AAMD :: Volume #23

#2221: Guess! Come! Helps me tear this piece

Chapter 2221 guessed! Come! Helps me tear this void! Endless storm!( Sought subscription) 第2221章猜测!来吧!来助我撕裂这片虚空!无尽风暴!(求订阅) What person??!” “什么人??!” The Wang Teng figure stagnates, the brow wrinkles, the vision cannot bear toward all around takes a fast look around to go. 王腾身形一滞,眉头皱起,目光忍不住朝着四周扫视而去。 In this place, suddenly presented a sound unexpectedly. 在这种地方,竟然突然出现了一道声音。 How this makes in his heart be able is not surprised. 这让他心中如何能够不惊讶。 Moreover that sound seems like the person of deep sleep just regained consciousness, dry hoarse, this lets in his heart is surprised uncertain, even the heart is somewhat scared. 而且那声音很像是一个刚苏醒的沉睡之人,干涩沙哑,这让他心中更是惊疑不定,甚至心底有些发毛。 Is it possible that this place also has powerful other exists to hide? 这个地方莫非还有其他强大的存在隐藏着? He had not discovered! 只是他一直没有发现! What a pity his vision took a fast look around back and forth several in all around, had not discovered that sound whence, in the heart was more dignified several points. 可惜他的目光在四周来回扫视了几遍,都没有发现那声音来处,心中更加凝重了几分。 Can avoid spying on his sensation as well as Pupil of True Sight, the strength of opposite party decides however cannot be underestimated. 能够避开他的感知以及真视之瞳的窥探,对方的实力定然不容小觑。 This person suddenly appears in the so crucial time, does not know that is for what reason? Does not know that can affect his plan? 此人突然在如此关键的时刻出现,也不知是出于何种目的?又不知道会不会影响到他的计划? At this time the rear shadow rapidly was spreading to come, Wang Teng shot a look at one, can only continue to speed away to go toward the black fog outside. 这时后方的阴影正快速蔓延而来,王腾瞥了一眼,只能继续朝着黑雾之外疾驰而去。 No matter how said, must first escape from the attack region of bone demon tree. 不管怎么说,必须先逃出骨魔树的攻击区域。 ! 咻! Under the both wings instigation, the grating sound air-splitting gets up, black fog all around was torn directly. 双翅煽动之下,刺耳的破空声响起,周遭的黑雾直接被撕裂。 Especially when touching him bright strength, if all were exuded the sound by the corrosion. 尤其是在触碰到他身上的光明之力时,全都如被腐蚀般发出嗤嗤声。 You, do not need to be anxious, I do not have, malicious.” “你,不必紧张,我没有,恶意。” That sound resounds in the Wang Teng ear again, stops stop as before, as if very long has not really opened the mouth. 那道声音再次于王腾耳边响起,依旧是停停顿顿,似乎真的已经很久没有开口过。 Without any malicious intent? You guess that I do believe?” In the Wang Teng heart sneered, did not say a word , to continue to speed away to go toward the black fog outside. “没有恶意?你猜我信不信?”王腾心中冷笑了一声,一言不发,继续朝着黑雾之外疾驰而去。 Manages him to have the evil intention , there is nothing to do with him in any case. 管他有没有恶意,反正与他无关。 I know that you do not believe me.” “我知道你不相信我。” That sound gradually becomes coherent, spooky saying: Deep sleep too for a long time, had not spoken for a long time.” 那声音逐渐变得连贯起来,幽幽的说道:“沉睡了太长时间,已经许久没有跟人说过话了。” Deep sleep too for a long time?” In the Wang Teng heart moves slightly, the vision glitters unceasingly. “沉睡了太长时间?”王腾心中微动,目光不断闪烁。 Really was just the person of awakens! 果然是刚刚苏醒之人么! Before he heard the voice of opposite party, thought that this person seemed like just regained consciousness general. 之前他听到对方的声音,就觉得此人很像是刚刚苏醒一般。 But why is here? 可是为什么偏偏是在这里? The side of bed, how allows others to snore to rest! 