AAMD :: Volume #23

#2223: Shadow blade accomplishment! Also must be the dog owner

Chapter 2223 shadow blade accomplishment! Also must be dog owner most show! Disruption...... endless storm! 第2223章阴影刀大成!还得是狗主人最骚啊!碎裂吧……无尽风暴! Six step immortal materials, definitely are very flamboyant. 六阶不朽物质,肯定是非常牛逼的。 Even the mid-rank demon sovereign level, or the conferring the title of prince upon immortal level exists, feared that may not grasp six step immortal materials. 就算是中位魔皇级,或是封王不朽级存在,怕是都不一定能够掌握六阶不朽物质。 Only some high-rank Demon Venerable levels exist, or immortal level revering, may grasp. 唯有一些上位魔尊级存在,或是不朽级尊者,才有可能掌握。 Therefore, if Wang Teng can grasp six step immortal materials, his body and soul body will achieve an extremely powerful condition seriously. 因此,王腾若是能够掌握六阶不朽物质,那他的身躯与灵魂体当真会达到一种极为强大的状态。 This condition can make his carrying/sustaining more boundless abundant Source Power and psychic force. 这种状态可以让他承载更加磅礴雄厚的原力和精神力。 Why this is also, he obviously is only Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, Source Power and psychic force that but contains also are more powerful than common World Lord Level Martial Artist. 这也是为什么,他明明只是域主级巅峰武者,但所蕴含的原力和精神力都要比寻常界主级武者都还要强大很多。 Without the corresponding soul and body, how can withstand the strength of corresponding. 没有相应的灵魂和身躯,如何能够承受相对应的力量。 The however six step immortal materials do not have the shadow matter, Wang Teng not to think temporarily at this moment, will continue a last attribute air bubble absorption digestion. 不过六阶不朽物质暂时还是没影的事情,王腾此刻也没有多想,继续将最后一种属性气泡吸收消化。 Blank attribute! 空白属性! Last species impressively is the blank attribute . Moreover the attribute value is considerable. 最后一种属性赫然是空白属性,而且属性值非常可观。 In a flash, before Wang Teng feels itself , the blank attribute that immediately consumes, is promoting rapidly. 一瞬间,王腾立刻感觉到自己之前消耗掉的空白属性,正快速的提升起来。 Previous time to promote Flood dragon god roars, His blank attribute consumed hundreds of thousands of points, finally is only left over more than 130,000 points attribute values. 上次为了提升【蛟神吼】,他的空白属性消耗了数十万点,最终只剩下十三万多一点的属性值。 Now with this wave of blank attribute was absorbed by Wang Teng, his blank attribute rises dramatically to more than 500,000 points immediately. 如今随着这一波空白属性被王腾吸收,他的空白属性顿时飙升至五十几万点。 Blank attribute: 585000 ; 【空白属性】:585000; 585000 blank attributes!” Wang Teng looked at a property panel, felt that own eye must turn into the blank attribute shape. “585000点空白属性!”王腾看了一眼属性面板,感觉自己的眼睛都要变成空白属性的形状了。 Finally promoted. 终于又提升上来了啊。 This wave, the blood gains! 这一波,血赚! Wang Teng deeply inspires again, returns to normal the mood, then the vision fell above property panel some column attribute. 王腾再度深吸了口气,平复一下情绪,而后目光落在了属性面板之上的某一栏属性。 Shadow blade( Growth): 2000 / 3000( crosses the threshold) ; 【阴影刀】(可成长型):2000/3000(入门); This was initially shadow attribute Fighting technique that on that corpse from the Ka Clan vestige obtains, belongs to growth Fighting technique, the potential is extraordinary. 这是当初从娜迦族遗迹当中那具尸身上得到的阴影属性战技,属于可成长型战技,潜力非凡。 Now his Shadow talent Was six step levels, the strength of shadow naturally can also erupt six step levels the might. 如今他的【阴影天赋】达到了六阶层次,阴影之力自然也能够爆发出六阶层次的威力。 Therefore, he currently completely has the ability to display this Fighting technique might. 因此,他现在完全有能力将这门战技的威力发挥出来。 However before then, but also needs to promote this Fighting technique skilled. 