AAMD :: Volume #23

#2227 Part 1: The source of 2224 th combustion core! Purple black

The source of Chapter 2227's 2224 th combustion core! Purple black backdrop! I bring home you......! 第2227章第2224燃烧核心之源!紫黑色天幕!诸位,我带你们……回家! In the attack of bone La Demon Venerable is shelling comes, in the distant place sky heard the intermittent air-splitting sound. 就在骨喇魔尊的攻击正轰击而来之际,远处天空中又传来了阵阵破空声。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… Forms also appear, impressively star meteor revering, star weapon king and the others. 一道道身影随之出现,赫然正是星陨尊者,星械王等人。 In addition, the rear area even also has many other bright universe Martial Artist. 除此之外,后方甚至还有不少其他的光明宇宙武者 Although these bright universe Martial Artist slow one step, but also appears in the Wang Teng field of vision quickly, and approached rapidly. 这些光明宇宙武者虽然慢了一步,但也很快就出现在王腾的视野当中,并迅速靠近了过来。 At this moment, these bright universe Martial Artist also saw the front scene, then complete stagnation in same place, on the face reveals color with amazement. 此时此刻,这些光明宇宙武者也都是看到了前方的情景,而后全部停滞在了原地,脸上纷纷露出骇然之色。 Just now above the people top of the head suddenly presents ten thousand god of journeys locks, blocking the trim is void, they are the shock are then inexplicable. 方才众人头顶之上突然出现万道神锁,封锁整片虚空,他们便已是震惊莫名。 Now sees the so astonishing scene, shock in heart with is in the indescribable situation with amazement intensely. 如今又看到这般惊人的景象,心中的震撼与骇然更是强烈到无法形容的地步。 This was too terrifying! 这太恐怖了! A huge incomparable skeleton giant tree stands erect in this boundless white bones, as if must break open general the vault. 一棵庞大无比的骸骨巨木屹立于这茫茫白骨之中,似乎要将穹顶撑破一般。 The rich black fog fills the air in all around! 浓郁的黑雾弥漫于四周! In the sky has the tribulation thunder to surge, the bellow is lingering on faintly! 天空中更有劫雷涌动,轰鸣声不绝于耳! The terrifying energy is centered on that skeleton giant tree, toward sweeps across to open in all directions, in enormous and powerful world. 恐怖的能量以那棵骸骨巨木为中心,朝着四面八方席卷而开,浩荡天地之间。 The innumerable jet black profound space cracks spread from that center, such as the spider web, making the trim world torn to pieces. 无数漆黑深邃的空间裂缝从那中心处蔓延而出,如蜘蛛网般,让整片天地支离破碎。 So scene, no wonder can shake this stretch of the world, lets two void separations. 如此景象,难怪能够撼动这片天地,让两界虚空分离。 Are all these, really the Wang Teng behaviors? 只是这一切,真的是王腾所为吗? The people vision takes a fast look around in void, immediately then found the Wang Teng form. 众人目光在虚空中扫视,立刻便找到了王腾的身影。 However they quickly were the complexion drastic change, in the heart tied tight, as if saw any fearful picture. 但是他们很快便是面色剧变,心中紧绷了起来,仿佛看到了什么可怕的画面。 Be careful!” “小心!” Drink the sound to spread from an numerous bright universe Martial Artist mouth greatly fiercely. 一道道大喝声猛地从一众光明宇宙武者口中传出。 Sees only in void of distant place, paints the black spear/gun glow bang together to the Wang Teng form, wanting to pierce it. 只见远处的虚空中,一道漆黑色枪芒正轰向王腾的身影,欲要将其洞穿。 However people's reminder radically without enough time. 然而众人的提醒根本就来不及。 Before they arrive, that black spear/gun glow is across the sky, when they discovered, is too late completely. 在他们到来之前,那道黑色枪芒便已是横空而出,等到他们发现,完全是为时已晚。 Titter! 噗嗤! The black spear/gun glow penetrated the Wang Teng form directly, tears into shreds it instantaneously. 黑色枪芒径直穿透了王腾的身影,瞬间将其撕碎。 All bright universe Martial Artist were stares in a big way the eye all, the complexion arrived at the extreme with amazement. 所有光明宇宙武者无不是瞪大了眼睛,面色骇然到了极点。 Who can think, they just arrived at this place, then sees such a situation. 