AAMD :: Volume #23

#2208: Alone absorption! Ancestor fears the supreme darkness

Chapter 2208 absorbs alone! Ancestor does fear the supreme dark will? The demon bone breaks through six steps!( Sought subscription) 第2208章独自吸收!祖物惧怕至尊黑暗意志?魔骨突破六阶!(求订阅) The core of absorption bone demon tree from comes, cannot make the bystander who however must pat quietly discover. 吸收骨魔树的核心之源自然要悄摸摸的来,不能让外人发现。 If made that several skull spirit clan Dark Species see him to use seven ancestor, but also can not the eye envy red, when the time comes gave under him the short rope/obstruction, was terrible business. 如果让那几头骨灵族黑暗种看到他动用了七件祖物,还不得眼睛都嫉妒红了,到时候给他下绊子,也是件麻烦事。 Wang Teng does not want to waste the time now. 王腾现在并不想浪费时间。 At this time he hides in the space crevice, the security sense is simply full. 此时他藏身于空间夹缝之中,简直安全感满满。 Has saying that this bone demon tree is really good in the say/way of above attainments space, constructed such a space to oneself, was used to hide own core. 不得不说,这骨魔树在空间之道上面的造诣着实不俗,给自己构筑出了这样一片空间,用来隐藏自身的核心。 If did not bump into Wang Teng, the common person is unable to come. 如果不是碰到了王腾,寻常人根本无法进来。 Even if that several skull spirit clan Dark Species, they can come, to be honest still thanks to Wang Teng. 而就算是那几头骨灵族黑暗种,它们能够进来,说实话也是托了王腾的福。 If not for he before and that bone spirit clan Dark Species fight of concealed in bone bottle created a big sound, causing the bone demon tree to detect that his existence, the bone demon root hair welled up crazily, the only that three skull spirit clan Dark Species ability, is completely impossible to detect existence of this space. 若不是他之前与那藏在骨瓶内的骨灵族黑暗种战斗造成了不小的动静,导致骨魔树察觉到了他的存在,骨魔根须疯狂涌了进来,单凭那三头骨灵族黑暗种的能力,完全不可能察觉到这片空间的存在。 Therefore they actually should feel grateful Wang Teng, otherwise where has such opportunity to see the bone demon tree core. 所以它们其实应该感激王腾,不然哪有这样的机会见到骨魔树核心。 This was also makes them rise the experience. 这也算是让它们涨了见识了。 Let alone they also absorbed many bone demon tree the source of core. 何况它们还吸收了不少骨魔树的核心之源呢。 Did not thank me even, unexpectedly also felt all right with me haggles over the source of that core, was too petty, the road walked narrowly is not.” “不感激我就算了,居然还好意思跟我计较那点核心之源,太小家子气了,路走窄了不是。” In the Wang Teng heart whispered, immediately also responds immediately. 王腾心中不禁嘀咕了一句,随即又立刻反应过来。 Pulled far! 扯远了! The space of this place actually also makes his more convenient space hide, although the space attainments of this bone demon tree are good, but compares with the bright the space of universe and perishing bone ruins, has naturally been inferior. 此地的空间其实也让他更方便施展空间藏匿,尽管这骨魔树的空间造诣非常不俗,但与光明宇宙和亡骨之墟的空间比起来,自然是有所不如的。 The bright universe was needless saying that that was a complete universe, the space principle is quite perfect. 光明宇宙就不用说了,那是一个完整的宇宙,空间法则极为完善。 But the ruins of this perishing bone are also good, perhaps is big those who are able constructs, is not the inner space that the bone demon tree constructs can compare. 而这亡骨之墟也非常不俗,恐怕乃是大能者所构筑而成,绝非骨魔树构筑的内部空间能比的。 Therefore in the Wang Teng eye, the space of this place is more suitable his space to hide. 所以在王腾眼中,此地的空间更适合他施展空间藏匿。 At this moment he no longer hesitates, immediately offers a sacrifice to seven ancestor, stimulates by the soul source. 此刻他不再迟疑,当即祭出七件祖物,以灵魂本源激发。 Just supplemented many soul sources, he felt that oneself was also good. 刚刚补充了不少灵魂本源,他感觉自己又行了。 Buzz! Buzz! Buzz...... 嗡!嗡!