AAMD :: Volume #23

#2216: The will changes! Special empty shadow! Banners and drums

Chapter 2216 will changes! Special empty shadow! Well-matched!( Sought subscription!) 第2216章意志之变!特殊虚影!旗鼓相当!(求订阅!) Rumble! 轰隆隆! The fierce bellow resounds through in this black fog regions, making this place thoroughly not tranquil. 剧烈的轰鸣声响彻在这片黑雾区域之中,让此地彻底不平静。 If looks from outside, will discover here black fog is tumbling fiercely, just like hot water that boils, as if in has existence of what terrifying, will recover. 如果从外面看去,就会发现这里黑雾正剧烈的翻滚着,犹如煮沸的热水,又仿佛里面有什么恐怖的存在,正要复苏。 That fearful sound, looks like the roar that some terrifying has to exude to be the same. 那可怕的声响,就像是某个恐怖存在发出的吼声一般。 The line of sight from far to near, across the thick black fog of that tumbling, then can see the black fog the central area, is having the innumerable root hair at the crazy being intertwined collision. 视线由远及近,穿过那翻滚的浓浓黑雾,便能看到黑雾的中心区域,正有无数的根须在疯狂的交缠碰撞。 That trim region, had changed to the place of death thoroughly, perhaps any life enters, can be strangled to death instantaneously. 那一整片区域,已经彻底化作了死亡之地,恐怕任何生灵进入其中,都会瞬间被绞杀。 This, compared with when bone demon tree core space, but also is more terrifying time. 这一幕,比在骨魔树核心空间之中时,还要恐怖许多倍。 Roar! 吼! In the meantime, the strange angry roaring sound transmits from the bone demon tree together. 就在此时,一道奇异的怒吼声从骨魔树那边传来。 Roar?” “吼声?” The Wang Teng vision concentrates, in the heart somewhat compels ignorant, a tree can have the roar unexpectedly, what strange species this special is? 王腾目光一凝,心中有些懵逼,一棵树居然能够发生吼声,这特么都是什么奇怪物种? Has this bone demon tree really become a ghost? 难道这棵骨魔树真的已经成精了? It is not right, it truly became a ghost, can grow to so the degree, how can be becomes a ghost. 不对,它确实是成精了,能够成长到如此程度,怎么都能算是成精了。 The Wang Teng vision passes through the bone demon root hair of that matter level immediately, fell above the body of bone demon tree, immediately the pupil shrank. 王腾的目光顿时穿过那层层的骨魔根须,落在了骨魔树的躯壳之上,随即瞳孔一缩。 Sees only above the body of that bone demon tree, does not know when presented a giant and strange face unexpectedly, very probably skeleton, feeling of the withered cavity. 只见那骨魔树的躯壳之上,不知何时竟然出现了一张巨大而诡异的面孔,非常像是骷髅,给人一种干瘪空洞之感。 The eye socket of that face, mouth and other five senses seem especially empty, the inside pitch-dark piece, seems to be hiding what strange and terrifying thing. 那张面孔的眼眶,嘴巴等五官都显得格外空洞,里面黑漆漆一片,似乎藏着什么诡异而恐怖的东西。 The Wang Teng brow wrinkles, the vision closely is staring at that face. 王腾眉头皱起,目光紧紧盯着那张面孔。 Suddenly, above that skeleton face splits slits fiercely, immediately an only strange eyeball reveals, dense and numerous, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform to Wang Teng vision. 突然间,那骸骨面孔之上猛地裂开一道道缝隙,随即一只只诡异的眼球显露而出,密密麻麻,齐齐对上了王腾的目光。 Hiss!” “嘶!” Wang Teng held breath cold air, as if stared by an extremely terrifying will, only feels scalp tingles. 王腾倒吸了一口凉气,仿佛被一个极为恐怖的意志盯上,只觉得头皮发麻。 Extremely evil darkness, even is passing the will instantaneous impact of thick deathly stillness. 一股极度邪恶黑暗,甚至是透着浓浓死寂的意志瞬间冲击而来。 