AAMD :: Volume #23

#2213: Deep god clan? This writes them really unable

Chapter 2213 deep god clan? This writes them really unable! Do you want to block me?( Sought subscription) 第2213章冥神族?这道题它们真的不会啊!你想要阻我吗?(求订阅) The boundless death deep strength erupts from Wang Teng within the body, converges in deep god empty shadow above his top of the head instantaneously. 磅礴的死冥之力从王腾体内爆发而出,瞬间汇入他头顶之上的冥神虚影之内。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sound of the fierce thundering spreads from deep god empty shadow within the body suddenly, immediately this deep god empty shadow inflated at the visible speed unexpectedly. 一阵剧烈的轰鸣之声骤然从冥神虚影体内传出,随即这冥神虚影竟是以肉眼可见的速度膨胀了起来。 Although originally this deep god empty shadow is also very huge, but thousand zhang (3.33 m), are actually to only continue to rise suddenly now...... 2000 zhang (3.33 m), 3000 zhang (3.33 m)...... exceeded 5000 zhang (3.33 m) instantaneously. 原本这冥神虚影虽然也十分巨大,但仅有千丈大小,如今却是继续暴涨……两千丈,三千丈……瞬间就超过了五千丈大小。 The fearful aura also fills the air. 可怕的气息随之弥漫而出。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species naturally detected that instantaneously here situation, the body stagnated fiercely, the stiff rotation neck looked again, the pupil gradually enlarges. 三头骨灵族黑暗种自然瞬间就察觉到了这边的情况,身躯猛地一滞,再次僵硬的转动脖子看了过去,瞳孔逐渐放大。 The huge form maps in their eyes together, is coercing meaning of the indescribable shock, is attacking their mind. 一道庞大的身影映入它们眼中,裹挟着无法形容的震撼之意,冲击着它们的心神。 This, this......” “这,这……” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species lost the spoken language directly, in the heart panic-stricken incomparable, dull looks at that say/way to rise suddenly unceasingly the empty shadow that in the mind a blank. 三头骨灵族黑暗种直接失去了言语,心中惊骇无比,呆呆的望着那道不断暴涨的虚影,脑海中一片空白。 The source of what core? 什么核心之源? What Demon Venerable level exists? 什么魔尊级存在? At this moment, was thrown into beyond the highest heavens by them entirely. 这一刻,统统被它们抛到九霄云外去了。 In their hearts completely by one thick panic-stricken floods with the meaning of shock, cannot get back one's composure. 它们心中完全被一股浓浓的惊骇与震撼之意所充斥,根本回不过神来。 That huge purple deep god empty shadow as in crazy sudden rise, seeming not to have the limit to be common, being more like must break through this space the limit. 那庞大的紫色冥神虚影依旧在疯狂的暴涨,好似没有极限一般,更像是要冲破这座空间的极限。 With irresistible force! 势如破竹! Irresistible! 势不可挡! Just like a giant incomparable mountain peak, must break through the fetter between world, nothing can keep off its growth alone. 宛如一座巨大无比的山峰,要冲破天地间的束缚,没有任何东西可以独挡它的生长。 Bang! 轰隆! The space vibrated, the bone demon tree also felt this sudden imposing manner obviously, the innumerable bone demon root hair moved restlessly, crazy swaying from side to side in the entire core space, wreaked havoc. 空间震动了起来,骨魔树显然也感受到了这股突然爆发的气势,无数的骨魔根须躁动起来,在整个核心空间之内疯狂的扭动,肆虐。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The intermittent bellow resounds through the entire space, if this place is not completely empty, the thing that in this moment space has is destroyed by the bone demon root hair that wreaked havoc crazily completely. 阵阵轰鸣声响彻整座空间,如果此地不是空空如也,此刻空间内存在的事物早已被那疯狂肆虐的骨魔根须摧毁殆尽。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species recover finally, in heart panic-stricken desire certainly, is looking at this, only feels becomes dark at present, the whole person is not good. 三头骨灵族黑暗种终于回过神来,心中惊骇欲绝,望着这一幕,只觉得眼前发黑,整个人都不好了。 On the flash, did this space change to the so fearful death suddenly certainly? 