AAMD :: Volume #23

#2214: The plan passes! Must start to steal the family/home! Core

Chapter 2214 plans to pass! Must start to steal the family/home! Core space blasting open!( Sought subscription) 第2214章计划通!要开始偷家啦!核心空间炸裂!(求订阅) Bang! 轰! The instance that the purple sword light cuts, then the white bones great claw that dropped with the top of the head sky over collides in one, the bellow resounded through immediately. 紫色剑光斩出的瞬间,便与头顶上空落下的白骨巨爪碰撞在了一起,轰鸣声顿时响彻而起。 The terrifying Source Power complementary waves also spread to open, the space bang that will disrupt broke to pieces the big piece again, making sky over top of the head large cave/hole expand much. 恐怖的原力余波随之扩散而开,将本就碎裂的空间再度轰碎了大片,让头顶上空的大洞又扩大了不少。 Clang! Clang! Clang! 锵!锵!锵! The purple sword light and white bones great claw collide, just like the genuine material object to be the same, erupts gold/metal Tiejiao strikes the sound unceasingly, has sparks/Mars to scatter to open. 紫色剑光与白骨巨爪碰撞,犹如真正的实物一般,不断爆发出金铁交击般的声响,更有火星四溅而开。 Above the purple sword light, is above that white bones great claw, has lots of rune/symbol writing to emerge, as collision, but glitters rapidly, later collapse disruption. 不论是紫色剑光之上,还是那白骨巨爪之上,都有着大量的符文涌现而出,随着碰撞而急速闪烁,随后崩溃碎裂。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species look up instantaneously, the look is staring at the above collision stubbornly, for fear that brings disaster to the mackerel shad. 三头骨灵族黑暗种瞬间抬头望去,眼神死死盯着上方的碰撞,生怕殃及池鱼。 Offensive of both sides is quite terrifying, has far exceeded the category that they can withstand, if affects, they do not die also want the severe wound. 双方的攻势都极为恐怖,已经远远超出了它们能够承受的范畴,万一波及过来,它们不死也要重伤。 This makes three skull spirit clan Dark Species very depressed and aggrieved. 这让三头骨灵族黑暗种十分郁闷和憋屈。 Exists as the high-rank demon sovereign level, originally the strength is not weak, finally to here, actually insufficiently looked radically, can only make the turtle, seriously is sad. 身为上位魔皇级存在,本来实力并不弱,结果到了这里,却根本不够看,只能做缩头乌龟,当真是悲催至极。 At this moment, they realized that truly the chance of bone demon tree is not really good to take. 此时此刻,它们才真正意识到骨魔树的机缘着实是没有那么好拿。 However what they do not know, without the arrival of Wang Teng, the difficulty so will not be high. 不过它们并不知道的是,如果没有王腾的到来,难度并不会这么高。 Naturally, without Wang Teng, they estimated that is unable to enter in the space that the bone demon tree core is, most likely (80%) left this place long time ago, returns empty-handed. 当然,若是没有王腾,它们估计也无法进入骨魔树核心所在的空间之中,八成早早就离开了此地,空手而归。 The fortune and misfortune relies on one another, none who does not so! 祸福相依,莫不如此! At this time Wang Teng is also gazing at sky over the top of the head collision, he does not have to despise the attack of this bone demon tree slightly. 此时王腾也注视着头顶上空的碰撞,他没有丝毫小看这骨魔树的攻击。 Although does not know that the bone demon tree recovered what degree, the fluctuation that but sent out from that white bones great claw was not difficult to see, this struck, not only contained the three strength of source principles, has aura faint sending out of immortal strength. 虽然不知道骨魔树到底复苏到了何种程度,但从那白骨巨爪之上散发出的波动不难看出,这一击不但蕴含了三种本源法则之力,更是有着不朽之力的气息隐隐散发而出。 Therefore in the instance of beginning, he also used nine step dying deep sources and immortal materials directly. 