谁能想到,他们刚刚来到此地,便看到这样一幕情形。 Wang Teng is their bright universe Heaven's Chosen extremely, moreover in a moment ago, him shook this void by one's effort, making them see the hope of going home. 王腾可是他们光明宇宙的绝顶天骄,而且就在刚才,他更是以一己之力撼动了这片虚空,让他们看到了回家的希望。 But in an instant, such an extremely Heaven's Chosen, was torn into shreds the body unexpectedly. 可一转眼,这样一个绝顶天骄,居然就被撕碎了身躯。 Is this possible? 这怎么可能? No one can accept such result! 没有人可以接受这样的结果! They rather body dies, is not willing to see that such an extremely Heaven's Chosen falls from the sky in this. 他们宁可自己身死,也不愿看到这样一个绝顶天骄陨落于此。 Because Wang Teng can bring home them. 因为王腾可以带他们回家。 Without Wang Teng, they performed must bury the bone in this. 若是没有了王腾,他们尽皆要埋骨于此。 Many people in same place, the mood grief and indignation is inexplicable, cannot bear want to bellow, but is actually similar greatly stone Du in the throat, suddenly all lost the spoken language. 许多人都愣在了原地,心情悲愤莫名,忍不住想要大吼,但却又仿佛有一块大石堵在喉咙,一时间皆是失去了言语。 However, ram Yu Hexing weapon king these immortal levels exist somewhat are surprised, they do not think that Wang Teng will easily fall from the sky. 不过,公羊裕和星械王这些不朽级存在却有些惊疑,他们并不认为王腾会这么轻易陨落。 Although the present situation truly wanted the danger to be many compared with the past, they do not dare to say oneself can preserve itself in such situation. 尽管如今的情况较之以往确实都要危险很多,连他们都不敢说自己能够在这样的情况当中保全自身。 Wang Teng in the final analysis is Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, will fall from the sky is normal. 王腾说到底不过是域主级巅峰武者,会陨落再正常不过。 However by them the understanding Wang Teng, does not believe that he will easily fall from the sky. 但是以他们对王腾的了解,就是不相信他会那么轻易陨落。 This can be said as a trust! 这可以说是一种信任! But this trust, does not have the reason, forms completely unconditionally. 而这种信任,毫无理由可言,完全是无条件形成的。 Also only then on the body of Wang Teng, they will have such trust, if changes into another person, they will not have the so absurd idea. 也只有在王腾的身上,他们才会产生这样的信任,如果换成另一个人,他们根本就不会生出如此荒唐的想法。 „It is not right!” “不对!” But in the meantime, star meteor revering actually looked at bone La Demon Venerable one, suddenly opens the mouth saying: That is not the Wang Teng main body, is only together the remnant shadow.” 而就在此时,星陨尊者却是看了骨喇魔尊一眼,突然开口道:“那不是王腾的本体,只是一道残影而已。” He first arrives, therefore was once indistinct saw beforehand that at this time the complexion somewhat is strange. 他最先到来,因此曾隐约间看到了之前的那一幕,此时面色不禁有些古怪。 Wang Teng...... ran probably! 王腾好像……跑了! Therefore he is so assured, that is only a Wang Teng remnant shadow, does not have the suspicion. 所以他才如此笃定,那只是王腾的一道残影,根本不带怀疑的。 Is only the remnant shadow?!” “只是残影?!” The people is a little dumbstruck, but quick responded, on the face all reveals the color of pleasant surprise. 众人有点发懵,但很快就反应过来,脸上皆是露出惊喜之色。 Said, Wang Teng has not died! 这么说,王腾根本就没死! If were others said, they possibly will also suspect, but said that the person of these words was star meteor revering, the people naturally chose believe. 如果是其他人这么说,他们可能还会怀疑一下,但是说这句话的人是星陨尊者,众人自然都选择了相信。 Star meteor revering not possible to deceive them at such important matter. 星陨尊者也不可能在如此重要的事情上欺骗他们。 Really!” “果然!” Ram Yu Hexing weapon king and the others looked at each other one, in the heart cannot help but the secretly thought/passage. 公羊裕和星械王等人不禁对视了一眼,心中不由得暗道了一声。 Actually if not the hastiness that they come, does not use the star meteor revering reminder, they then can see the clue. 其实如果不是他们来的仓促,不用星陨尊者提醒,他们自己便能看出端倪。 