AAMD :: Volume #23

#2212: Gains steadily does not owe! Ends the full page buries deeply! Come

Chapter 2212 gains steadily does not owe! Ends the full page buries deeply! Come, feels the anger of bone demon tree together! 第2212章稳赚不亏!完整版的冥葬!来吧,来一起感受骨魔树的怒火吧! Wang Teng then absorbed quickly Bone demon root hair The sensibility, in the heart even more likes about this Fighting technique. 王腾很快便吸收完了【骨魔根须】的感悟,心中对这门战技越发喜爱。 Sometimes Demon blood poison scale vine Does not facilitate the use, happen to can substitute with this Fighting technique. 有时候【魔血毒鳞藤】不方便使用,正好可以用这门战技来替代。 His status is a much less, is a little mixed, after some method some status have used, did not facilitate used again, otherwise very easy doubtable. 他的身份有点多,有点杂,有些手段某个身份用过之后,就不方便再使用了,不然很容易让人怀疑。 Therefore this kind of powerful Fighting technique naturally the more better, always arrives at usefully time. 所以说这类强大战技自然是越多越好,总有用到的时候。 Afterward Wang Teng continues to absorb the attribute air bubble. 随后王腾继续吸收属性气泡。 In an instant, three extremely familiar source principle sensibility swamp into his mind. 刹那间,三种极为熟悉的本源法则感悟涌入他的脑海之中。 Dying deep source! 死冥本源! The source of bone! 骨之本源! Dark source! 黑暗本源! Before is Wang Teng, has obtained source principle attribute, moreover was nine step levels entirely, far exceeds other source principle attributes. 都是王腾之前得到过的本源法则属性,而且统统达到了九阶层次,远超其他本源法则属性。 This moment these three source principle sensibility swamp into his mind, makes his understanding of three source principles a level higher instantaneously. 此刻这三种本源法则感悟涌入他的脑海之中,瞬间让他对三种本源法则的理解更上一层楼。 This is not very easy. 这很不容易。 After all three source principles have been nine step levels, each promotion can say that is a big jump. 毕竟三种本源法则已经达到了九阶层次,每一次提升可以说都是一个不小的跃升。 When that difficulty, does not compare low rank promotes a boundary is difficult. 那种难度,丝毫不比低阶时提升一个境界的难度小。 If makes the bystander know that Wang Teng is so relaxed can promote the sensibility of nine step source principles, must stare the eye. 如果让外人知道王腾如此轻轻松松就能提升九阶本源法则的感悟,恐怕都要把眼睛瞪出来。 Dying deep source: 28300 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【死冥本源】:28300/90000(九阶); 【The source of bone: 31600 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【骨之本源】:31600/90000(九阶); Dark source: 24800 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【黑暗本源】:24800/90000(九阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, immediately satisfied nod. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,顿时满意的点了点头。 Had these three nine step source principles, in addition the immortal material, breaks off the wrist/skill with the bone demon tree is not not possible. 有了这三种九阶本源法则,再加上不朽物质,与骨魔树掰一掰手腕也不是不可能。 After absorbing three source principles sense, another special sensibility swamps into his mind, changed to a strange world. 吸收完三种本源法则感悟之后,又一种特殊的感悟涌入他的脑海之中,化作了一座奇异的世界。 This world covered entirely the skeleton, various all sorts of strange and unusual white bones embed in, spell with ruins of some perishing bone, has the meaning of thick dark deathly stillness to fill the air, frightening. 这座世界布满了骸骨,各种千奇百怪的白骨镶嵌其中,与亡骨之墟有的一拼,更有浓浓的黑暗死寂之意弥漫,令人心惊。 Bone demon world: 8400 / 90000( nine steps) ; 【骨魔世界】:8400/90000(九阶); This was a familiar attribute sensibility, Wang Teng also has naturally also obtained before, now promotes again. 这自然又是一种熟悉的属性感悟,王腾同样是在之前就已经得到过,如今再次提升。 