AAMD :: Volume #23

#2209: The body of shadow! The deep god body is startled changes! He is solid

The body of Chapter 2209 shadow! The deep god body is startled changes! He was too difficult!( Sought subscription) 第2209章阴影之躯!冥神体惊变!他实在太难了!(求订阅) Demon bone The promotion of talent, making Wang Teng feel...... ultra crisp! 【魔骨】天赋的提升,让王腾感觉……超爽的! Has not thought that this talent promotes from the fifth-order level to six steps, will integrate the immortal material unexpectedly, this had the huge qualitative change seriously, is no comparison between them completely. 没想到这项天赋从五阶层次提升到六阶,竟然会融入不朽物质,这当真是发生了巨大的质变,完全不可同日而语。 Wang Teng had several physique talents to exceed the fifth-order level, at that time also integrated the immortal material, but he has not thought at that time. 王腾有几项体质天赋已经超过了五阶层次,当时也融入了不朽物质,但那时他并未多想。 Moreover at that time had the jump completely directly, process very simple and crude, unlike this time somewhat. 而且当时完全是直接发生跃迁,过程非常的简单粗暴,与这次有些不同。 This time Demon bone The promotion of talent, pushing bit by bit. 这次【魔骨】天赋的提升,是一点一点的推上去的。 After all he does not promote through the attribute air bubble, but through the source of absorption core, achieves this essential transformation. 毕竟他并非通过属性气泡来提升,而是通过吸收核心之源,来达到这种本质的蜕变。 This is a methodical process. 这是一个循序渐进的过程。 Therefore Wang Teng feels clearly, realized finally fifth-order above physique, seems truly thorough with the fifth-order physique, the fifth-order is a watershed. 所以王腾感觉更为清晰,也终于意识到五阶之上的体质,似乎确实与五阶体质彻底不同,五阶就是一个分水岭。 Has saying that the attribute air bubble is good to turn over, promotes a little simple and crude, was very easy to neglect the process. 不得不说,属性气泡好归好,就是提升起来有点过于简单粗暴,以至于很容易让人忽略了过程。 Had the result, who also cares about the process. 有了结果,谁还在意过程啊。 Also encountered some specific situation truly, Wang Teng will infer in turn. 也只有真正遇到了某种特定的情况,王腾才会反过来推导。 It seems like picks the attribute is not perfect.” Some Wang Teng Versailles whispered in the heart. “看来捡属性也不是完美的啊。”王腾有些凡尔赛的在心底嘀咕了一句。 If makes one know that his idea, does not know can wish one could to kill him. 要是让人知道他的想法,不知道会不会恨不得打死他。 hetui ~ hetui~ This moment Wang Teng was more excited, his eye shines, absorption that even more goes all out the source of core. 此刻王腾更加兴奋了,他眼睛发亮,越发卖力的吸收着核心之源。 Promotion! 提升! Promotion! 提升! Just promoted one Demon bone Talent, Shadow talent With Deep god body Has not promoted, to continue to absorb , to continue to promote. 才刚刚提升了一个【魔骨】天赋,【阴影天赋】和【冥神体】还未提升,继续吸收,继续提升。 Was good also soon achieves the critical point because of the attribute values of these two physique talents, the source of core just now absorbed, some similarly many transformation for the attribute values of these two physique talents. 好在这两种体质天赋的属性值也快要达到临界点了,方才吸收的核心之源,同样有不少转化为了这两种体质天赋的属性值。 ! 咔嚓! Also passed the moment, Wang Teng within the body transmits the familiar feeling again, is silent, as if has anything disruption. 又过了片刻,王腾体内再度传来熟悉的感觉,无声无息间,仿佛有什么东西碎裂。 Some talent was the new level. 某一项天赋达到了新的层次。 Wang Teng within the body, the special strengths well up immediately crazily, fills his whole body. 王腾体内,顿时有一股特殊的力量狂涌而出,弥漫他的全身。 Meanwhile, the immortal material appears again, melts with his body. 与此同时,不朽物质再度出现,与他的身躯相融。 Shadow talent! 阴影天赋! This time jumped impressively is the shadow talent! 这次得到跃升的赫然是阴影天赋! Shadow talent Can be his body talent, therefore this immortal material will then integrate in his body, making his body have the transformation. 【阴影天赋】可以算是他的身躯天赋,所以这不朽物质便会融入他的身躯之中,让他的身躯发生蜕变。 That flash, the Wang Teng body as if changed to the shadow, twisted strangely, vanished in same place. 