflects the radiant ray that mechanical cinders eye institute is sending out, the double pupil circle opens the eyes, lifts the finger/refers of hand beside toward void, in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink suddenly. 王腾眼中倒映着那机械烬眼所散发出的璀璨光芒,双眸圆睁,抬起手朝着虚空之外一指,口中陡然传出一声爆喝。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, a dazzling incomparable light beam erupts from the mechanical cinders eye, shoots up to the sky. 刹那间,一道耀眼无比的光柱从机械烬眼之中爆发而出,冲天而起。 Light beam bombardment in void above, the heavenshaking loud sound submerged all sounds, making everyone both ears deaf, cannot hear other again. 光柱轰击在了虚空之上,震天的巨响淹没了一切声音,让所有人双耳失聪,再也听不见其他。 During seeming the world falls into one piece to be silent. 好似天地陷入一片寂静之中。 Bang! 嘭! At this time, such as the glass disruption sound spread suddenly. 这时,一道如玻璃碎裂般的声音突然传出。 Is the flash, on the been split up void thorough disruption, the endless ray lowered from the vault of heaven, that is...... the star light! 仅仅是一瞬间,原本就已经四分五裂的虚空彻底碎裂,无尽的光芒从天穹之上降下,那是……星光! Two different void separates to open at this moment completely, dark is void is going far away, full is the star light void fast real...... 两座不同的虚空此刻完全分离而开,黑暗的虚空正在远去,满是星光的虚空快速真实…… „, I bring home you!” “诸位,我带你们回家!” Wang Teng looks up to above the vault, on the face appears finally a happy intent, he lowers the head, looks toward all around bright universe Martial Artist, said with a smile lightly. 王腾仰望穹顶之上,脸上终于浮现出一丝喜意,他又低头,朝着四周的光明宇宙武者看去,淡淡笑道。 The people heart shakes, in the heart emerges the wild with joy meaning immediately, in the eye is producing an inverted image that endless star light, the whole body is almost excited to shiver. 众人心头一震,心中顿时涌现出狂喜之意,眼中倒映着那无尽的星光,浑身激动得几乎要颤抖起来。 At this moment, all around boundless skeleton in empty, the endless black fog is diverging slowly, that huge bone demon tree is also vanishing...... on the inverse image itself/Ben is illusory common. 这一刻,四周茫茫的骸骨正在虚化,无尽的黑雾缓缓散去,那庞大的骨魔树亦是在消失……就像原本就是虚幻的一般。 Until vanishes without the trace thoroughly, like does not exist. 直至彻底消失无踪,如同根本就不存在。 Only has the strength of wild space around that sweeps across unceasingly, as well as that jet black profound space cracks, were telling before , has had all. 唯有那四周不断席卷的狂暴空间之力,以及那一道道漆黑深邃的空间裂缝,正在诉说着之前发生过的一切。 Suddenly, the people are completely all out of sorts. 一时间,众人尽皆失神。 They, really came back!!! 他们,真的回来了!!!
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