嗡…… Seven ancestor float beside his whole body, is surrounding him, simultaneously shivers, sends out intermittently black light. 七件祖物悬浮于他周身之外,环绕着他,同时颤动起来,散发出阵阵黑光。 Black rune/symbol writing spread from ancestor, the ancient and dark strength also fills the four directions. 一道道黑色符文从祖物当中蔓延而出,古老而黑暗的力量随之弥漫四方。 Even if this moment Wang Teng hides in the space crevice, this type of aura is unable to hide. 即便此刻王腾藏身于空间夹缝之中,这种气息也无法隐藏。 However is also indifferent, after these aura disperse, covered the big piece region, is unable to discover its proliferation accurately, but position. 不过也无所谓,这些气息散出之后,将大片区域都笼罩了,根本无法准确的找出其扩散而出的位置。 That is Space hides Mysterious place, if were so good to find, could not handle the space Fighting technique reputation. 这就是【空间藏匿】的玄奥之处,如果真的那么好找到,也当不起空间战技的名头了。 When using this Fighting technique, all around space came under the influence, causing to be hidden, even if will be disperses that aura the position also to be hidden. 在动用这门战技之时,四周的空间受到了影响,导致一切都被隐藏,哪怕是散出那气息的位置也会被隐藏起来。 Only if some people far exceed Wang Teng in the attainments on say/way of space, otherwise very difficult to look for it. 除非有人在空间之道上的造诣远超过王腾,否则很难将其找出来。 The next quarter, some special rune/symbol writing abstain to shine with the surface of bone bottle above in the bone, immediately the mutation lives suddenly. 下一刻,一些特殊的符文在骨戒与骨瓶的表面之上亮起,随即异变突生。 Bang! Bang! 轰!轰! Rich black light erupts from two ancestor, under rune/symbol Wen's gathering, condensed two huge empty shades, was exactly the same as the situation of beforehand bone stimulation bone bo. 浓郁的黑光从两件祖物之内爆发而出,在符文的汇聚下,凝聚成了两道巨大的虚影,与之前骨喀激发骨砵的情形如出一辙。 Obviously, these two ancestor all can absorb bone demon tree the source of core, they and that bone bo is the same type of utensil. 很显然,这两件祖物皆是可以汲取骨魔树的核心之源,它们与那骨砵是同一种类型的器物。 When previous bone use bone bo, Wang Teng observed in secret, writes down rune/symbol writing who it stimulated at that time. 先前骨喀动用骨砵之时,王腾暗中观察了一下,将其当时激发的符文都记了下来。 Afterward slightly a comparison, really in the bone abstained with the bone bottle in found corresponding rune/symbol writing. 随后略一对照,果然在骨戒和骨瓶上找到了相应的符文。 This to Wang Teng, at all is not what difficult matter. 这对王腾来说,根本不算什么难事。 If common Martial Artist, may unable to distinguish clearly these rune/symbol writing, but Wang Teng is Saint level Rune Master, and is quite profound to dark rune/symbol writing grasping, how also possibly to remember incorrectly it. 如果是寻常武者,可能会分不清那些符文,但王腾是圣级符文师,且对黑暗符文的掌握极为精深,又怎么可能将其记错。 As, tried not to know suddenly. 至于到底是不是,试一下不就知道了。 If he guessed mistakenly, at the worst asks bone spirit clan Dark Species that in again that bone bottle ran, the opposite party estimated knows how to use this space class ancestor. 如果他猜错了,大不了再去问问那骨瓶内跑出来的骨灵族黑暗种,对方估计知道如何动用这空间类的祖物。 At this time with two empty shades condenses, Wang Teng stimulated immediately several rune/symbol writing. 此时随着两道虚影凝聚而出,王腾当即又激发了其中几道符文。 Whiz! Whiz! Whiz! 嗖!嗖!嗖! Two ancestor presented the response immediately. 两件祖物顿时出现了反应。 That bone abstained from the carving above empty shadow to move unexpectedly suddenly, changed to black bone pythons, shouted was firing into the bone demon tree core. 那骨戒虚影之上的雕刻竟是突然动了起来,化作一条条黑色骨蟒,嘶吼着冲向了骨魔树核心。 The bone bottle empty shadow response is actually very similar to bone bo of bone , in its bottle mouth has black whiskers to explode to shoot suddenly, then charged into the bone demon tree core similarly. 