AAMD :: Volume #23

#2231: They did not speak Wu De! Performs to extinguish! Time palm

Chapter 2231 they did not speak Wu De! Performs to extinguish! The time grasps was too ingenious!( Sought subscription) 第2231章他们不讲武德!尽灭!时机掌握的太巧妙了!(求订阅) Sad and shrill pitiful yell sound reverberation in void, but actually vanishes gradually. 凄厉的惨叫声回荡于虚空,但却渐渐消失。 Another Demon Venerable level Dark Species was struck to kill, the immortal body was obliterated, changes to the big piece blood fog in void, astonishing. 一头又一头的魔尊黑暗种被击杀,不朽身躯都被磨灭,在虚空中化作大片血雾,惊人至极。 In the middle of these blood fog contains the rich dark strength, the invasion is void, making the big piece change to the dark restricted area void, common Martial Artist feared that does not dare to approach. 这些血雾当中蕴含着浓郁的黑暗之力,侵染虚空,让大片虚空化作黑暗禁地,寻常武者怕是都不敢靠近。 After all this is the dark strength that Demon Venerable level Dark Species leaves behind, even if they had died, is fearful. 毕竟这可是魔尊黑暗种留下的黑暗之力,哪怕它们已经死亡,也非常可怕。 Moreover first two Demon Venerable level Dark Species, just a while, falling from the sky Demon Venerable level Dark Species achieved five incessantly at least. 而且还不止一头两头魔尊黑暗种,就刚刚那么一会儿,陨落的魔尊黑暗种起码达到了五头之多。 This places usually, simply is the inconceivable matter. 这放在平时,简直是不可思议的事情。 Falls from the sky a Demon Venerable level to exist seriously. 陨落一头魔尊级存在都不得了。 Now falls from the sky all of a sudden five Demon Venerable level Dark Species, where places to stir the controversy sufficiently. 如今一下子陨落五头魔尊黑暗种,放在哪里都足以引起轩然大波。 The influence that they died later sends out the dark strength, but also incessantly at present these. 它们死亡之后散发出的黑暗之力所造成的影响,还不止眼前这些。 If not eliminate, a time long time, the strength of these darkness feared that spreads sufficiently dozens galaxies, making it degenerate into the place of darkness. 若是不加以清除,时间一久,这些黑暗之力怕是都足以蔓延数十个星系,让其沦为黑暗之地。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Roar from void spreads. 一声声怒吼从虚空之中传出。 After Wang Teng and the others struck killed five Demon Venerable level Dark Species, remaining several Demon Venerable level Dark Species also finally responded. 王腾等人击杀了五头魔尊黑暗种之后,剩下的几头魔尊黑暗种也终于反应了过来。 They know that cannot disperse the strength again, must concentrate, side escaping possibilities, otherwise was not consumed to refuse stubbornly to be possible. 它们知道不能再将力量分散,必须要集中起来,方有一线逃生的可能,否则非被耗死不可。 Running away is not possible to run away...... 逃走是不可能逃走的了…… Only can go all out! 只能拼命! The energy body that these dispersions open gathers immediately, changes to leader different races Dark Species. 那些分散而开的能量体顿时聚拢,重新化作一头头不同种族的黑暗种 Presented the Dark Species clan above this battlefield were too many, great demon clan, idle fog clan, demon armor clan, demon rock clan, demon moth clan wait/etc. 出现在这片战场之上的黑暗种族实在太多了,巨魔族,惰雾族,魔甲族,魔岩族,魔蛾族等等。 Even if each race only sets out 1-2 Demon Venerable level Dark Species, has more than ten fully. 每一个种族哪怕只出动1-2魔尊黑暗种,也足有十几头之多。 In addition in the beforehand fight falls from the sky, blood group Dark Species that as well as runs away early, just altogether also had 12 Demon Venerable level Dark Species. 加上之前战斗中陨落的,以及早早逃走的血族黑暗种,刚刚总共还剩下十二头魔尊黑暗种 Even if therefore just struck to kill five Demon Venerable level Dark Species, at this moment is also left over enough seven Demon Venerable level Dark Species. 所以哪怕刚刚击杀了五头魔尊黑暗种,此刻也还剩下足足七头魔尊黑暗种 This is the reason that Wang Teng acted a moment ago eagerly. 