AAMD :: Volume #23

#2215: Are more than person who I am fiercer than went, it calculates

Chapter 2215 are more than person who I was fiercer than went, which scallion it calculated! The bone demon tree was ignorant! 第2215章比我厉害的人多了去了,它算哪根葱!骨魔树都懵了! In the ruins of perishing bone, a piece by the region that in the thick black fog covers. 亡骨之墟内,一片被浓浓黑雾所笼罩的区域之中。 A skeleton giant tree that cannot look at to withstand/top rises straight from the ground, the direct impact clouds, the above was also winding around by the rich black fog, performing is obviously mystical and strange. 一棵望不到顶的骸骨巨木拔地而起,直冲云霄,上方亦是被浓郁的黑雾缭绕着,尽显神秘与诡异。 This great woody plants is a deathly stillness, is ordinary just like does not have any vitality. 这一棵巨木本是一片死寂,宛如没有任何生机一般。 But in some time ago, this giant tree moved restlessly suddenly, the innumerable skeleton root hair crazy distortion waved. 但就在不久前,这棵巨木突然躁动起来,无数的骸骨根须疯狂的扭曲舞动。 Even has large number of skeleton root hair to dig in the body of this giant tree unexpectedly directly, just like from oppressive general, the picture is strange. 甚至有着大量的骸骨根须竟然直接扎入了这棵巨木的身躯之内,犹如自虐一般,画面诡异至极。 But at this moment, in the body of this skeleton giant tree spread the sound of fierce thundering, the endless purple black ray erupts, shines through from the slit of this skeleton giant tree. 而此刻,这棵骸骨巨木的躯壳之内更是传出了剧烈的轰鸣之声,无尽的紫黑色光芒爆发,从这棵骸骨巨木的缝隙中透射而出。 A terrifying energy sweeps across from this skeleton giant tree similarly, the biography swings in all directions. 一股恐怖的能量同样是从这棵骸骨巨木当中席卷而出,传荡四面八方。 Black fog all around just like rolled up and pushed along by the strong winds, goes toward rear billowing rewinding. 周遭的黑雾宛如被狂风卷动,朝着后方滚滚的倒卷而去。 Suddenly around this skeleton giant tree no fog region was broad several times to continue immediately, in the ground the white endless skeleton reveals immediately. 一时间这棵骸骨巨木四周的无雾区域顿时宽阔了数倍不止,地面上白森森的无尽骸骨立刻显露而出。 Hill that white bones pile up under sweeping away of that energy, collapses loudly. 一座座白骨堆积成的小山在那能量的横扫之下,亦是轰然倒塌。 Many frail incomparable skeleton, under this energy impact, had changed to the fragment powder instantaneously, as the strong winds scatter. 许多已经脆弱无比的骸骨,在这股能量冲击之下,瞬间化作了齑粉,随着狂风飘散。 The no more than so giant sound, actually no one sees at this moment. 不过如此巨大的动静,此刻却无人看见。 In the ruins of perishing bone vast is the skeleton, rarely can see the life, do not say that was this skeleton giant tree nearby region. 亡骨之墟内一望无际都是骸骨,很少能够看到生灵,更不要说是这骸骨巨木附近的区域了。 As long as there is a life to come to here, had almost been swallowed by it. 但凡有生灵来过这里,几乎都已经被其吞食。 This is the bone demon tree! 这就是骨魔树! The whereabouts, the vitality completely extinguishes, the myriad things are difficult to be near, such as death forbidden area. 其所在之处,生机尽灭,万物难近,如死亡禁区。 Rips! 撕拉! In the meantime, some region outside bone demon tree, the space fluctuates suddenly, immediately the tearing sound spreads together suddenly. 就在此时,骨魔树之外的某片区域,空间突然波动起来,随即一道撕裂声猛然传出。 At this time if some people here, will then see in that midair, the pitch-dark crack suddenly appears together, just like having a pair of hand ripped open it in behind generally. 