AAMD :: Volume #23

#2222: Really astonishing! Shadow source! This special

Chapter 2222 is really astonishing! Shadow source! What talent tree this special is?( Sought subscription) 第2222章真是惊人啊!阴影本源!这特么是什么天才树啊?(求订阅) Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The fierce bellow reverberation, the strong black fog toward is proliferating to open in all directions. 剧烈的轰鸣声回荡,浓重的黑雾正朝着四面八方扩散而开。 And the shadow covers, the distortion is illusory. 其中阴影笼罩,扭曲而虚幻。 But in the center of this black fog regions, is indistinct, can see the lofty tree that skeleton pile of repeats become is towering there, fearful exceptionally. 而在这片黑雾区域的中心处,隐隐约约间,能够看到一棵骸骨堆迭而成的参天大树正耸立在那里,可怕异常。 Dark deathly stillness aura from sends out. 黑暗死寂的气息从其中散发而出。 Some moment, the shadow in this black fog gathers to come unexpectedly suddenly, strongly in a direction, covers loudly. 某一刻,这黑雾之中的阴影竟突然聚拢而来,集中于一个方向,轰然笼罩而出。 But in this direction, a huge storm rapid rotation, connection world. 而在这个方向,一座巨大的风暴快速旋转,连接天地。 In the storm has wild fluctuation of energy sending out, the unexpectedly one type destroys day to extinguish the potential of place. 风暴之中有着狂暴的能量波动散发而出,竟有一种毁天灭地之势。 The storm center place, together the whole body by the form that the ray covers, static float in midair. 风暴中心处,一道浑身被光芒笼罩的身影,静静的悬浮于半空。 In his double pupil is flashing the strange ray, stares shadow that the front is covering to come. 他的双眸之中闪动着奇异的光芒,凝望着前方笼罩而来的阴影。 Endless storm!!!” “无尽风暴!!!” Saw with own eyes that shadow already to the front several kilometers places, that whole body is spread together the spooky sound by the form mouth that in the ray wrapped immediately. 眼见那阴影已是到了前方数千米处,那道浑身被光芒包裹的身影口中顿时传出一道幽幽的声音。 The sound is not loud, but actually across the sound of all around fierce thundering, enters in that black fog sufficiently, was heard by the bone demon tree. 声音并不大,但却足以穿过四周剧烈的轰鸣之声,直入那黑雾之中,被骨魔树所听到。 Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, that huge incomparable terrifying storm super revolving, its speed also wanted quickly many times compared with before suddenly unexpectedly. 话音刚落,那庞大无比的恐怖风暴骤然高速旋转,其速度竟是比之前还要快了许多倍。 Then this endless storm, moves to go toward the front loudly, rumble welcoming covered the big piece shadow that comes to that. 而后这无尽风暴,更是朝着前方轰然移动而去,轰隆隆的迎向了那笼罩而来的大片阴影。 The endless storm translational velocity is extremely fast, but is instantaneous, then the shadow blockade of that big piece in black fog edge area. 无尽风暴迁移速度极快,不过是瞬间,便将那大片的阴影阻击在了黑雾的边缘区域。 Since must tear this space with the aid of the strength of bone demon tree, how can also make the attack of opposite party be separated from that space already the region that disrupts. 既然要借助骨魔树的力量来撕裂这片空间,又如何能够让对方的攻击脱离那一片空间已经碎裂的区域。 Otherwise all preparations that in front of him makes, wasted in vain. 否则他前面所做的一切准备,岂不是都白白浪费了。 This form, naturally Wang Teng! 这道身影,自然正是王腾 At this moment his complexion is somewhat pale, obviously because of displaying the endless storm consumed greatly, but his eye is actually the bright fearfulness, was full of the crazy meaning. 此刻他的面色有些苍白,显然是因为施展了无尽风暴而消耗巨大,但他的眼睛却是亮的可怕,充满了疯狂之意。 The plan had arrived at the final time! 计划已经到了最后的时刻! At this time, his vision is staring at the front stubbornly, in the heart somewhat was even excited. 此时,他的目光死死盯着前方,心中甚至有些兴奋了起来。 All plans, and even are his all energies, will collect in this strikes!!! 一切的谋划,乃至是他所有的能量,都将汇于这一击!!! This is staking everything on a single throw of the dice strikes!! 这是孤注一掷的一击!! Bang! 轰隆! In an instant, the deafening bellow then resounds through in this stretch of the world together, the endless storm collided with that big piece shadow in one. 