AAMD :: Volume #23

#2220: The prestige of bright ceremonial fire! Bye-bye you,

The prestige of 2220 th Zhang Guangming ceremonial fire! Bye-bye you, I first walk one step! Sudden sound! 第2220章光明圣火之威!拜拜了您嘞,我先走一步喽!突然的声音! I scratch! Can the bone demon root hair also use?!” “我擦!骨魔根须还能这么用?!” Wang Teng is hit to fly upside down by the impact that the energy complementary waves form, the person still in the midair, then sees this, stares the big eye. 王腾被能量余波形成的冲击撞得倒飞出去,人还在半空,便看到这一幕,不由的瞪大眼睛。 Before the sensibility picture of that bone demon tree, he truly saw that the bone demon tree dug in the dying deep heavenly thunder with the bone demon root hair, sensibility tribulation thunder strength. 之前在那骨魔树的感悟画面之中,他确实看到骨魔树以骨魔根须扎入死冥天雷之中,感悟劫雷的力量。 However he has not thought that the bone demon tree can actually make the bone demon root hair fuse with the dying deep heavenly thunder temporarily, forms this unique lightning attack. 但是他没想到骨魔树竟然能够让骨魔根须与死冥天雷暂时融合,形成这种独特的雷鞭攻击。 Plundering the strength of thunder is very tyrannical and wild, the common carrier is unable to withstand its strength. 劫雷之力是非常强横而狂暴的,寻常的载体根本无法承受它的力量。 If absorption this strength, gradually, can only injure and forcefully. 若是强行吸收这种力量,久而久之,只会伤及自身。 Wang Teng has the special physique, and fused chaos Star Source Power, is unable to grasp the world tribulation thunder. 王腾要不是拥有特殊体质,且融合出了混沌星辰原力,也根本无法掌握天地劫雷。 But this bone demon tree cannot by own carrying/sustaining dying deep heavenly thunder, but can actually integrate the strength of this tribulation thunder in the attack temporarily, is tries another method, was quite fierce. 而这骨魔树虽然不能让自身承载死冥天雷,但却可以在攻击中暂时融入这种劫雷之力,也算是另辟蹊径,相当厉害了。 Has to acknowledge, the bone demon tree similarly is time and time again brings surprisedly to Wang Teng. 不得不承认,骨魔树同样是一次又一次的给王腾带来惊讶。 This bone demon tree is really different kind! 这棵骨魔树着实是一个异类! The view, many is a little so funny. 如此说法,多少有点搞笑。 both sides think that the opposite party is the different kind, actually does not know that who is the true different kind? 双方都认为对方是异类,却不知道谁才是真正的异类? Wang Teng is under the impact of that energy, actually without being injured, in the instance that the Source Power complementary waves impact comes, he had made the defense promptly. 王腾受到那能量的冲击,倒是没有受伤,在原力余波冲击而来的瞬间,他就已经及时做出了防御。 At this time saw with own eyes the lightning that bone demon root hair form chops ruthlessly, he actually does not dare to neglect, had not seen that void was opened by the cleavage? 此时眼见那一道道骨魔根须形成的雷鞭狠狠劈来,他却是不敢怠慢,没看到虚空都被劈裂开了吗? That long nihility traces, look let person scalp tingles. 那一条条长长的虚无痕迹,看得让人头皮发麻。 If pulls out on the body, his defense estimate cannot support. 如果抽在身上,他的防御估计也撑不住。 This bone demon tree estimated that is also to see these common bone demon root hair cannot do to Wang Teng, then relied on the dying deep heavenly thunder strength, this must strike to kill. 这骨魔树估计也是见那些寻常的骨魔根须奈何不了王腾,便借助了死冥天雷的力量,这明显是要一击必杀啊。 Wang Teng felt killing intent of opposite party, in the heart cold snort/hum. 王腾感受到了对方的杀意,心中冷哼一声。 Plays the thunder with me!” “跟我玩雷!” The next quarter, sees only in his hand to present a long spear/gun suddenly, the strength of winding thunder, the source principle integrates, punctures loudly. 下一刻,只见他手中骤然出现一柄长枪,雷霆之力缠绕,本源法则融入,轰然刺出。 