此时若有人在此,便会看到那半空之中,一道黑漆漆的裂缝突然出现,宛如有一双手在背后将其撕开了一般。 Instantly, strength of the wild space from sweeps across. 刹时间,一股狂暴的空间之力从其中席卷而出。 ! 唰! But almost at the same time, the purple black flowing light also explodes to shoot together, immediately is far away from that say/way pitch-dark space crack. 而几乎同一时间,一道紫黑色流光亦是从中爆射而出,立刻远离了那道黑漆漆的空间裂缝。 Close call! Close call!” “好险!好险!” The sound that slightly somewhat has a lingering fear together spreads from that purple black flowing light, impressively Wang Teng that escapes from the bone demon tree core space. 一道略有些心有余悸的声音从那紫黑色流光之中传出,赫然正是从骨魔树核心空间之中逃出的王腾 Just saw that bone demon tree to from exploding the core space, he smelled there is something wrong travels immediately. 刚刚看到那骨魔树要自爆核心空间,他就见势不妙立刻跑路了。 The explosion of that core space, feared that is enough true Demon Venerable level exists to drink a pot. 那核心空间的爆炸,怕是都够真正的魔尊级存在喝一壶的了。 If in the situation of no protection, the low-rank Demon Venerable level has the estimate also to cause heavy losses. 如果是在毫无防备的情况下,下位魔尊级存在估计也会受到重创。 Is good has fifth-order because of the Wang Teng body 【The body of space Talent, in addition Fighting technique Dodges spatially, Under having to do mental arithmetic to have no interest, can escape actually smoothly the birth day. 好在王腾身具五阶【空间之体】天赋,加上战技【空闪】,在有心算无心之下,倒是可以顺利逃出生天。 This bone demon tree is also enough ruthless, unexpectedly really core space detonation.” “这骨魔树也是够狠的,居然真的将核心空间引爆了。” Later wants to construct a core space, matter that cannot complete absolutely in a short time, so to its also not meddlesome.” “以后想要重新构筑一座核心空间,绝对不是短时间内能够完成的事情,如此对它也并非什么好事。” Wang Teng is flabbergasted secretly, to that bone demon tree resolute very surprised. 王腾暗自咋舌不已,对那骨魔树的果决十分惊讶。 Although he thinks of the bone demon tree after he absorbed the sources of massive core, will revolt surely, but has not thought really the resistance so will be intense. 他虽然想到骨魔树在他吸收了大量的核心之源后,必定会有所反抗,但着实没想到反抗会如此激烈。 Even if exists to the bone demon tree like this powerful, constructs such a stable and secret core space, still not easy matter. 即便是对骨魔树这样的强大存在来说,构筑那样一座稳定而隐秘的核心空间,也并非什么易事。 Perhaps it also spent many time, finally lets the core space formation. 恐怕它也是花费了许多时间,才最终让核心空间成型。 Difficulty, the bystander is unable to know. 这其中的难度,外人根本无法知晓。 But now from exploding the core space, returned to the source of its core the body practically, the two fuse mutually. 而如今自爆了核心空间,等于说是将其核心之源重归躯壳之内,二者相互融合。 Later if has bone spirit clan Dark Species to absorb the source of its core, does not need the entry core space by any means possible, then can absorb with the aid of ancestor in the outside world. 以后若有骨灵族黑暗种想要吸收它的核心之源,都不需要再千方百计的进入核心空间,在外界便能够借助祖物来吸收了。 Therefore this to bone demon tree, truly not meddlesome, even can be extremely the matter of danger. 所以这对骨魔树而言,确实并非什么好事,甚至可以算是极其危险之事。 To me is actually the good deed.” “不过对我来说却是好事啊。” Wang Teng looks at the front the bone demon tree that erupts the terrifying energy unceasingly, the eye is sparkling to shine, the eyeground is glittering the ray of danger. 王腾望着前方正不断爆发出恐怖能量的骨魔树,眼睛闪闪发亮,眼底闪烁着危险的光芒。 