AAMD :: Volume #23

#2218: Fourth-order dying deep heavenly thunder! From stranger

Chapter 2218 fourth-order dying deep heavenly thunder! Taunt from stranger! Bright universe aura! 第2218章四阶死冥天雷!来自异乡人的嘲讽!光明宇宙的气息! Sky over the bone demon tree black fog is even more strong, as if had changed to giant dark clouds, a heavy/thick incomparable feeling. 骨魔树上空的黑雾越发浓重,仿佛已经化作了一片巨大的黑云,给人一种厚重无比的感觉。 The sky as if must collapse general. 天空似乎都要塌下来一般。 Reactionary forces in the ascendant! 黑云压城城欲摧! Depressing! 压抑! Terrifying! 恐怖! Suffocate! 窒息! If there is Martial Artist here, will feel the whole body to be sluggish surely, is unable the move slightest. 如果有武者在这里,必定会感到浑身迟滞,无法动弹分毫。 This is not on the body is suppressed, but was in the will came under the influence of that dark clouds, that dark clouds looked like the direct suppression above the will, keeping it from controlling own body. 这并非身体上被压制,而是意志上受到了那黑云的影响,那黑云就像是直接镇压在意志之上,让其无法控制自己的身躯。 This is fearful. 这非常可怕。 Can aim at the will directly, then explained that this is a heavenly prestige, came from the pressure of this stretch of the world. 可以直接针对意志,便说明这是一种天威,是来自这片天地的威压。 However here besides bone demon tree, then only then Wang Teng this different kind, want to suppress him by the strength of will, is not easy. 不过这里除了骨魔树之外,便只有王腾这个异类,想要以意志之力镇压他,可没有那么容易。 At this time his in the chaos star territory, that fuzzy empty shadow has not dissipated to go. 此时他的混沌星域之内,那尊模糊的虚影还未消散而去。 Because of facing the bone demon tree, Wang Teng does not dare to be negligent, no one knows when the opposite party a will attack to him, has to guard. 因为面对骨魔树,王腾丝毫不敢大意,谁也不知道对方什么时候又会给他一次意志攻击,不得不防。 But in this empty shadow, gathered Wang Teng all wills, therefore in the pressure facing sky, he did not instigate. 而这道虚影之内,汇聚了王腾所有的意志,故而面对天空中的威压,他丝毫不怂。 Bang! 轰隆! The terrifying thunderous sound spreads from the dark clouds unceasingly, reverberates in this stretch of the world. 恐怖的雷鸣之声不断从黑云之中传出,回荡在这片天地之间。 This is Wang Teng feels the thorny thing. 这才是王腾感到棘手的东西。 He raised the head, looks up to the sky to reveal faintly, but flashing that purple black thunder light, the vision non-stop. 他抬起头,仰望着上空隐隐显露而出的紫黑色雷光,目光不停的闪动。 If some people can see the situation in his within the body, will then discover that in his body is having thunder light to past impressively, spread rapidly his whole body. 如果有人能够看到他体内的情况,便会发现他的身体之内赫然正有着一道道雷光在流转,迅速蔓延了他的全身。 Flip-flop! Flip-flop! 噼啪!噼啪! The slight thunderous sound resounds in his body, in as if his mortal body is hiding existence of terrifying, but the bystander cannot hear. 轻微的雷鸣声在他的身体之中响起,仿佛他的肉身之中藏着一尊恐怖的存在,但外人听不到。 Seriously this fights hits very difficult! 这一战当真打的十分艰难! Not only need consume massive Source Power, the strength of source and other different energies, almost squeezed the pinnacle him, must lose the mind, is pondering the laws of various dealing. 不但要消耗大量的原力,本源之力等不同的能量,几乎是将他压榨到了极致,更是要损耗心神,思考着各种应对之法。 It can be said that this fights simply compared with before him copes with the dragon and blood orchid Demon Venerable perishing bone, but also wanting is difficult to be many. 可以说,这一战简直比他之前对付亡骨之龙和血兰魔尊,还要难很多很多。 At this moment, the Wang Teng pupil shrank, resembles the feeling anything. 就在这时,王腾瞳孔一缩,似感觉到了什么。 Bang! 轰! Almost in the next quarter, in that dark clouds has the purple black thunder together to fall suddenly loudly, just like a purple black python to be the same, lends the thick deathly stillness dark aura. 