所以在动手的瞬间,他也是径直动用了九阶死冥本源和不朽物质。 Now Deep god body The transformation is completed, no longer needs to consume the immortal material, his immortal material reluctantly was actually sufficient. 如今【冥神体】蜕变完成,不再需要消耗不朽物质,他的不朽物质倒是勉强够用了。 When the time comes collects a wave of immortal material attribute from bone demon tree there again, not on proper, does not need to be worried that the immortal material is insufficient. 到时候再从骨魔树那里拾取一波不朽物质属性,不就妥了,根本不用担心不朽物质不够用了。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow the center that collides from both sides spreads unceasingly, the strength of source principle, immortal strength simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform erupts, corrodes in the midair mutually, obliterates mutually. 轰鸣声不断从双方碰撞的中心处传出,本源法则之力,不朽之力齐齐爆发而出,在半空中相互侵蚀,相互磨灭。 Suddenly, during both sides fell into unexpectedly refused to budge. 一时间,双方竟然陷入了僵持之中。 Wang Teng sees this, the corners of the mouth exuded a curve. 王腾见此,嘴角不由泛起了一丝弧度。 This bone demon tree has not paid attention to him obviously, otherwise is insufficient to erupt so the attack of degree merely. 这骨魔树显然还是没怎么将他放在眼里,否则不至于仅仅只是爆发出如此程度的攻击。 Whom looks down upon. 看不起谁呢。 If makes that three skull spirit clan Dark Species know that the idea of Wang Teng, it is estimated that will complain ruthlessly. 如果让那三头骨灵族黑暗种知道王腾的想法,估计会狠狠吐槽一番。 Such attack is insufficient, is this has to do? 这样的攻击还不够,这是有多想作死啊? However is like this just right. 不过这样正好。 Wang Teng naturally does not hope that the bone demon tree gives him to come a super big move all of a sudden, such he really must run, even the space of least bit operation does not have. 王腾自然也不希望骨魔树一下子就给他来个超级大招,那样他就真的要跑路了,连半点操作的空间都没有。 The present situation was just good. 如今的情况刚刚好。 But all these actually also as he expected. 而这一切其实也都在他的预料之中。 Because of beginning to end, him has not shown the strong strength, even if just completed Deep god body Transformation, does not have completely six steps Deep god body The aura erupts completely. 因为从始至终,他都没有展现出多强的实力,即便是刚刚完成【冥神体】的蜕变,也没有完全将六阶【冥神体】的气息全部爆发出来。 When transformation, he is not truly able to suppress the deep god empty shadow appearance, may be able to restrain a point own aura. 蜕变之时,他确实无法抑制冥神虚影的出现,可好歹能够将自身的气息收敛一点。 Then had the afterward deep god empty shadow to rise suddenly. 这才有了后来的冥神虚影暴涨。 Otherwise from the beginning, he is completing six steps Deep god body When transformation, the deep god empty shadow will rise suddenly to ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude directly. 不然从一开始,他在完成六阶【冥神体】蜕变时,冥神虚影就会直接暴涨到万丈高度。 If such, it is estimated that the bone demon tree will also erupt the extremely powerful attack directly, will not give the opportunity that he responded. 如果是那样,估计骨魔树也会直接爆发出极为强大的攻击,根本不会给他反应的机会。 Wang Teng this was created an opportunity of cushion to oneself, otherwise he must complete at the same time Deep god body The transformation, must deal with the attack of bone demon tree at the same time, but also really will unable to attend. 王腾这是给自己创造了一个缓冲的机会,否则他一边要完成【冥神体】的蜕变,一边要应付骨魔树的攻击,还真的会顾不过来。 Said actually not mind cannot attend, he has wholeheartedly the multipurpose abilities, deals with the two sides to be a cinch completely. 倒不是说心神方面顾不过来,他有一心多用的能力,应付两边完全不在话下。 But the immortal strength is insufficient. 