AAMD :: Volume #23

#2219: The experience of bone demon tree! Nine the source of step thunder

The huge incomparable thunder great claw falls from the dark clouds, is twining the purple black tribulation thunder, just like a deep god's claw that finds out from the deep prison. 庞大无比的雷霆巨爪从黑云中落下,缠绕着紫黑色的劫雷,犹如一只从冥狱中探出的冥神之爪。 Resembling to draw in the deep prison all lives under his claw. 似要将其爪下的一切生灵拖入冥狱之中。 This thunder great claw, has both the dark deathly stillness and world of tribulation thunder deep god clan overbearing majestic prestige together! 这一道雷霆巨爪,兼具冥神族的黑暗死寂与天地劫雷的霸道堂皇之威! Two contradictory strengths link, as if had the chemical action, becomes more terrifying, making one is unable to imagine. 两种矛盾的力量结合在一起,仿佛发生了化学作用,变得更为恐怖,令人无法想象。 Wang Teng is looking at that torn void, the vision flashes suddenly, several giant space cracks let he clearer feeling the bright universe aura. 王腾望着那被撕裂的虚空,目光急剧闪动,几道巨大的空间裂缝让他更为清晰的感觉到了光明宇宙的气息。 The appearance of this thunder great claw, as if tore the most surface space together, the relation of ruins and bright universe perishing bone exposed. 这一道雷霆巨爪的出现,似乎撕裂了最表层的空间,将亡骨之墟与光明宇宙的联系暴露了出来。 Insufficiently!” “不够!” Insufficiently!” “不够!” This space of points fluctuates insufficiently radically!” “这点空间波动根本不够!” I add a fire to you again!” “我再给你加把火!” In the Wang Teng double pupil reveals a crazy color, the eyeground is shining upon that purple black thunder light, extends a hand fiercely, in the mouth resounds sonic boom to drink: 王腾双眸之中露出一丝疯狂之色,眼底映照着那紫黑色的雷光,猛地伸出一只手来,口中响起一声爆喝: thunder to come!” “雷来!” Bang! 轰隆! Finishes speaking, a thunder loud sound explodes suddenly, the endless thunder light appears from Wang Teng void all around, later toward his palm fast gathering. 话音刚落,一阵雷霆巨响骤然炸起,无尽的雷光从王腾周遭的虚空中浮现而出,随后朝着他的掌心快速汇聚而来。 Meanwhile, the fourth-order tribulation thunder dying deep heavenly thunder that the three third-order tribulation thunder of Wang Teng within the body, as well as just obtained, erupts simultaneously, extends following his arm. 与此同时,王腾体内的三种三阶劫雷,以及刚刚得到的四阶劫雷死冥天雷,同时爆发而出,顺着他的手臂延伸。 Suddenly, his entire right hand arm was only covered by the strange thunder light, four different color tribulation thunder windings above his arm, strange. 一时间,他整只右手手臂都是被奇异的雷光所覆盖,四种不同颜色的劫雷缠绕在他的手臂之上,奇异非常。 His arm as if put on a thunder armor, not only fierce and supernatural might. 他的手臂就仿佛穿上了一副雷霆铠甲,既狰狞又神武。 However is in a flash, the thunder helped in the Wang Teng palm change to a to fight the lance, plain, but the mystical, indescribable invincible mights filled the air quietly. 不过是转瞬之间,雷霆便于王腾掌心之中化作了一柄战矛,古朴而神异,有一种无法形容的神威悄然弥漫而出。 But fights the instance that the lance condenses at this thunder, that purple black thunder great claw had then arrived above the Wang Teng top of the head the insufficient kilometer distance. 而在这雷霆战矛凝聚出的瞬间,那紫黑色的雷霆巨爪便已经来到了王腾头顶之上不足千米的距离。 The terrifying pressure arrives above the Wang Teng body, must crash his mortal body, making it unable to move. 恐怖的威压降临在王腾的身躯之上,要将他的肉身压垮,令其无法动弹。 However Wang Teng actually slightly fearless, the double pupil blooms rich thunder light, endless rune/symbol writing flashes, an powerful will from his within the body eruption. 然而王腾却丝毫无惧,双眸绽放出浓郁的雷光,无尽的符文在其中闪动,一股强悍的意志从他的体内爆发而出。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The terrifying pressure collides in the strength of his will together, erupts the sound of intermittent thundering, blasts out void again, forms massive space cracks. 