In Wang Teng heart panic-stricken, wants not to think, immediately stimulates to movement the nine valuable buddhist monk towers in chaos star territory. 王腾心中惊骇,想也没想,立刻催动混沌星域之中的九宝浮屠塔。 Almost at the same time, that evil dark, passes the thick deathly stillness will then to arrive, batters breaks in the middle of the Wang Teng chaos star territory generally. 几乎同一时间,那股邪恶黑暗,透着浓浓死寂的意志便已是降临,横冲直撞一般冲入王腾的混沌星域当中。 Bang! 轰! Nine pagoda instantaneous suppression, send out the endless golden ray, has feeling of the sacred dignity unexpectedly. 一座九层宝塔瞬间镇压而出,散发出无尽的金色光芒,竟是有着一种神圣威严之感。 However this time, nine valuable buddhist monk towers were shaken unexpectedly draw back, the endless golden ray that sends out also by the dark deathly stillness will corrosion that impact comes. 不过这一次,九宝浮屠塔竟然被震退,散发出的无尽金色光芒亦是被那冲击而来的黑暗死寂意志侵蚀。 The purple black ray appeared in his chaos star territory, as if must soak the dyeing and finishing place chaos star territory. 紫黑色的光芒出现在了他的混沌星域之内,仿佛要浸染整座混沌星域。 This is terrifying! 这非常恐怖! If the Altair and Vega territory were corroded, then Territory Lord Level Martial Artist the soul body, is the body, will fall into the darkness, beyond redemption. 如果连星域都被侵蚀,那么一个域主级武者不论是灵魂体,还是身躯,都将会落入黑暗之中,万劫不复。 But the will of this moment that bone demon tree, let alone was Territory Lord Level Martial Artist, was World Lord Level Martial Artist feared that could not withstand. 而此刻那骨魔树的意志,别说是域主级武者了,就是界主级武者怕是都承受不住。 Clang! Clang! Clang...... 铛!铛!铛…… Sound of the intermittent metal collision resounds in the Wang Teng chaos star territory unceasingly, that is the bone demon tree will impact in the sound that above nine valuable buddhist monk towers spreads. 一阵阵金属碰撞之音不断在王腾的混沌星域之内响起,那是骨魔树意志冲击在九宝浮屠塔之上所传出的声音。 In Wang Teng heart dignified, it seems like only nine valuable buddhist monk towers are unable to contend with the will of that bone demon tree. 王腾心中凝重,看来单凭九宝浮屠塔是无法抗衡那骨魔树的意志了。 This situation first emergence. 这种情况还是第一次出现。 Before although he also bumped into the situation that several times have not been able to contend with, but that mostly in the outside world, not in own chaos star territory. 以前他虽然也碰到过几次无法抗衡的情况,但那大多是在外界,并非是在自己的混沌星域之内。 After all the bystander wants to invade in others' star territory the strength of will, is not easy. 毕竟外人想要将意志之力侵入别人的星域之中,并没有那么容易。 Especially in the opposite party has in the situation of protection. 特别是在对方有防备的情况下。 Even if very powerful existence, wants to achieve this point, still many condition fetters. 即便是非常强大的存在,想要做到这一点,也有诸多条件束缚。 But a will that the only look sends out, can make the Wang Teng nine valuable buddhist monk towers be hard to resist, even makes his chaos star territory be corroded, the situation of truly extremely little having. 而单凭眼神散发出的一丝意志,就能让王腾的九宝浮屠塔难以抵抗,甚至让他的混沌星域被侵蚀,确实是极少出现的情况。 Must know the Wang Teng psychic force, although was unable to exist to contend with the Demon Venerable level, but is the common Demon Venerable level exists to shake his psychic force is very difficult to succeed in this manner. 要知道王腾的精神力虽然还无法与魔尊级存在抗衡,但就是寻常魔尊级存在想要以这种方式撼动他的精神力也都很难成功。 Only if the head confrontation. 