Right, how didn't know that three skull spirit clan Dark Species?” “对了,不知道那三头骨灵族黑暗种怎么样了?” He thought of anything suddenly, cannot bear heave a deep sigh. 他突然又想到了什么,忍不住摇头叹息。 They estimated that cannot run away, what a pity several ancestor.” “它们估计逃不出来了吧,可惜了几件祖物啊。” Now he is interested in bone spirit clan ancestor more and more, carefully studies, perhaps has a big help to his forging attainments. 如今他对骨灵族祖物越来越感兴趣了,仔细研究一下,也许对他的锻造造诣有不小的帮助。 The vice- occupation very profound knowledge, needs the deputy entrepreneur to study and explore diligently, lays the thick reliable foundation for oneself, in the future can walk, experiences the scenery of high place. 副职业可是非常高深的学问,需要副职业者孜孜不倦的学习与探索,为自身奠定厚实牢固的基础,将来才能够走得更远,去见识见识更高处的风景。 Wang Teng did not deny oneself are through collecting the attribute arrived at today, but he was also a little person of pursue. 王腾不否认自己是通过拾取属性才走到了今天,但他好歹也是有点追求的人。 Hung opened, did not go to the highest place to have a look, to make one look down upon. 挂都开了,不去最高处看看,岂不是让人看不起。 I have today's achievement am to depend on 99% picking attributes completely, with 1% efforts.” The Wang Teng 45 degrees look up to the sky, has endless emotion. “我之所以有今天的成就完全是靠着百分之九十九的捡属性,和百分之一的努力啊。”王腾四十五度仰望天空,感慨不已。 Sighs with emotion, he then throws into beyond the highest heavens three skull spirit clan Dark Species immediately. 感慨完毕,他立刻便将三头骨灵族黑暗种抛到了九霄云外。 Who they are, he did not know that managing them is dies is lives. 它们是谁,他根本就不认识啊,管它们是死是活呢。 Wang Teng had forgotten thoroughly, was his pit that three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 王腾已经彻底忘记,是他坑了那三头骨灵族黑暗种一把。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Above the vault of heaven, the black fog tumbles, such as the disaster arrives. 天穹之上,黑雾翻滚,如天灾降临。 The eruption of bone demon tree made the sky of ruins of perishing bone no longer tranquil, the space faint experienced a fluctuation. 骨魔树的爆发令亡骨之墟的天空都不再平静,空间隐隐中出现了一丝波动。 The Wang Teng space talent is keen, almost detects immediately the appearance that space fluctuated, in the eye none flashes immediately. 王腾的空间天赋何等敏锐,几乎是立刻就察觉到了那一丝空间波动的出现,眼中顿时精光一闪。 Finally appeared!” “终于出现了!” I did not spend so many thoughts in vain, is takes risk to enter the bone demon tree , does to enrage the bone demon tree, now finally arrives at the final time.” “不枉我花费了这么多的心思,又是冒险进入骨魔树内部,又是作死激怒骨魔树,如今终于到了最后时刻了。” In his heart the thought flashes rapidly, the vision is staring at the above of bone demon tree stubbornly. 他心中念头急速闪动,目光死死盯着骨魔树的正上方。 Can succeed, depended on this. 能不能成功,就在此一举了。 However this degree of space fluctuation...... may be insufficient! 不过这种程度的空间波动……可不够啊! On the Wang Teng face reveals a solemn color, within the body dies the deep strength to erupt again, six steps Deep god body Once again loudly opening. 王腾脸上露出一丝冷峻之色,体内死冥之力再度爆发,六阶【冥神体】又一次轰然开启。 Bang! 轰! The huge purple empty shadow appear here region together immediately, but is blinks, then exceeded ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude. 一道庞大的紫色虚影顿时出现在这片区域,不过是眨眼之间,便超过了万丈高度。 However in the face of the body of that bone demon tree, unexpectedly seems somewhat tiny. 但是在那骨魔树的躯壳面前,竟然显得有些渺小。 