但不朽之力不够用啊。 This is the most essential point. 这才是最关键的一点。 If here has the immortal material attribute air bubble that cannot use up, he naturally can erupt casually, does not need to be worried about anything, but in the world not such good matter. 如果这里存在用不完的不朽物质属性气泡,他自然可以随便爆发,不用担心什么,可世界上并没有这么好的事情。 Therefore Wang Teng can only attempt it slowly, does not dare the step cross too greatly, in order to avoid pulls the fruit. 所以王腾只能徐徐图之,不敢把步子跨得太大,以免扯到蛋蛋。 Fortunately all defer to his estimate to develop, present situation also in his control range. 所幸一切都按照他的预想在发展,如今的情况还在他的掌控范围之内。 Really plan passes jpg 【真・计划通】jpg „Then is......” “接下来便是……” The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart the thought moves, immediately actuates the mind resembles of deep god. 王腾目光一闪,心中念头一动,立刻驱动脑海中的冥神之像。 Bang! 轰! Sky over the top of the head deep god empty shadow moved again, grips to fight both hands of sword except for that other ten arms lift together, condenses together the strange seal secret art respectively. 其头顶上空的冥神虚影再次动了起来,除了那握住战剑的双手,其余的十只手臂齐齐抬起,各自凝聚出一道诡异的印诀。 So huge body, even if only then the arm moves, the sound that creates is still very giant. 如此庞大的身躯,即便是只有手臂动弹,所造成的动静也是十分巨大的。 Let alone this deep god empty shadow also has 12 arms. 何况这冥神虚影还有十二只手臂。 Therefore in instance that ten arms move, all around air current also moves, exudes the sound of huge howling. 因此在那十只手臂动弹的瞬间,四周的气流都是随之而动,发出巨大的呼啸之声。 But this is only a start. 而这只是一个开始。 As deep god empty shadow that ten big hands pinch the strange and strange seal secret art, aura of dark deathly stillness erupts from its within the body, later unexpectedly is Before its the body the crazy gathering, and revolved. 随着冥神虚影那十只大手掐出古怪而诡异的印诀,一股黑暗死寂的气息从其体内爆发,随后竟是于其身前疯狂汇聚,并旋转了起来。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Soon, a huge purple black vortex appeared, during revolving a tyrannical suction from erupts, sweeps across this entire space instantaneously. 不多时,一个庞大的紫黑色旋涡出现了,旋转之间一股强横的吸力从其中爆发而出,瞬间席卷这一整座空间。 Swallows the day to bite, opening! 吞天噬地,开启! This is the nihility swallows the beast impressively Swallows day to bite Magical powers, but is not the method of deep god clan. 这赫然正是虚无吞兽的【吞天噬地】神通,而并不是什么冥神族的手段。 Just made that big move, actuates the deep god empty shadow, is pinches finger joints with the thumb, but to cover their ears and eyes. 刚刚之所以弄出那么大的动静,又是驱动冥神虚影,又是掐诀的,不过是为了掩人耳目罢了。 He does not think oneself Swallows day to bite The magical powers were recognized, happen to at this moment opened Deep god body, Uses the deep god empty shadow to hide simply Swallows day to bite The aura of magical powers. 他并不想自己的【吞天噬地】神通被人认出来,正好此刻开启了【冥神体】,干脆就用冥神虚影来隐藏【吞天噬地】神通的气息。 By Deep god body Dark deathly stillness aura that erupts, covers Swallows day to bite The aura of magical powers, had more than enough to spare actually. 以【冥神体】爆发出的黑暗死寂气息,来掩盖【吞天噬地】神通的气息,倒是绰绰有余了。 After all two ranks of methods will not differ too. 毕竟两种手段的等级并不会相差太多。 Deep god body Is flamboyant, Swallows day to bite The magical powers are not bad. 【冥神体】是牛逼,【吞天噬地】神通也不差啊。 The huge purple black vortex super revolving, aimed at the bone demon tree core directly. 巨大的紫黑色旋涡高速旋转,径直对准了骨魔树核心。 Must start to steal the family/home! 