AAMD :: Volume #23

#2224: The ninth ancient universe! Solemn and stirring! The spread comes

Chapter 2224's ninth ancient universe! Solemn and stirring! Crack that the spread comes!( Sought subscription) 第2224章第九古宇宙!悲壮!蔓延而来的裂缝!(求订阅) Dark World, in the middle of bone spirit clan restricted area. 黑暗世界,骨灵族禁地当中。 By the world that the countless skeleton covers, but darkness deathly stillness, broad boundless, seems inexhaustible. 一座被累累骸骨所覆盖的世界,黑暗而死寂,广阔无边,似乎无穷无尽。 Here is the ruins of real perishing bone! 这里才是真正的亡骨之墟! Bone spirit clan the ruins of perishing bone. 骨灵族的亡骨之墟。 But in the ruins of this perishing bone, the length and breadth region was actually divided. 而在这亡骨之墟内部,却有一片广袤区域被分割了出来。 All around raises black light beams, as if formed huge knot, covers this region completely. 其四周升起一道道黑色光柱,仿佛形成了一道庞大的结界,将这片区域完全笼罩。 In region appeared void illusory, overlaps with another piece void. 区域之内的虚空出现了虚幻,与另一片虚空重迭。 If looks from the outside world, will then discover, scene that on knot of this region shines upon, impressively is vast starry skies, unlike ruins of above scene basis perishing bone. 若是从外界看去,便会发现,这片区域的结界上所映照出的景象,赫然是一片浩瀚的星空,与亡骨之墟上空的景象根本不同。 But in the black light beams of this region edge, has the bone spirit clan Dark Species forms of several whole body sending out terrifying aura. 而在这区域边缘的一道道黑色光柱之内,却是有着几道浑身散发恐怖气息的骨灵族黑暗种身影。 Some of them sit cross-legged to sit in bone above the mountain, some stand in the huge incomparable giant beast skeleton top of the head, but also some sit above skeleton god throne...... 它们有的盘膝坐于骨山之上,有的则是站在庞大无比的巨兽骸骨头顶,还有的坐于骸骨神座之上…… These bone spirit clan Dark Species forms, without exception are immeasurably deep, Source Power fluctuation that its within the body sends out, is vast boundless, made one sufficiently with amazement. 这几道骨灵族黑暗种身影,无一例外都是深不可测,其体内散发出的原力波动,俱是浩瀚无垠,足以令人骇然。 They all are extremely lazy and tranquil, seems only goes through the motions, very at will, even is still handling own matter respectively. 它们皆是极为慵懒与平静,似乎只是来走走过场,很是随意,甚至还在各自做着自己的事情。 These bright universe Martial Artist also are really tenacious, supports the present unexpectedly.” “这些光明宇宙武者还真是顽强,竟然支撑到了现在。” At this time, bone spirit clan Dark Species above giant beast skeleton top of the head lifted the head suddenly, as if saw anything, smiled lightly. 这时,一头巨兽骸骨头顶之上的骨灵族黑暗种突然抬起脑袋,似乎看到了什么,淡淡一笑。 Another sits cross-legged to sit in bone Yamanoue's bone spirit clan Dark Species, the appearance strange, on the head lives large number of spurs unexpectedly, a fierce feeling. 另一头盘膝坐于骨山之上的骨灵族黑暗种,模样奇异,头颅上竟生有大量的骨刺,给人一种狰狞之感。 At this time its soul fire in eye socket beat slightly, as if also saw anything, disdained saying with a smile: 此时它眼眶之内的魂火微微跳动了一下,似乎也看到了什么,不屑的笑道: Hehe, fighting of trapped/sleepy beast, cannot escape from our palms eventually.” “呵呵,困兽之斗而已,终究逃不出我们的手掌心。” This war, our bone spirit clans won.” In the midair, bone spirit clan Dark Species Jie Jie above that skeleton god throne said with a smile: Although paid a big price, but also calculated the value.” “这一战,还是我们骨灵族赢了啊。”半空中,那骸骨神座之上的骨灵族黑暗种桀桀笑道:“虽然付出了不小的代价,但也算值了。” These skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses, respectively each position situated in this region. 