Before that core space, the deep god empty shadow altitude almost can be flush with the bone demon tree core, but in the face of the body of bone demon tree, insufficiently looks now radically. 之前在那核心空间之内,冥神虚影的高度几乎可以与骨魔树核心齐平,但如今在骨魔树的躯壳面前,根本就不够看。 „......” Regarding this Wang Teng fell into silent. “……”对此王腾不禁陷入了沉默。 This bone demon tree long such senior level cadre what? 这骨魔树长这么高干什么? Whom looks down upon. 看不起谁呢。 Wang Teng, this bone demon tree seems like the terrifying, otherwise we run.” The sound resounds in the Wang Teng mind together suddenly, unexpectedly is a plump. 王腾,这骨魔树看起来好恐怖,要不然我们还是跑路吧。”一道声音突然在王腾脑海中响起,竟然是圆滚滚。 It does not want to open the mouth, but was just alarmed by the explosion of that core space, at this moment cannot bear back down. 它本不想开口,但刚刚被那核心空间的爆炸惊动了出来,此刻又忍不住打起了退堂鼓。 Really is not it instigated, was this bone demon tree was too terrifying, the prestige that just showed can be only the tip of the iceberg. 真不是它怂,实在是这骨魔树太恐怖了,刚刚展现出的威能只是冰山一角而已。 The plump felt oneself follow Wang Teng, must always feel alarmed and anxious, was too difficult. 圆滚滚感觉自己跟着王腾,总是要担惊受怕,实在太难了。 Is this price that the growth must pay? 难道这就是成长所要付出的代价吗? I feel, this skeleton great tree is fearful.” Ices voice also to resound. “我感觉的到,这棵骸骨巨树非常可怕。”冰蒂丝的声音也随之响起。 Her few opens the mouth, only if really encountered the extremely severe situation. 她很少开口,除非真的是遇到了极为严峻的情况。 On such as previously in that bone demon tree, although is also very dangerous, but she thinks coming that Wang Teng can deal with, therefore then has no idle talk. 就如先前在那骨魔树内部,虽然也很危险,但她认为王腾可以应付的过来,所以便没有任何废话。 But the present situation has reached the extremely dangerous degree very much obviously. 而现在的情况很显然已经达到了极为危险的程度。 She can feel, Wang Teng enraged that bone demon tree thoroughly. 她能够感觉到,王腾彻底将那棵骨魔树激怒了。 Although does not know that Wang Teng must make anything, but this is really the extremely bold behavior, even the slightest misstep is the beyond redemption position. 虽然不知道王腾到底要做什么,但是这真的是极为大胆的行为,稍有不慎便是万劫不复的境地。 Only can say, Wang Teng this fellow really in doing on the path dashes about wildly unceasingly, will not be serious any difficulty, even this once god level existed has to be sad. 只能说,王腾这家伙果然是在作死的道路上不断狂奔,根本不会将任何困难当回事,连她这位曾经的神级存在都不得不心生感慨。 Snort, greatly extraordinary?” In Wang Teng heart light snort/hum, is not convinced very much. “哼,大就了不起吗?”王腾心中轻哼一声,很不服气。 „......” Ices to be speechless. “……”冰蒂丝无语。 She has not thought completely Wang Teng will emit such a few words suddenly. 她完全没想到王腾会突然冒出这样一句话来。 Is this major problem? 这是大不大的问题吗? Now what should pay attention is dangerous. 现在更应该关注的是危不危险好吧。 This fellow is not convinced what ghost. 这家伙到底不服气个什么鬼啊。 „...... This bone demon tree is really fiercer than you.” Cyclic spooky making noise, the attack of being relentless said. “呃……这骨魔树还真就比你厉害。”圆滚滚幽幽的出声,毫不留情的打击道。 Are more than person who I was fiercer than went, which scallion did it calculate?” Wang Teng said. “比我厉害的人多了去了,它算哪根葱?”王腾道。 „......” Cyclic was choked directly, does not know how to refute. “……”圆滚滚直接被噎了回去,根本不知道如何反驳。 Was this speaks the most flamboyant words with the words that most instigated? 