几乎就在下一刻,那黑云之中突然有着一道紫黑色雷霆轰然落下,犹如一条紫黑色的巨蟒一般,散发出浓浓的死寂黑暗气息。 This type of aura and aura of bone demon tree is exactly the same completely. 这种气息与骨魔树的气息完全是如出一辙。 In the Wang Teng heart moves, as if thought of anything, but also guessed, is also unknown specifically. 王腾心中一动,似乎想到了什么,不过也只是猜测,具体是不是还不得而知。 He waits to weed out the wool now. 他现在就等着薅羊毛了。 Saw with own eyes that purple black thunder straight falls toward oneself, Wang Teng has not hesitated, opens three Lighting Attribute physique talents that oneself had instantaneously. 眼见那紫黑色雷霆直直的朝着自己落下,王腾没有丝毫迟疑,瞬间开启了自身所拥有的三种雷系体质天赋。 Right, is three types! 没错,正是三种! The thunder pupil of real level level! 真级层次的雷光瞳! The bodies of six step mechanical thunder sources! 六阶机械雷源之体! The body of fifth-order thunder spirit! 五阶雷灵之体! These three physicals, regardless of which type has its unique element, and is very powerful. 这三种体质,不论哪一种都有着其特殊之处,且十分强大。 Especially that just existed from the mechanical clan immortal level obtains the body of soon mechanical thunder source, this physique was six step levels, is not the general physique can compare. 尤其是那刚刚从机械族不朽级存在身上得到不久的机械雷源之体,这种体质达到了六阶层次,绝非一般的体质能比。 This moment three physique simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform open, the Wang Teng whole body was covered by the thunder light, strange thunder mark appears in his forehead together, the mystical are unusual. 此刻三种体质齐齐开启,王腾浑身被雷光所覆盖,一道奇异的雷纹在他的眉心处出现,神异非常。 His double pupil blooms rich purple intent, seems the thunder to sparkle. 他的双眸绽放出浓郁的紫意,似有雷霆在闪耀。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! In an instant, beside his whole body, the endless thunder light chops suddenly from void, but has not injured his slightest, seems surrounding and protecting him unexpectedly. 刹那间,在他的周身之外,无尽的雷光突然从虚空之中劈出,但未曾伤他分毫,竟仿佛在拱卫着他。 This moment Wang Teng, just like the thunder king! 这一刻的王腾,犹如雷霆君王! Does not see him to have the slight movement, is the vision is looking straight ahead that say/way falling purple black thunder merely. 紧接着也不见他有丝毫的动作,仅仅是目光直视着那道落下的紫黑色雷霆。 In his double pupil, appears immediately piece of thunder rune/symbol writing, later flaming thunder light erupts together. 他的双眸之中,顿时浮现出一片雷霆符文,随后一道炽盛的雷光爆发而出。 This flaming thunder light then just like the true thunder to be common together, above brand mark endless rune/symbol writing, very mystical, and it is not common thunder light, but presents three different colors. 这一道炽盛的雷光便犹如真正的雷霆一般,上面烙印着无尽的符文,十分神异,且它并非寻常的雷光,而是呈现出三种不同的颜色。 Purple yellow! 紫黄! Dark red! 暗红! Jet black! 漆黑! Three colors interwine, such as the thunder bands of three mutual windings, send out a numerous and diverse and powerful pressure beyond description. 三种颜色交织在一起,就如三条相互缠绕的雷霆绸带,散发出一种难以形容的繁杂且强大的威压。 This impressively is three tribulation thunder that Wang Teng has! 这赫然正是王腾所拥有的三种劫雷! His time has not used any third-order tribulation thunder alone, but is three types with using. 他此次并没有单独动用任何一种三阶劫雷,而是三种同用。 Because he felt that the great strength of that purple black thunder, in the heart does not dare to neglect slightly. 因为他感觉到了那紫黑色雷霆的强大,心中根本不敢怠慢丝毫。 Does not act already, acts is the extremely heavy potential! 不出手则已,一出手便是万钧之势! The will that these three plundered Representative thunder Fangfo the world, contained the unsurpassed power and influence, can the town/subdues kill all lives. 这三道劫雷仿佛代表了天地的意志,蕴含无上威势,能够镇杀一切生灵。 Bang! 嘭! Tricolor thunder light shoots up to the sky, immediately in the midair with that purple black thunder collision in one, erupts a fierce bellow. 