AAMD :: Volume #23

#2211: Fearful strikes! Malicious full! Powerful

Sudden that especially the unexpected situation always presents. 意外情况总是出现的格外突然。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species attention placed above that huge purple empty shadow, suddenly almost forgot other things. 三头骨灵族黑暗种的注意力都放在了那庞大的紫色虚影之上,一时间几乎都忘记了其他的事物。 even/including Gumo set up by their temporary forgetting. 连骨魔树都被它们短暂性的忘记了。 Is that purple empty shadow is really mainly terrorist, the dark deathly stillness aura that lends just like the deep god to arrive general, making one be afraid. 主要是那紫色虚影实在过于恐怖,散发出的黑暗死寂气息犹如冥神降临一般,让人心生恐惧。 Their even feelings, oneself, if depends is too near, will be dragged into the middle of the desperate deathtrap by that huge purple empty shadow instantaneously, loses the vitality thoroughly. 它们甚至有一种感觉,自己如果靠的太近,瞬间就会被那庞大的紫色虚影拉入绝望的死地当中,彻底失去生机。 Even if they are Dark Species, belonged to the darkness, in this moment heart to that purple empty shadow is still the instinct felt a thick fear. 即便它们是黑暗种,本就归于黑暗,此刻心中对那紫色虚影也是本能的感到了一丝浓浓的恐惧。 But in so the situation, the mutation appears suddenly. 而就在如此情况下,异变骤然出现。 Sky over in the top of the head darkness, the thick incomparable shadow lowers together loudly, drops from the clouds just like a heavenly pillar. 头顶上空的黑暗之中,一道粗大无比的黑影轰然降下,宛如一根天柱从天而降。 Bang! 轰! The speed that it lowers is fast, almost at visible speed in the eyes of person of presence unceasingly clear. 它降下的速度非常快,几乎是以肉眼可见的速度于在场之人的眼中不断清晰了起来。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species saw clearly the appearance of that thick shadow finally, this unexpectedly is by the innumerable bone demon root hair gathering, is revolving to be intertwined crazily, formed a giant incomparable sharp thorn. 三头骨灵族黑暗种终于看清了那粗大黑影的模样,这竟然是由无数的骨魔根须汇聚而成,正疯狂的旋转交缠着,形成了一根巨大无比的尖刺。 Above the surface of that giant sharp thorn, appeared impressively innumerable black rune/symbol writing, interwove mutually, changes to the rune/symbol writing chains, twined above the giant sharp thorn. 那巨大尖刺的表面之上,赫然浮现出了无数的黑色符文,相互交织,化作一条条符文锁链,缠绕在了巨大尖刺之上。 Powerful aura beyond description sends out from this giant sharp thorn. 一股难以形容的强大气息从这巨大尖刺之上散发而出。 In process that in this giant sharp thorn drops, its all around space swung the ripple, changed to the ripples proliferation one after another to open, the wild incomparable qi energy swept across the four directions. 在这巨大尖刺落下的过程中,其四周的空间荡开了波纹,化作一道又一道的涟漪扩散而开,狂暴无比的气劲席卷四方。 Wang Teng also saw this, the pupil shrank slightly. 王腾亦是看到了这一幕,瞳孔微微一缩。 He places under of this giant sharp thorn, the pressure that feels naturally is huge incomparable, as if palatial mountain peaks suppressed, hanging upside down. 他身处这巨大尖刺的正下方,感受到的压力自然更是巨大无比,仿佛有一座巍峨山峰镇压了下来,还是倒悬着的。 That sharp peak, is even sending out the dense/woods white cold glow in his eyes, making one not dare to imagine, if were stabbed by this sharp thorn, what consequence can be. 那尖锐的“峰顶”,在他的眼中甚至都在散发着森白的寒芒,让人不敢想象如果被这尖刺刺中,会是什么样的后果。 Spicy big, his small physique, the insufficient families put on. 辣么大一根,就他这小身板,都不够人家穿的。 So thinking, in his heart is even more not daring to belittle, within the body the strength of death deep source principle erupts, during integrates that huge purple to be in charge. 如此想着,他心中越发不敢小觑,体内的死冥本源法则之力爆发而出,融入那巨大的紫色掌印之中。 