AAMD :: Volume #23

#2210: Is the Demon Venerable level? Tires of the stupid sickness important criminal

Is Chapter 2210 the Demon Venerable level? Tired of the stupid sickness important criminal! Deep prison palm of Wang Teng!( Sought subscription) 第2210章难道是魔尊级?厌蠢症都要犯了!王腾的冥狱掌!(求订阅) The present situation becomes somewhat complex. 现在的情况变得有些复杂。 Originally only needs to face the bone demon root hair, but presents so fearful deathly stillness aura now, in three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts is surprised uncertain. 本来只需要面对骨魔根须,但现在又出现了如此可怕的死寂气息,三头骨灵族黑暗种心中都是惊疑不定。 To make clear this place the condition, they must have a look, how otherwise to deal does not know. 想要搞清楚此地的状况,它们就必须前去看看,否则连如何应对都不知道。 Unknown is most fearful. 未知才是最可怕的。 If the situation is not really right, they must give up absorbing the plan of source of bone demon tree core, early leaves this place is the proper way. 如果情况真的不对,它们就必须放弃汲取骨魔树核心之源的打算了,及早离开此地才是正途。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! Three skull spirit clan Dark Species shuttle back and forth in the dense and numerous bone demon root hair, the defense cover that above ancestor erupts blocked the attack of bone demon root hair for them. 三头骨灵族黑暗种穿梭在密密麻麻的骨魔根须之间,祖物之上爆发出的防御罩替它们挡住了骨魔根须的攻击。 Source of then consumption that core however then, they just absorbed was similar, cannot save. 不过如此一来,它们刚刚吸收来的核心之源便消耗的差不多了,根本存不下来。 Three skull spirit clan Dark Species are depressed, if we had known made that fellow absorb source of the core, the good and evil they also had gain are not. 三头骨灵族黑暗种郁闷无比,早知道就让那家伙多吸收一点核心之源了,好歹它们还有得赚不是。 Like the present, really does not lose all, anything has not obtained. 不像现在,真可谓是鸡飞蛋打,什么都没得到。 If comes to naught in the end, their three really became a huge joke. 若是到头来一场空,它们三个真就成了一个天大的笑话。 Laborious, taking the so big risk to enter the bone demon tree, finally what has not obtained, this who can accept? 辛辛苦苦,冒着如此巨大的风险进入骨魔树内部,结果什么都没得到,这谁能接受? Blames that fellow, if honest works with us, where will make so many things.” The whisper of bone sui not indignation said. “都怪那个家伙,如果老老实实跟我们合作,哪里会闹出这么多事情。”骨濉不忿的嘀咕道。 „......” “……” Bone and bone carboxyl were speechless. 骨喀和骨羧都无语了。 When, said that this also has what significance. 都什么时候了,说这个还有什么意义。 Moreover to will not listen to their complaints only then, before them, holds such idea, the opposite party can the tearing to pieces facial skin without hesitation. 而且对方可不会听它们的抱怨,它们之前就是抱着这样的想法,对方才会毫不犹豫的撕破脸皮。 Although stands in their standpoints, truly is extremely not indignation, but they must see clearly the reality, if also holding the beforehand idea, being doomed to come away empty. 尽管站在它们的立场上,确实是极为不忿,但它们必须看清现实,如果还抱着之前的想法,注定要空手而回。 Because of this, bone and in the bone carboxyl heart will choose the compromise. 正因为如此,骨喀和骨羧心中才会选择妥协。 If ascends the sky again to them an opportunity, they will certainly say to Wang Teng: Do not walk, we do not dare, you want to attract many to attract many.” 如果上天再给它们一次机会,它们一定会对王腾说:“不要走,我们再也不敢了,你想吸多少就吸多少吧。” Should recognize instigated that must recognize instigated, the source of multi- integral point core isn't it fragrant? 