这才是王腾刚才急于出手的原因。 12 Demon Venerable level Dark Species, want to leave behind it completely, was too difficult is too difficult. 十二头魔尊黑暗种,想要将其全部留下,实在太难太难了。 At this moment, star meteor revering, ram Yu and other immortal levels exist is the vision is all dignified, in the heart does not dare to neglect. 此刻,星陨尊者,公羊裕等不朽级存在皆是目光凝重无比,心中也丝毫不敢怠慢。 These remaining Demon Venerable levels existed have planned to go all out obviously, they have to carefully treat. 那些剩下的魔尊级存在显然已经打算拼命了,它们不得不谨慎对待。 Going all out that after all the Demon Venerable level has, does not crack a joke. 毕竟魔尊级存在的拼命,可不是开玩笑的。 If by some chance were not gotten into the water carefully, they do not die also the severe wound, then on gain does not equal the loss. 万一不小心被拖下水,他们不死也得重伤,那就得不偿失了。 The aspect that the present situation, the bright universe must win, definitely does not need to go all out with Dark Species, steady then. 如今的情况,光明宇宙已经是必胜的局面,完全没有必要与黑暗种拼命,稳一手即可。 The immortal levels of bright universe existed to surround these Demon Venerable level Dark Species entirely, three world different cremations of Wang Teng made the sea of fire, encirclement all around. 一个个光明宇宙的不朽级存在将这些魔尊黑暗种统统包围了起来,还有王腾的三种天地异火化作火海,环绕四周。 Is makes them have no place to go seriously. 当真是让它们无处可逃。 These remaining Demon Venerable level Dark Species are aggrieved, but eventually is the dead pigeons, is impossible to escape. 这些剩下的魔尊黑暗种憋屈无比,但终究都是瓮中之鳖,再也不可能逃出去。 Buzz! 嗡! The distant place, the space-based ball has started to save the energy again, moreover quick must save. 远处,天基球已经再一次开始积蓄能量,而且很快就要积蓄完毕。 For all leaves behind these Demon Venerable level Dark Species, the mechanical clan does not hesitate to use the space-based ball to kill repeatedly like this greatly. 为了将这些魔尊黑暗种全都留下,机械族也是不惜多次动用天基球这样的大杀器。 Do not look that probably is very simple then can exist to strike directly to kill the Demon Venerable level with the space-based ball. 别看好像很简单直接用天基球便能够将魔尊级存在击杀。 But in fact, wants to use the space-based ball, to the loss of mechanical clan is also extremely serious. 可实际上,想要动用天基球,对机械族的损耗也是极为严重。 This loss is not only the consumption in resources, is to controlling own loss. 这种损耗不仅仅是资源方面的消耗,更是对掌控者自身的损耗。 Uses the space-based ball repeatedly, will make the life sources and soul sources of these mechanical clan powerhouses consumes extremely seriously, without long time, feared that is unable to get back. 多次动用天基球,会令那些机械族强者的生命本源和灵魂本源消耗极为严重,没有很长时间,怕是无法恢复过来。 In other words, the mechanical clan powerhouses of these participation space-based ball controls, later estimated that appears above the battlefield very much difficultly again, at least in the short-term is not possible. 也就是说,这些参与天基球掌控的机械族强者,以后估计很难再出现在战场之上,起码短期内是不可能的了。 „To kill me and others, you must pay the price.” “想杀我等,你们也要付出代价。” Sheep's head demon clan Dark Species face upwards to shout, in double pupil dark-red ray dazzling dazzling, seriously on such as revering of terrifying demon clan. 一头羊头魔族黑暗种仰天嘶吼,双眸之中暗红色光芒耀眼刺目,当真就如一位恐怖至极的魔族之尊。 These Demon Venerable level Dark Species looked at each other one, saw from the opposite party eyes wiped decidedly, as if made some decision. 这些魔尊黑暗种不由对视了一眼,都是从对方眼中看到了一抹决然,似乎做出了某种决定。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! The next quarter, three Demon Venerable level Dark Species erupt fiercely, breaks through the fetter of Yuan magnetic field territory, goes toward direction suddenly/violently to rush who the space-based ball is at unexpectedly directly. 