三色雷光冲天而起,顿时在半空中与那紫黑色的雷霆碰撞在一处,爆发出一阵剧烈的轰鸣声。 All around instantaneously silence reigns, just like is only left over the sound of this collision to reverberate together. 四周瞬间万籁俱寂,宛如只剩下这一道碰撞之音在回荡。 Pitch-dark cracks the center that collides from two thunder spread to open, such as glass of disruption. 一道道黑漆漆的裂缝从两道雷霆碰撞的中心处蔓延而开,就如碎裂的玻璃。 The wild thunder Source Power complementary waves toward rewind in all directions, sweep away all, the thunder light fills the sky, the myriad things can be near none who does not. 狂暴的雷霆原力余波朝着四面八方倒卷,横扫一切,雷光弥漫天空,万物莫不能近。 Bang! 轰! This collision continued the flash merely, two thunder all are blasting open open, change to endless thunder light spread all around. 这次的碰撞仅仅持续了一瞬间,两道雷霆俱是炸裂而开,化作无尽雷光蔓延四周。 Some many purple black thunder Guangluo on the body of Wang Teng, make the sound intermittently, but his body surface has thunder light who three tribulation thunder form to defend, these remaining purple black thunder light, cannot injure his slightest. 有不少紫黑色的雷光落在王腾的身上,发出阵阵噼里啪啦的声响,但他体表有着三种劫雷形成的雷光防御,这些残余的紫黑色雷光,根本伤不到他分毫。 Even if many purple black thunder light pass through his thunder light to defend, falls on his body. 即便有不少紫黑色雷光穿过他的雷光防御,落在他的身上。 At the Wang Teng mortal body intensity, these purple black thunder light also bring some numb feelings to him, but also very comfortable. 王腾的肉身强度,那些紫黑色雷光也只是给他带来些许酥酥麻麻的感觉,还挺舒服的嘞。 However a little makes Wang Teng very surprised, in this purple black tribulation thunder actually contains a dark deathly stillness strength, can corrode the life source and soul source of life, making it belong to the deathly stillness. 不过有一点让王腾十分惊奇,这紫黑色劫雷之中竟然蕴含着一股黑暗死寂的力量,能够侵蚀生灵的生命本源和灵魂本源,让其归于死寂。 If common Martial Artist were struck by lightning by this tribulation on the body, feared that is the strength of that deathly stillness darkness then enough makes him drink a pot. 若是寻常武者被这种劫雷劈在身上,怕是那死寂黑暗之力便足够让其喝一壶的了。 This strength is very difficult to eradicate, compares the common dark strength to be hard to deal with simply. 这种力量很难根除,简直比寻常的黑暗之力还要难缠。 Wang Teng did not fear the strength of that dark deathly stillness luckily, do not say that was this trivial remaining thunder light. 幸好王腾本就不惧那黑暗死寂之力,更不要说是这区区一点残余的雷光了。 No matter how said, this struck is blocked thoroughly. 不管怎么说,这一击算是彻底被挡住了。 In the Wang Teng heart relaxes slightly, his three tribulation thunder have not made him disappointed. 王腾心中微微松了口气,他的三种劫雷并没有令他失望。 Another side, the bone demon tree falls into a silence again. 另一边,骨魔树再度陷入一阵沉默。 It thought that the matter is a little not possibly simple. 它觉得事情可能有点不简单。 At present the method of this ants, far exceeds its imagination. 眼前这只蝼蚁的手段,远远超出了它的想象。 It benefitted with the aid of ruins of place perishing bone, inspired the strength of so powerful tribulation thunder, unexpectedly was unable to strike to kill this small ants. 它借助亡骨之墟这个地利,引动了如此强大的劫雷之力,居然还无法击杀这只小蝼蚁。 Moreover method that the opposite party uses, unexpectedly is also the tribulation thunder! 而且对方所用的手段,竟然也是劫雷! Although it can feel that tribulation thunder and was inferior the strength of tribulation thunder it brings, but others number are many, three tribulation thunder fusions, block the tribulation thunder that it brought in unexpectedly forcefully. 尽管它能够感觉到,那劫雷并不如它引来的劫雷之力,但人家数量多啊,三种劫雷融合,竟然硬生生挡住了它引来的劫雷。 This was a little odd. 这就有点离谱了。 What method gathers it to use, what method can this ants also use? 