要开始偷家啦! The strength of terrifying attracting pulling erupts from the purple black vortex, the bone demon tree core vibrated immediately, above innumerable rune/symbol writing flashes crazily, seems resisting this to attract the strength of pulling. 恐怖的吸扯之力从紫黑色旋涡之中爆发而出,骨魔树核心顿时震动了起来,上面无数的符文疯狂闪动,似乎正在抵御着这股吸扯之力。 But as if affects is not big. 但似乎作用并不大。 However is among the moments, in that bone demon tree core then the extremely unusual strengths infiltrated, looks like the sap that the big tree squeezes out to be the same. 不过是片刻之间,那骨魔树核心之中便有一股极为奇特的力量渗了出来,就像是大树挤出的树汁一般。 That is the water drop that grains of purple black thick liquid form, disclosed obviously thick dark deathly stillness aura, is indistinct to fill a strange vitality, is very contradictory. 那是一粒粒紫黑色的粘稠液体形成的水珠,明明透露出浓浓的黑暗死寂气息,却偏偏又隐隐约约中弥漫出一丝奇异的生机,十分矛盾。 But is this vitality, making that grains of purple black thick liquid different, as if obtained the sublimation. 但就是这一丝生机,让那一粒粒紫黑色的粘稠液体变得不一样起来,仿佛得到了升华。 Fills the violently poisonous toxicant on such as one, can only kill by poison the person, but this vitality lets the unusual antidote that this toxicant changed to can save a life. 就如一颗充满剧毒的毒药,原本只能毒死人,但这一丝生机让这颗毒药化作了能够救命的奇特解药。 Even Wang Teng felt the soul source and life source in own body faint somewhat palpitates. 王腾都感觉到自己身躯之内的灵魂本源和生命本源隐隐的有些悸动起来。 In his eye none flashes. 他眼中精光一闪。 This should be bone demon tree the source of core! 这应该就是骨魔树的核心之源了! Before absorbed through ancestor, he has not seen with one's own eyes source of this core appearance actually, now is saw truly, making him feel somewhat strange. 之前是通过祖物来吸收,他倒是没有亲眼看到这核心之源的模样,如今才算是真正见到,让他感觉有些奇异。 It is seriously similar to the aura of that bone demon tree, is filling with the dark deathly stillness aura obviously, actually sends out the fine single vitality faintly, it may be said that is the world rare. 当真是与那骨魔树的气息十分相似,明明充满着黑暗死寂气息,却又隐隐散发出一丝一缕的生机,可谓是世所罕见。 Wang Teng has nothing to hesitate, immediately controlling Swallows day to bite The magical powers, absorbed it. 王腾没有任何迟疑,立刻控制着【吞天噬地】神通,将其吸收了过来。 That grains of purple black thick liquid submerge in the purple black vortex before deep god empty shadow body instantaneously, vanishes thoroughly does not see. 那一粒粒的紫黑色粘稠液体瞬间没入冥神虚影身前的紫黑色旋涡之内,彻底消失不见。 But Wang Teng also feels that immediately the familiar energy swamped into own body, immediately whole person a little graceful feeling...... crisp! Too crisp! 王腾也立刻感觉到了熟悉的能量涌入自己的身体之中,顿时整个人都有点飘飘欲仙之感……爽!太爽了! By Swallows day to bite The magical powers swallow bone demon tree the source of core, wants compared with the absorption rate of ancestor simply quickly many. 以【吞天噬地】神通来吞噬骨魔树的核心之源,简直比祖物的吸收速度还要快不少。 Before the absorption of ancestor seemed quite temperate, but now Swallows day to bite The absorption of magical powers actually may be called direct crude. 之前祖物的吸收显得颇为温和,但如今【吞天噬地】神通的吸收却堪称直接粗暴。 Originally Wang Teng somewhat is also worried, Swallows day to bite Can the magical powers absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 本来王腾还有些担心,【吞天噬地】神通能不能将骨魔树的核心之源吸收出来。 After all from the beforehand experience, as if only then ancestor of bone spirit clan can absorb bone demon tree the source of core, but seemed like he wants now. 毕竟从之前的经验来看,似乎只有骨灵族的祖物能够吸收骨魔树的核心之源,但现在看来是他想多了。 