下一刻,三头魔尊黑暗种猛地爆发,冲破元磁场域的束缚,竟然径直朝着天基球所在的方向暴冲而去。 Obviously, they also know that the space-based ball threat is enormous, if not destroy it, they are unable to leave absolutely. 很显然,它们也知道天基球威胁极大,如果不将其摧毁,它们绝对无法离开。 They must destroy the space-based ball, blocks them quickly!” An immortal level exists shouts loudly hastily. “它们要摧毁天基球,快拦住它们!”一位不朽级存在连忙大喝道。 Bang! Bang! Bang! 轰!轰!轰! Immortal levels exist to act, erupts the strongest offensive respectively, goes toward that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species bombardments. 一个个不朽级存在出手,各自爆发出最强攻势,朝着那三头魔尊黑暗种轰击而去。 However that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species actually disregard. 不过那三头魔尊黑暗种却是不管不顾。 They prevented slightly, then withstand/top both sides to attack the energy complementary waves that the collision produces to continue toward space-based ball suddenly/violently to rush actually to go, ignores the injury of having completely. 它们只是略微阻挡了一下,便硬是顶着双方攻击碰撞产生的能量余波继续朝着天基球暴冲而去,完全不顾身上出现的伤势。 Must know attack that the immortal level has, but can obliterate their immortal bodies. 要知道不朽级存在的攻击,可是能够磨灭它们的不朽身躯的。 Once the immortal body is wounded seriously, these Demon Venerable level Dark Species will also be struck to kill, is unable to resurrect again. 一旦不朽身躯受创严重,这些魔尊黑暗种也会被击杀,再也无法复活。 The immortal level of bright universe exists to see this, immediately the complexion changes, has not thought that these Demon Venerable level Dark Species are so unexpectedly crazy. 光明宇宙的不朽级存在看到这一幕,当即面色一变,没想到这些魔尊黑暗种居然如此疯狂。 Their this was ignores own safety completely, even the death, must drag them into the water. 它们这是完全不顾自身的安危了啊,就算是死,也要拖他们下水。 The situation immediately becomes thorny. 情况顿时变得棘手起来。 In the meantime, another four Demon Venerable level Dark Species have not been idling, erupts the powerful incomparable attack in abundance, has the crazy bang toward the immortal level of bright universe. 就在此时,另外四头魔尊黑暗种也没有闲着,纷纷爆发出强大无比的攻击,朝着光明宇宙的不朽级存在狂轰而来。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… In the angry roaring sound, the huge and terrifying empty shades appear above void. 怒吼声中,一道道庞大而恐怖的虚影浮现于虚空之上。 Has the whole body to proliferate the dark yellow rock the demon rock clan empty shadow, just like giant who a rock composes, grasps the great hammer, the bombardment. 有浑身遍布暗黄色岩石的魔岩族虚影,宛如一尊岩石组成的巨人,手持巨锤,轰击而出。 Also has the black fog winding, above the innumerable faces appear the idle fog clan empty shadow, is sending out the meaning of thick idle negligent darkness. 亦有黑雾缠绕,无数面孔浮现其上的惰雾族虚影,散发着浓浓的惰怠黑暗之意。 The black fog condenses a giant and fierce face, if examines carefully, will discover that this giant face is completely comprised of the innumerable tiny faces, is quite strange. 黑雾凝聚成一张巨大而狰狞的面孔,若是细看,就会发现这巨大的面孔完全是由无数细小的面孔组成,极为诡异。 At this moment, this face condenses, then exists to swallow toward an immortal level directly under. 此刻,这张面孔凝聚而出,便直接朝着一位不朽级存在吞噬而下。 Another side, the dark-red flame packages the whole body, just like the flame demon god common sheep's head demon clan empty shadow. 另一边,还有暗红色火焰包裹全身,宛如火焰魔神一般的羊头魔族虚影。 That full is above the majestic body of dark-red muscle, crack propagation, has the dazzling dark-red ray to flow unexpectedly, just like magma. 那满是暗红色肌肉的雄壮身躯之上,一道道裂缝蔓延,其中竟有刺目的暗红色光芒在流动,宛如岩浆。 