那一瞬间,王腾的身躯仿佛都化作了阴影,诡异的扭曲了起来,消失在了原地。 This is inconceivable! 这非常不可思议! A person, unexpectedly strange is vanishing same place. 一个人,竟然诡异的在原地消失了。 The person who does not know perhaps, thought yes damn. 不知道的人,没准还以为是见鬼了呢。 Wang Teng looked at own body, immediately felt differently. 王腾看了看自己的身躯,顿时感觉到了不同。 His body as if agreed with the strength of shadow, itself as if can change to the shadow, hiding the ability is more powerful. 他的身躯似乎与阴影之力更加契合了,本身仿佛就能够化作阴影,隐藏能力更加强大。 Even his body can as a weapon, use the strength of distortion directly, if some people bump into his body in the fight, might be twisted. 甚至他的身躯都可以作为一种武器,直接动用扭曲之力,如果有人在战斗中碰到他的身躯,很可能会被扭曲。 This was a little flamboyant. 这就有点牛逼了。 So strange and strong ability, sufficiently virtually impossible to guard against. 如此诡异而强大的能力,足以让人防不胜防啊。 Thinks that picture, the corners of the mouth of Wang Teng exuded a dangerous curve. 想想那种画面,王腾的嘴角都是不由泛起了一丝危险的弧度。 This should be able to call it the body of shadow!” The Wang Teng sudden vision flashes, in the heart thinks suddenly secretly. “这应该可以称之为阴影之躯了吧!”王腾突然目光一闪,心中突然暗暗想到。 In addition, his whole body the strength of shadow as if also had some transformation, strange, mysterious, may make the thing that touches all change to the shadow, may twist anything that touches. 除此之外,他浑身的阴影之力似乎也发生了某种蜕变,更加的奇异,更加的玄妙,可令触碰到的事物皆化作阴影,亦可扭曲触碰到的任何事物。 The strength of his shadow, was without doubt more powerful. 他的阴影之力,无疑更加强大了。 But said no matter how, this transformation actually mainly happened on the Wang Teng body. 但不管怎么说,这次的蜕变其实主要还是发生在王腾的身躯上面。 The transformation of strength of shadow is inevitable, each promotion, the strength of shadow will be more powerful. 阴影之力的蜕变是必然的,每一次提升,阴影之力都会更加强大。 But the transformation of body, not every can be so the degree one time. 但身躯的蜕变,并不是每一次都能够达到如此程度。 If before, he can only cover outside the body the strength of shadow, to achieve function of hidden. 如果是以前,他只能将阴影之力覆盖身体外侧,以达到隐藏的作用。 Wanting the incarnation to be the shadow, is not easy. 想要化身为阴影,并没有那么容易。 If uses the strength of shadow on oneself rashly, likely causes the irreversible influence and consequence. 若是冒然在自己身上动用阴影之力,很可能造成不可逆的影响与后果。 Even the slightest misstep, the body changed to the shadow, may not come back on the transformation very much. 稍有不慎,身躯化作了阴影,很有可能就转换不回来了。 That did not have on the cup! 那不就杯具了! By my present shadow talent, when used to hide, feared that was immortal level revering is very difficult to discover me.” Wang Teng represses the excitement in heart, looked again to the property panel. “以我如今的阴影天赋,若用来隐藏,怕是不朽级尊者都很难发现我了。”王腾按耐住心中的激动,再次看向了属性面板。 Shadow talent: 1200 / 60000( six steps) ; 【阴影天赋】:1200/60000(六阶); Shadow talent Is six steps smoothly, in his heart happy, immediately used this talent, was changed into the shadow by oneself, hiding. 【阴影天赋】顺利达到六阶,他心中大为高兴,当即就使用了这项天赋,让自身化为阴影,更加的隐蔽。 Even his aura becomes the nihility to twist, specious, letting the person is unable to ascertain. 甚至连他身上的气息都变得虚无扭曲,似是而非,让人无法捉摸。 At this moment even if some people ascertain his space to hide, was not necessarily able unable to find him. 此刻就算有人窥破他的空间藏匿,都未必能够找得到他。 In the space crevice the itself/Ben is a nihility is dark, now he will change into the shadow, can say that almost melted with the environment of all around perfectly. 空间夹缝之中本就是一片虚无黑暗,如今他将自身化为阴影,可以说与四周的环境几乎是完美相融了。 The two overlay, the effect is better! 二者迭加,效果更好! Then he no longer pays attention to this talent, but the attention will place on the talent that last had not promoted. 接下来他不再关注这项天赋,而是将注意力都放在了最后一个还未提升的天赋上面。 Deep god body! 