这算不算用最怂的话语说最牛逼的话语? Wang Teng has not paid attention to them, after condensing the deep god empty shadow, then displayed once again Swallows day to bite Magical powers. 王腾没有理会他们,凝聚出冥神虚影之后,便又一次施展出了【吞天噬地】神通。 However is among the moments, a huge purple black vortex appeared before the deep god empty shadow body, was being surrounded by that ten giant arm. 不过是片刻之间,一个巨大的紫黑色旋涡出现在了冥神虚影的身前,被那十只巨大的手臂环抱着。 Other source said did not boast, now this situation, but also is not who was really big who was flamboyant. 他方才所言并非是自夸,现在这情况,还真不是谁大谁就牛逼的。 Although the bone demon tree is truly terrifying, but his Swallows day to bite The magical powers actually not necessarily cannot threaten the opposite party. 虽然骨魔树确实很恐怖,但他的【吞天噬地】神通却也未必不能威胁到对方。 He do not win the bone demon tree, but prepares to absorb the energy of opposite party, and inspires the opposite party to be him the matter that wants the opposite party to handle. 他不是要赢过骨魔树,而只是准备吸收对方的能量,并引动对方去做他想要对方做的事情。 So long as can serve his purpose finally, he is the final winner. 只要最终能够达到他的目的,他便是最后的赢家。 Other all are unimportant. 其他的一切都不重要。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! As that huge purple black vortex condenses, the strength of crazy fierce attracting pulling from erupts, has the black whisker and black python shoots from the implosion of vortex, grips bone to inter the body in the demon tree body ruthlessly. 随着那庞大的紫黑色旋涡凝聚而出,一股狂猛的吸扯之力从其中爆发而出,更有黑色触须与黑色巨蟒从旋涡之内爆射而出,狠狠扎入骨魔树躯壳之中。 Now under his plan, the core of this bone demon tree has melted with the body, he can absorb the source of core in the outside world similarly. 如今在他的谋划之下,这骨魔树的核心已是与躯壳相融,他在外界同样可以吸收核心之源了。 Quick, Wang Teng then felt that the sources of massive core swamped into the body, was swallowed by him. 很快,王腾便感觉到了大量的核心之源涌入身躯之中,被他所吞噬。 The life source and soul source that he just consumed supplemented instantaneously, achieves completely, even also vigorous, had exceeded the original degree completely. 他刚刚消耗的生命本源和灵魂本源瞬间补充了回来,达到圆满,甚至还更加的雄浑,已经完全超过了原有的程度。 Cannot break through as before, this makes him feel a little depressed. 只是依旧不能突破,这让他感觉有点郁闷。 Wish lets the upper limit of the life source and soul source breaks through, must make own boundary break through World Lord Level. 想要让生命本源和灵魂本源的上限突破,就必须让自身的境界突破到界主级 Now his mental outlook card in half World Lord Level, the martial arts boundary card in the Territory Lord Level peak, is unable to break through World Lord Level temporarily, this limited the upper limit of the life source and soul source. 如今他的精神境界卡在半步界主级,武道境界卡在了域主级巅峰,暂时无法突破到界主级,这就限制了生命本源和灵魂本源的上限。 But in fact, his life source and soul source have far exceeded Martial Artist with boundary. 可实际上,他的生命本源和灵魂本源已经远超同境界的武者 Although was definitely inferior that the Demon Venerable level exists, but has not been common World Lord Level Martial Artist may compared with. 虽然肯定不如魔尊级存在,但早就不是寻常界主级武者可比的了。 However awkwardly awkward , the enemy who Wang Teng faces really has much is the Demon Venerable level exists. 不过尴尬就尴尬在,王腾所面对的敌人竟然有不少是魔尊级存在。 This special was too much. 这特么就有点过分了。 Who can think. 谁能想到啊。 