除非是正面交锋。 But can achieve this point truly, perhaps only then above high-rank Demon Venerable level existence. 而真正能够做到这一点的,恐怕只有上位魔尊级以上的存在了。 Has to acknowledge, the Wang Teng psychic force is quite truly powerful, one of important reasons this is also he can with far exceed the powerhouse who strength encounters. 不得不承认,王腾的精神力确实极为强大,这也是他能够与远超自身实力的强者交锋的重要原因之一。 Otherwise even the will of opposite party cannot shoulder, how can with its fight, do not even think about it. 否则连对方的意志都扛不住,如何能够与其战斗,想都不要想。 These with Wang Teng boundary suitable Martial Artist, reason that facing more powerful existence, lost the combat capability instantaneously, then because of so. 那些与王腾境界相当的武者,之所以面对更加强大的存在,瞬间就失去了战斗能力,便是因为如此。 However turns over to dignifiedly dignifiedly, Wang Teng actually did not instigate. 不过凝重归凝重,王腾却丝毫不怂。 He does not fear the darkness class the will, wants to corrode him by this, is impossible to succeed. 他本身就不惧黑暗类的意志,想要以此来侵蚀他,根本就不可能成功。 Because of essentially, his will has dark side, how can also invade? 因为从本质上来说,他的意志本身就存在黑暗的一面,又如何能够侵染? Now only he must be worried is, the opposite party must to the most tyrannical way destroy his will most directly. 现在他唯一要担心的就是,对方要以最直接最强横的方式摧毁他的意志。 Regarding this he can only evade the point temporarily, not possible to resist with it hardly. 对此他只能暂避锋芒,不可能与其硬抗。 Disparity of both sides is very huge, this point Wang Teng was a little self-knowledge. 双方的差距十分巨大,这一点王腾还是有点自知之明的。 „The strength of will, opens!” “意志之力,开!” At this moment, the Wang Teng double pupil blooms immediately the dazzling ray, unexpectedly seems especially dazzling. 此时此刻,王腾双眸顿时绽放出刺目的光芒,竟显得格外耀眼。 This ray is very complex, not only has the dazzling golden color, and has the bright dignified purple, has one type blazingly strong scarlet...... even also has the evil and profound black...... 这光芒十分复杂,既有着璀璨夺目的金色,又有着煌煌威严的紫色,更有着一种炽热浓烈的赤红……甚至还有邪恶而深邃的黑色…… All sorts of colors gather in his pair of small eye pupil at this moment all, the brilliance interweaves, dreamlike. 一种种的颜色此刻尽数汇聚于他那一双小小的眼眸之中,光辉交织,如梦似幻。 Shortly, making his double pupil just like embellishing the star light bright with many colors, as if vast and profound starry skies. 顷刻间,令他的双眸宛如点缀着五光十色的星光,就仿佛一片浩瀚而深邃的星空。 A complex will beyond description from blooms. 一股难以形容的复杂意志从其中绽放而出。 Fifth-order ancient god will! 五阶古神意志! Fifth-order ancient times will! 五阶远古意志! The fifth-order unyielding thunder fights intent! 五阶不屈雷霆战意! Fourth-order bright will! 四阶光明意志! Fourth-order candle dragon will! 四阶烛龙意志! Fourth-order Gold Dragon will! 四阶金龙意志! Fifth-order slaughters the will! 五阶杀戮意志! ...... …… Fifth-order supreme dark will! 五阶至尊黑暗意志! Fourth-order dying deep will! 四阶死冥意志! The meaning of fifth-order ancient times blood ghost! 五阶远古血煞之意! ...... …… In an instant, all wills that Wang Teng grasps almost open at the same time, erupts in his chaos star territory loudly, goes toward that purple black bone demon tree will suppression. 刹那间,王腾掌握的所有意志几乎同一时间开启,在他的混沌星域之内轰然爆发,朝着那紫黑色的骨魔树意志镇压而去。 Here does not have others in any case, then opened all wills simply. 