World Lord Level Fighting technique, Thunder Dragon dominates the rain marksmanship!! 界主级战技,雷龙霸雨枪法!! A spear pierces leaves, such as Thunder Dragon across the sky, forms the spear/gun rain immediately, counter cuts down on. 一枪刺出,如雷龙横空,顿时形成枪雨,逆伐而上。 That scene, such as the time flows backwards, the fallen rainwater counter to/clashes unexpectedly spatially, as if must return to the cloud layer to be the same. 那副景象,就如时光倒流,落下的雨水竟然逆空冲起,仿佛要回归云层一般。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The endless spear/gun rain and that lightning shell in together, erupts the sound of thundering, blasts out in void directly. 无尽的枪雨和那一道道雷鞭轰击在一起,爆发出轰鸣之声,直接在虚空中炸开。 The lightning was blocked, the Wang Teng figure flashes, such as the electric light, vanished in together same place. 雷鞭被挡住,王腾身形一闪,如一道电光,消失在了原地。 ! 哧拉! Suddenly, the curtain of rain that spear/gun glow forms was torn to start unexpectedly, cannot resist the attack of lightning. 突然,那枪芒形成的雨幕竟然被撕裂而开,没能抵挡住雷鞭的攻击。 Several remnant shades shuttle back and forth from the curtain of rain, falls loudly, remains after Wang Teng in same place remnant shadow tears into shreds, shells above the ground. 几道残影从雨幕中穿梭而过,轰然落下,将王腾留在原地的残影撕碎之后,轰击在了地面之上。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! A lot of skeletons were crushed, in the ground presented several long and narrow and profound traces, was almost torn to open. 大量的骸骨被粉碎,地面上出现了几道狭长而深刻的痕迹,差点被撕裂而开。 However what made Wang Teng accidental/surprised was, was torn under the ground that opened unexpectedly the white bones, as if inexhaustible general. 不过令王腾意外的是,那被撕裂而开的地面之下竟然还是白骨,仿佛无穷无尽一般。 ! 唰! Wang Teng appears from another direction, a spear pierces to the bone demon tree root body, the endless spear/gun glow erupts immediately, crosses the midair. 王腾从另一个方向出现,一枪刺向骨魔树本体,无尽的枪芒顿时爆发,横贯半空。 Projects on the present situation, both sides have hit to get angry, must want to kill the opposite party. 打到如今的地步,双方都已经打出火来了,都要想要将对方杀死。 Although Wang Teng knows that this is very difficult, even if could not kill the opposite party, must make the opposite party be injured uncomfortably, otherwise to appear him to be very good to bully to be the same. 虽然王腾知道这很难,但就算杀不了对方,也要让对方受伤难受,否则岂不是显得他很好欺负一样。 The position that Wang Teng this spear/gun chooses is very cunning, avoided that face completely, this thinks that can sneak attack one wave unexpectedly. 王腾这一枪所选的位置十分刁钻,完全避开了那张面孔,本以为能够出其不意的偷袭一波。 The never expected that big tree surface then splits slits instantaneously, drills the innumerable only eyeballs, stares spear/gun glow that attack is coming. 没想到大树表面瞬间便裂开一道道缝隙,钻出无数只眼球,盯着那攻击而来的枪芒。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The bone demon root hair of implication purple black thunder falls from the day, shells above that spear/gun glow, destroys it instantaneously. 蕴含紫黑色雷霆的骨魔根须从天降,轰击在那一道道枪芒之上,瞬间将其摧毁。 In bone demon tree that eyeball reveals the meaning of taunt immediately. 骨魔树那一只只眼球之中顿时露出嘲讽之意。 Do this ants also presumptuously think the wound to it unexpectedly? 这只蝼蚁竟还妄想伤到它? Overreaches oneself seriously! 当真是不自量力! The strength that although this ants displayed before truly made it very surprised, but this does not mean that it thinks the opposite party can injure. 尽管之前这只蝼蚁展现的力量确实令它十分惊讶,但这并不意味着它会认为对方能够伤到它。 