不过在此之前,还需要提升一下这门战技的熟练度。 The basic rank, was too low! 入门级别,太低了! Since obtains this Fighting technique in the Ka Clan vestige previous time, he has never used. 自从上一次在娜迦族遗迹中得到这门战技,他就从未使用过。 Therefore does not have the opportunity to promote. 所以也没有机会提升。 But now is different, what Wang Teng faces is bone demon tree such terrifying existence, he must make every effort to enhance oneself strength. 但如今不同,王腾面对的是骨魔树那样恐怖的存在,他必须尽一切努力提升自己的实力。 But Fighting technique skilled, without doubt is also an indispensable point! 战技的熟练度,无疑也是其中不可或缺的一环! Blank attribute, in addition!” Wang Teng chose without hesitation added. “空白属性,加点!”王腾毫不犹豫的选择了加点。 In an instant, the blank attribute starts to drop, Shadow blade The attribute promoted rapidly. 刹那间,空白属性开始下降,【阴影刀】的属性则是飞速提升了起来。 However Wang Teng discovered a very strange phenomenon. 不过王腾发现了一个非常奇怪的现象。 Time from the beginning, the speed that the blank attribute drops is not fast, consumed 9000 attributes merely, then Shadow blade From crossing the threshold to promote the skilled rank peak. 一开始的时候,空白属性下降的速度并不快,仅仅是消耗了九千点属性,便将【阴影刀】从入门提升到了熟练级别顶峰。 Crosses the threshold to promote proficiently, this need 3000 attributes. 入门提升到熟练,本需要3000点属性。 Because had achieved 2000 attributes before, therefore only needs 1000 attribute values now. 但因为之前已经达到了2000点属性,所以现在仅需要1000点属性值。 But from proficiently promotes to be skilled, then needs 8000 attribute values. 而从熟练提升到精通,则需要8000点属性值。 in addition just right 9000 attribute values. 加起来正好9000点属性值。 This indicated from basic to the familiar rank, the blank attribute and Shadow blade The attribute exchange proportion is normal 1 : 1. 这说明从入门到精通级别,空白属性与【阴影刀】属性的兑换比例还是正常的一比一。 Wang Teng is very happy, after all according to this trend, he can save many blank attributes. 原本王腾是很高兴的,毕竟按照这种趋势,他可以省下很多空白属性。 However after was skilled in the rank, the blank attribute rate of descent instantaneously rises suddenly. 但是到了精通级别以后,空白属性的下降速度瞬间暴涨。 From being skilled in the rank promotes to little to become rank, needs 15000 attribute values, the blank attribute that but consumes is actually enough 150,000 points. 从精通级别提升到小成级别,需要15000点属性值,但消耗的空白属性却是足足十五万点。 The exchange proportion was 10 : 1! 兑换比例达到了十比一! At this moment, Wang Teng knows oneself were too naive. 这一刻,王腾知道自己太天真了。 However this situation first time appears but actually. 不过这种情况倒还是头一次出现。 In the past raised Fighting technique skilled, from basic to the accomplishment, the attribute value and blank attribute exchange proportion generally does not change. 以往提升一门战技的熟练度,从入门到大成,属性值与空白属性的兑换比例一般都不会变。 This is decides by the rank of Fighting technique, from the beginning determined the nature. 这是由战技的等级所决定的,从一开始就定性了。 But now this Shadow blade Fighting technique, had the change with the promotion of skilled, surprised him somewhat actually. 而如今这门【阴影刀】战技,却是随着熟练度的提升而出现了变化,倒是令他有些意外。 This explained, this Fighting technique skilled more is grasps behind, does its might then more grow doubled and re-doubled?!” “这岂不是说明,这门战技的熟练度越是掌握到后面,其威力便越是成倍增长?!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart emits an astonishing guess immediately. 王腾目光一闪,心中顿时冒出一个惊人的猜测。 The blank attribute that needs grows doubled and re-doubled, the Fighting technique might will naturally also grow doubled and re-doubled. 所需的空白属性成倍增长,战技的威力自然也会成倍增长。 Since he obtains this to pick the attribute gold/metal finger to the present, had experienced very long time, saved many experiences. 