就一瞬间而已,这座空间怎么突然就化作了如此可怕的死亡绝地? That dense and numerous bone demon root hair is similar to the meat grinder to be common simply, covered this entire space , there is nothing crevice that can escape from. 那密密麻麻的骨魔根须简直就如同绞肉机一般,将这一整座空间都笼罩了起来,根本没有任何可以逃脱的空隙。 At this moment if not for they are away from the bone demon tree core to be extremely near, perhaps had been curled by that endless bone demon root hair. 此刻若不是它们距离骨魔树核心极近,恐怕早就被那无尽的骨魔根须卷了进去。 But so, they still know how long even oneself could not support, that dense and numerous bone demon root hair will affect them quickly in it place. 可即便如此,它们也知道自己根本撑不了多久,那密密麻麻的骨魔根须很快就会波及到它们所在之地。 But at this time, that innumerable bone demon root hair has come toward the deep god empty shadow attack, like sharp incomparable dense/woods white long-barrelled guns, punctures void, brings the grating howling sound. 而此时,那无数的骨魔根须已经朝着冥神虚影侵袭而来,如同一根根锋利无比的森白长枪,刺破虚空,带起刺耳的嘶啸声。 Deep god...... resembles!” “冥神……之像!” The Wang Teng double pupil blooms the endless purple ray, the heart has sonic boom to drink to resound immediately. 王腾双眸绽放出无尽的紫色光芒,心底顿时有着一声爆喝响起。 That was observed the resembles of deep god finds out by him immediately in his mind, the angry roaring sound penetrating, its arm lifted later suddenly, grasps void. 那一尊被他观想出的冥神之像立刻在他的脑海中动了起来,怒吼声响彻而起,随后它的一只只手臂骤然抬起,抓向了虚空。 Roar! 吼! Almost is at the same time, the deep god empty shadow above Wang Teng top of the head is also the synchronization moves, after giving out rock the earth angry roaring, the huge body that thoroughly has not finalized moved loudly. 几乎是同一时间,王腾头顶之上的冥神虚影也是同步而动,发出一声震天动地的怒吼之后,那还未彻底定型的庞大身躯轰然动了起来。 An only giant arm lifts, in the movement of resembles of that deep god with the Wang Teng mind is exactly the same, the next quarter then grasped to all around bone demon root hair. 一只只巨大的手臂抬起,与王腾脑海中那冥神之像的动作如出一辙,下一刻便抓向了四周的骨魔根须。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… That bone demon root hair have not approached thoroughly, under that deep god empty shadow big hand grasps crosswise, then falls into his palm together. 那一根根骨魔根须还未彻底靠近,在那冥神虚影的大手横向一抓之下,便齐齐落入其手掌之中。 Each palm held ten several bone demon root hair at least. 每一只手掌起码抓住了十数根骨魔根须。 But arm 12 that deep god empty shadow extends at this moment, proliferate its whole body, included each direction. 而那冥神虚影此刻延伸出的手臂足足有十二只之多,遍布其周身,将每一个方向都囊括了进去。 Therefore is such flash, then more than 100 bone demon root hair were held by the deep god empty shadow. 因此不过是这么一瞬间,便有一百多根骨魔根须被冥神虚影抓住。 Suddenly is magnificent. 一时间可谓是壮观至极。 If looks from the distant place, will then see beside that deep god empty shadow whole body, is completely the bone demon root hair, just like the wire rope is ordinary, wants its winding. 如果从远处望去,便会看到那冥神虚影的周身之外,已经全部都是骨魔根须,犹如铁索一般,想要将其缠绕。 What a pity at this moment these wire rope an end, all by that deep god empty shadow grasping firmly in hand. 可惜此刻这些“铁索”的一端,全都被那冥神虚影牢牢的抓在手中。 These bone demon root hair are naturally unwilling are held, immediately crazy sways from side to side to struggle, some even also twined above the deep god empty shadow arm. 那些骨魔根须自然不甘心就此被抓住,顿时疯狂的扭动挣扎起来,有的甚至还缠绕在了冥神虚影的手臂之上。 Strange black rune/symbol writing appear above the bone demon root hair, just like the living creature creeping motion, lends the powerful source principle aura, wanting to wrench apart the smashing the deep god empty shadow arm. 一道道诡异的黑色符文出现在骨魔根须之上,宛如活物般蠕动,散发出强大的本源法则气息,欲要将冥神虚影的手臂扭断粉碎。 Snort!” “哼!” In the meantime, cold snort/hum extremely towering resounding. 就在此时,一声冷哼极为突兀的响起。 ! 