This radically is two matters. 这根本就是两码事。 However it as if forgot, Wang Teng is swallowing its source of core at this moment, isn't this injury? 不过它似乎忘记了,王腾此刻正在吞噬着它的核心之源,这不也是一种伤害? Where are you looking at?” “你在看哪里?” However in the meantime, the Wang Teng ice-cold sound is actually spreads from another direction suddenly, but he just kept in same place form to diverge slowly. 然而就在此时,王腾冰冷的声音却是突然从另一个方向传出,而他刚刚留在原地的身影正缓缓散去。 The eye simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform pupil above bone demon tree body shrinks. 骨魔树身躯之上的眼睛齐齐瞳孔一缩。 Bang! 轰! The bellow resounds, Wang Teng appeared in the back of bone demon tree, avoided its all eyeballs thoroughly, in the double pupil bloomed suddenly the dazzling and holy white light. 轰鸣声响起,王腾出现在了骨魔树的背面,彻底避开了它所有的眼球,双眸之中骤然绽放出刺目而圣洁的白光。 The bright sacred body, opens! 光明圣体,开! The flaming white light erupts from his within the body together immediately, condenses together the streams arrow in the sky instantaneously. 一道炽盛的白光顿时从他体内爆发而出,于上空瞬间凝聚成一道道流矢。 Morning sun class/flow arrow! 曦光流矢! Goes!” “去!” The Wang Teng big hand wields, the class/flow arrow that these white rays condense explodes to shoot instantaneously, shelled on the body of bone demon tree. 王腾大手一挥,这些白色光芒凝聚的流矢瞬间爆射而出,轰击在了骨魔树的身上。 At this moment he is away from the bone demon tree to be near, in addition also has the front that attack to take the upholstery, therefore the bone demon tree root was less to respond, received this struck. 此刻他距离骨魔树非常近,加上还有着前面那次攻击作为铺垫,所以骨魔树根本来不及反应,生生受了这一击。 While his big hand wields, holy white flame erupts from his within the body, later sweeps across, bone demon tree package. 并且在他大手一挥的同时,一股圣洁白色的火焰更是从他体内爆发,随后席卷而出,将骨魔树包裹。 Bright ceremonial fire!!! 光明圣火!!! The life that copes with this darkness class, how can little result in bright Star Source Power and bright ceremonial fire. 对付这种黑暗类的生灵,如何能够少得了光明星辰原力和光明圣火。 This is acts appropriately to the situation. 这才是对症下药啊。 Although he is very confident to oneself Lighting Attribute strength, but is easier-to-use, why doesn't use? 虽然他对自己的雷系力量十分有信心,但有更好用的,为什么不用? Really!” “果然!” Wang Teng strikes to go well, has not yearned for slightly, immediately leaves to draw back. 王腾一击得手,丝毫没有留恋,立刻抽身而退。 Really such as he guessed was the same! 果然如他猜测的一样! This bone demon tree root can sensation any direction, however after giving birth to these eyeballs, then placed above most attention these eyeballs. 这骨魔树本可以感知任何一个方向,但是在生出那些眼球之后,便将大部分注意力放在了那些眼球之上。 On such as a blind person, without eye time, the sensation of any direction will be very keen, even if rear area. 就如一个瞎子,没有眼睛的时候,任何一个方向的感知都会十分灵敏,哪怕是后方。 But if some day his eye regains eyesight, perhaps this sensation will vanish, because he will rely on the eye subconsciously. 但若有一天他的眼睛复明,这种感知恐怕就会消失,因为他会下意识的依赖眼睛。 Although this analogy is not very appropriate, but is quite similar. 尽管这个比喻不是非常恰当,但还是颇为相似的。 But Wang Teng was calculates this point, the use Blood imaginary movement, Is staying behind same place clone together, but the true body had arrived at the rear area of bone demon tree. 王腾便是算准了这一点,动用【血幻身法】,在原地留下一道分身,而真身则已经来到了骨魔树的后方。 At this time the bright ceremonial fire submerges the bone demon tree, innumerable rune/symbol writing appears in the flame, sends out the strength of extremely powerful bright source principle. 