Swallows the beast from the nihility Swallows day to bite The magical powers were very overbearing, do not have the thing not to swallow not to say. 来自虚无吞兽的【吞天噬地】神通果然十分霸道,无物不吞可不是说说而已。 At this moment, Wang Teng felt relieved thoroughly, vigorously revolution Swallows day to bite The magical powers, are absorbing bone demon tree the source of core crazily. 这一刻,王腾彻底放心了下来,极力运转【吞天噬地】神通,疯狂的吸收着骨魔树的核心之源。 „Is he, he doing?!!” “他,他在干什么?!!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species were startled, the mouth opens wide again, stutter passes message. 三头骨灵族黑暗种又惊了,嘴巴再次张大,结结巴巴的传音起来。 „Does that seem like bone demon tree the source of core?!” “那好像是骨魔树的核心之源?!” Hiss! That Demon Venerable level exists in absorption bone demon tree the source of core!!” “嘶!那位魔尊级存在在吸收骨魔树的核心之源!!” How does he accomplish? Without the ancestor assistance, how can absorb bone demon tree the source of core?” “他是怎么办到的?没有祖物辅助,如何能够吸收骨魔树的核心之源?” „......” “……” Finally this issue also asked above three skull spirit clan Dark Species knowledge blind spots obviously. 最后这个问题显然又问到了三头骨灵族黑暗种的知识盲点之上。 They only know that ancestor of their clan can absorb the source of core, actually does not know that also has other things to absorb. 它们只知道它们这一族的祖物能够吸收核心之源,却不知道还有其他东西能够吸收。 This is almost the not possible matter. 这几乎是不可能的事情啊。 Their ancestor, although to not absorb the source of bone demon tree core specially forges. 它们的祖物,虽然不是专门为了吸收骨魔树核心之源而锻造出来的。 But this is the powerhouses of bone spirit clan undergoes the exploit study time and time again, finally wants to come out to aim at the means of bone demon tree, and made the transformation above ancestor. 但这是骨灵族的强者经过一次又一次的探索研究,才最终想出来能够针对骨魔树的办法,并在祖物之上进行了改造。 Regarding bone spirit clan Dark Species, the bone demon tree is in the ruins of this perishing bone special product, has the enormous help to them. 对于骨灵族黑暗种来说,骨魔树算是这亡骨之墟内的“特产”,对它们有着极大的帮助。 Therefore, bone spirit clan Dark Species will find the way to absorb the source of core by any means possible. 所以,骨灵族黑暗种才会千方百计的想办法来吸收核心之源。 Obviously, this has the extremely strong pointedness. 很显然,这存在着极强的针对性。 How can the common method absorb bone demon tree the source of core? 寻常的手段又如何能够吸收骨魔树的核心之源? This special is unscientific! 这特么不科学啊! Does that Demon Venerable level exist is really Demon Venerable of their bone spirit clan? 难道那位魔尊级存在真的是它们骨灵族的魔尊 Is the method of having slightly a bit like the deep god clan? 只是掌握的手段略有点像冥神族? Ok, the issue retraced the initial beginning, three skull spirit clan Dark Species also dull standing under bone demon tree, they really do not think clearly. 好了,问题又绕回了最初的起点,三头骨灵族黑暗种还呆呆的站在骨魔树之下,它们真的想不明白啊。 Will display deep god empty shadow bone spirit clan Dark Species, they yes damn? 一头会施展冥神虚影的骨灵族黑暗种,它们是见鬼了吗? This idea they do not believe. 这个想法连它们自己都不相信。 What strange species can't be infiltrates in their bone spirit clans? 总不能是什么奇奇怪怪的物种混进它们骨灵族里面了吧? In three skull spirit clan Dark Species still when intertwining this matter, Wang Teng has absorbed the sources of many core, enraged that bone demon tree finally thoroughly. 就在三头骨灵族黑暗种还在纠结此事之时,王腾已经吸收了不少核心之源,同时也终于将那骨魔树彻底激怒了。 Bang! 轰! The bellow resounds, the fearful death aura from welled up immediately in all directions, everywhere, resembled to want steamroll all. 轰鸣声响起,可怕的死亡气息顿时从四面八方涌来,无处不在,似要碾压一切。