These cracks not only do not seem ugly/difficult to look at, instead a fierce thick crazy feeling, twines the whole body like the trace, making it add a terrifying power and influence beyond description. 这些裂缝不但不显得难看,反而给人一种狰狞粗狂之感,就如纹路般缠绕全身,让其平添一种难以形容的恐怖威势。 This sheep's head Demon Venerable empty shadow grasps the broadsword, erupts magical skill hundred zhang (333 m) long dark-red blade glow, coerces the flame to cut loudly. 这羊头魔尊虚影手持大刀,爆发出一道数百丈长的暗红色刀芒,裹挟着火焰轰然斩出。 ...... …… These huge empty shades stand and wait for a long time in the middle of void, seriously is fearful exceptionally. 这一尊尊庞大的虚影伫立于虚空当中,当真是可怕异常。 Is the aura that they lend, lets the common Martial Artist panic-stricken desire sufficiently certainly, the whole body cannot move. 仅仅是它们散发出的气息,就足以让寻常武者惊骇欲绝,浑身动弹不得。 All around these strength weak bright universe Martial Artist, were suppressed at this moment completely, launches in salvos the attack unable to achieve. 四周的那些实力较弱的光明宇宙武者,此刻完全被压制,连发出攻击都做不到了。 Kills!” “杀!” Is good exists because of the bright universe immortal level is not a vegetarian, they erupt instantaneously, similarly is condenses mystical the huge empty shadow, is situated in void above. 好在光明宇宙的不朽级存在也不是吃素的,他们瞬间爆发,同样是凝聚出一道道神异的庞大虚影,立于虚空之上。 The immortal levels of these bright universes exist, the empty shadow that condenses is quite actually common. 这些光明宇宙的不朽级存在,所凝聚的虚影倒是比较寻常。 Although somewhat fuzzy, but can look, that basically is their appearance. 虽然有些模糊但可以看得出来,那基本都是他们自身的模样。 The immortal level exists to cast own immortal state, really moves into spirit, becomes own immortal gods, this is the true strength of immortal level. 不朽级存在铸就自身的不朽国度,真灵入驻其中,成为自己的“不朽神明”,这便是不朽级的真正力量。 These huge incomparable empty shadow respective shoulder weapons, or fight the sword, sword, fights the halberd...... to mention just a few, and erupts the extremely terrifying power and influence, is vertically and horizontally void. 这一道道庞大无比的虚影各自手持兵器,或是战剑,或是战刀,或是战戟……不一而足,并爆发出极为恐怖的威势,纵横虚空。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… In an instant, the radiant Source Power ray erupts in void, various offensive bombardments, move forward to meet somebody toward the attack of Dark Species. 刹那间,璀璨的原力光芒在虚空中爆发,各种攻势轰击而出,朝着黑暗种的攻击迎了上去。 Sword light, blade light, halberd glow, even fist seal, is in charge wait/etc, is vertically and horizontally void, magnificently to the extreme, terrifying to the extreme. 剑光,刀光,戟芒,甚至还有拳印,掌印等等,纵横虚空,壮观到了极点,也恐怖到了极点。 This is the immortal level has the most powerful fight, intense incomparable! 这才是不朽级存在最强大的战斗,激烈无比! Before no matter the immortal level of bright universe existed, in the middle of the Dark Species Demon Venerable level existed, will not go all out for this war, therefore has retained. 之前不管是光明宇宙的不朽级存在,还是黑暗种当中的魔尊级存在,都不会为了这场战争而拼命,因此都有所保留。 But now is completely different. 但现在完全不同了。 Facing death crisis, after Dark Species Demon Venerable already all brains of worry throwing, now only thinks...... the tender dead opposite party! 面对死亡危机,黑暗种魔尊早已将一切顾虑抛之脑后,如今只想……嫩死对方! both sides hit to get angry, to be how ruthless, how to call toward the opposite party on, without the least bit hesitated. 双方都是打出火来了,怎么狠,就怎么往对方身上招呼,没有半点犹豫的。 Blasted out void directly, was destroyed completely, massive space cracks also appear during this piece was void, the strength of wild space also sweeps across. 虚空直接炸开了,完全被打碎,大量的空间裂缝随之出现在了这片虚空之中,狂暴的空间之力随之席卷而出。 Massive attribute air bubbles float in all around, no one sees. 