唰! Sees only above that deep god empty shadow arm to have purple impressively, black rune/symbol Wenxian melts, dense and numerous, similarly sways from side to side like the living creature, strange exceptionally. 只见那冥神虚影的手臂之上赫然有着一道道紫色,黑色的符文显化而出,密密麻麻,同样是如同活物般扭动,诡异异常。 Meaning of the indescribable dark deathly stillness erupts from the deep god empty shadow. 一股无法形容的黑暗死寂之意从冥神虚影之中爆发。 The powerful strength falls in torrents from deep god empty shadow within the body, 12 arms pull suddenly, that bone demon root hair were stretched instantaneously straight. 强大的力量自冥神虚影的体内倾泻而出,十二只手臂猛然拉扯,那一根根骨魔根须瞬间就被绷直。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… One is unable to withstand the load intermittently the sound spreads from the bone demon root hair, black rune/symbol writing above these bone demon root hair flash immediately rapidly, and starts the collapse disruption. 一阵阵不堪重负般的声响从骨魔根须之上传出,那些骨魔根须之上的黑色符文立刻急速闪动起来,并开始崩溃碎裂。 Breaks to me!” “给我断!” Drinks the sound to spread from the Wang Teng mouth in together coldly suddenly. 一道冷喝声猛然自王腾口中传出。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 嘭!嘭!嘭…… Lots of rune/symbol writing above bone demon root hair disrupts, that bone demon root hair break unexpectedly accordingly, cannot resist the deep god empty shadow great strength to pull. 骨魔根须之上的大量符文碎裂,那一根根骨魔根须竟然应声而断,根本抵挡不住冥神虚影的巨力拉扯。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, since he knows that the great strength of bone demon tree, has not naturally kept the hand at this moment, acts is the three strength of source principles. 王腾目光一闪,他既然知道骨魔树的强大,这一刻自然没有丝毫留手,一出手便是三种本源法则之力。 Dark source! 黑暗本源! Dying deep source! 死冥本源! The source of bone! 骨之本源! Although without uses nine step levels all of a sudden the source principle, but he also displayed six step levels it. 虽然没有一下子就用出九阶层次的本源法则,但他好歹也将其发挥到了六阶层次。 Six steps are true are not low, this is the source principle level that the common immortal level has to be not necessarily able to grasp continually. 六阶属实已经不低了,这可是连寻常不朽级存在都未必能够掌握到的本源法则层次。 Under three six step level source principles erupt simultaneously, these sole bone demon root hair are not naturally able to resist, their might are unable to compare with that huge sharp thorn attack after all a moment ago. 三种六阶层次本源法则同时爆发之下,这些单一的骨魔根须自然无法抵挡,它们的威力毕竟无法与刚才那一道巨大的尖刺攻击相比拟。 Even so, is to make in that three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts shock as before. 即便如此,依旧是让那三头骨灵族黑暗种心中震撼不已。 Too strong! 太强了! Really was too powerful! 实在是太强大了! That made the bone demon root hair that they were at a loss, this huge purple empty shadow grasped conveniently, then pulled apart directly. 那令它们束手无策的骨魔根须,这庞大的紫色虚影只是随手一抓,便径直扯断了一茬又一茬。 The suspicion that at this moment, in their hearts just raised dissipates again. 此时此刻,它们心中刚刚升起的怀疑再度消散一空。 So the strength, is not the Demon Venerable level is anything. 如此实力,不是魔尊级是什么啊。 Owed they just also to suspect the opposite party, a little acted recklessly simply. 亏它们刚刚还怀疑对方,简直就是有点不知死活。 I, I knew! This is the method of deep god clan!! This is the deep god empty shadow!!!” The bone carboxyl pupil contraction, the sound dry opens the mouth said suddenly. “我,我知道了!这是冥神族的手段!!这是冥神虚影!!!”骨羧瞳孔收缩,突然声音干涩的开口道。 Deep god empty shadow?!” Bone is the pupil shrinks similarly, loses the sound said: You determined that this is the deep god empty shadow of deep god clan?” “冥神虚影?!”骨喀同样是瞳孔一缩,失声道:“你确定这是冥神族的冥神虚影?” The given name of deep god clan they have naturally heard, but actually never true experience excessively deep god empty shadow, otherwise is also insufficient some people to recognize now. 