卧榻之侧,岂容他人鼾睡! Here is the domain of bone demon tree, who can here the deep sleep, but wasn't swallowed by the bone demon tree? 这里是骨魔树的地盘,谁又能够在这里沉睡而不被骨魔树吞食? Naturally, there is a possibility opposite party to lie. 当然,也有可能对方在撒谎。 Perhaps is this sound...... the bone demon tree? 也许这个声音就是……骨魔树? An extremely bold guess suddenly appears in the Wang Teng mind, making his heart cannot help but shake, has the consciousness of this bone demon tree gone to so the situation? 一个极为大胆的猜测突然出现在王腾的脑海之中,让他心头不由得一震,这骨魔树的意识已经达到如此地步了? Properly speaking, the consciousness that a god level has should be able to compare favorably with the common life, even must surpass most lives. 按理来说,一位神级存在的意识应该早就能够与寻常生灵媲美,甚至还要超过大多数的生灵。 Can grow to the god level, explained the issue. 能够成长到神级,本就说明了问题。 Initially that Hanguang tree, but is the World Lord Level level, was born the good spirit wisdom. 当初那含光树,不过是界主级层次,就已经诞生了不俗的灵智。 Also will treat as the god of broadcloth star. 还将自己当做了光绒星球的神。 She the matter of doing, but does not lose the intriguers in the middle of some intelligent races. 她所做之事,可是一点不输于一些智慧种族当中的阴谋家。 If not for Wang Teng detected promptly the conspiracy of Hanguang tree, the consequence is simply dreadful. 若不是王腾及时察觉到了含光树的阴谋,后果简直不堪设想。 By his initial strength, is reluctant facing World Lord Level, collaborates with Felia, finally solved the Hanguang tree. 以他当初的实力,面对界主级都已经非常勉强,还是与妃莉娅联手,才最终解决了含光树。 If makes it go a step further, they cannot definitely be victorious, perhaps finally puts in order the broadcloth star to degenerate into her territory. 若是让其更进一步,他们肯定打不过,最终整颗光绒星球恐怕都要沦为她的领地。 In addition Hanguang tree so, bone demon tree not to mention. 含光树尚且如此,骨魔树就更不用说了。 Therefore , the spirit wisdom of this bone demon tree should not be low, spoke anything sprinkles the water spray. 所以说,这骨魔树的灵智应该不会太低,说话什么的不过是洒洒水而已。 But so, Wang Teng cannot determine even. 可即便如此,王腾也不敢确定。 Because this bone demon tree somewhat is really special! 因为这骨魔树实在有些特殊! It grows in this deserted/few no human footmark the ruins of perishing bone year to year, has not contacted with other lives, swallowed many bone spirit clan Dark Species at most. 它常年生长于这廖无人迹的亡骨之墟内,没有与其他生灵接触,顶多是吞食了不少骨灵族黑暗种而已。 Then, its spirit wisdom is not naturally able to grow. 如此一来,它的灵智自然无法得到成长。 This point he will not suspect anything, because from sensing picture, he has seen with one's own eyes all, this is the matter that can determine. 这一点他不会怀疑什么,因为从感悟画面之中,他已经亲眼看到了一切,这是可以确定的事情。 Does not know that this bone demon tree does have the corresponding inheritance?” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart thinks secretly. “也不知道这骨魔树有没有相应的传承?”王腾目光一闪,心中暗暗想到。 If there is a corresponding inheritance, the spirit wisdom naturally cannot lower, it can constantly learn/study from the inheritance memory, thus has grown. 如果有相应的传承,灵智自然不会低,它就能够从传承记忆当中不断学习,从而得到成长。 Gradually, even if the will of bone demon tree is unable to be mental such as the degree of fox, at least is insufficient not to say the words. 久而久之,就算骨魔树的心志无法达到心智如狐的程度,起码不至于连话都不会说。 However also a little made him have doubts , was also the place that he cannot think through. 然而还有一点令他十分疑惑,也是他至今想不通的地方。 Why didn't this bone demon tree speak from the beginning?” “为什么这骨魔树一开始不说话?” He the bone demon tree air/Qi to that situation, the opposite party did the roar, simply has not started talking, was he does not match? 