还有大量属性气泡漂浮在四周,无人看到。 Collects!” “拾取!” Wang Teng eye one bright, without the least bit hesitates, immediately read the strength to sweep across it with the spirit entirely. 王腾眼睛一亮,没有半点犹豫,当即用精神念力将其统统席卷了回来。 Before and bone demon tree fought the strength of his space to consume, a wee bit did not remain, although also collected a wave of space attribute afterward, but has not supplemented completely. 之前与骨魔树战斗他的空间之力早就消耗一空,丁点都不剩,虽然后来也拾取了一波空间属性,但并未完全补充回来。 Just good that now this space attribute air bubble presents, should be able to make his space attribute fully restore. 如今这空间属性气泡出现的刚刚好,应该可以让他的空间属性完全恢复。 Space * 1500】 【空间】 Space * 1200】 【空间】 Space * 1400】 【空间】 ...... …… Time * 120】 【时间】 Time * 100】 【时间】 Time * 70】 【时间】 ...... …… Really the massive space attribute air bubbles come toward the Wang Teng gathering, after integrating his body, then immediately changed to the strength of boundless space. 果然大量的空间属性气泡朝着王腾汇聚而来,融入他的身躯之后,便顿时化作了磅礴的空间之力。 Before long, the Wang Teng space attribute then complements thoroughly. 不一会儿,王腾的空间属性便彻底补全。 Moreover, he discovered that this time also collected many time attributes unexpectedly, although did not have space attribute so many, but was actually a unexpected happiness. 不仅如此,他发现这次竟然还拾取到了不少时间属性,尽管没有空间属性那么多,但却是一个意外之喜。 In the Wang Teng eye passed over gently and swiftly unusual look, the vision takes a fast look around in void, saw that has many space whirlpools to exist in all around of that space crack, in the heart understands clearly. 王腾眼中掠过一丝异色,目光在虚空之中扫视而过,看到在那空间裂缝的四周有着不少空间旋涡存在,心中了然。 Generally has the space vortex to appear, will have some time attributes somewhat. 一般有着空间旋涡出现,多多少少都会产生一些时间属性。 This is he at the picking attribute lessons that in the dark universe learns. 这是他在暗宇宙之中总结出的捡属性经验。 The time and space mutually depend on each other, is always inalienable. 时间和空间相互依存,向来不可分割。 When the space experiences the extremely violent fluctuation, similarly will affect the time. 当空间出现极为剧烈的波动之时,同样会影响到时间。 But can form the space vortex, obviously the space the confusion to certain degree, has naturally been able the appearance time attribute. 而能够形成空间旋涡,显然空间已经混乱到了一定的程度,自然会出现时间属性。 This to Wang Teng without doubt is a big good deed. 这对王腾来说无疑是一件大好事。 His time attribute in the beforehand fight, is the consumption is also serious, if cannot supplement, is unable to resort to the time method again. 他的时间属性在之前的战斗中,同样是消耗严重,如果不能补充回来,根本就无法再动用时间手段。 The time attribute often is most difficult to supplement that can supplement to collect the time attribute now, is extremely lucky. 偏偏时间属性往往是最难补充的,如今能够附带着拾取到时间属性,已经算是极为幸运了。 After the moment, Wang Teng looked at a property panel, shakes the head. 片刻后,王腾看了一眼属性面板,不禁摇了摇头。 Supplemented the degree that the time attribute that first-order is not , can only force with. 补充回来的时间属性,才一阶不到的程度,只能勉强用一用了。 Afterward he no longer thinks, the vision glance is void, the brow wrinkled once again. 随后他不再多想,目光扫视虚空,眉头又一次皱了起来。 The situation is a little troublesome. 情况有点麻烦啊。 The appearance that these Demon Venerable level Dark Species must go all out, wants smoothly takes them, was a little difficult. 这些魔尊黑暗种一副要拼命的样子,想要顺利的将它们拿下,有点难了。 To retain the bright universe the immortal level strength, is not easy, these immortal level powerhouses likely can by the severe wound. 想要保留光明宇宙的不朽级战力,并没有那么容易,这些不朽级强者很可能会被重伤。 