此时光明圣火将骨魔树淹没,无数的符文出现在火焰之中,散发出极为强大的光明本源法则之力。 From the beforehand sensibility picture, Wang Teng is certain the body of this bone demon tree is unable easily to destroy surely. 从之前的感悟画面之中,王腾可以肯定这骨魔树的身躯必定无法轻易摧毁。 After all experiences that many time thunder tribulation to shell, the bone demon tree stands erect as before not but actually, its body has passed through is repeatedly tempered. 毕竟经历过那么多次雷劫轰击,骨魔树依旧屹立不倒,其身躯早就经过千锤百炼了。 Therefore can only use the brightest strength, has the possibility wound to the opposite party. 所以只能动用最光明之力,才有可能伤到对方。 The restraint of strength of light to dark life is a natural enemy restraint. 光明之力对黑暗生灵的克制是一种天敌般的克制。 Even if strength of equivalent and bone demon tree his bright differ many, however hits in the situation of its no protection, an effect will not always have. 哪怕他的光明之力等阶与骨魔树相差甚多,但是在其毫无防备的情况下击中,总不会一点效果都没有。 The confidence of Wang Teng to bright ceremonial fire also wants the foot more than the strength of tribulation thunder, bright source fifth-order level, he from the beginning on the strength of use light. 王腾对光明圣火的信心比劫雷之力还要足不少,要不是光明本源才五阶层次,他一开始就动用光明之力了。 However now is not late. 不过现在也不晚。 Because, can unexpectedly the accomplishment. 正是因为出其不意之下,才能够建功。 Otherwise if on the use bright ceremonial fire, it is estimated that did not have to hit the opposite party from the beginning smoothly. 否则若是一开始就使用光明圣火,估计就没有这么顺利击中对方了。 Roar! 吼! At this moment, the intermittent angry roaring sound the direction that is at from that bone demon tree transmits suddenly, immediately sees only the innumerable bone demon root hair to fall from the high place. 此时此刻,阵阵怒吼声骤然从那骨魔树所在的方向传来,随即只见无数骨魔根须从高处落下。 Is coercing the purple black tribulation thunder, the terrifying is unusual. 裹挟着紫黑色劫雷,恐怖异常。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bone demon tree as if fell into crazily, is completely the random attacks, covers its all around region completely. 骨魔树仿佛陷入了疯狂,完全是胡乱攻击,将其四周的区域完全笼罩。 It wants to strike to kill Wang Teng, tries to pull out that bright ceremonial fire scatters broken. 它想要击杀王腾,更试图将那光明圣火抽碎驱散。 What a pity Wang Teng has expected the bone demon tree to go crazy, therefore just went well was then far away directly, simply has not given the opportunity that it attacks. 可惜王腾早就料到骨魔树会发疯,所以刚刚得手便直接远离了,根本没给它攻击的机会。 As for that bright ceremonial fire, is not easy to scatter. 至于那光明圣火,却也不是那么容易驱散的。 Although the dying deep heavenly thunder is very intrepid, but bright ceremonial fire but world different fire. 虽然死冥天雷十分强悍,但是光明圣火可是天地异火。 Moreover is the bright department. 而且是光明系。 So long as Wang Teng injects the strength of light unceasingly, it is not then easy to extinguish. 只要王腾不断注入光明之力,它便没有那么容易熄灭。 Therefore, at this moment under that innumerable bone demon root hair bombardment, the bright ceremonial fire was also dispersed even if, has not actually extinguished. 所以,此刻哪怕是在那无数的骨魔根须轰击之下,光明圣火也只是被分散开来,却并未熄灭。 Above massive bright ceremonial fires adhere to stick cohere in Gumo to set up as before, sends out the scalding hot temperature, is firing this skeleton great tree unceasingly. 大量的光明圣火依旧附着于骨魔树之上,散发出灼热的温度,不断灼烧着这棵骸骨巨树。 Scoffs...... 嗤嗤嗤…… One intermittent „” sound spreads from the bone demon tree immediately, its body presented the fissure finally, above lots of rune/symbol writing collapses under the ignition of flame. 