冥神族的大名它们自然听说过,但却从未真正见识过冥神虚影,否则也不至于到现在才有人认出来。 Bone sui also looks hastily to the bone carboxyl, in the eye full is inconceivable, although it the brain was straight, but was not does not know the great strength of deep god clan. 骨濉也是连忙看向骨羧,眼中满是不可思议,它虽然脑子直了点,但也不是不知道冥神族的强大。 Should not have the mistake, I had once seen in the middle of the old book, is very similar to the present purple empty shadow.” Bone carboxyl said solemnly: I felt a moment ago very familiar, but has not recognized immediately, just erupted until it, I somewhat affirmation.” “应该不会有错,我曾在古籍当中见过,与眼前的紫色虚影十分相似。”骨羧沉声道:“我刚才就觉得十分熟悉,只是没有立刻认出来,直到它刚刚爆发,我才有些肯定。” „The aura of that dark deathly stillness, you did not think that is simply exactly the same as the death deep aura of deep god clan?” “那黑暗死寂的气息,你们不觉得与冥神族的死冥气息简直一模一样吗?” Probably is really, said how could it not be at present this Demon Venerable level does exist is Demon Venerable of deep god clan?” Bone said with amazement. “好像真的是,这么说,眼前这位魔尊级存在岂不就是冥神族的魔尊?”骨喀骇然道。 But this is how possible, how can Demon Venerable of deep god clan enter my clan the ruins of perishing bone??” Asking of bone sui doubts. “可是这怎么可能,冥神族的魔尊如何能够进入我族的亡骨之墟??”骨濉疑惑的问道。 This......” bone carboxyl and bone is silent immediately. “这……”骨羧和骨喀顿时沉默。 This issue they know. 这个问题它们何尝不知道。 The ruins of perishing bone are the restricted area of their bone spirit clan, without permission of their bone spirit clan, even if the Demon Venerable level exists is impossible to come. 亡骨之墟是它们骨灵族的禁地,没有它们骨灵族的允许,就算是魔尊级存在也不可能进来。 But wants permission of their bone spirit clan, is impossible. 而想要得到它们骨灵族的允许,根本就不可能。 Not thinks about it! 想都别想! No race will permit the person of foreign clan since own restricted area, this relates to the secret of its clan, in any event was impossible to make the bystander know. 没有一个种族会允许外族之人进入自己的禁地当中,这可是关系到了其本族的秘密,无论如何都不可能让外人知晓。 The big price, is unable to make them open own restricted area for the bystander. 再大的代价,都无法让它们为外人打开自己的禁地。 Like the blood group, deciding however will not allow the bystander to enter not the dead bloodshed to be the same. 就像血族,定然不会允许外人进入不死血海一样。 This is the matter of principle. 这是原则问题。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species grasped immediately blindly, even if the bone carboxyl and bone these two confessed that not silly bone spirit clan Dark Species, felt the head is a little insufficient. 三头骨灵族黑暗种顿时抓瞎了,即便是骨羧和骨喀这两头自认不傻的骨灵族黑暗种,都感觉脑袋有点不够用了。 What's the matter? 到底是怎么回事? An issue has not been solved, another issue braved, making them not know completely should should do. 一个问题还未解决,另一个问题又冒了出来,让它们完全不知该如何是好。 Meanwhile, the bone demon tree as if detected that the deep god empty shadow great strength, more and more bone demon root hair swept across. 与此同时,骨魔树似乎察觉到了冥神虚影的强大,越来越多的骨魔根须席卷而来。 Some have even twined in together, changes to the dense bone demon long spear/gun to explode to shoot. 有的甚至已经缠绕在一起,化作森然的骨魔长枪爆射而出。 „, You can this move, I unable.” “呵,你会这一招,我不会么。” A chuckle resounds. 一声轻笑响起。 Sees only the Wang Teng big hand to wield, the innumerable paint black bone arrow condenses suddenly. 只见王腾大手一挥,无数的漆黑色骨箭骤然凝聚而出。 These bone arrows are very giant, just like the long spear/gun is ordinary, is quite actually similar to the long spear/gun that bone demon root hair gathers. 这些骨箭十分巨大,犹如长枪一般,与那骨魔根须汇聚成的长枪倒是极为相似。 !!...... 咻!咻!咻…… But instance that these bone arrows are condensing, is explodes to shoot, does not have any hesitates. 