该认怂就得认怂啊,多整点核心之源它不香吗? Why didn't you speak?” “你们为什么不说话?” If found that fellow, our three joint efforts, take it at one fell swoop, win the bone bell in his hand.” “等会若是找到那家伙,我们三个合力,一举将其拿下,夺走他手中的骨铃。” Then, we then do not need to cooperate with him again, how do you feel?” “如此一来,我们便不需要再与他合作,你们觉得怎么样?” Bone sui sees two skull spirit clan Dark Species not to speak, cannot help but opens the mouth again, the look is full of the wisdom, am I very intelligent inferior (Asia). 骨濉见两头骨灵族黑暗种不说话,不由得再次开口,眼神充满睿智,一副我是不是很聪明的亚子。 „......” Two skull spirit clan Dark Species fell into again silent. “……”两头骨灵族黑暗种再度陷入了沉默。 They suddenly thought that the heart is very tired, does not want to communicate with this idiot, such will push down their intelligence quotients. 它们突然觉得很心累,一点也不想跟这白痴交流,那样会拉低它们的智商。 You said.” The bone carboxyl looks suddenly to bone , passes on the sound said. “你去说。”骨羧突然看向骨喀,传音道。 You said!” Bone shot a look at its one, similarly passes on the sound said. “你说!”骨喀瞥了它一眼,同样传音道。 You said!” The bone carboxyl said. “你说!”骨羧道。 You said!” Bone said. “你说!”骨喀道。 ...... …… Two skull spirit clan Dark Species in the so dangerous situation, shirked for such a minor matter unexpectedly, is to make one not know whether to laugh or cry seriously. 两头骨灵族黑暗种竟然在如此危险的情况下,为了这样一件小事而推脱了起来,当真是令人哭笑不得。 You what's the matter?” Bone sui sees two skull spirit clan Dark Species also not to speak, in the heart some are impatient immediately. “你们到底怎么回事?”骨濉见两头骨灵族黑暗种又是迟迟不语,心中顿时有些不耐烦起来。 It makes a decision with great difficulty, these two fellows hold back unexpectedly. 它好不容易拿个主意,这两个家伙竟然拖后腿。 Shut up!!” “闭嘴!!” The bone carboxyl and bone some are impatient, is disinclined to explain anything, simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform turn head stared its one, coldly shouts. 骨羧和骨喀也有些不耐烦起来,根本懒得解释什么,齐齐回头瞪了它一眼,冷冷喝道。 You......” bone sui full is stunned, in the eye writes two characters- compels ignorant! “你们……”骨濉满是愕然,眼中写着两个字-懵逼! What situation? 什么情况? What insanity do these two fellows send suddenly? 这两个家伙突然发什么疯? So is why bad to it? 为什么对它如此恶劣? An inexplicable grievance well ups, it felt that oneself as if shut out, exclusion of scarlet fruits! 莫名的一股委屈涌上心头,它感觉自己似乎被嫌弃了,赤果果的嫌弃! Bone and dislike in bone carboxyl eye, it looked instantaneously, not covers up radically. 骨喀和骨羧眼中的厌恶,它瞬间就看了出来,根本不加掩饰的。 This has not been serious it completely. 这是完全没将它当回事啊。 It does not attach great importance to face-saving? 它不要面子的吗? The next quarter, an indescribable anger raises from its heart, making in its double pupil be filled by the anger, almost must emit. 下一刻,一股无法形容的怒火从它心底升起,令它双眸之中都是被怒火所充满,几乎要喷吐而出。 However bone and bone carboxyl simply have not paid attention to it, speeds away to go toward the rear area of bone demon tree core directly, the speed is draws near pinnacle. 但是骨喀和骨羧根本没有理会它,径直朝着骨魔树核心的后方疾驰而去,速度已是快到了极致。 A bone sui cavity anger nowhere vented, clenches teeth, can only with. 骨濉一腔怒火无处发泄,咬了咬牙,只能跟了上去。 What can it have a look at these two fellows to want but actually to make? 