骨瓶虚影的反应倒是与骨喀的骨砵十分相似,它的瓶口之中骤然有着一道道黑色触须爆射而出,而后同样是冲向了骨魔树核心。 The Wang Teng look moves, in the eye none twinkle, uses the strength of space immediately, lets tentacle that” these two ancestor extend hidden in space crevice. 王腾神色一动,眼中精光闪烁,立刻动用空间之力,让这两件祖物延伸出去的“触手”隐藏于空间夹缝之中。 ! ! ...... 噗!噗!噗…… The next quarter, the bone abstains from the black bone python that above the empty shadow leaps up, the black whisker that as well as above the bone bottle empty shadow extends, all dug in the bone demon tree core ruthlessly. 下一刻,骨戒虚影之上蹿出的黑色骨蟒,以及骨瓶虚影之上延伸出的黑色触须,皆是狠狠的扎入了骨魔树核心之中。 The source of bone demon tree core, starts to absorb! 骨魔树核心之源,开始吸收! The Wang Teng look shines, in the heart had somewhat anticipated. 王腾眼神发亮,心中已是有些期待了起来。 Just also needs to draw support from that bone ancestor, did him to absorb a little did not get a grip. 刚刚还需要借助那骨喀的祖物,搞得他吸收的有点不得劲。 Now absorbs with own ancestor, is not he wants to absorb many to absorb many, thinks a little slightly to be excited. 如今用自己的祖物来吸收,还不是他想吸收多少就吸收多少,想想就有点小激动了。 At this moment, that black bone python and black whisker are all wriggling crazily, before long Wang Teng felt a familiar energy from wells up. 此时此刻,那黑色骨蟒与黑色触须皆是在疯狂的蠕动着,不一会儿王腾就感觉到一股熟悉的能量从其中涌来。 Came!” “来了!” In his heart suddenly one happy, Swallows day to bite The magical powers open again, crazy absorption that bone demon tree the source of core. 他心中猛然一喜,【吞天噬地】神通再度开启,疯狂的吸收那骨魔树的核心之源。 In a flash, Wang Teng feels immediately own three talents started the sublimation and transformation again. 一瞬间,王腾立刻感觉到自己的三种天赋再次开始了升华与蜕变。 Three talent simultaneous/uniform simultaneous/uniform open, has the change respectively. 三种天赋齐齐开启,各自出现变化。 Meanwhile, his life source and soul source are to also start to promote, particularly the soul source, here just consumed, immediately supplements, without the consumption is ordinary. 与此同时,他的生命本源与灵魂本源亦是开始提升,尤其是灵魂本源,这边刚刚消耗掉,立刻又补充了回来,就跟没消耗一般。 This feeling simply should not be too crisp! 这种感觉简直不要太爽! With white Piaosi. 跟白嫖似的。 If that three skull spirit clan Dark Species, absorbs the source of core speed so is not definitely quick, supplemented the soul source the speed of decides however cannot be Wang Teng this degree. 如果是那三头骨灵族黑暗种,吸收核心之源的速度肯定没有这么快,将灵魂本源补充回来的速度定然也达不到王腾这种程度。 Therefore they need several people of cooperation, shares the consumption of soul source. 所以它们才需要几人共同合作,分摊灵魂本源的消耗。 As the matter stands, the source of core they absorb can deal with the current consumption reluctantly. 这样一来,它们吸收的核心之源才勉强能够应付当前的消耗。 But these without enough time absorption the source of core, then can store up in the middle of in ancestor, when they leave this place, assigns again. 而那些来不及吸收的核心之源,则是能够储存于祖物当中,等到它们离开此地,再进行分配。 Generally speaking, there is gains. 总的来说,还是有得赚的。 But does not have Wang Teng now, their numb Gua, without the means absorbed bone demon tree the source of core not saying that but must be pursued hitting by the bone demon root hair. 可现在没了王腾,它们就麻瓜了,没办法汲取骨魔树的核心之源不说,还要被骨魔根须追着打。 And ancestor has been consuming their soul sources, even if in the middle of that bone bo stored up the sources of some cores, feared how long could not support. 并且祖物一直在消耗它们的灵魂本源,就算那骨砵当中储存了一些核心之源,怕是也支撑不了多久。 „A person absorbs is really happier, if can snatch to be good their ancestor.” Wang Teng touches the chin, in the eye exudes a dangerous ray. “一个人吸收果然更爽一点,要是能够把它们的祖物抢过来就好了。”