他都把骨魔树气到那种地步了,对方只是一个劲的干吼,根本没有开口说过话,难道是他不配吗? In the Wang Teng mind flashes through these at sixes and sevens thoughts, the figure has not actually stopped slightly, the speed is extremely fast, then passed through the most black fog region quickly, gradually close to its edge. 王腾脑海中闪过这些乱七八糟的念头,身形却丝毫未停,速度极快,很快便穿越了大半个黑雾区域,逐渐靠近其边缘。 As a result of the eruption of bone demon tree, the skeleton life in black fog as if vanished, does not dare to approach. 由于骨魔树的爆发,黑雾之中的骸骨生灵似乎都消失了,根本不敢靠近。 Therefore Wang Teng had not been obstructed, is very the way smooth. 所以王腾也没有遭到阻挠,一路上都十分顺利。 Your physique is very strange, is very special, as if...... brightly and coexists dark?” That sound resounds again, having one to hesitate, as if cannot determine. “你的体质很奇怪,很特殊,似乎……光明与黑暗共存?”那道声音再度响起,带着一丝迟疑,似乎也不敢确定。 Wang Teng hears word, is actually the pupil contraction, the heart one tight. 王腾闻言,却是瞳孔收缩,心头一紧。 The first time! 第一次! This is the first time that some people saw that he simultaneously has the strength of light and darkness. 这是第一次有人看出他同时拥有光明与黑暗之力。 Who is this person? 此人到底是谁? In his heart is not thoroughly tranquil, at this moment attaching great importance to this person even must surpass the bone demon tree. 他的心中彻底不平静了,此刻对此人的重视甚至还要超过了骨魔树。 If only the bone demon tree knows that his secret, at all is not anything, because the opposite party is completely impossible to guess correctly his status, is impossible to run up to the bright universe to publicize this matter. 如果只是骨魔树知道他的这个秘密,根本不算什么,因为对方完全不可能猜到他的身份,也不可能跑到光明宇宙去宣扬此事。 Words of tree, who letter/believes! 一棵树的话,谁信啊! Because of this, Wang Teng dares the strength of so flagrant use light. 正因为如此,王腾才敢如此明目张胆的使用光明之力。 But the person of this speech, made him touch airtight. 但这个说话的人,却让他摸不透了。 From beginning to end, the opposite parties have not come, continuously hidden in hidden place, but actually saw his secret. 从始至终,对方都没有现身,一直隐藏于暗处,但是却看到了他身上的秘密。 He in bright, the opposite party is dark. 他在明,对方在暗。 Wang Teng falls into the extremely passive position completely. 王腾完全陷入极为被动的境地之中。 But, how is this possible?” That sound seems thinking aloud general, moreover is not coarse from the tone, he somewhat is also unbelievable. “但是,这怎么可能?”那道声音似乎在自言自语一般,而且从语气中不难听出,他也有些难以置信。 How a person probably simultaneously has the bright and dark two mutual contradictory strengths. 一个人怎么可能同时拥有光明与黑暗两种相互矛盾的力量。 From ancient to present, bright and dark is the opposition has existed, no life can hold it in one. 从古至今,光明与黑暗一直都是对立存在的,没有哪个生灵能够将其容纳于一身。 Even if the True God level exists, cannot achieve. 即便是真神级存在,都做不到。 Therefore he cannot determine the situation at present seeing, this has surpassed his cognition. 所以他才不敢确定眼前看到的情况,这已经超出了他的认知。 In Wang Teng heart as before dignified. 王腾心中依旧凝重。 Who is this person? 此人到底是谁? Also situated where? 又位于何处? He is unable to tolerate such an unknown existence hidden in the hidden place . Moreover the opposite party had obviously seen thing that should not see. 他无法容忍这样一个未知的存在隐藏于暗处,而且对方明显已经看到了不该看到的东西。 If Ok, he did not mind that writes off the opposite party. 如果可以,他不介意将对方抹杀。 Naturally, if the opposite party is too strong, when that he had not said. 