它倒要看看这两个家伙到底想要做什么? Without a while, three skull spirit clan Dark Species broke massive bone demon root hair obstruction finally, circled the rear area of bone demon tree core. 没一会儿,三头骨灵族黑暗种终于冲开了大量的骨魔根须阻挠,绕到了骨魔树核心的后方。 They just saw the bone demon tree core rear situation, the body seemed like then exerted decided the body technique to decide generally in same place, in the double pupil was to all reveal the panic-stricken meaning. 只是它们刚一看到骨魔树核心后方的情形,身躯便像是被人施加了定身术一般定在了原地,双眸之中皆是露出惊骇之意。 What is that......??!” “那是……什么??!” The anger in bone sui heart just like irrigated by basin cold water, clean that vanishes instantaneously, in this moment mind a blank, can only look at present this dull. 骨濉心中的怒火宛如被一盆冷水浇下来,瞬间消失的一干二净,此刻脑海中一片空白,只能呆呆的望着眼前这一幕。 Bone and bone carboxyl are also no better, is the vision contraction, in the heart vibrates. 骨喀和骨羧也好不到哪里去,皆是目光收缩,心中震动不已。 Sees only the front not far away, a huge purple empty shadow stands firmly in the midair impressively, the deathly stillness dark aura of that terrifying fills the air from his body. 只见前方不远处,一尊庞大的紫色虚影赫然屹立于半空之中,那恐怖的死寂黑暗气息正是从其身上弥漫而出。 At this moment they even again silly, still understands that finally that deathly stillness dark aura the source is the present huge purple empty shadow. 此刻它们就算是再傻,也终于明白那死寂黑暗气息的源头正是眼前的庞大紫色虚影。 This very obviously is not the method of bone demon tree! 这很显然并不是骨魔树的手段! Did not say that this purple empty shadow aura and bone demon tree is not same, solely is it with the distance of bone demon tree core, then saw that sufficiently the two and have no relations. 不说这紫色虚影的气息与骨魔树并不相同,单单是它与骨魔树核心的距离,便足以看出二者并没有任何关系。 That huge purple empty shadow and bone demon tree core is two exists completely, cannot see any relation completely. 那庞大的紫色虚影与骨魔树核心完全是两个存在,完全看不出任何联系。 But the so terrifying method, stems from what seed/type existence? 可是如此恐怖的手段,到底是出自何种存在? Is it possible that here had the Demon Venerable level to exist inadequately? 莫非这里有魔尊级存在进来了不成? Thinks of here, in three skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts is suddenly one startled, the vision takes a fast look around to go toward that huge purple empty shadow all around hastily. 一想到这里,三头骨灵族黑暗种心中都是猛然一惊,目光连忙朝着那庞大紫色虚影的四周扫视而去。 However they took a fast look around, has not actually discovered any suspicious trail. 不过它们扫视了一圈,却并未发现任何可疑的踪迹。 Your does snatch Zheng closes/obstructs Xiubao strong locust sovereign weapon to feed? “你们茨抢铮闭馐保强蝗皇械馈? The bone carboxyl and vision of bone sui all concentrates, refers to the direction looking hastily following bone , saw has form together impressively in that huge purple empty shadow under. 骨羧与骨濉的目光皆是一凝,连忙顺着骨喀所指方向望去,赫然看到在那庞大紫色虚影的下方有着一道身影。 That form compared with the huge purple empty shadow of its sky, naturally is seems especially tiny, is ordinary just like the giant and ants. 那道身影与其上空的庞大紫色虚影相比,自然是显得格外渺小,宛如巨人与蝼蚁一般。 Therefore just now they actually do not have first to detect existence of that form. 因此方才它们竟然没有第一时间察觉到那道身影的存在。 That is together the whole body by the form that the purple ray covers, cannot see clearly his real appearance, can only see together the fuzzy shadow. 