王腾摸了摸下巴,眼中泛起一丝危险的光芒。 Although he has two space classes ancestor, who will dislike ancestor is too many. 虽然他已经有了两件空间类的祖物,但谁会嫌祖物太多呢。 Un?!” “嗯?!” Is just thinking how must begin, Wang Teng felt suddenly anything, in the eye flashed through cold intent, looks abstains to that bone with the bone bottle. 正想着要如何动手,王腾突然感觉到了什么,眼中闪过一丝冷意,望向那骨戒与骨瓶。 Sources of the part of core were absorbed.” “有一部分核心之源被吸收了。” His sensation is keen, and had three talents that in the middle of the source of this core corresponds, therefore this energy, as long as has the tiny bit reduction, he can the sensation come out. 他的感知何等敏锐,且本就拥有这核心之源当中对应的三种天赋,所以这能量但凡有一丝一毫的减少,他都能够感知出来。 Let alone these two ancestor present during his control. 何况这两件祖物如今就在他的掌控之中。 This is no different under his eye hides does the matter. 这无异于在他的眼皮子底下搞事啊。 Before the middle of that ancestor sent out imagining of ancient darkness to affect his soul, had made him quite uncomfortable, now this ancestor also dares to practice dirty tricks unexpectedly, when really he was the mud pinches. 之前那祖物当中散发出古老黑暗之意想要影响他的灵魂,本就已经让他极为不爽,现在这祖物竟然还敢搞小动作,真当他是泥捏的了。 The Wang Teng eyeball a revolution, had the resolution immediately immediately, the strength of various wills he grasps erupt instantaneously. 王腾眼珠顿时一转,当即有了决断,他所掌握的各种意志之力瞬间爆发。 The meaning of that ancient darkness did not fear that the strength of his will, ancestor it is also the same, now gives these two ancestor to come ruthlessly. 那古老黑暗之意不是怕他的意志之力吗,想必祖物本身也是一样的,现在就给这两件祖物来个狠的。 Ancient times dark will, fifth-order! 远古黑暗意志,五阶! Dying deep will, fourth-order! 死冥意志,四阶! Demon bone will, fifth-order! 魔骨意志,五阶! Imaginary clam will, fourth-order! 幻蜃意志,四阶! ...... …… Ancient times the meaning of blood ghost, fifth-order! 远古血煞之意,五阶! All sorts of powerful incomparable wills covered two ancestor instantaneously, does not have the slight overflow, all greeted to go toward them on. 一种种强大无匹的意志瞬间笼罩了两件祖物,没有丝毫的外溢,全都往它们身上招呼而去。 By the control of Wang Teng strength to own will, wish makes it not leak slightly, can achieve. 王腾对自身意志之力的掌控,想要让其不外泄丝毫,还是能够做到的。 Buzz humming sound...... 嗡嗡嗡…… In an instant, the bone abstained to shiver with the bone bottle fiercely, creakied, black rune/symbol writing of its superficial winding almost collapsed, two ancestor almost must drop from the midair in the place. 刹那间,骨戒和骨瓶都是剧烈颤动了起来,摇摇欲坠,其表面缠绕的黑色符文都差点崩溃,两件祖物几乎要从半空跌落在地。 That appearance, looks like two delicate weak beautiful women, this thinks, so long as serves a guest, finally suddenly came ten robust men, can not be dizzy? 那副样子,就像是两个娇弱无力的美女,本以为只要伺候一个客人,结果突然来了十来个壮汉,能不晕吗? Who am I? 我是谁? I where? 我在哪儿? Do I want to do? 我要干什么? Two ancestor directly ignorant circles, even absorbed the source of core to forget. 两件祖物直接懵圈,连吸收核心之源都忘记了。 The strength of Wang Teng dark one side will has 11 types, compares simply solely Supreme dark will Also wants the terrifying to be many. 王腾黑暗一侧的意志之力足足有十一种之多,简直比单一的【至尊黑暗意志】还要恐怖不少。 Because in the middle of the strength of these 11 wills also has Dying deep will, 【The meaning of ancient times blood ghost The strength of these quite special will, its might not under Supreme dark will. 因为这十一种意志之力当中还有【死冥意志】,【远古血煞之意】这些较为特殊的意志之力,其威力丝毫不下于【至尊黑暗意志】。 Therefore even if this moment Wang Teng were only the use Ancient times dark will With the wills of other darkness classes, has not used Supreme dark will, Still had the huge impact on two ancestor. 