从他得到这捡属性金手指到现在,已经经历了很长的时间,积攒了许多经验。 Therefore, he has been familiar with these attribute changes, and summarized many rules. 所以,他对这些属性的变化早已了如指掌,并总结出了不少规律。 Generally speaking, on the Fighting technique aspect, the blank attribute consumes are more, explained that the Fighting technique might is bigger. 一般来说,就战技方面而言,空白属性消耗越多,说明战技的威力越大。 Therefore this moment Wang Teng is almost certain, this Shadow blade Once Fighting technique achieves little to become rank, its might will turn time surely. 所以此刻王腾几乎可以肯定,这门【阴影刀】战技一旦达到小成级别,其威力必定会翻倍。 Shadow blade( Growth): 1 / 30000( little to become) ; 【阴影刀】(可成长型):1/30000(小成); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, Shadow blade Has achieved little to become rank, he then stopped the blank attribute to add. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,【阴影刀】已经达到了小成级别,他便停下了空白属性加点。 So far, altogether consumed 159,000 points of attribute values! 到目前为止,总共消耗了十五万九千点属性值! Wang Teng saw that the blank attribute is quite sufficient. 王腾看到空白属性还比较充足。 But since childhood to become promotes to 30,000 attributes that the accomplishment rank needs, exchanging the blank attribute is 300,000 points, in addition actually also in his tolerance range. 而从小成提升到大成级别所需要的三万点属性,兑换成空白属性就是三十万点,倒是尚且还在他的承受范围内。 Ok , to promote one wave again!” “算了,再提升一波!” Therefore he then clenches teeth, immediately invests 300,000 blank attributes, lets Shadow blade Promoted the accomplishment rank instantaneously. 于是他便咬了咬牙,当即将三十万点空白属性投入进去,让【阴影刀】瞬间提升到了大成级别。 Is the flash, in his mind then emerged a boundless and mysterious sensibility baseless. 仅仅是一瞬间,他的脑海中便凭空涌现出了一段磅礴而玄奥的感悟。 The human form light shadow condenses together, is training this knife skill, day after day, year after year...... 一道人形光影凝聚而出,正在演练这门刀法,日复一日,年复一年…… That feeling, as if Wang Teng cultivates this Shadow blade Fighting technique long time, has integrated in it the memory and flesh thoroughly, goes directly to the boundary of accomplishment. 那种感觉,就仿佛王腾修炼这门【阴影刀】战技已经很长时间,彻底将其融入记忆与血肉之中,直达大成之境。 Quite crisp!” “好爽!” In the Wang Teng eye the fine glow erupts, the look as if changed to a peerless divine blade, will soon come out of the sheath. 王腾眼中精芒爆发,眼神仿佛化作了一柄绝世神刀,即将出鞘。 He was right Shadow blade Grasping crosses the threshold merely, although can display, but roughly understands, many places simply have not understood thoroughly, there is a sluggish feeling. 原本他对【阴影刀】的掌握仅仅只是入门,虽然能够施展出来,但到底只是粗通,有许多地方根本没有理解透彻,有一种迟滞感。 At this moment, this feeling actually completely vanished. 此时此刻,这种感觉却完全消失了。 Looked like a road to make a connection generally, the front opened access, galloping that can have one's wish. 就像是一条路被打通了一般,前方畅通无阻,可以随心所欲的驰骋。 Wang Teng raised the head, in the hand presented a strange war sword, such as the shadow, the distortion is illusory, there is a not sense of reality. 王腾抬起头,手中出现了一柄奇异的战剑,如阴影般,扭曲而虚幻,有一种不真实感。 Although sword at present, but makes people think indistinct, as deep as a well. 尽管剑就在眼前,但却让人觉得缥缈,难以捉摸。 Shadow sword! 暗影剑! Half god level fights the soldier!! 半神级战兵!! Obviously what displays is the knife skill, why can use to fight the sword? 明明施展的是刀法,为何要动用战剑? Does not have other, is because this fights the sword is half god level weapon! 没别的,便是因为这柄战剑是半神级兵器! This fights the rank of sword, levels the difference between weapon types sufficiently. 