这几头骨灵族黑暗种强者,分别位于这片区域的各个方位。 But at this time actually regards that remote distance is not to have the thing, talked at will, as if the opposite party is common at present. 但此时却视那遥远的距离为无物,随意交谈,仿佛对方就在眼前一般。 „The ruins of this perishing bone are the last resort that my clan prepares, but to provide against contingencies, has not thought that also really applied.” Bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse spooky saying on that giant beast skeleton top of the head. “说起来,这亡骨之墟本是我族准备的最后手段,不过是为了以防万一,没想到还真派上用场了。”那巨兽骸骨头顶上的骨灵族黑暗种强者幽幽的说道。 It seems like this ninth ancient universe background is not truly weak, no wonder can experience the innumerable eras not to extinguish.” The bone spirit clan powerhouse vision above skeleton god throne flashes, light say/way. “看来这第九古宇宙底蕴确实不弱,难怪能够经历无数纪元而不灭。”骸骨神座之上的骨灵族强者目光闪动,淡淡道。 Was quick! When this era perhaps is they destroy, the darkness has arrived, to dark time also? No one could prevent.” Bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse indifferent saying of bone Yamanoue's. “快了!这一纪元也许就是他们毁灭之时,黑暗已经降临,至暗时刻还会远吗?谁也阻挡不了。”骨山之上的骨灵族黑暗种强者漠然的说道。 Good, the darkness has arrived, to dark will soon arrive, but now then starts.” Bone spirit clan Dark Species above skeleton god throne sat the body suddenly, in the look revealed the frantic meaning straight. “不错,黑暗已经降临,至暗即将到来,而现在便是开始。”骸骨神座之上的骨灵族黑暗种突然坐直了身躯,眼神中露出狂热之意。 Not is only it, in another two skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse eyes also revealed frantic, in the eye seems the flame to burn. 不仅仅是它,另外两头骨灵族黑暗种强者眼中也同样是露出了一丝狂热,眼中似有火焰在燃烧。 Meanwhile, bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse who other directions had not opened the mouth, at this time also recovers from the dreariness in abundance, the vision connects in void. 与此同时,其他方向一直未曾开口的骨灵族黑暗种强者,此时也纷纷从沉寂当中复苏,目光于虚空中交汇。 However...... 然而…… Has not waited for these bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses from giving free reign to the imagination to be separated, this region outbreak mutation. 还不等这些骨灵族黑暗种强者从畅想中脱离出来,这片区域突然发生异变。 A vibration transmits from void faintly, divergence remote distance. 一丝震动从虚空中隐隐传来,辐散遥远的距离。 This vibration, if from the edge feeling of this region, is not fierce. 这一丝震动,若是从这片区域的边缘感受,并不算多么剧烈。 Even if in wide and open void, then meets such as a spray in sea, is common. 甚至若是在广袤无垠的虚空之中,便会如大海中的一朵浪花,根本毫不起眼。 However the bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses on the scene are what kind of great strength, even if this vibration is slight, they can the clear sensation. 但是在场的骨灵族黑暗种强者都是何等的强大,哪怕这丝震动再轻微,它们都能够清晰的感知到。 Let alone this region is not at present big in them, this sudden vibration throws down pebble on such as the tranquil lake surface suddenly, aroused piece of ripples, will naturally be detected. 何况这片区域在它们眼前本就不算大,这一丝突然出现的震动就如平静的湖面突然投下一颗石子,激起了一片涟漪,自然会被察觉。 What's the matter?!” “怎么回事?!” Several skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform are startled. 几头骨灵族黑暗种强者齐齐一惊。 