AAMD :: Volume #23

#2225: Is they! Black and white Yin-Yang fish! He

Split void!!!” “虚空裂开了!!!” I saw the starry sky probably, that is our bright universe starry sky!” “我好像看到了星空,那是我们光明宇宙的星空!” Will not be wrong, is that type of aura, is our bright universe aura!!” “不会错的,是那种气息,是我们光明宇宙的气息啊!!” ...... …… Suddenly, all bright universe Martial Artist excited, even ram Yu, the star weapon king and other immortal levels exists to be no exception. 一时间,所有的光明宇宙武者都激动了起来,连公羊裕,星械王等不朽级存在都不例外。 Sees that crack instance, feels the bright universe aura the instance, they are unable to suppress the mood in heart again. 看到那裂缝的瞬间,感受到光明宇宙气息的瞬间,他们再也无法抑制心中的情绪。 Despairs, but void of that tearing, looked like in the darkness to tear a gap, making the ray appear, illuminates in the people hearts. 原本都已绝望,但那撕裂的虚空,就像是黑暗中撕裂出了一道缺口,让光芒出现,照进了众人心间。 Is Wang Teng?!” The ram Yu Hexing weapon king looked at each other one, cannot bear mutter. “是王腾吗?!”公羊裕和星械王对视了一眼,忍不住喃喃道。 Star meteor revering is also the vision flashes, immediately thinks of that young Heaven's Chosen. 星陨尊者亦是目光一闪,立刻想到了那位年轻的天骄。 Perhaps after all here besides Wang Teng, does not have others to tear this piece to cover void above their top of the head, always isn't bone spirit clan Dark Species? 毕竟这里除了王腾之外,恐怕也没有其他人会去撕裂这片笼罩在他们头顶之上的虚空,总不会是骨灵族黑暗种自己吧? Let alone bone La Demon Venerable just also mentioned Wang Teng, the people wants unable to recall Wang Teng to be difficult. 何况骨喇魔尊刚刚也提到了王腾,众人想记不起王腾都难。 Wang Teng! Certainly is Wang Teng!” 王腾!一定是王腾!” This void tearing is certainly related with Wang Teng!” “这虚空的撕裂一定和王腾有关!” Who ha haha...... was just said that Wang Teng isn't able to find to flee this place the means?” “哈哈哈……刚刚是谁说王腾无法找到逃离此地的办法?” ...... …… Ecstatical sounds resound in all around, unscrupulous reverberation in the world. 一道道欣喜若狂的声音在四周响起,肆无忌惮的回荡在天地之间。 Arrived at this moment, these remaining bright universe Martial Artist already fearless, how the Demon Venerable level exists, taunts in the same old way unmistakably. 到了此时此刻,这些剩下的光明宇宙武者早已毫无畏惧,魔尊级存在又如何,照样嘲讽无误。 They die did not fear, will also fear Dark Species Demon Venerable? 他们连死都不怕,还会怕黑暗种魔尊吗? However can the opposite party kill them to discuss separately now. 不过对方现在能不能杀死他们还是另说了。 All bright universe Martial Artist saw bit of dawn, this bit of dawn can bring home them......! 所有光明宇宙武者都是看到了一丝曙光,这一丝曙光可以带他们……回家! All around Dark Species look at each other in blank dismay, in the eye reveals the surprised uncertain color. 四周的黑暗种不禁面面相觑,眼中露出惊疑不定之色。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Why void above will suddenly have so many cracks? 为什么虚空之上会突然出现这么多的裂缝? Is it possible that is really that bright universe Heaven's Chosen behavior? 莫非真是那个光明宇宙天骄所为? A series of questions appear in the hearts of these Dark Species immediately, making them feel quite inconceivable, definitely is unable to be tranquil. 一系列的疑问顿时出现在这些黑暗种的心中,让它们感觉极为不可思议,完全无法平静。 The bone La Demon Venerable look instantaneously changed, but it simply does not have the thoughts to pay attention to the taunts of these bright universe Martial Artist, the vision is staring at distant place void above stubbornly the crack. 骨喇魔尊的眼神瞬间就变了,但它根本没有心思理会这些光明宇宙武者的嘲讽,目光死死盯着远处虚空之上的裂缝。 At this time its in the heart only has a thought...... this to be possible? 此时它的心中只有一个念头……这怎么可能? That bright universe Heaven's Chosen really success? 难道那个光明宇宙天骄真的成功了? But how does the opposite party achieve? 