Purple rune/symbol writing above being in charge, change to above rune/symbol writing chains winding obviously, crash-bang makes noise, making it lend the powerful incomparable aura. 一道道紫色符文在掌印之上显化,化作符文锁链缠绕其上,哗啦作响,令其散发出强大无比的气息。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, two attacks collided finally in one, erupted the sound of fierce thundering, the terrifying Source Power complementary waves also proliferated to open. 下一刻,两道攻击终于碰撞在了一起,爆发出剧烈的轰鸣之声,恐怖的原力余波随之扩散而开。 The trim space vibrated. 整片空间都为之震动了起来。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision with amazement, go toward rear suddenly/violently to retreat hastily, but the vision stares at the region that two attacks are colliding as before stubbornly. 三头骨灵族黑暗种目光骇然,连忙朝着后方暴退而去,但目光依旧死死盯着那两道攻击碰撞的区域。 Whom doesn't know? 不知谁更强一些? If that huge purple is in charge can block that giant sharp thorn, to mean that say/way is really the Demon Venerable level exists by the form that the purple light packages! 如果那庞大的紫色掌印能够挡得住那巨大的尖刺,岂不是意味着那道被紫光包裹的身影真的是魔尊级存在! At this time they had responded, that giant sharp thorn inevitably is the attack of bone demon tree. 此时它们已经反应了过来,那巨大尖刺必然是骨魔树的攻击。 In this place, can erupt existence that so attacks fearfully, only had the bone demon to set up. 在这个地方,能够爆发出如此可怕攻击的存在,唯有骨魔树了。 Moreover that sharp thorn obviously is the bone demon root hair gathering, can look. 而且那尖刺明显是骨魔根须汇聚而成,一眼就能够看出来。 Why as for said that is the Demon Venerable level, naturally is power and influence that because that giant sharp thorn sends out, they, only then the Demon Venerable level exists has seen. 至于为何说是魔尊级,自然是因为那巨大的尖刺所散发出的威势,它们只有在魔尊级存在身上见过。 The attack that the high-rank demon sovereign level peak has, they have seen, but absolutely does not have the so fearful power and influence, therefore that giant sharp thorn decides however is the attack of Demon Venerable level level, without a doubt. 上位魔皇级巅峰存在的攻击,它们都见过,但绝对没有如此可怕的威势,所以那巨大尖刺定然是魔尊级层次的攻击,毋庸置疑。 Can suspect their strengths, but please do not suspect their visions. 可以怀疑它们的实力,但请不要怀疑它们的眼光。 At this time, the giant sharp thorn is bombardment ruthlessly above the purple was in charge, both sides melt obviously, but rune/symbol Wenjie is flashing rapidly, later disruption collapse. 此时,巨大的尖刺已然是狠狠的轰击在了紫色掌印之上,双方显化而出的符文皆是在急速闪动,随后碎裂崩溃。 However that huge purple is in charge is rumbled unexpectedly broken, but blocked the bombardment of giant sharp thorn forcefully. 但是那巨大的紫色掌印竟然没有被轰碎,而是硬生生的挡住了巨大尖刺的轰击。 Moreover, strength of both sides fell into deadlock impressively, was who cannot do to anyone at once unexpectedly. 不仅如此,双方的力量赫然陷入了僵持,一时之间竟是谁也没能奈何得了谁。 The soul fire in three skull spirit clan Dark Species that eye sockets enlarged several points, in the heart vibrates. 三头骨灵族黑暗种那眼眶之内的魂火都不由放大了几分,心中震动不已。 Really is the Demon Venerable level! 果然是魔尊级! Absolutely is the Demon Venerable level!! 绝对是魔尊级!! The bone carboxyl and bone was simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform looks to bone sui of not far away, but also really let alone, this fellow, although the head was straight, but this returned has not really misread. 骨羧和骨喀更是齐齐看向了身旁不远处的骨濉,还真别说,这家伙虽然脑袋直了点,但这回还真没有看错。 Bone sui stares slightly, along with even responded, immediately raised the head, light snort/hum, in the heart whispered: Makes you look down upon me, now knows that my bone sui the vision, will give me next time the limelight.” 