那是一道浑身被紫色光芒笼罩的身影,根本看不清他的真实模样,只能看见一道模糊的影子而已。 At this moment, three skull spirit clan Dark Species vision closely are staring at that form, as to see his appearance from that dazzling purple ray. 此时此刻,三头骨灵族黑暗种的目光都是紧紧盯着那道身影,似乎想要从那耀眼的紫色光芒之中看出他的模样。 What a pity is unproductive. 可惜都是徒劳罢了。 By three skull spirit clan Dark Species strengths, is unable to ascertain that dazzling purple ray. 以三头骨灵族黑暗种的实力,根本无法窥破那耀眼的紫色光芒。 That should not be a Demon Venerable level will really exist?” The bone vision flashes rapidly, somewhat surprised passes message said. “那个该不会真的是一位魔尊级存在吧?”骨喀目光急速闪动,有些惊疑的传音说道。 „The aura that lends from him judged, as if is really a bit like the Demon Venerable level existing.” “从他身上散发出的气息来判断,似乎真的有点像是魔尊级存在。” The bone carboxyl hesitated, saying of doubt: When is only he comes, we unexpectedly had not detected.” 骨羧迟疑了一下,狐疑的说道:“只是他又是什么时候进来的,我们竟然也没有丝毫察觉。” This was too strange. 这太诡异了。 In a small bone demon tree core space, presented so many people unexpectedly. 一个小小的骨魔树核心空间之内,竟然出现了这么多人。 Before presented a strange skeleton life, now presents a powerhouse of doubtful Demon Venerable level. 之前出现了一个古怪的骸骨生灵,如今又出现了一个疑似魔尊级的强者。 If not the both sides aura is not same, it almost thinks that they were the same people. 如果不是双方气息根本不相同,它差点就以为他们是同一个人了。 Has saying that it avoided the best answer perfectly. 不得不说,它完美的避开了最佳答案。 But this is the thought of normal person, was normal. 但这是正常人的思维,再正常不过了。 Before Wang Teng came by the appearance of skeleton life, whole body sending out was the demon bone aura, but the aura that now he lends had turned into the dying deep aura thoroughly. 之前王腾以骸骨生灵的模样现身,浑身散发的都是魔骨气息,而如今他所散发出的气息已经彻底变成了死冥气息。 The two are entirely different . Moreover the difference is really big. 二者截然不同,而且差别甚大。 These three skull spirit clan Dark Species can see that anything blamed. 这三头骨灵族黑暗种能够看出什么来就怪了。 Because of this, in the bone carboxyl heart was full of the doubts. 正因为如此,骨羧心中充满了疑惑。 It is under the accident of sorts, found existence of this bone demon tree, now actually some so many people found the bone demon tree simultaneously. 它可是机缘巧合之下,才找到了这棵骨魔树的存在,如今却有这么多人同时找到了骨魔树。 Is the bone demon tree of reaching an agreement very difficult to look? 说好的骨魔树很难找呢? This imagines the situation to be completely different from it. 这跟它想象中的情况完全不一样啊。 The bone carboxyl felt that own three views were subverted, this is not the bone demon tree that it knows. 骨羧感觉自己的三观都被颠覆了,这不是它认识的骨魔树。 „The opposite party is the Demon Venerable level exists, how we possibly discover his trail, even if under he hides in our eyes passes through, we likely could not discover him.” “对方是魔尊级存在,我们怎么可能发现他的踪迹,就算他在我们眼皮子底下经过,我们很可能都发现不了他。” „The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, perhaps our every action and every movement already under the gaze of opposite party.” “说句不好听的,也许我们的一举一动早就都在对方的注视之下。” Let alone was this Demon Venerable level existed, before was, that fellow, haven't we different discovered him?” “别说是这位魔尊级存在了,就是之前那个家伙,我们不一样没有发现他吗?” You really think own anything knows.” “你们真以为自己什么都知道啊。” I like you, am not good am not good, will not show off power absolutely, my called self-knowledge, knew?” “我可不像你们,不行就是不行,绝对不会逞强,我这叫有自知之明,知道吗?” Bone sui has not forgotten the matter, cannot help but resentment. 