AAMD :: Volume #23

#2226: The generation of ants, presumptuously thinks the broken day! Ten thousand gods of journeys

The generation of Chapter 2226 ants, presumptuously thinks the broken day! Ten thousand god of journeys locks prohibit! Dies to me!( Sought subscription) 第2226章蝼蚁之辈,妄想破天!万道神锁封禁!给我死!(求订阅) Rumble! 轰隆隆! The bellow resounds through the world, void presented strange one. 轰鸣声响彻天地,虚空中出现了奇异的一幕。 Two are void is separating, overlaps the condition to be broken. 两座虚空正在分开,重迭状态被打破。 The starry sky of bright universe, is void with the ruins of above darkness perishing bone, be at the condition of separating adhering. 光明宇宙的星空,与亡骨之墟上方的黑暗虚空,处于分离又黏连的状态。 The region of ruins of the piece of perishing bone the people are , the fierce vibration, each skeleton in ground is vibrating suddenly. 众人所在的这片亡骨之墟的区域,猛然剧烈的震动起来,地面上的每一块骸骨都在抖动。 Moreover, even the in the air dark clouds, are also vibrating day after day, immediately splits. 不仅如此,甚至就连天空中的黑云,亦是在震动,随即裂开。 Earth-shattering! 天崩地裂! At present this, just like the earth-shattering to be the same seriously! 眼下这一幕,当真犹如天崩地裂一般! Surplus bright universe Martial Artist looked at that in two void that the limit pulled, the heart is jumping the throat, was very nervous. 剩余的光明宇宙武者望着那正在极限拉扯的两座虚空,心脏都跳到了嗓子眼,心情很是紧张。 All these look like sit the roller coaster to be the same. 这一切着实就像是坐过山车一般。 Just also thinks that had no chance, is planning and Dark Species goes all out. 刚刚还以为没希望了,正打算与黑暗种拼命呢。 The mood fermented to arrive there. 情绪都酝酿到那儿了。 Rushes on the difference from Dark Species perishes together. 就差冲上去和黑暗种同归于尽。 Finally, suddenly came a big reverse . Moreover the situation of this time having wanted more violent than before. 结果,突然又来了个大反转,而且这次出现的情况比之前要猛烈许多。 Before also had the space crack, although they also saw bright universe starry sky, but merely is only an corner/horn. 之前还只是出现空间裂缝,虽然他们也看到了一丝光明宇宙的星空,但仅仅只是一角而已。 Now is different, the trim that this region is was torn void, causes two void direct separations. 如今则不同,这片区域所在的整片虚空都被撕裂了,导致两座虚空直接分离。 At this moment, they have been able to see the starry sky of hometown completely! 此时此刻,他们已然可以完整的看到家乡的星空了! It can be said that the people never felt the hope is away from their such near. 可以说,众人从未感觉希望距离他们如此之近。 However everyone actually does not dare to hold too hoped greatly, for fear that this tentacle may and hope, being shattered again. 但是所有人却又都不敢抱有太大的希望了,生怕这触手可及的希望,又再一次的破灭。 That disturbed mood, appears in the heart of everyone at this moment. 那种忐忑的心情,此刻浮现于每一个人的心头。 Even if the star weapon king, ram Yu and other immortal levels exist, is so. 哪怕是星械王,公羊裕等不朽级存在,亦是如此。 The change is too big, does not know how Wang Teng does achieve? 变化实在太大,也不知王腾到底是怎么做到的? From the beginning, they also think that Wang Teng can achieve beforehand such tearing to be void, was very good, really does not dare to have the too big expectation. 一开始,他们也都以为王腾能够做到之前那样撕裂虚空,便算是很不错了,实在不敢抱有太大的奢望。 However now Wang Teng lets this region strenuous vibration directly, thus causes two void separations. 但是现在王腾直接让这片区域剧烈震动起来,从而使得两座虚空分离。 To be honest, this strength is not Territory Lord Level Martial Artist can have. 说实话,这种力量根本就不是域主级武者所能拥有的。 Even if star meteor revering on the scene and bone La Demon Venerable, feared that is unable to shake void of this trim region, that strength is strong. 就算是在场的星陨尊者和骨喇魔尊,怕是都无法撼动这一整片区域的虚空,那种力量过于强大。 What did that side exactly have?” Bone La Demon Venerable was been vigorously tranquil by oneself, vision ice-cold looks toward the distant place. “那边到底发生了什么?”