The bone demon world, the strength of bone spirit clan Dark Species unique world, is quite unusual, is not the strength of common world may compare. 骨魔世界,骨灵族黑暗种特有的世界之力,颇为奇特,不是寻常世界之力可比的。 This bone demon tree also really thinks highly of me, using the immortal material and three nine step source principles strength was insufficient, unexpectedly must add on the strength of these nine step world.” “这骨魔树还真是看得起我,动用了不朽物质和三种九阶本源法则之力还不够,居然还要加上这九阶世界之力。” „Does this have to think to be tender I?” “这是有多想嫩死我啊?” Wang Teng a little does not know whether to laugh or cry, felt that attaching great importance to that came from the bone demon tree, does not know that should thank it? Thanked it? Also or thanked it? 王腾有点哭笑不得,感觉到了来自于骨魔树的重视,不知道是该感谢它?还是感谢它?亦或是感谢它呢? After all has not attached great importance, is unable to fall so many attribute air bubbles. 毕竟没有如此重视,也无法掉落这么多的属性气泡嘛。 However he also a little rejoiced. 不过他也有点庆幸。 He used luckily directly 【The resembles of deep god, And displays Deep prison palm Demon Venerable level Fighting technique of this deep god clan, otherwise feared that is one cannot block. 幸好他直接动用了【冥神之像】,并施展出【冥狱掌】这门冥神族的魔尊战技,否则怕是一下都挡不住。 Wang Teng shakes the head, no longer thinks. 王腾摇了摇头,不再多想。 A world attribute, he absorbed quickly, was several attribute air bubbles converges in his body. 只有一种世界属性,他很快就吸收完了,而后又是几个属性气泡汇入他的身躯之中。 Unexpectedly is the soul source and life source attribute.” His eye one bright. “竟然是灵魂本源和生命本源属性。”他不由的眼睛一亮。 Said is actually unusual, since has entered this space, he had collected many soul source and life source attribute, has been used. 倒不是说有多么稀奇,进入这片空间以来,他已经拾取了很多灵魂本源和生命本源属性,早就习惯了。 How delicious food, ate also such again. 再如何美味的食物,吃多了也就那样。 He has not thought that say/way attack will just fall unexpectedly these two species, this is he feels the surprised place truly. 只是他没想到刚刚那道攻击居然会掉落这两种属性,这才是他真正感到惊奇的地方。 Common Martial Artist or the star beast meets the falling life source and soul source attribute , because they received the extremely heavy injury, but the strong character demon tree had not just been injured. 寻常武者或是星兽之所以会掉落生命本源和灵魂本源属性,都是因为他们受了极重的伤势,而刚刚骨魔树可没有受伤。 It used the bone demon root hair to form a giant sharp thorn, Wang Teng has not even destroyed it. 它只是动用了骨魔根须形成了一根巨大的尖刺而已,王腾甚至都没有将其摧毁。 Did this fall the life source and soul source attribute, the life source and soul source of bone demon tree many to has been able the so luxurious situation? 这就掉落了生命本源和灵魂本源属性,骨魔树的生命本源和灵魂本源已经多到可以如此奢侈的地步了吗? In Wang Teng heart surprised, looks at the present bone demon tree core, looks like looks at a fool simply. 王腾心中惊奇不已,看着眼前的骨魔树核心,简直就像是看着一个冤大头。 No matter how said, this to him is the good deed. 不管怎么说,这对他来说都是好事。 The source of absorption core can obtain the strength of source, is attacked by bone demon tree, but can also two source attributes, such good deed fall pie with the space seriously. 吸收核心之源可以得到本源之力,遭到骨魔树的攻击,还能够得到两种本源属性,这样的好事当真就跟天上掉馅饼似的。 Does not know, if the bone demon tree knew this situation, but can also attack him? 只是不知道如果骨魔树知道了这种情况,还会不会攻击他? Wang Teng thinks the so interesting situation, in the heart then hey smiled one, felt oneself are gains completely steadily does not owe. 王腾一想到这般有趣的情形,心中便不由嘿笑了一声,感觉自己完全是稳赚不亏啊。 Was attacked by the bone demon tree attack, he could not avoid, cannot fall the matter of half meat. 