They all had victory in the hand, thought that during all in this piece of region are completely grasping, but presents the situation of now being separated from the control. 它们原本皆是胜券在握,觉得这片区域内的一切尽在掌握之中,但如今却出现了一丝脱离掌控的情况。 So the mutation, being beyond control they are not surprised. 如此异变,由不得它们不惊讶。 In an instant, this skull spirit clan Dark Species psychic force all takes a fast look around to go toward this region. 刹那间,这一头头骨灵族黑暗种的精神力皆是朝着这片区域内扫视而去。 This is......” “这是……” This type of aura, is the bone demon tree!” “这种气息,是骨魔树!” How will here have a bone demon tree?!!” “这里怎么会有一棵骨魔树?!!” Several skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses the sensation to the bone demon tree erupts immediately, but powerful aura, again one startled, in the eye is appears unbelievable. 几头骨灵族黑暗种强者立刻感知到了骨魔树爆发而出的强大气息,再度一惊,眼中都是浮现出一丝难以置信。 They designated that this region arrives at the bright universe, is because here is very quiet, does not have any external object disturbance. 它们选定这片区域降临光明宇宙,便是因为这里十分平静,没有任何外物干扰。 However now they suddenly discover, in the middle of this region has one is quite rare unexpectedly, and powerful incomparable bone demon tree! 但是现在它们突然发现,这片区域当中居然有一棵极为罕见,且强大无比的骨魔树! Were they blind? 难道它们都瞎了吗? So powerful existence, unexpectedly had not discovered. 如此强大的存在,竟然始终都没有发现。 Simply damn! 简直见鬼了! It can be said that feels the bone demon tree aura surprised, feels that vibration surprisedly also to be more intense than front. 可以说,感受到骨魔树气息的惊讶,比前面感受到那一丝震动的惊讶还要强烈许多。 Judged from that aura, this bone demon tree at least is the demon god level.” The bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses above skeleton god throne stood directly, said solemnly. “从那气息来判断,这棵骨魔树起码是魔神级。”骸骨神座之上的骨灵族黑暗种强者直接站了起来,沉声道 „A bone demon tree of demon god level level under our eyes hide, unexpectedly no one discovered.” “一株魔神级层次的骨魔树就在我们的眼皮子底下,竟然无一人发现。” This matter, if passes on, I and others also did have what face countenance to base in the clan?” “此事若传出去,我等还有何颜面于族内立足?” Bone demon tree strangely is always difficult to seek, even can move in the ruins of perishing bone, this bone demon tree reached the demon god level, we have not discovered its existence normally but actually.” “骨魔树向来诡异难寻,甚至可以在亡骨之墟内移动,这棵骨魔树更是达到了魔神级,我们没有发现它的存在倒也正常。” Now does not intertwine this matter time, what I should and others investigate thoroughly is to make this bone demon tree go crazy suddenly?” “现在不是纠结此事的时候,我等更应该查清楚到底是什么让这棵骨魔树突然发狂?” „......” “……” These bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses discuss spiritedly, in the heart to the appearance of that bone demon tree also somewhat takes to heart. 这些骨灵族黑暗种强者议论纷纷,心中对那骨魔树的出现还有些耿耿于怀。 By their strengths, has not discovered existence of bone demon tree unexpectedly, is really somewhat disgraced. 以它们的实力,居然没有发现一棵骨魔树的存在,实在是有些丢人。 However the last words, make them recover suddenly. 但是最后一句话语,却让它们猛然回过神来。 Now truly is not why the puzzled bone demon tree will present the time here, they should pay attention to the reason that bone demon tree goes crazy suddenly. 现在确实不是纠结骨魔树为什么会出现在这里的时候,它们更应该关注那骨魔树突然发狂的原因。 This is the key point! 这才是重点! With their experiences, naturally cannot be strange to the bone demon tree. 