刹那间,一道震耳欲聋的轰鸣声便是在这片天地响彻而起,无尽风暴与那大片阴影碰撞在了一处。 Both simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stagnated, stops in the midair. 双方齐齐一滞,停顿在了半空。 Shadow the strength of distortion, the storm wild strength, the eruption, the mutual collision, wants to corrode at this moment all wears down the strength of opposite party. 阴影的扭曲之力,风暴的狂暴之力,此刻尽数爆发,相互碰撞,都想要侵蚀消磨对方的力量。 However, the bone demon tree underestimated the Wang Teng strength obviously as before, the strength of endless storm blocked that shadow the strength of distortion unexpectedly forcefully. 不过,骨魔树显然依旧是小看了王腾的力量,无尽风暴的力量竟然硬生生挡住了那阴影的扭曲之力。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! During both sides as if fell into the limit to pull in this moment. 双方似乎在这一刻陷入了极限拉扯之中。 Really is astonishing!” That sound resounds again, spooky reverberation near the ear of Wang Teng. “真是惊人啊!”那道声音再度响起,幽幽的回荡于王腾的耳边。 Before he saw Wang Teng to display the endless storm, then did not have the sound thoroughly, merely in most started sent out together the surprised nasal sound, later then fell into thoroughly silent. 之前他看到王腾施展无尽风暴,便彻底没了声音,仅仅是在最开始时发出一道惊讶的鼻音,随后便彻底陷入了沉默。 Thus it can be seen, he has surprisedly how. 由此可见,他有多么的惊讶。 If not for saw the extremely astonishing thing, such an antique will not reveal such response. 若不是看到了极为惊人的东西,那样一个老古董根本不会露出这样的反应。 But at this time the opposite party cannot bear the opens the mouth, the surprised meaning in tone has not hidden slightly. 而此时对方又忍不住开口,语气中的惊讶之意更是丝毫没有隐藏。 This fully explained Wang Teng this strikes was fearful. 这足以说明王腾这一击的可怕了。 However Wang Teng hears this sound, is not happy. 然而王腾听到这道声音,就没有那么开心了。 To him, the opposite party is the enemy is the friends is not clear, how to make one be able to feel relieved. 对于他来说,对方是敌是友都不清楚,如何让人能够放心。 Existence of this person, on such as a time bomb, no one knows simply he can explode? When will also explode? 此人的存在,简直就如一颗定时炸弹,谁也不知道他会不会爆炸?又什么时候会爆炸? But the opposite party opens the mouth repeatedly, as if regards is not to have the thing, is more like simply has not paid attention to him general, wants to speak to him with him in a moment, all by its intention. 而对方一再开口,仿佛视一切为无物,更像是根本没有把他放在眼里一般,想要跟他说话就跟他说话,一切皆由其心意。 This makes Wang Teng very uncomfortable without doubt. 这无疑让王腾非常的不爽。 Why? 凭什么? Does not know the fellow who what status, why feigns ignorance before him, he is not convinced! 一个不知道什么身份的家伙,凭什么在他面前装蒜,他可不买账! Therefore Wang Teng has not responded as before, really thinks that said 1-2 of pleasant to hear, he will relax the guard, then responds? 所以王腾依旧没有回应,真以为说1-2好听的,他就会放下戒心,然后做出回应吗? Thinks very beautifully! 想得很美嘞! In the Wang Teng heart laughed at one, the attention returns the endless storm with the collision of that shadow above, later his corners of the mouth exuded a strange curve suddenly. 王腾心中嗤笑一声,注意力重新回到了无尽风暴与那阴影的碰撞之上,随后他的嘴角突然泛起了一丝诡异的弧度。 Bone demon bites shadow Very is truly strong, but wants to be used to cope with me, is insufficient.” “【骨魔噬影】确实很强,但是想要用来对付我,却是不够啊。” His vision in that shadow region glance, eyeground none has dodged, the curve of corners of the mouth was richer several points. 他的目光在那一片阴影区域扫视而过,眼底精光一闪,嘴角的弧度更加浓郁了几分。 However he does not have anxiously beginning actually, at this time opened Pupil of True Sight, Takes a fast look around to go toward the black fog. 不过他倒是没有急着动手,此时又开启了【真视之瞳】,朝着黑雾之中扫视而去。 Really!” “果然!” In the Wang Teng heart shows a faint smile, he really saw the massive attribute air bubble dense and numerous floats in that black fog, making his eye shine. 王腾心中微微一笑,他果然看到了大量的属性气泡正密密麻麻的漂浮在那黑雾之中,让他眼睛都亮了起来。 ! 很多! This time attribute air bubble quite many! 