被骨魔树攻击就被攻击呗,他又不是躲不开,掉不了半块肉的事儿。 Wang Teng a little slightly was suddenly excited, eye shining is staring at the bone demon tree core, infiltrates the person strangely! 王腾突然就有点小激动了,眼睛发亮的盯着骨魔树核心,怪渗人的! Well, space attribute!” “咦,空间属性!” At this time, Wang Teng felt that a special strength swamped into his body. 这时,王腾又感觉到了一股特殊的力量涌入他的身体之中。 He collected the space attribute again, this let in his heart moved. 他再一次拾取到了空间属性,这让他心中不由的一动。 It seems like this bone demon tree when resorts to some powerful methods, should make this space have the turbulence, therefore meets the falling space class the attribute air bubble. 看来这骨魔树在动用一些强大手段的时候,应该会让这片空间出现动荡,所以才会掉落空间类的属性气泡。 Suddenly, in the Wang Teng mind flashed through fiercely miraculous, as if thought of anything together. 突然,王腾脑海中猛地闪过一道灵光,似乎想到了什么。 He had not forgotten own true goal- seeks to leave the means of ruins of perishing bone! 他一直没有忘记自己的真正目的-寻找离开亡骨之墟的办法! But cannot find the opportunity, as now the understanding bone demon tree is even more thorough, he gradually found a clue. 只不过一直没能找到机会,如今随着对骨魔树的了解越发深入,他才逐渐找到了一丝头绪。 Space attribute that especially just absorbed, was makes him think excellent means that was only some slightly risks. 尤其是刚刚吸收到的空间属性,更是让他想到了一个绝妙的办法,只是略有些冒险罢了。 But his means that need to draw support from this bone demon tree the source of core! 而他的办法,需要借助这骨魔树的核心之源! Only by his strength, feared that is unable to shake the space of ruins of perishing bone. 光靠他一个人的力量,怕是无法撼动亡骨之墟的空间。 The Wang Teng vision flashes fast, in the heart has decided the idea. 王腾目光快速闪动,心中已是有了定计。 Cannot wait again! 不能再等了! By the present, almost can implement his plan. 到了现在,差不多可以实行他的计划了。 The counter- bonesetting demon tree estimate had been alarmed thoroughly, he did not care about the bone demon tree to affect himself. 反正骨魔树估计已经彻底被惊动,他也不在意骨魔树是不是会影响到自己了。 However before then, but must complete Deep god body Final transformation. 不过在此之前,还要完成【冥神体】的最后蜕变。 This Deep god body Does not transform completes, eventually is one small troublesome. 这【冥神体】不蜕变完成,终究是一个小麻烦。 The Wang Teng attention placed on the final attribute air bubble immediately, he immediately its absorption. 王腾的注意力顿时放在了最后的属性气泡上面,他立刻将其吸收。 In an instant, a lot of immortal materials swamp into his body, circulation all the limbs and bones, have not waited for them to ambush, was transferred immediately, melts with his body. 刹那间,大量的不朽物质涌入他的身躯之中,流转四肢百骸,还不等它们潜伏下来,便顿时被调动了起来,与他的身躯相融。 „The immortal material that this time collects are really many.” In Wang Teng heart great happiness. “这次拾取到的不朽物质还真不少。”王腾心中大喜。 In that flash, he felt immediately the immortal material that oneself just now absorb is quite considerable. 在那一瞬间,他顿时就感觉到自己方才吸收的不朽物质相当可观。 Although cannot make up all of a sudden neat his fourth-order immortal material, but the good and evil solved urgent matter, can make him relax. 虽说不能一下子将他的四阶不朽物质补齐,但好歹是解了燃眉之急,可以让他松一口气了。 A while, the immortal material of his within the body had almost bottomed a moment ago, without collecting this immortal material attribute, Deep god body The transformation estimate really must have something go wrong. 就刚才那么一会儿,他体内的不朽物质几乎已经见底,如果没有拾取到这不朽物质属性,【冥神体】的蜕变估计真要出岔子。 !” Wang Teng vents anger slightly, in the heart rejoiced: This bone demon tree prompt delivered the benefits to come to me luckily.” “呼!”王腾微微出了口气,心中庆幸:“幸好这骨魔树及时给我送福利来了。” Bang! 