所以哪怕此刻王腾只是动用了【远古黑暗意志】和其他的一些黑暗类的意志,并未动用【至尊黑暗意志】,依然是对两件祖物造成了巨大的冲击。 Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… Wang Teng has not let off these two ancestor immediately, is stimulating to movement the strength of will as before, shells unceasingly above two ancestor, even is in the space that invades them to contain, sweeps recklessly. 王腾没有立刻放过这两件祖物,依旧是催动着意志之力,不断轰击在两件祖物之上,甚至是侵入它们所蕴含的空间之内,肆意扫荡起来。 The situations of these ancestor are somewhat special, seem like the Grandmaster Level utensil, but seems like the Saint level utensil, but as if missed anything. 这些祖物的情况有些特殊,看起来像是宗师级器物,但又像是圣级器物,只是似乎差了点什么。 By his Saint level forging master and Rune Master attainments, are hard to see this ancestor the rank, obviously its special. 以他的圣级锻造师和符文师造诣,都难以看出这祖物的等级,可见其特殊。 Moreover the quantity of ancestor were too many. 而且祖物的数量太多了。 Solely is ancestor that the present presents, in addition has 12. 单单是如今出现的祖物,加起来就已经有十二件之多。 If Saint, that can also? 如果都是圣器,那还得了? Therefore in Wang Teng heart also very doubt. 所以王腾心中也很狐疑。 However he guessed that these ancestor do not have the birth immortal level soul even, still has certainly some spirit wisdom, otherwise not so many petty actions. 不过他猜测这些祖物就算没有诞生不朽级器魂,也肯定存在些许灵智,否则不会有这么多的小动作。 More uses ancestor, Wang Teng to it is vigilant. 越是使用祖物,王腾对其越是警惕。 At this time he suppresses two ancestor in this manner, the meaning without forced. 此时他以这种方式镇压两件祖物,未尝没有逼迫的意思。 What darkness evil existence if in this ancestor really has, under he so probes crazily, it is estimated that won't be able to bear come? 如果这祖物内真的存在什么黑暗邪恶的存在,在他如此疯狂的试探之下,估计也会忍不住现身了吧? What a pity the situation in Wang Teng imagination has not appeared, two ancestor under strength of bombardment he so many will, is a not being able to withstand appearance. 可惜王腾想象中的情况并未出现,两件祖物在他如此多种的意志之力轰击下,已经是一副承受不住的样子。 The Wang Teng brow slightly wrinkle, received the strength of will, continued to stimulate to movement ancestor absorption that bone demon tree the source of core. 王腾眉头微皱,收起了意志之力,继续催动祖物吸收那骨魔树的核心之源。 However a moment later, he discovered that these two ancestor start source of the absorption core secretly. 但是片刻之后,他发现这两件祖物又开始偷偷的吸收核心之源。 „......” “……” Wang Teng direct was speechless. 王腾直接无语了。 This is nothing? 这算什么? Eating doesn't record to hit? 记吃不记打? His complexion becomes dark, naturally cannot be used to these two ancestor, immediately erupts the strength of own will again, suppressed. 他脸色发黑,自然不会惯着这两件祖物,当即再次爆发出自身的意志之力,镇压了上去。 The evildoer/monstrous talent, suffer to death! 妖孽,受死! Bang! Bang! Bang...... 轰!轰!轰…… An intermittent invisible will fluctuation washout above two ancestor, made its crazy tremor, many rune/symbol writing collapsed. 一阵阵无形的意志波动冲刷在两件祖物之上,令其疯狂的颤动起来,诸多符文崩溃。 Obviously, this Wang Teng starts to be heavier, wants to give these two ancestor profound lessons. 很显然,这一次王腾下手更重,想要给这两件祖物一个深刻的教训。 After the moment, when two ancestor will not soon be able to withstand, he took back the strength of will again, then restarts the source of absorption core. 片刻后,在两件祖物即将承受不住之际,他再次收回了意志之力,而后重新开始吸收核心之源。 However goose...... 然鹅…… Similar situation appears once again. 类似的情况又一次出现。 The Wang Teng brow wrinkled deeply, always felt that some were not right. 王腾眉头皱得更深了,总感觉有些不对劲。 These two ancestor are provoking him? 这两件祖物在挑衅他吗? Said how many spirit wisdom they simply do not have, but in instinct stealing bone demon tree the source of core? 