这次的属性气泡相当的多! Collects!” “拾取!” His spirit read the strength to sweep across immediately, changed to the silk threads the spirit to read the strength filament, from flooded into that black fog in all directions. 他的精神念力当即席卷而出,化作丝丝缕缕的精神念力细丝,从四面八方涌入那黑雾之中。 And under the influence of strength of space, his spirit read the strength is quite covert, even if in this moment that black fog has massive shadows to cover, could not prevent him to pick the attribute. 并且在空间之力的影响下,他的精神念力极为隐蔽,哪怕此刻那黑雾中有着大量的阴影笼罩,也阻挡不了他捡属性。 Life source * 5000】 【生命本源】 Life source * 5300】 【生命本源】 Life source * 5800】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Soul source * 6200】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 5600】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 6500】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4600】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 5800】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 6500】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Strength of * 4500 shadow 【阴影之力】 Strength of * 4200 shadow 【阴影之力】 Strength of * 4800 shadow 【阴影之力】 ...... …… Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1500】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 2000】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 2600】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 ...... …… Dying deep source( nine steps) * 1600】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 1800】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2100】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Dark source( nine steps) * 2300】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 2500】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 2800】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 3200】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 3500】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 4000】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Shadow source( nine steps) * 3000】 【阴影本源(九阶)】 Shadow source( nine steps) * 2500】 【阴影本源(九阶)】 Shadow source( nine steps) * 3800】 【阴影本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Immortal material( fifth-order) * 7000】 【不朽物质(五阶)】 Immortal material( fifth-order) * 7800】 【不朽物质(五阶)】 Immortal material( fifth-order) * 8500】 【不朽物质(五阶)】 ...... …… Blank attribute * 32000】 【空白属性】 Blank attribute * 45000】 【空白属性】 Blank attribute * 42000】 【空白属性】 ...... …… An attribute air bubble of big skewer converges in the body of Wang Teng immediately, lets his whole person including the body and spirit is shakes. 一大串的属性气泡顿时汇入王腾的身体之内,让他整个人包括身躯和精神都是不由的一震。 In his mortal body, has two extremely special energies to surge immediately baseless, circulation all the limbs and bones. 他的肉身之中,立刻有着两股极为特殊的能量凭空涌动而出,流转四肢百骸。 Life source! 生命本源! Soul source! 灵魂本源! Also is these two extremely special source attributes, but to Wang Teng at this moment, is actually the best supplement. 又是这两种极为特殊的本源属性,但是对此刻的王腾来说,却是最好的补充。 The life source integrates in his mortal body, making his body be moistened, within the body exhausted and weak dissipated instantaneously much. 生命本源融入他的肉身之中,让他的身躯得到滋润,体内的疲惫和虚弱瞬间消散了不少。 The consumption of Source Power, as well as from just started to the present fight, during is to make his mortal body fall into one type to be exhausted. 原力的消耗,以及从刚刚开始到现在的战斗,都是令他的肉身陷入一种疲惫之中。 This is the sequela that very intensive fight brings. 这是高强度的战斗所带来的后遗症。 If common Martial Artist, is unable to supplement the life source promptly, after undergoing such fight, could not have supported. 如果是寻常的武者,无法及时补充生命本源,在经过这样的战斗之后,早就支撑不住了。 