冥神体! This talent may be serious. 这一项天赋可不得了。 He has the premonition, Deep god body If promotes to six steps, the brought advantage possibly compares the beforehand two talents to be huge. 他有预感,【冥神体】若是提升到六阶,带来的好处可能比之前两项天赋还要巨大。 Wang Teng is thinking, in the heart raised suddenly feeling of the strange palpitation. 王腾正思索间,心中突然升起了一丝诡异的悸动之感。 This palpitation, looks like has what important matter to happen general. 这种悸动,就像是有什么大事要发生一般。 He will never suspect that his induction ability, similar situation has happened after all too multiple, each similar palpitation cannot be underestimated. 他从不会怀疑自身的感应能力,毕竟类似的情况发生过太多次,每一次类似的悸动都不容小觑。 Sometimes, that danger that palpitates to represent, will threaten his life. 有时候,那一丝悸动所代表的危险,甚至会威胁到他的性命。 But obviously this is his powerful soul talent brings, is highly regarded. 而这显然是他本身强大的灵魂天赋所带来的,不可小觑。 What's the matter?!” “到底怎么回事?!” The Wang Teng complexion slightly changes, in the heart cannot bear vibrate, he does not understand that this promotes a physique talent, how to bring to him so felt. 王腾面色微微一变,心中忍不住震动起来,他不明白这只是提升一种体质天赋而已,怎么会给他带来如此感觉。 Will soon transform Deep god body? Bone demon tree?” “是即将蜕变的【冥神体】?还是骨魔树?” He somewhat surprised uncertain. 他有些惊疑不定。 Because is unable to determine that palpitates came from where, lets in the person heart on the contrary anxious. 因为无法确定那一丝悸动到底来自于何处,反倒让人心中不安。 He on the alert all around all, particularly that bone demon tree core. 他警惕着四周的一切,尤其是那骨魔树核心。 Who knows when this bone demon tree will stick out suddenly suddenly? 谁知道这骨魔树什么时候会突然暴起? He is absorbing the sources of others core after all, this is no different lies blood sucking to pull out the marrow on the opposite party. 他毕竟是在汲取人家的核心之源,这无异于趴在对方身上吸血抽髓。 However the dangerous situation in estimate has not appeared, that palpitating feeling continued some little time, making him even more fearful and apprehensive. 不过预想中的危险情况并未出现,那种悸动之感持续了好一会儿,让他越发的心惊肉跳。 But Deep god body The special energy that the transformation needs also absorbed some little time, the energy of as if needing must be much more than first two talents. 而【冥神体】蜕变所需的特殊能量也吸收了好一会儿,似乎所需的能量比前两种天赋要多得多。 This situation makes Wang Teng very surprised. 这种情况让王腾非常惊讶。 Is it possible that Deep god body Really so special? 莫非【冥神体】真的如此特殊? He looked at a property panel, the heart shook immediately. 他不由看了一眼属性面板,心头顿时一震。 Deep god body: 500000 / 500000( fifth-order) ; 【冥神体】:500000/500000(五阶); The attribute value of this talent has clearly reached the fifth-order peak, thorough complete, why hasn't been able to break through? 这项天赋的属性值分明已经达到了五阶顶峰,彻底圆满,为什么还不能突破? He does not understand! 他不懂啊! The front two talents have not had this situation. 前面两种天赋可没有出现这种情况。 What a pity has not waited for him to ponder, the special change has then happened in his within the body. 可惜还不等他细想,特殊的变化便已是在他的体内发生。 Bang! 轰! A fierce bellow reverberates suddenly in the body of Wang Teng, making his entire body vibrate, the terrifying energy erupted suddenly, wild washout his body. 一阵剧烈的轰鸣声骤然回荡在王腾的身体之内,令他整个身躯都是为之震动了起来,恐怖的能量突然爆发而出,狂暴的冲刷着他的身躯。 Lying trough!” “卧槽!” The Wang Teng eye stares, exploded a swearing directly. 王腾眼睛一瞪,直接爆了一句粗口。 The accident/surprise always comes so sudden. 意外总是来的如此突然。 Was just still deliberately considering when had the transformation, this did not come, moreover came so fierce, almost did him ignorant. 刚刚还在寻思什么时候发生蜕变,这不就来了,而且来的如此凶猛,差点把他都搞懵了。 Meanwhile, rich death deep aura from his within the body eruption. 与此同时,一股浓郁的死冥气息从他的体内爆发而出。 Dark, evil, deathly stillness, indescribable...... 