骨喇魔尊极力让自己平静下来,目光冰冷的朝着远处望去。 It felt faintly has a fluctuation of energy to fill the air to come from that side, but that side impressively just now space crack propagation position. 它隐隐感觉到有一股能量波动从那边弥漫而来,而那边赫然正是方才空间裂缝蔓延过来的位置。 In other words, Wang Teng likely in that side. 也就是说,王腾很可能就在那边。 It does not know that exactly has anything, but actually cannot look helplessly the present excellent situation was broken. 它不知道到底发生什么,但却不能眼睁睁看着如今的大好局面就此被破。 Whiz! 嗖! The bone La Demon Venerable form changes to together the remnant shadow instantaneously, vanished in unexpectedly same place. 骨喇魔尊的身影瞬间化作一道残影,竟是消失在了原地。 „It is not good!” The star meteor revering vision concentrates, sees to paint the black flowing light to speed away impressively to go toward the distant place together, who is not bone La Demon Venerable is. “不好!”星陨尊者目光一凝,赫然看见有一道漆黑色流光正朝着远处疾驰而去,不是骨喇魔尊又是谁。 This high-rank Demon Venerable level existed dropped out their these bright universe Martial Artist at this time unexpectedly directly, no longer pestered with them. 这头上位魔尊级存在此时竟然直接抛下了他们这些光明宇宙武者,不再与他们纠缠。 Star meteor revering is not how clear, the goal of opposite party decides however Wang Teng. 星陨尊者如何不明白,对方的目的定然正是王腾 By this time, it also wanted to prevent two void separations unexpectedly! 到了此时,它竟还想要阻止两界虚空的分离! Has to acknowledge, this is the most sane choice. 不得不承认,这是最为理智的选择。 So long as because prevents two void separations, their these bright universe Martial Artist then cannot run away, eventually is the lambs that treats butchers, sooner or later must fall into the Dark Species hand. 因为只要阻止两界虚空分离,他们这些光明宇宙武者便一个都跑不掉,终究都是待宰的羔羊,迟早都要落入黑暗种手中。 But if makes two void smooth separations open, they will re-enter the bright universe. 但若是让两界虚空顺利分离而开,他们就会重回光明宇宙。 But there their home games! 那里可是他们的主场! By that time, perhaps was presents these Dark Species dead ends. 到那时,恐怕就是在场这些黑暗种的末路了。 Even if bone La Demon Venerable this high-rank Demon Venerable level exists, was very at the appointed time difficult to withdraw safely. 即便是骨喇魔尊这个上位魔尊级存在,届时恐怕都很难安然脱身了。 Also no wonder this moment bone La Demon Venerable so anxious. 也难怪此刻骨喇魔尊会如此的焦急。 Star meteor revering pursues immediately tightly on, in the hand the long spear/gun punctures loudly, wants to obstruct the opposite party to depart. 星陨尊者当即紧追而上,手中长枪轰然刺出,想要阻挠对方离去。 Bang! 轰! Innumerable spear/gun glow tearing is void, across the sky however. 无数枪芒撕裂虚空,横空而至。 Scoundrel!” Bone La Demon Venerable was burning with impatience, now sees star meteor revering such as quack remedy to stick generally, in the heart the anger and can be imagined aggrievedly. “混账!”骨喇魔尊本就心急如焚,如今又见星陨尊者如狗皮膏药一般黏上来,心中愤怒与憋屈可想而知。 Its vision ice-cold, actually does not want with the star meteor revering entanglement, but rumbles conveniently a spear/gun toward the rear area, immediately in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink: Blocks him!” 它目光冰冷,却不想与星陨尊者纠缠,只是随手朝着后方轰出一枪,随即口中传出一声爆喝:“拦住他!” Bang! 轰! Spear/Gun glow of both sides collides in void, erupts the sound of fierce thundering, the wild Source Power complementary waves sweep away the four directions immediately. 双方的枪芒在虚空中碰撞,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声,狂暴的原力余波顿时横扫四方。 However bone La Demon Venerable this hasty strikes, blocked star meteor revering part of attacks of eventually, has not kept off completely it, still many bombardments attacked to bone La Demon Venerable behind. 不过骨喇魔尊这仓促一击,终究只是挡住了星陨尊者一部分的攻击,并没有将其完全挡下来,仍有不少轰击攻向骨喇魔尊身后。