Trivial Territory Lord Level peak Martial Artist, dares to provoke Demon Venerable level above existence unexpectedly, how not to ascend the sky. 一个区区的域主级巅峰武者,居然敢撩拨魔尊级以上的存在,怎么就不上天呢。 Actually even Wang Teng a little wonder, how did he run to provoke above Demon Venerable level existence? 其实连王腾自己都有点纳闷,他怎么就跑去招惹魔尊级以上的存在了? Why will matter develop this? 事情为什么会发展成这样? Everyone should not look after his small Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, making him cope with some mid-rank demon sovereign level Dark Species to be OK casually? 难道大家不应该关照一下他这个小小的域主级武者,让他随便对付一些中位魔皇级黑暗种就可以了? Thinks carefully, probably unknowingly turned into this, simply has not given the opportunity that he responded and rejects. 仔细一想,好像不知不觉就变成了这样,根本没给他反应和拒绝的机会。 Too miserable! 太惨了! He withstood this boundary should not the pressure of undertaking. 他承受了这个境界不该承担的压力。 Fortunately this moment these two source attribute promotion, making the Wang Teng background deeper, this is not useless. 所幸此刻这两种本源属性的提升,让王腾的底蕴更加深厚起来,这并非毫无用处。 The similar quantity, anti- consumes now. 同样的量,现在更加耐耗了。 As the matter stands, he can stimulate to movement bone spirit clan ancestor absorption bone demon tree the source of core unscrupulously. 这样一来,他就可以肆无忌惮的催动骨灵族祖物吸收骨魔树的核心之源了。 While the life source and soul source promote, the Wang Teng three talents also promoted again. 而在生命本源和灵魂本源提升的同时,王腾的三种天赋也是再度提升了起来。 Demon bone! 魔骨! Shadow talent! 阴影天赋! Deep god body! 冥神体! Front two talents, Deep god body The promotion of talent is big to Wang Teng help at this moment, he also needs the resembles of deep god to resist the bone demon tree. 前面两种天赋也就罢了,【冥神体】天赋的提升对王腾此刻的帮助不小,他还需要冥神之像来对抗骨魔树。 However these three talents temporarily also having no way separation of husband and wife, therefore Wang Teng then no longer excessively pays attention, the attention returned above the bone demon tree. 不过这三种天赋暂时也没法破镜,因此王腾便不再过多关注,注意力重新回到了骨魔树之上。 That bone demon tree has not expected Wang Teng to be able obviously safe and sound escapes, has not expected him also to absorb the source of its core unexpectedly, immediately angry incomparable. 那骨魔树显然没有料到王腾能够安然无恙的逃出来,更没有料到他居然还能够吸收它的核心之源,顿时愤怒无比。 Good, is angry! 不错,正是愤怒! But that bone demon tree sending out in the middle of the aura, contains the angry meaning that is unable to conceal impressively. 那骨魔树散发而出的气息当中,赫然蕴含着一股无法掩饰的愤怒之意。 Accurate, this is the first time that Wang Teng the will of feeling the bone demon tree, in the heart is surprised immediately. 准确来说,这是王腾第一次感受到骨魔树的意志,心中顿时惊奇不已。 „The will of this bone demon tree really recovered thoroughly.” His vision flashes, in heart secretly thought/passage. “这骨魔树的意志果然彻底复苏了。”他目光一闪,心中暗道。 Regarding this Wang Teng does not dare to neglect, immediately is vigilant, simultaneously revolves crazily Swallows day to bite The magical powers and bone spirit clan ancestor, can absorb many are many. 对此王腾丝毫不敢怠慢,立刻警惕了起来,同时疯狂运转【吞天噬地】神通与骨灵族祖物,能吸收多少是多少。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Because in the outside world, the bone demon tree did not have the scruples finally, that innumerable bone demon root hair erupts instantaneously, is ordinary just like the innumerable skeleton pythons, sweeps across toward Wang Teng. 