He has not forgotten Dark Species Demon Transformation, if to that situation, is star meteor revering, is very difficult to strike to kill them. 他可没有忘记黑暗种魔变,若是到了那种地步,就是星陨尊者,都很难将它们击杀。 Wang Teng looks all around the battlefield, while ponders, in the mind thought of an excellent idea suddenly. 王腾一边环顾战场,一边思考,脑海中突然又想到了一个绝妙的主意。 He not hesitant, immediately passes message to star meteor revering said anything. 他没有犹豫,立刻传音对星陨尊者说了什么。 Another side, in the star meteor revering heart moves, looks at the direction that Wang Teng was, slightly nodded. 另一边,星陨尊者心中一动,不由望了一眼王腾所在的方向,微微点了点头。 Then he informs the star weapon king and others to control the mechanical clan immortal level of space-based ball to exist immediately. 而后他立刻通知了星械王等正在掌控天基球的机械族不朽级存在。 Because this idea needs to keep secret temporarily, therefore Wang Teng is unable to tell star weapon king and the others directly, can only convey through star meteor revering. 因为这个主意暂时需要保密,所以王腾无法直接告诉星械王等人,只能通过星陨尊者转达。 Now looks that the mechanical clan can complete this plan. 现在就看机械族能不能完成这个计划了。 Bang! 轰隆! Soon, the distant place hears a fierce bellow suddenly. 不多时,远处突然传来一阵剧烈的轰鸣声。 Originally is that is firing into the space-based ball three Dark Species, breaks through blockade that the bright universe immortal level had, arrived in front of the space-based ball. 原来是那正冲向天基球的三头黑暗种,冲破了光明宇宙不朽级存在的封锁,来到了天基球面前。 Their attacks erupt loudly, pounding ruthlessly approached ten space-based balls. 它们的攻击轰然爆发,狠狠的砸向了十颗天基球。 Like that momentum, if really hits the space-based ball, the consequence is dreadful. 那般声势,如果真的击中天基球,后果不堪设想。 However...... 然而…… Buzz! 嗡! In the meantime, an invisible strength sweeps from the space-based ball ring, then proliferated that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species front instantaneously. 就在此时,一股无形的力量从天基球圆环当中扫荡而出,瞬间便扩散到了那三头魔尊黑暗种的面前。 In an instant, three Demon Venerable level Dark Species frame in same place, even their attacks, stagnated instantaneously, is unable to go forward again slightly. 刹那间,三头魔尊黑暗种定格在原地,连它们的攻击,也瞬间停滞了下来,根本无法再前进丝毫。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, somewhat exclaimed in surprise, then the corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly. 王腾目光一闪,有些惊叹,而后嘴角微微翘起。 Yuan magnetic field territory attribute that it seems like under can collect the space-based ball! 看来等下又可以拾取天基球的元磁场域属性了! The Yuan magnetic domain attribute that he collected before melts the boundary seven steps, has not been nine step complete levels, now depended entirely in this day the eruption of base ball. 他之前拾取到的元磁领域属性才融境七阶,还未达到九阶圆满层次,现在全靠这天基球的爆发了。 Roar! Roar! Roar...... 吼!吼!吼…… Three Demon Venerable level Dark Species are naturally unwilling to be without a fight, within the body erupts rich black light, arrives at the extreme the dark strength to divulge from its within the body purely. 三头魔尊黑暗种自然不甘就此束手就擒,体内爆发出浓郁的黑光,有一股纯粹到极点的黑暗之力从其体内宣泄而出。 They want...... Demon Transformation unexpectedly!!! 它们竟是要……魔变!!! The Wang Teng complexion changes, is wanting to remind. 王腾面色微变,正欲提醒。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, the energy of space-based ball just right has actually saved, loudly eruption. 下一刻,天基球的能量却正好已经积蓄完毕,轰然爆发。 This makes Wang Teng relax. 这让王腾不由松了口气。 A dazzling incomparable god light/only grazes from the space-based ball instantaneously, such as the peerless divine sword, sweeps away from three Demon Venerable level Dark Species front. 