骨濉还没有忘记刚才的事情,不由得怼了回去。 The meaning of these words many a little hitting the face. 这番话多少有点打脸的意思。 They are only the high-rank demon sovereign levels, seems like that is not weak, however has the front in the Demon Venerable level, radically anything is not. 它们只是上位魔皇级而已,看似已经不弱,但是在魔尊级存在面前,根本什么都不是。 Although everyone knows this point, this is also the indisputable fact. 尽管大家都知道这一点,这也是不争的事实。 However is so relentless said face to face, obviously did not give the bone carboxyl and bone face, in their hearts naturally very embarrassed. 但是如此毫不留情的当面说出来,明显就是不给骨羧和骨喀面子,它们心中自然十分的难堪。 Really, the bone carboxyl and in the bone two skull spirit clan Dark Species eyes passed over gently and swiftly at this time gloomy, looked at each other one mutually, immediately sees the same meaning from the opposite party eyes. 果然,骨羧和骨喀两头骨灵族黑暗种眼中此时都是不禁掠过了一丝阴沉,相互对视了一眼,立刻从对方眼中看到了相同的意思。 If not the situation does not permit, they have begun to solve this bone sui at this time. 如果不是情况不允许,它们此时已经动手解决了这骨濉了。 First time, these two skull spirit clan Dark Species reached the agreement. 头一次,这两头骨灵族黑暗种达成了共识。 Too stupid! 太蠢了! This bone sui was too stupid, cannot drive! 这骨濉实在太蠢了,根本带不动啊! Even if planned and bone sui cooperation bone , at this moment also filled the dislike and discontented to it, in the heart decides, waits to use the opposite party, discards directly. 哪怕是原本打算与骨濉合作的骨喀,此刻对它也是充满了厌恶与不满,心中打定主意,等利用完对方,就直接扔掉。 It feared that was taken into the ditch. 它怕被带进沟里面去。 Bone sui sees these two fellows by dumbfounded of its resentment, in the heart is raised a self-satisfaction. 骨濉见这两个家伙被它怼的哑口无言,心中不禁升起一丝得意。 Looked that it is intelligent, saw through the essence of issue instantaneously. 看它多聪明,瞬间就看穿了问题的本质。 Like these two fellows, usually always does not brag intelligently, is very easy extremely complex, cannot see clearly the essence of matter the matter thinks. 不像这两个家伙,平时总是自诩聪明,却很容易把事情想的极其复杂,看不清事情的本质。 But it was different. 而它就不一样了。 Its this is wise often appear slow-witted, in heart concealed gully. 它这是大智若愚,心中藏沟壑。 Bone and bone carboxyl, although in the heart is very uncomfortable, but undeniably bone sui some view truth. 骨喀和骨羧虽然心中很不爽,但是不可否认骨濉的说法还是有些道理的。 The form that if that say/way was covered by the purple ray is really the Demon Venerable level exists, they had not discovered that the opposite party is really normal. 如果那道被紫色光芒所笼罩的身影真的是魔尊级存在,它们没有发现对方实属正常。 But this has a premise. 但这有一个前提。 Are the opposite party really the Demon Venerable level exists? 对方真的是魔尊级存在吗? In two skull spirit clan Dark Species eyes fine glow twinkle, is somewhat surprised, has not treated as the Demon Venerable level to exist that form like bone sui directly. 两头骨灵族黑暗种眼中精芒闪烁,都是有些惊疑,没有像骨濉一样直接将那道身影当做魔尊级存在。 The aura that although lends from that form judged, truly somewhat seems like the Demon Venerable level to exist, but they always thought that as if also missed anything. 