骨濉微微一愣,随即便反应了过来,顿时扬起了脑袋,轻哼一声,心中不由嘀咕了起来:“让你们看不起我,现在知道我骨濉的眼光了吧,下次都给我注意点。” The bone carboxyl and bone does not know that thinks anything in the heart, if knows, it is estimated that will not give it absolutely any good complexion. 骨羧和骨喀并不知道在它在心中想什么,如果知道的话,估计绝对不会给它什么好脸色。 However they actually saw bone sui that self-satisfied vision, somewhat is speechless. 不过它们却是看到了骨濉那得意的目光,不禁有些无语。 This fellow also really gives a pigment to open the dye house! 这家伙还真是给点颜料就开染坊! They are disinclined to pay attention to it, the vision returned above the front two attacks, in heart dignified incomparable. 它们懒得理会它,目光重新回到了前方的两道攻击之上,心中凝重无比。 Now what to do? That is really the Demon Venerable level exists probably!” In the bone heart raised to draw back intent, but was also very unwilling, could not bear ask. “现在怎么办?那个好像真的是魔尊级存在!”骨喀心中升起了一丝退意,但又十分不甘心,忍不住问道。 In front of the Demon Venerable level, their three are seriously ordinary on such as the ants, but also an insufficient families finger pinches. 魔尊级面前,它们三个当真就如蝼蚁一般,还不够人家一根手指头捏的。 Actually they looked at Wang Teng completely high, although his strength was truly strong, but compared with the true Demon Venerable level, has a big disparity. 其实它们完全高看王腾了,虽然他的战力确实很强,但和真正的魔尊级比起来,还是有着不小的差距。 If not draw support from the external force, he is very difficult to strike to kill a Demon Venerable level to exist. 如果不借助外力,他很难击杀一头魔尊级存在。 That Demon Venerable level had by the bone demon tree is constrained, was not necessarily able to withdraw, we first not anxiously retreating.” The bone carboxyl clenches teeth, said solemnly. “那位魔尊级存在被骨魔树拖住了,未必能够脱身,我们先不急着退走。”骨羧咬了咬牙,沉声道 Said that but actually also some truth, that Demon Venerable level exists estimates now had stared by the bone demon tree, perhaps will fall from the sky also perhaps.” Bone sui the knife edge got up, felt that own opinion is very insightful, immediately says. “这么说倒也有些道理,那魔尊级存在如今估计已经被骨魔树盯上了,没准会就此陨落也说不定。”骨濉又支棱起来了,感觉自己的意见很有见地,当即又开口说道。 The bone carboxyl and bone looked at its one, this time has not refuted it actually, but nods saying: Good that you said that that Demon Venerable level will have will have big possibly by the bone demon tree is struck to kill.” 骨羧和骨喀看了它一眼,这次倒是没有反驳它,而是点了点头道:“你说的不错,那魔尊级存在有不小的可能会被骨魔树击杀。” The fearfulness of bone demon tree, it is well known. 骨魔树的可怕,众所周知。 At this time that Demon Venerable level existed has alarmed the bone demon tree obviously, wanted to withdraw, feared that is not easy. 此时那位魔尊级存在显然已经惊动了骨魔树,想要脱身,怕是没那么容易了。 But as the matter stands, we will also be more dangerous.” The bone carboxyl also said. “但这样一来,我们也会更加危险。”骨羧又道。 Bone sui and in the bone heart concentrates immediately, they know that the bone carboxyl the meaning, the bone demon tree was alarmed, then they estimated that will also be affected, the situation was without doubt more dangerous than before. 骨濉和骨喀心中顿时一凝,它们知道骨羧的意思,骨魔树被惊动,接下来它们估计也会受到波及,情况无疑是比之前更加危险了。 Acts according to circumstances, if the matter cannot, us hasten to sever connections to well.” The bone carboxyl vision flashes, finally said: Now can have the attraction while the bone demon tree by that Demon Venerable level actually, secretly the source of absorption core.” “见机行事吧,如果事不可为,我们还是及早抽身为好。”