恐怖的威压与他的意志之力碰撞在一起,爆发出阵阵轰鸣之声,虚空再度炸开,形成大量的空间裂缝。 Wang Teng actually has no time to pay attention to these at this moment, he lifts a pupil fiercely, after body suddenly supine, exhibits one toward the posture that the sky throws. 王腾此刻却无暇关注这些,他猛地抬起眼眸,身躯陡然后仰,摆出一个朝着上空投掷的姿势。 ! 唰! In an instant, the thunder in his hand fights the lance then changes to together four color thunder light, sky over the purple black thunder great claw bombardment toward top of the head goes. 刹那间,其手中的雷霆战矛便是化作一道四色雷光,朝着头顶上空的紫黑色雷霆巨爪轰击而去。 Immortal level Fighting technique, the thunder fights the lance!!! 不朽级战技,雷霆战矛!!! Bang! 轰! Almost fights the lance to throw the thunder in hand in Wang Teng, but the instance, the fierce bellow then also resounds, immediately endless thunder light blasts out in the Wang Teng top of the head. 几乎在王腾将手中的雷霆战矛投掷而出的瞬间,剧烈的轰鸣声便是随之响起,随即无尽的雷光在王腾的头顶炸开。 The thunder fought the lance and thunder great claw collides in one, both simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform stagnated in the midair. 雷霆战矛与雷霆巨爪碰撞在了一起,双方齐齐凝滞于半空。 The innumerable thunder electric arcs open toward all around void spread, many space crack propagation opens, covers Wang Teng top of the head sky region thoroughly. 无数的雷霆电弧朝着四周虚空蔓延而开,更多的空间裂缝蔓延而开,将王腾头顶上空这一片区域彻底笼罩。 The strength of wild space, sweeps across from that dense and numerous space crack. 狂暴的空间之力,从那密密麻麻的空间裂缝之中席卷而出。 Simultaneously appears, massive attribute air bubbles. 同时出现的,还有大量的属性气泡。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, the spirit reads the strength to sweep across immediately, seized the chance to collect these attribute air bubbles. 王腾目光一闪,精神念力立刻席卷而出,趁机将那些属性气泡拾取了回来。 Space * 500】 【空间】 Space * 800】 【空间】 Space * 600】 【空间】 ...... …… Really is the space attribute.” “果然是空间属性。” Wang Teng eye slightly one bright, this space attribute he has big using. 王腾眼睛微微一亮,这空间属性他有大用。 Just consumed much, is not knowing how must supplement, now all comes back. 刚刚消耗了不少,正不知道要如何补充,现在全都回来了。 In the middle of this region falls, but the attribute air bubble may be many, is completely the space attribute. 这片区域当中掉落而出的属性气泡可不少,全部都是空间属性。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! In the meantime, sky over the Wang Teng top of the head two attacks are collide the degree of superheating, massive thunder eruptions, received affect including below him. 就在此时,王腾头顶上空的两道攻击已是碰撞到了白热化的程度,大量的雷霆爆发而出,连下方的他都受到了波及。 These purple black thunder fall above his body, almost breaks open the thunder defense of his body surface unexpectedly. 那些紫黑色的雷霆落在他的身躯之上,竟然差点破开他体表的雷霆防御。 Wang Teng looked own situation, the brow slightly wrinkle, looks up immediately to that thunder great claw, the pupil shrinks. 王腾看了看自己身上的情况,眉头微皱,随即抬头望向那雷霆巨爪,瞳孔一缩。 He saw impressively, presented innumerable rune/symbol writing above that thunder great claw, interweaves mutually the winding, changed to the rune/symbol writing chains. 他赫然看到,在那雷霆巨爪之上出现了无数的符文,相互交织缠绕,化作了一道道符文锁链。 If identifies carefully, will then discover that these rune/symbol writing chains may be divided into three entirely different lusters, is sending out the different brilliance. 若是仔细辨认,便会发现这些符文锁链可分为三种截然不同的色泽,散发着不同的光辉。 Three types of different source principle aura fill the air from the thunder great claw immediately, frightening. 三种不同的本源法则气息顿时从雷霆巨爪之上弥漫而出,让人心惊。 It is difficult to imagine, tribulations in the thunder actually to integrate the three strength of different source principles. 