可是对方到底是如何做到的? It acknowledged that the opposite party method are truly many, can live in the ruins of perishing bone, has a big ability. 它承认对方确实手段不少,能够在亡骨之墟内活下来,也算是有着不小的能耐。 However wants this void tearing, by the strength of opposite party, is impossible to succeed. 但是想要将这片虚空撕裂,凭借对方的实力,根本就不可能成功啊。 Even with the aid of the strength of that mechanical birds, not possible this void tearing. 即便是借助那机械飞禽的力量,也不可能将这片虚空撕裂。 After all this is several demon god levels exists also acts, makes two overlap void, towed bright universe Martial Artist. 毕竟这可是数位魔神级存在同时出手,才让两界虚空重迭,将光明宇宙武者拖了进来。 Only Territory Lord Level Martial Artist with the aid of the external object, how can be successful. 区区一个域主级武者借助外物,如何能够成功。 Let alone was he, is immortal level revering of this mechanical clan is not at a loss at present. 别说是他了,就是眼前这机械族的不朽级尊者不也是对此束手无策吗。 Where what a pity bone La Demon Venerable knows, Wang Teng with the aid of the god machine scarlet electricity thunder eagle strength, this he has not all depended on own method from beginning to end time. 可惜骨喇魔尊哪里知道,王腾从始至终根本就没有借助神机赤电雷鹰的力量,这一次他全凭自身的手段。 Scoundrel!” “混账!” At this moment, bone La Demon Venerable looks at that crack to spread to come unceasingly, in the heart is agitated, the becoming angry out of shame feelings raise. 此刻,骨喇魔尊望着那裂缝不断蔓延而来,心中不由烦躁起来,更有一股恼羞成怒之感升起。 It just said that Wang Teng was impossible to find to flee the means of ruins of perishing bone, the result void had the so giant crack. 它刚刚说那王腾不可能找到逃离亡骨之墟的办法,结果虚空中就出现了如此巨大的裂缝。 From the tearing degree of that crack, perhaps really may break two void overlapping, thus makes these bright universe Martial Artist flee. 从那裂缝的撕裂程度来看,没准真有可能打破两界虚空的重迭,从而让这些光明宇宙武者逃离。 All effort that then they previously made, must be in vain. 那它们此前所做的所有努力,岂不是都要白费了。 Hit the face! 打脸! This simply is hitting the face of scarlet fruits! 这简直就是赤果果的打脸啊! Bone La Demon Venerable felt that own face was soon hit to be swollen, in heart depressed. 骨喇魔尊感觉自己的脸都快要被打肿了,心中郁闷至极。 „The bone La Demon Venerable main body suddenly has an issue to ask you.” “骨喇魔尊本尊突然有个问题想问问你。” The star meteor revering sudden opens the mouth does not wait for the opposite party to respond, then ridicules asking: You thought that this crack is Lane Wang Teng comes out?” 星陨尊者突然开口也不等对方反应过来,便揶揄般的问道:“你觉得这裂缝是王腾出来的吗?” Shelled fresh shrimp pig heart! 虾仁猪心! The words of star meteor revering on such as a dagger, jabbed into the chest of bone La Demon Venerable directly, making its vision extremely ugly/difficult to look at. 星陨尊者的话语就如一柄尖刀,直接刺进了骨喇魔尊的心口,让它的目光变得极为难看。 Bone La Demon Venerable fiercely turn head ice-cold and fierce is staring at star meteor revering, coldly said: „Are you courting death?” 骨喇魔尊猛地回头冰冷而狰狞的盯着星陨尊者,冷冷道:“你在找死吗?” You not necessarily killed the main body.” Star meteor revering shakes the head slightly, light say/way. “你未必杀得了本尊。”星陨尊者微微摇头,淡淡道。 You really think this crack can tear at present void?” “你们真以为这裂缝能够撕裂眼下的虚空吗?” Bone La Demon Venerable stared at him to look at one, suddenly turned the head to look void to that above, saying of ridicule: Here, but the domain of my bone spirit clan.” 骨喇魔尊盯着他看了一眼,突然又转头望向那虚空之上,讥讽的说道:“这里可是我骨灵族的地盘啊。” Star meteor revering hears word, in the heart Gordon, an ominous premonition also raised. 星陨尊者闻言,心中不由格登了一下,一股不祥的预感随之升起。 The situation when he remembers suddenly just drew in the ruins of this perishing bone sees, outside this region has other bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses to exist. 他突然想起了刚刚被拖入这亡骨之墟时看到的情形,这片区域之外有其他骨灵族黑暗种强者存在。 These bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses are the main forces that makes two overlap void, at present this bone La Demon Venerable as introduction. 那些骨灵族黑暗种强者才是让两界虚空重迭的主力,眼前这骨喇魔尊不过是作为引子而已。 But since these bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses can make two overlap void, how also possibly to look that helplessly this crack spreads unceasingly, they decide however can make it heal. 而那些骨灵族黑暗种强者既然能够让两界虚空重迭,又怎么可能眼睁睁看着这裂缝不断蔓延,它们定然可以令其重新愈合。 The time, the complexion of star meteor revering fiercely changes. 顿时间,星陨尊者的面色猛地一变。 Except that ram Yu Hexing weapon king these immortal levels exist, other bright universe Martial Artist have not responded what's the matter, thought that bone La Demon Venerable is mysterious. 除了公羊裕和星械王这些不朽级存在,其他光明宇宙武者还没有反应过来是怎么回事,都觉得骨喇魔尊在故弄玄虚。 How here is the domain of bone spirit clan, that void had not been torn to open. 这里是骨灵族的地盘又如何,那虚空还不是被撕裂而开了。 However...... 然而…… In the meantime, the crack that language to become prophecy/omen, that spread comes stagnated suddenly, seemed framed by an invisible strength. 就在此时,一语成谶,那蔓延而来的裂缝突然凝滞了下来,仿佛被一股无形的力量定格。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” Joyful meaning on people face suddenly stiff, in the vision reveals startled the color. 众人脸上的欣喜之意骤然僵硬了下来,目光之中露出愕然之色。 Ha haha......” bone La Demon Venerable laughs immediately, the laughter unscrupulous reverberation sky, the meaning of taunt is thicker. “哈哈哈……”骨喇魔尊顿时大笑起来,笑声肆无忌惮的回荡天空,嘲讽之意更浓。 It looks like looks that one flock of ants struggle there, the opposite party just saw the dawn, finally this ray of hope pinches out immediately. 它就像是看着一群蝼蚁在那儿挣扎,对方刚刚看到了曙光,结果这一丝希望立刻就被掐灭了。 This is very interesting! 这岂不是很有趣! The bright universe Martial Artist complexion immediately becomes extremely ugly/difficult to look at, by this time, they possibly is not how clear, wants that void thorough tearing, is not easy. 光明宇宙武者们的面色顿时变得极为难看,到了此时,他们怎么可能还不明白,想要将那虚空彻底撕裂,也并没有那么容易。 Hopes that really vanished? 难道希望真的就此消失了吗? They are very unwilling, had seen a ray of hope obviously a moment ago, now actually must be disillusioned, who can accept. 他们很不甘心,明明刚才已经看到了一丝希望,如今却要破灭,谁能接受。 Star meteor revering vision dignified is looking above the upper air, has a mind to want with that void above strength to contend , helping that crack spread, but is actually not able to start. 星陨尊者目光凝重的望着高空之上,有心想要与那虚空之上的力量抗衡,助那裂缝扩散开来,但却无从下手。 At this moment, he never feels such being incapable. 这一刻,他从未感觉如此的无力。 The ram Yu Hexing weapon king and other immortal levels existed also gets hold of the fist, in the heart was unwilling completely. 公羊裕和星械王等不朽级存在亦是握紧了拳头,心中满是不甘。 The star weapon king complexion fluctuates, the vision flashes rapidly, as if makes some type to struggle in the heart, actually does not know that is thinking anything. 星械王面色变幻,目光急速闪动,似乎在心中做着某种挣扎,却不知在想些什么。 That Wang Teng, this time could not escape absolutely.” “那个王腾,这次绝对逃不掉了。” What method currently do you have?” “现在你们还有什么手段?” Bone La Demon Venerable deep looked at void of distant place, later takes back the vision, takes a fast look around all around bright universe Martial Artist, light say/way. 骨喇魔尊深深的看了一眼远处的虚空,随后收回目光,扫视四周的光明宇宙武者,淡淡道。 People completely all silent, could not say half a word words. 众人尽皆沉默,说不出半句话来。 Otherwise...... detonation space-based ball!!” The star weapon king clenches teeth, in the eye reveals one decidedly, passes on the sound said to star meteor revering suddenly. “要不然……引爆天基球吧!!”