当然,若是对方太强,那就当他没说。 Was my deep sleep was too long, had this world had the unknown change?” “难道是我沉睡了太久,这个世界已经发生了未知的变化?” That sound filled the vicissitudes, not being able to say meaning, let the person, as soon as listens, then felt that this should be existences that has many stories. 那道声音充满了沧桑,有一种说不出的意味,让人一听,便感觉这应该是一个有着很多故事的存在。 Wang Teng more listens is not more right, why felt that this person seems like antique that lived very long years? 王腾越听越不对劲,为什么感觉这个人像是个活了很长岁月的老古董? Moreover, the tone of opposite party does not seem like Dark Species, without that darkness evil meaning, is a bit like...... bright universe Martial Artist on the contrary! 不仅如此,对方的语气不像是一头黑暗种,没有那种黑暗邪恶之意,反倒有点像是……光明宇宙武者 Wang Teng has experienced too many Dark Species, they have the enormous difference from bright universe Martial Artist. 王腾见识过太多的黑暗种,它们与光明宇宙武者有着极大的区别。 Even if in the tone, how that share flavor cannot hide. 哪怕是语气之中,那股子味道也怎么都掩藏不住。 He only needs one hear, then can distinguish. 他只需一听,便能分辨出来。 Is impossible, how in the ruins of this perishing bone to possibly have other bright universe Martial Artist to exist?” Wang Teng wants to overthrow this guess immediately, the feeling was absurd. “不可能吧,这亡骨之墟内怎么可能会有其他光明宇宙武者存在?”王腾当即就想推翻这个猜测,感觉过于荒唐了一些。 Little friend, you should be bright universe Martial Artist!” At this time, that sound said suddenly. “小友,你应该是光明宇宙武者吧!”这时,那道声音突然道。 In the Wang Teng heart thump, does not know that what the opposite party really saw, is cheating him? 王腾心中咯噔了一下,不知对方是真的看出了什么,还是在诈他? However he does not plan to respond. 不过他并不打算回应。 Too much talk leads to slips of tongue! 言多必失! From the beginning he will use the dark physique to hide. 从一开始他就将自己用黑暗体质掩藏了起来。 Now although used the strength of light, but in the body is twining the thick dark aura as before, the bystander must be very difficult to see anything. 如今虽然动用了光明之力,但身体之中依旧是缠绕着浓浓的黑暗气息,外人应当很难看出什么。 Moreover he is quite special, not only has the bright physique, and has the dark physique, regardless of which type exists, is not unreal. 而且他本身就极为特殊,既有光明体质,又有黑暗体质,无论哪一种都是真实存在的,并非虚幻。 Even if the True God level exists, feared that is unable to determine which side he is. 就算是真神级存在,怕是也无法确定他到底属于哪一方。 In the meantime, Wang Teng saw the front to present luminous, his eye one bright, immediately rushes over. 就在此时,王腾看到前方出现了一丝光亮,他眼睛一亮,当即冲了过去。 In an instant, all around black fog vanished. 刹那间,四周的黑雾消失了。 Wang Teng ran out of that black fog regions impressively, he shoots up to the sky, looks at the black fog region of rearward from the high place. 王腾赫然冲出了那片黑雾区域,他冲天而起,从高处望向后方的黑雾区域。 Sees only that black fog to tumble fiercely, and presented the distortion, an extremely illusory feeling, as if that region was the original region, the space is no longer affected. 只见那黑雾正剧烈的翻滚,并且出现了扭曲,给人一种极为虚幻的感觉,仿佛那片区域不再是原来的区域,空间被影响了。 But looks from Wang Teng position at this moment, can see that black fog impressively the tumbling trend, spreads toward the surrounding from the center unceasingly. 而从王腾此刻的位置看去,赫然能够看到那黑雾的翻滚趋势,正是从中心不断朝着外围扩散而来。 That scene, seems like having a strength to proliferate from the center, but general. 那副景象,就像是正有一股力量从中心处扩散而出一般。 The rapidness of the speed, almost just slightly was slower than Wang Teng some. 其速度之快,几乎只是比王腾刚刚稍慢了些许。