这柄战剑的等级,足以抹平兵器种类之间的差异性。 Who said that fought the sword unable to display the knife skill class Fighting technique? 谁说战剑就不能施展刀法类的战技了? This matter Wang Teng also has to do. 这种事王腾又不是没干过。 Now Shadow blade Skilled has achieved the accomplishment rank. 如今【阴影刀】的熟练度已经达到了大成级别。 What is the accomplishment? 什么是大成? The great achievement with fighting the sword can also Shadow blade The might displays thoroughly, does not have the limit of weapon type. 大成就是用战剑也能够将【阴影刀】的威力彻底发挥出来,根本不存在兵器种类的限制。 At this moment, Wang Teng within the body the strength of six step shadows erupt immediately, pours into the shadow sword. 此刻,王腾体内的六阶阴影之力顿时爆发而出,注入暗影剑内。 In an instant, the shadow covers the entire to fight the sword, making it become is more unreal, as if empty melted generally, with all around melted void, especially strange. 刹那间,阴影笼罩整柄战剑,令其变得更加虚幻起来,仿佛虚化了一般,与四周虚空相融,格外的奇异。 Meanwhile, the strength of gathering shadow, in fighting the sword surface condensed a shadow small snake, coiled around above the sword blade. 与此同时,阴影之力汇聚,在战剑表面凝聚出了一条阴影小蛇,盘绕在剑身之上。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Its comfortable partly narrows the eye, exudes the sound of neighing. 它舒服的半眯起眼睛,发出嘶鸣之声。 This dog owner, displayed shadow class Fighting technique with it finally. 这个狗主人,终于用它来施展阴影类战技了。 God knows it difficult. 天知道它有多难啊。 As a shadow attribute war sword, actually must be used to display various different attribute Fighting technique, is really has not cared. 身为一柄阴影属性的战剑,却要被用来施展各种异属性战技,真是一点没把它当回事。 Was good does because of this chapter of dog owner finally returned to the matter that the person did. 好在这回狗主人总算是干了回人干的事儿。 At this moment, the shadow sword felt that the unprecedented crisp feeling, the entire sword slight tremor, as if reached G points to be the same! 这一刻,暗影剑感觉到了前所未有的爽感,整柄剑都轻微的颤动起来,似乎达到了G点一般! Bang! 轰! The next quarter, under the control of Wang Teng, the strength of shadow erupts, giant blade glow condenses above the shadow sword immediately, was dozens zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously. 下一刻,在王腾的控制下,阴影之力爆发,一道巨大的刀芒随即在暗影剑之上凝聚而出,瞬间达到了数十丈大小。 Shadow sword: „???” 暗影剑:“???” Blade...... knife skill?! 刀……刀法?! That shadow small snake stared the big eye instantaneously, in the look filled confusedly. 那条阴影小蛇瞬间瞪大眼睛,眼神中充满了迷茫。 The shadow sword put in order immediately cannot. 暗影剑顿时被整不会了。 Why does its fight the sword to be used to use the knife skill? 为什么它一柄战剑会被用来施展刀法? In this river? 这河里吗? Is where isn't right? 到底是哪里不对劲啊? No, not right is not it, but is this dog owner. 不,不对劲的不是它,而是这个狗主人。 Show! Also must be dog owner most show! 骚!还得是狗主人最骚啊! What a pity has not waited for the shadow sword to make the sound of resistance, Wang Teng already the double hand-held sword, explodes drinks one, cut a sword toward the front loudly...... a blade! 可惜还不等暗影剑发出反抗的声音,王腾已经双手持剑,爆喝一声,朝着前方轰然斩出了一剑……一刀! Bang! 轰! The shadow blade light from an extremely cunning angle, cuts into the front that shadow region instantaneously. 阴影刀光以一种极度刁钻的角度,瞬间斩入前方那片阴影区域之中。 The shadow small snake shows the whites of the eyes, vanishes directly, in fought above the sword, assistance Wang Teng, plays thoroughly the might of strength of that shadow. 阴影小蛇翻了个白眼,直接消失在了战剑之上,协助王腾,将那阴影之力的威力彻底发挥出来。 Ok, knife skill on knife skill. 算了,刀法就刀法吧。 To this far-fetched master, cannot request more. 对这个不靠谱的主人,根本不能要求更多了。 