而这些骨箭在凝聚出的瞬间,便已是爆射而出,没有任何迟疑。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦啦…… rune/symbol writing appears above the bone arrow, changes to the chains its winding, lends the powerful source principle aura. 一道道符文出现在骨箭之上,化作锁链将其缠绕,散发出强大的本源法则气息。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The fierce explosive sound resounds, attack of both sides collided in one, the wild Source Power complementary waves also erupted, swept across in all directions. 剧烈的爆炸声响起,双方的攻击碰撞在了一起,狂暴的原力余波随之爆发而出,席卷四面八方。 This!!?” “这!!?” This flash, soul fire unconscious enlargements in three skull spirit clan Dark Species eye sockets. 这一瞬间,三头骨灵族黑暗种眼眶内的魂火不自觉的放大起来。 What did they see? 它们看到了什么? Bone arrow! 骨箭! That is not the method of their bone spirit clan? 那不是它们骨灵族的手段的吗? The deep god clan Demon Venerable level of reaching an agreement exists, how can use the method of their bone spirit clan? 说好的冥神族魔尊级存在呢,怎么又能够使用它们骨灵族的手段? A series of questions appear in three skull spirit clan Dark Species mind, on the foreheads of their skeleton head has written all over the black person question mark at this moment. 一系列的疑问浮现于三头骨灵族黑暗种的脑海中,它们那骷髅头的脑门上此刻已然写满了黑人问号。 Asked that deep god clan Dark Species can use the method of bone spirit clan? 试问一头冥神族黑暗种能够使用骨灵族的手段吗? This writes them really unable! 这道题它们真的不会啊! Three skull spirit clan Dark Species thorough were silly, was unable to judge the Wang Teng real status. 三头骨灵族黑暗种彻底傻了,已经无法判断王腾的真实身份。 But collides the terrifying prestige energy that facing attack of both sides creates, they can only hide in the corner tremble, wish one could to find the crack to worm one's way into, this is possibly safer. 而面对双方的攻击碰撞所造成的恐怖威能,它们只能躲在角落里瑟瑟发抖,恨不得找到地缝钻进去,这样可能更安全一点。 The place that however this place nothing can hide, they can only face directly the anger of bone demon tree. 但是此地没有任何可以躲藏的地方,它们只能直面骨魔树的怒火。 But this also merely is only a start...... 而这还仅仅只是一个开始…… Two obstuctions won a lot of time to Wang Teng, this moment that deep god empty shadow was 9000 zhang (3.33 m) impressively, as if had arrived at this space most peak. 两次的阻扰给王腾争取了不少时间,此刻那冥神虚影赫然达到了九千丈大小,似乎已经到了这片空间的最顶端。 The size, almost must be flush with the bone demon tree core. 其大小,几乎要与骨魔树核心齐平了。 Looks from afar, stands erect in in Heiwu just like two giants, fights relative. 远远看去,宛如两尊巨人屹立于黑雾之中,争锋相对。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… All around space is starts to vibrate, sends out sound that is unable to withstand the load, under attribute air bubbles just like the stuffed dumpling to fall under. 四周的空间已是开始震动起来,发出不堪重负的声响,一个个属性气泡犹如下饺子般掉落而下。 The Wang Teng eye shines, controls the deep god empty shadow to continue to enlarge, while will read the strength to sweep across energetic, collects all around attribute air bubble. 王腾眼睛发亮,一边控制着冥神虚影继续放大,一边将精神念力席卷而出,拾取四周的属性气泡。 To cope with the bone demon tree, naturally must have enough energy support, these attribute air bubbles come is just just right. 想要对付骨魔树,自然要有足够的能量支撑,这些属性气泡来的正正好。 Space * 500】 【空间】 Space * 800】 【空间】 Space * 600】 【空间】 ...... …… Dark Star Source Power * 3500】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 3000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 3800】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Soul source * 700】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 600】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 800】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Life source * 1000】 【生命本源】 Life source * 1200】 【生命本源】 Life source * 