很难想象,劫雷之中竟然能够融入三种不同的本源法则之力。 Wang Teng then recognized the strength of that three source principles, in the heart raises. 王腾一眼便认出了那三种本源法则之力,心中不由的一提。 He knows that the bone demon tree grasped the three strength of source principles, but has not actually thought that in the middle of this thunder great claw can also contain the three strength of source principles unexpectedly. 他知道骨魔树掌握了三种本源法则之力,但是却没有想到这雷霆巨爪当中竟然也能蕴含三种本源法则之力。 Must know before bone demon tree , the three source principles of showing do not include the source of thunder. 要知道骨魔树之前展现出的三种本源法则根本就不包括雷之本源。 Do not say that the source of this thunder was also the so powerful degree unexpectedly. 更不要说这雷之本源居然还达到了如此强大的程度。 The source of his thunder has reached eight steps, but in the middle of the feeling thunder great claw source of thunder is still more powerful, explained that the source of this thunder definitely was nine step levels. 他本身的雷之本源已经达到了八阶,但依旧感觉雷霆巨爪当中的雷之本源更加强大,说明这雷之本源肯定是达到了九阶层次。 But, how can this bone demon tree grasp the source of thunder? 可是,这骨魔树如何能够掌握雷之本源? Wang Teng a little could not master. 王腾有点搞不懂了。 Properly speaking, the strength of bone demon tree does not include Lighting Attribute, it can inspire that dying deep heavenly thunder, should with dying the deep strength is related. 按理来说,骨魔树的力量根本就不包括雷系,它之所以能够引动那死冥天雷,应该是与死冥之力有关。 Bang! 轰! The fierce bellow transmits, the thunder that Wang Teng displays fights above the lance, rune/symbol writing disintegrations open, cannot resist the bombardment of that thunder great claw. 剧烈的轰鸣声传来,王腾施展的雷霆战矛之上,符文一道道的崩碎而开,根本抵挡不住那雷霆巨爪的轰击。 In Wang Teng heart one tight, he just integrated this thunder to fight the lance strength of source principle simply is not nine step levels, decides however is unable with this to strike to contend. 王腾心中一紧,他刚刚融入这雷霆战矛之中的本源法则之力根本没有达到九阶层次,定然无法与这一击抗衡。 Moreover the source of merely eight step levels his thunder, were bad the opposite party first-order. 而且他的雷之本源仅仅八阶层次,更是差了对方一阶。 At this time also thinks without enough time, his vision sweeps, saw that around that thunder great claw presented many attribute air bubbles, eye one bright. 此时也来不及多想,他目光一扫,看到那雷霆巨爪四周出现了不少属性气泡,不由的眼睛一亮。 Immediately is also the spirit reads the strength to curl, collected it. 当即又是精神念力卷出,将其拾取了回来。 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1400】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1800】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 2100】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of thunder( nine steps) * 2300】 【雷之本源(九阶)】 【The source of thunder( nine steps) * 2600】 【雷之本源(九阶)】 【The source of thunder( nine steps) * 3100】 【雷之本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Dying deep source( nine steps) * 1600】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 1900】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2500】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Dark source( nine steps) * 2300】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 2600】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 3000】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 ...... …… A series of attribute air bubbles converge in the body of Wang Teng immediately. 一系列的属性气泡顿时汇入王腾的身体之中。 Wipes the unusual purple black thunder to appear again, circulation all the limbs and bones, the death deep heavenly thunder convergence with his within the body, making him expand instantaneously much. 