What a pity one step, they simply had not seen the beforehand situation eventually late, in addition this moment that region was covered by the energy completely, is naturally hard to detect that the issue is. 可惜终究还是晚了一步,他们根本没有看到之前的情形,加上此刻那片区域完全被能量所覆盖,自然难以发觉问题所在。 At this time, the Wang Teng form trod from another side void, returned in the middle of the field of vision of people. 这时,王腾的身影从另一边的虚空当中踏出,重新回到了众人的视野当中。 At this moment, everyone felt relieved thoroughly. 这一刻,所有人都彻底放心了。 Wang Teng really live well! 王腾果然活的好好的! Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, has not waited for the people the pleasant surprise that has to bring from Wang Teng safe and sound to get back one's composure, a fierce bellow transmits suddenly. 下一刻,还不等众人从王腾安然无恙出现所带来的惊喜中回过神,一阵剧烈的轰鸣声突然传来。 That say/way the black spear/gun glow that the Wang Teng form tears into shreds, castrated the bombardment that did not reduce unexpectedly above the bone demon tree. 那道将王腾身影撕碎的黑色枪芒,竟是去势不减的轰击在了骨魔树之上。 The terrifying fluctuation of energy then submerges the bone demon tree instantaneously. 恐怖的能量波动瞬间便将骨魔树淹没。 The bone demon tree that was resisting that black and white Yin-Yang fish strength was attacked suddenly, immediately puts in order a tree is not good. 原本正在抵抗那黑白阴阳鱼力量的骨魔树突然又遭到了攻击,顿时整棵树都不好了。 Whom it incurs to annoy, attacked it? 它招谁惹谁了,一个个都来攻击它? Deceives people simply...... the tree very!! 简直欺人……树太甚!! Roar! 吼! The bone demon set up was angry, that giant face that above its body left twisted immediately, the big mouth opened, erupts sound of the heavenshaking angry roaring. 骨魔树出离的愤怒了,其身躯之上的那张巨大面孔顿时扭曲起来,大口张开,爆发出一阵震天的怒吼之声。 Bang! 轰! An extremely boundless special energy erupts from bone demon tree within the body, clearly contains the strength of dark deathly stillness, but has a rich vitality unfortunately, contradiction and mystical. 一股极为磅礴的特殊能量从骨魔树体内爆发而出,分明蕴含着黑暗死寂之力,但偏又存在一丝浓郁的生机,矛盾而又神异。 That is its...... the source of core!!! 那是它的……核心之源!!! Strange appeared. 紧接着奇异的一幕出现了。 That bone demon tree surface burnt unexpectedly bunch of another bunch of black flame, looked like has anything to help its combustion, merely was instantaneous, then wrapped its entire body. 那骨魔树表面竟然燃烧起了一簇又一簇的黑色火焰,就像是有什么东西正在助其燃烧,仅仅是瞬间,便将它的整个身躯包裹了起来。 This was......” Wang Teng stares in a big way the eye immediately, has not thought that the bone demon tree also had this grade of method. “这是……”王腾顿时瞪大了眼睛,万万没想到骨魔树还有这等手段。 Is this must do? 这是要干什么? Self-ignition? 自燃吗? Is insufficient. 不至于吧。 Wang Teng felt suddenly oneself a little are seemingly evil, unexpectedly compelled so the position this tree well forcefully, as if went too far little. 王腾突然感觉自己貌似有点邪恶,居然硬生生把这好好的一棵树逼到了如此境地,似乎太过分了一点点。 Lying trough! Is it burning the source of oneself core?!” “卧槽!它在燃烧自己的核心之源?!” Quick, Wang Teng then detected that the intention of bone demon tree, the opposite party is burning unexpectedly the source of own core, thus erupts a more powerful strength. 很快,王腾便察觉到了骨魔树的意图,对方竟是正在燃烧自己的核心之源,从而爆发出更加强大的力量。 The method, is so no different kills the enemy 1000, damages 800! 如此手段,无异于杀敌一千,自损八百! This special is a ruthless tree! 这特么是棵狠树啊! Another side, bone La Demon Venerable is also detected that the unusual condition of bone demon tree, the pupil shrank immediately, some with amazement is looking at present this. 另一边,骨喇魔尊亦是察觉到了骨魔树的异状,顿时瞳孔一缩,有些骇然的望着眼前这一幕。 Did it...... annoy this bone demon tree probably?! 它好像把这骨魔树……惹毛了?! Can say it is not intentional? 