900】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Dark source( nine steps) * 300】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 400】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 200】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 250】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 300】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 500】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Bone demon root hair * 600】 【骨魔根须】 Bone demon root hair * 450】 【骨魔根须】 Bone demon root hair * 300】 【骨魔根须】 ...... …… A series of attribute air bubbles converge in the body of Wang Teng, is before has obtained the attribute, he looked at one then no longer to pay attention. 一连串的属性气泡汇入王腾的身体之中,都是之前得到过的属性,他只是看了一眼便不再关注。 Now may not have the time inventorying attribute. 现在可没有时间盘点属性。 As massive energies in body that integrates Wang Teng, was similar to increases the fuel to be the same, Deep god body The eruption is thorougher immediately. 而随着大量的能量融入王腾的身体之内,就如同添加了燃料一般,【冥神体】的爆发顿时更加彻底。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, the endless purple ray divulges from his within the body, just like a hanging upside down purple Milky Way, integrates in the deep god empty shadow above its top of the head, making it complete the final eruption. 刹那间,无尽的紫色光芒从他体内宣泄而出,犹如一条倒挂的紫色银河,融入其头顶之上的冥神虚影之内,让其完成最后的爆发。 The deafening bellow also resounds through the trim space, had achieved 9000 zhang (3.33 m) deep god empty shadow to rise suddenly instantaneously a big truncation, broke through ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude directly. 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声随之响彻整片空间,原本已经达到九千丈大小的冥神虚影瞬间又暴涨了一大截,直接突破了万丈高度。 Fifth-order level Blood god's body Can make the blood god project to reach 9000 zhang (3.33 m) altitude, this Deep god body Not ratio Blood god's body Difference. 五阶层次的【血神之体】可以让血神投影达到九千丈高度,这【冥神体】丝毫不比【血神之体】差。 But now Deep god body Has reached six steps, the deep god empty shadow that erupts, naturally must over 9000 zhang (3.33 m), break through ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) altitude directly. 而如今【冥神体】已然达到六阶,所爆发出的冥神虚影,自然要超过九千丈,直接突破了万丈高度。 At this moment, that huge incomparable body lends the extremely terrifying aura, enormous and powerful, fills the air in this space. 此时此刻,那庞大无比的身躯散发出极为恐怖的气息,浩浩荡荡,弥漫于这片空间之中。 Bang! 轰隆! Meanwhile, the trim space shakes again, in deep god empty shadow all around, had clearly discernible cracks impressively, seems especially fierce. 与此同时,整片空间再度一震,在冥神虚影的四周,赫然出现了一道道清晰可见的裂缝,显得格外狰狞。 That is...... the space crack!!!” “那是……空间裂缝!!!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species direct hemp, the mouth opening is unable to close up. 三头骨灵族黑暗种直接麻了,嘴巴张大无法合拢。 This special was also too strong, to the brace split the space that the bone demon tree core was at directly, can so aggressive? 这特么也太强了吧,直接把骨魔树核心所在的空间给撑裂开了,要不要如此的生猛啊? !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… One crashes intermittently transmits from the top of the head unceasingly, more and more cracks appear. 一阵阵碎裂声不断从头顶之上传来,越来越多的裂缝出现。 Above that top of the head space on such as the mirror surface of disruption was ordinary, presents in the eye of Wang Teng and in three skull spirit clan Dark Species. 那头顶上方的空间就如碎裂的镜面一般,呈现在了王腾和三头骨灵族黑暗种的眼中。 The above of this space is completely black misty one piece, letting the person is unable to see clearly. 原本这座空间的上方完全是黑蒙蒙一片,让人无法看清。 The peak of that bone demon tree core also submerges in the pitch-dark vault directly, as if melts with void. 