以它们的见识,对骨魔树自然不会陌生。 This is in the ruins of perishing bone extremely special one existence, even the high-rank demon sovereign level exists knows, how they can not know. 这可是亡骨之墟内极为特殊的一种存在,连上位魔皇级存在都知晓,它们又岂会不知。 Because of this, they are surprised. 正因为如此,它们才更加的感到惊讶。 Because by the characteristics of bone demon tree, only if came across the life and death crisis, otherwise so will not be crazy. 因为以骨魔树的特点,除非是遇到了生死危机,否则根本不会如此疯狂。 The bone demon tree mostly time in the deep sleep, moves to be disinclined. 骨魔树大多时间都在沉睡之中,动都懒得动一下。 If insists to describe that with the user-friendly way the character of bone demon tree, was people often says probably...... 如果硬要用人性化的方式来形容骨魔树的性格,大概就是人们常说的…… Lazy! 慵懒! Buddha department! 佛系! Right, this is a tree of lazy Buddha department, usually except for eating, rests. 没错,这是一棵慵懒佛系的树,平时除了吃,就是睡。 Therefore many bone spirit clan Dark Species, dares to enter the bone demon tree to seek the chance. 所以很多骨灵族黑暗种,才敢进入骨魔树内部寻求机缘。 After all if changes into other demon god levels to exist, even if in the deep sleep , the danger coefficient will also be higher than many times compared with the bone demon tree. 毕竟如果换成其他魔神级存在,哪怕是处于沉睡之中,危险系数也会比骨魔树高出许多倍。 If Wang Teng here, will certainly echo these skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses, expressed the intense support. 如果王腾在此,一定会附和一下这几头骨灵族黑暗种强者,表示强烈的赞同。 He really has profound understanding. 他是真的深有体会啊。 From the beginning to the present, he does not know that provoked bone demon tree many times. 从一开始到现在,他不知道招惹了骨魔树多少次。 If other demon god levels exists, feared that has come a round of death to hit hard to him, directly delivered him to return to the western paradise. 如果是其他魔神级存在,怕是早就给他来一发死亡重击,直接送他归西了。 Result bone demon tree simply should not be too gentle, for fear that he cannot withstand, the offensive of erupts almost in his tolerance range, until finally is driven beyond the limits of forbearance. 结果这骨魔树简直不要太温柔,生怕他承受不住,所爆发的攻势几乎都在他的承受范围之内,直至最后忍无可忍。 Pulled far. 咳咳,扯远了。 Returning to the proper topic, several skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses are the doubt, in the heart raise at this time extremely an ominous premonition. 言归正传,几头骨灵族黑暗种强者此时都是极为狐疑,心中不由升起一丝不祥的预感。 Is what makes this bone demon tree fall into the so crazy condition? 到底是什么让这棵骨魔树陷入如此疯狂的状态? Besides the aura of bone demon tree, another energy exists.” At this time, that sat cross-legged to sit the bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse above giant beast skeleton top of the head to open the mouth to say. “除了骨魔树的气息,还有另一股能量存在。”这时,那头盘膝坐于巨兽骸骨头顶之上的骨灵族黑暗种强者开口道。 Another energy?! Is it possible that is other demon god levels exists?” Bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse surprised say/way above skeleton god throne. “还有另一股能量?!莫非是其他魔神级存在?”骸骨神座之上的骨灵族黑暗种强者惊疑道。 That sits cross-legged to sit the bone spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse above giant beast skeleton top of the head to shake the head slowly, said: From the fluctuation of energy, seems not the demon god level exists.” 