一阵阵“嗤嗤”声顿时从骨魔树之上传出,它的身躯终于出现了裂痕,上面大量的符文在火焰的灼烧下崩溃开来。 Also has purple black mist continuously to flutter from the body of bone demon tree, later dissipates to go. 同时还有着一缕缕的紫黑色雾气从骨魔树的身上飘荡而出,随后消散而去。 Roar! Roar! 吼!吼! The angry roaring sound of bone demon tree spreads unceasingly, it the anger to the extreme, never expected that it had been really injured obviously unexpectedly by that ants. 骨魔树的怒吼声不断传出,它显然已经愤怒到了极点,没想到它竟然真的被那只蝼蚁伤到了。 This makes it in any event unacceptable. 这让它无论如何都不能接受。 This thinks that the opposite party can absorb the source of its core, but with the aid of some talent or external object, but by the battle efficiency, is unable to injure to it absolutely. 本以为对方能够吸收它的核心之源,不过是借助某种天赋或是外物,但论战斗力,绝对无法伤到它。 But who knows, the opposite party actually has such powerful flame. 可谁知道,对方竟然拥有此等强大的火焰。 Moreover in that flame, contains the bright strength that one type is making it loathe extremely unexpectedly. 而且那火焰之中,竟蕴含着一种令它极为厌恶的光明之力。 This strength looks like its difficult adversary to be the same simply, not only can cause the enormous damage to it, but also very hard to deal with, in a short time is unable to drive out. 这种力量简直就像是它的克星一般,不但能够对它造成极大的伤害,还非常的难缠,短时间内根本无法驱除。 Actually before Wang Teng, had used the bright ceremonial fire. 其实王腾之前曾经动用过光明圣火。 But at that time he also only used a strength, moreover does not aim at the bone demon tree. 但当时他也只动用了一丝力量,而且并不是针对骨魔树。 It is estimated that because of this, the bone demon tree has not been serious the bright ceremonial fire. 估计正因为如此,骨魔树才没有将光明圣火当回事。 In addition afterward its attention completely by the bone demon tree empty shadow that Wang Teng displayed, and strength of thunder tribulation attracted, this forgot also had existence of this bright ceremonial fire. 加上后来它的注意力完全被王腾施展的骨魔树虚影,以及雷劫之力所吸引,这才忘记了还有这光明圣火的存在。 General idea/Careless! 大意了! Bone demon tree annoyingly. 骨魔树懊恼不已。 From the beginning thought the strength of that light made it very repugnant, this recovered, wants to erase has Wang Teng of this strength. 一开始只是觉得那光明之力令它十分讨厌,这才复苏,想要抹除拥有这种力量的王腾 But in fact it does not know that what the bright ceremonial fire is. 可实际上它并不知道光明圣火是何物。 It grows in the ruins of this perishing bone, although had very long years, the life that but sees was bone spirit clan Dark Species, the experience naturally also received the limit. 它生长于这亡骨之墟内,虽然存在了很长的岁月,但见到的生灵都是骨灵族黑暗种,见识自然也受到了局限。 Therefore does not know that the bright ceremonial fire can threaten it truly, otherwise so will not be absolutely negligent. 故而并不知道光明圣火能够真正威胁到它,否则绝对不会如此大意。 However now says that anything was late. 然而现在说什么都迟了。 Because of the general idea/careless, it was compelled so the situation forcefully, now only has thoroughly erases that ants, can release its hate of heart. 因为大意,它硬生生被逼到了如此地步,如今唯有彻底抹除那只蝼蚁,方能泄去它的心头之恨。 Un?!” “嗯?!” In the meantime, Wang Teng as if also felt that anything, the eye narrowed the eyes slightly, looks all around toward the bone demon tree. 就在此时,王腾似乎也感觉到了什么,眼睛微微一眯,朝着骨魔树周遭看去。 There space suddenly had the unusual condition, all around fluctuation of energy as if also stagnated the flash in this moment. 那里的空间突然出现了异状,四周的能量波动似乎也在这一刻凝滞了一瞬间。 Bang! 