还是说它们根本没有多少灵智,只是在本能的偷取骨魔树的核心之源? He does not believe in evil doctrines, clenches teeth , to continue to erupt the strength of his will, shells above two ancestor. 他不信邪,咬了咬牙,继续爆发出自身的意志之力,轰击在两件祖物之上。 And he also that Supreme dark will Also erupted, the domineering suppresses two ancestor. 并且他还将那【至尊黑暗意志】也一齐爆发了出来,强势镇压两件祖物。 In the meantime, Wang Teng obviously felt the bone abstains with the bone bottle stagnates fiercely, as if felt what terrifying thing, responded that was more intense than before. 就在此时,王腾明显感觉到骨戒和骨瓶猛地一滞,似乎感受到了什么恐怖的东西,反应比之前还要强烈。 Well?!” In Wang Teng heart cannot help but light well. “咦?!”王腾心中不由得轻咦了一声。 The strength of 11 will are useless, this Supreme dark will Presented the different responses unexpectedly. 十一种意志之力都没用,这【至尊黑暗意志】一出,竟然就出现了不一样的反应。 Supreme dark will Has the restraint function to ancestor? 难道【至尊黑暗意志】对祖物有着克制作用? In his heart surprised uncertain, thought one revolution, actually receives other dark wills, only use Supreme dark will. 他心中惊疑不定,念头一转,却是收起了其他的黑暗意志,唯独使用【至尊黑暗意志】。 Before he once used this Supreme dark will The meaning of ancient darkness in the middle of steamroll ancestor sends out, the effect is good. 之前他就曾用这【至尊黑暗意志】碾压祖物当中散发出的古老黑暗之意,效果非常好。 Was just useless, is completely because he wanted to experiment the functions of other dark wills, now actually has to use. 刚刚之所以没用,完全是因为他想要试验一下其他黑暗意志的作用,现在却是不得不用了。 Bang! 轰! Supreme dark will The suppression, two ancestor stagnate loudly in the midair, a submitting to meaning from fills the air. 【至尊黑暗意志】轰然镇压而出,两件祖物凝滞在半空,一股臣服之意从其中弥漫而出。 Wang Teng was shocked. 王腾愣住了。 This? 就这? He has not caught up completely, these two ancestor did recognize instigates? 他都还没有完全发力,这两件祖物就认怂了? His vision flashes, attempts to continue to absorb the source of core. 他目光一闪,尝试着继续吸收核心之源。 That bone abstains with the bone bottle really becomes honest, has not absorbed the source of core again secretly, a thankless appearance. 那骨戒和骨瓶果真变得老实起来,没有再偷偷吸收核心之源,一副任劳任怨的模样。 „......” “……” Wang Teng speechless looks at present these two ancestor, fell into silent. 王腾无言的看着眼前这两件祖物,陷入了沉默。 Therefore, the strength of that 11 will, could not have compared one unexpectedly Supreme dark will? 所以,那十一种意志之力,竟然还比不上一个【至尊黑暗意志】? Naturally, this did not mean that 11 wills were inferior Supreme dark will. 当然,这并不是说那十一种意志不如【至尊黑暗意志】。 Had previously said that in the middle of that 11 wills, by might, Dying deep will With 【The meaning of ancient times blood ghost Can with Supreme dark will Compares favorably. 此前就已经说过,那十一种意志当中,论威力,【死冥意志】和【远古血煞之意】还是能够与【至尊黑暗意志】媲美的。 This Supreme dark will Can make two ancestor submit, it is estimated that happen to can aim at them. 这【至尊黑暗意志】能够令两件祖物臣服,估计是正好能够针对它们。 It seems like this Supreme dark will Quite is truly special, perhaps later will have the unexpected function.” “看来这【至尊黑暗意志】确实颇为特殊,也许以后会有更多意想不到的作用。” Wang Teng vision twinkle, in heart to this Supreme dark will Even more regarded as important actually, decided, must promote well. 王腾目光闪烁,心中对这【至尊黑暗意志】倒是越发的看重了,决定以后一定要好好提升一下。 If possible, had better be able collect more dark wills, integrates this it Supreme dark will In, making it more powerful. 如果可以的话,最好能够收集更多的黑暗意志,将其融入这【至尊黑暗意志】之中,让它更加强大。 However, if we had known this Supreme dark will Can aim at ancestor, I directly use Supreme dark will.” “不过话说回来,早知道这【至尊黑暗意志】能够针对祖物,我就直接使用【至尊黑暗意志】了。” Wang Teng a little does not know whether to laugh or cry, the grasped will are too many, instead did somewhat complex. 