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! At this time, the fierce bellow transmitted, sees only that tumbling the black fog impressively already the divergence to the edge, an energy immediately from attacked. 这时,剧烈的轰鸣声传来,只见那翻滚的黑雾赫然已经辐散到了边缘,一股能量随即从其中冲击而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… All around skeleton was broken immediately, changes to the fragment powder, the distant place had a lot of skeleton mountains to collapse, looked like by the crew cut generally. 四周的骸骨顿时被震碎,化作了齑粉,远处更有大量的骸骨山倒塌,就像是被推平了一般。 Should be enough.” “应该是够了。” Wang Teng looks to the high place, there space also presented the distortion and disruption, space cracks almost spread the trim sky, the terrifying is unusual. 王腾望向更高处,那里的空间亦是出现了扭曲和碎裂,一道道空间裂缝几乎蔓延了整片天空,恐怖异常。 Those images and scenes, seriously are magnificent and fearful! 此情此景,当真是又壮观又可怕! If common World Lord Level Martial Artist sees so the scene, it is estimated that has been scared to death, turned around to escape, where also dares to stay in this place. 若是寻常界主级武者看到这般景象,估计已经吓得面无人色,转身就逃了,哪里还敢停留在此地。 Even if located in the most surrounding of this region at this moment merely, that terrifying pressure , makes one tremble sufficiently. 哪怕此刻仅仅只是位于这片区域的最外围,那种恐怖的威压,也足以让人战栗。 However Wang Teng regarding this actually slightly fearless, his corners of the mouth even also turned upwards a curve slightly crazily, the look is staring at that front region. 不过王腾对此却丝毫无惧,他的嘴角甚至还翘起了一丝弧度,眼神略显疯狂的盯着那前方的区域。 Crazy?! 疯狂?! Good, in his eye revealed a crazy meaning! 不错,他的眼中正是露出了一丝疯狂之意! At this moment, he not only fearless, even somewhat is crazy. 这一刻,他不但无惧,甚至还有些疯狂起来。 Exists facing bone demon tree such terrifying, how isn't crazy can contend with it? 面对骨魔树这样的恐怖存在,不疯狂如何能够与其抗衡? Come!” “来吧!” Helps me tear this void!” “来助我撕裂这片虚空!” Wang Teng muttered, the sound was small almost only then he himself can hear, the bystander is unable to distinguish him to say anything. 王腾喃喃自语,声音小得几乎只有他自己能够听到,外人根本无法分辨他到底说了什么。 Bang! 轰! Finishes speaking, strength one after another from his within the body eruption. 话音刚落,一股又一股的力量从他的体内爆发而出。 Gold/Metal! Wooden! Water! Fire! earth!...... 金!木!水!火!土!…… All sorts of different attribute Star Source Power change to the light beam to shoot up to the sky, surrounds beside his whole body, scene instantaneous magnificent to the extreme. 一种种不同属性的星辰原力化作光柱冲天而起,环绕在他周身之外,场面瞬间壮观到了极点。 Wind!” “风来!” The Wang Teng big hand wields, in the mouth spreads sonic boom to drink. 王腾大手一挥,口中传出一声爆喝。 In an instant, this piece full was in the deathly stillness world blows the intermittent strong winds unexpectedly baseless, swept across beside his whole body, then changed to a giant dragon volume in the wink of an eye. 刹那间,这片满是死寂的天地间竟是凭空刮起了阵阵狂风,在他周身之外席卷,瞬息之间便化作了一道巨大的龙卷。 !!! 呜!呜!呜! The strong winds howl, exude the sound of sobbing, the innumerable skeletons were rolled up and pushed along, with tornado, but crazy revolving. 狂风呼啸,发出呜咽之声,无数的骸骨被卷动了起来,随着龙卷风而疯狂的旋转。 But this merely is a start. 而这仅仅是一个开始。 Space!” “空间!” The next quarter, in the Wang Teng mouth spreads sonic boom to drink again. 下一刻,王腾口中再度传出一声爆喝。 Bang! 轰! An powerful strength from his within the body eruption, shakes the square space, lets ka ka sound that it sends out to be unable to withstand the load. 