一抹奇特的紫黑色雷霆再度出现,流转四肢百骸,与他体内的死冥天雷汇合,令其瞬间壮大了不少。 In strength of tribulation thunder, Wang Teng and disparity of bone demon tree is reducing unceasingly. 在劫雷之力方面,王腾与骨魔树的差距正在不断缩小。 Three different source principle sensibility swamp into the Wang Teng mind, changes to strange and mysterious rune/symbol writing. 紧接着三种不同的本源法则感悟涌入王腾的脑海之中,化作一道道奇异而玄奥的符文。 And two rune/symbol writing does not have any actually, but in a piece of purple rune/symbol writing, has an extremely special picture galloping-horse lantern to reappear generally. 其中两种符文倒是没有什么,但其中一片紫色的符文之中,却是有着一幕极为特殊的画面走马灯一般浮现而出。 Sees only in a world that covers entirely the boundless white bones, a skeleton big tree grows from the white bones. 只见一片布满茫茫白骨的世界之中,一棵骸骨大树从白骨之中生长而出。 After this skeleton big tree is born, then static standing erect in the white bones world. 这棵骸骨大树诞生之后,便静静的屹立于白骨世界之中。 Day after day is absorbing strength all around, is swallowing all the lives of nearness, by this continuous growth oneself body. 日复一日的吸收着周遭的力量,吞食着所有靠近的生灵,以此不断壮大己身。 In such a piece full is in the middle of the deathly stillness world of white bones, the time as if becomes meaningless. 在这样一片满是白骨的死寂世界当中,时间仿佛变得没有意义。 This skeleton giant tree has then grown to hold up a day of giant tree, making one shock. 不知不觉间,这棵骸骨巨木便已经成长为擎天巨木,令人震撼。 Suddenly, the sky of skeleton big tree has thunder light to gather to come on the 1st suddenly, then drops from the clouds, chops to fall above its body. 突然有一日,骸骨大树的上空突然有着雷光汇聚而来,然后从天而降,劈落在它的身躯之上。 Suffers so powerful thunder tribulation to shell for the first time, the body of this skeleton big tree collapsed directly, the whole body covered entirely the fissure, fell into quietly, as if had died. 第一次遭受如此强大的雷劫轰击,这骸骨大树的身躯直接崩溃了,浑身布满了裂痕,陷入了沉寂,仿佛已经死去。 However it is very special, in the subsequent time, can actually the absorption of unconsciousness all around energy. 但是它十分特殊,在此后的时间里,竟然能够无意识的吸收着四周的能量。 Also has not known how long, this skeleton great tree recovered again, moreover becomes more powerful. 也不知过了多久,这棵骸骨巨树再度复苏了,而且变得更加强大。 Afterward it continues to absorb the energy day after day, is swallowing all the lives of nearness, until the second thunder tribulation approaches. 随后它继续日复一日的吸收着能量,吞食着所有靠近的生灵,直至第二次雷劫来临。 Had the first experience, it passed second thunder tribulation smoothly, has not fallen into quietly. 有了第一次的经验,它顺利度过了第二次雷劫,并没有陷入沉寂。 ...... …… Over time, this skeleton great tree experienced the tribulation thunder bombardment time and time again, in its heart had the meaning of resistance. 随着时间流逝,这棵骸骨巨树经历了一次又一次的劫雷轰击,它心中生出了反抗之意。 And aura very similar the tribulation thunder to that produced curiously. 对那与自身气息十分相似的劫雷,更是产生了好奇。 Therefore in a thunder tribulation arrives, it searched into oneself root hair the tribulation thunder unexpectedly. 于是在一次雷劫降临时,它竟然将自己的根须探入了劫雷之中。 Tribulations thunder times to destroy its root hair, but is unable to prevent it to feel that tribulation thunder the strength. 劫雷一次次的摧毁着它的根须,但都无法阻止它去感受那劫雷的力量。 Each root hair was destroyed, it will stretch out large number of root hair again, searches into the tribulation thunder. 每一次根须被摧毁,它都会再次伸出大量的根须,探入劫雷之中。 From the beginning such autonomy -type sensibility, has not played anything to affect. 一开始这样自残式的感悟,并没有起到什么作用。 Plundering the strength of thunder can it be that is so also good to grasp. 劫雷之力又岂是那么好掌握的。 But it had the too long years, thunder tribulation of experience naturally also many was almost innumerable. 