轰! As this about 15000 points immortal materials integrate his body, Deep god body The transformation welcomed the final critical moment finally. 随着这将近15000点的不朽物质融入他的身躯,【冥神体】的蜕变终于迎来了最后的关键时刻。 Fierce thundering resounds in his within the body immediately, just like having anything blasts out loudly, later a stretch of new world presented in his front. 一阵剧烈的轰鸣顿时在他的体内响起,宛如有什么东西轰然炸开,随后一片新的天地呈现在了他的面前。 The Wang Teng heart shakes, joyful well ups suddenly. 王腾心头一震,一丝喜悦陡然涌上心头。 Became! 成了! Even he has not thought, this final about 15000 point immortal material attributes, happen to became last straw that crushes the camel. 连他都没有想到,这最后的近15000点不朽物质属性,正好成了压倒骆驼的最后一根稻草。 Actually is not strange, although Deep god body From fifth-order transforms to six steps truly needs many immortal materials, but will not be exaggerating. 其实也不奇怪,尽管【冥神体】从五阶蜕变到六阶确实需要不少不朽物质,但也不会太夸张。 The Wang Teng fourth-order immortal material was enough, because front Shadow talent With Demon bone The talent consumed many immortal materials, this caused his fourth-order immortal material is not insufficient, will otherwise not have the so awkward situation. 王腾的四阶不朽物质本来是足够的,就因为前面的【阴影天赋】和【魔骨】天赋消耗了不少不朽物质,这才导致了他的四阶不朽物质不够用,否则根本不会出现如此尴尬的情况。 No matter how said, the fourth-order immortal material is quite flamboyant. 不管怎么说,四阶的不朽物质还是颇为牛逼的。 At this moment, Wang Teng many retrieved little self-confident, he also thinks that the Fighting technique fourth-order immortal material insufficiently has looked. 这一刻,王腾多少找回了一点点自信,他还以为战技的四阶不朽物质已经不够看了呢。 Naturally, the promotion must continue to promote, who does not promote who is a fool. 当然,提升还是要继续提升的,谁不提升谁是傻子。 Deep god body: 100 / 600000( six steps) ; 【冥神体】:100/600000(六阶); Wang Teng looked at a property panel, has not felt the accident/surprise, Deep god body Really successfully completed the promotion. 王腾看了一眼属性面板,没有觉得意外,【冥神体】果然顺利完成了晋升。 Although a little small twists and turns, but the result is good, this was enough. 虽然有点小波折,但结果是好的,这就足够了。 He relaxes slightly, just wants to implement the plan that just now thinks, in the mind emits an information suddenly. 他微微松了口气,刚想实行方才所想到的计划,脑海中突然又冒出一段信息来。 Buries deeply! 冥葬! An extremely familiar name appeared in his mind. 一个极度熟悉的名字出现在了他的脑海中。 This Fighting technique is Wang Teng when Earth Star, from the Cancer Martial Artist hand above Northern European Holy Mountain obtained, has accompanied him to arrive at the present. 这门战技本是王腾地星时,从北欧圣山之上的巨蟹宫武者手中所得,一直陪伴他到了现在。 Moreover this Fighting technique once brought a big boost to him. 而且这门战技曾给他带来不小的助力。 If not for has assisting of this Fighting technique, initially he swallowed swallowing of beast facing the nihility, and even is the seizing shed of blood group first ancestor, it is estimated that is cool. 若不是有着这门战技的相助,当初他面对虚无吞兽的吞噬,乃至是血族始祖的夺舍,估计已经凉凉了。 Can see from these two matters, this Buries deeply Fighting technique indeed has the originality, and is powerful enough. 从这两件事上就可以看出,这门【冥葬】战技的确是有着独到之处,并且也足够强大。 After all said no matter how, this is one in view of Fighting technique of soul body, even is more powerful than common spirit class Fighting technique. 毕竟不管怎么说,这是一门针对灵魂体的战技,甚至比寻常的精神类战技要强大很多。 Before Wang Teng also a little wondered, Fighting technique of only Northern European Holy Mountain Cancer, how can be so the degree. 以前王腾还有点纳闷,区区一个北欧圣山巨蟹宫的战技,怎么能够达到如此程度。 