反正这里也没有其他人,索性便将所有的意志都开启了。 And not only has various dark wills, has bright one side the strength of numerous will. 其中不但有着各种黑暗意志,更有着光明一侧的众多意志之力。 Wang Teng also opens own all wills for the first time. 王腾还是第一次将自身的所有意志同时开启。 In that flash, the strange situation appeared. 就在那一瞬间,奇异的情况出现了。 In his chaos star territory, unexpectedly independent condensed a huge empty shadow. 他的混沌星域之内,竟是自主的凝聚出了一尊庞大的虚影。 This form whole body is twining strength of the indescribable complex will together, various rune/symbol writing, interweave obviously mutually, filling was mysterious and mysterious. 这一道身影浑身缠绕着无法形容的复杂意志之力,各种符文显化,相互交织,充满了玄奥与神秘。 His facial features are very fuzzy, resemble are covered by that colorful brilliance, only the pair of sacred and faint eye pupil shows from the mist, such as the gods overlook world. 他的面容十分模糊,似被那五彩斑斓的光辉笼罩,唯有一双神圣而淡漠的眼眸从雾气背后透出,如神明俯瞰世间。 This form, such as a god is only together common! 这一道身影,就如一尊神祇一般! But this chaos star territory, is Its god country!! 而这混沌星域,即是祂的神国!! Bang! 轰隆! The indescribable vast pressure arrived in Wang Teng the chaos star territory, that all sorts of wills also appeared, as if had some strange and wonderful change, unknown. 无法形容的浩瀚威压降临在了王腾的这座混沌星域之内,那一种种意志同时出现,似乎发生了某种奇异而神妙的变化,不为人知。 The purple black will of that bone demon tree stagnates instantaneously, as if met the natural enemy to be the same, did not dare the little advance slightly. 那骨魔树的紫黑色意志瞬间一滞,仿佛遇到了天敌一般,再也不敢寸进丝毫。 Distant place, the surface of bone demon tree, that giant and strange face also in this moment stiff, the eye above face stares completely in a big way, is staring at Wang Teng stubbornly. 远处,骨魔树的表面,那张巨大而诡异的面孔亦是在这一刻僵硬了下来,面孔之上的眼睛全部瞪大,死死盯着王腾 Go away!” “滚!” In the meantime, sonic boom drinks resounds in the Wang Teng chaos star territory suddenly, spreads rolling. 就在此时,一声爆喝突然在王腾的混沌星域之内响起,滚滚传开。 Reverberates the entire chaos star territory at the same time, breaks that purple black will loudly, then passed on unexpectedly, sweeps across to open in the outside world. 回荡整座混沌星域的同时,更是将那紫黑色意志轰然震碎,而后竟是传了出去,在外界席卷而开。 This vast exploding drank the sound even to form visible sound wave, assumed the ring-like proliferation, attacked to go toward the bone demon tree loudly. 这浩大的爆喝声甚至形成了一道肉眼可见的音波,呈环形扩散,朝着骨魔树轰然冲击而去。 The strong winds wreak havoc, bone demon root hair simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform who these are swaying from side to side crazily stagnates suddenly, like receiving frightening. 狂风肆虐,那些正疯狂扭动的骨魔根须突然齐齐一滞,如同受到了惊吓。 !!...... 啪!啪!啪…… Wang Teng displays, but the bone demon root hair sweeps across immediately on, large number of bone demon root hair will wrench apart to pull out instantaneously broken. 王腾所施展而出的骨魔根须立刻席卷而上,瞬间将大量的骨魔根须扭断抽碎。 At this moment, the situation had the one-sided situation impressively. 这一刻,形势赫然出现了一边倒的情况。 Wang Teng stared in a big way the eye, was somewhat unbelievable. 王腾瞪大了眼睛,有些难以置信。 In what? 发生了什么? Why in his chaos star territory will suddenly present a fearful and special will empty shadow? 