This time can display the shadow class with it Fighting technique, is very big progress. 这一次能够用它来施展阴影类的战技,已经算是很大的进步。 ! 噗! At this moment, the shadow blade light stretches across the midair, cuts into the front shadow region directly, the strength of shadow also sweeps across, affects bone demon tree the strength of shadow. 此时此刻,阴影刀光横跨半空,直接斩入前方的阴影区域之中,阴影之力随之席卷而出,影响骨魔树的阴影之力。 The bone demon tree obviously felt it displays Bone demon bites shadow Received the hindrance, stagnates instantaneously. 骨魔树明显感觉到它所施展的【骨魔噬影】受到了阻碍,瞬间凝滞下来。 Said actually not this shadow blade light, can eradicate the strength of its shadow. 倒不是说这道阴影刀光,能够破除它的阴影之力。 But is the position that it cuts into, is the node of its shadow region is at exactly, can directly affect it Bone demon bites shadow. 而是它所斩入的位置,恰好就是它那阴影区域的节点所在,能够直接影响到它的【骨魔噬影】。 This looks like a giant machine, the semblance defensive power is astonishing, if from outside, deciding however is very difficult to destroy. 这就像是一个巨大的机器,外表防御力惊人,若是从外面,定然很难破坏。 But if in the machine, inserts the gears among a blade, effect extraordinary good. 但若是在机器内部,用一把刀插入齿轮之间,效果会出奇的好。 It can be said that the effect of this blade came as a surprise to bone demon tree completely. 可以说,这一刀的效果完全出乎了骨魔树的预料。 It simply has not thought that after displaying that tyrannical incomparable storm, Wang Teng this ants can also display a shadow class unexpectedly Fighting technique. 它根本没有想到在施展了那强横无比的风暴之后,王腾这只蝼蚁竟然还能施展出一门阴影类的战技 The bone demon tree wants to break the head not to think clearly, this ants also how many methods? 骨魔树想破了脑袋都想不明白,这只蝼蚁到底还有多少手段? Seeming like the strength is not very strong, but why always some strange methods, making people virtually impossible to guard against? 看起来实力不算很强,但为什么总有一些奇奇怪怪的手段,让人防不胜防? Simply odd! 简直离谱啊! What is odder, the effect good letting person feelings of these methods are not real. 更离谱的是,这些手段的效果也好的让人感觉非常不真实。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! But in this flash, the endless storm erupts the terrifying suddenly the prestige energy, goes toward the front steamroll, the fearful bellow also resounds through. 而就在这一瞬间,无尽风暴突然爆发出恐怖的威能,朝着前方碾压而去,可怕的轰鸣声随之响彻而起。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… One is unable to withstand the load intermittently ka ka the sound resounds suddenly, during is unexpectedly void the shadow region to spread from that piece. 一阵阵不堪重负般的咔咔声陡然响起,竟是从那片虚空之中的阴影区域所传出。 Under the steamroll of endless storm, that shadow region really had the sign of support. 在无尽风暴的碾压之下,那阴影区域竟然有了支撑不住的迹象。 In the Wang Teng eye reveals a happy expression immediately, will immediately read the strength to sweep across energetic, controls the endless storm to go toward the front hit. 王腾眼中顿时露出一丝喜色,当即将精神念力席卷而出,控制着无尽风暴朝着前方撞击而去。 Gives me to break to pieces!” “给我碎!” Sonic boom drinks spreads from his mouth simultaneously. 一声爆喝同时从他的口中传出。 Bang! 轰! The endless storm of that super revolving sends out the extremely terrifying energy, ruthlessly hit above that shadow region. 那高速旋转的无尽风暴散发出极为恐怖的能量,狠狠撞击在那片阴影区域之上。 Roar! 吼! Angrily roars spreads from the black fog center fiercely, came from that bone demon tree. 一声怒吼猛地从黑雾中心处传出,正是来自于那骨魔树。 But all were too late. 但一切都太迟了。 The next quarter, that shadow region then explodes loudly breaks to pieces to open, endless energy complementary waves from sweeps across, sweeps away in all directions, all swings all around black fog. 