由于是在外界,骨魔树终于没有了顾忌,那无数的骨魔根须瞬间爆发,宛如无数骸骨巨蟒一般,朝着王腾席卷而来。 Hehe, happen to also makes yourself feel the strength of bone demon root hair.” “嘿嘿,正好也让你自己感受一下骨魔根须的力量。” Wang Teng just wants to use Deep god empty shadow, A thought revolution, thought of anything suddenly, corners of the mouth flood a strange curve. 王腾正想动用【冥神虚影】,突然念头一转,想到了什么,嘴角不由的泛起一丝诡异的弧度。 Replying in kind. 以其人之道还治其人之身。 Happen to before him, collected Bone demon root hair The attribute air bubble, that three skull spirit clan Dark Species are not at now, does not need to be worried that was seen anything, can feel relieved the use. 正好他之前拾取到了【骨魔根须】的属性气泡,现在那三头骨灵族黑暗种也不在,不用担心被看出什么,可以放心使用。 Bone demon root hair( Growth): 17600 / 30000( skilled) ; 【骨魔根须】(成长型):17600/30000(熟练); Bone demon root hair From had achieved the skilled rank basically, and attribute value was over skilled total attribute half. 不知不觉间,【骨魔根须】已经从入门达到了熟练级别,并且属性值超过了熟练总属性的一半。 Wang Teng is only in the heart moves, in the mind then has the related information to emerge, his grasping degree to this Fighting technique exceeded the beforehand several times impressively. 王腾只是心中一动,脑海中便有着相关的信息涌现而出,他对这门战技的掌握程度赫然超过了之前数倍。 Now he can definitely display Fighting technique of this bone demon tree with ease. 如今他完全可以轻轻松松的施展出这门骨魔树的战技 Wang Teng has not hesitated, immediately in the heart drinks one lightly. 王腾没有迟疑,当即心中轻喝一声。 Six steps Demon bone, Opening! 六阶【魔骨】,开启! Displays the bone demon tree Bone demon root hair, Not only needs dead the deep strength, needs the strength of demon bone, must therefore also open Deep god body With Demon bone Two talents. 施展骨魔树的【骨魔根须】,不但需要死冥之力,更是需要魔骨的力量,因此必须同时开启【冥神体】和【魔骨】两种天赋。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, as two talents also open, is together the huge empty shadow in Wang Teng behind condenses. 刹那间,随着两种天赋同时开启,又是一道庞大的虚影在王腾的身后凝聚而出。 That picture, just like a small seedling to grow into the lofty tree instantaneously, rises straight from the ground. 那副画面,犹如一棵小树苗在瞬间长成参天大树,拔地而起。 This lofty tree and bone demon tree is simply exactly the same, seems built by the skeleton, dense/woods white piece, but the surface inscribes innumerable black rune/symbol writing, strange exceptionally. 这棵参天大树与骨魔树简直一模一样,仿佛由骸骨堆砌而成,森白一片,但表面又铭刻着无数黑色符文,诡异异常。 Terrifying dark deathly stillness aura spreads from the empty shadow of this giant tree, is exactly the same as the aura of bone demon tree. 一股恐怖的黑暗死寂气息从这棵巨木的虚影之中传出,与骨魔树的气息更是如出一辙。 That sweeps across the innumerable bone demon root hair that comes, stagnates in halfway simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform unexpectedly. 那席卷而来的无数骨魔根须,竟是在半途齐齐一滞。 At this moment, that bone demon tree feared that was is a little ignorant. 这一刻,那骨魔树怕是都有点懵了。 What situation? 什么情况? Why can this fellow use and its exactly the same ability at present? 为什么眼前这家伙能够动用和它一模一样的能力? Bone demon root hair, goes!” In the Wang Teng mouth spreads sonic boom to drink immediately, sees only his big hand to wield, the innumerable root hair explode to shoot from the bone demon tree empty shadow. “骨魔根须,去!”王腾口中顿时传出一声爆喝,只见他大手一挥,无数的根须从骨魔树虚影当中爆射而出。