Is good not only can swallow bone demon tree the source of core because of Wang Teng, can collect this life source attribute, naturally can maintain the long-term fight. 好在王腾不仅可以吞噬骨魔树的核心之源,更是可以拾取这生命本源属性,自然能够维持长时间的战斗。 Meanwhile, the soul source is to integrate in the soul body of Wang Teng, making his spirit cannot help but vibrate. 与此同时,灵魂本源则是融入王腾的灵魂体之中,让他的精神不由得震动起来。 The new psychic force derives immediately! 新的精神力立刻衍生而出! The psychic force that just consumed, obtained the supplement instantaneously. 刚刚消耗一空的精神力,瞬间都得到了补充。 Afterward is the dark Star Source Power attribute air bubble, after integrating his body, immediately changed to massive dark Star Source Power, circulation all the limbs and bones. 随后便是黑暗星辰原力的属性气泡,融入他的身躯之后,顿时化作了大量的黑暗星辰原力,流转四肢百骸。 The dark Star Source Power attribute that these absorbs time are really many, the eruption of that bone demon tree fell massive dark Star Source Power, was happen to cheap he. 这一次吸收到的黑暗星辰原力属性着实不少,那骨魔树的爆发掉落出了大量的黑暗星辰原力,正好便宜了他。 At this moment, the void feeling in Wang Teng body dissipates immediately. 此时此刻,王腾身体之内的空虚之感顿时消散一空。 His complexion also at visible speed ruddy, where also has beforehand that to pull out the spatial appearance. 他的面色也以肉眼可见的速度红润了起来,哪里还有之前那副被掏空的样子。 Well?!” Light well transmits from void, reverberates near the ear of Wang Teng. “咦?!”一声轻咦从虚空之中传来,回荡于王腾的耳边。 In the Wang Teng heart hey however smiles, is disinclined to pay attention to the opposite party. 王腾心中嘿然一笑,根本懒得理会对方。 What on him not the normal place are many, if every time is one surprised, that also is really enough this person surprised. 他身上的不正常之处多的是,如果每一次都要惊讶的话,那还真是够此人惊讶的了。 As dark Star Source Power was absorbed by Wang Teng completely, was a special energy appears in his body, later integrated in his body gradually. 随着黑暗星辰原力王腾完全吸收,又是一种特殊的能量出现在了他的身体之内,随后渐渐融入他的身躯之中。 The transformation and sublimation happen quietly. 蜕变与升华悄然发生。 The strength of shadow! 阴影之力! The attribute that these absorbs time unexpectedly is the strength of shadow! 这一次吸收的属性竟然是阴影之力! The Wang Teng vision flashes, immediately looks to own property panel. 王腾目光一闪,立刻看向了自己的属性面板。 Shadow talent: 32500 / 60000( six steps) ; 【阴影天赋】:32500/60000(六阶); Before was just six step levels Shadow talent, Promoted a big truncation at this moment again, the attribute value reached 32500 points, has been over half of six step attribute upper limits. 之前刚刚达到六阶层次的【阴影天赋】,此刻再度提升了一大截,属性值达到了32500点,已然超过了六阶属性上限的一半。 Although in some attributes through swallowing source of promotion bone demon tree core, but can be so the degree, because this time collected many attribute values. 虽然这里面有不少属性是通过吞噬骨魔树核心之源提升的,但能够达到如此程度,还是因为这次拾取了不少的属性值。 That bone demon tree contained ones anger to erupt, displays Bone demon bites shadow, Natural need 【The strength of shadow Support. 那骨魔树含怒爆发,施展出了【骨魔噬影】,自然需要【阴影之力】支撑。 Will fall so many 【The strength of shadow The attribute, pours also normally. 会掉落出这么多的【阴影之力】属性,倒也正常。 In Wang Teng heart slightly happy, Shadow talent Was promoted in this time, just like gives opportune help simply. 王腾心中微喜,【阴影天赋】在此时得到了提升,简直就犹如雪中送炭。 This can make him then deal with that bone demon tree without doubt to display Bone demon bites shadow, Is more relaxed. 这无疑能够让他接下来应付那骨魔树施展的【骨魔噬影】,更加的轻松一些。 This attribute air bubble comes unusual is prompt, the bone demon tree has not really made him disappointed. 这属性气泡来的非常及时,骨魔树果然没有令他失望。 He collects the attribute air bubble in this time, then to weed out the wool of bone demon tree, thus makes the strength of own shadow be able more powerful. 他之所以在此时拾取属性气泡,便是为了薅骨魔树的羊毛,从而让自己的阴影之力能够更加强大一些。 At this time, another attribute air bubble swamped into the Wang Teng body, changed wipes the special tribulation thunder. 