Must know that at that time the Earth Star highest strength was 13 star War General Level. 要知道当时地星的最高战力不过是13星战将级而已啊。 This looks down upon the Earth Star native place actually not, but expands with his vision, has understood that initially the Earth Star background truly cannot compare with the universe, the difference were too many. 这倒不是看不起自己地星老家,而是随着他的眼界拓宽,已经明白当初地星的底蕴确实不能与宇宙相比,差太多了。 This is not the issuable fact. 这是不可争论的事实。 However now he understands finally. 不过现在他终于明白了。 This Buries deeply Especially unexpectedly is Fighting technique of deep god clan! 这【冥葬】特么的居然是冥神族的战技 Moreover the deep god clan is in sole possession of the talent Deep god body Fighting technique that middle derives! 而且还是冥神族独有天赋【冥神体】当中衍生出来的战技 This was a little inconceivable. 这就有点不可思议了。 Will Fighting technique of deep god clan fall to the Martial Artist hand of Northern European Holy Mountain Cancer in? 冥神族的战技怎么会落到北欧圣山巨蟹宫的武者手中? Is a little unscientific! 有点不科学啊! If common Dark Species Fighting technique, he can also understand actually, but this deep god clan but in universe extremely rare Dark Species clan, even in repeatedly war with Dark Species, deep god clan Dark Species still little comes extremely. 如果是寻常黑暗种战技,他倒是还能够理解,但是这冥神族可是宇宙中都极为少见的黑暗种族,即便是在与黑暗种的屡次战争之中,冥神族黑暗种也极少现身。 But above a star of Earth Star such eye, had not presented deep god clan Dark Species unexpectedly, is this not very incredible? 地星那样一颗不算起眼的星球之上,居然曾经出现过冥神族黑暗种,这难道还不够让人难以置信的? As for is the coincidence, Wang Teng has not thought toward this aspect. 至于是不是巧合,王腾根本就没往这方面去想。 If only the name same , the information that but through just obtained, Wang Teng has understood, initially obtained Buries deeply, Is this deep god clan Buries deeply. 如果只是名字相同也就罢了,可是通过刚刚得到的信息,王腾已经明白,当初得到的【冥葬】,就是这冥神族的【冥葬】。 The two radically are Fighting technique! 二者根本就是一门战技 Fighting technique that but obtained initially is incomplete, but now was complete, comprehensive, mysterious complex. 只不过当初得到的战技是残缺的,而如今则是完整了,更加的全面,也更加的玄奥复杂。 On the other hand, initially that Dark Species that caught in Northern European Holy Mountain is also quite special, I have not seen the second head.” “话说回来,当初在北欧圣山抓到的那头黑暗种也是比较特殊,我至今没有见过第二头。” Moreover it also grasped the fire of darkness, this is the world different fire that even the Demon Venerable level has cannot grasp.” “而且它还掌握了黑暗之火,这可是连魔尊级存在都没能掌握的天地异火。” Wang Teng knits the brows, suddenly thought of this matter. 王腾皱了皱眉,突然想到了此事。 Actually the matter of Earth Star, many places are passing strangely. 其实地星之事,有很多地方透着古怪。 Now more thinks, he more thought is not a little right. 如今越想,他越是觉得有点不对劲。 Does Earth Star have what secret to be inadequate? 难道地星还有什么秘密不成? But at this time he has not thought, wants is also useless. 但此时他也没有多想,想也没用。 These matters how, when he has free time to return to Earth Star to know. 这些事到底如何,只有等到他有空回到地星才能知晓。 By his present strength, entire Earth Star careful search, should does not have any difficulty. 以他现在的实力,将整个地星都仔仔细细的搜寻一遍,应该没有什么难度。 At this moment, about Buries deeply The information was absorbed by Wang Teng completely, he also grasped this Fighting technique thoroughly, in addition before he will be incomplete Buries deeply Grasped the complete level, now is naturally handier. 此刻,关于【冥葬】的信息完全被王腾吸收,他也彻底掌握了这门战技,加上之前他本就将残缺的【冥葬】掌握到了圆满层次,如今自然更加得心应手。 