星械王咬了咬牙,眼中露出一丝决然,突然对星陨尊者传音道。 Before entered the ruins of perishing bone the base ball then to be received the day after tomorrow. 之前进入亡骨之墟后天基球便被收了起来。 Because is unable to absorb the strength and light strength of Yuan magnetism here, the space-based ball cannot play any might, if not receive, may be destroyed by Dark Species very much. 因为在这里无法吸收元磁之力和光明之力,天基球根本发挥不出任何威力,若是不收起来,很有可能被黑暗种破坏。 However the present to this situation, did not use the space-based ball, without other better way. 但是如今到了这种情况,不动用天基球,也没有其他更好的办法了。 But if on that day the base ball detonated, even has not absorbed the strength and light strength of Yuan magnetism, similarly can erupt extremely powerful prestige energy. 而那天基球若是引爆,就算未曾吸收元磁之力和光明之力,同样可以爆发出极为强大的威能。 That after all is the divine tool of mechanical clan! 那毕竟是机械族的一件神器! Divine tool from exploding the might, must shake this void sufficiently. 神器自爆的威力,应当足以撼动这片虚空。 Star meteor revering hears word, heart shakes. 星陨尊者闻言,心头不由的一震。 Never expected that his boldness actually might as well star weapon king, the opposite parties thought of this point, but he has not actually thought. 没想到他的魄力竟然还不如星械王,对方都想到了这一点,而他却至今没有想到。 Space-based ball to their mechanical clan, no doubt is very important, but the present situation is without doubt more critical, to has had to use the space-based ball the situation. 天基球对他们机械族而言,固然十分重要,但如今的情况无疑更加危急,已是到了不得不动用天基球的情况。 Let alone if they fall from the sky in this all, on that day the base ball could not return to mechanical clan. 何况他们若尽数陨落于此,那天基球也回不到机械族手里。 Makes it fall into the hand of Dark Species with it finally, is inferior to detonate now, spells with Dark Species. 与其让其最终落入黑暗种的手中,不如现在就引爆,与黑暗种拼一把。 Good!” Star meteor revering has not hesitated, immediately agreed with the star weapon king's suggestion. “好!”星陨尊者没有迟疑,当即同意了星械王的建议。 ...... …… Prepared to stake everything on a single throw of the dice in star weapon king and the others, Wang Teng also feels the void unusuality. 就在星械王等人准备孤注一掷之时,王腾也是感觉到了虚空中的异常。 That was spreading the crack that toward all around goes, presented stagnation unexpectedly, even also has the sign of healing. 那原本正朝着四周蔓延而去的裂缝,竟然出现了凝滞,甚至还有着愈合的迹象。 What's the matter?” “怎么回事?” The Wang Teng complexion changes, looks up to void, the brow wrinkled tightly. 王腾面色一变,抬头望向虚空,眉头紧皱了起来。 Originally all are quite smooth, around bone demon tree the region was also disrupted thoroughly, the space crack spreads to open toward the distant place unceasingly. 本来一切都极为顺利,骨魔树四周的这片区域也彻底被碎裂,空间裂缝不断朝着远处蔓延而开。 According to so the situation develops, two void overlapping must be broken, they can also re-enter the bright universe. 按照如此情形发展下去,两界虚空的重迭必会被打破,他们也可以重回光明宇宙。 But now, really had another strength to join. 但现在,竟然有另一股力量加入了进来。 Some people acted!” “有人出手了!” That sound resounds again, said solemnly. 那道声音再次响起,沉声道 Suddenly, in the Wang Teng mind the white light flashes, as if also thought of anything. 突然间,王腾脑海中白光一闪,似乎也想到了什么。 Is they!” “是祂们!” He looks suddenly to void, as if can pass through the numerous spaces, sees that skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse outside this piece of region. 他猛然望向虚空,仿佛能够穿过重重空间,看到这片区域之外的那一头头骨灵族黑暗种强者。 In fact, by his strength, even if there is space talent, now cannot see existences of these bone spirit clan Dark Species. 实际上,以他的实力,就算是拥有空间天赋,如今也根本看不到那些骨灵族黑暗种的存在。 However he had not forgotten initially when was dragged into the ruins of this perishing bone, scene that sees. 