这时,另一种属性气泡涌入王腾的身躯之中,化作一抹特殊的劫雷。 Dying deep heavenly thunder!” “死冥天雷!” The Wang Teng vision flashes, the direct absorption, then does not have excessively to pay attention later much. 王腾目光一闪,直接吸收,随后便没有过多关注。 Dying deep heavenly thunder: 16000 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【死冥天雷】:16000/40000(四阶); From to the present, his death deep heavenly thunder attribute had promoted a moment ago much, perhaps otherwise by his beforehand consumption, does not have the strength of enough tribulation thunder to make him integrate in the endless storm. 从刚才到现在,他的死冥天雷属性已经提升了不少,否则以他之前的消耗,恐怕也没有足够的劫雷之力能够让他融入无尽风暴之中。 Following several attribute air bubbles, is changes to four source principle sensibility to integrate in the Wang Teng mind. 接下来的几种属性气泡,则是化作四种本源法则感悟融入王腾的脑海之中。 Familiar rune/symbol writing also obviously, impressively dying deep source, dark source, source of these three source principles bone. 一道道熟悉的符文随之显化,赫然正是死冥本源,黑暗本源,骨之本源这三种本源法则。 Dark source: 45000 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【黑暗本源】:45000/90000(九阶); Dying deep source: 43500 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【死冥本源】:43500/90000(九阶); 【The source of bone: 48500 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【骨之本源】:48500/90000(九阶); The three strength of nine step source principles are also increased, and attribute value achieved more than 40,000 point. 三种九阶本源法则之力同时提升,且属性值都达到了四万多点。 This makes the Wang Teng heart shakes. 这让王腾心头不由的一震。 Although before these three source principles, has reached nine step levels, but can promote now again and again, is not true easily. 尽管这三种本源法则之前就已经达到了九阶层次,但如今能够一而再再而三的提升,属实不容易。 However has not waited for Wang Teng to think, another attribute sensibility blasts out in his mind suddenly loudly. 不过还不等王腾多想,另一种属性感悟突然在他的脑海中轰然炸开。 The strange picture also appears. 奇异的画面随之浮现而出。 In that picture, as before is giant incomparable bone demon tree static standing erect in the middle of the large expanse of skeleton. 在那画面之内,依旧是一棵巨大无比的骨魔树静静的屹立于成片成片的骸骨当中。 The picture that however this time, Wang Teng sees is actually not the development process that the bone demon tree grows out of nothing, the bone demon tree at this moment is a towering giant tree. 不过这一次,王腾所看到的画面却不是骨魔树从无到有的成长过程,此刻的骨魔树已经是一棵参天巨木。 The time passes slowly. 时间缓缓流逝。 Originally all are very tranquil, that bone demon tree looks like falls into the deep sleep, does not have the slight sound. 本来一切都十分平静,那骨魔树就像是陷入沉睡之中,没有丝毫动静。 Until one day, the terrifying darkness arrived in the ruins of this perishing bone. 直至有一天,恐怖的黑暗降临在了这亡骨之墟内。 The ruins of itself/Ben perishing bone is very dim, the sky was covered by the black fog, throughout is cloudy, even so, usually also many have luminous. 亡骨之墟本就是非常昏暗,天空被黑雾所笼罩,始终是阴沉沉的,但即便如此,平时也多少有着一丝光亮。 As the darkness in that picture arrives, the ruins of entire perishing bone as if lost luminously, during falls into one piece to be jet black completely. 只是随着那画面中的黑暗降临,整个亡骨之墟似乎都失去了光亮,完全陷入一片漆黑之中。 The scene, looks like all rays to be swallowed by dark like that cannot see anything again. 那般场景,就像是所有的光芒都被黑暗所吞噬,再也看不见任何东西。 This darkness is without doubt terrorist! 这种黑暗无疑非常恐怖! Even if Wang Teng sees this scene in that picture merely, in the heart does not have the reason has a scared feeling. 哪怕王腾仅仅是在那画面之中看到这幅场景,心中也是没来由的生出一丝恐慌之感。 Has to acknowledge, since this has been he steps the road of practicing, meets so the situation for the first time. 不得不承认,这是他踏上修行之路以来,第一次遇到如此情形。 Before even if meets terrifying existence, was insufficient to give him the so fearful scared feeling. 以前哪怕是遇到再恐怖的存在,都不至于给他如此可怕的恐慌之感。 