Well! Opening Deep god body, Actuates this by the resembles of deep god again Buries deeply Fighting technique, may shake the Demon Venerable level and immortal level above existence.” “咦!开启【冥神体】,再以冥神之像驱动这【冥葬】战技,可撼动魔尊级和不朽级以上的存在。” Moreover my strength is stronger, existence that can shake is then stronger.” “而且我的实力越强,能够撼动的存在便越强。” Wang Teng light well, in the eye passed over gently and swiftly unusual look, is pleasantly surprised. 王腾轻咦了一声,眼中掠过一丝异色,着实是又惊又喜。 After complete, Buries deeply Fighting technique, can go to so the situation unexpectedly, this may flamboyant send greatly. 完整之后的【冥葬】战技,竟然可以达到如此地步,这可牛逼大发了。 Moreover this Fighting technique can obviously with Deep god body With 【The resembles of deep god The necessary use, sole this point, before is not, incomplete Fighting technique may compared with. 而且这门战技显然是可以与【冥神体】和【冥神之像】配套使用的,单单这一点,就不是以前残缺的战技可比了。 Before, this Buries deeply Fighting technique has a big flaw. 以前,这门【冥葬】战技有着不小的缺陷。 For example cannot often use, otherwise can injure and soul source, now this flaw remains, after all needs to consume the soul source, this cannot change. 比如不能经常使用,否则会伤及灵魂本源,如今这个缺陷依旧存在,毕竟需要消耗灵魂本源,这是改变不了的。 Is good can collect the soul source attribute because of Wang Teng, pours does not need too to be worried about this point. 好在王腾可以拾取灵魂本源属性,倒也不用太担心这一点。 Another flaw came from Buries deeply The limit to the strength, it can only contrast the strength low person to be useful . Moreover the power gap is bigger, the success ratio will be higher. 另一个缺陷则是来自于【冥葬】对实力的限制,它只能对比自己实力低的人有用,而且实力差距越大,成功率才会越高。 This is actually not considered as the flaw, can only be the normal condition. 这个其实也不算是缺陷,只能算是正常情况。 Any Fighting technique, is very difficult to achieve by weak to subdue|grams, soul class Fighting technique especially so. 任何战技,都很难做到以弱克强,灵魂类战技尤其如此。 However now to Wang Teng, this limit attenuates actually. 不过现在对王腾而言,这个限制倒是弱化了许多。 First his soul already enough powerful, and broke the limit in the boundary, intensity of pressure his soul must far exceed own boundary. 一来他的灵魂已经足够强大,并且在境界上打破了局限,他的灵魂之力强度要远超自身的境界。 In other words, he can actually by weak to subdue|grams. 也就是说,他其实是可以以弱克强的。 Secondly, has Deep god body With 【The resembles of deep god in addition holds, can achieve by weak to subdue|grams similarly. 二来,有着【冥神体】和【冥神之像】的加持,也同样可以做到以弱克强。 But this was the powerful place of deep god clan. 而这就是冥神族的强大之处了。 Has not thought that also has such unexpected happiness.” In the Wang Teng heart was happier. “没想到还有这样的意外之喜。”王腾心中更加高兴了。 This thinks is only simple Deep god body From fifth-order promotes to six steps, does not want also to stimulate Fighting technique that a deep god clan is in sole possession, this is completely the additional advantage. 本以为只是简单的将【冥神体】从五阶提升到六阶,不曾想还能激发一门冥神族独有的战技,这完全是附加的好处。 No wonder must consume so many immortal materials, this Deep god body Really outstanding, value!” Wang Teng touches the chin, in the heart smiles. “难怪要消耗这么多的不朽物质,这【冥神体】果然不同凡响,值了!”王腾摸了摸下巴,心中嘿嘿一笑。 ...... …… When the Wang Teng absorption attribute air bubble, three skull spirit clan Dark Species of not far away is exchanging fast. 就在王腾吸收属性气泡之时,不远处的三头骨灵族黑暗种正在快速交流着。 We hurry to run, was too dangerous.” Bone sui from saying of heart. “我们赶紧跑吧,太危险了。”骨濉从心的说道。 „Is this really the Demon Venerable level exists? So will be why bad?” Bone spooky saying. “这真的是魔尊级存在吗?为什么会这么恶劣?”骨喀幽幽的说道。 These words it does not dare saying that only dares to send greetings. 