但是他并没有忘记当初被拉入这亡骨之墟内时,所看到的景象。 The edge in this region, once the black light beams raised, lends the extremely terrifying aura. 在这片区域的边缘,曾有一道道黑色光柱升起,其中散发出极为恐怖的气息。 In that is a leader extremely terrifying bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse. 那里面正是一头头极为恐怖的骨灵族黑暗种强者。 Wang Teng has not forgotten them, even in heart continuously on the alert, but he by to seal/confer Kun in this region, has no alternative now radically. 王腾并没有忘记它们,甚至心中一直在警惕着,但是他如今被封困在这片区域之内,根本就无可奈何。 Many being vigilant and useful, his any method, is unable to affect these bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses. 再多的警惕又有什么用,他的任何手段,都无法影响到那些骨灵族黑暗种强者。 Moreover he once lucky believing, these bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses except for made the region of ruins of perishing bone arrive from the beginning, and with bright universe overlaps void beside, is unable to act again. 而且他曾侥幸的认为,那些骨灵族黑暗种强者除了一开始让亡骨之墟的这片区域降临,并与光明宇宙的虚空重迭之外,便无法再出手。 After all they true arrival, has not been located in Dark World the ruins of perishing bone from beginning to end. 毕竟祂们并未真正的降临,从始至终都只是位于黑暗世界的亡骨之墟内。 Was separated very remote distance with the bright universes, at all not in void. 与光明宇宙之间到底是间隔了十分遥远的距离,根本不在一片虚空。 But they can make the region of ruins of perishing bone arrive, completely because of existence of bone La Demon Venerable. 而祂们之所以能够让亡骨之墟的这片区域降临,完全是因为骨喇魔尊的存在。 Following wants to affect this region again, is not easy. 后续想要再影响这片区域,并没有那么容易。 What a pity, he as if thinks was too simple. 可惜,他似乎还是想的太简单了。 These bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses can also affect this region, they...... never depart! 那些骨灵族黑暗种强者还能够影响这片区域,祂们……从未离去! Damn!” “该死!” In the Wang Teng heart could not bear curse one finally. 王腾心中终于是忍不住咒骂了一声。 The excellent situation will soon appear shortly, finally was destroyed, is really depressed and aggrieved. 眼看大好局势即将出现,结果又被破坏了,实在令人郁闷和憋屈。 At this moment, during that was void the crack to start the healing impressively, tiny space cracks first closed up, as if pair of invisible big hands in suturing this void fierceness wound, making it vanish thoroughly do not see. 此刻,那虚空之中的裂缝赫然开始了愈合,一道道细小的空间裂缝最先合拢,仿佛有一双无形的大手在缝合着这片虚空中的狰狞“伤口”,令其彻底消失不见。 Even these giant space cracks, starts gradually to heal. 甚至就连那些巨大的空间裂缝,也开始逐渐愈合。 Roar! 吼! At this time, that side the bone demon tree also gives out heavenshaking angry roaring, it was angry, is unable to accept itself repeatedly by a ants suppression. 这时,骨魔树那边亦是发出震天的怒吼,它愤怒无比,无法接受自己一再的被一只蝼蚁压制。 Can disrupt as for the space of this place, it may, no matter! 至于此地的空间会不会碎裂,它可不管! Bang! 轰隆! The terrifying energy erupts from that huge incomparable bone demon tree empty shadow, making that piece cover the void shadow radical distortion, must swallow to obliterate the wild energy in the middle of the endless storm divulging. 恐怖的能量从那庞大无比的骨魔树虚影当中爆发而出,让那片笼罩虚空的阴影剧烈的扭曲起来,要吞噬磨灭无尽风暴当中宣泄出的狂暴能量。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow resounds through in the middle of the void, endless storm unceasingly divulges, but the time and space strength of wreak havoc unceasingly. 剧烈的轰鸣声不断响彻虚空,无尽风暴当中宣泄而出的时间与空间之力不断肆虐而出。 Meanwhile, seemed spurred by strength of that shadow, another strength of endless storm center place also erupted. 与此同时,似乎受到了那阴影之力的刺激,无尽风暴中心处的另一股力量也随之爆发了。 Bright! 光明! Dark! 黑暗! Black white two rays erupt from the center of that wild energy, they surround mutually, looks like a pair of Yin-Yang fish, super revolving in void. 