虽然从那道身影身上散发出的气息来判断,确实有些像是魔尊级存在,但它们总觉得似乎还差了点什么。 Wanted me saying that the fellow estimate had just died in this Demon Venerable level senior hand, I thought that we walked, if offended this senior, when the time comes we must unable to eat to capture.” Bone sui opens the mouth to say again. “要我说,刚刚那家伙估计已经死在这位魔尊级前辈手中了,我看我们还是走吧,若是冒犯了这位前辈,到时候我们都要吃不了兜着走。”骨濉再次开口道。 „......” Bone carboxyl and bone was done instantaneously silent. “……”骨羧与骨喀瞬间被干沉默了。 Why will have such stupid fellow? 为什么会有这么蠢的家伙? Their tired of the stupid sickness to manifest suddenly. 它们的厌蠢症都要发作了啊。 In fact the idea of bone sui does not have the issue, but in bone carboxyl and bone these two in eyes that bragged the smart person, its idea appeared simple and stupid. 实际上骨濉的想法也没有问题,但在骨羧和骨喀这两个自诩聪明人的眼中,它的想法就显得过于简单和愚蠢。 They go to this place with great difficulty, how can there be to say gives up giving up the truth that. 它们好不容易来到这个地方,岂有说放弃就放弃的道理。 Before coming, haven't they thought of the danger in this bone demon tree? 来之前,它们难道就没有想到这骨魔树之中的危险吗? clear(ly) knew to have the danger, came. 明知道有危险,还是来了。 Why is this? 这是为什么? Also is not because in riches and honor danger sought this simple incomparable truth. 还不是因为“富贵险中求”这简单无比的道理。 But bone sui this idiot always sings an opposing tune with them, lets in two skull spirit clan Dark Species hearts full is helpless. 可骨濉这白痴总是跟它们唱反调,让两头骨灵族黑暗种心中满是无奈。 This fellow is really pure is passing stupidly! 这家伙真是单纯中透着愚蠢啊! In the final analysis, both sides at all are not a passer-by, has various viewpoints and ideas respectively, it is estimated that is also very difficult to convince the opposite party. 说到底,双方根本不是一路人,各有各的观点与想法,估计也很难说服对方。 You , if not walk, I may oneself walk.” Bone sui anxious sound said. “你们要是不走,我可就自己走了啊。”骨濉急声道。 Your one person cannot walk.” The bone carboxyl does not want to pay attention to it, but sees it is not so dishonest, then could not bear said one spookily. “你一个人走不出去的。”骨羧本不想理会它,但见它如此不老实,便忍不住幽幽的说了一句。 „???” Bone sui is immediately in-situ. “???”骨濉顿时愣在原地。 Right, is only its person, by the present bone demon tree internal situation, it is impossible to walk. 对啊,单凭它一个人,以如今骨魔树内部的情况,它根本就不可能走得出去。 The bone carboxyl and bone good and evil also two ancestor, put together, perhaps the opportunity leaves here, but it only then ancestor, feared that just left this space, will be swallowed by the bone demon tree. 骨羧和骨喀好歹还有两件祖物,拼一拼,也许还有机会离开这里,但它只有一件祖物,怕是刚一离开这片空间,就会被骨魔树吞食。 Bone sui awkward standing in same place, walking is not, does not walk is not. 骨濉尴尬的站在原地,走也不是,不走也不是。 „It is not, don't you really plan to walk? That is the Demon Venerable level exists.” Bone sui is anxious, saying that does not lose heart. “不是,你们真不打算走吗?那可是魔尊级存在啊。”骨濉焦急无比,不死心的说道。 Must walk yourself to walk.” Bone coldly looked at its one, light snort/hum said. “要走你自己走。”骨喀冷冷的看了它一眼,轻哼道。 „......” Bone sui. “……”骨濉。 Common onset and retreat of reaching an agreement? 说好的共同进退呢? You abandoned me like this! 你就这样把我抛弃了! In the bone sui heart was full of the dismal meaning, suddenly felt were oneself abandoned what's the matter? 