骨羧目光一闪,最终说道:“不过现在倒是可以趁着骨魔树被那位魔尊级存在吸引,偷偷吸收核心之源。” Bone sui and eye of bone shone, immediately actuates ancestor, quietly close to bone demon tree core, with bone bo absorption bone demon tree the source of core. 骨濉和骨喀的眼睛不由亮了起来,当即驱动祖物,悄然靠近骨魔树核心,用骨砵吸收骨魔树的核心之源。 These also really went well by them time. 这一次还真被它们得手了。 In three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts is overjoyed, originally planned to give up, never expected that joy after sorrow Yau Yat Tsuen. 三头骨灵族黑暗种心中大喜过望,本来都打算放弃了,没想到柳暗花明又一村。 Really waits for will have the result, opportunity this did not come. 果然等待是会有结果的,机会这不就来了吗。 How does not raise three skull spirit clan Dark Species, Wang Teng here and collision of that giant sharp thorn also arrived at the critical moment. 不提三头骨灵族黑暗种如何,王腾这边与那巨大尖刺的碰撞也到了关键时刻。 Bang! 轰! Suddenly, only hears a fierce bellow to spread from that giant sharp thorn in fiercely, immediately he then felt a powerful strength also to erupt. 突然间,只听见一阵剧烈的轰鸣声猛地自那巨大尖刺之中传出,随即他便感受到了一股强大的力量随之爆发而出。 Immortal strength!!! 不朽之力!!! In Wang Teng heart suddenly one startled, has not thought that this bone demon tree used the immortal strength directly. 王腾心中猛然一惊,没想到这骨魔树直接动用了不朽之力。 However quick, in his heart is a great happiness. 不过很快,他心中便是一阵大喜。 This bone demon tree used the immortal strength, to mean he can collect the immortal material quickly the attribute air bubble? 这骨魔树动用了不朽之力,岂不是意味着他很快就能够拾取到不朽物质的属性气泡? He was worrying that oneself immortal material is insufficient, without thinking of some people delivers goods to the doorstep immediately. 他正愁自己的不朽物质不够用呢,没想到立刻就有人送货上门来了。 „It is not right, my immortal material is insufficient, how to resist this to strike?” A Wang Teng complexion pain, somewhat wants to cry but have no tears. “不对,我的不朽物质不够用了,如何抵挡这一击?”王腾面色一苦,有些欲哭无泪。 This is forsees the concomitant tragedy simply. 这简直就是乐极生悲啊。 Bang! 轰隆! Also thinks without enough time that giant sharp thorn then erupts extremely terrifying striking power, the purple that under the super revolving, Wang Teng displayed was in charge must unable to support finally. 还来不及多想,那巨大尖刺便是爆发出了极为恐怖的攻击力,高速旋转之下,王腾施展的紫色掌印终于要支撑不住了。 Above is in charge writing by source principle strength of rune/symbol to start to collapse obviously. 掌印之上由本源法则之力显化的符文开始崩溃开来。 Wang Teng displayed this moment ago Deep prison palm, Only contained the strength of seven step dying deep source principles, this thinks that enough dealt with the present situation, the result has not thought that bone demon tree did not speak Wu De, used the immortal material unexpectedly. 王腾刚才施展这【冥狱掌】,只蕴含了七阶死冥本源法则之力,本以为足够应付眼下的情况了,结果没想到那骨魔树不讲武德,竟然使用了不朽物质。 At this moment, he realized the crucial nature of immortal material finally. 这一刻,他终于体会到了不朽物质的关键性。 With the Demon Venerable level above existence fight , without the immortal strength really is not good. 魔尊级以上的存在战斗,没有不朽之力是真的不行啊。 This is the strength of higher level, the common strength wants more step to contend with it, basically is not possible. 这是更高层次的力量,寻常的力量想要越阶与其抗衡,基本是不可能的。 It seems like, must promote the immortal material to be good much. 看来以后还是要多多提升不朽物质才行。 However this time situation truly is a little special, Deep god body The transformation needs a lot of immortal materials, he will not fall into the so passive position. 