合着它用什么手段,这只蝼蚁也能用什么手段是吧? First is the bone demon root hair, is the claw of bone demon, now is the strength of this tribulation thunder...... 先是骨魔根须,接着是骨魔之爪,现在又是这劫雷之力…… Doesn't this do the person...... the tree heart condition? 这不是搞人……树心态吗? The bone demon tree a little suspected, if then it resorts to oneself strongest method, coming out that the opposite party can also use? 骨魔树都有点怀疑,接下来它要是动用自己的最强手段,对方是不是也能用的出来? Is impossible! 不可能! This is absolutely impossible! 这绝对不可能! It does not believe. 它不相信。 The bone demon tree in this absurd thought the mind throws off immediately, it does not believe that this ants can block the tribulation thunder that it brings , was just only a start. 骨魔树立刻将脑海中这个荒唐的念头甩掉,它不相信这只蝼蚁能够挡住它引来的劫雷,刚刚只是一个开始而已。 That tribulation thunder true prestige energy, but also in behind. 那劫雷真正的威能,还在后面。 The Wang Teng vision takes a fast look around all around void, sees only that purple black thunder light dissipation place, attribute air bubbles braved impressively. 王腾目光扫视四周的虚空,只见那紫黑色雷光消散处,一个个属性气泡赫然冒了出来。 His eye one bright, nothing hesitant, two characters- collects! 他眼睛一亮,没有任何犹豫,就两个字-拾取! The spirit read the strength to sweep across, immediately then that the attribute air bubble that is sending out the purple black ray collected. 精神念力席卷而出,当即便将那一个个散发着紫黑色光芒的属性气泡拾取了回来。 Had just experienced the great strength of this purple black tribulation thunder, even he opened three physicals, then three third-order tribulation thunder fusions, and integrated the sources of six step thunder, was blocks it. 刚刚已经见识过这紫黑色劫雷的强大,连他开启了三种体质,而后三种三阶劫雷融合,并融入六阶雷之本源,也不过是堪堪将其挡住。 Now, he dreaded to this purple black tribulation thunder seriously, likes......, serious that likes! 现在,他对这紫黑色劫雷当真是又忌惮,又喜欢……嗯,喜欢的不得了! So powerful tribulation thunder, should be him. 如此强大的劫雷,合该属于他啊。 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 3800】 雷系星辰原力 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 3000】 雷系星辰原力 Lighting Attribute Star Source Power * 3200】 雷系星辰原力 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 4200】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 3600】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 4000】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1500】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1200】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 Dying deep heavenly thunder( fourth-order) * 1800】 【死冥天雷(四阶)】 ...... …… Attribute air bubbles gather to come immediately. 一个个属性气泡顿时汇聚而来。 Front two species change to two different Source Power directly, converges in his body. 前面两种属性直接化作两种不同的原力,汇入他的身躯之中。 Wang Teng now naturally all comes are welcome to the Source Power attribute, the more better, now not only has dark Star Source Power, extraordinary also has Lighting Attribute Star Source Power, was...... is too seriously good! 王腾现在对原力属性自然是来者不拒,越多越好,如今不但有黑暗星辰原力,出奇的还有雷系星辰原力,当真是……太棒了! However he does not have excessively to pay attention, the attention placed above the third attribute immediately. 不过他没有过多理会,注意力顿时放在了第三个属性之上。 Dying deep heavenly thunder! 死冥天雷! Fourth-order tribulation thunder! 四阶劫雷! In the Wang Teng eye none flashes, general that really such as he guessed, this tribulation thunder with dying the deep strength has the enormous relations, that type of aura was simply exactly the same. 王腾眼中精光一闪,果然如他猜测的一般,这劫雷与死冥之力有着极大的关系,那种气息简直一模一样。 Has not thought that this relates to the death deep strength of deep god clan, can actually form an extremely special tribulation thunder. 只是没想到这关系到冥神族的死冥之力,竟然能够形成一种极为特殊的劫雷。 