那头盘膝坐于巨兽骸骨头顶之上的骨灵族黑暗种强者缓缓摇头,说道:“从能量波动来看,似乎并非魔神级存在。” But, will the energy of that region why so chaotic?” “但是,为什么那片区域的能量会如此混乱?” „It is not good, the space was torn, the space fluctuation riot, will perhaps affect the ruins and the bright universe perishing bone overlapping condition!!!” “不好,空间被撕裂了,空间波动暴乱,恐怕会影响亡骨之墟与光明宇宙的重迭状态!!!” This skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouse soon then discovered the issue, startled and anger. 这头骨灵族黑暗种强者很快便发现了问题,又惊又怒。 Space fluctuates is very intense, stands firm it quickly!” “空间波动很强烈,快将其稳住!” Several other skull spirit clan Dark Species powerhouses were also detecting that at this moment the space of that riot fluctuated, drinks to make noise greatly. 其他几头骨灵族黑暗种强者也在此刻察觉到了那暴乱的空间波动,纷纷大喝出声。 They cannot attend to other, immediately begins, the terrifying fluctuation of energy erupts from their within the body, integrates in the black light beam outside body. 它们也顾不上其他,立刻动手,恐怖的能量波动从它们体内爆发而出,融入身外的黑色光柱之内。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That black light beams bloom immediately the dazzling ray, in an instant innumerable rune/symbol writing appears in the light beam, just like the chains to let fall vertical, crash-bang makes noise. 那一道道黑色光柱顿时绽放出刺目的光芒,刹那间无数的符文在光柱中浮现,犹如锁链般竖直垂落,哗啦作响。 The strange and powerful strength sends out from these rune/symbol writing, integrates in knot above this piece of region, making it start the chaotic space, at this moment unexpectedly became stable, even there is a sign of healing. 奇异而强大的力量从那些符文之中散发而出,融入这片区域之上的结界内,令其原本开始混乱的空间,此刻竟重新变得稳固起来,甚至有了愈合的迹象。 ...... …… Another side, Wang Teng sees the endless storm smooth explosion to open, goes toward the front shadow impact, in the heart also tied tight. 另一边,王腾见无尽风暴顺利爆炸而开,朝着前方的阴影冲击而去,心中也是紧绷了起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! The deafening bellow resounds through, the terrifying fluctuation of energy sweeps away the four directions. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响彻而起,恐怖的能量波动横扫四方。 Under endless storm that confusion incomparable energy, the huge shadow unexpectedly strenuous vibration that the bone demon tree erupts at this moment, as if must disrupt general. 在无尽风暴那混乱无比的能量之下,骨魔树此刻所爆发的巨大阴影竟然剧烈震动起来,似乎要碎裂一般。 Above that huge shadow has lots of rune/symbol writing to reappear suddenly, looks like the brand mark in void, sends out the powerful and strange strength. 那片巨大阴影之上突然有着大量的符文浮现而出,就像是烙印在虚空之中,散发出强大而诡异的力量。 But at this time, as the energy of endless storm attacks unceasingly, rune/symbol writing above that shadow is actually starts to collapse. 但此时,随着无尽风暴的能量不断冲击,那阴影之上的符文却是开始崩溃。 This is actually not strange. 这倒是不奇怪。 Shadow of bone demon tree eruption, although is truly powerful. 骨魔树此刻爆发的阴影,虽然确实非常强大。 But the energy of Wang Teng this endless storm is not actually a vegetarian, not only contained the strength of space, is the strength of implication time. 王腾这无尽风暴的能量却也不是吃素的,其中不但蕴含了空间之力,更是蕴含时间之力。 This is the peak strength, almost non-solution. 这是最顶尖的力量,几乎无解。 Even if the strength of such unusual strength shadow, is very difficult to resist these two strengths. 哪怕是阴影之力这样奇特的力量,也很难抵挡这两种力量。 