不过这一次的情况确实有点特殊,要不是【冥神体】的蜕变需要大量的不朽物质,他根本不会陷入如此被动的境地。 That Demon Venerable level existed to unable to support!” “那位魔尊级存在要支撑不住了!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species in distant place suspicious absorption bone demon tree the source of core, at this moment distant sees that the vision concentrates immediately. 三头骨灵族黑暗种正在远处偷偷摸摸的吸取骨魔树的核心之源,此刻远远的看到那一幕,目光顿时一凝。 Although they are absorbing the source of core with all one's heart, but has not forgotten to pay attention to that side collision. 它们虽然一门心思都在吸收核心之源,但也没有忘记关注那边的碰撞。 After all this also related to their safety, if that Demon Venerable level existed unable to support, they estimated that must run. 毕竟这也关系到了它们的安危,如果那位魔尊级存在撑不住,它们估计也要跑路了。 Bang! 轰! This idea just emitted in three skull spirit clan Dark Species mind, the purple that Wang Teng erupts is in charge then cannot support finally, the explosion opens loudly. 这个想法刚刚在三头骨灵族黑暗种的脑海中冒出,王腾所爆发出的紫色掌印便终于是支撑不住,轰然爆炸而开。 Innumerable rune/symbol writing disrupts. 无数符文碎裂。 The terrifying energy complementary waves toward sweep away to open in all directions, all around dense and numerous bone demon root hair was shaken by the energy complementary waves immediately. 恐怖的能量余波朝着四面八方横扫而开,四周密密麻麻的骨魔根须顿时被能量余波震了开去。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species also received affect, their positions said that is near, getting off the subject is not far. 三头骨灵族黑暗种也受到了波及,它们所处的位置说近不近,说远也不远。 The core space of this bone demon tree was not big, facing the so powerful attack, any places people is not not possible to hide. 这骨魔树的核心空间本就不算大,面对如此强大的攻击,任何身处其中的人都不可能躲得掉。 Therefore three skull spirit clan Dark Species also can only resist hardly, fortunately at this time they have absorbed the sources of many core, supported this wave of energy to attack actually reluctantly. 所以三头骨灵族黑暗种也只能硬抗,所幸此时它们已经吸收了不少核心之源,倒是勉强撑住了这一波能量冲击。 Their complexion looking with amazement to that side situation, looks the giant sharp thorn that helplessly that terrifying falls loudly, thorn to its under huge purple empty shadow. 它们面色骇然的望向那边的情形,眼睁睁看着那恐怖的巨大尖刺轰然落下,刺向其正下方的庞大紫色虚影。 At this moment, they are unexpectedly more anxious than Wang Teng. 这一刻,它们竟然比王腾还要紧张。 Because they know, this strikes not only relates to the life and death that Demon Venerable level has, relates to them whether to continue to absorb the source of core. 因为它们知道,这一击不仅仅是关系到那位魔尊级存在的生死,更是关系到了它们能否继续吸收核心之源。 Bang! 轰! However is in an instant, the giant sharp thorn that is formed by the innumerable bone demon root hair, has then punctured the purple to be in charge the energy that the explosion forms, arrives above the deep god empty shadow top of the head instantaneously, punctured loudly. 不过是刹那间,那由无数骨魔根须形成的巨大尖刺,便已是刺破了紫色掌印爆炸所形成的能量,瞬间来到冥神虚影的头顶之上,轰然刺了下去。 Only hears scoffing, that huge incomparable deep god empty shadow had then been pierced from the top of the head by the sharp thorn. 只听见“嗤”的一声,那庞大无比的冥神虚影便已是被尖刺从头顶洞穿。 This, it may be said that is the terrifying. 这一幕,可谓是恐怖至极。 The so huge deep god empty shadow, was penetrated from the top of the head by a sharp thorn unexpectedly, looks like roasts skewer, many a little frightened feeling. 如此庞大的冥神虚影,竟然被一根尖刺从头顶穿透,就像是烤串似的,多少有点惊悚之感。 If that is a flesh and blood, at this moment perhaps is the intestines puts on the stomach to be rotten, dripping with blood. 