为什么他的混沌星域之中会突然出现一尊如此可怕而特殊的意志虚影? Does this will empty shadow have what seed/type to relate with his will? 这意志虚影与他的意志又有何种联系? Issues emerge in his mind fiercely, the time makes him unable to feel the mind completely, this situation surpassed him to be unexpected seriously completely. 一个个问题猛地出现在他的脑海之中,顿时间让他完全摸不着头脑,这情况当真完全超出了他的预料之外。 How are some few words mentioning? 有一句话怎么说来着? The accident/surprise always comes very sudden. 意外总是来的十分突然。 The present situation has not thought of Wang Teng, let alone is the bone demon tree, strength of the wisp of will therefore it just released, was routed instantaneously, radically unable to resist. 眼下的情况连王腾自己都没有想到,何况是骨魔树,所以它刚刚释放出的一缕意志之力,瞬间就被击溃,根本无法抵抗。 This did not mean that the will of bone demon tree is inferior to Wang Teng, but that wisp of will cannot represent all wills of bone demon tree eventually. 这并不是说骨魔树的意志就不如王腾,只是那一缕意志终究不能代表骨魔树的所有意志。 If uses the full power head confrontation, Wang Teng definitely is not the opponent of bone demon tree, without a doubt! 如果是倾尽全力的正面交锋,王腾肯定不是骨魔树的对手,毋庸置疑! However the bone demon tree responded quickly, the will that although Wang Teng just erupted makes it feel very shocking, but also lets its anger. 不过骨魔树很快就反应了过来,尽管王腾刚刚爆发出的意志让它感到十分震惊,但却也让它更加的愤怒。 Roar! 吼! The deafening angry roaring sound spreads from the big mouth of that face together immediately, just like roaring of giant beast, reverberates in this stretch of the world. 一道震耳欲聋的怒吼声顿时从那张面孔的大口之中传出,犹如巨兽的咆哮,回荡这片天地之间。 The sound formed the visible sound wave directly, attacks to open toward all around, in the ground the innumerable skeletons were broken, just like the white bones ocean waves to rewind generally. 声音径直形成了有形的音波,朝着四周冲击而开,地面上无数的骸骨被冲开,犹如白骨海浪一般倒卷。 This bone demon tree is fighting with Wang Teng relative, must by the sound wave resistance sound wave, express that does not instigate Wang Teng this ants. 这骨魔树似在与王腾争锋相对,要以音波对抗音波,表示丝毫不怂王腾这只蝼蚁。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Sound wave of both sides collides immediately in together, explodes in the midway, erupts the sound of intermittent thundering. 双方的音波顿时碰撞在一起,在中途爆炸,爆发出阵阵轰鸣之声。 The explosion of sound wave is also very terrifying, the might is astonishing, all around the skeleton that rewinds toward the rear area, immediately was struck crushes. 音波的爆炸同样十分恐怖,威力惊人,四周正朝后方倒卷的骸骨,顿时被击得粉碎。 The Wang Teng vision concentrates, immediately seals up with the psychic force both ears, immediately is controlling the bone demon tree empty shadow, the trend of before letting these bone demon root hair stop instantaneously, attacks. 王腾目光一凝,立刻用精神力封住了双耳,随即控制着骨魔树虚影,让那些骨魔根须瞬间停住前攻的趋势。 Originally he also plans to follow up a victory with hot pursuit, by the main body of bone demon root hair bombardment bone demon tree. 本来他还打算乘胜追击,以骨魔根须轰击骨魔树的本体。 But the bone demon tree erupts the sound of so fearful angry roaring suddenly, obviously is smuggling the spiritual attack, he naturally cannot turn a blind eye. 但骨魔树突然爆发出如此可怕的怒吼之声,其中显然夹带着精神攻击,他自然不能视若无睹。 His strength and bone demon tree root are unable to compare, particularly in the quantity, is really big with the bone demon tree disparity. 