Let alone under the Wang Teng endless storm, these two energies interweaves mutually, it may be said that had change essentially, the time and space blends, may obliterate the myriad things. 何况在王腾的无尽风暴之中,这两种能量相互交织之下,可谓是发生了本质上的变化,时间与空间交融,可磨灭万物。 In addition, before the endless storm also has Wang Teng, is prompted by a sudden impulse dark strength that joins suddenly, down to in light and coexists dark, similarly had some mutation. 除此之外,无尽风暴中还有王腾之前心血来潮突然加入的黑暗之力,以至于光明与黑暗并存,同样是发生了某种异变。 Wang Teng are not clear, when these energies all erupt, what matter will have. 王腾自己都不清楚,当这些能量全都爆发开来时,会发生什么样的事情。 The Wang Teng vision stares at the front energy to collide stubbornly, the fist grips tightly, the vision flashes rapidly. 王腾目光死死盯着前方的能量碰撞,拳头不由攥紧,目光急速闪动。 Although that say/way huge shadow has not disrupted, nearby region that but this moment bone demon tree is , the space is torn to pieces. 虽然那道巨大阴影还未碎裂,但此刻骨魔树所在的区域附近,空间已经是支离破碎。 Giant space cracks such as the spider web toward spreads to open generally in all directions, as if must void thorough tearing this region be ordinary. 一道道巨大的空间裂缝如蜘蛛网一般朝着四面八方蔓延而开,仿佛要将这片区域的虚空彻底撕裂一般。 In the Wang Teng eye appears a happy expression, he has been able to feel that the bright universe the aura is getting more and more rich. 王腾眼中不由浮现出一丝喜色,他已是能够感觉到光明宇宙的气息越来越浓郁。 Success at present! 成功就在眼前! ...... …… At the same time. 同一时间。 That stretch of battlefield that bright universe Martial Artist and Dark Species are, fight of both sides had almost also arrived at the final time. 光明宇宙武者黑暗种所在的那片战场,双方的战斗也几乎已经到了最后的时刻。 Now remaining bright universe Martial Artist, half from the beginning. 如今所剩下的光明宇宙武者,连一开始的一半都不到。 Many bright universe Martial Artist have fallen from the sky thoroughly in the ruins of this perishing bone, changes to a skeleton, in the future will also become one in that countless skeleton. 许多光明宇宙武者已经彻底陨落在了这亡骨之墟内,化作其中的一具尸骸,将来也会成为那累累骸骨中的一员。 Perhaps, no one will remember their names. 恐怕,无人会记得他们的名字。 This is without doubt sorrowful. 这无疑非常悲哀。 But this is the war! 但这就是战争! Brutal! 残酷! Brutal! 无情! Bright universe and Dark Species war especially so. 光明宇宙与黑暗种的战争尤其如此。 These bright universe Martial Artist bury the bone in this, has the opportunity in return native land very much difficultly again. 那些光明宇宙武者埋骨于此,很难再有回归故土的机会。 But this is star meteor revering and other bright universe powerhouses, the result of vigorously maintaining. 而这已经是星陨尊者等光明宇宙强者,极力维持的结果。 Without star meteor revering and the others erupts recklessly, bright universe Martial Artist on the scene feared that was one does not live. 若是没有星陨尊者等人不顾一切的爆发,在场的光明宇宙武者怕是一个都活不了。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce bellow transmits from the upper air, black gold/metal two light groups such as two fierce Yang general, is colliding crazily. 剧烈的轰鸣声从高空传来,一黑一金两道光团如两颗烈阳一般,正疯狂的碰撞着。 Suddenly, the form was hit together, crashes loudly, pounded to collapse a big piece of skeleton, making a lot of skeletons change to the fragment powder. 突然,一道身影被击中,轰然坠落下来,将一大片骸骨砸塌,令大量骸骨化作了齑粉。 The impact of that energy was too terrifying, the common skeleton cannot resist. 那能量的冲击太恐怖了,寻常的骸骨根本抵挡不住。 As the Source Power ray diverges, the distressed form reveals together, unexpectedly is star meteor revering. 