但它存在了太长的岁月,经历的雷劫自然也多的几乎要数不清了。 But in such alone years, may do the matter is also a luck, therefore it always not discouraged senses the strength of tribulation thunder. 而在这样孤寂的岁月当中,有一件可做之事也不失为一种幸运,因此它总是毫不气馁的去感悟劫雷之力。 Slowly, this skeleton great tree really grasped that strength unexpectedly. 慢慢的,这棵骸骨巨树竟然真的掌握了那种力量。 Although it is unable to introduce in oneself body this tribulation thunder, but it grasped the strength of corresponding source principle, grasped the way of inspiring this tribulation thunder. 尽管它无法将这种劫雷引入自己的身躯之中,但它掌握了相应的本源法则之力,更掌握了引动这劫雷的方式。 Hence, the picture ended. 至此,画面结束。 In the Wang Teng eye appears immediately meaning of the vicissitudes, as if followed that skeleton big tree to experience the innumerable years. 王腾眼中顿时浮现出一丝沧桑之意,仿佛跟随着那棵骸骨大树经历了无数的岁月。 This is the bone demon tree grasps the dying deep heavenly thunder the process!!!” “这就是骨魔树掌握死冥天雷的过程么!!!” „!” “啧!” He is flabbergasted. 他不由咋舌。 In order to grasp a tribulation thunder, spent that long time unexpectedly, so many energy, even he has to admire the will of this bone demon tree. 为了掌握一种劫雷,居然花费了那么长的时间,那么多的精力,连他都不得不佩服这骨魔树的毅力了。 Also does not know that should say it to be bored, should say its will praise worthy. 也不知是该说它无聊,还是该说它毅力可嘉。 This bone demon tree is a little actually similar to me, is not resigned to be struck by lightning, grasps the tribulation thunder in turn.” “不过这骨魔树倒是与我有点相似嘛,不甘心被雷劈,就反过来掌握劫雷。” Idea of both sides is very without doubt similar, is not resigned to be manipulated, has the heart of resistance. 双方的想法无疑很相似,都是不甘心被摆弄,有着反抗之心。 This point many Martial Artist do not have. 这一点许多武者都不具备。 The thunder tribulation arrives, that is then receiving, boiling to be good, how many people also there are to pass to control thunder tribulation? 雷劫降临,那便受着,熬过去就好了,又有几人想过去掌控雷劫? No! 没有! Almost no! 几乎没有! Such person, being doomed is few. 这样的人,注定是寥寥无几的。 But also because just such person are extremely few, is easier to make them produce a resonance, because they thought that the opposite party is own similar. 但也正因为这样的人极少,才更容易让他们产生一丝共鸣,因为他们觉得对方是自己的同类。 Wang Teng then has such feeling at this time. 王腾此时便有如此感觉。 However wants to turn over to think, now both sides are the enemies, he does not dare to run the calcaneum demon tree theory to say rashly. 不过想归想,如今双方是敌人,他可不敢冒然跑过去跟骨魔树论道。 Before him the matter that handles, the bone demon tree only will die he with thunder Jiepi. 以他之前所做的事情,骨魔树只会用雷劫劈死他。 As that picture ended, the consciousness of Wang Teng was attracted to pull by a dark mighty force suddenly, flutters to go toward the above unceasingly. 而随着那画面结束,王腾的意识突然被一股冥冥中的伟力吸扯而出,朝着上方不断飘荡而去。 Absent-minded, he arrives at the place of that familiar source principle again. 恍恍惚惚之中,他再次来到那熟悉的本源法则之地。 Endless purple rune/symbol writing composed a strange world, the thunder invincible might is everywhere, very obviously this is the place of source principle the source of thunder gathers becomes. 无尽的紫色符文组成了一片奇异的世界,雷霆神威无处不在,很显然这正是雷之本源汇聚而成的本源法则之地。 This is the first time that not Wang Teng arrived in such world, before the source of thunder was eight steps, he had also come the place of source of principle this thunder. 这已经不是王腾第一次来到这样的世界之中,之前雷之本源达到八阶之时,他也曾经来过这雷之本源法则之地。 Now unexpectedly again arrives at this place. 如今居然又再一次的降临此地。 Suddenly, the innumerable sensibility from well up in all directions, integrates during his consciousness, makes him have one type must explode the feeling of inflation instantaneously. 