What unique element does the deep god clan have? 如此说来,冥神族是否有着什么特殊之处? Wang Teng thought of the blood group suddenly Blood demon heavenly thunder, In the heart then somewhat feels relaxed, even the blood group can birth corresponding Chitre tribulation, the deep god clan can the birth similar tribulation thunder not be strange. 王腾突然想到了血族的【血魔天雷】,心中便又有些释然,连血族都能够诞生相应的奇特雷劫,冥神族能够诞生类似的劫雷也不奇怪了。 However in his heart kept a mind. 不过他心中却是留了一个心眼。 By the present situation, the blood group and deep god clan without doubt are somewhat different, their strengths are different from the common Dark Species clan. 以如今的情况来看,血族和冥神族无疑是有些不一样的,它们的力量有别于寻常的黑暗种族。 Wang Teng has not thought again, Dying deep tribulation thunder The attribute absorbs entirely. 王腾没有再多想,将【死冥劫雷】的属性统统吸收。 In an instant, wiped the unusual purple black tribulation thunder to appear in his within the body, walked randomly all the limbs and bones, immediately integrated in the chaos star territory, changed wipes the thunder, converged with that three third-order tribulation thunder. 刹那间,一抹奇特的紫黑色劫雷出现在了他的体内,游走四肢百骸,随即融入混沌星域之内,化作一抹雷霆,与那三种三阶劫雷汇合一处。 „!” “咕叽!” thunder spirit detected that this wiped the appearance of special tribulation thunder, immediately changes to the flowing light to speed away from a distant place star together. 雷灵察觉到了这一抹特殊劫雷的出现,顿时化作一道流光从远处一颗星球之上疾驰而来。 Then sharply checked fiercely, stops in front of the purple black tribulation thunder, was somewhat curious, some hopes around its turning circle circle. 然后猛地一个急刹,停在了紫黑色劫雷面前,有些好奇,又有些渴望的绕着它转起了圈圈。 What thing this is, seems like a little delicious appearance?” “这是什么东西,看起来有点好吃的样子?” thunder spirit the corners of the mouth flowed off drop of purple waterdrop immediately, inside has thunder light to glitter, very strange. 雷灵的嘴角顿时流下了一滴紫色的水滴,里面有雷光在闪烁,十分奇异。 It is unexpectedly mouth-watering! 它居然在流口水! „......” Wang Teng hears its sound, consciousness sweeps in the chaos star territory, sees its unpromising appearance, is a little speechless. “……”王腾听到它的声音,意识在混沌星域内一扫而过,看到它那副没出息的模样,不禁有点无语。 Before this thunder spirit, does not seem like such? 这雷灵以前好像不是这样的吧? It is not right! It is not right! 不对!不对! It is this, initially gluttonous, how to be fished from the void turbulent flow belt/bring by him. 它原本就是这样的,当初要不是贪嘴,怎么可能被他从虚空乱流带中钓出来。 In the Wang Teng heart relaxes immediately, but also thinks that this thunder spirit came under his influence, almost bore this black pot on oneself. 王腾心中顿时松了口气,还以为这雷灵是受到了他的影响,差点就自己背上了这口黑锅。 He does not have the thoughts attention thunder spirit this glutton, the thought to move, the attention placed above the property panel. 他也没心思关注雷灵这个吃货,念头一动,注意力放在了属性面板之上。 Dying deep heavenly thunder: 4500 / 40000( fourth-order) ; 【死冥天雷】:4500/40000(四阶); Regarding this fourth-order tribulation thunder, Wang Teng naturally likes, this is the first fourth-order tribulation thunder that he obtains, the significance is unusual. 对于这四阶劫雷,王腾自然十分喜欢,这可是他得到的第一种四阶劫雷,意义非同一般。 The third-order tribulation thunder obtains three types, and throughout has no way the step, this tribulation thunder does not compare the common thunder, wants to promote, must inspire the world tribulation thunder, otherwise simply does not have the place to collect the attribute air bubble. 三阶劫雷已经得到了三种,且始终没法进阶,这劫雷不比寻常的雷霆,想要提升,必须引动天地劫雷,否则根本没地方拾取属性气泡。 As for using the blank attribute promotion, did not need to think temporarily. 至于用空白属性提升,暂时不用想了。 Without so many blank attributes, is insufficient! Is insufficient! 