一黑一白两道光芒从那狂暴能量的中心处爆发而出,它们相互环绕,就像是一对阴阳鱼,于虚空中高速旋转。 Buzz ~! 嗡~! Together strange buzz the whining noise resounds through suddenly. 紧接着,一道奇异的嗡鸣声突然响彻而起。 Amazing suddenly appears! 令人惊异的一幕突然出现! With the appearance of that pair of Yin-Yang fish, under its super revolving, all around wild energy was absorbed unexpectedly. 随着那一对阴阳鱼的出现,在其高速旋转之下,四周的狂暴能量竟然又被吸收了进去。 Gold/Metal! Wooden! Water! Fire! earth! Wind! Thunder...... 金!木!水!火!土!风!雷…… Even is the time! Space! 甚至是时间!空间! A each energy, was absorbed in that pair of Yin-Yang fish. 每一种能量,都被吸收进了那一对阴阳鱼之中。 The strength of source, the immortal strength, was included all. 本源之力,不朽之力等,亦是尽数被纳入其中。 This is......” Wang Teng stares the big eye, the feeling is somewhat inconceivable, the head down, seems to be insufficient. “这是……”王腾不由瞪大眼睛,感觉有些不可思议,脑袋宕机,似乎都不够用了。 In what? 发生了什么? Why will the bright and dark strength have such strange change? 为什么光明与黑暗的力量会出现这样奇异的变化? Moreover other energies were absorbed in that pair of Yin-Yang fish unexpectedly, even the time and space these two strengths are unable to be exceptional. 而且其他能量竟然都被吸收进了那一对阴阳鱼之内,连时间与空间这两种力量都无法例外。 Is this does do? 这是干嘛? Looks down upon his endless storm, takes two times to do over? 看不起他的无尽风暴,要二次返工吗? However, has not waited for Wang Teng to complain, all had finished. 然而,还不等王腾吐槽完,一切都已结束。 All energies all by that pair of Yin-Yang fish absorption, even included in that space crack to sweep across, but strength that the death deep heavenly thunder that the strength of wild space, in the sky has not diverged, and bone demon tree erupted. 所有的能量皆被那一对阴阳鱼吸收,其中甚至包括了那空间裂缝之中席卷而出的狂暴空间之力,天空中未曾散去的死冥天雷,以及骨魔树所爆发的力量。 In other words, in this pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish contains the Wang Teng strength incessantly, contained the mighty force of this stretch of the world. 也就是说,这一对黑白阴阳鱼之内已经不止蕴含王腾的力量,更是蕴含了这片天地的伟力。 In the Wang Teng eye none explodes flashes, the innermost feelings somewhat anticipated unexpectedly, the vision closely is staring at that pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish. 王腾眼中精光爆闪,内心竟是有些期待了起来,目光紧紧盯着那一对黑白阴阳鱼。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, that pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish speeds away fiercely, charged into the front that huge shadow. 突然,那一对黑白阴阳鱼猛地疾驰而出,冲向了前方的那片巨大阴影。 Titter! 噗嗤! The next quarter, the strange sound spreads together. 下一刻,一道奇异的声响传出。 That shadow was pierced unexpectedly directly, later twists fiercely. 那片阴影竟然直接被洞穿,随后剧烈扭曲起来。 But the distortions of this distortion not his strengths, but from the distortion, seems a strength to disturb it. 但这种扭曲并非其自身力量的扭曲,而是来自于外界的扭曲,似有一股力量在干扰着它。 Bang! 轰! Is the flash, that trim shadow as if twisted the limit, the disruption, the fierce bellow also spread loudly. 仅仅是一瞬间,那一整片阴影似乎扭曲到了极限,轰然碎裂,剧烈的轰鸣声随之传出。 But at the same time disrupts, all around space! 而同时碎裂的,还有四周的空间! But that pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish has not actually stopped there, it castrated collision that did not reduce to approach that huge incomparable bone demon tree empty shadow unexpectedly. 但那一对黑白阴阳鱼却没有就此停止,它竟然去势不减的撞向了那庞大无比的骨魔树虚影。 I go! So aggressive?” Wang Teng is pleasantly surprised seriously. “我去!如此生猛的吗?”王腾当真是又惊又喜。 Roar! 吼! The bone demon tree felt immediately the threat, exuded the sound of angry roaring, above that huge empty shadow has the rich purple black ray to erupt immediately, unexpectedly is not the attack, but wants to resist. 