能说它不是故意的吗? This is a misunderstanding! 这就是个误会! Even if it is the high-rank Demon Venerable level, exists facing bone demon tree such demon god level level, in the heart is a bottom does not have, does not dare to resist with it hardly. 哪怕它是上位魔尊级,面对骨魔树这样的魔神级层次存在,心中也是一点底都没有,根本不敢与其硬抗。 Was suspended one by Wang Teng a moment ago, it will not attack the bone demon tree. 刚才要不是被王腾摆了一道,它根本就不会去攻击骨魔树。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The terrifying fluctuation of energy erupts from bone demon tree within the body unceasingly, sweeps across in all directions, as if must destroy all completely, frightening. 恐怖的能量波动不断从骨魔树体内爆发而出,席卷四面八方,仿佛要将一切都摧毁殆尽,让人心惊肉跳。 Wang Teng and bone La Demon Venerable does not dare to act rashly, the vision is staring at the bone demon tree stubbornly, is guarding against it then forthcoming attack. 王腾和骨喇魔尊都不敢轻举妄动了,目光死死盯着骨魔树,防备着它接下来即将爆发的攻击。 Does not need to know, this strikes is definitely terrorist. 不用想都知道,这一击肯定非常恐怖。 Wang Teng!” Star meteor revering is serious, cannot bear passes on the sound said to Wang Teng. 王腾!”星陨尊者面色凝重,忍不住对王腾传音道。 Star meteor senior!” “星陨前辈!” Wang Teng gawked, at this time notices star meteor revering and the others, in the heart somewhat is surprised, they came. 王腾愣了一下,此时才注意到星陨尊者等人,心中不禁有些惊讶,他们怎么也来了。 However at this time he does not have the time to think, immediately reminds: 不过此时他也没时间多想,立刻提醒道: Everyone, this bone demon tree is powerful, now it is burning the source of oneself core, then feared that will erupt the extremely terrifying attack!” “各位,这骨魔树非常强大,如今它正在燃烧自己的核心之源,接下来怕是会爆发出极为恐怖的攻击!” Said that then no longer pays attention to them, the vision returned on the bone demon tree trunk. 说罢便不再理会他们,目光重新回到了骨魔树身上。 Bone demon tree!” “骨魔树!” Star meteor revering and the others, although has never heard the name of this bone demon tree, but can actually feel that his body lends the powerful aura. 星陨尊者等人虽然从未听说过这骨魔树的名字,但却能够感觉到其身上散发出强大气息。 This unexpectedly is existence of demon god rank! 这竟然是一尊魔神级别的存在! Suddenly, in their hearts cannot help but vibrates. 一时间,他们心中都是不由得震动起来。 In order to let two void separations, to help them found the means of going home, Wang Teng provokes such existence of terrifying unexpectedly on own initiative. 为了让两界虚空分离,更是为了帮他们找到回家的办法,王腾居然主动去招惹这样一尊恐怖的存在。 Moreover, exists facing such a terrifying, he can insist unexpectedly now. 而且,面对这样一尊恐怖存在,他居然能够一直坚持到现在。 So method! 如此手段! So courage! 如此胆魄! Really impressive! 实在令人惊叹! They cannot think how Wang Teng does accomplish? 他们根本想不到王腾到底是如何办到的? All these give people all feeling of the magic, making the person feeling extreme is not real. 这一切无不给人一种魔幻之感,让人感觉极为的不真实。 Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist exists to contend with an demon god level not dead, if personally does not see, this who can believe? 一个域主级巅峰武者与一尊魔神级存在抗衡而不死,如果不是亲眼所见,这谁敢相信啊? All vision immediately centralized above distant place that say/way young tall and straight form, the eyeground raises a complex meaning. 所有的目光顿时都集中在了远处那道年轻挺拔的身影之上,眼底不禁升起一丝复杂之意。 Even if star meteor revering, the star weapon king such powerhouse, is unable is not moved. 哪怕是星陨尊者,星械王这样的强者,都无法不为之动容。 Little friend, you are wish let these two void separations.” At this time, before that sound appeared near the ear of Wang Teng again. “小友,你是想要让这两界虚空分离吧。”这时,之前那道声音再次出现在了王腾的耳边。 All these that very obviously, Wang Teng makes looked by the opposite party in the eye, so long as is not a blind person, perhaps knew the Wang Teng true goal. 