下一刻,那片阴影区域便轰然爆碎而开,无尽的能量余波从其中席卷而出,横扫四面八方,将四周的黑雾全都荡开。 The storm place visited, massive space cracks appear, dense and numerous. 风暴所过之处,大量空间裂缝出现,密密麻麻。 Wang Teng has not hesitated, seizes this opportunity, controls the endless storm to break in that black fog, volume to center bone demon tree. 王腾没有迟疑,抓住这个机会,控制着无尽风暴冲入那黑雾之中,卷向中心处的骨魔树。 All around black fog was involved in the endless storm immediately, but is in a flash, was makes this storm change to the jet black color, appearing was more terrifying and fierce. 四周的黑雾顿时被卷入无尽风暴之中,不过是转瞬之间,便是让这风暴化作了漆黑之色,显得更加恐怖与狰狞。 Roar! Roar! 吼!吼! The angry roaring sound transmits in the direction from the bone demon tree unceasingly. 怒吼声不断从骨魔树所在方向传来。 It has not thought really, this collision, can be unexpectedly it fell leeward. 它着实没有想到,这次的碰撞,竟然会是它落入了下风。 Must know that its demon god level Fighting technique displayed, unexpectedly had this situation, who is the demon god level exists? 要知道它连魔神级战技都施展了出来,居然还是出现了这种情况,到底谁才是魔神级存在啊? Bang! 轰! The bone demon tree does not believe in evil doctrines, the energy erupts unceasingly, the big piece shadow in black fog gathers to want, that distortion illusory strength, as if must tear into shreds to swallow general the endless storm. 骨魔树不信邪,能量不断爆发,黑雾之中的大片阴影聚拢而要,那扭曲虚幻的力量,仿佛要将无尽风暴撕碎吞噬一般。 But under this powerful strength, the energy of endless storm surface was truly worn down to go unceasingly, is unable to resist. 而在这股强大的力量之下,无尽风暴表面的能量确实是不断被消磨而去,根本无法抵挡。 Again come!” “再来!” In the Wang Teng eye the crazy color is even more rich, collects in the black fog to keep falling, but attribute air bubble, while erupts the shadow blade light, cuts into the shadow. 王腾眼中疯狂之色越发浓郁,一边拾取着黑雾之中不停掉落而出的属性气泡,一边爆发阴影刀光,斩入阴影之中。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Shadow blade light are vertically and horizontally void, stirs that rich black fog is split up, is to make the appearance that shadow non-stop stagnate. 一道道阴影刀光纵横虚空,将那浓郁的黑雾搅得四分五裂,更是令那阴影不停的出现凝滞。 Is right by Wang Teng Bone demon bites shadow Understanding of this Fighting technique, in addition Pupil of True Sight The special capability, wants to discover the node of that piece by piece shadow region, can achieve actually reluctantly. 王腾对【骨魔噬影】这门战技的了解,加上【真视之瞳】的特殊能力,想要找出那一片片阴影区域的节点,倒是勉强可以做到。 Naturally, if changes into other Martial Artist, wants to discover an demon god level Fighting technique weakness to be, basically is the wishful thinking. 当然,若是换成其他武者,想要找出一门魔神级战技的弱点所在,基本是痴心妄想。 Who you are......” “你到底是谁……” Surprised has the sound of doubts together, spooky resounding in void, reverberates near the Wang Teng ear. 一道惊讶中带着疑惑的声音,在虚空中幽幽的响起,回荡在王腾耳边。 Existence of that hidden in hidden place was also produced the huge curiosity to the Wang Teng status at this moment finally, wanted to rip his ray, saw clearly his true colors. 那隐藏于暗处的存在此刻也终于是对王腾的身份产生了巨大的好奇,想要剥去他身上的光芒,看清他的真面目。 The method, so the strength, really somewhat is so astonishing! 如此手段,如此实力,实在有些惊人! What a pity Wang Teng has not paid attention to this person as before, this makes in his heart somewhat helpless, even cannot help but had a depressed mood. 可惜王腾依旧没有理会此人,这让他心中有些无奈,甚至不由得产生了一丝郁闷的情绪。 Such mood, for a long time very long has not appeared on his body very much, but appears now again. 这样的情绪,已经很久很久没有出现在他的身上,可现在却再次出现了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! As that shadow was stagnated by the Wang Teng shadow blade light unceasingly, the endless storm constantly advances. 