At that moment, he felt that in the world as if lost the ray, all were embezzled by dark, is really terrifying. 那一刻,他感觉天地间似乎都失去了光芒,一切都被黑暗所吞没,实在过于恐怖。 That dark ratio void middle darkness also wants to be profound and fearful, is Wang Teng always only sees absolutely. 那种黑暗比虚空当中的黑暗还要深邃与可怕,绝对是王腾平生仅见。 Moreover in that darkness, as if has any indescribable thing, because of not being able to see, to make the person palpitation. 而且那黑暗之中,似乎有着什么不可名状的东西,但因为看不见,更加令人心悸。 He deeply attracted several tones, returned to normal forcefully by own mood , to continue to watch the picture in mind. 他不由深吸了几口气,强行让自己的心情平复下来,继续观看脑海中的画面。 This dark arrival, making the bone demon tree revive. 这黑暗的降临,让骨魔树苏醒了过来。 Its as if also some...... scared! 它似乎也有些……恐慌! The consciousness of this moment Wang Teng led into during the consciousness of bone demon tree completely, experiences this picture at its angle of view, can therefore feel clearly its mood fluctuates. 此刻王腾的意识完全带入了骨魔树的意识之中,是以它的视角来经历这幅画面,所以能够清楚的感觉到它的情绪波动。 Without a doubt, bone demon tree facing that darkness , during fell into one type to be scared, in as if that darkness has what extremely terrifying thing seriously. 毫无疑问,骨魔树面对那黑暗,也是陷入了一种恐慌之中,似乎那黑暗之中当真有着什么极为恐怖的东西。 However what is accidental/surprised, the dreadful matter has not appeared on the body of bone demon tree, its safe and sound spent that period of dark time. 不过令人意外的是,可怕的事情并未出现在骨魔树的身上,它安然无恙的度过了那段黑暗时间。 Has not known how long, that darkness gradually retreated. 不知道过了多久,那黑暗逐渐退去。 When covers in the darkness on bone demon tree trunk gradually dissipates, the bone demon tree suddenly in the dark shadow comprehends an unusual strength- the strength of shadow! 而当笼罩于骨魔树身上的黑暗逐渐消散时,骨魔树突然在黑暗的阴影中领悟出了一种奇特的力量-阴影之力! Right, the strength of strength shadow the bone demon tree comprehends! 没错,骨魔树领悟出的力量正是阴影之力! The picture ended, Wang Teng is separated from the consciousness of bone demon tree, but his whole person was ignorant. 画面结束,王腾从骨魔树的意识当中脱离而出,但他整个人都懵了。 This? 就这样? Experienced darkness, the bone demon tree comprehended the strength of that extremely rare and special shadow?! 只是经历了一场黑暗,骨魔树就领悟了那极为罕见与特殊的阴影之力?! What talent tree this special is? 这特么是什么天才树啊? Bountiful by the talent that Wang Teng has now, at this moment facing the talent of bone demon tree, has to say one flamboyant......! 饶是以王腾如今所拥有的天赋,此刻面对骨魔树的天赋,都不得不说一声……牛逼! This really is flamboyant! 这真特么是牛逼啊! If makes the bright universe these peerless talents know, had such a tree to experience darkness merely, then comprehended the strength of shadow, does not know that can be attacked the self-closing? 如果让光明宇宙的那些绝世天才知道,有这么一棵树仅仅是经历了一场黑暗,便领悟出了阴影之力,不知道会不会被打击到自闭? To be honest, is Wang Teng, does not dare saying that can understand the strength of shadow in that situation mandibular. 说实话,就是王腾自己,都不敢说能够在那种情况下领悟出阴影之力。 Especially the strength of comprehension darkness also calculates that normal, comprehends the strength of shadow what's the matter? 特么的领悟黑暗之力还算正常一点,领悟出阴影之力算怎么回事啊? As the picture ended, a series of boundless sensibility integrate in the middle of the Wang Teng memory immediately, but his consciousness was pulled again, flutters toward the above. 而随着画面结束,一连串磅礴的感悟顿时融入王腾的记忆当中,而他的意识再度被拉扯而出,朝着上方飘去。 This time, he arrived at one fully is in the shadow rune/symbol writing world. 这一次,他来到了一座满是阴影符文的世界之中。 That innumerable rune/symbol writing, looking like the shadow general distortion is illusory, strange. 那无数的符文,就像是阴影一般扭曲而虚幻,诡异至极。 Wang Teng places, felt the own entire consciousness must be twisted, finally must be assimilated by that rune/symbol writing. 王腾身处其中,感觉自己整个意识都要被扭曲,最终要被那符文同化。 