突然间,无数的感悟从四面八方涌来,融入他的意识之中,瞬间让他产生了一种要爆炸般的膨胀之感。 That boundless sensibility, almost must submerge his consciousness. 那磅礴的感悟,几乎要将他的意识淹没。 Wang Teng does not know oneself absorbed many sensibility, at this time does not have the thoughts to think these. 王腾都不知道自己到底吸收了多少感悟,此时也没有心思去想这些。 He responds immediately, in the chaos star territory, nine valuable buddhist monk towers send out the strong golden light, pulled own consciousness. 他立刻反应过来,混沌星域之中,九宝浮屠塔散发出浓烈的金光,将自己的意识拉扯了回来。 The consciousness of Wang Teng just like from the upper air crashes, returns to the main body instantaneously, somewhat has a lingering fear. 王腾的意识犹如从高空坠落,瞬间回归本体,不禁有些心有余悸。 Although enters the place of source, decides to Martial Artist however can benefit greatly, but also contains the greatest danger. 虽然进入本源之地,对武者来说定然能够受益匪浅,但却也蕴含着莫大的危险。 Carelessly, by strength of assimilation that rich source, will be changed to part thoroughly. 一个不慎,就会被那浓郁至极的本源之力同化,彻底化作其中的一部分。 The Wang Teng boundary is not very in the final analysis powerful, when otherwise is not the extent that. 说到底还是王腾的境界不够强大,否则当不至于如此。 Some can the powerhouse be able to roam through the place of source greatly recklessly, senses own source principle arrives at the extremely deep position. 一些大能强者能够肆意遨游本源之地,将自身的本源法则感悟到极深的境地。 If not for Wang Teng can pick the attribute, at all not possible to enter the place of that source to sense the strength of corresponding source principle in the present boundary. 王腾若不是能够捡属性,根本不可能在如今的境界进入那本源之地去感悟相应的本源法则之力。 At this time he deeply inspires, looks to the property panel. 此时他不由深吸了口气,看向属性面板。 【The source of thunder: 8000 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【雷之本源】:8000/90000(九阶); Nine steps! 九阶! Wang Teng 【The source of thunder Was nine step levels impressively. 王腾的【雷之本源】赫然达到了九阶层次。 Was just such, source of principle his thunder was completed to the jumps of nine steps from eight steps, is sufficiently incredible. 仅仅是刚刚那么一下,他的雷之本源法则就完成了从八阶到九阶的跃迁,足以让人难以置信。 At this moment, he is only the intention moves, in the mind then has massive sensibility to emerge. 此时此刻,他只是心念一动,脑海中便有大量的感悟涌现而出。 Let him as if undergo the comprehensions of innumerable years, right 【The source of thunder The sensibility has penetrated the marrow. 让他仿佛亲身经过无数岁月的领悟,对【雷之本源】的感悟已经深入骨髓。 That feeling, looks like then can conveniently nine steps 【The source of thunder Displays but general, it may be said that is simple. 那种感觉,就像是随手便能够将九阶【雷之本源】施展而出一般,可谓是简单至极。 This bone demon tree also is really somewhat extraordinary, by that way, grasped the source of thunder unexpectedly forcefully.” Wang Teng has endless emotion. “这骨魔树还真是有些了不得,竟然凭借那种方式,硬生生掌握了雷之本源。”王腾感慨不已。 But except for this 【The source of thunder Another two source principles that beside, Wang Teng grasps also promoted again. 而除了这【雷之本源】之外,王腾所掌握的另外两种本源法则也再次提升了起来。 Dark source! 黑暗本源! Dying deep source! 死冥本源! The strength of these two source principles he have been nine step levels, these is time to let its sensibility promotes one section again, does not break through from eight steps like the source of that thunder to nine steps generally. 这两种本源法则之力他早就达到了九阶层次,这一次不过是让其感悟再次提升一截,并不像那雷之本源一般从八阶突破到九阶。 Therefore has not then presented that to understand the situation of place of source. 因此便没有出现那进入本源之地的情况。 In the final analysis, not every source principle sensibility promotion, can enter the place of source. 