如果那是一具血肉之躯,此刻恐怕已是肠穿肚烂,鲜血淋漓了。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species all are the heart vibrates, vision panic-stricken incomparable looks at distant place, in the heart only has a thought...... 三头骨灵族黑暗种皆是心头震动,目光惊骇无比的望着远处这一幕,心中只有一个念头…… A Demon Venerable level exists, fell from the sky like this?! 一位魔尊级存在,就这样陨落了?! This rather too...... careless a point! 这未免太……草率了一点! That is the solemn Demon Venerable level exists, unexpectedly falls from the sky like this in this place, gives them really not a real feeling. 那可是堂堂的魔尊级存在啊,居然就这样陨落在此地,着实给它们一种不真实的感觉。 However...... 然而…… In the meantime, strange appeared. 就在此时,奇异的一幕出现了。 That huge purple empty shadow seems like the illusion to be common unexpectedly, slowly dissipation in same place. 那庞大的紫色虚影竟像是幻象一般,缓缓消散在了原地。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species were shocked immediately. 三头骨灵族黑暗种顿时愣住了。 What happened? 发生了什么事? Why spicy will the big purple empty shadow vanish suddenly does not see? 为什么辣么大的紫色虚影会突然消失不见? Bang! 轰! Has not waited for them to think, in their rear area not far away, a terrifying the familiar dark deathly stillness aura erupts loudly, looks like general that emerges out of thin air. 还不等它们多想,就在它们后方不远处,一股恐怖又熟悉的黑暗死寂气息轰然爆发而出,就像是凭空出现的一般。 Ka ka ka...... 咔咔咔…… Three skull spirit clan Dark Species stiff rotation necks, turn head look, whole person hemp. 三头骨灵族黑暗种僵硬的转动脖子,回头看去,整个人都麻了。 The purple empty shadow that just vanished, appeared in them at this moment unexpectedly behind. 刚刚消失的紫色虚影,此刻居然出现在了它们的身后。 Is this must do? 这是要干什么? Is this must do? 这是要干什么? Such big place, where cannot go, must run up to them to come behind, they suspect the evil aim of opposite party seriously. 这么大的地方,哪里不能去,偏偏要跑到它们身后来,它们严重怀疑对方的险恶目的。 Suddenly, three skull spirit clan Dark Species feels the thick evil intention. 一时间,三头骨灵族黑暗种都是感觉到了浓浓的恶意。 Bullies the person simply! 简直欺负人啊! How to avoid just giant sharp thorn as for the opposite party, they simply did not have the thoughts to think at this time, only wants to leave that purple empty shadow, this special was too dangerous. 至于对方到底是如何避开刚刚的巨大尖刺,它们此时根本没有心思去想,只想离那紫色虚影远一点,这特么实在太危险了啊。 The attack what kind of terrifying of that giant sharp thorn, they are just now away from at this moment are so near, if comes again one time, affect that receive will be inconceivable surely. 方才那巨大尖刺的攻击何等恐怖,它们此刻距离这么近,如果再来一次,必定会受到难以想象的波及。 When the time comes does not die also wants the severe wound! 到时候不死也要重伤! This is Wang Teng is naturally intentional, he has noticed three skull spirit clan Dark Species petty actions, how possibly to let the source of they so relaxed absorption core. 这自然是王腾有意为之,他早就注意到三头骨灵族黑暗种的小动作,怎么可能让它们如此轻松的吸收核心之源。 He in the firepower of that side attraction bone demon tree, lets them in the source of that side absorption core, has such good matter? 他在那边吸引骨魔树的火力,让它们在那边吸收核心之源,有这么好的事情? Rather thought highly of his Wang Teng. 未免太看得起他王腾了。 Therefore just when avoiding the bombardment of that giant sharp thorn, in his then heart moves, direct transmission three skull spirit clan Dark Species behind, gave them directly greatly pleasantly surprised one. 所以刚刚在躲避那巨大尖刺的轰击之时,他便心中一动,直接传送到了三头骨灵族黑暗种的身后,直接给了它们一个大惊喜。 