没那么多空白属性,不够用!根本不够用啊! Therefore can obtain a fourth-order tribulation thunder directly, naturally is the good matter. 所以能够直接得到一种四阶劫雷,自然是再好不过的事情。 Hehe, had this fourth-order tribulation thunder, I can break off the wrist/skill with this bone demon tree.” “嘿嘿,有了这四阶劫雷,我又能和这骨魔树掰掰手腕了。” Wang Teng felt oneself were also good, the vision looks to the bone demon tree of distant place, the corners of the mouth splits a curve, this, has might as well release for flight in any case. 王腾感觉自己又行了,目光望向远处的骨魔树,嘴角裂开一丝弧度,反正都已经这样,不如就此放飞自我。 Moreover with the appearance of this tribulation thunder, all around void naked eye had massive space cracks obviously. 而且随着这劫雷的出现,四周的虚空肉眼可见的出现了大量的空间裂缝。 Wang Teng faint felt bright universe aura. 王腾隐隐中感觉到了一丝光明宇宙的气息。 His space talent is not false, although is still very fuzzy, but truly is felt that bright universe aura, is entirely different from the ruins of this perishing bone. 他的空间天赋不是假的,虽然依旧很模糊,但确确实实是感觉到了一丝光明宇宙的气息,与这亡骨之墟截然不同。 Also was lucky that aura so disparate, he can catch faintly. 也多亏了那气息如此的悬殊,他才能够隐隐捕捉到。 In his eye appears immediately an exciting meaning, in the heart makes a determined effort, said to the bone demon tree light opens the mouth of distant place: 他眼中顿时浮现出一丝激动之意,心中发狠,冲着远处的骨魔树淡淡开口道: It seems like your tribulation thunder is also mediocre.” “看来你的劫雷也不过如此。” Also has what method, performing to cause, I then.” “还有什么手段,尽可使出来,我都接着。” Saying, is stretching out a finger, cancelled the check to the bone demon tree. 说着,伸出一根手指,冲着骨魔树勾了勾。 Taunt from stranger. 来自异乡人的嘲讽。 Although the bone demon tree has not seen this strange posture, but actually sincere experience the meaning of Wang Teng that thick taunt. 骨魔树虽然没有见过这奇怪的姿势,但却深切的体会到了王腾那浓浓的嘲讽之意。 That anger, how could not suppress! 那股怒火,怎么都压不住了! It did not plan to let off Wang Teng, immediately continues to stimulate to movement own strength, inspires the tribulation thunder in sky. 它本就不打算就此放过王腾,当即继续催动自身的力量,引动天空之中的劫雷。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Wiped rich purple black thunder light to appear in the middle of the dark clouds above bone demon stump top, inside had the bellow to spread unceasingly, seems fermenting anything. 一抹浓郁的紫黑色雷光出现在了骨魔树头顶之上的黑云当中,里面不断有轰鸣声传出,仿佛正在酝酿着什么。 Wang Teng looks up, the vision concentrates slightly, immediately transfers the fourth-order that within the body just obtained Dying deep heavenly thunder, Making it walk randomly in the body, can erupt momentarily. 王腾抬头望去,目光微微一凝,当即调动体内刚刚得到的四阶【死冥天雷】,令其游走于身躯之中,随时都能够爆发。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the dark clouds in sky split suddenly, as if by general that a thunder blade breaks out forcefully, revealed after that rich purple black thunder light. 下一刻,天空中的黑云突然裂开,仿佛被一柄雷刀硬生生劈开的一般,露出了其后浓郁至极的紫黑色雷光。 Scoff! 嗤! Twines the rich thunder light huge shadow to reappear from that dark clouds together slowly. 紧接着一道缠绕着浓郁雷光的庞大影子从那黑云之中缓缓浮现而出。 That unexpectedly is claw of the giant thunder!!! 那居然是一只巨大的雷霆之爪!!! It originally extremely slow finds out from the dark clouds, but just appeared the true appearance, then picked up the speed suddenly, falls from the sky loudly, grasping ruthlessly approached Wang Teng. 它原本极为缓慢的从黑云中探出,但刚刚现出真正的模样,便骤然加快了速度,从天空中轰然落下,狠狠的抓向了王腾 The sound resounds in void fiercely, the thunder great claw place visited, the giant and jet black cracks have extended from the sky. 一阵嗤嗤声猛地在虚空中响起,雷霆巨爪所过之处,一道道巨大而漆黑的裂缝从天空一直延伸了下来。
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