说到底,并不是每一次本源法则感悟提升,都能够进入本源之地的。 Bang! 轰隆! The terrifying bellow pulled the Wang Teng train of thought that he displays, but the thunder fought the lance to have the sign of collapse. 恐怖的轰鸣声将王腾的思绪拉扯了回来,他施展而出的雷霆战矛已经出现了崩溃的迹象。 Although is immortal level Fighting technique, but facing the bombardment of that thunder great claw, is somewhat less optimistic. 虽然是不朽级战技,但面对那雷霆巨爪的轰击,也有些不容乐观。 Was good was just now a long story because of just that all, in fact was among the moment, otherwise his thunder fought the lance unable to resist. 好在方才刚刚那一切说来话长,实际上不过是须臾之间而已,不然他这雷霆战矛早就抵挡不住了。 At this time the Wang Teng complexion concentrates, does not dare to delay again, immediately erupts the three source principles of just promoting. 此时王腾面色一凝,不敢再耽搁,当即爆发出刚刚提升的三种本源法则。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Three nine step source principles integrate the thunder to fight in the lance, making him change to the rune/symbol writing chains, twined, in the thunder fought above the lance. 三种九阶本源法则融入雷霆战矛之中,令其化作一道道符文锁链,缠绕在雷霆战矛之上。 Meanwhile, in his body also has another special strength to surge, integrates the thunder to fight in the lance instantaneously, impressively that fifth-order immortal material. 同时,他的身体之内还有另一股特殊的力量涌动而出,亦是瞬间融入雷霆战矛之内,赫然正是那五阶不朽物质。 At this moment, Wang Teng had erupted the strongest strength. 这一刻,王腾已是将自身最强的力量都爆发了出来。 Bang! 轰隆! In an instant, the thunder fights the lance to erupt radiant thunder light, the incomparable strength also falls in torrents, it is counter empties unexpectedly on, as if must break out that thunder great claw. 刹那间,雷霆战矛爆发出璀璨的雷光,无匹的力量随之倾泻而出,它竟是逆空而上,仿佛要将那雷霆巨爪劈开。 The thunder great claw shivers fiercely, rune/symbol writing chains break, lots of rune/symbol Wenben bursts. 雷霆巨爪剧烈颤动,符文锁链断裂,大量符文奔溃开来。 The bone demon tree has not thought obviously Wang Teng can erupt so the strength unexpectedly, in that eyeball appears the thick shock, is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly. 骨魔树显然没想到王腾竟能够爆发出如此力量,那一颗颗眼球之中不由浮现出浓浓的震惊,死死盯着王腾 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, it also erupted the immortal strength, integrated in the thunder great claw. 下一刻,它也爆发出了不朽之力,融入雷霆巨爪之中。 The strengths of two attacks are flat again, is actually not able to support again, has the explosion of terrifying instantaneously, changes to the endless Source Power complementary waves to sweep away in all directions. 两道攻击的力量再度持平,却再也无法支撑,瞬间发生恐怖的爆炸,化作无尽的原力余波横扫四面八方。 This explosion made sky over Wang Teng top of the head the region change to the nihility thoroughly, the strength of wild space swept across wreaks havoc. 这爆炸令王腾头顶上空的这片区域彻底化作了虚无,狂暴的空间之力席卷肆虐。 Two strength impacts come, the Wang Teng body was submerged by the thunder, seemed hit hard, flew upside down uncontrolled. 两种力量冲击而来,王腾的身躯被雷霆淹没,仿佛遭到重击,不受控制的倒飞了出去。 In the bone demon tree eye reveals an indifferent meaning, the ants are really the ants, is eventually impossible to resist its strength, all arrived at this to finish. 骨魔树眼中露出一丝漠然之意,蝼蚁果然是蝼蚁,终究不可能抵挡它的力量,一切都到此结束了。 !!! 啪!啪!啪! At this time, the intermittent resounding transmitted from void, the bone demon tree followed up a victory with hot pursuit, large number of bone demon root hair fell from the upper air, is twining the purple black thunder unexpectedly, such as the lightning divided to Wang Teng. 这时,阵阵脆响从虚空中传来,骨魔树乘胜追击,大量骨魔根须从高空落下,竟然缠绕着紫黑色雷霆,如雷鞭劈向王腾
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