轰! Next quarter, one group rich black light erupts from the bone demon tree, penetrated bright ceremonial fire that blazing white ray unexpectedly. 下一刻,一团浓郁的黑光从骨魔树之中爆发而出,竟然穿透了光明圣火那炽烈的白色光芒。 The endless black ray as if punctured thousand to put on hundred the bright ceremonial fire, later toward erupted in all directions. 无尽的黑色光线仿佛将光明圣火刺了个千穿百孔,随后朝着四面八方爆发而出。 Finally with that move!” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, as if had a premonition that anything, was wanting to take back the bright ceremonial fire. “终于用那一招了么!”王腾目光一凝,似乎预感到了什么,正欲收回光明圣火。 If that move, his bright ceremonial fire estimates unable to block. 如果是那一招,他的光明圣火估计挡不住。 Continues to burn down again, does not have the significance, when knows when to stop. 再继续焚烧下去,已经没有意义,当适可而止。 Also, bone demon tree space all around twists in the meantime suddenly, space cracks also appear. 也就在此时,骨魔树周遭的空间突然扭曲起来,一道道空间裂缝随之出现。 Simultaneously in that black light under erupts, there presented one after another strange shadow, appearing especially is illusory and distortion. 同时在那黑光的爆发之下,那里出现了一团又一团诡异的阴影,显得格外虚幻与扭曲。 The darkness often follows the shadow. 黑暗往往伴随着阴影。 The dark existence place, must have the shadow! 黑暗存在处,必有阴影! But with the emergence of that shadow, attaches in Gumo to set up the bright ceremonial fire of body surface much, was inhaled in the shadow unexpectedly, vanishes instantaneously does not see. 而随着那阴影的出现,不少附着于骨魔树体表的光明圣火,竟然被吸入阴影之中,瞬间消失不见。 Really is the bone demon bites the shadow!” In Wang Teng heart dignified, does not have the accident/surprise actually. “果然是骨魔噬影!”王腾心中凝重,倒是没有意外。 This belongs to demon god level Fighting technique of bone demon tree, is powerful and strange. 这是属于骨魔树的魔神级战技,强大而诡异。 Before had not used, it is estimated that is because it felt not to need, but it is compelled now anxiously, naturally can use. 之前没有使用,估计是因为它觉得没有必要,但如今它被逼急了,自然会使用。 Wang Teng puts out a hand immediately, palm toward on. 王腾当即伸出手,掌心朝上。 That adhered to stick cohere in Gumo to set up the bright ceremonial fire of body surface as if to receive the order, rewound to return instantaneously. 那附着于骨魔树体表的光明圣火仿佛收到了命令,瞬间倒卷而回。 Although during this period, many bright ceremonial fires were still swallowed by that shadow. 虽然在这期间,仍有不少光明圣火被那阴影所吞噬。 But has massive bright ceremonial fires to return to his palm as before, changes to one group of not big flame, is clever and peaceful, like a small pet. 但依旧是有大量的光明圣火回归他的掌心,化作一团不大的火焰,乖巧而安静,像极了一只小宠物。 The Wang Teng palm turns, the bright ceremonial fire vanishes does not see, he looked to front bone demon tree, the corners of the mouth exudes a curve. 王腾手掌一翻,光明圣火消失不见,他望向面前的骨魔树,嘴角不由泛起了一丝弧度。 He felt. 他感觉到了。 This bone demon tree is very of repugnant the strength bright ceremonial fire, otherwise has swallowed all bright ceremonial fires all, will not make it return to his palm safely. 这骨魔树很讨厌光明圣火的力量,否则早就将所有的光明圣火尽数吞噬,根本不会让其安然回到他的掌心。 This is good! 这就好! Although he did not worry the bright ceremonial fire will be swallowed by that shadow, but can take back safely, naturally is best, saved his many times. 虽然他本就不担心光明圣火会被那阴影吞噬,但能够安然收回,自然是最好,省了他不少功夫。 This should be your last resort.” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, in the heart talked to oneself. “这应该就是你最后的手段了吧。”王腾目光闪烁,心中自语。 Afterward his line of sight one sweeps in all around, in the heart somewhat is excited. 