随着那阴影不断被王腾的阴影刀光凝滞,无尽风暴不断推进。 Although during this process, the energy of endless storm was disintegrated unceasingly, but its core energy had not actually been shaken slightly. 尽管在这个过程当中,无尽风暴的能量不断被瓦解,但其核心能量却并未被撼动丝毫。 Roar! 吼! The bone demon tree felt finally a threat, in the roar just like appeared wiped the meaning of startled anger. 骨魔树终于感觉到了一丝威胁,吼声中俨然出现了一抹惊怒之意。 Startled and anger! 又惊又怒! The original bone demon tree is quite angry, but its in the heart actually has a panic-stricken meaning now. 原本的骨魔树只是对此极为愤怒,但现在它的心中却是生出了一丝惊骇之意。 In that giant storm, has the strength that one type makes it dread. 那巨大的风暴之中,存在着一种让它忌惮的力量。 „Can you destroy the bone demon tree?” “你要摧毁骨魔树吗?” No matter that sound also Wang Teng does have the response , to continue to resound in his ear. 那道声音也不管王腾有没有回应,继续在他耳边响起。 Prestige energy that during your attack contains, although is truly good, but is also not enough to destroy this bone demon tree.” “你这道攻击当中蕴含的威能,虽然确实非常不俗,但还不足以摧毁这棵骨魔树。” The Wang Teng vision flashes, has not responded as before, he naturally knows own this attack is impossible to destroy the bone demon tree. 王腾目光一闪,依旧没有回应,他自然知道自己这道攻击不可能摧毁骨魔树。 But he does not want to destroy it. 但他并不是想要将其摧毁。 From beginning to end, his goal is to tear this void, where making the ruins of perishing bone...... come, then where returns goes!! 从始至终,他的目标都是撕裂这片虚空,让亡骨之墟……从哪里来的,便回哪里去!! Was quick! Quick! Was poor!” “快了!快了!就差一点了!” At this time, the Wang Teng vision is staring at the front stubbornly, the endless storm has approached the bone demon tree more and more. 此时,王腾的目光死死盯着前方,无尽风暴已经越来越靠近骨魔树。 When the endless storm approached the side of bone demon tree, then when was he thoroughly its detonation. 等到无尽风暴靠近到了骨魔树的身旁,便是他彻底将其引爆之时。 Bang! 轰! However in the meantime, the sturdy incomparable purple black energy light beam shoots up to the sky in the black fog center together suddenly, pierced the trim black fog city. 不过就在此时,一道粗壮无比的紫黑色能量光柱骤然在黑雾中心处冲天而起,将整片黑雾都洞穿了。 Rich dark deathly stillness aura from sends out. 浓郁至极的黑暗死寂气息从其中散发而出。 This is......” the Wang Teng vision concentrates, in the heart vibrates. “这是……”王腾目光一凝,心中不由震动起来。 He in the middle of that purple black light beam, saw a giant bone demon tree impressively...... the empty shadow! 他赫然在那紫黑色光柱当中,看见了一道巨大的骨魔树……虚影! It is not an entity, but together empty shadow! 并非实体,而是一道虚影! That say/way empty shadow, actually also wants to be huger than the bone demon tree root body. 那道虚影,竟然比骨魔树本体还要巨大很多。 In his heart is surprisedly uncertain, that bone demon tree empty shadow outbreak strange change. 正当他心中惊疑不定之时,那骨魔树虚影突然发生了诡异的变化。 Above bark that above the surface, the extremely towering appearance a lot of skeleton faces, withered empty, dense and numerous proliferating in Gumo set up. 其表面之上,极为突兀的出现了大量的骷髅面孔,干瘪空洞,密密麻麻的遍布于骨魔树的树皮之上。 No expression! 没有任何表情! A deathly stillness evil meaning, made person scalp tingles. 只有一种死寂邪恶之意,令人头皮发麻。 Wang Teng sees this, the whole person some are not good. 王腾看到这一幕,整个人都有些不好了。 Although he had seen similar picture, for example the method of that idle fog clan, can condense the innumerable faces similarly, contains the idle negligent meaning, letting the person is unable to look straight ahead. 虽然他曾经见过类似的画面,比如那惰雾族的手段,同样是可以凝聚出无数的面孔,蕴含着惰怠之意,让人无法直视。 