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Star meteor revering that golden color spear/gun glow speed is extremely fast, then must catch up with the bone La Demon Venerable figure instantaneously. 星陨尊者那金色枪芒速度极快,瞬间便要追上骨喇魔尊的身形。 However bone La Demon Venerable actually does not return, speeds away to go toward the distant place as before. 然而骨喇魔尊却连头都不回,依旧是朝着远处疾驰而去。 Roar! 吼! Angrily roars to suddenly resound. 一声怒吼突然响起。 Immediately saw only the huge shadow to flash through together, keeps off in the dead ahead of that golden spear/gun glow, the terrifying dark energy burst, collided with that golden spear/gun glow. 随即只见一道庞大黑影闪过,挡在了那金色枪芒的正前方,恐怖的黑暗能量爆发而出,与那金色枪芒碰撞。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! All golden spear/gun glow kept off all, but bone La Demon Venerable seizes the chance to go far away. 所有的金色枪芒尽数被挡下,而骨喇魔尊则趁机远去。 The star meteor revering complexion changes, wants to pursue, but was actually blocked. 星陨尊者面色微变,想要追上去,但却被挡住。 Originally is under the bone La Demon Venerable place that giant skeleton birds, just it blocked the golden spear/gun glow. 原来是骨喇魔尊座下那头巨大的骸骨飞禽,刚刚正是它挡住了金色枪芒。 The strengths of these skeleton giant beasts are quite powerful, even if damaged, can still restore unceasingly. 这些骸骨巨兽的实力颇为强大,而且就算受创,也能够不断的恢复过来。 For example at present this skeleton birds, before many times by star meteor revering crushing body, now actually as before strong, jumps for joy, really hard to deal with. 比如眼前这头骸骨飞禽,之前已经不少次被星陨尊者击碎身躯,如今却依旧坚挺,活蹦乱跳,实在难缠的很。 Star meteor revering regarding this is also the headache. 星陨尊者对此也是头疼不已。 Previously fight with Dark Species repeatedly fell into leeward, then because of the disturbances of these skeleton giant beasts. 此前与黑暗种的战斗之所以一再的陷入下风,便是因为这些骸骨巨兽的干扰。 Not but the beforehand bright universe and Dark Species military situation, bright universe Martial Artist has a big odds of success. 不然以之前光明宇宙和黑暗种的兵力情况,光明宇宙武者还是有着不小的胜算的。 At this time, star meteor revering, although had received the heavy injury in the beforehand fight, but facing the present skeleton birds, can actually as before its suppression. 此时,星陨尊者虽然已经在之前的战斗中受了不轻的伤势,但面对眼前的骸骨飞禽,却依旧能够将其压制。 Bang! 轰隆! The bellow erupts, the spear/gun glow hit the skeleton birds together instantaneously, making its most body disrupt. 轰鸣声爆发,一道枪芒瞬间击中了骸骨飞禽,让其大半个身躯碎裂。 You block it, I pursue bone La Demon Venerable.” Star meteor revering does not want to pester with this skeleton giant beast, throws down it directly, then pursues toward bone La Demon Venerable. “你们拦住它,我去追骨喇魔尊。”星陨尊者不想与这骸骨巨兽纠缠,直接将其丢下,而后便朝着骨喇魔尊追去。 The star weapon king, ram Yu and the others the vision flashes, immediately encircles. 星械王,公羊裕等人目光一闪,立刻围了上来。 Some person following star meteor revering, pursue toward bone La Demon Venerable. 有人跟着星陨尊者,朝着骨喇魔尊追去。 Some people are stay behind constrain these skeleton giant beasts, both sides fights, while speeds away to go toward the distant place, obviously wants to have a look at that side situation. 有人则是留下拖住那些骸骨巨兽,双方一边战斗,一边朝着远处疾驰而去,显然都想要前去看看那边的情况。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In bellow reverberation world. 轰鸣声回荡天地之间。 Suddenly, this stretch of battlefield makes a mess, bright universe Martial Artist, leader Dark Species, all changes to the flowing light, unceasingly colliding, is speeding away to go toward the distant place. 一时间,这片战场乱做一团,一个个光明宇宙武者,一头头黑暗种,皆是化作流光,不断碰撞着,朝远处疾驰而去。 Meanwhile, that skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse outside this piece of region, unwilling two void were separated obviously. 与此同时,这片区域之外的那一头头骨灵族黑暗种强者,显然不甘心两界虚空就此被分离。 „The generation of ants, presumptuously thinks the broken day!” “蝼蚁之辈,妄想破天!” They are built on void above, indifferent dignified sound enormous and powerful transmitting, such as is situated in the gods above nine days, overlooks all living things, despises all. 祂们立于虚空之上,冷漠威严的声音浩浩荡荡的传来,如立于九天之上的神明,俯瞰芸芸众生,藐视一切。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That demon god levels exist, simultaneously erupts own strength. 那一尊尊魔神级存在,同时爆发出自身的力量。 The black ray raises from them, integrates in the black light beam outside whole body, making its ray dazzling dazzling. 黑色光芒从祂们身上升起,融入周身之外的黑色光柱之内,令其光芒更加耀眼刺目。 Innumerable rune/symbol Wenxian, connects rune/symbol writing chains crash-bang to make noise. 无数的符文显化,连接成符文锁链哗啦作响。 Then explodes to shoot from the light beam, shuttles back and forth above void of this region, then interwines, such as a big net. 而后从光柱当中爆射而出,于这片区域的虚空之上穿梭,而后交织在一起,如一张大网。 The under void space stagnates immediately, the strength of these wild spaces as if were brought order out of chaos by a pair of invisible big hand, flowed backwards unexpectedly in the space crack. 下方虚空的空间顿时凝滞,那些狂暴的空间之力仿佛被一双无形的大手拨乱反正,竟然倒流回了空间裂缝之内。 This is without doubt terrorist! 这无疑非常恐怖! The powerful strength, is unable so to affect the strength of space, after all is no one looks like Wang Teng to have the space talent generally. 没有强大的力量,根本无法如此影响空间之力,毕竟不是谁都像王腾一般拥有空间天赋。 These bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses do not have the space talent obviously, they are completely depend upon the strong strength and sensibility, thus affected the space. 那些骨灵族黑暗种强者显然不具备空间天赋,它们完全是依靠自身强大的实力与感悟,从而影响到了空间。 Just now erupts rune/symbol writing chains that from the black light beam, is not dark rune/symbol writing composes, but is space rune/symbol writing composes, obviously the space attainments of opposite party are not true lowly. 方才从黑色光柱之内爆发出的符文锁链,并非黑暗符文组成,而是空间符文组成,可见对方的空间造诣属实不低。 With the emergence of that space rune/symbol writing chains, this moment Wang Teng also saw that astonishing situation. 随着那空间符文锁链的出现,此刻王腾也是看到了那一幕惊人的情形。 In the sky, resembles by ten thousand god of journeys locks is prohibited, endless rune/symbol writing obviously, just like making this stretch of the world changed to the prison. 天空中,似被万道神锁封禁,无尽符文显化,宛如令这一片天地化作了囚牢。 Space imprisonment! 空间禁锢! Even if in that black and white Yin-Yang fish and under the energy impact of bone demon tree, is also hard to shake it, the space of this stretch of the world seemed consolidating several times instantaneously. 哪怕是在那黑白阴阳鱼和骨魔树的能量冲击之下,亦是难以将其撼动,这片天地的空间仿佛在瞬间稳固了数倍。 Space rune/symbol writing!!” “空间符文!!” numb egg! Do one group of demon god level powerhouses bully my one to feel all right?” “麻蛋!一群魔神级强者欺负我一个好意思吗?” Wang Teng listens to that to despise all sounds, looks at present this endless rune/symbol writing chains, the complexion again changes, in heart aggrieved incomparable. 王腾听着那蔑视一切的声音,看着眼前这无尽的符文锁链,面色再度一变,心中憋屈无比。 Saw a moment ago that endless storm had the mutation, the black and white Yin-Yang fish that condensed can shake the bone demon tree unexpectedly, even makes two void separations, he could not have borne excitedly. 刚才看到那无尽风暴发生异变,凝聚出的黑白阴阳鱼竟是能够撼动骨魔树,甚至是令两界虚空分离,他还忍不住兴奋了一下。 Really chance accomplished what art had failed in! 真是无心插柳柳成荫啊! However is an action of being prompted by a sudden impulse, accomplished so the result unexpectedly, it seems like his luck is really very good. 不过是心血来潮的一次举动,竟然造就了这般结果,看来他的运气果然还是很不错的嘛。 Finally...... 