黑暗,邪恶,死寂,不可名状…… At this moment, the makings of Wang Teng whole person changed, Demon bone The dark aura that lends was covered to go completely. 这一刻,王腾整个人的气质都发生了变化,【魔骨】所散发出的黑暗气息完全被掩盖而去。 His whole body is lending the dying deep aura, a black hair transforms for the purple, the innumerable purple rune/symbol writing extremely towering appearance above his body, crawled rapidly completely the whole body. 他浑身散发着死冥气息,一头黑发转化为了紫色,无数紫色符文极为突兀的出现在他的身躯之上,迅速爬满了全身。 In his double pupil is to send out the rich purple black ray, is strange and dignified, even disclosed a sacred feeling. 他的双眸之中更是散发出浓郁的紫黑色光芒,诡异而威严,甚至透露出一种神圣之感。 All these, all are make him just like a deep god who goes out of the hell common. 这一切,皆是令他宛如一尊从地狱中走出的冥神一般。 Deathly stillness! 死寂! Terrifying! 恐怖! Frightened! 惊悚! If some people see his appearance at this moment, must shock unable to say a word. 若是有人看到他此刻的模样,必会震惊到无法言语。 Bang! 轰隆! The next quarter, the rich purple black ray uncontrolled erupts from the body of Wang Teng, shoots up to the sky, later condenses a fearful purple empty shadow above his top of the head. 下一刻,浓郁的紫黑色光芒不受控制的从王腾的身上爆发而出,冲天而起,随后在他的头顶之上凝聚出一尊可怕的紫色虚影。 All around space is unable to hide the Wang Teng figure and aura again, even the shadow talent lost the function. 四周的空间再也无法隐藏王腾的身形与气息,连阴影天赋都失去了作用。 Aura and fluctuation that the deep god body lends, was too powerful. 冥神体散发出的气息与波动,实在太强大了。 Especially that huge purple empty shadow, has broken through the fetter of this place space, appears in space that directly, in the bone demon tree core was. 尤其是那庞大的紫色虚影,早已冲破了此地空间的束缚,直接出现在了骨魔树核心所在的空间之中。 Moreover, the space that the bone demon tree core is at presented intermittent ripples, as if some are not steady. 不仅如此,就连骨魔树核心所在的这片空间都是出现了一阵阵的涟漪,似乎有些不稳。 This is the space fluctuates! 这是空间波动! This huge purple empty shadow emergence, making this place the space come under a big influence. 这庞大紫色虚影的出现,让此地的空间都受到了不小的影响。 Damn!” Wang Teng complexion some are not good. “该死!”王腾面色有些不好。 All these happen was too quick, he responded radically without enough time. 这一切发生的太快了,他根本来不及反应。 Moreover this type changes especially violently, is not he wants to control can control. 而且此种变化来得格外的猛烈,也不是他想要控制就能够控制得住的。 Similar situation has appeared actually several times, sometimes transforms fierce, he then can only allow nature to take its course. 类似的情况倒是出现过几次,有时候蜕变过于凶猛,他便只能顺其自然。 How has words to mention- , if unable to revolt, was inferior that the level enjoys! 有句话怎么说来着-如果无法反抗,不如就地躺平享受! At this moment he also somewhat understands, just that palpitated possibly came from this Deep god body Transformation. 此刻他也有些明白过来,刚刚那一丝悸动可能就是来自于这【冥神体】的蜕变。 The so giant sound, naturally must raise spirit extremely to deal, after all the present situation is quite dangerous. 如此巨大的动静,自然要提起十二万分的精神来应对,毕竟眼下的处境可是相当危险的。 To be honest, Wang Teng had a time to walk the feeling in steel wire. 说实话,王腾都有一种时刻走在钢丝上的感觉了。 He is serious, raises head to look to that huge deep god empty shadow, looks to the front bone demon tree core, only hopes that this transformation can end a bit faster. 他面色凝重,仰头望向那庞大的冥神虚影,又看向前方的骨魔树核心,只希望这次蜕变能够快点结束。 Before Wang Teng never had such idea, the transformation, is very crisp, took your time. 以前王腾可从来没有这样的想法,蜕变嘛,还是很爽的,慢慢来。 But now...... especially you were Sir line, hurried to finish earlier. 可现在……特么的你是大爷行了吧,赶紧早点结束吧。 How what a pity no matter in the Wang Teng heart to pray, this Deep god body What the transformation should be, is what. 可惜不管王腾心中如何祈祷,这【冥神体】的蜕变该是什么样,还是什么样。 At this time, he felt that the immortal material in within the body was inspired again, welled up to go toward various body places crazily. 