他的力量与骨魔树本就无法相比,尤其是在量上,和骨魔树差距甚大。 Even after so many eruptions, he is unable to look that as before the energy of penetrating to the bone demon tree was what degree. 即便是经过这么多次的爆发,他依旧无法看透骨魔树的能量到底达到了何种程度。 In the middle of his Pupil of True Sight, the present bone demon tree was still such terrifying, the energy of its within the body was so also boundless and vast throughout, as if absolutely did not have the consumption to be the same. 在他的真视之瞳当中,眼前的骨魔树仍然是那么的恐怖,其体内的能量也始终是那么的磅礴而浩瀚,似乎根本就没有消耗一般。 Even if Wang Teng can pass Swallows day to bite Magical powers and bone spirit clan ancestor absorption bone demon tree the source of core, even through picking the attribute supplemented the loss of own energy, feared that is also less than 1/10000 of that bone demon tree energy. 哪怕王腾可以通过【吞天噬地】神通和骨灵族祖物吸收骨魔树的核心之源,甚至是通过捡属性补充自身能量的损耗,怕是也不及那骨魔树能量的万分之一。 His only advantage, is the durability. 他唯一的优势,就是持久性。 Other Martial Artist enlargement incurs, it is estimated that also can only put 1-2 times. 别的武者放大招,估计也就只能放个1-2。 However he was different, so long as can the supplementary energy lose unceasingly, putting big moves is not the issue several times. 但是他就不同了,只要能够不断补充能量损耗,放几次大招都不是问题。 However should save is economical, cannot, because can supplement the energy of unceasingly losing, unscrupulous spending freely, does not take into consideration to lose many. 不过该节省的时候还是要节省的,不能因为自己能够不断补充损耗的能量,就肆无忌惮的挥霍,丝毫不顾及损耗多少。 That does not bother about trifles, but is the stupidity of capital letter. 那不是不拘小节,而是大写的愚蠢。 Therefore facing the offensive of bone demon tree, the point that can avoid must avoid, does not meet the tough head-on with toughness with the opposite party absolutely. 所以面对骨魔树的攻势,能避开的锋芒就得避开,绝对不与对方硬碰硬。 When this is Wang Teng facing more powerful existence, operational criterion that sets. 这是王腾面对比自身更强大的存在时,所定下的作战准则。 Did not instigate, this is strategic withdraws! 不是怂,这是战略性后撤! As the bone demon root hair withdraws, the sound wave that bone demon tree sends out also attacks unceasingly. 随着骨魔根须后撤,那骨魔树发出的音波也不断侵袭而来。 Exploding that Wang Teng beforehand erupts drinks the sound unable with the angry roaring sound of bone demon tree to contend eventually, under the sound wave bombardment of opposite party, retreats in defeat again and again. 王腾之前爆发出的爆喝声终究无法与骨魔树的怒吼声抗衡,在对方的音波轰击之下,节节败退。 His vision concentrates, in the heart vibrates, the method that this bone demon tree uses was getting stronger and stronger, if is really a bone that is difficult to gnaw. 他目光微凝,心中震动,这骨魔树施展的手段越来越强了,果真是一块难啃的骨头啊。 Facing so the situation, he also feels very thornily, in the mind the train of thought rotates fast, the thought sweeps above the property panel, seeks for the law of solution. 面对如此情形,他也感觉十分棘手,脑海中思绪快速转动,意念在属性面板之上一扫而过,寻找解决之法。 Finally, his vision framed above a column attribute. 最终,他的目光定格在了一栏属性之上。 Fighting technique...... the flood dragon god roars!!! 战技……蛟神吼!!! This is gate god level Fighting technique, was Wang Teng initially when the starry sky school, obtained the attribute that from a void turbulent flow belt/bring god level flood dragon. 