一股强悍的力量从他的体内爆发,撼动四方空间,让其发出不堪重负的咔咔之声。 The strength of space! 空间之力! This is Wang Teng the strength of fifth-order space! 这是王腾的五阶空间之力! !!! 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓! However is the flash, all around space is not then able to withstand the bombardment of strength of Wang Teng this fifth-order space, immediately disrupted to open, had terrifying space cracks. 不过是一瞬间,四周的空间便无法承受王腾这五阶空间之力的轰击,顿时碎裂而开,出现了一道道恐怖的空间裂缝。 The strength of wild space from sweeps across. 狂暴的空间之力从其中席卷而出。 Under the guidance of strength of Wang Teng that space, the strength of this space converges in that tornado violent immediately. 王腾那空间之力的引导下,这股空间之力顿时汇入那龙卷风暴之中。 Un?!” “嗯?!” The surprised sound conveys from void together, was before that sound. 一道惊讶至极的声音从虚空中传来,正是之前那道声音。 This time, that sound no longer reverberates in the ear of Wang Teng, but resounds through directly during was void, as if suddenly forgot the hidden. 这一次,那道声音不再是在王腾的耳边回响,而是直接响彻在了虚空之中,似乎一时间忘记了隐藏。 Obviously the opposite party has at this moment surprisedly with shocking. 可见对方此刻有多么的惊讶与震撼。 What a pity Wang Teng simply does not have the thoughts attention opposite party, his attention almost placed above the present storm. 可惜王腾根本没有心思关注对方,他的注意力几乎都放在了眼前的风暴之上。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! With integration of strength of this space, made that tornado violent have the qualitative change immediately, not only had the strength of Wind Attribute, had the strength of space, without doubt was more terrifying. 随着这一股空间之力的融入,顿时让那龙卷风暴发生了质变,其中不但拥有了风系之力,更是拥有了空间之力,无疑是更为恐怖了。 But, as before insufficiently!! 但,依旧不够!! The Wang Teng double pupil bloomed the dazzling ray, in the mouth resounds sonic boom to drink once again: thunder to come!” 王腾双眸绽放出刺目的光芒,口中又一次响起了一声爆喝:“雷来!” Rumble! 轰隆隆! Thunder chop from void, converges in that tornado violent directly. 一道道雷霆从虚空之中劈出,径直汇入那龙卷风暴之中。 But in his palm, emits four different color strange thunder, impressively purple extremely heavenly thunder, black demon heavenly thunder, blood demon heavenly thunder, the strength of dying deep heavenly thunder these four tribulation thunder. 而他的掌心之中,更是冒出四种不同颜色的奇异雷霆,赫然正是紫极天雷,黑魔天雷,血魔天雷,死冥天雷这四种劫雷之力。 Goes!” “去!” The Wang Teng big hand wields, when four types tribulation Retton integrates in the tornado violent, making thunder more terrifying. 王腾大手一挥,四种劫雷顿时融入龙卷风暴之中,让其中的雷霆更为恐怖。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! The thunderous sound spreads from that tornado violent unceasingly, instantly inspired the celestial phenomenon, has the thunder to fall from the upper air unceasingly, impressively dying deep heavenly thunder. 雷鸣之声不断从那龙卷风暴之中传出,刹时间引动了天象,不断有雷霆从高空之中落下,赫然正是死冥天雷。 Fire!” “火来!” The ray in Wang Teng eye changed, was changed scarlet by the purple, flame sweep across from his within the body, changes to four fire dragons, surrounds beside his whole body. 王腾眼中的光芒变了,由紫色化作了赤红,一道道火焰从他的体内席卷而出,化作四条火龙,环绕在他的周身之外。 Sapphire colored glaze flame! 青玉琉璃焰! Ten thousand beast really spirit flame! 万兽真灵焰! Bright ceremonial fire! 光明圣火! The fire of darkness! 黑暗之火! Four types of the world different fires erupt, under his big hand wields, similarly converged in the tornado violent. 