这时,他感觉到体内的不朽物质再一次被引动而出,朝着身躯各处狂涌而去。 Originally he also thinks little, felt the immortal material of own within the body is definitely sufficient, the good and evil is the immortal material of fourth-order level, the conferring nobility upon immortal level exists continually not necessarily can achieve. 本来他还不以为意,觉得自己体内的不朽物质肯定够用,好歹是四阶层次的不朽物质,连封侯不朽级存在都不一定能达到。 But without a while, he almost hit the face. 但没一会儿,他就差点被打脸。 This Deep god body Simply is the immortal material needs wealthy and powerful family. 这【冥神体】简直就是不朽物质需求大户。 The immortal material of his within the body continuous was attracted to pull, integrates various body places, purple rune/symbol writing who lets his body surface is even more dazzling dazzling, lends the powerful and fearful aura. 他体内的不朽物质源源不断的被吸扯出来,融入身躯各处,让他体表的紫色符文越发耀眼刺目,散发出强大而可怕的气息。 This Deep god body How can need so many immortal materials?!” Wang Teng clenches teeth, the feeling is a little inconceivable. “这【冥神体】怎么会需要这么多不朽物质?!”王腾咬了咬牙,感觉有点不可思议。 Similarly from fifth-order promotes to six steps, but this difference was too rather big. 同样是从五阶提升到六阶,但这区别未免太大了些。 Although he had guessed correctly Deep god body Will be more powerful than the front two talents, but has not actually expected it is so big to the demand of immortal material. 尽管他早就猜到【冥神体】会比前面两种天赋更加强大,但却是未曾料到它对不朽物质的需求这么大。 This too terrifying a point. 这太恐怖了一点。 If his immortal material only has the third-order level, at this time estimated that insufficiently had consumed, what when the time comes will have? 如果他的不朽物质仅有三阶层次,此时估计已经不够消耗了,到时候会发生什么? He a little cannot think. 他有点不敢想。 If the common physique, possibly stops the promotion, at the worst next time will have the opportunity again continued from above, thus completes the final sublimation and transformation is. 如果是寻常的体质,可能就只是停下晋升,大不了下次有机会再续上,从而完成最后的升华与蜕变就是。 But this Deep god body Actually is somewhat different, so powerful darkness kind of physique, if stops suddenly, does not know that can have the influence on his body? 但这【冥神体】却是有些不同,如此强大的黑暗类体质,如果突然停止,不知道会不会对他的身体造成影响? If by some chance the card in the halfway, doing his non- person is not clever, not to have the face to see the person. 万一卡在半路,搞得他不人不鬼的,岂不是没脸见人了。 Well ~ 咦呃~ Wang Teng hit to tremble, thinks somewhat slightly to fear. 王腾不由打了个哆嗦,想想都有些小怕怕。 If really has that situation, how he also appears in front of bright universe Martial Artist, looks for the horn lump to hide to consider as finished in Dark World simply. 如果真的出现那种情况,他还怎么在光明宇宙武者面前出现,干脆在黑暗世界找个犄角疙瘩躲起来算了。 Immortal material, you may probably support, the father depended entirely on you.” In the Wang Teng heart is always talking silently. “不朽物质,你可一定要撑住啊,爸爸全靠你了。”王腾心中默默叨念着。 At this moment, a lot of immortal materials fill the air from the Wang Teng body deep place, changes to myriad star point, converges in his body unceasingly, lets his Deep god body Sublimates and transforms unceasingly. 此时此刻,大量的不朽物质从王腾的身体深处弥漫而出,化作万千星点,不断汇入他的身躯之中,让他的【冥神体】不断升华与蜕变。 But deep god empty shadow above his top of the head is actually more and more huge , more congealing reality, there is a real feeling. 而他头顶之上的冥神虚影却是越来越庞大,也越来凝实,有一种真实之感。 The death deep aura that the lends was gradually rich, proliferated to open unceasingly, fills the air in this bone demon tree core. 其身上散发出的死冥气息逐渐浓郁了起来,不断扩散而开,弥漫在了这骨魔树核心之中。 That picture, just like looks like a huge deep god to span the time river, appeared in this space. 那副画面,俨然就像是一尊庞大的冥神跨越时间长河,出现在了这片空间之中。 Wang Teng is happy and is startled seriously. 王腾当真是又喜又惊。 Shortly six step levels Deep god body So powerful, he was naturally happy. 