王腾有点哭笑不得,掌握的意志太多,反而搞得有些复杂了。 If no other choice, he definitely used from the beginning Supreme dark will, Where will do so many things. 如果没有别的选择,他肯定一开始就使用了【至尊黑暗意志】,哪里会搞出这么多事情。 Has not delayed how much time fortunately, his speed is always quick. 还好也没有耽搁多少时间,他的速度一向很快。 Suppresses two ancestor, sprinkled the water spray. 镇压两件祖物而已,洒洒水了。 With two ancestor is law-abiding, Wang Teng absorbs the source of that core becomes also smoother, and source of core obtains were more much. 随着两件祖物安分下来,王腾吸收那核心之源也变得更加顺利起来,并且得到的核心之源更是多了不少。 The sources of all cores all flood into his within the body, he takes everything, complete swallowing that does not fall. 所有的核心之源全都涌入他的体内,他照单全收,一丝不落的全部吞噬。 The time, his three talents promoted rapidly. 顿时间,他的三种天赋快速提升了起来。 Bang! 轰! Without after a while, Wang Teng within the body then resounded one to thunder suddenly, as if had anything disruption to open. 没过一会儿,王腾体内便骤然响起了一阵轰鸣,似乎有什么东西碎裂而开。 The invisible barrier vanished! 无形的屏障消失了! He felt that his talent stepped into another higher position. 他感觉自己的一项天赋踏入了另一个更高的境地。 Meanwhile, his within the body has another strength to be inspired, unexpectedly is the immortal material. 与此同时,他体内有着另一股力量被引动了起来,竟然是不朽物质。 These immortal material twinkle stars integrate in his skeleton, making his whole body skeleton have the huge change. 这些不朽物质星星点点般融入他的骨骼之中,让他浑身的骨骼都是发生了巨大的变化。 Before, immortal material that Wang Teng absorbed , the part integrated in his body, but that surface melted. 以前,王腾所吸收的不朽物质,也有一部分融入到了他的身躯之中,但那只是最表面的相融。 But at this moment, he obviously felt these immortal materials fused with his skeleton completely in one, making his skeleton change completely. 而此时此刻,他明显感觉到这些不朽物质与他的骨骼完全融合在了一起,让他的骨骼完全发生了变化。 This is not only makes his skeleton many an immortal strength is so simple, is to make his skeleton powerful. 这不仅仅是让他的骨骼多出一丝不朽之力那么简单,更是令他的骨骼更加的强大。 Demon bone: 5000 / 600000 ;( Six steps) ; 【魔骨】:5000/600000;(六阶); Immortal!” Wang Teng deeply inspires, looked at a property panel. “不朽!”王腾深吸了口气,不由看了一眼属性面板。 Demon bone The talent from fifth-order upgraded six step levels impressively! 【魔骨】天赋赫然从五阶提升到了六阶层次! At this moment, he very clear feeling own skeleton had some qualitative change, imperceptibly becomes harder, the toughness was also promoted, even the density became bigger. 这一刻,他很清晰的感觉自己身上的骨骼发生了某种质变,无形中变得更加坚硬,韧性也得到了提升,甚至连密度都变得更大了起来。 The density increases, the weight of his whole body skeleton also increases. 密度变大,他浑身骨骼的重量也随之增加。 In Demon bone That flash of talent improvement, Wang Teng then feels own body to sink immediately slightly, as if mountain pressed. 在【魔骨】天赋提升的那一刹那,王腾便立刻感受到自己身躯微微一沉,仿佛有一座山压了下来。 But this mountain exists in his within the body, and melts with his body perfectly. 但这座山又是存在于他的体内,并且与他的身躯完美相融。 That feeling is marvelous. 那种感觉非常奇妙。 Although was feeling from the beginning the body sinks, but has no pressure and illness, is felt on the contrary own strength as if grown stronger. 虽然在一开始感觉身躯一沉,但却没有任何压力与不适,反倒是感觉自己的力量似乎又变强了很多。 This strength not from muscle, but came from the whole body skeleton. 这种力量不是来自于肌肉,而是来自于浑身的骨骼。 My this fights with the fists, feared that is the high-rank demon sovereign level exists must break.” Wang Teng grasped the fist, the powerful feeling arises spontaneously. “我这一拳打出去,怕是上位魔皇级存在都要散架啊。”王腾握了握拳头,强大之感油然而生。
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