This moment Wang Teng vision looks immediately toward distant place that giant sharp thorn around, because he used the deep god clan Imaginary deep movement Avoided directly that struck, the giant sharp thorn lost the goal, straight insertion below black fog. 此刻王腾的目光立刻朝着远处那巨大的尖刺四周看去,由于他动用了冥神族的【幻冥身法】直接避开了那一击,巨大尖刺失去了目标,直接插入了下方的黑雾之中。 This strikes, he was avoids. 这一击,他算是避开了。 But in all around of this giant sharp thorn, has massive attribute air bubbles to fall impressively. 而在这巨大尖刺的四周,赫然有着大量属性气泡掉落而出。 Many!” Wang Teng eye one bright. “好多!”王腾眼睛一亮。 Strikes, unexpectedly fell so many attribute air bubbles, this bone demon tree was really...... natural! 一击而已,居然掉落了这么多属性气泡,这骨魔树真是太……大方了啊! Collects!” “拾取!” Wang Teng naturally has nothing hesitant, immediately then read the strength to sweep across own spirit, collected that giant sharp thorn all around attribute air bubble entirely. 王腾自然没有任何犹豫,当即便将自身的精神念力席卷而出,把那巨大尖刺四周的属性气泡统统拾取了回来。 Dark Star Source Power * 3500】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 4000】 【黑暗星辰原力 Dark Star Source Power * 3800】 【黑暗星辰原力 ...... …… Bone demon root hair * 1200】 【骨魔根须】 Bone demon root hair * 1600】 【骨魔根须】 Bone demon root hair * 2000】 【骨魔根须】 ...... …… Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2500】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2000】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 Dying deep source( nine steps) * 2800】 【死冥本源(九阶)】 ...... …… 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 1800】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 2300】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 【The source of bone( nine steps) * 2500】 【骨之本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Dark source( nine steps) * 3000】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 2600】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 Dark source( nine steps) * 3200】 【黑暗本源(九阶)】 ...... …… Bone demon world( nine steps) * 1300】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 Bone demon world( nine steps) * 1500】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 Bone demon world( nine steps) * 2000】 【骨魔世界(九阶)】 ...... …… Soul source * 200】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 350】 【灵魂本源】 Soul source * 400】 【灵魂本源】 ...... …… Life source * 300】 【生命本源】 Life source * 500】 【生命本源】 Life source * 450】 【生命本源】 ...... …… Space * 1100】 【空间】 Space * 1000】 【空间】 Space * 800】 【空间】 ...... …… Immortal material * 4500】 【不朽物质】 Immortal material * 5000】 【不朽物质】 Immortal material * 5300】 【不朽物质】 ...... …… Feels the attribute air bubble that massive gatherings are coming, Wang Teng deeply inspires, the mood somewhat surged. 感受着大量汇聚而来的属性气泡,王腾不由深吸了口气,心情有些激荡了起来。 Too many! 太多了! Too were really many! 真的太多了! Also was the disposable absorbent so many attribute air bubbles, when this let he remembered just entered this space, the attribute air bubble that at that time collects was also same rich. 又是一次性吸收了这么多的属性气泡,这让他不由想起了刚刚进入这片空间之时,那时候拾取到的属性气泡也是一样的丰富。 Wang Teng no longer thinks, immediately absorbs. 王腾不再多想,立刻吸收了起来。 Dark Star Source Power is the most basic attribute, he just to use the method of deep god clan, consumed many dark Star Source Power, at this moment finally supplemented completely. 黑暗星辰原力是最基本的属性,他刚刚为了施展冥神族的手段,消耗了不少黑暗星辰原力,此刻终于完全补充了回来。 Immediately felt oneself were also good! 