随着原力光芒散去,一道狼狈的身影显露而出,竟然是星陨尊者。 But this time he, like just does not start like that the supernatural might, the mechanical body appeared incompletely, above has extremely fierce scars, the blue electric light flees in the wound. 只不过此时的他,已经不像刚开始那般神武,机械身躯出现了残缺,上面有着一道道极为狰狞的伤痕,蓝色的电光在伤口中窜动。 Remaining bright universe Martial Artist despaired! 残余的光明宇宙武者都绝望了! Now must unable to block the Dark Species Demon Venerable offensive star meteor revering, when can they support? 现在连星陨尊者都要挡不住黑暗种魔尊的攻势了,他们又能撑到什么时候? Really could not support! 实在撑不下去了啊! Perhaps died is their final homes to return. 也许死亡才是他们最终的归宿。 This war, lost eventually! 这一战,终究是输了! A thick desperate meaning, filled the air immediately in these surplus bright universe Martial Artist. 一股浓浓的绝望之意,顿时弥漫在了这些剩余的光明宇宙武者之间。 Jie Jie Jie, your dead ends.” “桀桀桀,你们的末路到了。” Above the upper air, fills the sneering sound of meaning of ridicule to transmit together suddenly. 高空之上,一道充满讥讽之意的冷笑声骤然传来。 Bone La Demon Venerable float in midair, is overlooking below bright universe Martial Artist, even star meteor revering, it did not place in the eye. 骨喇魔尊悬浮于半空,俯瞰着下方的光明宇宙武者,甚至连星陨尊者,它都不放在眼中了。 Accompanying you played was so long, should finish.” “陪你们玩了这么久,也该结束了。” Main body also somewhat admires you, obviously is the dead pigeon, actually can also resist tenaciously now.” “本尊还真是有些佩服你们,明明已经是瓮中之鳖,却还能顽强的抵抗到现在。” Is it possible that you think that Wang Teng really can find to flee the means of ruins of this perishing bone to be inadequate, is really laughable, now he has perhaps fallen from the sky in some corner.” “莫非你们以为,那王腾真的能够找到逃离这亡骨之墟的办法不成,真是可笑,现在他恐怕已经陨落在某个角落里了。” „The restricted area of my clan, his Territory Lord Level Martial Artist can it be that at will round trip, acts recklessly simply.” “我族的禁地,岂是他一个域主级武者能够随意来去的,简直不知死活。” Sounds spread from its, have contemptuous and meaning of ridicule. 一道道声音从其口中传出,带着轻蔑和嘲弄之意。 Remaining bright universe Martial Artist all are angry, what in the heart are more is sorrowful. 剩下的光明宇宙武者皆是愤怒不已,但心中更多的是悲哀。 Yes! 是啊! By a strength of Wang Teng person, how can find the outlet in the restricted area of this bone spirit clan, he can live is calculating well. 凭借王腾一个人的力量,如何能够在这骨灵族的禁地当中找到出路,他能够活着都算不错了。 They should not harbor the so impractical fantasy. 他们本不该抱有如此不切实际的幻想。 To be bigger, disappointed bigger. 正所谓希望越大,失望越大。 At this moment fantasized that was punctured by bone La Demon Venerable thoroughly, bright universe Martial Artist on the scene is some are unable to accept. 此刻幻想被骨喇魔尊彻底戳破,在场的光明宇宙武者都是有些无法接受。 In the star meteor revering eye also flashes through a disappointment, a word has not sent. 星陨尊者眼中亦是闪过一丝失望,一言未发。 Oh!” “唉!” The bright universe immortal level that ram Yu, the star weapon king and others survived exists, in the heart could not bear sigh, in the eye lost the final brilliance. 公羊裕,星械王等残存的光明宇宙不朽级存在,心中也是忍不住叹息了一声,眼中失去了最后的光彩。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 The will that the immortal level has is firm, now unexpectedly loses the desire of seeking livehood! 不朽级存在的心志何等坚定,如今居然都失去了求生的欲望! Thus it can be seen, present situation to what seed/type the desperate situation. 