很显然,王腾所做的这一切都被对方看在眼中,只要不是瞎子,恐怕都知道王腾的真正目的了。 Good!” This time, Wang Teng finally made the response. “不错!”这一次,王腾终于做出了回应。 He has not forgotten beforehand that. 他没有忘记之前那一幕。 When his pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish will soon hit the bone demon tree, there is another strength to join, making the eruption of bone demon tree present stagnation. 在他那一对黑白阴阳鱼即将击中骨魔树之时,有另外一股力量加入,让骨魔树的爆发出现了凝滞。 Then can compel to the bone demon tree the source of combustion core situation. 这才能将骨魔树逼到不得不燃烧核心之源的地步。 But the source of that strength, likely is the master of this sound. 而那股力量的来源,很可能便是这道声音的主人。 After all here besides the opposite party, did not have others to exist a moment ago again. 毕竟这里刚才除了对方之外,再也没有其他人存在了。 Has these demon god levels to exist to act, you already very difficult these two void separations.” That sound said slowly. “有着外界那些魔神级存在出手,你已经很难将这两界虚空分离。”那道声音缓缓道。 In the Wang Teng heart moves slightly, but has not said a word slightly, calmly waits for the opposite party following words. 王腾心中微微一动,但却丝毫没有言语,静静等待对方接下来的话语。 He knows that the opposite party in this time opens the mouth, to not ridicule him absolutely, decides however also has other goals. 他知道对方在此时开口,绝对不是为了奚落他,定然还有其他目的。 I can help your helping hand!” “我可以助你一臂之力!” Really, that sound suddenly said solemnly. 果然,那道声音突然沉声道 Why helps me?” The Wang Teng vision flashes, asks. “为什么帮我?”王腾目光一闪,问道。 „...... It is why important?” That sound stopped, then light asked. “为什么……很重要吗?”那道声音停顿了一下,便又淡淡的反问道。 Wang Teng shows neither approval nor disapproval smiles. 王腾不置可否的一笑。 In this world where has so many help with no reason at all, some are only the benefits. 这世界上哪有那么多无缘无故的帮助,有的只是利益而已。 The opposite party are willing to lend a hand to assist, has a chart surely. 对方愿意出手相助,必定是有所图。 Regarding this, he did not think that has anything is not right. 对此,他并不觉得有什么不对。 To be honest, if the opposite party attempts in his tolerance range, he pours did not mind that makes a transaction with the opposite party, everyone helps each other. 说实话,如果对方所图在他承受范围之内,他倒也不介意和对方做一个交易,大家互相帮助嘛。 How therefore you do plan to do?” Wang Teng asked. “所以你打算怎么做?”王腾问道。 Met the bone demon tree to erupt strikes certainly, but I will reply on its strength to cut broken void beside the blockade, this is I can help your place only.” “等会骨魔树会爆发绝强一击,而我会借助它的力量斩碎虚空之外的封锁,这是我唯一能够帮你的地方。” As for can succeed finally, must look at your own.” That sound said solemnly. “至于最终能不能成功,就要看你自己的了。”那道声音沉声道 With the aid of the strength of bone demon tree!” In the Wang Teng heart shakes, in the eye appears an astonished color. “借助骨魔树的力量!”王腾心中一震,眼中不由浮现出一丝惊异之色。 Can the opposite party actually cut broken void beside with the aid of the strength of bone demon tree the blockade? 对方竟然能够借助骨魔树的力量来斩碎虚空之外的封锁? Is this person, who? 此人,到底是谁? No matter with the aid of the strength of bone demon tree, cuts broken void beside the blockade, is not common Martial Artist can accomplish. 不管是借助骨魔树的力量,还是斩碎虚空之外的封锁,都不是寻常武者可以办到的。 Can shake the strength that the demon god level has, perhaps only has existence of the same class. 能够撼动魔神级存在的力量,恐怕唯有同级别的存在。 Is this person also existence of demon god level level? 难道此人也是一尊魔神级层次的存在? Moreover the god level of bright universe exists, why otherwise does the opposite party want to help him? 而且还是光明宇宙的神级存在,否则对方为什么要帮他? If the Dark Species demon god level exists, is absolutely impossible to help him. 如果是黑暗种的魔神级存在,绝对不可能帮助他。 