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… This space is disrupting unexpectedly unceasingly, the innumerable debrises fall into the space crack to vanish do not see, but actually left behind many attribute air bubbles. 这座空间竟然在不断碎裂,无数的空间碎片落入空间裂缝之中消失不见,但却留下了许多属性气泡。 Wang Teng heart startled, this bone demon tree was wants to destroy this space! 王腾心惊不已,这骨魔树是想要毁了这座空间啊! Was really compelled anxiously! 真被逼急了! Acts out of desperation! 狗急跳墙啊! In his heart immediately one tight, the vision is dignified, is ready to be separated since then. 他心中顿时一紧,目光凝重,已是做好准备从此地脱离出去。 The space shatter is not cracks a joke, although he has the space talent, actually does not dare really to shoulder the strength of wild space that space breaks to form hardly. 空间破碎可不是开玩笑的,尽管他身怀空间天赋,却也不敢真的去硬扛那空间破碎形成的狂暴空间之力。 However this does not affect him to continue to absorb bone demon tree the source of core. 不过这并不影响他继续吸收骨魔树的核心之源。 Must hurry to absorb! 得赶紧吸收了! When next must leave the space that this bone demon tree core is, when the time comes is not definitely able relaxed to absorb the source of core like the present again. 等下就要离开这骨魔树核心所在的空间了,到时候肯定无法再像现在这样轻轻松松就能吸收到核心之源。 Bang! 轰隆! The bone demon tree core is not naturally resigned to be treated as the blood sucking object, immediately erupts the rich purple black ray, is resisting crazily Swallows day to bite Magical powers the strength of swallowing. 骨魔树核心自然不甘心被当做吸血对象,顿时爆发出浓郁的紫黑色光芒,疯狂的抵御着【吞天噬地】神通的吞噬之力。 Thinks the one who attracts its blood is only a small ant, finally suddenly discovered, this where is any small ant, radically is a starry sky giant beast. 原本以为吸它血的只是一只小蚂蚁,结果突然发现,这哪里是什么小蚂蚁,根本就是一头星空巨兽啊。 When the opposite party opens the big mouth thoroughly, it had been attracted eldest child several blood, responded radically. 等到对方彻底张开血盆大口,它都已经被吸了老大几口血,根本反应不及。 Odd! 就离谱! How did an ant turn into the starry sky giant beast? 一头蚂蚁怎么就变成了星空巨兽? This special was also too careless. 这特么也太苟了。 Simply wrong behavior. 简直不当人。 Also wants to resist?” The Wang Teng corners of the mouth exude one to sneer, Swallows day to bite The magical powers open the limit. “还想抵抗?”王腾嘴角泛起一丝冷笑,将【吞天噬地】神通开启到极限。 In the meantime, in his heart moves slightly, as if thought of anything. 就在此时,他心中微微一动,似乎想到了什么。 Ancestor! 祖物! Is opening Swallows day to bite Magical powers at the same time, again how uses ancestor to be able? 在开启【吞天噬地】神通的同时,再动用祖物会如何? Employs two methods to achieve one goal, making this bone demon tree feel the double joy. 双管齐下,让这骨魔树感受一下双倍的快乐。 Hehe!” “嘿嘿!” Wang Teng touches the chin, cracks into a smile, sees only his big hand to wield immediately, that bone bottle and bone abstain suddenly appear in his Swallowing Space. 王腾摸了摸下巴,咧嘴一笑,随即只见他大手一挥,那骨瓶和骨戒突然出现在他的吞噬空间之中。 Swallowing Space is connected with that purple black vortex, not only can the forward absorption, be able to extend reverse the strength in Swallowing Space. 吞噬空间与那紫黑色旋涡相连,不仅可以正向吸收,亦是可以将吞噬空间之内的力量反向延伸出去。 At this moment under his soul source stimulates, two ancestor condensed two huge empty shades immediately, float in Swallowing Space. 此刻在他的灵魂本源激发之下,两件祖物顿时凝聚出了两道庞大的虚影,悬浮于吞噬空间之内。 !!...... 唰!唰!