结果…… Now that demon god level existed acts again, consolidated the space, did this make him broken? 现在那魔神级存在又再次出手,稳固了空间,这让他怎么破啊? Especially bullies the person simply. 特么的简直就是欺负人。 In the Wang Teng mind a train of thought revolution, thinks of the cinders ore weapon of mechanical clan immediately Mechanical cinders eye. 王腾脑海中思绪一转,立刻想到了机械族的烬矿兵器【机械烬眼】。 This Saint level fights the soldier now also on his body, before did not have the opportunity to use, now can try actually. 这件圣级战兵如今还在他的身上,之前一直没机会用,现在倒是可以试试。 However can shake the strength that these demon god levels have to be unknown. 但是能不能撼动那些魔神级存在的力量就不得而知了。 „, Refuses to abandon hope.” “罢了,死马当活马医吧。” While Wang Teng must take out Mechanical cinders eye When distant place void hears a grating sound air-splitting suddenly. 正当王腾要取出【机械烬眼】之时,远处的虚空突然传来一阵刺耳的破空声。 He turns the head to look fiercely, the vision is dignified. 他猛地转头望去,目光凝重。 Very powerful aura...... grass! This is bone La Demon Venerable!” Wang Teng felt that a familiarity, exploded a swearing immediately. “好强的气息……艹!这是骨喇魔尊!”王腾感觉到了一丝熟悉感,顿时爆了一句粗口。 Although had guessed correctly that this void mutation definitely will alarm bone La Demon Venerable, but never expected that the opposite party will arrive quickly. 尽管早就猜到这虚空的异变必然会惊动骨喇魔尊,但是没想到对方会这么快降临。 This speed was too rather fast a point! 这速度未免太快了一点吧! Where he knows, bone La Demon Venerable sees two void separations, then does not count at all costs, nonstop caught up, wants to prevent him. 他哪里知道,骨喇魔尊一看到两界虚空分离,便不计一切代价,马不停蹄的赶了过来,想要阻止他。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying sonic boom sound resounds through in void, bone La Demon Venerable as if used some mystique, arrives at the vicinity instantaneously. 恐怖的音爆声在虚空中响彻,骨喇魔尊似乎动用了某种秘法,瞬间来到近处。 Wang Teng!” 王腾!” Immediately angrily roars transmits suddenly, contains the endless hatred. 随即一声怒吼猛然传来,蕴含着无尽的恨意。 I go! Must be so ominous!” Wang Teng having a scare, light/only hears the sound, he can feel anger that the opposite party that almost must gush out. “我去!要不要这么凶!”王腾都不由的吓了一跳,光听声音,他就能够感觉到对方那几乎要喷薄而出的怒气。 Did seems him to steal wife of opposite party? 搞得好像他偷了对方的老婆似的? As for? 至于吗? Does not open two void separations, cannot lose! 不就是把两界虚空分离而开吗,输不起啊! Wang Teng cannot bear the retreat, in the heart sighs, dignified incomparable, is this must let the rhythm that his calcaneum La Demon Venerable goes all out? 王腾忍不住后退,心中叹了口气,凝重无比,这是要让他跟骨喇魔尊拼命的节奏啊? The point is that does he put together the opposite party? 可问题是,他拼得过对方吗? Sins! 造孽啊! First has the bone demon tree, latter has bone La Demon Venerable, is it possible that old naive isn't willing to make them re-enter the bright universe? 前有骨魔树,后有骨喇魔尊,莫非老天真的不愿意让他们重回光明宇宙吗? The ruins of this perishing bone, can't the heaven father of bright universe manage here? 还是说在这亡骨之墟当中,光明宇宙的老天爸爸根本管不到这里? Bone La Demon Venerable came from distant place suddenly/violently to rush...... 骨喇魔尊从远处暴冲而来…… It had seen Wang Teng, had seen the wild energy that this region erupts unceasingly, saw the bone demon tree of energy center place, in the heart vibrated immediately. 它已经看到了王腾,也已经看到了这片区域不断爆发的狂暴能量,更是看到了能量中心处的骨魔树,心中顿时震动不已。 Is this scene really that bright universe Heaven's Chosen Wang Teng behavior?? 这幅景象真的是那个光明宇宙天骄王腾所为?? In its heart really unbelievable. 它心中着实难以置信。 Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist of bright universe, can achieve so the situation unexpectedly, who dares to believe. 一个光明宇宙的域主级巅峰武者,竟然可以做到如此地步,谁敢信啊。 However it could feel, at this moment, here besides that bone demon tree, only has opposite party, who is not he can also be. 