这是一门神级战技,乃是王腾当初在星空学院之时,从一头虚空乱流带当中的神级蛟龙身上得到的属性。 God level Fighting technique of flood dragon, is naturally powerful. 一头蛟龙的神级战技,自然非常强大。 Although the flood dragon could not have been real dragon that degree, but also is the dragon is, the bloodlines are powerful, in addition itself reached the god level, naturally is very terrifying. 蛟龙虽然还达不到真龙那种程度,但到底也算是龙属,血脉强大,加上本身达到了神级,自然更是十分恐怖的。 Initially that god level flood dragon, then relies on this Flood dragon god roars Blocked the True God level powerhouse of starry sky school. 当初那头神级蛟龙,便是凭借这【蛟神吼】挡住了星空学院的真神级强者。 This point, then fully showed this Fighting technique was powerful. 这一点,便足以说明这门战技的强大了。 Since Wang Teng obtains this Fighting technique to the present, then did not have the opportunity to use, now can apply actually. 而自从王腾得到这门战技到现在,便一直没有机会使用,如今倒是可以派上用场了。 Because this, although is the attack in sound, but actually not energetic sound wave, but is the Source Power sound wave. 因为这虽然是声音方面的攻击,但却并非精神音波,而是原力音波。 By the energetic aspect, Wang Teng definitely was the can be victorious bone demon sets up only now, but if Source Power and spirit employed two methods to achieve one goal, might as well be able to keep off the attack of opposite party. 单靠精神方面,王腾现在肯定是打不过骨魔树了,但若是原力和精神双管齐下,未尝不能挡一挡对方的攻击。 Was only this skilled rather lowered.” Wang Teng knitting the brows head, is somewhat helpless. “只是这熟练度未免太低了些。”王腾皱了皱眉头,有些无奈。 Flood dragon god roars The attribute only had collected initially one time, in addition continuously useless, therefore remains at the basic stage throughout. 【蛟神吼】的属性当初只拾取过一次,加上又一直没用,所以始终停留在入门阶段。 But now facing the bone demon tree, the basic rank naturally was some insufficiently looks. 但如今面对骨魔树,入门级别自然是有些不够看了。 Is good because of erupts with the bone demon tree, Wang Teng collected many attribute air bubbles, then included the blank attribute. 好在随着骨魔树爆发,王腾拾取到了不少属性气泡,其中便包括了空白属性。 From to the present, he had not forgotten to collect the attribute air bubble of bone demon tree a moment ago, the opposite party, once falls the attribute air bubble, he collects immediately. 从刚才到现在,他始终没有忘记拾取骨魔树的属性气泡,对方一旦掉落出属性气泡,他立刻就拾取了回来。 Therefore, now his blank attribute is quite actually considerable. 因此,现在他的空白属性倒是颇为可观。 Blank attribute: 525000 ; 【空白属性】:525000; 500,000 points blank attributes, even Wang Teng feel somewhat surprisedly, but does not have the time to think at this time, he meditates one in the heart immediately: in addition.” 五十万点的空白属性,连王腾自己都感觉有些惊讶,不过此时没有时间多想,他立刻在心中默念了一声:“加点。” The blank attribute explodes instantaneously reduces, but Flood dragon god roars The attribute promoted rapidly. 空白属性瞬间爆减,而【蛟神吼】的属性则是快速提升了起来。 Basic, skilled...... is skilled in! 入门,熟练……精通! Wang Teng this not parsimonious blank attribute, Flood dragon god roars From crossing the threshold advanced was skilled in the rank. 王腾这一次丝毫不吝啬空白属性,将【蛟神吼】从入门一路推到了精通级别。 But the blank attribute consumed 388000 points. 而空白属性足足消耗了388000点之多。 