唰…… The next quarter, in the bone bottle empty shadow bottle mouth explodes suddenly projects black whiskers, but that bone abstains from the empty shadow is above the surface has black pythons to reappear, later the two explode toward the bone demon tree core simultaneously shoot to go. 下一刻,骨瓶虚影的瓶口之中猛然爆射出一道道黑色触须,而那骨戒虚影则是表面之上有着一条条黑色巨蟒浮现,随后二者同时朝着骨魔树核心爆射而去。 From the outside, is in that purple black vortex has the black whisker and black python suddenly/violently to rush impressively suddenly, then grips bone to inter the body in the demon tree core directly. 在外界看来,赫然就是那紫黑色旋涡之中突然有着黑色触须和黑色巨蟒暴冲而出,然后径直扎入骨魔树核心之中。 Two strengths also erupt, absorption the source of core were really more. 两种力量同时爆发,吸收的核心之源果然更多了。 Moreover at this time Wang Teng does not need to consider again can alarm the bone demon to set up, opens the limit the strength of ancestor directly, the crazy absorption, can absorb many are many. 而且此时王腾丝毫不用再考虑会不会惊动骨魔树了,直接将祖物的力量开启到极限,疯狂吸收,能吸收多少是多少。 Before this efficiency is not, can compare. 这效率远不是之前能比。 Has to acknowledge, ancestor of this bone spirit clan really has the originality. 不得不承认,这骨灵族的祖物确实有独到之处。 Only can form the absorption channel connection bone demon tree core, then directly absorbs the source of its core, then exceeded most methods. 单是能够形成吸收通道连通骨魔树核心,然后直接吸收其核心之源,便胜过大多数的手段了。 If not Wang Teng this Swallows day to bite The magical powers are overbearing, perhaps the common method cannot do to this bone demon tree core, do not say that was compared with ancestor of this bone spirit clan. 如果不是王腾这【吞天噬地】神通过于霸道,寻常手段恐怕根本奈何不了这骨魔树核心,更不要说是与这骨灵族的祖物相比了。 Under, three skull spirit clan Dark Species also saw this, looking at each other in blank dismay. 下方,三头骨灵族黑暗种也看到了这一幕,不由的面面相觑。 That purple black vortex not only can directly absorb bone demon tree the source of core, unexpectedly can also extend straw to absorb the source of core, must be so ruthless. 那紫黑色旋涡不但能直接吸收骨魔树的核心之源,居然还能够延伸出“吸管”来吸收核心之源,要不要这么狠啊。 How I felt that black whisker and black python a little do look familiar?” Bone sui opens mouth, silent, suddenly spooky saying. “我怎么感觉那黑色触须和黑色巨蟒有点眼熟?”骨濉张了张嘴,沉默了一下,突然幽幽的说道。 I have this feeling.” Bone looked at its one, said. “我也有这种感觉。”骨喀看了它一眼,说道。 When this life and death, these two skull spirit clan Dark Species returned to above the same channel finally again, four empty eye sockets are looking at each other, almost sparked the spark of base sentiment. 在此生死存亡之际,这两头骨灵族黑暗种终于再次回到了同一个频道之上,四只空洞洞的眼眶对视着,差点擦出了基情的火花。 But bone puts aside the head immediately, the dangerous thought of hastily just raising pinches out. 但骨喀立刻撇开了脑袋,连忙将刚刚升起的危险念头掐灭。 The rejection travels together with the idiot, since I start. 拒绝与蠢货同行,从我做起。 „......” Bone sui. “……”骨濉。 Did the feeling shut out what's the matter? 感觉又被嫌弃了是怎么回事? The bone carboxyl vision is staring at that black whisker and black python stubbornly, said solemnly: Probably method of ancestor, but does that Demon Venerable level exist does not seem to use ancestor?” 骨羧目光死死盯着那黑色触须和黑色巨蟒,沉声道:“像是祖物的手段,但那位魔尊级存在似乎并没有动用祖物?” Ancestor!” Bone sui and bone immediately eye one bright, responded. “祖物!”骨濉和骨喀顿时眼睛一亮,反应了过来。 Isn't looks like ancestor the method? 可不就是像祖物的手段吗? No wonder they will feel familiar. 难怪它们会感觉熟悉。 It is not their brain circuits is not good, is really very difficult arrives that purple black vortex and ancestor association goes together, the two difference was too big. 