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… These root hair are only the empty shades, however is exploding shoots, but the instance, concentrates for the essence immediately, almost with that bone demon tree sweeps across, but the bone demon root hair is exactly the same. 这些根须原本只是虚影,但是在爆射而出的瞬间,立刻凝为了实质,几乎与那骨魔树席卷而出的骨魔根须一模一样。 Aura that above lends, is the same, does not have the slight difference. 就连上面散发出的气息,都是一样的,没有丝毫的区别。 The bone demon tree responded finally, anger, that stagnated the bone demon root hair of flash to explode to shoot again. 骨魔树终于反应过来,更加的愤怒,那凝滞了一瞬间的骨魔根须再度爆射而出。 It does not believe the bone demon root hair of opposite party to be able with its bone demon root hair to compare. 它就不信对方的骨魔根须能够与它的骨魔根须相比。 Although does not know why the opposite party can use with its same method, the empty shadow that but the opposite party condenses is unable to compare with its main body. 尽管不知道对方为何能够使用与它一样的手段,但对方凝聚出的虚影与它的本体根本无法相比。 One big is small, looks from afar, very bright. 一大一小,远远看去,非常的鲜明。 On such as a grandiose incomparable guy with a normal build man, can see differently. 就如一个壮硕无比的大汉与一个正常体型的男子,一眼就能够看出不同。 The Wang Teng strength was inferior after all bone demon tree, is impossible to make the bone demon tree empty shadow be at present the degree of this bone demon tree. 王腾的力量毕竟不如骨魔树,不可能让骨魔树虚影达到眼前这棵骨魔树的程度。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The next quarter, bone demon root hair of both sides then collided in the midair in one, erupted the sound of fierce thundering, the Source Power complementary waves also spreads to open. 下一刻,双方的骨魔根须便是在半空中碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声,原力余波随之扩散而开。 They pester mutually, strangle to death, the sturdy body is twisting, twines in together, just like the innumerable terrifying pythons in the dogfight. 它们相互纠缠,绞杀,粗壮的身躯扭曲着,缠绕在一起,犹如无数恐怖的巨蟒在缠斗。 Large number of bone demon root hair or the break open, or pulled out broken, lots of rune/symbol writing directly collapses. 大量的骨魔根须或是断裂而开,或是直接被抽碎,大量符文崩溃开来。 Suddenly, both sides have the victory and defeat mutually, no one can do to anyone. 一时间,双方互有胜负,谁也没能奈何谁。 This is inconceivable. 这非常不可思议。 The bone demon empty shadow that Wang Teng condenses, can the attack collision unexpectedly with bone demon tree, incredible. 王腾凝聚出的骨魔虚影,竟然可以与骨魔树的攻击碰撞,令人难以置信。 In fact the bone demon empty shadow that he condenses although is inferior to the bone demon tree root body, the strength and immortal strength that source principle but in the bone demon root hair contains, actually not weakly in the opposite party. 实际上他所凝聚的骨魔虚影虽然不如骨魔树本体,但骨魔根须之中蕴含的本源法则之力与不朽之力,却丝毫不会弱于对方。 Therefore will make the so well-matched aspect. 所以才会造成如此旗鼓相当的局面。 How this point estimate is the bone demon tree cannot think. 这一点估计是骨魔树怎么都想不到的。 I look at your my what!” The Wang Teng vision twinkle, laughs, resembles in the taunt bone demon tree, simultaneously swallows bone demon tree the source of core crazily: Attracts! Continues attracting ruthlessly to me!” “我看你奈我何!”王腾目光闪烁,大笑一声,似在嘲讽骨魔树,同时疯狂吞噬骨魔树的核心之源:“吸!给我继续狠狠的吸!”
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