Blank attribute: 137000 ; 【空白属性】:137000; The blank attribute only has hundreds of thousands points finally, the Wang Teng without enough time anxiety, looked again to Flood dragon god roars Attribute. 空白属性最终只剩下十几万点,王腾来不及肉疼,再次看向了【蛟神吼】属性。 Flood dragon god roars: 1 / 50000( is skilled in) ; 【蛟神吼】:1/50000(精通); Flood dragon god roars The grasping degree achieves to be skilled in the rank, but skilled and is skilled is the qualitative difference, breaks through this threshold, is completely the different boundaries. 【蛟神吼】的掌握程度堪堪达到精通级别,但熟练和精通是质的区别,有没有突破这个门槛,完全是不一样的境界。 But to Wang Teng at this moment, being skilled was reluctantly sufficient, moreover he does not have the unnecessary blank attribute to continue to promote, can only so. 而对此刻的王腾来说,精通勉强够用了,而且他也没有多余的空白属性来继续提升,只能如此。 He has not hesitated, immediately displays Flood dragon god roars. 他没有迟疑,当即施展【蛟神吼】。 But in his within the body, 11 Source Power instantaneous gathering fusions, changed to chaos Star Source Power. 而在他的体内,十一种原力瞬间汇聚融合,化作了混沌星辰原力 Bang! 轰! Under chaos Star Source Power erupts, in his condenses together the empty shadow unexpectedly behind again, impressively is a huge incomparable flood dragon, lifelike, each Qilin armor above its body clear incomparable, the mystical are unusual. 混沌星辰原力爆发之下,竟是于他的身后再次凝聚出一道虚影,赫然正是一头庞大无比的蛟龙,栩栩如生,其身躯之上的每一片麟甲都清晰无比,神异非常。 The flood dragon empty shadow winding above the bone demon tree empty shadow, opened the huge mouth to the front bone demon tree immediately. 蛟龙虚影缠绕在了骨魔树虚影之上,随即冲着前方的骨魔树张开了巨口。 Roar! 吼! The deafening angry roaring sound spreads together suddenly. 一道震耳欲聋的怒吼声骤然传出。 The sound is billowing, enormous and powerful goes toward the front steamroll, instantaneously with the sound wave collision that bone demon tree roar formed in one. 声音滚滚,浩浩荡荡的朝着前方碾压而去,瞬间与那骨魔树吼声形成的音波碰撞在了一起。 Meanwhile, Wang Teng also opened the mouth, spreads a character from the mouth: 与此同时,王腾亦是张开了嘴巴,从口中传出一个字来: Broken!” “碎!” Is a character, actually cannot be underestimated slightly, can unexpectedly in Flood dragon god roars In clear spreading with the roar of bone demon tree, reverberates on this day between. 仅仅是一个字,却丝毫不容小觑,竟是能够在【蛟神吼】与骨魔树的吼声中清晰的传出,回荡在这天地之间。 God sound wave! 神音波! Bites the soul sound! 噬魂音! Originally in the middle of this character, contains two spirit class sound wave Fighting technique that Wang Teng is grasping unexpectedly, is not the common sound. 原来这一个字当中,居然蕴含着王腾所掌握的两门精神类音波战技,根本就不是寻常的声音。 As this character puts out, the double stress wave forms instantaneously, with Flood dragon god roars The sound wave convergence that the roar forms in one, changed to three stress waves impressively, above sound wave that all the impact in the bone demon tree roar forms. 随着这一个字吐出,双重音浪瞬间形成,与【蛟神吼】吼声形成的音波汇合在一处,赫然化作了三重音浪,尽数冲击在骨魔树吼声形成的音波之上。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… A fiercer bellow spreads, sound wave of both sides blasts out loudly, the annihilation in the halfway, is not both able to go forward again slightly. 更为剧烈的轰鸣声传出,双方的音波轰然炸开,双双湮灭在了半途,都无法再前进丝毫。 This collision, unexpectedly is well-matched!! 这一次的碰撞,竟然是旗鼓相当!!
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