Remember, opportunity only then one time, if failed, you are unable to leave this place thoroughly!” That sound reminder said. “记住,机会只有一次,若是失败,你们将彻底无法离开此地!”那道声音提醒道。 I understood.” The Wang Teng vision flashes, deeply inspires, after all brains of question throwing, the serious response said. “我明白了。”王腾目光闪动,深吸了口气,将一切疑问抛之脑后,严肃的回应道。 Bang! 轰隆! The terrifying bellow resounds through void, the energy of bone demon tree within the body as if fermented the pinnacle, strange also appeared. 恐怖的轰鸣声响彻虚空,骨魔树体内的能量似乎酝酿到了极致,奇异的一幕随之出现。 These energies almost changed to the essence to be the same outside the bone demon tree trunk, such as a continuously purple black band winding above its body. 那些能量几乎在骨魔树身外化作了实质一般,如一缕缕紫黑色的绸带缠绕在它的身躯之上。 But another end of that purple black band, then toward extended in all directions, covering the big piece is void. 而那紫黑色绸带的另一端,则是朝着四面八方延伸了出去,覆盖大片虚空。 The people mind vibrates, with amazement is looking at this. 众人心神震动,骇然的望着这一幕。 No matter Wang Teng, is bone La Demon Venerable, or star meteor revering, star weapon king and the others, cannot help but the heart one tight. 不管是王腾,还是骨喇魔尊,亦或是星陨尊者,星械王等人,都是不由得心头一紧。 Roar! 吼! In the meantime, angry roaring sound penetrating. 就在此时,怒吼声响彻而起。 The bone demon tree erupted thoroughly, that innumerable purple black energy band interwines, just like formed a purple black backdrop, covered void under, replaced the original vault of heaven. 骨魔树彻底爆发了,那无数的紫黑色能量绸带交织在一起,犹如形成了一张紫黑色的天幕,覆盖在了虚空之下,取代了原本的苍穹。 The strength of shadow! 阴影之力! Dies the deep strength! 死冥之力! The strength of bone demon! 骨魔之力! The strength of darkness! 黑暗之力! The strength of space! 空间之力! ...... …… Bone demon tree all strengths, the gathering in that purple black backdrop, as if made him change to the true vault of heaven at this moment all, can the ruins of perishing bone displaced void. 骨魔树所有的力量,此刻尽数汇聚于那紫黑色天幕之中,仿佛让其化作了真正的苍穹,能够将亡骨之墟的虚空取而代之。 Innumerable rune/symbol writing glitters, the mystical are unusual! 无数符文在其中闪烁,神异非常! An indescribable terrifying pressure from fills the air, suppression world! 一种无法形容的恐怖威压从其中弥漫而出,镇压天地! The Wang Teng pupil contracts fiercely, he felt similar to before Bone demon bites shadow Strength, but also somewhat is different. 王腾瞳孔剧烈收缩,他感觉到了类似于之前【骨魔噬影】般的力量,但却又有些不同。 This purple black backdrop is without doubt more terrorist! 这紫黑色天幕无疑更为恐怖! But to be how terrifying, he also cannot say, only feels incomparably depressing, as if must not gasp for breath general. 但如何恐怖,他又说不上来,只觉得无比压抑,似乎要喘不过气来一般。 Not was only Wang Teng, bone La Demon Venerable, star meteor revering and the others in the heart also raised similar feeling, in front of that purple black backdrop, everyone was similar to the ants. 不仅仅是王腾,骨喇魔尊,星陨尊者等人心中亦是升起了类似的感觉,在那紫黑色天幕面前,所有人都如同蝼蚁。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the purple black backdrop as if fermented to finish, suddenly since the upper air lowered, must embezzle below all lives. 下一刻,紫黑色天幕似乎酝酿完毕,骤然从高空降下,要将下方的所有生灵都吞没。 This is no difference attack! 这是无差别攻击! That bone demon tree at this moment already anger to the extreme, basic, no matter who injured it, now wants situated in this void under life, will degenerate into its nourishment. 那骨魔树此刻已然愤怒到了极点,根本不管是谁伤到了它,如今只要是处于这片虚空之下的生灵,都将沦为它的养料。 However among everyone, two people feels especially intensely. 不过在所有人当中,有两个人感觉尤为强烈。 One is bone La Demon Venerable! 一个是骨喇魔尊 Another naturally is Wang Teng! 