就连那骨魔树核心的顶端也是径直没入黑漆漆的穹顶之中,仿佛与虚空相融。 But as at this moment the appearance of that crack, was makes the person of presence see clearly this space boundary to be at finally. 但此刻随着那裂缝的出现,终于是让在场之人看清了这座空间的界限所在。 „It is not good!” The bone carboxyl responds immediately, loses the sound said: Perhaps this space must collapse!!!” “不好!”骨羧立刻反应过来,失声道:“这片空间恐怕要坍塌了!!!” How it has not thought that purple empty shadow eruption can achieve so the degree unexpectedly, even/including Gumo sets up the space that the core to probably unable to resist. 它怎么都没有想到,那紫色虚影的爆发居然可以做到如此程度,连骨魔树核心所在的空间都要抵挡不住。 This was too terrifying! 这太恐怖了! Was the strength that Demon Venerable level has what degree? 那位魔尊级存在的实力到底达到了何种程度? In their hearts is unable to imagine. 它们心中根本无法想象。 Bang! 轰! At this time, is a fierce bellow transmits from the people top of the head suddenly, the crown of this space disrupted unexpectedly directly, presented a large cave/hole. 这时,又是一阵剧烈的轰鸣声突然从众人头顶之上传来,这片空间的顶部竟然直接碎裂了,出现了一个大洞。 Although outside as before is dark one piece, but had to shine black light. 虽然外面依旧是黑暗一片,但却有黑光照射了进来。 The next quarter, Wang Teng and that three skull spirit clan Dark Species are the pupil shrink, they saw, claw of the giant white bones searched from that cave entrance impressively. 下一刻,王腾和那三头骨灵族黑暗种都是瞳孔一缩,他们都是看到,一只巨大的白骨之爪赫然从那洞口之外探了进来。 !!...... 咔嚓!咔嚓!咔嚓…… Around cave entrance space disrupts again, changes to the innumerable fragments to scatter. 洞口四周的空间再度碎裂,化作无数碎片散落下来。 This very strange and magnificent, the space of disruption looked like hits the mosaic to be the same, around that cave entrance region fell into half illusory conditions completely. 这一幕非常奇异与壮观,碎裂的空间就像是打了马赛克一般,那洞口四周的区域完全陷入一种半虚幻的状态。 „Do you want to block me?” “你想要阻我吗?” At this time, whispered from the Wang Teng mouth spreads, but changes to sneering of not mincing matter immediately. 这时,一声低语从王腾口中传出,但立刻又化作了毫不掩饰的冷笑。 Pitifully already without enough time!” “可惜已经来不及了啊!” Finishes speaking, his mind resembles of deep god extended two big hand suddenly, toward void grasps, purple fights the sword also to condense, innumerable rune/symbol writing mounts above. 话音刚落,他脑海中的冥神之像突然伸出了两只大手,朝着虚空一握,一柄紫色战剑随之凝聚而出,无数的符文镶嵌于其上。 Almost at the same time, the deep god empty shadow above Wang Teng top of the head also extended two big hand, grasps to gather together, the purple fights the sword to condense, sends out the meaning of dark deathly stillness. 几乎同一时间,王腾头顶之上的冥神虚影亦是伸出了两只大手,握拢间,紫色战剑凝聚,散发出黑暗死寂之意。 This sword, in the divine tool of deep god just like the legend is common! 这一柄剑,宛如传说中冥神的神器一般! It is not only lending the dark deathly stillness aura, has an ancient and sacred pressure. 它不仅仅散发着黑暗死寂气息,更有一股古老而神圣的威压。 But this is the energy condenses after all, that type of aura merely is only fine single filling the air, one type both real and illusory feeling. 只不过这毕竟是能量凝聚而出,那种气息仅仅只是一丝一缕的弥漫而出,有一种既真实又虚幻的感觉。 Cuts!” “斩!” Sonic boom drinks resounds suddenly. 一声爆喝陡然响起。 In an instant, the purple fights the sword to condense the formation, the Wang Teng mind resembles and in deep god the deep god empty shadow synchronization moves, simultaneously raises hand high the war sword, cut, 刹那间,紫色战剑凝聚成型,王腾脑海中的冥神之像与外界的冥神虚影同步而动,同时高举手中的战剑,斩了出去, The resembles of deep god!! 冥神之像!! Deep prison swordsmanship!!! 冥狱剑法!!! The incomparable sword light has delimited the midair instantaneously, the tiny bits space cut broken all around. 无匹的剑光瞬间划过半空,将四周本就稀碎的空间斩碎。
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