不是它们脑回路不行,实在是很难将那紫黑色旋涡与祖物联想到一块去,二者差别太大了些。 However, that Demon Venerable level exists enough strangely already, probably the bone spirit clan, seems like the deep god clan, method that now can use this doubtful ancestor, seems not strange. 不过话说回来,那位魔尊级存在已经够古怪的了,像是骨灵族,又像是冥神族,如今能够动用这疑似祖物的手段,似乎也就没那么奇怪了。 So many, this space as if must explode leave alone thoroughly.” The bone carboxyl sudden vision concentrates, startled sound said. “别管那么多了,这座空间似乎要彻底爆开了。”骨羧突然目光一凝,惊声道。 Originally with the strength of Wang Teng use ancestor, that bone demon tree core struggles even more fierce. 原来随着王腾动用祖物的力量,那骨魔树核心挣扎的越发剧烈。 The whole body rune/symbol Wenjie in fierce flashing! 其浑身的符文皆是在剧烈的闪动! In within the body erupts black light already richly to the extreme, as if must explode momentarily general! 其体内爆发出的黑光更是已经浓郁到了极点,似乎要随时爆开一般! This entire space just like everything may become vulnerable, sways in the fierce vibration, the innumerable space cracks appeared in all around, was on the verge of avalanche. 这一整座空间宛如地动山摇,在剧烈的震动摇晃,无数空间裂缝出现在了四周,濒临崩塌的边缘。 !!...... 啪!啪!啪…… That origin bone demon tree core extends, with all around space connected root hair, separates at this time all. 那一根根由骨魔树核心延伸而出,与四周空间相连的根须,此时尽数断开。 So the situation, imitated the buddha's bones demon tree core to separate the relation to be the same with the body of bone demon tree thoroughly. 如此情形,就仿佛骨魔树核心彻底与骨魔树的躯壳断开了联系一般。 Meanwhile, the collision of Wang Teng that purple sword light and white bones great claw also arrived at the final time, the strength and the immortal strength that source principle both sides erupt, have achieved the critical point. 与此同时,王腾那紫色剑光与白骨巨爪的碰撞也到了最后的时刻,双方爆发出的本源法则之力与不朽之力,已然达到了临界点。 The dazzling ray the center that collides from two attacks spreads to open, almost will put in order a space to cover. 耀眼的光芒从两道攻击碰撞的中心处扩散而开,几乎将整座空间笼罩了起来。 That center just like containing one purple black fierce Yang, will soon explode to open. 那中心处宛如蕴藏着一颗紫黑色的烈阳,即将爆炸而开。 At this moment, as if all framed. 这一刻,仿佛一切都定格了。 Space that will soon collapse! 即将崩溃的空间! Has achieved the two attacks of limit! 已经达到了极限的两道攻击! „It is not good!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species panic-stricken desires certainly, just like felt the thick death threat, thinks radically without enough time much, bellowed: Quickly! With the strength of ancestor!” “不好!”三头骨灵族黑暗种惊骇欲绝,俨然感觉到了浓浓的死亡威胁,根本来不及多想,大吼了起来:“快!用祖物的力量!” Another side, Wang Teng is also the vision contraction, knows that cannot wait again, immediately transfers within the body the strength of space. 另一边,王腾亦是目光收缩,知道不能再等,当即调动体内的空间之力。 Bang! 轰隆! Almost is at the same time, that two attacks cannot support again, had the explosion of terrifying instantaneously, the endless Source Power complementary waves toward spread to open in all directions. 几乎是同一时间,那两道攻击再也支撑不住,瞬间产生了恐怖的爆炸,无尽的原力余波朝着四面八方扩散而开。 Then just like the blasting fuse to be the same, making the entire space torn to pieces. 而后犹如导火索一般,让整座空间支离破碎。 The purple black ray that the space center, that bone demon tree core erupts also achieved the extreme, blasts out loudly, such as the purple black curtain of night, will put in order a space to submerge. 空间的中心处,那骨魔树核心所爆发出的紫黑色光芒亦是达到了极点,轰然炸开,如紫黑色的夜幕,将整座空间淹没。
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