四种天地异火爆发而出,在其大手一挥之下,同样是汇入了龙卷风暴之中。 Bang! 轰! In instance that these four types of the world different fires integrate, that tornado violent some rebellions get up suddenly, did not seem to the steady sign, possibly explodes to open at any time. 在这四种天地异火融入的瞬间,那龙卷风暴突然有些暴动起来,似乎出现了不稳的迹象,随时都可能爆炸而开。 Terrifying space cracks appeared in tornado violent all around, the space of this place was unable to resist this tornado violent again the strength. 一道道恐怖的空间裂缝出现在了龙卷风暴的四周,此地的空间已经无法再抵挡这龙卷风暴的力量了。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, he knows that this is because integrations of too many great power, making the strength in tornado violent be hard to balance. 王腾目光微凝,他知道这是由于太多强大力量的融入,让龙卷风暴之中的力量难以平衡。 But even by his psychic force, somewhat could not control. 而即便是以他的精神力,也有些控制不住了。 In the final analysis, that dying deep heavenly thunder after all is the fourth-order tribulation thunder, has surpassed the strength of original third-order tribulation thunder is too many. 说到底,那死冥天雷毕竟是四阶劫雷,已经超出原本的三阶劫雷之力太多。 Moreover another two third-order tribulation thunder, is his first use, making it integrate in this storm. 而且另外两种三阶劫雷,也是他第一次使用,让其融入这风暴之中。 Before he used this endless storm, but has not grasped the dying deep heavenly thunder, as well as black demon heavenly thunder, the strength of blood demon heavenly thunder these two third-order tribulation thunder. 以前他动用这无尽风暴,可还没有掌握死冥天雷,以及黑魔天雷,血魔天雷这两种三阶劫雷之力。 However now point of no return, has to send. 不过如今箭在弦上,不得不发。 He must complete this endless storm. 他必须要完成这无尽风暴。 At this moment, can only succeed, cannot be defeated. 这一刻,只能成功,不能失败。 Wang Teng revolves immediately the pinnacle own psychic force, is controlling the wild energy in that tornado violent vigorously. 王腾立刻将自身的精神力运转到了极致,极力控制着那龙卷风暴之内的狂暴能量。 Time!” “时间!” Suddenly, he thought of anything, the strength of time will immediately grasp erupts, integrates in that tornado violent. 突然,他想到了什么,当即将自身掌握的时间之力爆发而出,融入那龙卷风暴之中。 The strength of his time has been increased similarly, and was the third-order level. 他的时间之力同样已经提升,并且达到了三阶层次。 Has integration of strength of time, sufficiently suppression these wild energies. 有着时间之力的融入,足以镇压那些狂暴的能量。 This endless storm needed integration of strength of time, but he is the plan is integrating from the beginning finally, but can only be ahead of time now. 这无尽风暴本就需要时间之力的融入,只是他一开始是打算在最后融入,但如今只能提前了。 Bang! 轰! Really, with joining of strength of time, that tornado violent shakes loudly, in which wild strength was suppressed instantaneously, presents one to stagnate. 果然,随着时间之力的加入,那龙卷风暴轰然一震,其中的狂暴力量瞬间被压制,出现了一丝凝滞。 Good!” “好!” The Wang Teng great happiness, in the heart relaxes slightly, he does not dare to waste the time, the final several strengths will integrate in the storm hastily. 王腾大喜,心中微微松了口气,他也不敢浪费时间,连忙将最后几种力量融入风暴之中。 Ice!” “冰!” Poison!” “毒!” The ice is the pinnacle cold ice in ice hornless dragon bead, the poison is various strange poisons that he grasps. 冰是冰螭珠之中的极致寒冰,毒是他本身所掌握的各种奇异之毒。 Although these two strengths are also very strong, but compares with front the strength and the world of different fire tribulation thunder, was slightly inferior. 这两种力量虽然也十分强大,但与前面的劫雷之力和天地异火比起来,还是稍微逊色了一些。 After all solely is in the quantity, they have lost. 