顿时感觉自己又行了! Then this attribute air bubble is a Fighting technique attribute. 接下来这个属性气泡是一门战技属性。 Bone demon root hair! 骨魔根须! In the Wang Teng heart moves slightly, before he was guessing that this bone demon root hair can also be Fighting technique, but had not obtained the corresponding attribute air bubble, therefore then placed the heart temporarily, now finally obtains the corresponding attribute air bubble. 王腾心中微微一动,之前他就在猜测这骨魔根须会不会也是一门战技,只是一直没有得到相应的属性气泡,所以便暂时放在了心底,如今终于得到了相应的属性气泡。 He will sink to the mind immediately energetic, the corresponding sensibility also appears. 他当即将精神沉入脑海之中,相应的感悟随之出现。 In the Wang Teng mind, a giant incomparable bone demon tree condenses, is built by the white bones, the innumerable white bones root hair drag in its side, the terrifying is unusual. 王腾的脑海之中,一棵巨大无比的骨魔树凝聚而出,由白骨堆砌而成,无数的白骨根须在其身侧摇曳,恐怖异常。 Bang! 轰! In an instant, these white bones root hair simultaneous/uniform Qidong, went toward the front bombardment. 刹那间,这些白骨根须齐齐动了起来,朝着前方轰击而去。 The innumerable lives were harvested, or was pierced, was twined, or pulled out directly broken...... to mention just a few! 无数生灵被收割,或是被洞穿,或是被缠绕,亦或是径直被抽碎……不一而足! Finally, these lives under sweeping across of that white bones root hair, were hauled back in the bone demon tree, vanishes thoroughly does not see. 最终,这些生灵都是在那白骨根须的席卷之下,被拖回了骨魔树之中,彻底消失不见。 All around falls into a deathly stillness immediately! 四周顿时陷入一片死寂! This fearful. 这一幕过于可怕。 That innumerable white bones root hair was common on such as the death tentacle, draws in the death abyss the life that all could see all, what kind of terrifying. 那无数的白骨根须就如死亡触手一般,将一切看得到的生灵尽数拖入死亡深渊之中,何等的恐怖。 Wang Teng recovers from the sensibility, held breath cold air, in the heart vibrated. 王腾从感悟当中回过神来,不由倒吸了一口凉气,心中震动不已。 It can be said that this Fighting technique compared with before him obtains 【The claw of bone demon Also is more fearful, making one feel frightened. 可以说,这门战技比他之前得到的【骨魔之爪】还要可怕很多,令人感到惊悚。 Bone demon root hair( Growth): 4800 / 10000( crosses the threshold) ; 【骨魔根须】(成长型):4800/10000(入门); Unexpectedly is growth Fighting technique!” In the Wang Teng eye reveals color of the accident/surprise. “居然是成长型战技!”王腾眼中露出一丝意外之色。 Growth Fighting technique means this Bone demon root hair The upper limit will be quite high, can with his strength rise, but grows stronger unceasingly, will not easily hold back. 成长型战技意味着这【骨魔根须】的上限会比较高,可以随着他的实力提升而不断变强,不会轻易拖后腿。 He guesses really right, this Bone demon root hair Compared with before him obtains 【The claw of bone demon Strives to excel much, sufficiently with Fighting technique that he fuses Demon blood poison scale vine Compared favorably. 他猜的果然没错,这【骨魔根须】比他之前得到的【骨魔之爪】要强不少,足以与他融合出来的战技【魔血毒鳞藤】媲美了。 Must know his Demon blood poison scale vine But by four extremely rare Fighting technique fusions, the characteristics is complex, makes the enemy be at a loss sufficiently. 要知道他的【魔血毒鳞藤】可是足足由四门极其稀有的战技融合而成,特性复杂,足以让敌人束手无策。 But this Bone demon root hair Can compare favorably with it, from one side can also explain its great strength. 而这【骨魔根须】能够与其媲美,从侧面也能说明它的强大了。 However this Fighting technique now is also only the basic rank, was actually bad much, but also needs to continue to weed out the wool, cannot idle. 不过这门战技现在还只是入门级别,倒是差了不少,还需要继续薅一薅羊毛,不能懈怠。
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