这句话它根本不敢说出来,只敢传音。 If by some chance existed to hear by that Demon Venerable level, it does not die also the delamination skin. 万一被那位魔尊级存在听到,它不死也得脱层皮啊。 The style that the opposite party just demonstrated that does not need to want also to know, this is a narrow-minded Demon Venerable level exists, cannot stir up! Do not stir up!. 对方刚刚展现出的行事风格,不用想也知道,这是一个小心眼的魔尊级存在,惹不起!惹不起!。 The bone carboxyl is a little also speechless, do they absorb bone demon tree the source of core to be easy? 骨羧也有点无语,它们吸收一点骨魔树的核心之源容易吗? Had an opportunity drill to take advantage of loopholes with great difficulty, finally immediately is mixed, this anything matter. 好不容易有了一个机会钻钻空子,结果立刻就被人搅和了,这都什么事啊。 „It is not right!” The bone carboxyl thought of anything suddenly, is looking at just now the situations in two attack collision places, said solemnly. “不对!”骨羧突然想到了什么,望着方才两道攻击碰撞处的情形,沉声道 What isn't right?” Bone somewhat perplexed asking. “什么不对?”骨喀有些不明所以的问道。 That purple form does not seem to use the immortal strength, is it really...... the Demon Venerable level exists?” The bone carboxyl vision flashes, passes message said. “那道紫色身影似乎并未动用不朽之力,它真的是……魔尊级存在吗?”骨羧目光一闪,传音说道。 Confessed that the intelligent person is so, they have the heart of question to anything, will not easily believe others. 自认聪明的人便是如此,它们对任何事物都存在着质疑之心,不会轻易相信他人。 Probably has not truly felt the immortal strength.” Bone after it, as soon as reminded, immediately responded, but said scruple: Perhaps is that Demon Venerable level exists has not used, this cannot be to deny him is the basis of Demon Venerable level, let alone he can easily avoid that and other powerful attacks, explained that his method is very astonishing, cannot be underestimated absolutely.” “好像确实没有感觉到不朽之力。”骨喀经它一提醒,顿时反应了过来,但还是迟疑道:“不过也许是那位魔尊级存在还未动用,这并不能作为否定他是魔尊级的依据啊,何况他能够轻易避开那等强大的攻击,说明他的手段十分惊人,绝对不容小觑。” Un.” The bone carboxyl nods, it also questioned, silly to has not really rushed with the opposite party resists hardly. “嗯。”骨羧点了点头,它也只是质疑,并没有傻到真的冲上去与对方硬抗。 By strength that the opposite party shows, it overruns can only court death. 以对方展现出的实力,它冲过去只能是找死。 It wants to find the opportunity to absorb source of the core again, has the mistake? 它只是想要找机会再多吸收一点核心之源,有错吗? We shift a direction.” Bone said immediately. “我们转移一个方向吧。”骨喀当即说道。 Good!” “好!” The bone carboxyl and bone sui nods immediately, they get to know the benefits, does not want easily to give up. 骨羧和骨濉当即点了点头,它们尝到了甜头,都不想这么轻易放弃。 Therefore these three skull spirit clan Dark Species on the alert Wang Teng that side situation, while stealthy goes toward another side movement of bone demon tree core. 于是这三头骨灵族黑暗种一边警惕着王腾那边的情况,一边鬼鬼祟祟的朝着骨魔树核心的另一边移动而去。 That cautious appearance, making Wang Teng feel a little funny. 那副小心翼翼的样子,让王腾感觉有点好笑。 He swept their one, the eyeground flashed through a strange meaning......! 他扫了它们一眼,眼底闪过一丝古怪之意……嘿嘿! Come, feels the anger of bone demon tree together! 来吧,来一起感受骨魔树的怒火吧! Six steps Deep god body, Opens!!!” Sonic boom drinks resounds from the Wang Teng heart suddenly. “六阶【冥神体】,开!!!”一声爆喝猛然自王腾心底响起。 Just was six step levels Deep god body Opening, the boundless death deep strength from his within the body eruption, the endless purple light shoots up to the sky loudly. 刚刚达到六阶层次的【冥神体】轰然开启,磅礴的死冥之力从他的体内爆发而出,无尽紫光冲天而起。
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