紧接着,一阵耀眼无比的神光从天基球当中瞬间飞掠而出,如绝世神剑,从三头魔尊黑暗种的面前横扫而过。 This time, that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species are unable to move again, their bodies stagnate thoroughly, then...... 这一次,那三头魔尊黑暗种再也无法动弹,它们的身躯彻底凝滞,而后…… Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… Three Demon Venerable level Dark Species explode simultaneously, light/only in...... vanished in that endless god! 三头魔尊黑暗种同时爆开,在那无尽的神光之中……消失了! Yuan magnetism god light/only, even if the immortal body of Demon Venerable level is also obliterated. 元磁神光之下哪怕是魔尊级的不朽身躯亦会被磨灭。 But this god of journeys light passed over gently and swiftly after them, has not stopped, sweeps away to go toward the front as before fast. 而这一道神光从它们身上掠过之后,并未停止,依旧是朝着前方快速横扫而去。 Remaining four Demon Venerable level Dark Species simply had not discovered, the space-based ball had moved the position slowly. 剩下的四头魔尊黑暗种根本没有发现,天基球早就缓缓移动了位置。 At this moment, space-based ball with them, as well as before , that three Demon Venerable level Dark Species in same straight line. 此时此刻,天基球正与它们,以及之前那三头魔尊黑暗种处于同一条直线上。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… Meanwhile, the immortal level of that bright universe existed as if had received the order. 与此同时,那一个个光明宇宙的不朽级存在仿佛早就收到了命令。 With the Dark Species fierce combat, suddenly one was moving sideways, all vanished in the original position. 原本正与黑暗种激战,突然就一个闪身,全都消失在了原来的位置。 „???” “???” That remaining four Demon Venerable level Dark Species are all scared, they just launched the attack, will exist dead to fight with the immortal levels of these bright universes. 那剩下的四头魔尊黑暗种全都傻眼,它们刚刚发动了攻击,正要和那些光明宇宙的不朽级存在死战到底。 Finally the opposite party does not meet unexpectedly,...... ran directly! 结果对方居然不接,直接就……跑了! This moved sideways almost to flash their waists. 这个闪身差点闪断了它们的腰。 MMP they did not speak Wu De! MMP他们不讲武德! What a pity has not waited for them to think, a piece of dazzling god is the spread, but. 可惜还不等它们多想,一片耀眼的神光便已是蔓延而至。 ! 唰! That Yuan magnetic god light/only plunders, goes toward dead ahead four Demon Venerable level Dark Species suddenly/violently to rush directly. 那元磁神光一掠而过,径直朝着正前方的四头魔尊黑暗种暴冲而去。 All these happen was too quick! 这一切发生的太快了! These four Demon Venerable level Dark Species responded radically, can only look helplessly the Yuan magnetism god light/only attacked to come, enlarged in their eyes unceasingly. 这四头魔尊黑暗种根本反应不及,只能眼睁睁看着元磁神光冲击而来,在它们眼中不断放大。 Until covered their entire field of vision. 直至覆盖了它们整个视野。 That flash, in their eyes the remaining other things, do not only have this eye-catching god light/only. 那一瞬间,它们的眼中再也不剩下其他东西,唯有这夺目的神光。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The next quarter, fierce bellows resound, four Demon Venerable level Dark Species were submerged directly, the step the beforehand three Demon Venerable level Dark Species footsteps, the body blasted out loudly. 下一刻,一道道剧烈的轰鸣声响起,四头魔尊黑暗种直接被淹没,步了之前三头魔尊黑暗种的后尘,身躯轰然炸开。 At this moment, all Dark Species Demon Venerable, perform to extinguish!!! 此时此刻,所有黑暗种魔尊,尽灭!!! Star meteor revering, ram Yu and other immortal levels exist closely to stare at this, in the eye is reappearing a exclamation. 星陨尊者,公羊裕等不朽级存在紧紧盯着这一幕,眼中浮现出一丝惊叹。 This method is very simple, is very direct, but they simply have not thought before. 这个方法很简单,也很直接,但他们之前根本没有想到。 The time grasps was too ingenious. 时机掌握的太巧妙了。
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