随后他的视线在四周一扫而过,心中不免有些激动起来。 Here space has disrupted thoroughly, a disorder piece. 这里的空间已经彻底碎裂,紊乱一片。 Demon god level Fighting technique that in addition the bone demon tree erupts at this time Bone demon bites shadow, During was makes here space fall into was wild. 再加上此时骨魔树爆发出的魔神级战技【骨魔噬影】,更是让这里的空间陷入了狂暴之中。 This wild even affected the space of peripheral big piece region, and also in unceasing spread toward all around. 这种狂暴甚至影响到了外围大片区域的空间,并且还在不断的朝着四周蔓延开去。 This bone demon tree is the god level exists absolutely. 这骨魔树绝对是神级存在。 A god level has demon god level Fighting technique that displays, its terrifying degree, does not need to be able to guess to obtain. 一位神级存在施展出的魔神级战技,其恐怖程度,不用想都能够猜得到。 At this moment, the space of big piece region is twisting, shadow emergence one after another, must cover this big void thoroughly. 此时此刻,大片区域的空间在扭曲,阴影一团又一团的出现,要彻底笼罩这一大片虚空。 The bone demon tree is completely no difference attack, must drag into that shadow Wang Teng thoroughly, strangles to death its distortion. 骨魔树完全是无差别攻击,要将王腾彻底拉入那阴影之中,将其扭曲绞杀。 Wang Teng actually cracks into a smile to the bone demon tree, then launches the extreme speed immediately, turns around to speed away to go toward the black fog outside. 王腾却是冲着骨魔树咧嘴一笑,而后立刻展开极速,转身朝着黑雾之外疾驰而去。 Bye-bye you, I first walk one step.” The sound also conveys together. “拜拜了您嘞,我先走一步喽。”一道声音随之传来。 „......” “……” The bone demon tree direct was ignorant. 骨魔树直接懵了。 Ran...... runs? 跑……跑了? Its mood fermented to come here, result ants ran unexpectedly directly! 它情绪都酝酿到这儿了,结果这只蝼蚁居然直接跑了! Plays it! 玩它呢! Roar! 吼! The bone demon tree air/Qi to leap up same place, wishes one could to grow several big long legs to pursue toward Wang Teng. 骨魔树气得都要原地蹿起,恨不得长出几条大长腿朝着王腾追去。 MMP deceives people simply...... the tree very! MMP简直欺人……树太甚! Its crazy displaying Bone demon bites shadow, Making that shadow region spread fast, tries to catch up with Wang Teng. 它疯狂的施展【骨魔噬影】,让那阴影区域快速扩散,试图追上王腾 But this moment Wang Teng actually opened the pinnacle the speed, his back has a whiteness wing to open impressively, was 【The wing of light. 但此刻王腾却是将速度开启到了极致,他的背后赫然有着一对洁白色翅膀张开,正是【光明之翼】。 Moreover, Wang Teng also displays alternately Escaping light With Dodges spatially. 不仅如此,王腾还交替施展【遁光】与【空闪】。 Three Fighting technique also used, making his speed go to an inhuman situation. 三种战技同时使用,让他的速度达到了一种非人的地步。 ! 唰! Then to the pure white both wings instigation, Wang Teng changes to together the flowing light directly, such as arrow Yaichi passes through layer upon layer the black fog. 那对洁白双翅煽动之下,王腾径直化作一道流光,如箭矢一般穿过层层黑雾。 Even once for a while vanishes, leaves again already beyond several kilometers. 甚至时不时消失一下,再出现已是在数千米之外。 So in the situation, the again rapidness of rear shadow proliferation, cannot pursue even, when are not many by distant flinging after behind. 如此情况下,后方的阴影即便扩散的再快,也根本追赶不上,不多时就被远远的甩在了身后。 Bright...... strength!” “光明……之力!” However in the meantime, obviously has the sound of meaning of vicissitudes, is actually extremely towering reverberates in the ear of Wang Teng. 不过就在此时,一道明显带着沧桑之意的声音,却是极为突兀的在王腾的耳边回荡而起。 That sound, probably person from the deep sleep just regained consciousness, hoarse, dry, but also has one to hesitate. 那声音,像是来自一个刚刚苏醒的沉睡之人,沙哑,干涩,还带着一丝迟疑。
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