另一个自然就是王腾 The soul fire in bone La Demon Venerable eye socket beats fiercely, almost wants to shout 'fuck your mom', it naturally felt that oneself received the difference to treat, but its injustice. 骨喇魔尊眼眶内的魂火剧烈跳动起来,几乎想要骂娘,它自然感觉到自己受到了区别对待,但它冤啊。 What did it make? 它做什么了? Before wasn't that say/way attack at all it is intentional, now even in its head? 之前那道攻击根本不是它有意为之,现在怎么就算在了它的头上? This special inequality! 这特么的不公平! Bone La Demon Venerable wicked looking to Wang Teng, wishes one could to tear to shreds it, is this little animal harms it, simply wrong behavior. 骨喇魔尊恶狠狠的望向王腾,恨不得将其碎尸万段,都是这个小畜生害它,简直不当人。 Same to you! Same to you!” Wang Teng feels the bone La Demon Venerable vision, suddenly grinning say/way. “同喜!同喜!”王腾感觉到骨喇魔尊的目光,突然笑嘻嘻道。 „???” The black person question mark of bone La Demon Venerable full head. “???”骨喇魔尊满脑袋的黑人问号。 Gods special the same as you! 神特么同喜啊! What does this have to be worth the joyful place? 这有什么值得喜悦的地方吗? Can the brain circuit also be elegant? 脑回路还能不能再清奇一点? Solely is not bone La Demon Venerable is incapable of complaining, star meteor revering, star weapon king and the others hears word, is somewhat is speechless, vision strange looks to Wang Teng. 不单单是骨喇魔尊无力吐槽,星陨尊者,星械王等人闻言,也是不禁有些无言,目光古怪的看向王腾 This, this fellow skin, hadn't he been worried about that purple black backdrop unexpectedly here? 这都什么时候了,这家伙居然还在这里皮,他难道一点都不担心那紫黑色天幕吗? Wang Teng not possible is not naturally worried, but he cannot bear want air/Qi moral character La Demon Venerable. 王腾自然不可能一点都不担心,但他就是忍不住想要气一气骨喇魔尊 This skull spirit clan Dark Species rampant, but also wants to kill him, really thinks that he quite bullied. 这头骨灵族黑暗种嚣张的很呐,还想杀他,真以为他好欺负了。 „!” At this time, coughed lightly in the Wang Teng ear resounds, before that sound could not bear open the mouth saying: Prepares!” “咳!”这时,一声轻咳在王腾耳边响起,之前那道声音忍不住开口道:“准备好!” Relax!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, serious say/way. “放心!”王腾目光一闪,严肃道。 Do not look that he also has thoughts resentment bone La Demon Venerable, in fact he has not relaxed vigilantly, has started to get ready. 别看他还有心思怼骨喇魔尊,实际上他可没有放松警惕,早已开始准备。 Unlike Wang Teng, bone La Demon Venerable is not at this moment calm. 王腾不同,骨喇魔尊此刻却不淡定了。 Damn!” “该死!” Damn!” “该死!” What to do?” “怎么办?” „Can main body fall from the sky in this?” “本尊难道要陨落于此?” Sees with own eyes that purple black backdrop steamroll, bone La Demon Venerable also felt that at this time a fear of death, it could not even bear retrocede several steps, wants to flee this place. 眼见那紫黑色天幕碾压而下,骨喇魔尊此时也感觉到了一丝死亡的恐惧,它甚至忍不住后退了几步,想要逃离此地。 However that purple black backdrop covered the big piece region, in a short time cannot run away. 但是那紫黑色天幕覆盖了大片区域,短时间内根本逃不出去。 It can only look helplessly that purple black backdrop enlarges in the eye unceasingly. 它只能眼睁睁看着那紫黑色天幕在眼中不断放大。 Bone La Demon Venerable suddenly felt oneself look like a joke, the thousand li (500 km) delivers the head/number of people, nothing more than such as. 骨喇魔尊突然觉得自己就像是一个笑话,千里送人头,不外如是啊。 Wang Teng looks at the purple black backdrop that is dropping unceasingly, in the heart was unavoidably somewhat was also anxious, does not know that person was credible? 王腾望着那不断落下的紫黑色天幕,心中也是不免有些紧张了起来,不知道那人到底靠不靠谱? But now does not have other means that can only refuse to abandon hope. 但现在也没有其他办法了,只能死马当活马医。 Broken!” “碎!” When he indulges in flights of fancy, the light sound then resounds in the ear together suddenly. 正当他胡思乱想之际,一道平淡的声音便突然在耳边响起。 Only has a character merely. 仅仅只有一个字而已。
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