骨濉心中不由充满了悲凉之意,突然感觉自己被抛弃了是怎么回事? Originally it and bone are the cooperation, has reached an agreement in secret, wants the common onset and retreat, copes with the bone carboxyl. 本来它和骨喀是合作关系,暗中早就说好,要共同进退,一齐对付骨羧。 But now evidently, the opposite party seemingly must cooperate with the bone carboxyl, threw into it completely one side. 但现在看样子,对方貌似要和骨羧合作了,完全把它抛到了一边。 What happened? 发生了什么事? Why can like this? 为什么会这样? It is not clear! 它不明白啊! In three skull spirit clan Dark Species encounter in secret, Wang Teng has also detected their arrival, a brow slightly wrinkle. 就在三头骨灵族黑暗种暗中交锋之时,王腾也已经察觉到了它们的到来,眉头不禁微微一皱。 He fears these three skull spirit clan Dark Species actually not, is only the present situation is somewhat dangerous, he does not want to receive other disturbances. 他倒不是惧怕这三头骨灵族黑暗种,只是如今情况有些危险,他不希望受到其他的干扰。 That first place is actually good for bone spirit clan Dark Species of bone sui, but he is certain, that bone carboxyl and bone absolutely is not the law-abiding generation, if they detected that his issue, feared that is meets first acts to him, when the time comes must have a trouble. 那头名为骨濉的骨灵族黑暗种倒是还好,但是他可以肯定,那骨羧和骨喀绝对是不安分之辈,它们若是察觉到了他身上的问题,怕是会第一时间对他出手,到时候少不了一番麻烦。 The Wang Teng vision flashes, in the heart is somewhat anxious. 王腾目光闪动,心中有些焦急起来。 The transformation of this deep god body is so how slow, can quickly. 这冥神体的蜕变怎么就这么慢呢,能不能快一点啊。 The time passes in such deadlock slowly, the immortal material of Wang Teng within the body were getting fewer and fewer, almost all put into during the transformation of deep god body. 时间就在这样的僵持中慢慢流逝,王腾体内的不朽物质越来越少了,几乎全都投入到了冥神体的蜕变之中。 Before Shadow talent With Demon bone The transformation of talent, consumed part of immortal materials, otherwise can also support a while at this moment. 之前【阴影天赋】和【魔骨】天赋的蜕变,消耗了一部分的不朽物质,否则此刻还可以多支撑一会儿。 What to do?” “怎么办?” Really will be insufficient?” “不会真的不够用吧?” Pit father!” “坑爹啊!” Wang Teng a little wants to cry but have no tears, Tete was aggrieved, this place simply does not have the immortal material to collect, otherwise he is not the extent that passively. 王腾有点欲哭无泪,太特么憋屈了,这个地方根本没有不朽物质可以拾取,不然他也不至于如此被动。 This thinks that the fourth-order immortal material dealt with most situations sufficiently, never expected that runs into so the matter of rare and beautiful flowers now unexpectedly. 本以为四阶的不朽物质足以应付大多数的情况了,没想到如今居然碰到了如此奇葩的事情。 A transformation of physique talent, must absorb such much immortal materials, how not to ascend the sky. 一项体质天赋的蜕变,就要吸收如此之多的不朽物质,咋不上天呢。 Un?!” “嗯?!” When Wang Teng is anxious, suddenly felt that anything, looked up suddenly. 王腾正焦急之时,突然又感觉到了什么,猛然抬头望去。 „It is not good!” “不好!” His pupil contracted fiercely, felt an intense threat in that above darkness, in the heart panic-stricken inexplicable. 他瞳孔剧烈收缩了一下,在那上方的黑暗之中感觉到了一股强烈的威胁,心中惊骇莫名。 Bang! 轰! The next quarter, in that darkness has the sturdy incomparable shadow to fall together loudly. 下一刻,那黑暗之中有着一道粗壮无比的黑影轰然落下。 