骨魔树顿时感觉到了威胁,发出怒吼之声,那庞大的虚影之上立刻有着浓郁的紫黑色光芒爆发而出,竟不是攻击,而是想要抵挡。 This strength......” “这种力量……” That sound muttered, disclosed that the meaning of thick shock, subsequently he as if made some decision, sighed spookily. 那道声音喃喃自语,透露出浓浓的震撼之意,随后他似乎做出了某种决定,幽幽叹息一声。 „, I help your helping hand!” “罢了,我来助你一臂之力吧!” Finishes speaking, the bone demon tree as if came under the influence of some strength, the purple black ray that erupts stagnated unexpectedly flickered. 话音刚落,骨魔树似乎受到了某种力量的影响,所爆发的紫黑色光芒竟是凝滞了一瞬。 The speed of that pair of black and white Yin-Yang fish will draw near simply pinnacle, passed through instantaneously void, just like together the black-and-white ray, directly bombardment above bone demon tree empty shadow. 那一对黑白阴阳鱼的速度简直快到了极致,瞬间穿过了虚空,犹如一道黑白色的光线,径直轰击在了骨魔树虚影之上。 In an instant, world static, myriad things was framed! 刹那间,天地静止,万物似都被定格! Bang! 轰隆! Then the terrifying bellow resounds together, that black and white Yin-Yang fish exploded, dazzling incomparable ray from divulges, submerges the bone demon tree empty shadow unexpectedly thoroughly. 而后一道恐怖的轰鸣声响起,那黑白阴阳鱼爆炸了,耀眼无比的光芒从其中宣泄而出,竟是将骨魔树虚影彻底淹没。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… The innumerable space cracks appear, toward spreads to open in all directions. 无数空间裂缝出现,朝着四面八方蔓延而开。 Originally healing space crack, disrupts to open, spreads toward the distant place . Moreover the speed also wanted more than before quickly. 原本正在愈合的空间裂缝,又重新碎裂而开,朝着更远处蔓延,而且速度比之前还要快很多很多。 This region vibrated completely, the strange scene also appears. 这一片区域完全震动了起来,奇异的景象随之出现。 Overlapped starry skies, void above appear in this piece. 一片被重迭的星空,在这片虚空之上浮现。 That is......” “那是……” Another side, star weapon king and the others are taking out the space-based ball, prepares to detonate, but has not begun, then saw that so the scene appears, cannot help but dumbfounded. 另一边,星械王等人正取出天基球,准备引爆,但还未动手,便看到如此景象出现,不由得呆住了。 Bright universe Martial Artist, all in same place, looks to void. 一个个光明宇宙武者,全都愣在原地,望向虚空之外。 Starry sky!!! 星空!!! That is the starry sky of hometown!!! 那是家乡的星空!!! Just prevented space crack, spread again . Moreover the oncoming force was fiercer, filled this trim to be void unexpectedly. 刚刚被阻挡的空间裂缝,再一次蔓延开来,而且来势更加凶猛,竟然弥漫了这一整片虚空。 Scoundrel!!!” “混账!!!” Who is? Who is void in tearing?!” “是谁?谁在撕裂虚空?!” Comes out to me, who dares to go bad my bone spirit clan good deed!” “给我出来,谁敢坏我骨灵族好事!” ...... …… The shouting angrily sound that startled anger happen simultaneously transmits from void suddenly, resounds through in the world, the vibration is void. 一道道惊怒交加的怒喝声骤然从虚空之外传来,响彻天地之间,震动虚空。 What a pity this shouting angrily sound actually cannot prevent the spread of that crack again, completely probably...... incompetent wild with rage! 可惜这怒喝声却并不能再阻止那裂缝的蔓延,完全像是……无能狂怒! How...... possible?!!” The bone La Demon Venerable pupil contracts fiercely, raises head to look to void of disruption, has tarried thoroughly, is hard to accept this fact. “怎么……可能?!!”骨喇魔尊瞳孔剧烈收缩,仰头望向碎裂的虚空,已经彻底呆住,难以接受这个事实。 Just was not fortunately good? 刚刚不是还好好的吗? How to turn into this suddenly? 怎么突然又变成这样了? Sir even/including Moshen acts, is unable to prevent the spread of that space crack, what exactly had? 连魔神大人出手,都无法阻止那空间裂缝的蔓延,到底发生了什么? Are all these really that bright universe Heaven's Chosen behavior? 这一切真的都是那个光明宇宙天骄所为吗? Did he, what make?? 他,到底做了什么啊??
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