He mobilizes the strengths of nine valuable buddhist monk towers immediately, pulled own consciousness, returns to the chaos star territory. 他立刻调动九宝浮屠塔的力量,将自己的意识拉扯了回来,重新回归混沌星域之内。 !” “呼!” The next quarter, Wang Teng long puts out foul air, has a lingering fear. 下一刻,王腾长长吐出一口浊气,心有余悸。 Every experiences such situation one time, is very fearful, one time cannot be negligent seriously, otherwise the consequence is dreadful. 每一次经历这样的情况,都十分可怕,当真是一次都不能大意,否则后果不堪设想。 Shadow source: 15500 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【阴影本源】:15500/90000(九阶); Shadow source, nine steps!” Wang Teng looks to the property panel, in the eye none flashes. “阴影本源,九阶!”王腾看向属性面板,眼中不由的精光一闪。 The strength of never expected that shadow also has the corresponding source principle, before this is him, has not thought that really accidental/surprised. 没想到阴影之力同样有着相应的本源法则,这是他之前始终没有想到过的,着实令人意外。 Moreover the bone demon tree grasped the strength of this source principle unexpectedly, is to make him be extremely surprised. 而且骨魔树居然掌握了这种本源法则之力,更是令他感到极为的惊讶。 This bone demon tree hides enough is really deep.” He cannot bear shake the head, in the heart complained. “这骨魔树藏得真够深的。”他忍不住摇了摇头,心中吐槽。 He compels so the degree him, hasn't the bone demon tree hated to use this shadow source? 要不是他将其逼到如此程度,骨魔树是不是还舍不得动用这阴影本源? Old silver coin! 老银币啊! However, until now, this bone demon tree has shown the enough five strength of source principles, and was nine step levels, is simply inconceivable. 不过话说回来,至今为止,这骨魔树已经展现出了足足五种本源法则之力,且都达到了九阶层次,简直不可思议。 Wang Teng has endless emotion, immediately looks to the following several attribute air bubbles. 王腾感慨不已,随即又看向接下来的几个属性气泡。 Immortal material, fifth-order! 不朽物质,五阶! This time immortal material attribute are really many, has more than 20,000 points of attribute values. 这一次的不朽物质属性还真不少,足足有两万多点属性值。 Wang Teng only felt that own body and soul as if had the huge life jump, the immortal aura was even more rich. 王腾只感觉自己的身躯与灵魂似乎都发生了巨大的生命跃迁,不朽气息越发浓郁了。 Fifth-order! 五阶啊! Enough fifth-order immortal material! 足足五阶的不朽物质! His Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, actually has the fifth-order immortal material, thinks to be incredible enough. 他一个域主级巅峰武者,竟然拥有五阶的不朽物质,想想就足够令人难以置信了。 This moment Wang Teng, where seems like Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, said that he is the immortal level exists, perhaps some people dare to believe. 这一刻的王腾,哪里还像是一个域主级武者,说他是不朽级存在,恐怕都有人敢信。 Otherwise before that three skull spirit clan Dark Species, was insufficient to take for the Demon Venerable level to exist him. 要不然之前那三头骨灵族黑暗种,也不至于将他误认为魔尊级存在了。 Immortal material: 33500 / 50000( fifth-order) ; 【不朽物质】:33500/50000(五阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, the immortal material reached 33500 points impressively, fifth-order only had more than 10,000 points of attribute values from the breakthrough. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,不朽物质赫然达到了33500点之多,距离突破五阶仅有一万多点属性值了。 This not cannot promote in a short time, instead has greatly possibly achieves very much. 这并不是不能在短时间内提升的,反而有很大可能达到。 When the time comes is six step immortal materials!!! 到时候就是六阶不朽物质!!! Wang Teng thinks, felt oneself wanted to be flamboyant bad. 王腾只是想一想,就感觉自己要牛逼坏了。 Later if meets the high-rank Demon Venerable level to exist, contains six step immortal materials in Fighting technique directly, comes one to the opposite party ruthlessly, does not know that can frighten the opposite party? 以后若是遇到上位魔尊级存在,直接在战技当中蕴含六阶不朽物质,给对方来一个狠的,不知道会不会吓到对方? I go, was a little excited what's the matter?” The Wang Teng eyes shine. “我去,有点兴奋起来了是怎么回事?”王腾双眼放光。
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