Almost wants not to think, Wang Teng transfers immediately own Deep god body The talent, simultaneously the centralized psychic force, in the resembles of gods the intermediate perspective of mind thinks a terrifying. 几乎想也不想,王腾立刻调动了自身的【冥神体】天赋,同时集中精神力,于脑海之中观想一尊恐怖的神明之像。 Bang! 轰! The Wang Teng mind vibrates, during its consciousness is void, a purple form of terrifying outlined slowly. 王腾脑海震动,其意识虚空之中,一尊恐怖的紫色身影缓缓勾勒而出。 It is huge, sits cross-legged to sit. 它庞大无比,盘膝而坐。 Under the place impressively is a side giant black altar, is somewhat similar to the dark altar that Wang Teng grasps! 座下赫然是一方巨大的黑色祭坛,与王腾所掌握的黑暗祭坛有些相似! The head long has sharp two horns, just like two ancient lances, sharp incomparable. 头上长有尖锐的双角,宛如两柄古老的长矛,锋利无比。 But above its body the unexpectedly 12 sturdy incomparable dull purple arms, some hang in the side, some pinch the strange seal secret art in it behind, some build above the knees, similarly is pinching strange evil seal. 而它的身躯之上竟有十二只粗壮无比的暗紫色手臂,有的垂在身旁,有的在其身后捏出古怪的印诀,有的则是搭在双膝之上,同样捏着诡异的邪印。 The resembles of deep god! 冥神之像! This impressively was Wang Teng initially in that deep god clan to the attribute air bubble that the powerhouse black day obtained, but is knowing the sea the resembles of deep god, when the intermediate perspective thought a terrifying, had the might that measured not. 这赫然正是王腾当初在那冥神族至强者黑天身上所得到的属性气泡,可在识海当中观想一尊恐怖的冥神之像,拥有莫测的威力。 Picture of the deep god but Wang Teng outlined with the resembles of deep god that black day institute outlined, cannot compare completely. 只不过王腾勾勒出的这尊冥神之像跟那黑天所勾勒出的冥神之像,完全不能相比。 Picture of the deep god Wang Teng outlined seemed somewhat rough, even was somewhat fuzzy. 王腾勾勒出的这一尊冥神之像显得有些粗糙,甚至有些模糊。 But the aura that on It lends is the terrifying is unusual. 但祂身上散发出的气息却是恐怖异常。 In an instant, as the resembles of deep god outlined completely, was vast and terrifying, ice-cold, but deathly stillness pressure from within the body eruption of Wang Teng. 刹那间,随着冥神之像完全勾勒而出,一股浩瀚而恐怖,冰冷而死寂的威压从王腾的体内爆发而出。 Deep prison palm!” “冥狱掌!” The ice-cold drinking sound resounds in the Wang Teng heart together immediately. 一道冰冷的喝声随即在王腾心底响起。 Next quarter, no matter he knows the sea resembles of deep god, is sky over his top of the head deep god empty shadow, was simultaneous/uniform Qidong. 下一刻,不管是他识海之内的冥神之像,还是他头顶上空的冥神虚影,都是齐齐动了起来。 Movement like one! 动作如一! All lifted an arm, changes is in charge, prints out to the sky loudly. 俱是抬起了一只手臂,化作掌印,冲着上空轰然印出。 Bang! 轰隆! The terrifying sound also spreads together, sees only that huge incomparable purple black to be in charge shoots up to the sky, all around space also shakes, indistinct had cracks. 一道恐怖的声响随之传出,只见那巨大无比的紫黑色掌印冲天而起,四周的空间随之震荡,隐约中出现了一道道裂缝。 This!!!” Three skull spirit clan Dark Species are looking at this, in the heart frightened inexplicable. “这!!!”三头骨灵族黑暗种望着这一幕,心中惊悚莫名。 Huge shadow that in that top of the head darkness drops, the terrifying that deep god empty shadow erupts suddenly is in charge, went beyond their expectation, they responded radically, only had dull looked at this to happen. 不论是那头顶黑暗中落下的巨大黑影,还是那冥神虚影突然爆发出的恐怖掌印,都是超出了它们的预料,它们根本反应不及,唯有呆愣愣的望着这一幕发生。
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