但是它感觉得到,此时此刻,这里除了那骨魔树之外,仅有对方一人,不是他还能是谁。 Although this bright universe Heaven's Chosen was very possible to draw support from the bone demon tree, accomplished the so terrifying result, but that bone demon tree was not the simple goods. 虽然这光明宇宙天骄很可能是借助了骨魔树,才造就了如此恐怖的结果,但那骨魔树也不是简单货色啊。 In the bone La Demon Venerable sensation, this bone demon tree impressively is existence of demon god level level. 在骨喇魔尊的感知中,这棵骨魔树赫然是一尊魔神级层次的存在。 Opposite party Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, can shake existence of demon god level level, enough has made people feel inconceivable. 对方一个域主级武者,能够撼动一尊魔神级层次的存在,就已经足够让人感觉不可思议的了。 Why will here have a bone demon tree?” “这里为什么会有一棵骨魔树?” Bone La Demon Venerable clenches teeth, in the heart resents incomparably. 骨喇魔尊咬了咬牙,心中愤恨无比。 This thinks absolutely safe, who can think bone demon tree that here actually has an demon god level level, this is completely the accident/surprise in accident/surprise, perhaps Sir even/including Moshen cannot detect. 本以为万无一失,谁能想到这里竟然存在一棵魔神级层次的骨魔树,这完全是意外中的意外,恐怕连魔神大人都没能察觉到吧。 Although that bright universe Heaven's Chosen can achieve so the situation, is truly astonishing, without this bone demon tree, feared that is also can not make bricks without straw. 虽然那光明宇宙天骄能够做到如此地步,确实非常惊人,但如果没有这棵骨魔树,怕也是巧妇难为无米之炊。 The present situation it has looked at 7788, that bright universe Heaven's Chosen should rely on the strength of bone demon tree, can shake this void, lets two void separations. 眼前的情形它已经看得七七八八,那光明宇宙天骄应该就是借助了骨魔树的力量,才能够撼动这片虚空,让两界虚空分离。 Bone La Demon Venerable looked at sky over a top of the head, in the heart felt relieved immediately much, the demon god Sir has acted, the present aspect was stands firm temporarily. 骨喇魔尊望了一眼头顶上空,心中顿时放心了不少,魔神大人已经出手,眼下的局面算是暂时稳住了。 Little animal!” “小畜生!” Immediately it looks to Wang Teng of distant place, in the eye appears a fierce meaning. 随即它又看向远处的王腾,眼中浮现出一丝狰狞之意。 Bang! 轰! The terrifying bellow resounds through void, in the bone La Demon Venerable hand the bone spear/gun lifts, punctures suddenly. 恐怖的轰鸣声响彻虚空,骨喇魔尊手中骨枪抬起,猛然刺出。 So long as struck to kill this bright universe Heaven's Chosen, all were easily solved. 只要击杀了这个光明宇宙天骄,一切都迎刃而解。 It has endured patiently the opposite party is too long, now finally can its thorough settlement. 它已经忍耐对方太久了,如今终于可以将其彻底解决。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” Ice-cold exploding drinks to spread from the bone La Demon Venerable mouth together, full contain kills intent, billowing transmitting. 一道冰冷的爆喝声从骨喇魔尊口中传出,满含杀意,滚滚的传来。 Dead mud horse Pi!” Wang Teng has a scare, but responds immediately, in the mouth spreads one to shout angrily suddenly. “死泥马批!”王腾吓了一跳,但立刻就反应过来,口中骤然传出一声怒喝。 Hits is not victorious indifferently, the imposing manner cannot be weak. 打不打得过无所谓,气势不能弱。 The next quarter, his direct moves sideways, displays Dodges spatially, Vanished in directly same place. 下一刻,他直接一个闪身,施展【空闪】,径直消失在了原地。 Bone La Demon Venerable hears the Wang Teng shouting angrily sound, gawked, is a little dumbstruck. 骨喇魔尊听到王腾的怒喝声,不禁愣了一下,有点发懵。 What ghost? 什么鬼? The imposing manner of this boy compares it also to want the foot unexpectedly! 这小子的气势竟然比它还要足! Does the opposite party really have what energy to be inadequate? 难道对方真有什么底气不成? However has not waited for it to respond, then sees Wang Teng to turn around to run, suddenly, it at the scene in same place. 然而还不等它反应过来,便见王腾转身就跑,一时间,它当场愣在了原地。
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