眼看着六阶层次的【冥神体】如此强大,他自然非常高兴。 The aura that however this lends also makes his heart startled, the innermost feelings filled disturbedly. 但是这散发出的气息也让他心惊不已,内心充满了忐忑。 Originally the method that he showed before has alarmed the bone demon tree, now this deep god body lends the so fearful aura, the bone demon tree cannot stick out suddenly. 本来他之前展现出的手段就已经惊动了骨魔树,如今这冥神体散发出如此可怕的气息,骨魔树还不得暴起啊。 Wang Teng is looking at the bone demon tree core of front not far away, suddenly inexplicable thought that it becomes somewhat seems to be fearful, does not know that is the misconception? 王腾望着面前不远处的骨魔树核心,突然莫名的觉得它似乎变得有些可怕起来,也不知是不是错觉? What a pity his Pupil of True Sight The rank somewhat is insufficient, otherwise decides at this time however can see the change of this bone demon tree core, is good to deal. 可惜他的【真视之瞳】等级还是有些不够,不然此时定然可以看到这骨魔树核心的变化,也好有个应对。 Even so, he has not relaxed vigilantly. 即便如此,他也没有放松警惕。 Had not seen that all around bone demon root hair did move restlessly anxiously? 没看到那四周的骨魔根须更加躁动不安了吗? At this time Wang Teng has appeared the figure, these bone demon root hair found the target immediately, in abundance bombardment. 此时王腾已经现出身形,那些骨魔根须顿时找到了攻击目标,纷纷轰击而来。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… The bellow resounds through in this space unceasingly, deafening. 轰鸣声在这片空间之中不断响彻而起,震耳欲聋。 Fortunately has the deep god empty shadow protection, the bone demon root hair is only the bombardment on defense cover that in the deep god empty shadow forms, has not injured to the Wang Teng main body. 所幸有着冥神虚影的保护,骨魔根须只是轰击在冥神虚影形成的防护罩上,并未伤到王腾本体。 The Wang Teng vision is dignified, has decided that once there is anything is not right, no matter any deep god body promoted, first travels importantly. 王腾目光凝重,已是打定主意,一旦有什么不对,甭管什么冥神体升级了,先跑路要紧。 This point he can figure out. 这一点他还是拎得清的。 This anything matter.” Wang Teng is a little helpless. “这都什么事啊。”王腾有点无奈。 Must being careful immortal material not be insufficient, while must guard against that bone demon tree to stick out suddenly suddenly, he was too difficult. 一边要当心不朽物质不够用,一边还得提防着那骨魔树突然暴起,他实在太难了。 What happened?” “发生了什么事?” „Will good fearful deathly stillness aura, how suddenly present this type of aura?” “好可怕的死寂气息,怎么会突然出现这种气息?” Is the bone demon tree detected that we, can thoroughly eliminate us?” “难道是骨魔树察觉到了我们,要将我们彻底清除?” Another side, that three skull spirit clan Dark Species are also detected that anything, felt that to fill all around death deep aura, the soul fire in eye socket all beat fiercely. 另一边,那三头骨灵族黑暗种也是察觉到了什么,感受着那弥漫四周的死冥气息,眼眶内的魂火皆是剧烈跳动了起来。 At this time they like the frightened person, originally by no escape route that bone demon root hair compels, feels this rich death deep aura, naturally is the panic-stricken desire certainly, in the heart raised a despair. 此时它们就如惊弓之鸟,本就被那骨魔根须逼的毫无退路,感受到这浓郁至极的死冥气息,自然更是惊骇欲绝,心中不由升起了一丝绝望。 „It is not right, that deathly stillness aura seems like from the back of bone demon tree core transmits, we had a look in the past.” The bone carboxyl clenches teeth, immediately said solemnly. “不对,那死寂气息好像是从骨魔树核心的背后传来的,我们过去看看。”骨羧咬了咬牙,当即沉声道 Should not be the sound that fellow does?” Bone said. “该不会是那个家伙搞出来的动静吧?”骨喀道。 The bone carboxyl vision flashes, as if also thought of this, but has not said anything at this time, direct turns around, is going against the bombardment of all around bone demon root hair unexpectedly, flushes away toward the bone demon tree core at the back. 骨羧目光一闪,似乎也想到了这一茬,但此时却并未多说什么,直接一个转身,竟是顶着四周骨魔根须的轰击,朝骨魔树核心背面冲去。
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