毕竟单单是数量上,它们就已经输了。 No matter tribulations the strength of thunder, is the world different fire, has enough four types. 不管是劫雷之力,还是天地异火,都是有着足足四种之多。 In the meantime, in the Wang Teng heart moves, thought of anything. 就在此时,王腾心中一动,又想到了什么。 The strength of darkness! 黑暗之力! Before his endless storm never integrated the strength of darkness, but he has exposed oneself dark strength now, does not need to hide anything actually completely again. 以前他的无尽风暴从未融入黑暗之力,但如今他已经暴露了自己的黑暗之力,倒是完全不需要再掩藏什么了。 Darkness!” “黑暗!” In the Wang Teng double pupil blooms immediately rich black light, a boundless incomparable dark strength divulges from his within the body, integrates in the storm quietly. 王腾双眸之中顿时绽放出浓郁的黑光,一股磅礴无比的黑暗之力从他体内宣泄而出,悄然融入风暴之中。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the entire storm stagnates unexpectedly fiercely, as if stopped the revolution in that flash. 刹那间,整座风暴竟是猛地一滞,似乎在那一瞬间停止了运转。 What's the matter?!” Wang Teng one startled, has not thought that will have this situation. “怎么回事?!”王腾不由的一惊,没想到会出现这种情况。 Integrated the strength of darkness, will make the storm stop revolving unexpectedly, so the situation was as good as integration of strength of time simply. 只是融入了黑暗之力而已,竟然会让风暴停止运转,如此情况简直不亚于时间之力的融入了。 Well!” “咦!” However quick, Wang Teng suddenly discovered anything, in the eye reveals the strange color. 不过很快,王腾突然发现了什么,眼中露出奇异之色。 Originally after the strength of that darkness integrates, the bright strength in storm moves forward to meet somebody unexpectedly on own initiative, collides with the strength of that darkness mutually. 原来在那黑暗之力融入之后,风暴之中的光明之力竟然主动迎了上去,与那黑暗之力相互碰撞。 Because has the balances of other powers, particularly under the strength and time strength of space, they were suppressed, suddenly cannot do to the opposite party. 但因为有着其他力量的平衡,尤其是在空间之力和时间之力下,它们都是被压制了,一时间都奈何不了对方。 During both sides fall into the limit to pull, then gradually found a strange balance on the contrary. 双方就此陷入极限拉扯之中,而后反倒是逐渐找到了一丝诡异的平衡。 Also can unexpectedly like this!” “竟然还可以这样!” The strange color in Wang Teng eye is even more rich, so the situation went beyond his expectation completely. 王腾眼中的奇异之色越发浓郁起来,如此情况完全超出了他的预料。 Originally is only the miraculous glow flashes, thought that has the strength of darkness to integrate, the strength of this storm will be definitely stronger. 本来只是灵光一闪,心想有黑暗之力融入,这风暴的力量肯定会更强大一些。 Actually does not want actually to cause such a result. 却不曾想竟然弄出了这样一个结果。 He could feel, so long as this storm blasts out, that bright and dark balance was broken, perhaps will have not the unimaginable chain-reaction, the might will be very astonishing. 他感觉得到,只要这风暴炸开,那光明与黑暗的平衡被打破,恐怕会发生无法想象的连锁反应,威力将十分惊人。 Ha, looks how now you keep off me.” “哈哈哈,现在看你如何挡我。” Wang Teng is happy, fall about, looks suddenly to the front black fog, as if can pass through layer upon layer the black fog, saw that bone demon tree is common. 王腾喜形于色,忍不住大笑起来,猛然望向前方的黑雾,仿佛能够穿过层层黑雾,看到那棵骨魔树一般。 Roar! 吼! The bone demon tree as if also heard his laughter, the deafening angry roaring sound transmits together immediately from afar, that endless shadow sweeps across loudly, but. 骨魔树似乎也听到了他的笑声,一道震耳欲聋的怒吼声随即远远传来,那无尽的阴影更是轰然席卷而至。
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