But the face above this moment bone demon tree empty shadow is different, these faces have not contained the idle negligent meaning, but contains the meaning of thick evil deathly stillness. 但此刻骨魔树虚影之上的面孔却不一样,这些面孔没有蕴含惰怠之意,而是蕴含着浓浓的邪恶死寂之意。 Is ordinary just like the dead spirit of ghostdom. 宛如冥界的亡灵一般。 No expression! No vitality! 没有任何的表情!没有任何的生机! But is that cavity withered appearance, was actually full of the meaning of one indescribable evil darkness. 但就是那空洞干瘪的模样,却是充满了一种无法形容的邪恶黑暗之意。 If some timid people sees so the picture, must frighten three immortal souls and seven mortal forms entirely leisurely/scatter is not possible at the scene. 如果是一些胆小之人看到如此画面,非得当场吓得三魂七魄俱散不可。 In the instance that this face presents, dark deathly stillness aura that above that bone demon tree empty shadow lends, was instantaneously is richer than before did not know many times. 就在这面孔出现的瞬间,那骨魔树虚影之上散发出的黑暗死寂气息,更是瞬间比之前浓郁了不知道多少倍。 The Wang Teng complexion drastic change, suddenly thought that the beforehand bone demon tree seems to be really playing, now is true earnest. 王腾面色剧变,突然觉得之前的骨魔树似乎真的是在玩,现在才算是真正的认真了起来。 Especially must be so ruthless! 特么的要不要这么狠! Does Sir you play a while is not good again? 大爷你再玩一会儿不行吗? Bang! 轰! But in the Wang Teng heart shouts 'motherfucker', a terrifying energy immediately from that bone demon tree empty shadow erupts, sweeps across this stretch of the world, as if made the ruins of entire perishing bone vibrate. 而就在王腾心中直骂娘时,一股恐怖至极的能量随即从那骨魔树虚影之中爆发,席卷这片天地,似乎令整座亡骨之墟都是震动了起来。 The next quarter, an emergence of huge shadow no indication in the dead ahead of endless storm, toward proliferated to open instantaneously in all directions. 下一刻,一道巨大的阴影毫无征兆的出现在了无尽风暴的正前方,瞬间朝着四面八方扩散而开。 It covers broad of range, was simply indescribable. 其笼罩范围之广,简直无法形容。 However is the flash, under Wang Teng that huge endless storm is located in it to cover thoroughly, even appears is somewhat tiny. 不过是一瞬间而已,王腾那庞大的无尽风暴便彻底位于其笼罩之下,甚至显得有些渺小起来。 Rumble!” Wang Teng could not bear swallow a saliva. “咕噜!”王腾忍不住咽了口唾沫。 Good to stimulate! 好刺激啊! However at this time he had thought without enough time, that huge incomparable shadow swallows his endless storm distortion sufficiently, he cannot wait again. 然而此时他已经来不及多想了,那巨大无比的阴影足以将他的无尽风暴扭曲吞噬,他不能再等了。 Disruption, endless storm!!!” “碎裂吧,无尽风暴!!!” On the Wang Teng face appears a fierce meaning, in the heart resounds one to angrily roar immediately. 王腾脸上浮现一丝狰狞之意,心中顿时响起一声怒吼。 Bang! 轰隆! The endless ray erupts in that endless storm. 无尽的光芒在那无尽风暴之中爆发。 Golden color, green, blue color, red, yellow, purple, white, black...... 金色,绿色,蓝色,赤色,黄色,紫色,白色,黑色…… That all sorts of colors gather one, strange, was brilliant to the pinnacle, just like a peerless flower to bloom in the ruins of this perishing bone. 那一种种颜色汇聚一处,奇异非常,更是绚烂到了极致,犹如一朵绝世之花在这亡骨之墟内绽放。 Stagnated void immediately the flash, even if the huge shadow that bone demon tree empty shadow erupts at this moment, as if also stagnated in same place, is unable to go forward again slightly. 虚空顿时凝滞了一瞬间,哪怕是那骨魔树虚影此刻爆发出的巨大阴影,似乎也停滞了在原地,无法再前进丝毫。 The time, seemed framed! 时间,仿佛被定格! The wild incomparable energy divulges from that endless storm immediately, bombardment ruthlessly above that huge shadow, swept across in that region wreaks havoc. 紧接着,狂暴无匹的能量随即从那无尽风暴之中宣泄而出,狠狠的轰击在了那巨大的阴影之上,更是在那片区域席卷肆虐。 The space was torn...... 空间被撕裂……
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