由此可见,如今的情况到底是到了何种绝望的地步。 These remaining bright universe Martial Artist looked at each other one mutually, in the eye reveals the dead will, plans and Dark Species perishes together. 那些残余的光明宇宙武者相互对视了一眼,眼中露出死志,打算与黑暗种同归于尽。 At the worst dies, we cannot make Dark Species take lightly absolutely, spelled with them!” “大不了一死,我们绝对不能让黑暗种看轻,与它们拼了!” That shouted angrily to resound through the sky, has endless dismal and grand! 那一声声怒喝响彻天空,有着无尽的悲凉与壮阔! „, But is the fly wasp shakes the tree!” Bone La Demon Venerable contemptuously smiles. “呵,不过是蚍蜉撼树而已!”骨喇魔尊轻蔑一笑。 Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Ants, but also wants and others to perish together with me.” “蝼蚁,还想与我等同归于尽。” Wishful thinking!” “痴心妄想!” All around Dark Species laughs immediately, they teased is looking at present bright universe Martial Artist, like regarding the prey was ordinary. 四周的黑暗种顿时大笑起来,它们戏谑的望着眼前的光明宇宙武者,如同看待猎物一般。 The beforehand fight, these Dark Species mostly have not fallen from the sky. 之前的战斗,这些黑暗种大多没有陨落。 Now they are more relaxed, in the quantity had the advantage completely, do not say that also has the bone spirit clan to support. 如今它们就更轻松了,数量上完全占据了优势,更不要说还有骨灵族撑腰。 Even if other races Dark Species, at this time was also full of the awe to bone spirit clan Dark Species, vigorously sure-kill that coordinates them to complete this to fight. 哪怕是其他种族的黑暗种,此时也对骨灵族黑暗种充满了敬畏,极力配合它们完成这一战的绝杀。 After all the bone spirit clan strives to turn the tide, perhaps they have lost to the bright universe. 毕竟要不是骨灵族力挽狂澜,它们恐怕已经败于光明宇宙。 Can say unrestrained/no trace of politeness, this fought the bone spirit clan to make the power and influence completely. 可以毫不客气的说,这一战骨灵族完全打出了威势。 If the news spreads, the prestige of bone spirit clan will rise sharply surely, making all Dark Species clans feel the exclamation. 消息若是传出,骨灵族的声望必定会大涨,让所有黑暗种族感到惊叹。 Killed them.” Bone La Demon Venerable does not want to play again, coldly says with a smile. “将他们都杀了吧。”骨喇魔尊已经不想再玩下去,冷冷一笑道。 What is that?!!” “那是什么?!!” However in the meantime, together the screams are actually extremely towering resounding. 然而就在此时,一道惊呼声却是极为突兀的响起。 This sound in this time situation, without doubt very grating, everyone looked subconsciously. 这声音在此时的情况下,无疑是非常的刺耳,以至于所有人都下意识的看了过去。 Sees only bright universe Martial Artist to look to void of distant place, stared in a big way the eye, as if saw any astonishing picture. 只见一名光明宇宙武者正望向远处的虚空,瞪大了眼睛,似乎看到了什么惊人的画面。 The people also look hastily, immediately also stares the big eye. 众人连忙随之看去,顿时也纷纷瞪大眼睛。 Star meteor revering looks up toward void of distant place, in the eye flashes through together none suddenly. 星陨尊者抬头朝着远处的虚空望去,眼中骤然闪过一道精光。 Not is only he, ram Yu, the immortal levels of star weapon king these bright universes exists, and even is Dark Species bone La Demon Venerable and other powerhouses, turns the head suddenly, looks toward the distant place. 不仅仅是他,公羊裕,星械王这些光明宇宙的不朽级存在,乃至是黑暗种的骨喇魔尊等强者,也都是猛然转头,朝着远处看去。 The void vibration, terrifying fissures rapidly are spreading to come. 虚空震动,一道道恐怖的裂痕正快速蔓延而来。 The sky, seemed torn to open! 天空,仿佛被撕裂而开!
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